
Wolfgergreg-g: So you don't want me there. Fine. I can take a hint. :-)12:58
brouschalthough i'm dealing with an asshat windows software vendor that wants me to turn off UAC, open my network shares to admin accounts, and run his program as administrator12:59
Wolfgerbrousch: what did you expect from a Windows software vendor?13:02
brouschi have no other programs that require this13:02
brouschso, i expected him to fix this kind of thing since vista's been out for 5 years13:02
WolfgerEverybody knows that everybody runs Windows with admin privileges at all times...13:02
brouschWolfger: hah, i'll bet they don't even give you power user13:03
brouschyour corporate overlords13:03
brouschi've been here 11 years and i can count the viruses we've had on one woodshop-teacher's hand. there's a reason we don't run as admin13:04
WolfgerI get two accounts. One is capable of running apps, the other has not-quite-admin rights to install things.13:10
Wolfgerthe app-running account can't even change the IP address of the NIC13:11
Wolfgerwhich is a real pain for my job at times13:11
Wolfgersad news http://www.freep.com/article/20111208/NEWS07/112080607/Detroit-native-Harry-Morgan-starred-M-S-H-Dragnet-13:22
snap-lWolfger: Yeah, that was all over the net yesterday.13:26
jrwrenanyone excited about Mark S. today?14:39
jrwrenI didn't register to watch because I try not to use Flash. Now I"m thinking I want to watch anyway, becuase juju sounds too cool14:39
jrwreni guess everyone is too busy watching to chat.15:10
jrwreni tuned in.15:10
mydogsname1srudymorning to ya15:15
snap-lGood morning15:21
snap-lHaven't drunk the juju kool-aid yet.15:21
Wolfgerit's not kool-aid, it's bees15:22
brouschi haven't eaten the jujubees yet15:22
brouschi wonder if they could be infused with alcohol like gummy bears15:23
snap-lI'm just grateful that food science is working hard to make things that are insanely bad for us15:24
mydogsname1srudyjust go to mICKYdE FOR that15:24
brouschwow, that is a stretch15:25
Wolfgerwhat's a stretch? Calling Micky D's "food science"?15:30
mydogsname1srudyits not real food.15:31
WolfgerI don't know if they invented "meat glue", but they sure made it popular with McNuggets. And now celebrity chefs use it to make fancy dishes.15:31
mydogsname1srudyhmmm not to sure i like this new gnome desktop15:35
_stink_what is 'real food'?15:35
mydogsname1srudysteak and eggs15:36
_stink_oh ok15:36
mydogsname1srudyfry taters and inions15:36
mydogsname1srudyand beer15:36
_stink_sounds like you really like breakfast food15:36
mydogsname1srudyi do15:36
Wolfgerbeer for breakfast: ++15:36
mydogsname1srudyis it lunch time yet15:37
mydogsname1srudyok i want my sceensaver back15:37
snap-lmydogsname1srudy: Good luck with that.15:46
brouschyou don't need a screensaver15:47
WolfgerHah! American boy sends message in a bottle out to sea, gets response via e-mail. http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/12/06/ny-boy-sends-message-in-a-bottle-gets-reply-from-azores/15:47
Wolfgerbrousch: everybody needs a screensaver15:48
brouschno, if you needed a screensaver they'd have given you one15:48
brouschso obviously you don't15:48
Wolfgerthat is the one feature I kept asking for in Digikam... the ability to create a screensaver on digikam tags15:48
Wolfgerbrousch: "they" who? I have a screensaver. "They" gave it to me.15:49
brouschthe gnomes15:51
WolfgerThat would be one (of many) reasons I don't deal with gnomes15:52
Wolfger"Ask Slashdot: Is Your Data Safe In the Cloud?"  ....  I'm not even going to click on that link. I'm too busy laughing.16:09
greg-gWolfger: :P (re not wanting you here)16:30
mydogsname1srudynow i cant see my pictures flash by my eyes16:33
mydogsname1srudywill that work on 12.04 snap-l16:34
rick_h_bah, irc hung for an hour and I thought it was just low traffic16:34
