
=== zkriesse is now known as zkriesse_
=== JackyAlcine is now known as [Jacky]
=== [Jacky] is now known as JackyAlcine
=== jrgifford is now known as Guest26880
=== LinoSP_ is now known as LinoSP
=== LinoSP_ is now known as LinoSP
sidneyhow can i retrive my password or at least the computer name with which i can remember the password02:31
sidneyOn the screen where i enter my name and password is there a way to change it03:59
IAmNotThatGuysidney: Do you want to change the login screen appearance? and what did you meant by host name?04:00
sidneythe computer name04:00
sidneyyes in ubuntu the user name is already entered04:01
IAmNotThatGuyYou want the username column to display a user name by default?04:02
holsteinyou can just use gdm, if thats what you are used to04:03
sidneyok and how do i do that04:04
IAmNotThatGuyI think it is "sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list false"  [I am not sure about the path]04:05
IAmNotThatGuyI found a graphical editor code. "sudo -u gdm gconf-editor"04:06
Unit193IAmNotThatGuy: If it's GUI, remember the gksudo ;)04:06
Unit193You'd have to install GDM and set that as default04:07
IAmNotThatGuy1) Install GDM and set it as default 2)Type the above command and press enter. In the GUI screen, expand / -> apps -> GDM -> and click on Simple greeter (Not the plus button). And in that, if the "disable users list" checkbox is enabled, disable it04:09
IAmNotThatGuyUnit193: ;P04:09
* IAmNotThatGuy is searching for a perfect link04:10
yonyonhow can i change the default session from lubuntu to lxde?05:19
kruugalright.  I set my monitor to a different resolution, but now it's all black...how to set back to correct resoultion?07:18
psychx-Is LXDE supposed to run faster than normal Lubuntu?08:28
bioterrorLubuntu = Ubuntu + Openbox & LXDE08:28
psychx-Then why are people asking how to switch from Lubuntu to LXDE?08:29
bioterrorstupid is as stupid does08:29
psychx-Here's a question: any idea why anything flash related runs poorly on my PC? It never used to. Anything I should do?08:31
psychx-I have tried it on Chrome (which is really bad) and Firefox (which is manageable).08:31
bioterrorhave you checked your CPU usage during the flash is playing?08:31
psychx-Now, my PC is older (hence why I'm using Lubuntu and trying everything to make it faster) - but I mean it should be able to run flash.08:31
psychx-yeah its maxing out08:32
bioterroryou got your answer08:32
psychx-thanks for the help.08:32
bioterrorresolution of videos has grown08:32
Unit193Flash isn't really all that great, it's always heavy08:32
bioterroramen to that, Unit19308:32
psychx-so in order to have better flash playback i need to build a new pc?08:33
wxlwuz yr cpu psychx-08:34
bioterrorwish I get an euro for everytime I see someone using P408:35
wxlyeah i mean the issue isn't the os/desktop08:35
wxlit's flash man08:35
bioterrorand the hardware acceleration of flash aint working well either08:35
psychx-i dont understand why flash is so hard to run, i can play openGL games perfectly, run 1080p videos fine (from a file), etc... but flash is just bad..08:36
wxltalk to adobe about it08:37
* wxl notes how much he loves zsync08:37
Unit193psychx-: Exactly, flash is just bad08:37
psychx-are there alternatives?08:38
wxlnot using flash08:38
psychx-i dont mean for something like youtube or whatever, but in general, if someone were to develop something08:38
psychx-basically what im asking is why would someone develop in flash08:39
psychx-unless there is no alternative08:39
wxlwhy would someone develop in .net08:39
wxlask me that one08:39
psychx-no idea08:39
psychx-i dont dev lol08:39
bioterrorpsychx-, you can run on your pentium 4 H264 L5 stuff?08:39
psychx-but wondering if maybe someone here does08:39
psychx-bioterror: yeah08:39
psychx-flash and new games are the only things i cant run08:40
Unit193wxl: It's easier to code GUI08:40
bioterrorI bet you cannot08:40
psychx-then dont ask me08:40
psychx-go try it yourself08:40
wxlUnit193: i was looking for more of the knee-jerk reaction :D08:40
psychx-why do i feel like everyone is being condescending towards me in here08:41
wxlmore like condescending against flash08:41
Unit193^^ That's the word, it's just plain annoying08:42
