
smoserutlemming, here now.00:40
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josePhoenixHello all00:58
josePhoenixI just updated apport (which I assume is part of the default set of packages?) and the service was unable to start afterwards. Should I be worried?00:58
josePhoenixHmm. It looks like it's disabled now, but then shouldn't it not try to start the service at all? >.>01:00
SpamapSjosePhoenix: can you explain why you think it wsa unable to start?01:00
josePhoenixSpamapS: I just did apt-get upgrade and saw the following lines in the output:01:02
josePhoenix"Setting up apport (1.23-0ubuntu4) ..." "start: Job failed to start" "invoke-rc.d: initscript apport, action "start" failed.""01:02
josePhoenixWhen I tried 'service apport start', I got "start: Job failed to start"01:03
nonsensojosePhoenix: anything useful in syslog?01:07
josePhoenixIt looks like exactly this bug from April in terms of errors. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/76749801:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 767498 in apport "package apport 1.20.1-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Critical,Fix released]01:10
SpamapSjosePhoenix: so, do you have the fixed version?01:12
josePhoenixYup, 1.23-0ubuntu401:13
josePhoenixI'm going to try purging and reinstalling the package01:13
josePhoenixNope, still failed.01:14
josePhoenixHm. The latest version of the package seems to be installing a script broken in the same way described on that launchpad bug01:19
josePhoenixI removed /etc/init/apport.conf to be sure and reinstalled.01:20
zulsmoser: it does01:39
* zul is boggled01:39
smoserseems to work, yes.01:41
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blkperlso precise is trolling me, it installs on virtual machines but not on a dell precision 38003:25
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chrislabeard_What is the best web panel nowadays ?03:30
blkperlweb panel?03:30
chrislabeard_yeah for LAMP03:31
chrislabeard_or to manage a lamp server03:31
Resistancehow can i tell apt-get/aptitude to *not* upgrade a package using a backports PPA?03:35
SpamapSResistance: pinning03:37
ResistanceSpamapS:  how do i pin the php5-* packages then?03:37
* Resistance backported php from oneiric to natty, but doesnt want to update php on this particular server *unless* the update comes from the main repos (i.e. not the ppa)03:37
Resistanceother software exists in the ppa which needs to remain installed, so removing the PPA isnt an option03:38
SpamapShttp://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html  is pretty good03:38
SpamapSResistance: basically you would list it in /etc/apt/preferences03:38
SpamapSResistance: man apt_preferences03:38
Resistancewill aptitude honor the pin as well?03:41
* Resistance uses aptitude over apt-get03:41
SpamapSResistance: I don't, so I don't know.03:44
qman__I think a better solution in your case would be to install the package, then remove the PPA03:58
qman__if you don't want any updates from that PPA, it'll just keep your version because it's newer03:58
Resistancewell since its my own PPA of backports...03:59
Resistancebroder said use one PPA for staging, another for deployment03:59
qman__if you pin it it won't update at all, which works, but you then have to manually update again later03:59
Resistance(which would of course eliminate this issue altogether)03:59
Resistances/said/recommended to/03:59
qman__also a good plan04:00
Resistancewell this way i dont flood the deployment ppa with failed builds xD04:00
ParandI'm having trouble getting ubuntu-vm-builder to create a guest i can access. Is this the right place to ask for help?06:16
koolhead11hi all08:16
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koolhead11lynxman: around08:46
jamespagegood morning08:54
lynxmanmorning o/09:07
RGUYASDhail !10:01
RGUYASDwhat do i need for " make xconfig " to work ?10:01
ersiAFAIK you need Qt installed10:14
ersiA good question is why you're doing graphical installation on a server10:14
RGUYASDyeah how do i get it ?10:14
RGUYASDi'm using ubuntu10:14
