
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
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Resistanceis there a way for me to specify to the computer to *not* update a package if the package update does not originate from the main repos?03:37
broderhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#Configuring_Backports_for_Manual_Install walks through the general idea of the process03:41
broderi don't know any way to do it for all archives03:42
broderbut you can list them out03:42
broderif you run apt-cache policy you'll see a bunch of "v=blah,o=blah,etc" strings; you can steal bits and pieces of those for the preferences file03:42
Resistancebroder:  #ubuntu-server gave me a link to apt pinning03:43
Resistancebroder:  could, in theory, if i want to pin php5* to *not* update unless it comes from the ubuntu archives/repos (i.e. us.archive.ubuntu.com), would the pinning work, and not update php* from the ppa?03:43
Resistance(as you can tell, i'm trying to backport php5, but i dont want to update in the production environment yet, only in dev/testing)03:44
broderthe Package: field in a preferences file can only be a list of package names or "*"03:44
broderno php5* or anything03:44
Resistanceoh i know03:44
Resistance*grabs the list of binaries generated by the backported source*(03:44
broderwhy are you configuring the PPA if you don't want packages from it?03:45
Resistancebroder:  the PPA is already configured03:45
Resistanceit holds *all* my backports03:45
Resistancethis one system i dont want to update php5 yet03:45
Resistance(I eventually will after i run vigorous testing)03:45
broderyou could stage in another PPA then pocket-copy the packages later03:45
Resistancei could03:45
* Resistance will consider that03:45
Resistanceactually i'll do that now assumign lp lets me03:45
Resistancebroder:  within LP, i can copy the package source and have it rebuilt, or just copy the binaries.  if i want to copy stuff from staging ppa -> deployment ppa, i wouldnt need to copy/rebuild the source, if its a <release> -> <samerelease> copy, right?03:49
Resistancebecause staging would technically be the building environment, and the copied binaries would be sufficient?03:50
Resistanceah good03:50
* Resistance never thought to have one ppa for staging and one for deployment :p03:51
psusiwhy can't I bzr diff against the debian branch I just merged from?04:07
psusibzr diff . ../sid04:07
psusibzr: ERROR: Path "/home/psusi/gparted/sid" is not a child of path "/home/psusi/gparted/ubuntu"04:07
broderbzr diff --from ../sid --to .04:09
psusino such option : --from04:09
psusiahh, --old and --new04:10
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ajmitchmorning mr Laney09:41
Laneyow do?09:41
ajmitchjust uploaded a package to my PPA, 9h build queue :(09:42
ajmitchLP had some hardware issues to cause a bit of a backlog09:43
ajmitchwhat fun are you up to today?09:44
Laneyoral exams for undergrads09:46
ajmitchoh joy09:46
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keffie_jayx_hello all12:42
keffie_jayx_I am working on a daily-build ppa12:42
keffie_jayx_should I ask about it here or #launchpad12:43
keffie_jayx_I was wondering what happens to debian/changelog  when the merging of to branches happens. My guess it is not used at all12:48
geserkeffie_jayx_: you might have better chances to get answers about recipes in #launchpad13:17
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andzaytsevHello, can anybody help me to find support? I want to participate in Ubuntu by packaging. Where can I find a mentor or a person who can teach me?14:03
tumbleweedandzaytsev: we don't have a mentoring program, but you're welcome to ask questions here whenever you need to14:03
andzaytsevthank you, how can I start learning packaging?14:04
tumbleweedhave you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted ?14:06
tumbleweedI suggest playing around, and trying to fix some bugs14:06
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports14:07
andzaytsevand where can I learn to write patches?14:11
Laneydang, no dholbach15:06
wendarI'm editing the docs on REVU, anyone got a sec for a quick sanity check?16:30
Laneywendar: yeah sure16:33
Laneythe tone should be like "you can use it, but make sure you have a reviewer lined up beforehand because MOTU will probably not give you one"16:34
