
acoustykAnyone have a good guide for uninstalling Ubuntu and repairing Win7 MBR without a cd?00:00
=== atriv___ is now known as atriv
neersightedhere we go!00:00
neersightedsee you on the other side!00:00
neersightedIf I don't come back in a hour...00:01
pp7acoustyk: why would u want to do that? :)00:01
neersightedsudo reboot00:01
neersightedfufufufu screen00:01
FloodBot1neersighted: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:01
acoustykpp7, I want to install arch linux eventually00:01
acoustykpp7, for the moment I'd like to get rid of ubuntu00:01
acoustykis there a support channel?00:02
MonkeyDustacoustyk  after you uninstalled ubuntu, it's a win7 question, ask there00:03
kimpI am currently reinstalling GRUB.  The boot repair screen has been sitting on this message for about 20 minutes "Reinstall GRUB sda.  This may require several minutes..."  Do you think it might be stuck?00:05
xsaidxhello guys i have installed openttd but icant make it work00:05
ETERNADoes the progress bar move?00:05
xsaidxhow can i set it ?00:05
ETERNAOpenTTD... hmm... doesnt that require a legit CD?00:05
ETERNAOf the proprietary game data?00:06
kimpETERNA - are you talking to me?  yes, the activity bar is flicking back and forwards...00:06
xsaidxETERNA: oh realy ? cus this french00:06
ETERNAMeans it probably did not crash.00:06
xsaidxETERNA: so no ways to play it ?00:06
godofmischiefmy laptop monitor screen shows up an "unknown" in display propterties, in previous version of ubuntu it was detected properly, it doesn't detect my dell sx2210 monitor either, which in previous versions worked as well. Any suggestions? my laptop is an Alienware m15x00:07
raventmux in scripts: how to use tmux in a script to open four party with four different commands?00:07
mbeierlgodofmischief: not that I can help, but I am curious - is there any thing that is no longer available (ie: resolution or so) or is it just that it now does not display the name?00:08
raventmux in scripts: how to use tmux in a script to open four party with four different commands?00:10
dmbI used nm00:10
ETERNAGodofmischief: Try finding your card-specific drivers in Restricted Drivers00:11
=== dmb is now known as Guest14479
Guest14479I used nmap to probe my box, and I see domain and smtp open00:11
ETERNAGodofmischief: Install the recommended one.00:11
Guest14479I used nmap to probe my box, and I see domain and smtp open, how to close them? Why are they open?00:11
JokesOnYou77Guest14479: If you're behind a router it's not a big deal00:12
godofmischiefmbeierl, its fine, many resolutions are availbile to include 1920x1080 which is what im running at.00:12
godofmischiefmy gfx card is a geforce gtx 260m00:12
godofmischiefETERNA, ive done this an im running the recommended 3rd party driver through additional drivers00:12
ETERNAGuest: Change your name to something recognisable more easily.00:12
Guest14479JokesOnYou77: I am, but I don't trust my housemates00:12
mbeierlGuest14479: first, smtp.  Check if there is an SMTP server running on your box.  The first and easiest way that comes to my mind is to go to terminal and enter "netstat -napt | grep 25"00:12
Guest14479(shared house)00:12
ETERNAGodofmischief: Good.00:12
Guest14479Guest14479: how do I reg?00:12
ETERNAGodofmischief: Try getting the driver from your card manufacturer directly.00:13
ETERNAGodofmischief: Should be on the website.00:13
xsaidxETERNA: what kind of game is uqm ??00:13
Guest14479mbeierl: tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      -00:13
raventmux in scripts: how to use tmux in a script to open four party with four different commands?00:14
ETERNAxsaidx: It's a clone of Star Control 300:14
ETERNAxsaidx: It's a clone of Star Control 200:14
ETERNASorry... second one is correct.00:14
mbeierlGuest14479: ok, that is a second confirmation. yes you do have an SMTP server running.  Now the next easiest way I know to see what process it is, is to use sudo to show the process: "sudo netstat -napt | grep 25"00:14
ETERNAStar control 200:14
godofmischiefETERNA, even tried the linux driver provided from geforce, but this caused a nvidia kernal conflict that jacked things up ended up resintalling.00:14
