
=== zyga__ is now known as zyga-afk
=== pitti is now known as pitti_
pitti_good morning04:36
TheMusoMorning pitti_.05:09
robert_ancellEmpty inbox \o/   So if everyone can play along, not respond to my email, not file bugs, generally be inactive until new years that would be awesome06:17
pitti_hey robert_ancell06:23
pitti_robert_ancell: congrats!06:23
robert_ancellpitti_, hey, internet all back again?06:23
pitti_robert_ancell: you won't get any mail from me, as long as my server is still broken :(06:23
robert_ancellnice for me :)06:24
pitti_robert_ancell: my interweb tube has never been the problem -- my colo provider has some technical problems, and thus my vserver has been down since Monday06:24
robert_ancellech, thinking of changing providers now?06:24
pitti_so, no email and IRC proxy06:24
pitti_robert_ancell: well, I have nothing against a HDD breaking down and re-syncing a RAID, but this should only take a coupel of hours06:24
pitti_but now it's more than two days, they could at least let me know what's going on06:25
robert_ancellyeah, sounds like an excuse06:25
pitti_I'll call them again in 2 hours when they open06:25
robert_ancellpitti_, how much PAM do you know?06:27
pitti_I know that it exists06:27
pitti_what it does06:27
pitti_where to find the libraries06:27
pitti_and how to spell it06:27
* pitti_ desperately tries to find somethign else06:27
robert_ancellwell, that puts you ahead of most people :)06:27
robert_ancellI've got a proposal document for enhancements to PAM to make the greeter handle prompts better.  I was wondering if you'd be interested in reviewing it06:28
robert_ancellcjwatson, ^ would that be something you'd be interested in too?06:28
micahgrobert_ancell: slangasek is probably the person you want06:29
robert_ancellmicahg, yeah, he's the one I'm sending it too but I hoped there was more than one person in the company06:29
micahgrobert_ancell: mdeslaur might be able to review as well06:30
didrocksgood morning06:36
pitti_hey didrocks07:06
didrocksgood morning pitti_without_server :)07:07
didrockshow are you?07:07
pitti_didrocks: quite well, thanks! how about yourself and your neck?07:08
didrockspitti_: I'm fine, thanks! However, I have the impression that the rock yesterday made the neck a little bit straight again and I feel some pain. I just want to be up for tomorrow's "fête des lumières" in Lyon (big event in the city, 3 millions people) and then, definitively rest during my holidays starting this week-end :)07:10
pitti_didrocks: is that like "party of light"?07:10
didrockspitti_: right, most of buildings of the city have light and music shows07:12
didrocksthis has some historical background: the plague was surrounding Lyon during the middle age. Lyon's citizen prayed Marie to save them and Lyon wasn't touched by it07:13
didrocksso people then light some candles every years for the 8th of december07:14
didrocksand for 11 years now, it's a full city show with light scenes07:14
pitti_ah, so it is "light"07:16
pitti_sounds nice!07:16
didrocksit really is :)07:16
didrockseven when I was in Paris, I just travelled to Lyon for the week-end for it07:17
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pitti_hey seb12809:25
seb128hey pitti_, how are you?09:25
pitti_quite fine, thanks!09:25
didrockssalut seb128!09:26
seb128lut didrocks!09:26
seb128pitti_, so doko pinged yesterday, the glib single include enforcement is an issue, he estimated it would break at least an hundred source builds09:27
seb128pitti_, he ran into quite some cases with the armfh rebuilt09:28
seb128pitti_, so I did upload a version with that revert before going to bed09:28
pitti_seb128: ah, cheers09:28
seb128I hope I didn't break anything, I didn't have time for testing09:28
seb128it was almost midnight, and since the commit impacts only on includes I figured the chances of runtime issue would be low ;-)09:29
pitti_it built everywhere, nothing blew up yet09:29
pitti_well, CDs did blow up, but not because of this09:29
seb128ok, good09:30
pitti_wohoo! my server is back!09:46
didrockspitti_: \o/09:48
* pitti_ watches postfix grind09:48
pittilook, no underscore!09:49
ogra_*clap*  *clap* *clap*09:50
seb128pitti, you lost your tail!09:50
ogra_no tie today09:50
seb128pitti, happy bug reading day :p09:50
seb128emails reading09:50
seb128rather ;-)09:50
didrocksheh, yeah, I think pitti wanted to prepare a little bit from his holiday's return, just having to look at 2 days of emails :)09:51
pittiit'll take some time for mails to come in after 2 days of downtime, though09:55