wendarfor the MOTU process, I'm substituting "upload to your PPA or a Launchpad branch" instead of "upload to REVU"16:34
wendarLaney: sounds good, will add that16:35
Laneycould you just link to http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/packaging-new-software.html ?16:35
wendarin fact, I did16:35
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wendarbut, only for the "Launchpad branch"16:35
Laneythat page misses all of the information about debian16:36
LaneyI don't really think "Going through MOTU" is going to produce happiness16:38
wendar * Once you have an initial package, follow the [[http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/packaging-new-software.html#next-steps|New Packaging instructions]] to upload it to your PPA or a Launchpad branch, then add a link to the package in the description of the bug. Requests for changes or other communication about your package will be made as comments on your bug.16:38
wendarLaney: the developer.ubuntu.com page, or the "NewPackages" page?16:40
Laneythe former16:40
LaneyI mean in that it can't replace the wiki page completely yet16:40
Laneybecause not all of the information there is ported over16:40
wendaryeah, agreed16:40
Laneyanyway, we should be wary about directing people into black holes16:41
ScottKIs developer.ubuntu.com for the development OF Ubuntu or development ON Ubuntu?16:41
Laneyit's due to be renamed to something like the ubuntu developers guide16:42
Laneyso, the former16:42
ScottKWell I thought the problem it was supposed to solve was the latter one.16:42
wendarlater down the doc, I'm moving the "two MOTUs advocate the package" from the "alternative workflows" section into the main steps for the package16:43
wendaras, it seems like useful information16:43
wendarand, I'm deleting the rest of alternative workflows, which was largely just a warning that you should always use REVU16:43
wendar(which isn't true anymore)16:44
Laney"Deadline" needs refreshing too16:44
wendargot it. refresh page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages16:48
wendarnext up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU16:49
LaneyThe references to Debian in that section kind of come out of nowhere imo16:49
Laneyand it still has the black hole problem16:50
Laney"come spam on #ubuntu-motu (but be prepared to justify why you can't upload to Debian)"16:50
wendaryeah, it kind of needs the same reversal as the NewPackages page16:51
wendarpromoting Debian first16:51
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LaneyI was talking about NewPackages :P16:52
wendarLaney: I've reworked the first bits on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU17:00
wendarstrongly pointing them off to Debian with sync to Ubuntu17:00
wendarthen MOTU via PPA/Launchpad branch17:00
wendarand suggesting to use REVU only if a mentor asks them to17:01
tumbleweedI suspect that still isn't strong enough17:01
tumbleweedthere are a fair number of people who "don't want to contribute to Debian, I want to contribute to Ubuntu"17:01
wendarso, we need to put in the explanation that contributing to Debian *is* contributing to Ubuntu, because it benefits Ubuntu17:02
wendar(as well as a pile of other derivatives)17:03
tumbleweedyeah, and make it clearer that submitting through MOTU isn't going to be easy because there is a shortage of reviewers17:03
tumbleweedalthough it is a bit of an intentional shortage...17:03
wendarLaney: so, back to NewPackages, should we make it stronger towards Debian too?17:04
* tumbleweed now has to run off to a pub quiz. Thanks for doing this, wendar.17:05
wendarhow much of this process is still relevant/actively used? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Going_through_MOTU17:06
wendaris it basically accurate, and we just want to encourage people to do Debian first17:07
wendaror, opposite extreme, do we want to remove it from the page?17:08
wendaror, middle-ground, move it to a separate page, and just provide a link here for "well, if you *have* to submit it to Ubuntu..."17:08
Laneywendar: it looks right, just needs discouraging17:11
LaneyUnless you have a really good reason, do not do this17:11
Laneyit should also direct people to this channel for reviews17:12
wendarLaney: how's this for the second step of the MOTU workflow17:20