godofmischiefETERNA, followed the directions provided by geforce to install the driver that is a far newer version then ubuntu suggests, had a nvidia kernel error i coldn't recover from00:14
mbeierlGuest14479: you are familiar with sudo?00:14
=== Guest14479 is now known as killface
xsaidxETERNA: thanks : d00:15
ETERNAGodofmischief: You do know...00:15
ETERNAGodofmischief: that you can run the installer with the --reinstall option in a TTY to fix the issue?00:15
anonymous44anyone know how to get back the gnome3 panels in ubuntu 11.10; they keep crashing everytime I restart ubuntu00:15
=== zkriesse is now known as zkriesse_
ETERNAAnon: I have no idea... srry.00:16
ETERNAAnon: My skill is technical stuffz.00:16
godofmischiefETERNA, what should be on the website? i downloaded it from the website, and followed the directions to install it, corrupted the nvidia kernel00:16
=== killface is now known as blabface
blabfacembeierl: I belive I heard of it00:17
blabfacetcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      5887/master00:18
mbeierlblabface: ok.  process id 5887 is what is listening on that port.  Next: ps aux | grep 588700:18
mbeierlblabface: that'll tell us the command line that it is running.00:18
blabfaceI must have installed postfix while trying to send gmail from the cli00:19
blabfaceI remember doing that one time so I could upload all my mp3s to gmail00:19
anonymous44anyone know how to get back the gnome3 panels in ubuntu 11.10; they keep crashing everytime I restart ubuntu00:19
blabfaceI don't understand how to configure the runlevel of daemons on this version of ub00:19
mbeierlblabface: then that is the answer for that.  Which is good.  You can shut it down with "sudo service postfix stop", but it will start on the next boot00:19
blabfaceanonymous44: disable compiz?00:20
blabfacembeierl: right00:20
anonymous44blabface: running classic00:20
godofmischiefETERNA, what do i know? lol00:20
mbeierlblabface: or you can remove postfix with "sudo apt-get remove postfix", etc.00:20
mbeierlblabface: which will leave the config behind in case you want to enable it again later.00:20
fartofaggotryanyone one know the most populare c++ compiler in linux?00:20
blabfacembeierl: I'd rather just set the runlevel to 'off'00:20
blabfacebut I'm not sure how00:20
ETERNAGodofmischief: Here is a help.00:20
anonymous44fartofaggotry: g++00:20
ETERNAGodofmischief: Do you have a settings menu?00:20
fartofaggotryanonissimus: oh, never heard that one :O00:21
blabfacembeierl: intersting solution00:21
blabfacegets round the 'runlevels are a totaL mystery' problem00:21
mbeierlblabface: which is where i'm drawing a blank.  gimme a moment...00:21
ETERNAGodofmischief: Like, a settings app menu?00:21
blabfacethanks mbeierl00:21
bastidrazorubottu: tell fartofaggotry about polls00:21
ubottufartofaggotry, please see my private message00:21
neersightedescott: I LOVE YOU!00:21
neersightedIT WORKS!00:21
* neersighted is chatting from CLI right now00:21
blabfaceubottu: tell me about runlevels00:21
ubottublabface, please see my private message00:21
=== neersighted is now known as Guest55475
Guest55475escott: How do i start X again?00:21
Guest55475oh derp00:22
mbeierlblabface: yes, and i know there is a gui for managing startup processes but i'd like to see about cli00:22
fartofaggotryah.. a bunch of trolls00:22
maumcan I use hdmi + dvi + dual on ubuntu 11.10?00:22
escottGuest55475, service lightdm start00:22
blabfacembeierl: did I mention a gui?00:22
=== Guest55475 is now known as neersighted
mbeierlblabface: no.  I did.  But it also eludes me right now.00:23
neersightedescott: kk00:23
blabfacembeierl: one additionaL factor to consider... I'm like 8.04 or such00:23
neersightedservice lightdm start00:23
neersightedwrong screen00:23
* neersighted slaps himself00:23
blabfaceit works, and I'm ... I don't like change00:23
anonymous44anyone know how to get back the gnome3 panels in ubuntu 11.10; they keep crashing everytime I restart ubuntu, running gnome3 classic, no effects (no unity)00:23
neersightedi cant c/p it tho00:23
neersightedno mouse00:23
* neersighted facedesks00:24
JokesOnYou77mbeierl: and blabface what about rcconf?00:24