RGUYASDUnable to find the QT4 tool qmake. Trying to use QT310:15
ersiapt-get install qt4-qmake perhaps10:15
RGUYASDi'm using ubuntu desktop not server but nobody bothered to answer my question in there10:15
ersiGreat goign10:15
ersiI'll go back to fiddling with our servers now10:16
RGUYASDok thanks for the help10:16
kaushalI am referring to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Managing10:48
kaushalI get "No console available for domain"10:49
kaushalAny clue please10:49
kaushalHow do i get into VM in linux KVM10:53
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kaushalbasically how do i get into the vm to edit network physical IP10:55
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alex88hi guys, actually libtiff-dev requires libjpeg6 but i wanted to installad libjpeg8 instead, how can i force the dipendence, maybe just set libjpeg6 as installed and install libjpeg8c from source11:55
caribouI have a question for the Ubuntu virtualization team :-)13:17
caribouor any member of that team13:17
drt24caribou: in general ask the question rather than asking to asks (I am not a member of that team though)13:33
cariboudrt24: I don't want to sound rude, but the last time I asked, it just got lost in the flow of the conversation13:33
caribouI'm dealing with a bug on vmbuilder that I'm able to reproduce13:33
caribouI 'heard' rumors that vmbuilder was being phased out13:34
caribouI wanted to check that before pushing the bug further13:34
drt24caribou: yes that tends to happen, sorry.13:35
cariboudrt24: oh, don't worry I do miss a lot of stuff too13:36
cariboudepends on the activity in the room13:36
sorencaribou: Noone's actively maintaining VMBuilder, no. It gets the odd bug fix, but that's it.13:47
caribousoren: ah, ok.13:47
caribousoren: the bug I'm working on involves file system corruption when using -raw devices13:48
caribousoren: I'll see if I can identify the portion of code involved13:48
sorenhallyn: The changelog says: "Fix default network autostart symlink disappearing on upgrade", but it's really quite the opposite. It re-appears even if you've removed it.13:48
caribousoren: what is the alternative to vmbuilder these days ?13:51
sorencaribou: IIRC, http://live.debian.net/13:53
caribousoren: thanks I'll give it a look13:54
sorenhallyn: Or am I confused?13:54
sorenhallyn: HAving the link reappear used to be the problem. Did that get fixed and now you're trying to fix a new problem that appeared?13:55
hallynsoren: historically, if you removed the symlink it would always reappear, bc the symlink shipped as a file part of the pkg14:00
sorenhallyn: Right.14:00
sorenhallyn: I thought that was what you were fixing, but I gather that has been addressed earlier?14:01
hallynthen i thought i fixed it, but i did it wrong, so that it disappeared for anyone upgrading from old version14:01
sorenI see, ok.14:01
hallyniow, it maintained the link if it exists,14:01
hallynbut as part of the upgrade, the file went away, so it never existed at postinst time14:01
hallynso for anyone who upgrades now from oneiric to precise, it should do the right thing.14:02
jason00should my system not re-generate the NICs if I delete 70-persistent-net.rules and reboot?14:02
sorenhallyn: When did this change land? (the one that solved the link constantly reappearling)14:02
sorenjason00: yes14:03
sorenjason00: Oh, wait.14:03
sorenjason00: No.14:03
jason00are you sure? I was... literally... positive it would.14:03
jason00did I whoopsie? :(14:03
sorenjason00: Sorry, yes :)14:03
jason00IM CONFUSED14:03
sorenjason00: No, I was just confused. I got the numbers mixed up.14:03
hallynsoren: i'm at the wrong laptop right now to check the changelog.  it was very recently though14:03
hallyni think last friday14:04
sorenhallyn: In precise?14:04
sorenhallyn: Or somewhere else as well?14:04
hallynyes - i'm SRUing it eventually14:04
sorenhallyn: Ok, let me think this through. My input yesterday was based on my (wrong) assumption that it was the originial problem you were adressing.14:04