wendar * Join the #ubuntu-motu channel on irc.freenode.net and talk with the MOTU. It's good to do this early on, to get advice on how to package (avoid common mistakes), to find out if your package is likely to be accepted (before you invest a lot of work in packaging it), and to find a mentor or mentors willing to sponsor your package.17:20
Laney"and to find mentors willing to sponsor your package or to point you in the right direction"17:23
wendarLaney: good, better, updated17:26
wendaroh, I'm going to move that to the first step17:27
wendar before filing a bug17:28
wendarI also added a little paragraph to the beginning of "Going through MOTU"17:28
wendarSubmitting new packages through Debian is the preferred path. But, if your package is Ubuntu-specific or can't go into Debian for some other reason, you can submit it directly to MOTU. There are a limited number of available reviewers, so you may encounter delays here.17:28
wendarthis page looks like it's on the way toward deletion, may not be worth editiing out REVU https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Launchpad/Guide17:39
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Laneygoing climbing, pick it up later17:48
wendarLaney: thanks!17:48
wendarinteresting question where to put a notice on REVU itself. In theory, somewhere prominent in the submission process... but that's just dput.18:17
jtaylortumbleweed: wrap-and-sort needs a change for the new dh_install feature18:27
jtaylorignore executable .install files18:28
broderwendar: you could possibly try to figure out how LP does their feedback on dput, but that might be too much work19:06
wendarbroder: my first stab is to put a little red text blurb in the header for the whole site, so every page says:19:10
wendarREVU is no longer the primary path for submitting new packages for Ubuntu, though it is still used by some mentors as a tool to assist in package reviews. If your mentor hasn't specifically requested you to submit your package here as part of an ongoing review, please follow the new package instructions instead.19:10
wendarI've got that in a branch of the revu code, which I'll submit to the revu-hackers19:10
wendar(where "new package instructions" is a link to the page we just edited)19:10
broderthat lgtm, though i'm less opinionated on the exact form the text should take than others19:10
broderfwiw, it looks like lp's ftp daemon is returning a 500-something error in response to the .changes file being uploaded, and dput is printing out the text of that error19:16
wendarbroder: ah, cool. I found some "rejection" text in some of the revu scripts. I may be able to add onto that for "accepted" packages too. Probably need to ask a revu-hacker the best way to do it.19:19
RainCTwendar: check RVU19:45
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
tumbleweedjtaylor: right, thanks for the poke20:29
blairdebian just got llvm-3.0 and boost 1.48, these are brand new packages with new names, will these be automatically synced to ubuntu or should i submit sync requests?20:31
jtaylorblais: ubuntu precise already has llvm 320:33
blairjtaylor, ok, i was looking in main, found it in universe20:34
blairwhat has a package in universe get "promoted" (if that's the right word) to main?20:34
tumbleweedbdrung: the trivial solution: http://paste.debian.net/148644/20:35
blairboost1.46 has packages in main and universe, so a single source package can have it's binary packages in both locations?20:49
ajmitchyes, you can have source packages in main build packages for universe20:52
blairajmitch, thanks, looking through debian/, i don't see where that's set, is it set outside the package?20:56
ajmitchyeah, promotions to main are done on LP by archive admins, iirc20:57
blairany advice on working with a non-responsive debian maintainer?  i've submitted a patch to update the rbtools package to debian that i'm hoping will be synced to ubuntu for 12.0420:58
ScottKblair: After Debian Import Freeze, if it's not in Debian, feel free to ping me and I'll look at sponsoring it for Ubuntu.21:23
blairScottK, thanks, I appreciate it21:25
psusiI thought there was a line in the control file somewhere that specified the source format, but I can't find it now... what tells dpkg this is a 3.0 (quilt) package?21:36
ajmitchpsusi: a file named debian/source/format21:36
psusiI'm not seeing that anywhere...21:38