pittiI guess by now the retry interval for most servers is 6 hours or so09:56
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, pitti, didrocks10:01
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson! How are you?10:02
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, not too bad thanks10:02
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:02
chrisccoulsoni set up my first blog last night so i can now spam planet ubuntu :-)10:02
didrocksnooooooooooooooooooo ;)10:03
brycehchrisccoulson, congrats :-)10:03
seb128chrisccoulson, oh btw, http://lh6.ggpht.com/-hti1sIu2XG4/RvHSmQ0zGBI/AAAAAAAAEws/ROWfIvK_YJM/sany2123.jpeg10:12
tkamppeterpitti, hi10:12
seb128chrisccoulson, that the birmingham "beach" I was talking about from GUADEC10:12
chrisccoulsonseb128, lol. that's awesome!10:12
pittihello tkamppeter10:13
chrisccoulsonseb128, https://twitter.com/#!/chrisccoulson/status/144717803621068800 ;)10:13
seb128chrisccoulson, you never saw it? are you sure you live in birmingham? ;-)10:13
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i never saw it. i travel to the city center once per year though (for the christmas market)10:13
chrisccoulsoni steer clear at other times because i hate it :)10:13
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, it's your twitter which made me think about that :p10:13
tkamppeterpitti, your mail unbroke and all the mails of the last days were arriving at me, including about the Cloudprint integration which you have postponed to Q. Should I rename itr (to contain "q") and remove the milestone?10:14
chrisccoulsonseb128, there's even a bit of blue sky in your picture. it must have been photoshopped!10:14
pittitkamppeter: sure10:14
pittitkamppeter: well, renaming isn't that important10:15
jasoncwarner_didrocks: hey man, how many branches from the varoius projects have gone through the AC process? I am writing a recap10:15
chrisccoulsonseb128, you're not on twitter?10:16
chrisccoulsonseems that someone stole your name anyway - https://twitter.com/#!/Seb128 ;)10:16
seb128chrisccoulson, no I'm not, I just googled your name to find you blog and found your twitter page ;-)10:16
tkamppeterpitti, done. I will leave in the [rodrigo-moya], so that later on some automated MySQL script can replace that by the user name of rodrigo's successor.10:16
chrisccoulsonthere's nothing on my blog yet ;)10:16
jasoncwarner_seb....WTF? http://lh6.ggpht.com/-hti1sIu2XG4/RvHSmQ0zGBI/AAAAAAAAEws/ROWfIvK_YJM/sany2123.jpeg ?10:16
didrocksjasoncwarner_: do you need an estimation or a precise number?10:17
pittitkamppeter: well, that automated script will be called "pitti" most probably :)10:17
jasoncwarner_didrocks: estimation will probably do.10:17
tkamppeterpitti, but better when you can search for [rodrigo-moya] that have to guess on the work items that this is a thing for  the GNOME guru and not for the original poster of the Blueprint.10:18
didrocksjasoncwarner_: so, we have right now 456 binary packages build, with an average number of 5 binary packages per source package, so by merge, it gives us around 90 merges10:20
jasoncwarner_didrocks: I'm just gonna use 90 ....thanks!10:20
tkamppeterpitti, and if you fix this manually, the new GNOME guru will get tons of mail notifications, telling him that his job will never get boring :-)10:20
didrocksyw :)10:20
=== dupondje_ is now known as dupondje
pittiok, apport retracers fixed, sorry about that10:46
seb128pitti, how do you feel about having the nautilus merge with binary rename landing today?11:35
seb128pitti, it shouldn't be hard since there is no code change so it's only no change rebuilds for rdepends11:35
pittiseb128: would it be ok to upload in two hours?11:35
pittiseb128: I'd like to wait for next publisher to rebuild today's images11:36
seb128pitti, I didn't start on the merge yet, so yeah, not before 2 or 3 hours (lunch in between)11:36
pittiseb128: oh, it'd be binNEW, right? fine then11:36
pittiseb128: what changes?11:36
seb128pitti, you mean? just the libnautilus... has been renamed in debian because gtk2->gtk3 is an abi break but upstream didn't change the soname11:37
pittiseb128: oh, libnautilus; right, I remember11:37
pittiI thought "nautilus" was renamed11:37
seb128pitti, I say at least 2 hours because we didn't merge nautilus for a while an it's one of those source that has quite some diff to review11:37
seb128pitti, no sorry, it's just the lib, anyway I will start on it, as you said it will binNEW on upload in any case11:38
