
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
andurilso disappointed this storm was a bust :(02:27
Sadinanduril i hear ya02:29
andurilah well atleast gettin some snow now even if it wont amount to anything02:59
andurilstorm moved way faster than expected. Hell, wasnt even really supposed to start SNOWING till now and last till early am hours03:00
Sadinim between reading and phily anduril and its still pouring03:10
andurilyea this storm took a long time to turn over. even when we were below the temps that we should have seen flakes it didnt happen03:13
andurilso something in the upper atmosphere warmed. somehow03:13
Sadinstupid earth being morelike venus every year03:19
andurilexcept not03:20
anduriljust ask alaska how that whole warming thing is going03:20
andurilall we can honestly, and legitemately say at this point is that the system (the planet) is showing more instability than our records normally show. plus or minus in many areas. overall pattern is +warming but it doesnt fit the "expected" models for it either. Nor do we know the causses definitevely just that its happening and we _might_ have an effect.03:23
Sadinanduril ikik03:26
Sadinim just jokin around03:27
andurilsorry. my general response to global warming like talk :-p03:29
Sadinyeah i dont think it exists03:29
anduriloh the earth is warming. thats pretty much proven at this point. its just a matter of why, how much, and for how long03:31
andurilhttp://perkele.cc/images/screenshots/boom/boom-1.png alright there was an open source music player that used to exist that had a really simple capability. basically play like one album at a time looked like that. muine? cant remember what it was but I know it mostly died off. any thoughts?03:36
Sadini dunno03:37
Sadini really dont if it runs on windows03:37
Sadini use archlinux and crunchbang03:37
andurilhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muine haha I was right muine03:37
andurilI actually really liked muine was great for just playing a simple song or album without the bloat of the full suites03:38
Sadinshit school tomorrow gtg night everyone03:41
InHisName1Good Morning folks !08:25
rmg51morning JonathanD10:37
JonathanDwhats up?10:41
rmg51I wasn't sure if that was going to happen on time today10:43
rmg51thank you Comcast :-/10:54
JonathanDwecomle back10:54
rmg51you would think after the power went out I wouldn't have to rest the router this soon11:05
JonathanDI have an odd problem11:06
JonathanDTheres this site called "kiva" that does loans to folks in developing nations.11:07
JonathanDSomeone signed up, and did a loan, of a significant amount, but used the wrong email address. They used mine.11:08
JonathanDSo now I get updates about it. And presumably they don't.11:08
JonathanDSo they have this substantial balance they probably don't even know about now, some months later.11:08
JonathanDI contacted kiva about it, and they didn't really do anything about it.11:09
JonathanDSo thats about it.11:13
rmg51you want some of my odd emails11:20
rmg51match.com thinks I live in Utah11:20
rmg51I also seem to have bought a car in Florida11:21
JonathanDI'd like to find this person and tell them they have all this money waiting for them :P11:22
rmg51and a newspaper in Texas wants me to take out adds11:22
JonathanDyou should.11:22
rmg51seems Comcast doesn't do a good job with email address'11:23
JonathanDwhat bugged me was kiva said they couldn't contact them, and then wouldn't remove my email from the account as accounts NEED an email address.11:26
JonathanDI could presumably go in there any time and withdraw the funds myself :P11:26
rmg51only if you don't need a password11:28
JonathanDrmg51: password reset mail would also come to me.11:28
rmg51I've unsubscribed to emails meant for someone else :-D11:30
JonathanDDoesn't let me.11:30
JonathanDwell, not without getting the password and doing it that way.11:30
rmg51I need a password to get into match.com11:32
rmg51so I keep getting emails11:33
JonathanDSince you get so many misdirected emails already.11:33
JonathanDmaybe I should login and set you as the contact instead.11:33
rmg51to lazy to get in touch with them11:33
* JonathanD nods.11:33
JonathanDI found an address in one of the emails.11:33
rmg51I did once with Comcast11:33
JonathanDPerhaps I'll just send a letter.11:34
rmg51I had the name and address of the person the emails were meant for11:34
JonathanDrmg51: it wouldn't bother me so much, but this is someones real money waiting for them.11:34
rmg51if they cared they would get in touch with kiva11:40
rmg51any how, breakfast time11:40
JonathanDrmg51: I suppose.13:51
JonathanDHello waltman14:23
JonathanDwhats up?14:25
waltmanNot much. You?14:27
JonathanDI'm automating things.14:28
waltmanExcellent. With perl?14:28
InHisName1do it with Rube Goldberg14:31
waltmanWhat's the difference? :)14:31
InHisName1perl <software    Rube Goldberg <hard things14:32
andurilgot the right ones17:12
andurilerh wrong window17:12
InHisName1I'm noticing LOTS of errors in dmesg.    ata3.00,  sd 2:0:0:0: [sdb],   usb stuff too.20:26
InHisName1Last msg: EXT4-fs (dm-2): Unaligned AIO/DIO on inode 22 by VirtualBox; performance will be poor.20:27
InHisName1should I be concerned ?20:27
Adom|officeso...im successfully using WP on a GoDaddy free hosting credit21:01
Adom|officewhoda thunk21:01
Adom|officeno ssh, but ftp works fine21:01
Adom|officeNo ads on the front page, which makes me wonder if GoDaddy will get angry21:01
Adom|officemeh whatevs, just a scrap site, nothing professional21:02

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