jason00soren: I deleted the 70-persistent-net.rules file and rebooted hoping it would regenerate. It regenerated my onboard NIC, but not my PCI NIC. I did however just run sudo ifconfig eth0 up and I see it again...14:04
hallynbut so far only in precise14:04
jason00I wonder if I reboot now that it's up if it'll repopulate its entry in the 70 persistent file?14:04
hallynsoren: why, are you having trouble with the new package?14:05
sorenhallyn: Haven't tried it. It's just a slightly different problem, so I want to make sure my suggestions were sound.14:06
sorenhallyn: I hadn't realised you had already uploaded it, so I was reviewing the debdiff.14:06
hallynoh, i see14:07
hallynif you're upgrading from an old version, it'll detect that symlink is htere (or not), and recreate it when pkg deleted it;  if from newer version (i.e. henceforth) it'll just let it keep existing14:08
hallyn(and if upgrading from one of the last few, broken, versions, it recreates it)14:08
sorenhallyn: Instead of enumerating all the broken versions, you should use dpkg --compare-versions.14:09
sorenWell, not "broken", but ykwim.14:09
hallynthanks, that sounds nicer14:10
alex88hi guys, how can i reinstall a package with apt-get?14:10
hallyni'll look it up and change it - though i was sort of hoping it would be reasonable toremove that bit after awhile :)14:10
hallynapt-get install --reinstall pkg14:10
sorenhallyn: Actually, you can fold that into the first conditional ("if -z $2")14:10
sorenhallyn: So you'd replace "if -z $2" with..14:11
jason00wow. I'm super confused.14:11
jason00my other NIc entry is still not in 70 persistent net rules :(14:12
jason00can I just copy the first and swap the eth # and mac addr?14:12
sorenjason00: Sure.14:12
hallynsoren: yeah, sounds good.  (yesterday i just wanted to keep things split to think things through clearly :)14:12
jason00I'm baffled as to why its not coming back. maybe I need to delete the entire file now that I have the interface up.14:12
jason00har har har14:12
jason00that may be it...14:12
sorenhallyn: Sure, and that's fine. Feel free to keep it that way, if it helps you grok it going forward.14:13
sorenhallyn: As for when we can drop it: The first upload to precise+1.14:13
sorenhallyn: You can make a comment to that effect in the file itself.14:13
hallynsoren: and why exactly is that?  there's a rationale spelled out somewhere?14:14
sorenhallyn: Working on it :)14:14
sorenhallyn: We support upgrades from LTS to LTS.14:14
sorenhallyn: ...and we support upgades from the release immediately preceding the LTS to the LTS.14:15
sorenhallyn: ..and we sort of support upgrade from anywhere in the dev cycle to the final release.14:15
sorenhallyn: This problem only existed during the precise dev cycle.14:15
ogra_"sort of"14:15
sorenhallyn: Do you disagree?14:16
sorenhallyn: So the only situation where you cuold reasonably see this is when you're upgrading from mid-cycle precise to final precise.14:16
sorenhallyn: Hence, the first upload to precise+1 doesn't need to worry about it.14:16
hallynsoren: meaning that before upgrading to the LTS, you're supposed to do a dist-upgrade first?14:18
hallynif that is the case (as i recall reading) then that (removing it at first p+1 upload) does make sense14:18
sorenhallyn: Yes.14:19
jason00hmm, whats the command for rebooting dhcp service? I thought it was sudo service dhcp3 stop/start etc14:19
jason00unrecognized service14:20
patdk-wkmaybe your using dnsmasq?14:20
jason00no idea?14:20
jason00Its a pretty vanilla install14:20
patdk-wkhpow should I know\14:20
patdk-wkyou mean the dhcp client?14:20
jason00I'm setting this up as a server. I didn't do anything other than install ubuntu and fog + ltsp, which both use dhcp14:21
jason00I'm just not sure I can get them to play nice on the same box with 2 NICs14:21
zulgood morning14:22
hallynsoren: now the q is only whether I can remember that reasoning in a few months :)  (i'll write it down to add as comment to the src on next upload)14:24
hallynsoren: thanks14:24
sorenogra_: Do you disagree?14:25
sorenogra_: On the "sort of"?14:25