Unit193Best idea I would have, some sort of firefox plugin exists to replace flash video players with a native client version, or you could just use DownloadHelper and delete after08:43
psychx-well what im trying to do is not watch video, more play games and what not08:43
psychx-for example, i play with family of mine that doesnt live near me on facebook poker08:44
psychx-which is flash08:44
psychx-its almost non-playable, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt08:44
wxli feel you man, it's just tough08:44
wxladobe ain't building for the little guy08:44
psychx-and to be honest, i come home from working all day, then ahve to do school work, and take care of people in the house, and then i have people like bio saying like haha you have a p4 and i bet you cant watch 1080 and what not08:45
psychx-its just rude08:45
psychx-and scumbag adobe over here makin me lag08:46
psychx-but im going ot bed thanks for the help everyone08:49
wxlwhy you gotta be such a dick, bioterror ? ;)08:49
wxlwell i'm off to bed08:52
wxlnight all08:52
wxldon't get in trouble ;)08:53
Unit193I'll try to keep him from it ;)08:55
* micahg would've suggested gnash09:00
Folkloreany know how I can add a entry to the right click menu for files?09:12
Folkloreif I right click a text file shows 3 different programs I can open with for instance09:13
Su7hi !09:51
Su7can you help me ?09:51
Su7I'm using lubuntu 11.10, and I love this OS09:51
Su7but I need to reconfigure the volume hotkeys09:51
Su7could anyone tell me how to proceed ?09:51
JohnDoe_71Rusmultimedia keyboard?09:55
Su7the keyboard of my tosh NB550D09:59
Su7actually the brightness hotkeys already work09:59
JohnDoe_71Rusfirst, try volty program. think it's better volume controll10:00
JohnDoe_71Russecond, edit /home/user/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml keys10:01
Folkloredang wont let me create any files in that directory10:03
JohnDoe_71Rusit's your home director10:03
JohnDoe_71Rususer chane to you login10:04
Su7OK JohnDoe_71Rus trying10:07
Su7JohnDoe_71Rus what line should I edit ?10:09
JohnDoe_71Rusfind volume in <key> section. not shure10:10
Su7I did not have any sound after installing lubuntu, i had to install pulseaudio10:11
JohnDoe_71Ruslubuntu use alsa10:11
Su7with alsa I didn't have any sound10:12
JohnDoe_71Rusalsaconf in console10:13
Su7not found10:14
Su7can't be installed neither10:14
JohnDoe_71Rusall repos active?10:14
JohnDoe_71Rusthink find alsa-utils10:15
Su7alsa-utils is already installed10:16
Su7not found10:18
Su7oh forget it10:19
Su7I'm on alsamixer control panel10:19
Folklorexdg-mime isnt working10:19
Folkloreany know why?10:19
Folkloresays cannot create /home/me/.local/share/apllications/mimeapps.list.new10:21
Folkloredirectory don't exist10:21
Folklorenot sure why its trying to create a new file anyway10:21
JohnDoe_71RusSu7: levels is up?10:21
Su7my sound cart is ATI SB HD10:22
JohnDoe_71RusSu7: can be sound go-to hdmi, not to jack?10:23
Su7but my problem is not in alsa10:25
Su7I have sound10:26
Su7I just want to reassign the volume hotkeys10:26
Bauzciao ragazzi10:52
Bauzqualche buon anima volenterosa di aiutarmi con Lubuntu+hp pavilion+broadcom 4306?10:53
Bauzho provato a seguire varie guide....ma nisba10:53
Bauzho appena trovato una nuova guida, che dice che l'unica soluzione è ndiswrapper10:56
bioterror!it | Bauz10:56
ubot5Bauz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:56
Bauzsorry guys... i didn't realize this was an international channel10:57
JohnDoe_71Rus!ru | JohnDoe_71Rus11:06
ubot5JohnDoe_71Rus, please see my private message11:06
=== zkriesse is now known as zkriesse_away
=== zkriesse_away is now known as zkriesse
extiook, so i have been using linux for like a week, i took it today to the coffee shop where i am nolw, and realized i needed to know the name of the network to use the wireless connection18:59
extioi had to ask some for the name of the network to type into the ssid in the network manager19:00
extioany suggestions on a tool to scan for networks without security?19:01
extiosuch as to find the coffee shop network19:02
holsteinextio: maybe its a hidden ssid19:13
extioi can find it in windows fine19:13
holsteini wouldnt lose sleep over it til you have a larger test base19:13
