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johnnyzeroHey guys. I have 3 bugs I found in Oneric. I was told they likely won't be fixed until Pangolin comes out. Here are the bugs in case anyone is interested: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/898245 , https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/898253 , https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/886449 . Thank you guys in advance for checking the bugs out.05:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898245 in xorg (Ubuntu) "If PC shuts down incorrectly, Ubuntu doesn't work anymore" [Undecided,New]05:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898253 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "Archive Manager locks up entire PC when looking at an archive and trying to extract individual files" [Undecided,New]05:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886449 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[USB-Audio - USB Camera-B4.04.27.1, recording] Pulseaudio fails to detect card" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:00
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BluesKajhiyas all12:47
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gnomefreaknot sure i like the new theme. the icons are nice but theme is not13:59
gnomefreakand now we only have 4 choices for themes14:03
airtonixgnomefreak: we do? i thought we had alot more themes available than 414:10
airtonixlast time i looked on google there were more than 4 themes for gnome available. right now i have at least 1214:10
gnomefreakit doesnt seeem so anymore. open apperances at the bottom you will find high,low contrast, ambeance, and 1 other14:11
gnomefreakairtonix: yes i can install some, i am talking default14:11
airtonixpff default14:11
airtonixif i cared about default i wouldn't have bothered to look past the reality my mother painted for me14:12
airtonixall i care about is : can i still install gnome-shell on 12.04 ?14:13
airtonixwith out compiling14:13
gnomefreaknew users should not have to work all that hard to find themes since we carried more thaan 4 themes in past. me im not worried about i have plenty14:13
gnomefreakairtonix: yes you can14:14
gnomefreakCandidate: 3.2.1-0ubuntu114:14
gnomefreak  Version table:14:14
gnomefreak     3.2.1-0ubuntu1 014:14
gnomefreak        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe i386 Packages14:14
gnomefreakgvfsd-http crashed with signal 5 in g_object_newv()   yay :(14:16
gnomefreakok who knows how to change icon themes, im not seeing anywhere to do it. also i have found that gnome3/unity took away alot of our choices (cant adjust a lot of things) either default or nothing. for example screen savers14:53
gnomefreakbrb smok14:53
mydogsname1srudyno sceensaver there14:53
bjsnidergnomefreak, icon themes are changed using gnome-tweak-tool14:57
gnomefreakwe are not going to get a choice for screensavers/icons and themes will be limited to pretty much what you have for defualt15:03
* gnomefreak just asked15:04
gnomefreakgnome is really starting to tie our hands. wihndows has more choices when it comes to those settings15:05
gnomefreakmaybe kde has more optioons when it comes to customizing Ubuntu15:06
Trewasit truly is the year of linux off the desktop15:07
gnomefreakits a sad day when you can customize more in win than lin15:08
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bjsnidergnomefreak, do you use an old crt monitor, or a plasma monitor?15:10
gnomefreaklcd wide screen15:10
bjsniderthere's no such thing as lcd burn-in, so you don't need a screensaver. next issue please?15:11
bjsnideri've got a bunch of theme/icon choices in gnome-tweak-tool15:12
gnomefreakneed no want yes15:13
gnomefreakbjsnider: i installed it havent gotten to it yet though15:13
bjsnideri don't think it's appropriate to blame others because you can't have something you don't need15:21
mydogsname1srudyno blame just like having a screensaver i like the look of my picture folder flashing by15:22
gnomefreakbjsnider: what is the one thing linux allows you to do that windows doesnt? hint cusomize15:22
bjsniderthis is the first i've heard of that15:23
gnomefreakbjsnider: are you saying that statment is false?15:26
bjsnideryes i am15:26
gnomefreakyou can only customize windows so much due to licensing. Linux used to be and still may allow you to change a lot more than win. think custom kernel to start with15:27
mydogsname1srudymakes me think that "Ubuntu" is not going in that direction anymore15:28
gnomefreakmydogsname1srudy: its more gnome than ubuntu15:28
gnomefreaklack of screensaver is gnome15:29