ogra_soren, well, no, but the sort of actually means that we dont really care in some cases for dev -> final updates14:25
ogra_(which we actually often dont do, often it is just release noted in the milestone wheer we fixed it)14:26
sorenogra_: Yeah. I would consider the bug valid..14:26
sorenogra_: ...but probably not worry a whole lot about fixing it.14:27
sorenogra_: hence "sort of" :)14:27
jason00seems as if 70 persistent net rules is being a brat14:27
sorenIt depends on teh bug, really.14:27
jason00only finds 1 of the devices, or 3, but only 2 exist14:27
jason00it wont find just two14:27
ogra_just release note it for alpha2 :)14:27
hallynogra_: which are you talking about right now?  my libvirt snafu, or something else?14:28
ogra_nothing specific ... just the statement that we support in-dev-release upgrades14:29
ogra_or dev to final14:29
ogra_we often dont, even though we try to14:29
ogra_and just release note the issue14:29
jason00now its not re-generating 70 persistent net rules14:37
pmatulisjason00: you erased the file?14:40
pmatulisjason00: it used to be re-generated on older releases, what are you running?14:41
jason0011.10. it regenerated fine about 2 or 3 times. I kept deleting it because each time it populated, it populated the wrong mac addresses. It was rather baffling. Now all of the sudden, it wont regenerate.14:41
jason00to make things worse, I hit "shut down" instead of restart accidentally. once I hit the power button to turn my server back on, it wouldnt turn on.14:42
pmatulisjason00: hm, i wouldn't expect it to re-gen on 11.10, maybe that funct. was restored14:42
jason00if it doesnt regenerate, what other option is there pmatulis ?14:43
pmatulisjason00: copy from another system?14:43
jason00thats really the answer?14:43
jason00hello we removed functionality so plz install another instance to copy it over14:43
pmatulisjason00: dunno if that's the only answer14:43
sorenjason00: What do you mean "the wrong mac address2?14:44
pmatulisjason00: you don't have network so hard to use apt14:44
jason00soren: the one time I booted up, it populated 3 network cards. 2 of them were incorrect in terms of their mac address.14:44
jason00the 3rd one was fine14:44
sorenjason00: How are they "incorrect"?14:45
jason00I just want the system to, A, power on since it wont turn on all of the sudden, and B, put in the 2 proper NICs I want to use in the system14:45
jason00their mac address14:45
jason00is completely incorrect14:45
sorenjason00: Did it just make up random macs?14:45
jason00I thought you asked if I made them up14:45
sorenWhat are these NIC's?14:45
jason00I'd tell ya if my system didnt shut off and not turn back on...14:45
jason00one is atheros...14:46
jason00the other I'm not sure. a 3com of some sort.14:46
sorenDo you have the macs?14:46
sorenCan I see them, please?14:46
jason00I'd tell ya if my system didnt shut off and not turn back on...14:46
jason00it didnt match what ifconfig was reporting14:47
jason00omg it lives.14:48
sorenjason00: It'll pass.14:48
jason00k, back up and running. still no persistent file.14:56
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
uvirtbotNew bug: #901710 in nova (main) "[SRU] Meta SRU for openstack updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90171015:33
smoserso i insatlled obbler on oneiric (orchestra-server)15:39
smoserturned on a system that pxe booted from it.15:39
smoseri supposed i would get the option to "cobbler-enlist"15:39
RoAkSoAxsmoser: nope15:54
RoAkSoAxsmoser: the cobbler-enlist feature is not on a mini iso15:54
smoserso how would i cobbler-enlist?15:54
smoserthe menu i spoke of is the pxe menu15:55
smoser(not the iso menu)15:55
RoAkSoAxsmoser: plug in your ubuntu server iso and there would be a menu to cobbler enlist (this is before having a system in cobbler)15:55
RoAkSoAxsmoser: well cobbler-enlist is the ISO menu15:55
RoAkSoAxsmoser: in precise we will have a pxe menu with cobbler enlist15:55
smoserah. ok.15:56
zulSpamapS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nova/+bug/90171016:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 901710 in nova "[SRU] Meta SRU for openstack updates" [Undecided,New]16:17