extioive been to this shop before19:14
extioits just maybe i dont know how to use lubuntu to search for wireless networks?19:14
holsteinthe included tool has found all the ssid's for me so far19:14
holsteinyou can try wicd19:14
holsteinor some other network manager that you may be more familiar with19:14
extioif i install anew one19:15
extiowill they clash?19:15
holsteinextio: they'll do whatever you want19:15
mewaywhat would cause setup screen to freeze after perssing enter?19:56
meway*using a usb stick*19:57
holsteinn00bomatic: graphics card incompatibility? bad iso image... bad usb stick?19:58
mewaywrong highlight?19:59
holsteinn00bomatic: sorry ;)19:59
holsteinmeway: ^19:59
wxlmaybe could get something from the log if you boot into recovery20:00
holsteini was assuming you mean when booting the installation media meway , is that the case?20:00
n00bomaticsorry..my gigabit switch seems to have some issues...20:00
n00bomaticthats why the reconnecting all the time20:01
Meway_bla >.<20:02
holsteinn00bomatic: i pinged you by accident20:02
david_j_rCan anyone help translate a solution from Ubuntu on forums into Lubuntu?20:56
holsteindavid_j_r: feel free to ask your question... if someone can, they will help :)20:57
david_j_rOK - thanks! Still trying to get hotkeys to change keyboard layouts in Lubuntu.20:58
david_j_rAfter MUCH scouring of forums, this is about the only "solved" thread it seems:20:59
david_j_rBut that's a Gnome solution -- can the equivalent be done in Lubuntu?21:00
david_j_rIt involves "editing 'apps/metacity/keybinding_commands' in gconf-editor."21:03
david_j_r...and that's a Gnome windows manager...21:03
david_j_rSo in Lubuntu?21:03
yonyonhow can i change the default session from lubuntu to lxde?21:30
bioterrorand lubuntu is?21:32
bioterrorMr. Wikipedia knows it all: Lubuntu (pronounced /luːˈbuːntuː/ "loo-BOON-too") is a lightweight Linux operating system based on Ubuntu but using the LXDE desktop environment in place of Ubuntu's Unity shell and GNOME desktop.21:33
yonyonon login screen i have this sessions: defaukt, LXDE, openbox, Lubuntu, Gnome21:37
yonyonLubuntu and default are the same21:37
yonyoni want to make LXDE as the default login session21:38
holsteinyonyon: lubuntu is running LXDE, so they are going to look very similar, if not the same21:44
yonyonno its not21:48
holsteinyonyon: ?21:48
holsteinlubuntu *is* running LXDE21:48
yonyonon LXD session compiz is running automatically, while in Lubuntu session openbox is refusing to replace with compiz21:49
yonyonthey also looks the same21:49
holsteinyonyon: thats your customization of them though21:49
holsteinthey should look similar21:49
holsteinyou just choose which ever one you want when you login21:49
Folklorethe cmd to edit mime seems to be broken on lxde21:50
FolkloreI really need that to install my app, any suggestions?21:50
holsteinFolklore: start collecting and reporting error messages, and go from there21:50
yonyonholstein, how can i change the sessions?21:51
yonyonlubuntu session refuse to load compiz21:51
holsteinyonyon: i would make another user to test, and i would consider removing .whatever LX from my home21:52
holsteinyonyon: you change sessions by choosing it from the menu at login... if by trying to get compiz running, something has been broken, config-wise, you'll need to troubleshoot/undo those changes21:53
yonyoni want to change it to load by default while using autologin21:54
holsteinyonyon: it *should* become default21:55
holsteindefault is the last one you used21:55
yonyonwell it doesn't. when i start the netbook lubuntu sessions is loaded. i logout and choose lxde session but it doesnt make it default21:56
holsteinyonyon: i would try and work backwards, and look at the changes you have made... i would try a LIVE CD, to confirm what the default bahavior is... i would try a new user accound21:57
yonyoni didnt make any changes and use the installed configurations. all i did is installing compiz on fresh install21:59
holsteinyonyon: copmiz is quite a change22:05
Folklorexdg-mime seems to be broken22:05
holsteinyou added a decorator yonyon ?22:05
yonyonno its uses the build in decorator of compiz22:05
holsteinyonyon: how about the other user account?22:06
holsteinwhat about the live CD *not* running compiz?22:06