snap-lmydogsname1srudy: I'm not sure. I don't see any reason it shouldn't but I don't know for certain16:34
rick_h_now I'm all behind16:34
snap-lrick_h_: Hah16:34
mydogsname1srudyfirefox would not install the flash plugin had to go in terminal and install ..16:36
rick_h_mydogsname1srudy: yea, that's normal16:36
rick_h_firefox doesn't know enough to really do the install like on other systems16:36
mydogsname1srudyi guess16:36
snap-lOn Windows, it's the .exe that handles the dirty work16:37
snap-lUnder Ubuntu, the install-flashplugin package should do the dirty work (iirc)16:37
snap-lWolfger: Just stop. :)16:47
snap-lbrousch: nice!16:48
brouschi feel like i'm in a music video with that filter16:48
dzhohttp://www.gnu.org/philosophy/stallman-kth.html <- Wolfger, that first link reminds me of this ;)  'They always say: “How will I eat?”, but the problem is not really how “Will he eat?”, but “How will he eat sushi?”.'16:52
dzhooh, damb.  that doesn't even show up in the top ten Google hits for "infinite sandwich"16:54
Wolfgersnap-l: felt compelled to comment on the "reliable as cars" post.... Software is 100% reliable. Whatever you program the computer to do, it will do, every time. That's the definition of reliable, isn't it?17:09
dzho"look who bought the myth"17:11
* dzho challenges Wolfger to a Game of Life17:13
snap-l Well, that's a stupid assertion17:25
snap-lthings age. Cars break down over time because of wear17:26
snap-lcomputers break down because of moving parts outside of their control17:26
snap-lsoftware breaks because of moving parts outside of their control17:26
snap-lAlso, I'm tired of software being compared to cars.17:27
snap-lIt's a stupid analogy, and it needs to stop17:27
WolfgerEverything that breaks down is hardware. :-p17:31
Wolfgersoftware can be rewritten, but it doesn't wear out.17:31
WolfgerBut yeah, the analogy needs to die. The Microsoft Car was funny, once, when Win95 was the gold standard (it hurt my brain to type that...)17:32
dzhosoftware these days is only deterministic in a very limited sense.17:34
dzhoand, it is very rare for one person to program all the code that a computer will run.17:35
* dzho is thinking this might apply to some embedded systems, perhaps.17:35
dzhosnap-l, Wolfger one is hard pressed to try to get some sort of understanding from non tech people though17:36
dzhoand it's not like we can just ignore them, these days.17:37
dzhofor one, some of them vote.17:37
dzhothen again, I suppose the car analogy might have a deeper emotional resonance for bits of -us-mi than I otherwise would appreciate?17:39
greg-grick_h_: do you know who has access to the coffeehousecoders twitter account? I ask so I can ask my second question (really my first) which is: Why don't you announce CHC via that channel also?18:01
rick_h_greg-g: no, I'm not sure who has access. I'd have to check with someone in the irc channel and ask around18:02
greg-grick_h_: cool, just curious18:02
rick_h_greg-g: and since I don't know, I don't post. It is aggregated on the main site via the hash tag usually, but yea, it's not cool/official18:02
* greg-g nods18:03
snap-lgreg-g: FYI: I have your MUG invoice for 201218:04
snap-lLMK if you want it. :)18:04
greg-gsnap-l: :P18:05
snap-lWell, you never know. ;-)18:05
greg-gI'm already having a tough time figuring out who gets my donations this year18:05
snap-lYeah, no worries18:06
snap-lI figure with greg-g++, it's probably going to get a little tigher around the wallet-line18:08
greg-gsnap-l: a tad, yeah :)18:08
_stink_heh, greg-g++18:33
ColonelPanic001in reference to what?18:34
Wolfgerthat is apparently snap-l's nickname for the child process of greg-g18:36
brouschmaybe it runs on an inferior cloud platform18:40
snap-lJust got this in the mail18:59