mbeierlblabface: ah, ok.  you should get yourself to 8.10 or so.  8.04 is eol iirc.00:24
blabfacesudo kill neersighted00:24
blabfaceah sorry, ... wrong chan00:25
blabfacebut 8.10 is going to be different00:25
* blabface wimpers00:25
neersightedIT WORKED!00:25
neersightedlol blab00:25
FloodBot1neersighted: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:25
* neersighted kills himself00:25
blabfacesudo apt-get remove postfix00:25
neersightedbrb reboot00:26
JokesOnYou77blabface: you can use rcconf to change startup processes00:26
mbeierlblabface: sudo update-rc.d00:26
anonymous44anyone know how to get back the gnome3 panels in ubuntu 11.10; they keep crashing everytime I restart ubuntu, running gnome3 classic, no effects (no unity)00:26
ETERNAPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.00:26
ETERNA64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms00:26
ETERNA64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms00:26
ETERNA64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms00:26
ETERNA64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=64 time=0.027 ms00:26
FloodBot1ETERNA: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:26
ETERNA64 bytes from icmp_req=5 ttl=64 time=0.025 ms00:26
blabfaceok, now about the domain port00:27
bastidrazorubottu: tell ETERNA about flood00:27
ubottuETERNA, please see my private message00:27
* blabface follows mbeierl's recipy00:27
mbeierlblabface: star with the same approach: sudo netstat -napt | grep ???00:27
* mbeierl nods vigorously00:27
* mbeierl gets neck cramp00:27
blabfaceI think I use that...00:28
blabfaceI planned to use that to get round my works silly vpn00:28
mbeierlblabface: yes.  and you can change it to listen to localhost only00:28
* blabface stops dnsmasq00:29
mbeierlblabface: should you so desire to do so that is.  edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf and look for the "interfaces" line.  iirc?00:29
blabfaceok, looks like my ports are secure00:29
anonymous44anyone know how to get back the gnome3 panels in ubuntu 11.10; they keep crashing everytime I restart ubuntu, running gnome3 classic, no effects (no unity)00:30
mbeierlblabface: there is also a useful set of checks that you can run periodically to make sure nothing is awry with your system.  rkhunter is a good example.00:30
blabfaceI didn't update to 8.10 cus I didn't have space, but recently I baught a flash disk the size of ... well, it's small, and it's got more space than my whole box!00:30
mbeierlblabface: (root kit hunter = rkhunter)00:30
mbeierlblabface: sorry I was wrong.  8.04 is the LTS.  8.10 is not00:30
blabfaceit wants me to try 10.04.3 LTS00:30
mbeierlblabface: stay there, or go to 10.0400:30
mbeierlblabface: 10.04 is another stable release, but it is new, etc, and there are changes.  however, you will need to move off 8.04 at some point when it goes EOL00:31
=== root is now known as Guest17523
blabfacembeierl: cool, I thought it was EOL00:32
mbeierlblabface: I am wrong again.  8.04 IS eol: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases00:32
mbeierlblabface: it went EOL back in May of this year.00:32
anonymous44blabface: you can downgrade to 8.04 server for it to still be supported00:32
anonymous44anyone know how to get back the gnome3 panels in ubuntu 11.10; they keep crashing everytime I restart ubuntu, running gnome3 classic, no effects (no unity)00:32
* blabface hunts for the interfaces line in dnsmasq.conf00:33
blabfaceis it bind-interfaces00:33
blabfacethought so00:33
blabfacechrome of all things bitches every time it starts about 'your os is out of date'00:33
blabfacebut other than that, it's all good00:33
FloodBot1blabface: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:33
mbeierlanonymous44: if you start them from a terminal with "gnome-panel" after they crash, does it give any meaningful output?00:33
blabfaceFloodBot1: are you reading my eloquence or what?00:34
anonymous44mbeierl: `menu_proxy_module_load': gnome-panel: undefined symbol: menu_proxy_module_load00:34
mbeierlblabface: it's all good until a security vulnerability is found in one of the packages you run or so...  Chances of that being serious are small, but still....00:34