smoserRoAkSoAx, ping again16:19
RoAkSoAxsmoser: shoot16:19
smoserwhat would be the easiest way for me to pulug in a "run this script in-target" late command.16:19
smoserit seems  like a general snippit for that would be nice.16:20
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yeah I think a snippet would be best too16:20
RoAkSoAxsmoser: but use a ksarg variable to fill the command for that snippet16:20
semiosisanyone here using OpenJDK 7 on Oneiric?  after installing on a new machine, of the 41 executables installed by java, 13 point to Java6 (including the 'java' command) and 28 point to Java7 (including the 'javac' command)... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-7/+bug/90175816:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 901758 in openjdk-7 "Mixed Java command versions after installing openjdk-7-jdk" [Undecided,New]16:27
zulsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/763912/16:32
zul^^^ review please :)16:34
uvirtbotzul: Error: "^^" is not a valid command.16:34
smosersuo sucks16:36
SpamapSzul: ok thanks16:37
smoserthe only comment i have is that you might as well do:16:37
smoser+exec su -s /bin/sh -c "exec glance-registry" glance16:38
smoseras otherwise, i think you have:16:38
smoser su waiting for sh, sh waiting for glance-registry16:38
smoserthis will change that to16:38
smoser su waiting for glance-registry16:38
zulsmoser: k thanks16:38
smoserbut test16:39
rbasakRoAkSoAx: ping16:58
rbasakRoAkSoAx: https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/issues/8 - will this affect precise? I get the impression this was a regression with the csrf protection, looking at it in case oneiric-security causes a regression16:58
rbasakI can't figure out how to reproduce it from the instructions given16:59
RoAkSoAxrbasak: I just tested it on precise's cobbler and it doesn't seem to be affected17:01
rbasakRoAkSoAx: OK, thanks. I'll go ahead with the backport without the fix17:01
RoAkSoAxrbasak: but the bug report is for cobbler 2.3.1-1 while in precise we currently have cobbler-2.2.217:02
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
ogra_smoser, Daviey, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-December/255178.html ... is there any place i could point that guy from the ubuntu-users ML to ?17:16
rbasakRoAkSoAx: please could you review lp:~racb/ubuntu/oneiric/cobbler/security_201112 - it's a bundle of all the security updates for oneiric, including the csrf bug17:17
* zul lunches17:17
smoseris this openstack, ogra_ ? there is a large amount of missing information there.17:18
RoAkSoAxrbasak: will addd it to my todo for today ;)17:18
rbasakthanks :)17:18
ogra_smoser, thats why i ask here, do you guys have an EC2 support ML or some such ?17:18
ogra_seems unlikely that he will get the right info (or be asked for the right logs etc) on the ubuntu-users ML17:19
smoseri dont think that is ec217:20
smoserbut there is an ubuntu-cloud mailing list17:20
smoserwhich would be more relevant.17:20
ogra_thanks, i'll point him there17:20
smoserthanks ogra_17:21
jamespageis it possible to configure multiple network interfaces through preseeding?18:01
koolhead17hi all18:07
tashhi, trying install Ubuntu server 10.04 on a system that already had a version of Red Hat installed with LVM. During install, it cannot partition the drive b/c an LVM exists. It says I have to remove that first.  I don't know how, can someone help?18:08
blkperltash: i think you want vgremove and pvremove18:11
tashcan I run that from the installer though? Or do I have to boot to the hard disk?18:11
blkperlif the installer has a shell and lvm commands yes18:12
hallyndrat.  i've managed to make sudo not setuid-root.18:12
hallynyay, found an open root shell18:13
smoserRoAkSoAx, http://pad.daviey.com/smoser-cobbler-late-command is what i came up with.18:21
smoserlooks reasonably usable. other than needing to add a snppiit file.18:21
tashblkperl: do you know which to use first? vgremove pvremove18:28
tashthat order?18:28
zulsmoser: you might want to change the password while you are there as well18:28