yonyonmake a new user accaount for?22:07
holsteinyonyon: inside the new user account, all new config files in /home will be created22:08
holsteinyou can login, and troubleshoot easily if it is a config file specific to your user, or something system-wide22:09
holsteinOR, you can try the live CD, log out, choose another session... logout... login with the default session.. note the behavior.22:09
yonyonfor a new user the default(lubuntu) and lxde are different sessions too22:13
holsteinyonyon: ?22:14
holsteinthey are going to be bit different?22:15
holsteinwhats the issue?22:15
holsteini thought that was the issue... i though when you selected LXDE, and lubuntu session, you got *exactly* the same thing22:15
holsteinand that was unwanted?22:15
yonyonthat on lubuntu(default session) i cant load compiz, on LXDE session compiz is loaded withoud any problem22:16
yonyonthats the issue22:16
holsteinyonyon: i got compiz to work22:16
holsteini tested with compiz --replace or whatever, and then i added that to startup22:16
yonyoncompiz --replace vanish the lxpanel, and remove the max,min,close buttons22:17
holsteinyonyon: yup, it wasnt trivial22:18
yonyonon LXDE session i dont have this problems22:18
holsteinyonyon: so whats the issue?22:18
holsteinwhy not just theme the LXDE session as you wish?22:18
yonyonbro, you know how to change sessions?22:19
holsteinyonyon: good luck :)22:19
holsteini would just theme my LXDE session as i want it22:19
yonyonnever mind22:20
yonyontnx for helping22:20
rich3on ms-windows I could drag my favorite documents to a button bar.  I'm not sure how to do this same thing on Lubuntu.  I just want some Icons to click on to open my favorite documents.23:45
holsteinrich3: you can make a panel, add launchers there... thats probably the most like what you are looking for.. there are plenty of docks... wbar, cairo, avant23:47
rich3yeah, but i'm used to having the panel hide it'self.23:49
holsteinrich3: sure... auto-hide the panel23:49
holsteinrich3: if you are a new convert, just take your time... you can literlaly make linux distros look however you want23:50
rich3IMHO the panel takes up too much space.  I'm looking for something like a button, that will bring up the quick launch panel.  If I could put the documetns on the LXDE menu i'd be happy23:53
holsteinrich3: you can change the size of the panel.. the docks i mention can act like a button23:53
holsteinrich3: you can put whatever you want in the LXDE menu23:53
holsteinagain, i think its a matter of seeing what is out there and easily available to you at first... distro hop a bit... check out some live CD's23:54
rich3ok.  will try the docks.23:54
rich3already tried xubuntu, lubuntu and ubuntu gnome23:54
holsteini remember i found wbar in Vector linux... i never used vector linux, but ive used wbar a lot23:54
holsteinrich3: ubuntu = xubuntu = lubuntu ...etc23:55
holsteinyou have the same access to the same repositories of packages23:55
holsteinthey are all able to be customized into each other, or into whatever you choose to customize them into23:55
holsteinrich3: theres a neat tool i like to use called kupfer23:55
holsteinyou hit control+spacebar, and that pulls up a thingy you can just type into... you can type a place, or an application23:56
holsteinits a different kind of launcher23:56
rich3sounds like gnome-do23:57
holsteinthere are drawers.. different panels23:57
holsteinrich3: yeah, its gnome-do pretty much... gnome-do can be docky23:57
holsteinkupfer doesnt do the dock... that im aware of23:57
rich3i really don't know the difference between these things.  i'm very happy with gnome-do23:58
rich3but will try kupfer if you think it will help23:58
holsteinsure... install gnome-do in lubuntu then, and enjoy :)23:58
holsteini found kupfer lighter, and i really didnt use the dock mode23:58
rich3k good23:58
holsteinrich3: i have no idea what will "help"23:59
holsteinyou really just need to explore, and find what works for you23:59
rich3well, i'll try wbar with lubuntu right now23:59
rich3don't go anywhere23:59
holsteinwbar is nice and light too23:59
holsteini used to have it right in the middle of the screen in mepis running fluxbox23:59

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