
mhall119Pendulum: ping00:15
Pendulummhall119: pong00:32
Pendulummhall119: I00:33
PendulumI'm not a list admin00:33
Pendulumhave poked Luke00:33
mhall119thanks Pendulum00:51
bkerensauhh Precise is telling me there is a distro upgrade available00:55
mhall119bkerensa: do it!01:23
mhall119it'll probably just switch you to Arch01:23
bkerensamhall119: :D What you think I might get to 12.1001:23
akgranermarcoceppi, you around?02:25
bkerensaMan.... I keep trying to order from canonical store and its giving me errors05:45
bkerensa:D Finally got my order through.... Ordered some of the Kubuntu/Ubuntu pens and a nice new Ubuntu hat06:16
highvoltagemorning czajkowski08:46
alouriegood morning08:52
czajkowskihighvoltage: why are you up solate ?08:54
highvoltageczajkowski: late? it's just after 11am :)09:03
highvoltage(although I was up until 5am this morning thinking about stuff)09:04
czajkowskihighvoltage: wait which timezone are you in09:05
highvoltageczajkowski: UTC+2 (South Africa)09:06
czajkowskiahhh that makes more sense09:06
czajkowskithought you were over in Canada09:06
highvoltageyep, back there in Feb09:06
czajkowskioh long holiday09:07
highvoltageI work from here too, I wish I could have all of that holiday :)09:07
nigelbhighvoltage: escaped the cold eh? ;)09:13
highvoltagenigelb: yep, it started snowing two days after I left!09:22
pangolintruth is he started crying mid October so we sent him back.09:54
czajkowskihighvoltage: my mate lives there, no way on earth will I visit her between now and next April. Too damn cold, unnatural09:56
nigelbpangolin: hahaha10:02
marcoceppiakgraner: Yes13:01
alouriehey MrChrisDruif13:01
alourieyou see :-)13:01
MrChrisDruifAloha alourie13:01
alourieit works13:01
MrChrisDruifI just didn't know this channel existed13:01
alourieMrChrisDruif: oh, we're here, aren't we? :-)13:02
MrChrisDruifHaha, yes13:02
akgranermarcoceppi, I need to find some time to talk to you about AskUbuntu  - would you have some time free tomorrow by any chance?13:02
alourieMrChrisDruif: it's jono' & Co arena13:02
marcoceppiakgraner: Sure, I've got meetings in the afternoon, but before 3PM EST I'm available13:03
akgranergreat - let me look at my calendar and I'll schedule something and drop you an email... Thanks!13:04
marcoceppiNo problem!13:06
pangolinAnybody here can tell me how to edit/delete a card on Trello?14:15
Picipangolin: click on the archive button and then delete14:16
pangolinyou are fast dude!14:16
czajkowskianyone free to do a test G+ hangout ?16:39
akgranerczajkowski, do you still need someone to do the test call with you?  I only have audio today :-(16:44
czajkowskiakgraner: it's sorted thanks16:48
inetproI must say I'm very impressed with the progress that Ubuntu has made since the last time I tried it19:07
inetprobut I miss Kubuntu19:07
jussiKubuntu <319:12
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
* cprofitt shakes head20:22
cprofittcan anyone think of a reason that an OS would use a reverse dns lookup (PTR) to get its own computer name... and favor that over what was entered by the administrator?20:22
mhall119because it doesn't trust the administrator21:00
JanCor because it wants to know the canonical (nothing to do with Canonical ;) ) hostname?21:12

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