
svwilliamsGood Morning Website, did anyone get the email from Rober Sajdok asking for help with his logging in?13:31
svwilliamsmhall119, what was the python command to synch id's when you get the "the username with which you tried to log in is already in use for a different account"13:42
svwilliamssomeone asked on the mailing list and the command you gave me isn't in my IRC history13:42
svwilliamsI may have been on a different PC13:43
mhall119svwilliams: manage.py update-openids13:47
mhall119I think cjohnston responded to his email already13:47
cjohnstonjust did13:53
svwilliamsthanks I'll add that to our documentation13:54
svwilliamsI want to keep trying to capture all these little tips as I ask questions :-D13:54
cjohnstonsvwilliams: id like to make import-live-data run update-openids when its done13:55
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nailorawhat is the relation/difference between https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/15:01
nigelbnailora: help.ubuntu.com is a suupport website, however wiki.ubuntu.com is a community resource for coordination16:09
nailorai understand that. it still seems somewhat arbitrary to put all articles about scaning on help.u.c but put a database (in form of a wiki page) of supported scanners on wiki.u.c16:32

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