gnomefreakand im sure the rest is as well15:29
mydogsname1srudyso other desktops might be what we need to look at then15:29
bjsnider"everything is a file" is the main difference between the two15:29
gnomefreaki was going to test kde out for a while something this month15:29
mydogsname1srudyack been gnome so long hard to change15:30
gnomefreaksee and here i thought licensing was in the way15:30
gnomefreakbut what do i know15:30
mydogsname1srudymust be a plugandplay thing15:30
mydogsname1srudymust work right out of the box15:30
gnomefreakmydogsname1srudy: install the tweek tool it will allow you to customize some more things15:30
mydogsname1srudyya i looked at it15:30
gnomefreakbjsnider: either way file or license it still restricts customiziong a lot of windows items15:31
bjsniderit's impossible to organize a useful support system if the user can wreck the desktop by design15:32
gnomefreakbut we are going a bit offtopic15:32
mydogsname1srudyofftopic ?  its all about changes15:33
gnomefreakmydogsname1srudy: not when it has to do with win15:33
bjsniderwindows was always customizable with third-party theming technology. you could make it look like practically anything you want15:37
bjsniderbut there was a resource cost because unlike with linux, you're just drawing the new icons and window borders overtop of the standard ones, as opposed to instead of the standard ones15:38
mydogsname1srudyi guess i dont see the end goal in mind here so hard to say if its the right direction15:39
k013hi guys, is the look changer being included in 12.04 LTS? just like the one in ZORIN OS!15:39
* gnomefreak not sure what you mean by "look changer" is it just another gui to change themes,icons,screensaver,ect....?15:44
k013@gnomefreak - oh hey, thank for the reply! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHCDU-CUoaQ the guy in this video speaks about an easy way for windows people to move to linux. so he describes how zorin can simply change the look and feel to be like windows 7 or mac, this could be very good for converts!15:48
gnomefreakk013: i doubt it but dont me to that since im not positive.15:50
gnomefreakok im out things to do15:50
k013@gnomefreak - ok thank you anyway, just for a moment there after the video i got really excited!15:53
bjsnidermydogsname1srudy, what do you mean by "end goal"?16:18
bjsnider"zorin os", what did they do, name it after the psychotic bad guy from "a view to a kill"?16:20
FernandoMiguel$ fdupes -LSD16:28
mydogsname1srudybjsnider,  were gnome is heading is what a mean,  they must have something in mind16:32
bjsnidercreating the perfect desktop environment16:33
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WaltherFII'm not getting to the login screen when booting - halts with boot log visible with everything [ ok ]19:17
WaltherFIWhere should I look for what happens?19:17
WaltherFII am irccing from the TTY6, so yes, I have terminal19:20
WaltherFIWhere are the useful logs for this kind of case?19:20
genii-aroundWaltherFI: Probably /var/log/Xorg.0.log in this case, since X isn't starting19:21
trismWaltherFI: the logs in /var/log/lightdm/ are also a good place to look19:22
WaltherFIlet's see19:23
WaltherFIin Xorg, "fatal error - no screens found" haha19:23
genii-aroundProbably you were using proprietary video driver before the upgrade, it didn't get updated.19:24
WaltherFII did a clean install to the alpha119:25
WaltherFIand I've never got to te X, even after updates19:25
genii-aroundWaltherFI: Nvidia card?19:25
WaltherFIgenii-around: yep, let me check the version19:25
WaltherFIION LE VGA19:26
WaltherFIrev b119:26
WaltherFIlaptop is Samsung N51019:27
genii-aroundWaltherFI: You could try grub option of nouveau.modeset=0  and see if you get some viable video mode19:27
edgyhi, iptables -L shows many rules, where are they coming from?19:30
WaltherFIadded that to default options in /etc/default/grub, updating grub and rebooting19:30
WaltherFIgenii-around: no luck, still no X19:33
WaltherFIhm. further reading the logs19:33
WaltherFI"failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module"19:33
genii-aroundWaltherFI: Suggest then: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current19:34
WaltherFIinstaling nvidia-current19:34
WaltherFIthis should perhaps be filed, not getting to the x at all without the drivers19:35
WaltherFIdid not solve, still not starting19:43
WaltherFIstill getting the same error, no kernel module loaded though I just installed nvidia-current19:44
genii-aroundWaltherFI: Another time I had similar symptoms but it was not the nvidia driver itself but rather version mismatches within the X packages where nvidia driver wanted abi version 12 but xorg was only providing 11 and 1319:44