seb128pitti, so you can control when you want it to get in ;-)11:38
pittiseb128: that's totally fine11:38
seb128pitti, danke11:38
pittiI'll start image builds in about 45 mins11:38
pittijust to recover from the common-dictionaries debacle11:38
pittiand also to get an image without the EINVAL bug11:38
chrisccoulsonam i meant to provide a menu file in /usr/share/menu for my packages? someone just asked for one in thunderbird (bug 901633)11:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 901633 in thunderbird "no menu file in distribution" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90163311:39
chrisccoulsonare they actually used anywhere?11:39
pittichrisccoulson: no, menu is really really old11:42
pitti.desktop is the (not so) new way11:43
pittichrisccoulson: we have never supported menu in ubuntu11:43
chrisccoulsonpitti, ok, thanks. i'll wontfix that request then, and drop the menu file from firefox too11:43
pittithey are still ok for Debian11:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, the firefox menu file is cruft left over from debian11:43
pittibut any desktop which can't read desktop files these days is pretty much screwed11:43
tkamppeterpitti, the JBIG patents will end in April 2012 and due to this I want to have a SpliX driver with full support for all printers in Precise. Now my question is whether I should introduce JBIGKit as a new package or embed the JBIGKit code in SpliX.11:47
tkamppeterpitti, the JBIGKit code is http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/download/jbigkit-2.0.tar.gz11:47
tkamppeterpitti, the patent ends at April 4, right before release of Precise.11:49
pittitkamppeter: hm, this could also be SRUed theN?11:50
pittitkamppeter: is it likely that jbigkit will be needed by other packages? it certainly sounds like it11:52
pittitkamppeter: I guess at some point Debian will package it then as well, so it feels it should be a separate package11:53
pittitkamppeter: is that a library, or just a tool to convert images?11:53
tkamppeterpitti, it is a library. I could package it and upload it to Precise. AFAIK only user currently is SpliX, but once available other packages could appear to use it.11:54
pittitkamppeter: but it's still covered by patents for now?11:56
tkamppeterpitti, it is, so you think better not upload it in to the (not officially released) Precise?11:58
pittitkamppeter: I'm not sure how to handle these patents; are they actively being enforced?11:59
pittitkamppeter: if nobody cares (any more), we can upload it11:59
pittitkamppeter: the main criterion that we have is "is there precedence for enforcing the patent"11:59
tkamppeterpitti, I do not really know. The foo2zjs package also supports many of these printers. It seems to contains its own JBIG code and it is in all distros for years.12:00
tkamppeterpitti, I can also embed the code in the SpliX package for Precise and upload this package on April 5 and the real JBIGKit package we do in Q.12:01
pittitkamppeter: that doesn't make any difference wrt. the patent12:02
pittitkamppeter: but if we already ship it in foo2zjs, it's indeed better to just package it separately12:02
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tkamppeterpitti, so I will package the lib and add it to Precise.12:05
pittitkamppeter: sounds good12:06
tkamppeterpitti, the upstream package produces two static libraries, no dynamic ones, but anyway, having a package to build-depend on is easier than having to include the source code in every package.12:12
pittitkamppeter: that's right; but presumably not very palatable to MIR team12:12
tkamppeterpitti, looks like that there will be a libjbigkit-dev with the static libs and libjbigkit-utils with the command line converters.12:13
tkamppeterpitti, another problem is that upstream did not modify anything after 2008.12:14
tkamppeterpitti, as other printer drivers have their own jbig code and SpliX only uses the lightweight library libjbig85 compiled from only 2 .c files I could add these 2 .c files to SpliX if the package is not suitable for Main (unmaintained, no shared lib).12:18
pittitkamppeter: *nod*12:18
pittiI didn't expect it to look that bad12:18
pittiwell, maybe it'll take up some interest now that the patent will be gone soon12:18
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps I will go the include-2-.c-files-in-SpliX variant in Precise and the full library package when Debian picks it up (most probably after Precise). WDYT?12:20
pittitkamppeter: that sounds best then indeed12:21