patdk-wkvgchange first :)18:28
patdk-wkto deactivate it18:29
tashpatdk-wk: vgchange <drive> or just vgchange?18:30
patdk-wkvgchange -a n volgroup18:31
patdk-wkbasically, unmount it first, before you mess with it :)18:32
tashthis would be easier if I was not remote ... I don't have a way of connecting remotely and have to walk someone through it18:33
tashso, to find the volgroup, will 'mount' tell me that?18:33
tashhmm, vgdisplay may do the trick to show me that, no?18:35
robo_what is the expected behavior if i bring up a network interface using an IP address already in use?18:50
robo_i did that by accident last night and i don't see anything in the error log and it let me do it18:51
RoAkSoAxsmoser: cool, I'll look inot it further.. though I also wanna separate the late command template into a common place to be re-used18:52
RoAkSoAxinstead of manually adding it to each .py file we create18:52
smoserthat makes sense.18:52
smoserwhich woudl then make *that* thing able to use python dirctly.18:52
smoseri also thought of having just by default running scripts in run-parts order from /var/lib/cobbler/late_command.d18:53
smoseror something18:53
smoserearly_command.d would also be possible18:53
RoAkSoAxyeah that'd also be like a good idea18:53
smoserthen all i have to do is put stuff in that directory rather than modifying18:53
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yeah18:54
zulRoAkSoAx: have you thought of moving redhat snippets and ubuntu snippets in their own directories?18:55
RoAkSoAxzul: what I was thinking is just to be: ubuntu_abc_xyz, ubuntu_123_456 and so on18:56
RoAkSoAxzul: but organizing into files sounds like a good idea18:56
RoAkSoAxerr into directories*18:57
RoAkSoAxzul: so snippets/ubuntu/orchestra/ too then18:58
smoserRoAkSoAx, i thought i read that there is some provision for using distro specifcik kickstart scripts...18:58
RoAkSoAxsmoser: https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/KickstartSnippets18:59
RoAkSoAxunder "Advance Snippets"19:00
smoserutlemming, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/90182619:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 901826 in ubuntu "cloud image tarballs have -generic kernel" [High,Confirmed]19:03
smoserRoAkSoAx, right. thats what i read.19:03
* utlemming looks19:04
incorrectis there another kernel i should use for kvm other than -server?19:05
smoserincorrect, you *can* use -virtual19:05
smoserbut it may not have everything you want.19:05
smoserits just smaller, less modules and drivers19:06
incorrectjust wondered if there was one that would be better suited19:06
utlemmingsmoser: I'll have a code review shortly for you on that19:07
utlemmingsmoser: that's a one line fix19:11
orudiehow can I update phpmyadmin if i installed it with apt-get ?19:12
pmatulisorudie: what version do you have now and what release of 'buntu are you using?19:23
ajmitchSpamapS: fwiw, I've got a php 5.4.0 rc2 package in progress, waiting on the PPA buildds to tell me how it goes. I based it off the beta2 package in experimental19:38
RoyKorudie: uninstall phpmyadmin and reinstall it from source - see #phpmyadmin for details :รพ19:46
utlemmingsmoser: fix submitted for merge approval19:50
hallynahs3: have you had a chance to look at the netcf updates?20:36
ahs3hallyn: sigh.  not yet :(.  day job has been getting in the way.  do you have deadline you want to meet?20:37
hallynahs3: not particularly, it just occurred to me as i was considering doing the MIR.  Though I do think the libnl switch will make the difference in debian's libvirt being able to link against it.20:38
hallynto be clear: ic an't upload to it myself, right?20:38
ahs3hallyn: ah, good to know.  no, you need to be a DM or DD so that you're in the keyring.20:39
ahs3i'm hoping to get to it tomorrow...but none of this week has gone as planned :)20:40
hallynahs3: i know how it goes :)   thanks much20:40
ahs3hallyn: np.  sorry for the delays20:42
hallynDaviey: played with netcf on new precise install, working fine.20:44
raubvogelAnyone doing syncrepl proxy in ldap?21:16
