
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel
ogra_hmpf, why does my manual omap4 armhf build fail with oem-config being out of sync10:53
ogra_bah, ftbfs on hf10:53
ogra_install: cannot create regular file `debian/ubiquity/usr/lib/ubiquity/flash-kernel/flash-kernel-installer': No such file or directory10:54
ogra_GRMBL !10:54
ogra_weird, f-k-i udeb should be there10:55
ogra_cjwatson, could it be that we miss an update of the integrated udeb stuff in ubiquity ?10:58
ogra_(to pick up armhf bits)10:58
ogra_hmm, no, should have happened11:00
* ogra_ scratches head ... the udeb is on ports.u.c, the last ubiquity upload claims to have it picked up but still it doesnt seem to be in the source11:02
cjwatsonogra_: that's fixed in bzr11:29
ogra_cjwatson, yes11:29
cjwatsonI'll do a quick upload now11:29
ogra_dont clash with infinity !11:29
cjwatsonoh, if he's doing it, fine11:30
cjwatsonyeah, I notice he fixed my broken symlinks :)11:30
ogra_well, he sounded like :)11:30
ogra_hmm, seems infinity didnt upload12:28
mvohi, I wonder if someone could review the release-upgrader-{apt,python-apt} in lucid-proposed, it would be nice to get it in there so that we can start with the lucid->precise auto-upgrade-testing properly (i.e. testing the multiarch transition on amd64)13:06
pittimvo: sure, doing an SRU run now14:10
pittimvo: hm, I don't see it in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=114:25
* mvo looks14:25
mvosubject: [ubuntu/lucid-proposed] release-upgrader-python-apt14:25
mvo        0.8.0ubuntu9+upgrader1 (New)14:25
mvosubject: [ubuntu/lucid-proposed] release-upgrader-apt14:25
mvo        0.8.16~exp5ubuntu13+upgrader1 (New)14:25
pittioh, new14:25
mvoits both source and binary new14:25
mvoas it needs to be co-installable14:25
pittimvo: my  main nitpick is that the version number is higher than the original one14:35
pittiit would be safer to do 0.8.16~exp5ubuntu13~upgrader114:36
pittifor lucid->precise that won't be a problem14:36
pittibut for lucid->maverick or lucid->oneiric it will14:36
pittimvo: for libapt-pkg4.11 and the other common package names14:36
pittimvo: will we get a conflicts:/replaces: in precise for the new release-upgrader-libapt-pkg-dev etc. packages to clean them up?14:37
mvopitti: indeed, I'm happy to fix the version number, good point14:42
mvopitti: the release-uprader-libapt-pkg-dev will never be installed directly its just used for building release-upgrader-python-apt so I have not actually considered adding a C/R there14:43
pittimvo: ok14:43
pittimvo: but we need one for release-upgrader-python-apt, I suppose14:43
ogra_sigh, finally ubiquity published14:43
* ogra_ tries another omap4 armhf build14:44
pittimvo: ok, I'll reject the two uploads; I'm happy with + -> ~, will accept those14:44
mvopitti: release-upgrader-python-apt> indeed, good point. I was actually planning to just use the normal release-upgrader cleanup handle this, but doing it at the packaging level is pretty nice14:46
pittimvo: ah, in cleanup sounds fine14:47
pittimvo: it's only r-u which will pull it in in the first place14:47
pittiso whatever is easier14:47
mvothanks a bunch for the review, I will fix the mentioned issues and re-upload14:48
pittimvo: issues? it's just the version number, right?14:50
mvomaybe issues is a bit strong of a word for that :)14:51
ogra_disasters ?14:53
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
elmo  workrave |    1.9.3-2 | natty/universe | source, amd64, armel, i386, powerpc15:19
elmo  workrave | 1.9.4-2~oneiric1 | oneiric-backports/universe | source, amd64, armel, i386, powerpc15:19
elmo  workrave |    1.9.4-3 | precise/universe | source, amd64, armel, i386, powerpc15:19
elmohow is that possible?15:19
elmoas in, why would it not be in oneiric at all?15:19
pittielmo: in oneiric it was uninstallable/unbuildable15:19
pittiso it got removed15:19
pittiit was ported to the gnome-panel-3 stuff too late for oneiric15:20
elmodo we not enable -backports by default yet?15:20
elmos/not //15:20
pittiI thought we do now, but with pinning so that you need to opt-in still15:21
pittimvo: ^ right?15:21
cjwatsonapt-setup (1:0.49ubuntu5) oneiric; urgency=low15:21
cjwatson  * Enable backports by default now that we have NotAutomatic enabled and15:21
cjwatson    working.15:22
cjwatson -- Iain Lane <laney@ubuntu.com>  Thu, 12 May 2011 08:39:39 +010015:22
cjwatsondunno about upgraded systems15:22
mvoyeah, I don't think the release-upgrader adds them, that sounds like a bug15:31
Laneyah, yes, I would expect it to be added on upgrades too16:09
elmois there some way to "reset" my sources.list to what it would be on a default install?16:20
elmo(short of finding a fresh install somewhere and copying it across)16:20
slangaseknone that I can think of16:32
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
stgraberinfinity: looks like I need to upload a new edubuntu-meta adding armhf? (just got a build failure)18:44
infinitystgraber: Almost certainly.  But check your germinate-created package lists and see if it's even near complete.  If not, not much point yet.18:48
infinitystgraber: (If there are any blockers, let me know, we're still unsnagging a lot of universe)18:48
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk

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