WaltherFI...I actually recall similar problems in the past with my desktop - was it 10.04 or 10.1019:46
WaltherFIthe driver had a different version than described by the installation package or the config files, can't remember which way19:47
WaltherFII didn't fix it myself but it got resolved through some updates19:47
WaltherFIhm. sudo nvidia-xconfig produced an warning: x config file was not found, a file was created at /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:49
bjsniderWaltherFI, what does dkms status get you?19:50
WaltherFInvidia-173, 173.14.30: added19:50
bjsnidernot good enough19:51
bjsniderneeds to say installed19:51
WaltherFInvidia-current, 285.05.09, kernel v, installed19:51
bjsniderwhat card is this?19:51
WaltherFIsorry, slow typing19:51
bjsniderok, so you shouldn't use nvidia-17319:52
bjsniderremove that19:52
bjsnidertry modprobe nvidia19:52
WaltherFII just installed -current, shouldn't that work?19:52
BluesKajWaltherFI, run sudo nvidia-xconfig , then reboot19:53
bjsniderif you install nvidia-current using jockey, it creates an xorg.conf19:55
BluesKajbjsnider, you still have to run nvidia-xconfig , for the nvidia gui19:56
bjsniderno you don't19:56
BluesKajwell, I did19:57
bjsniderin fact you shouldn't run it because it might create an out-of-date xorg.conf with showstopping things in it19:57
bjsniderxorg.confs vary across different distributions, so the one in fedora, for example, is a bit different than the ubuntu one19:58
WaltherFIreinstalled -current, ran -xconfig, rebooted and not working19:58
WaltherFImodprobe nvidia returns "fatal: module nvidia_173 not found"19:59
bjsniderremove nvidia-17319:59
BluesKajthat's an old module/driver20:00
WaltherFIremoved, modprobed nvidia and started lightdm20:01
WaltherFIwhat should I do next with the drivers?20:02
BluesKajWaltherFI, admin>additional drivers. choose the recommended one20:02
BluesKajand activate it if needed20:03
WaltherFI...isn't the recommended one "nvidia-current"?20:03
bjsniderWaltherFI, in lsmod, is nvidia there?20:03
genii-aroundBluesKaj: I think they're still stuck at command-line for the moment :)20:03
BluesKajWaltherFI, depends on your card . if it's realtively new then it should be the -current20:04
BluesKajok genii-around , thanks20:04
WaltherFINo, I got t the desktop now20:04
WaltherFIbut isn't that information kind of self-contradicting?20:04
WaltherFIFirst you said that nvidia-173 is old and should not be used20:05
WaltherFI...but that's the one I got by installing -current20:05
WaltherFIor am I getting something wrong?20:05
BluesKajno, some drivers are listed as options , but aren't necessarily the recommended drivers20:05
bjsniderno it wasn't the one you got by installing -current20:05
bjsnideryou instaleld 2 drivers20:05
bjsniderWaltherFI, what does modinfo nvidia_current get you?20:06
bjsnideractually run this: modinfo nvidia_current| grep version20:06
genii-aroundWaltherFI: nvidia-current does not install the 173 version but the 285.05.09 one20:06
WaltherFIShould I install version-current or version-current-updates from jockey?20:08
bjsnideryou should give me the info i asked for20:09
WaltherFIthe only "version" grepped is modversions 68620:10
bjsnideralright, now dkms status again20:11
WaltherFIpiped to less, do you mean alias: char-major-195-20:11
WaltherFIfrom dkms status20:11
WaltherFIand installed20:12
bjsnidernvidia-173 no longer shows up in dkms status?20:12
bjsniderok, restart x. log out, log back in20:12
ubuntubhoyanyone able to help with a small prob - netbook wont remember screen settings (starts as 1024x768 instead of 1366x768) login  is fine, its just when the desktop loads20:13
WaltherFIbjsnider: anything else that shold be done with the drivers or am I fine?20:14
bjsniderWaltherFI, now you should be using nvidia, so try glxinfo|grep vendor20:14
bjsnidershould be nvidia corporation20:14
bjsniderthen there's nothing more to do20:16
WaltherFIThanks a lot20:16
WaltherFI(continue testing!)20:16
BluesKajenable desktop effects , WaltherFI , if you wish20:19
* bjsnider wishes everybody would stay out of the way when i'm trying to support an nvidia user20:19
WaltherFIhm... still not smooth 1080p playback :/20:20
WaltherFI...and apparently I'm losing my mouse every now and then20:20
WaltherFIyep, lost the pointer20:20
genii-aroundWhat I find curious is that on a clean install it would somehow want to install the nvidia-17320:21
WaltherFIsudo cat /dev/input/mouse0 does not show up anything even though moving my finger on the trackpad20:22
WaltherFIit worked for like a minute or two20:22