brouschapple keyboard in the photo. EXTERMINATE18:59
WolfgerSomebody sent me an Onion News video about the new Apple keyboardless laptop last night...19:04
Wolfger...I thought to myself, "That's really not funny at all. It exists, and it's called an iPad"19:04
greg-gsnap-l: awesome19:10
snap-lgreg-g: Yah, and they used Dewey in their library. :)19:13
snap-lNoticed the sticker on the spine, and then noticed the sticker on the back cover.19:13
snap-land thought to myself $6 for something from DEC's library is more than awesome.19:13
greg-goh, you bought it?19:14
snap-lYeah, on Amazon19:14
snap-lCover is a little worse for wear, but knowing that folks at DEC pawed on it has a certain sense of history.19:15
brouschthey dna is on your fingers now19:18
brouschlick your fingers and you will gain their powers19:22
greg-gmmmmm DEC juice19:22
snap-lSo I'll make great tech that fails in the marketplace because of stupid licensing and pricing decisions?19:28
snap-lOh well, I guess it's a start.19:29
WolfgerWould you rather make great tech that fails in the marketplace, or shoddy tech that succeeds?19:32
Wolfger(assuming you can't do both)19:32
snap-lWell, Microsoft has made quite a fortune making the latter. ;)19:32
brouschso is money or quality more important to you?19:37
snap-lquality is more important than money19:42
brouschobviously. otherwise you'd be in #fapple19:43
snap-ljcastro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opFXNDbxzvU19:48
snap-lApparently the Death Magnetic sessions had some good songs19:49
snap-lNot sure why they decided to hold this back19:50
snap-ljcastro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1mRQXRsQao19:51
brouschimpossible. metallica has not had any good songs since 199119:52
snap-lSeriously, WTF.19:52
snap-lThe lyrics are a bit daft, but this is pretty decent19:53
brouschhetfield needs to get back on the drugs19:56
snap-lI'll never recommend a band go back on drugs just for my entertainment19:58
snap-lbut, all the same, it sounds a hell of a lot better than what they pinched off for Death Magnetic.19:58
snap-lI <3 making a Makefile for my exit document (used RST)20:19
greg-gexit document?20:20
snap-lOh, yeah, I haven't mentioned that, have I20:20
snap-lI'm leaving ALU, heading to Morpace20:20
snap-lTaking over for some guy named rick_h_20:21
greg-gisn't that...20:21
greg-gyeah, cool20:21
snap-lYeah, this is an improvement20:21
snap-lat least I'll have some direction20:21
greg-gawesome, congrats some more then :)20:21
snap-lLooking forward to it20:22
greg-gso, when do you think you'll apply for a job with Launchpad?20:22
brouschthat's great news!20:22
rick_h_we'll make a python dev of him yet :P20:22
snap-lshhhh, that's the second phase.20:22
snap-lStep 1: Become awesome like rick_h_20:22
snap-lStep 2: ...20:22
rick_h_I don't know, I'm nervous. Last time I recruited from in channel to replace me it went badly20:22
snap-lStep 3: Canonical20:22
brouschi thought ColonelPanic001 was recruited that way20:23
rick_h_brousch: yes20:23
rick_h_and widox20:23
snap-lrick_h_: Don't worry. I won't blame you if it goes pear-shaped.20:23
rick_h_though I guess everyone made out ok in the end20:23
snap-lI have that luck as well, where when I leave somewhere, everything goes pear-shaped20:23
ColonelPanic001oh, yeah. I was. See? Bad method.20:24
snap-leither I'm the glue that keeps things together, or I'm the catalyst.20:24
snap-lnot entirely sure.20:24
brouschyou're irreplacable20:25
rick_h_I always think that at my places, but I keep getting replaced and they move on20:26
rick_h_my big head is getting crushed20:26
snap-lrick_h_: Heh20:26
widoxsnap-l: congrats man!20:27
greg-gwell, right after I left my old job, they got sued, so, I'm feeling OK about that :)20:27
snap-lI guess you'll have made it when you make it in the quarterly report they file with the SEC20:27