tkamppeterpitti, OK, then I will do a new SpliX package after lunch.12:24
Sweetsharkpitti, other teutons: http://www.thisiswhyyouregerman.com/13:08
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
pittiSweetshark: heh, nice ad idea indeed!13:30
seb128chrisccoulson, is that only me that find that the tb inbox icon doesn't fit at all with our theme?13:40
seb128well the other special folders as well, draft, sent etc13:41
didrocksneed to go out for some errand, brb14:25
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
seb128pitti, ok, I uploaded nautilus and just figured I could make the transition easier14:58
seb128pitti, libnautilus-extension1 is renamed libnautilus-extension1a, so the second one conflicts,replace the first one (to ensure rdepends are upgraded in the same upgrade)14:59
seb128pitti, but our libnautilus-extension1 is already the new one14:59
seb128i.e it's already the gtk3 version, same abi14:59
seb128pitti, do you want me to do another upload without the "conflicts", i.e just with the replace?14:59
seb128that would avoid making all the rdepends uninstallable until they are rebuilt15:00
pittiseb128: sounds fine15:01
pittiseb128: but at some point we need it to clean up the old package, I figure?15:01
seb128pitti, well, do you want another upload for that? or do you just want to no-change-rebuild the 5-6 rdepends?15:01
gnomefreakany chance you are working on a way to set a screensaver and/or a way to set icons and enable more than 6 themes?15:02
seb128pitti, I'm fine either way15:02
seb128gnomefreak, no no and no15:02
pittiseb128: hm, I figure we need a versioned breaks/replaces:, otherwise we'll break upgrades again15:03
gnomefreakseb128: k thanks15:03
pittiseb128: they might rather want to hold back the old lib than upgrading to it15:03
pittiseb128: that has led to some trouble in the past15:03
pittiseb128: so I guess versioned B/R and transitional package for precise, and a C/R to clean up for precise+1?15:03
seb128pitti, hum?15:04
seb128pitti, it's a soname change, since when do we need transitional packages with the old soname?15:04
pittiseb128: regular soname changes can be installed in parallel15:04
seb128well basically it's a soname change, just a distro one because upstream broke the abi without bumping the soname15:04
pittithis is not the case here15:04
pittiif you add an unversioned conflicts:/replaces:, I've often seen apt want to hold it back15:05
seb128pitti, well it's a scoring issue, we will have at least 6 rdepends on the new soname that should score enough15:05
pittiseb128: well, we can try15:05
seb128it's often an issue when there is like 1 rdepends15:05
seb128the score is less obvious then15:05
pittiseb128: I just painfully remember the 5-or-so tries we had to do with the at-spi2 stuff in the last cycle15:05
pittiand eventually we just dropped the breaks15:05
pittiversioned breaks tend to behave better, if you have a transitional package15:06
seb128well there is not a breaks, it's a non versioned conflicts15:06
pittibut anyway, happy to try15:06
seb128we could use c,r,p15:06
seb128that usually helps15:06
pittiseb128: unversioned conflicts behaves even worse, tohugh15:06
pittip: helps, yes15:06
seb128ok, so those concerns are noted but I would like to try first without the transitional dummy binary15:07
seb128just to see if the scoring is good enough that we don't need it15:07
seb128pitti, that doesn't reply to my original question though ;-)15:07
seb128do you think we should drop the conflicts until we have all rdepends rebuilt (to avoid creating installability issues) or just do rebuilds for the rdepends and be done with it?15:09
pittiseb128: if you can upload them all today, that's fine15:09
pittii. e. without dropping the conflicts15:09
pittibut C -> B would still be better15:09
pittiunversioned conflicts is really the hate15:09
seb128let me drop the Conflicts for today, that will be less issue15:10
seb128we have like 6 rdepends on the CD but they will be uploaded soon enough, no need to force uploads today15:10
seb128then I will add back a Breaks later on15:11
seb128pitti, thanks15:11
seb128pitti, well with some thinking I wonder if we need to Conflicts at all, it's only useful for partial upgrades from lucid...15:20
seb128pitti, i.e if you don't partial upgrades, all oneiric rdepends have been rebuilt with gtk3 anyway15:20
pittineed to leave for today, time for some badminton and I'm pretty much worn out for today anyway after all the firefighting :)15:23