BluesKajbjsnider, next time just say so before the rest of us try to help ...altho I have helped plenty of ppl with nvidia graphics , since I run 3 pcs with nvidia cards20:22
bjsniderraise your hands if you package the nvidia driver for ubuntu users in the official x-updates ppa20:23
* bjsnider raises hand20:23
WaltherFII've had problems with nvidia too - since 2006 :D20:23
FernandoMiguel_o_ bjsnider20:23
WaltherFIHm. Anyone have an idea why my mouse fails?20:24
WaltherFIkeyboard works fine, but the trackpad doesn't - and I don't have a disable button for the trackpad20:25
bjsniderdoes it disappear if you use a usb mouse?20:26
WaltherFI...I'm not sure if i have a working one atm20:27
WaltherFII used to use a wacom tablet with my desktop - and I sold my desktop last spring20:27
WaltherFII can actually see the pointer/cursor, and it even changes its appearance depending on whether it is in top of a text field or plain desktop - when changing between the desktops, that is20:28
WaltherFIbut the trackpad shows no response20:28
WaltherFIbjsnider: Do you have any idea why my laptop used to play 720p smooth but now there's no hope (since 11.04 or 11.10)20:34
WaltherFIand this gpu should run 1080p20:35
bjsnideryou're not using vdpau would be my guess20:35
bjsniderwhat player are you using?20:35
WaltherFIHow to enable vdpau?20:35
WaltherFItotem and vlc20:35
bjsniderdon't answer a question with a question20:36
bjsniderok, try mplayer220:36
bjsnideruse gnome-mplayer as the frontend20:36
bjsnideryou can grab the one from my ppa if you want the latest version20:36
bjsnidertry it from the console:20:37
bjsnidermplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau -ao pulse movie.mkv20:37
WaltherFIoh wow, it actually played 1080p really smooth20:39
WaltherFInot sure if I can believe what just happened :D20:39
WaltherFII've been suffering from this for from 11.04 or so20:39
bjsnidertotem doesn't support vdpau20:40
WaltherFINow, is there a way to make let's say, vlc run this vdpau20:40
bjsnidervlc uses vaapi20:40
bjsnideryou have to have libva1 and vdpau-video installed20:40
bjsniderthen you have to enable gpu accel in vlc's nebulous menus20:41
WaltherFInote: selecting vdpau-va-driver instead of vdpau-video20:42
bjsniderthat's fine20:42
bjsnidervlc is not as efficient as the other players and will use a bit more of the ion chip20:43
bjsnider30-50% i'd say20:43
bjsnidertotem uses multithreading, so if you have a modern gpu like a core 2 duo you're fine20:43
WaltherFIheh, this is only slightly more powerful than the average netbooks a year ago20:44
bjsniderthat's why it failed to work20:44
WaltherFIokay, now do you have any idea in where can I enable vdpau in vlc settings?20:45
bjsnideri sent you the link20:46
bjsniderfor maximum power saving when playing back hd content i'd recommend mplayer2 from the cli20:46
bjsniderit's an mplayer fork specifically designed and optimized for vpdau20:47
WaltherFIWell, is there a way then to make vdpau default?20:49
WaltherFII installed mplayer220:49
bjsnideryes, using an mplayer config file20:49
bjsniderthose are available on the web, you can see lots of samples20:49
WaltherFI...and then making mplayer default for opening the certain types of files, I see20:50
WaltherFIthanks a lot20:50
bjsnidertotem will use vaapi if you buy the fluendo codec pack20:51
WaltherFIand yes, it was slower with vlc20:53
WaltherFI'slower' implying smaller framerate20:53
FernandoMiguelthe power of $ fdupes -LSD:21:09
FernandoMiguelfrom 615006 MB21:09
FernandoMiguelto 586688 MB21:09
dbristowSo, I downloaded a new copy of the MD5SUMS and SHAxSUMs for precise pangolin, and also downloaded the precise-preinstalled-desktop-armel+ac100.bootimg, the hashes don't verify again.  I downloaded them from cdimage.ubuntu.com, presumably the correct place to get them from.21:13
dbristowEvery other file I downloaded passes the hashes.21:13
WaltherFIbjsnider: now this might sound like a stupid question - but is there a way to force vdpau / GPU decoding on flash player?21:19
bjsniderbut you'll crash your browser and maybe more than that21:19
WaltherFI...because it would be nice to be able to play youtube videos over 480p21:19
bjsniderso i'm not going there21:19
WaltherFIi wish youtube had its html5 section fully up and running21:20
bjsniderit does21:20
bjsnideryou just opt in21:21
WaltherFIwell, last time I checked it was very limited and everything depended on the uploaded video21:22
dbristowI used both ncftp and wget to retrieve that one file, both copies I downloaded were identical21:22
bjsniderthe only videos that still need flash are the ones with embedded ads21:23
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