
=== l is now known as Guest77563
=== Guest77563 is now known as johny2222
BarbarianAnybody alive here?14:36
Barbariandude*watches tumbleweed roll by*16:29
stasBarbariandude, whats up16:47
Barbariandudeglad to see there's atleast one live person in the romanian lug :P16:47
stasthere are more, but care less16:48
Barbariandudefair enough16:48
Barbariandudecurrently in UK, and the lug here is gonna give me a ton of 12.04 CDs16:48
Barbariandudewhen it launches16:49
Barbariandudewanted to see how interest would be in the summer for a weekend of handing out ubuntu cds in parks in bucharest16:49
stasBarbariandude, well, actually we are an official loco16:50
stasso we get cds anyway16:50
Barbariandudewas less about the CDs and more about handing them out and trying to get a few more ubuntu users16:51
stastbh, im from cluj-napoca, transilvania, the bucharest mates are active enough, so the proposal with giving away free cd's compared to their install fests will look pretty poor :)16:51
BarbariandudeFair enough :D16:52
stasBarbariandude, http://lif.rosedu.org/16:52
stasBarbariandude, may I ask your name, looks a bit weird for somebody to come and ask stuff here I no one knows whos the dude16:52
BarbariandudeFirst time here, James16:53
stasnice to meet you16:53
Barbariandudesame here16:53
Barbariandudesry, wrong link first time16:54
stashow can i help you if not with the cds gig you were asking16:55
Barbariandudenothing in particular16:56
Barbariandudejust wanted to get to know the romanian lug groups, mainly16:57
stasaha, well i believe you already visited ubuntu.ro16:57
BarbariandudeHad a quick flick through it16:58
=== l is now known as johny2222
johny2222sal all17:12
johny2222e cineva aici?17:12

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