baffleraubvogel: Syncrepl proxy? We use olcSyncProvConfig ..21:18
baffleraubvogel: syncprov I mean.21:19
raubvogelbaffle: I want to do this: http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/replication.html#Syncrepl%20Proxy and am not getting the ldap proxy part of the show21:20
raubvogelReason is I want the master/provider to push the data to the replicas since master is behind nat21:20
kaje1I'm getting an error trying to start a VM on my Ubuntu 10.04 server. "Error starting domain: could not remove profile for 'libvirt-672b346a-65d4-41be-96f9-a83ef556efb2'"21:22
kaje1I think it started after a recent upgrade to some libvirt packages...21:23
kaje1Anyone else experiencing this?21:23
kaje1Any suggestions?21:23
tashsighs, I lost my notes on partitioning a drive for ext4 manually21:31
baffleraubvogel: Oh, that's not like our setup.21:31
baffleraubvogel: I think we do master master master replication. :)21:32
raubvogelbaffle: what I had before was a garden-variety delta syncrepl. And It made sense to me. But I have not wrapped my mind int he syncreply proxy thingie.21:33
smoserRoAkSoAx, have you ever seen this?21:35
smoseri did a precise install from cobbler/orhestra21:36
smoserit got through, disabled netboot, and then it boots, i see a flicker of the selection screen, then "press a key to reboot"21:36
smoseras if its not falling back to the disk21:36
smoserif i select the disk to boot from rather than network, all is well (ie, the disk *does* boot fine).21:36
hallynahs3: Daviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/764276/  libvirt hookup to netcf was as trivial as you'd hope21:37
ahs3hallyn: very sweet.  well done :)21:41
hallynahs3: had to make sure that would work before doing the MIR :)21:41
hallyncause otherwise wouldn't i feel the fool21:41
ahs3sheesh.  details, man21:42
hallynahs3: say, now, if i ITP another package, does it ever happen that people jsut happen by willing to sponsor it, or does one always need to basically ping someone directly?21:42
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bafflehallyn: Oh, netcf + libvirt in Ubuntu? Been waiting for that for a while. :)21:43
hallynbaffle: good to hear :)  but netcf won't be built into libvirt until it's in main21:43
ahs3hallyn: it can always go in the mentors queue.  someone may get interested and sponsor it, or you may get impatient and poke someone21:44
hallynahs3: ok, thx.  i'l lworry about that after MIRs21:44
RoAkSoAxsmoser: hardware or VM?21:53
RoAkSoAxsmoser: is this with latest cobbler?21:53
RoAkSoAxsmoser: if it is a VM, it might be becaus eof the recent change to the PXE file. so in /var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/01-<mac-address> change KERNEL chain.c32 to LOCALBOOT -122:07
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kaushalis there a step by step guide to configure syslog-ng on Ubuntu Server 10.04 and point all clients to this Syslog-Ng server ?23:01
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jmedinakaushal: why dont you follow the official documentation form syslog-ng?23:06
* jmedina prefers rsyslog23:06
kaushaljmedina: ok23:16
kaushalHow is rsyslog advantages over syslog23:16
jmedinasyslog is not maintained....23:16
jmedinarsyslog is the new default syslog daemon in  ubuntu...23:17
jmedinalet me give you the link to a canonical document about centralized syslog setup23:17
kaushalhow do i configure client to rsyslog ?23:18
jmedinaand the comparison: http://rsyslog.com/doc/rsyslog_ng_comparison.html23:19
jmedinaI use rsyslog as client and server, on the client side I use MySQL as log store, and then I use LogAnalyzer for search and analisis23:23
jmedinaright now Im generating some reports for a customer23:23
jmedinaLogAnalyzer it is a web interface, and it is free23:23
jmedinaI mean on the server side..23:23
kaushaljmedina: Thanks a lot23:36
jmedinayou are welcome :)23:37
hazmatkees, out of curiosity which ec2 region where you using juju in?23:37
jmedinaI hope I can publish my document before this year :)23:37

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