
twblilstevie: my btrfs netbook decided to become corrupt with warning this morning, so I think I will be fast-tracking my TF101 now :-P03:21
twbAt least the notes were copied to another box03:33
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GrueMasterGrrr.  Looks like hunspell-en-us has clobbered all arm desktop images.03:54
Xaselilstevie: oh @ evdev, rollup.04:47
twblilstevie: what's the URL for your latest tarball of stuff?04:55
twbIIRC you changed its name and suchlike04:55
twbAh, "OLiFE"05:01
ogra_hmm, where does that second omap4 armhf image build come from09:46
ogra_infinity, was that you ?09:48
* ogra_ definitely didnt trigger a second build 09:48
infinityogra_: Eh?  What second build?11:01
infinityogra_: Oh, cdimage?  I've been asleep.  So, not me.11:02
ogra_i'll add the SUDO_USER stuff today then :P11:02
ogra_but first i would love to know why ubiquity is broken :(11:03
infinityThe build, you mean?11:03
* ogra_ sees no valid reason for it not finding flash-kernel-installer11:03
infinityI was going to look at that today.11:03
infinityAfter I get this mklibs hackery committed for netboot.11:03
ogra_it complains about f-k-i missing in its source tree11:03
infinityYeah, I saw that.  Made little sense.11:03
infinityOoo, my bootstrap build of ghc finished.11:04
ogra_but f-k-i definitely built for hf and the last ubiquity upload calims it pulled it in in the changelog11:04
infinityTime to get the archive building it.11:04
ogra_hmm, though it claims it can not create the target in the build log11:05
ogra_not that the source file isnt there11:05
ogra_i wonder if there is just a mkdir missing11:05
ogra_(or -d for the install command)11:06
infinityBut it works on armel.11:06
infinityShould be the same code.11:06
infinityLooking, though.11:06
ogra_well, colin claims in the changelog that he adapted links for hf or some such11:07
* ogra_ checks for the exacrt wording11:07
ogra_hmm, no, that was d-i11:07
ogra_ubiquity only has * Add armhf support.11:07
* ogra_ doesnt really get it 11:08
infinitylrwxrwxrwx 1 adconrad adconrad  15 2011-12-08 04:06 armhf -> d-i/lists/armel11:09
infinityThat could be the problem.11:09
infinityThat should be a link to the same directory.11:09
ogra_geez, unpacking the xz takes my ac100 close to a halt11:10
ogra_still running11:10
ogra_infinity, to the same file you mean11:12
infinityWell, to the file in the same directory, yes.11:14
infinitySame problem in debian/11:14
ogra_you mean the .install file ? yeah11:15
infinityAnd that's probably your missing target.11:15
ogra_and .dirs as well it seems11:15
* infinity is also curious why ./d-i/source/base-installer/kernel/armhf.sh is different from ./d-i/source/base-installer/kernel/armel.sh11:15
infinityBut I'm also not entirely convinced that's used.11:16
ogra_i doubt it, but it will surely caquse d-i issues since it originates there i think11:17
infinityWell, let's see if fixing those symlinks makes ubiquity happy.11:20
infinityTo test build or not to test build...11:20
ogra_just upload11:20
ogra_will just waste 1h of your day to do a testbuilt, if it fails we can upload again11:21
ogra_testbuilds are for freezes :P11:22
* ogra_ wonders why gcc-4.5 is in the core seed11:24
ogra_arent we using 4.6 since a while ?11:25
infinity4.4 is still in main too.11:25
ogra_main, sure11:26
ogra_but core ?11:26
infinity"core" is just an upload packageset.11:26
infinityI don't ever want any version of GCC living outside core, do you?11:26
ogra_i want the default one in core ...11:26
infinityPackagesets != Seeds.11:26
ogra_why would i want the fallback there11:26
infinityYou want MOTU updating every compiler other than the primary one?11:27
infinityPossibly accidentally dropping vital patches and breaking them? :)11:27
ogra_well, -snapshot is in universe as well11:27
infinityYeah, because we don't build packages with snapshot.11:27
ogra_afaik at least11:27
infinitySometimes we fall back to building packages with older versions of gcc.11:28
infinity(MySQL is built with 4.5, for instance)11:28
ogra_ah, k11:28
ogra_i thought we fobid that a while ago11:28
infinityWe can't, really.11:28
infinityIf a new compiler is broken for some chunk of code, what do we do?11:28
ogra_fix it :)11:28
infinityJust say "well, we can't ship MySQL unless the compiler is fixed"?11:28
ogra_scream and shout to linaro ...11:29
infinityThat sort of thing doesn't work well with time-based releases. :P11:29
dokoinfinity, hmm, what is wrong with https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=gcc-4.4&suite=sid ?13:07
infinitydoko: You forget to backport your -mfloat-abi=softfp change from 4.6 to earlier versions?13:09
infinitydoko: (The one where you explicitly set that for the Debian/armel build)13:09
infinity  else13:11
infinity    # Debian armel13:11
infinity    CONFARGS += --with-arch=armv4t --with-float=$(float_abi)13:11
infinity  endif13:11
infinitydoko: ^-- That?13:11
dokoinfinity, it's the default anyway, and 4.4 doesn't know about hard-float yet. it's just 4.4 linaro. so I assume I just back out this change for debian13:14
