
vibhavCan ubottu join #ubuntu-in?11:28
vibhavnevermind ,hes there11:29
jussishe shouldnt be there...11:50
jussiahh lubotu is there. good.11:50
Tm_Theads up, Violanc3 [~servicere@] hit'n'run spam13:58
BarbariandudeHi. Who do I give my launchpad page to in order for them to turn cloaking on for me?14:48
k1lBarbariandude: here in the channel :)14:49
popeyyou dont need to for non-ubuntu cloaks14:49
popeyfor ubuntu cloaks you need to be a member14:49
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership14:49
popeyfor non-ubuntu cloaks see #freenode14:49
BarbariandudeAh, so just having a launchpad account isn't enough14:50
BarbariandudeI see14:50
=== mquin- is now known as mquin

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