ajmitchfor which package?21:38
psusidoes that mean the packages I'm working on are older than that, even though they are using quilt?21:38
ajmitchyes, you can have a 1.0 package using quilt itself, rather than relying on dpkg to handle it21:38
psusihrm... I wonder if I should update it21:39
psusiok, next question... why does debuild thing this is a native package?21:39
ajmitchno matching orig.tar.gz for the version in debian/changelog?21:40
Ampelbeinpsusi: Because the version isnt written as upstream-XubuntuY?21:40
psusiohh, is it because I used -0ubuntu1?21:40
ajmitchpsusi: depends, what's the full version in debian/changelog & what's your tarball named?21:40
psusiwtf?  I had it finding it earlier... hrm..21:41
psusitarball is dmraid_1.0.0.rc16.3.orig.tar.bz2, changelog ver is 1.0.0.rc16.3-0ubuntu121:42
ajmitchright, tar.bz221:42
* ajmitch tries to remember if that's allowed with source format 1.021:42
psusiohh, crap... probably not21:43
ajmitchI had that problem last night21:43
ScottKIt's not.21:43
psusihrm.. wonder how hard it would be to convert this to 3.021:43
ajmitchprobably not very hard, but it'd be an additional delta from debian21:45
ajmitchthough dmraid is orphaned there21:45
ajmitchhi Laney21:45
ajmitchstill waiting on a ppa build I uploaded before I went to bed last night :)21:46
ajmitchthe build queue is growing, too21:46
Laneysome hardware was borrowed afaik21:46
ajmitchthere are a couple of kernel builds & a firefox daily build on i386 ppa builders at the moment21:47
ajmitchthey should be killed off :P21:47
psusioh, it is?  well that explains some things21:48
stgraberajmitch: link to your build?21:52
ajmitchstgraber: sorry?21:52
stgraberajmitch: if you give me the link to your build that's still pending, I can bump it a bit to go before all the daily build stuff21:53
ajmitchthanks, though it probably doesn't have too much longer to go21:53
ajmitchwith my luck I'll need to upload a fixed version once it fails21:53
stgraberajmitch: indeed, a small bump improved things quite a bit (down to a minute now)21:54
Laneytech board powah21:56
* ajmitch did have an offer before to have it rescored to -121:56
ajmitchthat's probably because I told him that it was php that I was building21:57
bdrungtumbleweed: solution for what?22:24
stgraberLaney: yeah :) I try not to abuse it too much, though when you want some work done and don't want to break the main archive, rescoring or asking someone to rescore is usually fine :)22:49
ajmitchstgraber: it is appreciated, anyway :)22:51
astraljavaAnyone have a clue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/764336/22:59
psusiso I came up with an interesting way to deal with quilt problems doing bzr merge-package... I did the merge, then passed the quilt patch to patch -R, replaced the quilt pristine files with the current files, then ran the quilt patch through patch again, then quilt could cleanly pop it23:03
ajmitchastraljava: a possible conflict between 1.42 & 1.46 there?23:03
ajmitchthough boost versions are meant to be parallel-installable afaik23:03
astraljavaajmitch: Yeah. And the weird part is that version dependency, which looks like being a perfect match.23:04
ajmitchastraljava: there's an explicit Conflicts: libboost1.42-dev  on libboost1.46-dev23:04
astraljavaajmitch: Right. But no 1.42 packages are installed.23:06
ajmitchbut you're trying to install one23:06
astraljavaajmitch: And it says libboost1.46-dev is not going to be installed, but I _could_ install it separately.23:06
astraljavaajmitch: Cr*p. So I am.23:06
astraljavaSorry for the noise.23:07
ajmitchno problem23:07
astraljavaYes, I see what the problem was. Blind c&p from the apt-cache search listing.23:08
ScottKThe runtime boost packages are co-installable, but the -dev ones aren't.23:08
ajmitchScottK: right, for some reason I thought they were installed into a versioned path23:09
Resistancequestion regarding backportpackage... its signing the changelog with user@computerhostname, rather than User <Email>.  How can I tell it to always use a specific name and a specific email address23:21
Resistancerather than using myUser@mySystem23:22
broderset DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL23:22
Resistancebroder:  env-vars?23:23
Resistance(as in, set via .bashrc or something?)23:24

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