pittigood night everyone!15:23
seb128'night pitti15:24
didrocksgood night pitti15:26
jbichaseb128: caribou won't be able to be synced because we have to conflict against the oneiric packaging15:41
seb128why? didn't you take our package from Debian svn?15:41
seb128can we add the conflicts in Debian? it shouldn't create issue for them and if we can sync them it's a win win situation?15:41
jbichayes, that would probably work15:42
seb128didrocks, hey, do you have time to look at nautilus in binNEW? it's basically the lib which got renamed in debian to show that the gtk2->gtk3 change is an abi break16:16
didrocksseb128: sure, looking in a few16:16
seb128didrocks, the lib should go to main as well ;-)16:16
seb128didrocks, thanks16:16
didrocksseb128: sure :)16:17
mterryThe latest vala upload seems to break vala compilations.  looking into it16:39
mterrypitti, your vala patch seems wrong.  gstdio.h and glib-i18n.h are valid (and necessary) includes, even in the new single-include world.  The fact that valac is pulling in other includes like (gerror.h) into the C code is the problem.16:45
hyperairseb128, pitti: regarding bug #878933, can gtk+ be sru'd?17:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 878933 in gtk+2.0 "Crash when attempting to open a second file from the recent file list" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87893317:06
seb128you can try17:06
hyperairi'll look into it17:06
seb128the diff is not trivial between versions, not sure what the sru team will say17:07
seb128we can probably send it to proposed for a few weeks and see how it goes17:07
seb128thanks for looking to it!17:07
hyperairpitti: is the new libpoppler entering debian soon?17:08
seb128hyperair, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=64444717:14
ubot2Debian bug 644447 in poppler "Please update poppler to new released 0.18" [Wishlist,Open]17:14
seb128hyperair, not sure in short, I pinged the Debian maintainer before updating in Ubuntu, he said he wouldn't update until there are patches for the stuff that will not build with the update, now we fixed those, sent the patch to debian and the debdiff for the update so there should be nothing blocking him to update17:15
hyperairi see.17:15
hyperairseb128: who should i talk to on the debian side of things?17:16
seb128hyperair, the current debian maintainer is "Pino Toscano"17:17
seb128hyperair, he's pinotree on oftc17:17
hyperairah okay17:17
kenvandinexclaesse, empathy 3.3.2 requires goa 3.3.0 which isn't released, do you have any guess when that might get released?17:18
seb128kenvandine, oh, I hope for you that's not going to try to pull in the new version of control center at some point17:18
kenvandineseb128, i really hope a new goa doesn't need a new control center17:19
kenvandineseb128, empathy needs it for the goa mission-control plugin17:19
seb128kenvandine, seems a tricky path, I will let you walk it ;-)17:19
seb128yeah, I understand that17:19
kenvandinegoa 3.3.0 adds facebook and msn live17:19
xclaessekenvandine, ask davidz17:19
kenvandinexclaesse, ok, will do17:19
* xclaesse wonders why we need that new version17:20
xclaessehm, it has always be 3.3.0 actually17:22
xclaessekenvandine, why did empathy 3.3.1 build then?17:23
xclaesseit should have failed from the beginning17:23
xclaessekenvandine, maybe empathy's configure is just wrong and should require goa 3.217:24
kenvandinexclaesse, nope... didn't seem to require that17:24
kenvandinexclaesse, no, i think it is for facebook and msn support17:24
kenvandineadded since 3.217:24
xclaesseanyway /me has to go17:25
kenvandinexclaesse, later!17:25
ogra_seb128, isnt the log question moot now that rsyslog only logs to a single file ?17:27
seb128ogra_, does it? should gnome-system-log show that single file? should we drop gnome-system-log?17:28
seb128ogra_, well you still have stuff like Xorg.0.log17:28
ogra_yeah, indeed, but if we log to a single file we should just make that one the default i would think ... and add others if there is actual demand17:29
seb128ogra_, what file is that?17:30
ogra_(iirc the desktop team (pitti) made that rsyslog change)17:30
seb128ok, I didn't follow on that17:30
ogra_/var/log/syslog i think17:30
seb128see good that sent that email :p17:30
ogra_better ask pitti for details i only follwed it with half an eye either17:31
seb128mterry, don't worry about your vala revert, we reverted the glib single include enforcement as well17:31
ogra_but essentiallly it should aggregate all logs in that one file nowadays17:31