infinitydoko: Eh?  softfp wasn't the default, that's why you had to add it to 4.6...13:15
infinity(Or, rather, the switch wasn't SET by default)13:16
infinitydoko: --with-float=$(float_abi) only happens in the ifeq Ubuntu block, so no float bits set for debian/armel.13:18
dokoinfinity, Debian armel is soft, not softfp13:18
infinityWell, whatever it was. :P13:19
infinityI was just copying your else..endif from 4.6 up there.13:19
infinityAnyhow.  You could just revert and not build on armhf at all.13:19
infinityOr just make rules2's arm* block match 4.613:19
infinity4.5 is in the same boat, I imagine.13:21
dokoinfinity, ahh, no -mfloat-abi= parameter passed at all, which breaks the patch :-/13:45
dokoI know I dislike this default stuffing of config parameters13:46
infinityI'm sure we can work up a more elegant patch later.  But this "works".13:47
infinitydoko: ghc is building on the buildds now, BTW.13:49
infinityLocal build took forever.  Silly haskell.13:50
ogra_what i wonder is why did ubiquity 2.9.5 build flawless on armhf ... it shuld have had the same issues as .9.614:12
* ogra_ just noticed there is a binary14:12
IamTryingI was using Ubuntu-ARM in my Eee pad transformer, now i get this: http://i.imgur.com/6lY5H.png  . How can i restore to Android using OLiFE.sh ? 1. Backup 2. Flash 3. Inject14:43
* ogra_ would suggest to ask that in a transformer channel ... i doubt anyone here knows OLiFE.sh (apart from lilstevie probably)14:45
IamTryingFixed, with OLiFE.sh > Menu update > 1. Android kernel14:52
IamTryingBut i want to go back to Ubuntu again and see what caused it?14:52
lilstevieIamTrying: sec14:54
lilsteviewtf did you do14:55
IamTryingYea i was also thinking what i did. I actually Ubuntu-ARM but it does not auto boot14:55
IamTryingSo i needed to press always Vol+ to boot14:56
lilstevieyeah, but that framebuffer connection is... just not normal14:56
IamTryingThen i decided to re-install Ubuntu-ARM again so that auto it boots14:56
lilstevieand yeah, that is normal if android is set as default boot14:56
lilstevieok, still doesn't really answer the question14:56
lilstevieif you try running it as the recovery boot does it do the same14:56
ogra_probably the antenna is just mis-adjusted :P14:58
IamTryingI used this OLiFE.sh script to restore to Android ( https://gist.github.com/1447187 ) and it caused this > http://i.imgur.com/6lY5H.png14:58
lilsteviethat isn't what I asked14:58
lilstevieogra_: lol14:59
lilstevieogra_: that is like total fb corruption; I don't understand it in the slightest14:59
ogra_bootloader probably14:59
lilstevieogra_: shouldn't be, bootloader goes with the OLiFE scripts15:00
lilsteviepurposely done so I don't have to deal with bootloader issues15:00
ogra_isnt the frambuffer initialized by the bootloader on the transformer ?15:00
ogra_like on the ac10015:00
lilstevieyeah, but corruption like that would be kernel level15:00
lilstevieor above15:01
IamTryingLet me freshly install the Ubunt-ARM using OLiFE.sh. But it does not boot auto.15:01
lilsteviemaybe something done to xorg15:01
ogra_on ac100 we dont re-initialize the fb ... so such a thing cant happen here15:01
IamTryingI did always need to press vol+ to boot. and finally today it was failing to boot.15:01
ogra_do you re-init it in the transformer kernel =15:01
lilstevieno, which is why I don't understand15:01
ogra_yeah, weird15:01
lilsteviealso IamTrying yes, that means you set ubuntu to be secondary boot15:02
IamTryingI did those steps and it fixed it now and i am back to Android PRime15:02
lilstevieAKA; it is meant to do that15:02
lilstevieas I said last time we had this little conversation15:02
IamTryingYes, when i try to setup for option 2, its very odd, it shows a loop of ASUS Screen and Linux unless i press manually down and then up button.  1. Turn device on or 2. Hold vol-down then press vol-up15:04
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lilstevieIamTrying: all I can really suggest is post in the QandA thread on XDA developers, maybe someone has come across your condition before and can help15:12
IamTryinglilstevie, Yes sure, OLiFE.sh is excellent its genius, its working actually, saved my Android device. I just want to install the Ubuntu-Arm as power-on default boot, but optionally if requires i want to go back like now i did.15:13
lilsteviedefault boot can be a little flakey tbh15:14
lilsteviethe mem carveout is not nice15:14
IamTryingOk, still fine, but There was a strange crash today. I pressed vol-down, i got the choice then i press vol-up to boot in my Ubuntu-Arm, but it shows lots of error and then nothing just happened. So then i decided to go back to Android.15:15
IamTryingI just re-installed Ubuntu-Arm using OLiFE.sh just like Day 1. And i have the same crash everytime when i boot e.g: http://i.imgur.com/AGSzH.png15:41
IamTryingAny idea?15:41
infinitydoko_: I'll fix qtmobility right after my next meeting.15:53
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha

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