widoxalso, watch out for remanants of rick_h_ path! :p20:27
snap-lwidox: Heh, should be all good20:27
snap-lPLanning on learning at the proverbial feet of the master20:28
snap-lbut if I start running Arch and Awesome, someone fetch me a straight-jacket.20:28
widoxat least we can keep hearing stories about the NC guy...20:28
snap-lhah, yeah20:29
rick_h_widox: I know right? CHC is going to be awkward "So...I saw that crap you did Rick, and I had to debug and fix that crazy a$$ @#$#@"20:29
widoxthey make me feel like a better developer :D20:29
snap-lI might need rick_h_'s coordinates.20:29
snap-lcoordinates for the nukes he was going to unleash at NC.20:29
rick_h_I was going to say, you planning adjusting hte aiming points a bit NW?20:29
snap-lHeh, no.20:30
snap-lI know you did your best.20:30
brouschrick_h_'s stuff is all automated. it should be easy to jump in!20:33
snap-lmake work20:33
rick_h_brousch: ummm, yea...that's it20:33
snap-lmake: *** No rule to make target `work'.  Stop.20:33
rick_h_hah, no, it's all fabric20:33
rick_h_fab -l20:33
snap-lOh, fuck20:33
rick_h_fab prod deploy_fixes20:33
rick_h_so make sure you remember that command, you'll need it I'm sure :)20:34
* snap-l cancels his drug test20:34
snap-lFull stop. No fabric. ;)20:34
rick_h_but but but...fabric is cool, I'm a committer :)20:35
brouschsnap-l: move all of the pyramid stuff to django20:38
BlazeixI hear ASP.NET is the Way Forward.20:38
snap-lBlazeix: I thought we'd convert everything to J2EE, personally20:42
snap-lit's more enterprisey20:43
snap-lEven says "Enterprise"20:43
brouschthen you can dump vim and move to eclipse too!20:43
snap-lIt's a win win win win win20:44
Blazeixif you use J2EE, you can integrate directly with ColdFusion. There's really no reason not too.20:45
snap-lGod, it just gets better and better20:45
snap-lNext you'll tell me that I can use JBoss OR Tomcat20:46
snap-lOr even WebSphere.20:46
brouschGoogle Nexus released in Canada. We get to wait. http://goo.gl/Y3UEY21:00
brouschwow, my gmail tab in chrome is using 500MB of RAM by itself21:01
snap-lWhat the fuck. Apparently there was another shooting at VaTech21:02
_stink_been following that21:04
snap-lSent my roles / responsibilities to my current boss21:33
_stink_any easter eggs?21:34
snap-lhe told me to keep going on the list. I told him "That's pretty much it".21:34
snap-lOf course. :)21:34
brouschsnap-l: when are you outtie?21:34
snap-lNot entirely sure, but I startie next year.21:34
snap-lEclipse / JAX-WS / Axis2 / Tomcat / Java - For reviewing documentation and running example code21:35
snap-lInstructions included. Batteries not included.21:35
snap-lbrousch: Yeah, fun stuff21:46
brouschnow you'll be a python dev! that is very exciting21:47
snap-lAt least it's not Java. :)21:47
ColonelPanic001snap-l got a new job? Congrats21:52
snap-lColonelPanic001: Thanks!21:52
ColonelPanic001anywhere I've heard of?21:52
snap-lHeard of Morpace?21:53
ColonelPanic001isn't that where Rick is?21:53
ColonelPanic001ah, right21:53
ColonelPanic001are you a new Rick?21:53
snap-lRick in training21:54
ColonelPanic001I've been a rick in training, it's not too bad21:54
snap-lDoing a pre-flight of a holiday OMC21:57
greg-gsnap-l: you should check out the somaFM christmas stations, there's surpisingly some good stuff on there21:57
ColonelPanic001I kind of want to get a car radio that takes USB so I can listen to podcasts/music in the car. OMC was one of them21:57
snap-lgreg-g: You'll understand when you hear the intro to this episode why I might not heed those words. :)21:58
greg-goh man, did I just get slammed?21:59
snap-lNo, not really21:59
snap-lOK, quick poll: When should I release this episode? Tomorrow, or Next Friday?22:00

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