mterryseb128, cool17:31
seb128mterry, it was breaking too much still17:31
seb128ogra_, will do, thanks17:31
mterryseb128, was wondering why the revert didn't break my vala compilations as well  :)17:32
* didrocks waves good evening!18:23
chrisccoulsonseb128, i wrote my first post now http://www.chriscoulson.me.uk/blog/?p=19 ;)19:26
chrisccoulsonit's probably the only blog post i will ever write!19:26
dobeychrisccoulson: looks like you wrote 19 of them19:27
dobeyor if that's a hash key, it explains why firefox eats all my ram :)19:30
seb128chrisccoulson, did you buy the domain name only to host a blog? ;-)19:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah!19:40
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, pushing people to use buggy software again :p19:40
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm disappointed by my tb9 update btw :-(19:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, what happened to it?19:40
seb128chrisccoulson, I get a not-nice-looking "busy" cursor19:41
seb128like when I click on a folder and it's refreshing it19:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's a bit annoying. i'm not sure why that changed19:41
chrisccoulsoni can't remember what it looked like before19:41
seb128well for sure it was not out of style with the default white one19:41
seb128I guess it was the one spinning one but I'm not sure, it's just that something feels wrong since I updated so I'm pretty sure it was not like that :p19:42
seb128one spinning -> white spinning19:42
chrisccoulsonm_conley, do you remember me showing you that busy cursor in tb9 at UDS?19:42
m_conleychrisccoulson: hey, yeah, vaguely19:43
chrisccoulsonm_conley, any idea what changed there?19:43
chrisccoulsonit's not very nice looking ;)19:43
m_conleychrisccoulson: I remember you suspected it was compiz breaking on us19:43
chrisccoulsonoh, that might be a different issue19:43
chrisccoulsonbut yeah, compiz is always to blame ;)19:43
m_conleychrisccoulson: do you have STR?19:43
seb128chrisccoulson, lol, if I try under gnome-shell and it's broken you will own me beers for restart my session :p19:44
seb128chrisccoulson, btw did you see my question this afternoon?19:45
m_conleychrisccoulson: minimal steps to reproduce19:45
seb128question or "comment"19:45
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah. i'm not sure where those icons come from19:45
seb128m_conley, "click on an imap folder"19:45
chrisccoulsonm_conley, d'oh ;)19:45
seb128m_conley, it's the cursor you get while it's refreshing the folder19:45
m_conleyah, yes, I'm seeing that too19:45
seb128i.e the "busy" cursor19:45
chrisccoulsonm_conley, yeah, that cursor never used to look like that19:45
chrisccoulsonbut i can't remember what it looked like before :)19:46
m_conleyhrm, me neither19:46
m_conleyand I can't say for certain where the problem might lie - where in Gecko, if at all...19:46
seb128chrisccoulson, the icons really look out of style :-( it's a shame where the standard folder ones are the orange ubuntu ones and where the toolbar is nice as well ... should I blame andreas for it? ;-)19:46
m_conleychrisccoulson: might be worth filing a platform bug?19:46
chrisccoulsonm_conley, ok, i'll take a look at that tomorrow and try and figure out where it comes from19:47
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm disappointed that you didn't blog about the nice birmingham beach btw ;-)19:53
chrisccoulsonhmmm, is it just me, or is this busy cursor impossible to get a screenshot of?19:56
chrisccoulsonlol @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/90186721:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 901867 in firefox "Private Browsing" [Undecided,New]21:10
chrisccoulsonactually, i might have misunderstood his bug report :)21:10
chrisccoulsondam, it's not funny anymore21:10
OmegaYeah, that irks me about firefox.21:17
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
Cheeryfrom #ubuntu-devel:23:08
Cheery00:41 < Cheery> it's simple question and I know the answer, but I'm interested  to hear if you've got something to add.23:08
Cheery00:42 < Cheery> if I'd like to write an opengl application for ubuntu, what  could I do?23:09
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
SweetsharkRAOF: ping23:36
mfischstgraber: perhaps you remember the review you did for me a couple weeks back?  re: gnome-nettools23:52
mfischstgraber: I have a follow-up when you're around23:54

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