blabfacembeierl: yeah... I have the space to upgrade now00:34
blabfaceI should give it a try00:34
mbeierlanonymous44: hmmm.  google is not being helpful on that one tonight.  give me a little more time to do some reading and i'll see what comes up00:35
mbeierlblabface: you can always download it to a USB and play with it until you are comfortable.00:36
anonymous44mbeierl: thanks. that started it up, have a feeling gnome3 is not quite stable yet.00:36
bastidrazoranonymous44: what changes did you make before the issue began?00:37
mbeierlblabface: what I also do is create a second root partition and alternate OS versions on that: /ver1 /home /ver2 and depending on which I feel like using I boot using /ver1 as / or /ver2 as /00:37
blabfacembeierl: http://wiki.debian.org/HowTo/dnsmasq <- I don't see how dnsmasq listen to localhost only00:37
mbeierlanonymous44: so they run even though that output is present.00:37
anonymous44bastidrazor: I moved the taskbar to the bottom so there was only one, added default things like clock, menu, icons, etc. then the HD crashed, maybe due to ethernet/wireless driver or encryption00:37
blabfacembeierl: I'll try the usb thing... I'm short of disk00:37
mbeierlblabface: interface=lo00:38
anonymous44bastidrazor: a scan of the HD displayed no bad sectors (from a live disk)00:38
mbeierlblabface: and the 8.04 to 10.04 should be a smooth upgrade.  it will be the most tested upgrade path of them all00:38
mbeierlblabface: once you decide to bite the bullet that is00:38
blabfacembeierl: ic00:39
blabfacembeierl: I set that line, then restarted dnsmasq, then ran nmap, and the port still seems open, but then again, I guess I'm localhost00:39
mbeierlblabface: the netstat -napt will still show dnsmasq listening, but it will read "" instead of
mbeierlblabface: or *:5300:40
mbeierlblabface: and that would be netstat -napu not -t.00:40
blabfacetcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      -00:40
mbeierlblabface: service dnsmasq restart?00:40
blabfacestop and then start, so yeah00:41
blabface(no 'service' on this box ;-)00:41
mbeierlblabface: give me a moment to check on something...00:41
blabfacesudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart00:41
jtruanthow can I stop compiz loading on boot from a TTY (gnome, ubuntu 11.04)00:41
maumI got this error http://ompldr.org/vYm1oMQ do you know any idea about this?00:42
hassan_hello, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and I'm trying to install a webcam server. I found the package webcam-server but it's not working with ubuntu 11.10. Any other suggestions? thanks00:42
mbeierlblabface: maybe this instead: listen-address=
jtruantis there an autostart file, or a config somewhere I can edit? (to disable compiz loading at boot)00:43
Num83rGuyCould anyone help me connect my desktop to my wifes laptop with samba? It works on fresh installs but, stops working after a while for unknown reasons.00:43
mbeierlblabface: iirc, while it is bound to *, it drops all packets coming in from the interfaces it is told to ignore...00:43
blabfaceso unless i scan with a differnt box, it'll appear open?00:44
pharraction parsnip available?00:44
mbeierlblabface: that is what the "bind-interfaces" directive is for.  You want to uncomment that line if you want it to bind to only00:44
mattheasI have a multiport nic card and it's now renamed 3 of my four ports to eth#_rename after I did a reinstallation. I'm running 10.04 and I previously had a NIC bond. I need help ASAP as I'm deploying to afghanistan soon!00:45
=== pharr is now known as x999
mbeierlblabface: I knew there was another knob for that00:45
blabfacembeierl: works00:45
mbeierlblabface: dnsmasq is an old favourite of mine, but i don't have it installed here yet00:45
blabfaceinterface=lo also works when bind-interfaces is uncommented00:46
mbeierlblabface: yes, it would.  that is the purposed of the bind-interfaces directive00:46
blabfacembeierl: yeah, I wanted to use it so I could still watch youtube while on the office vpn ;-)00:46
blabfacembeierl: cool, thanks for help00:46
mbeierlblabface: wait... say that again?00:46
mbeierlblabface: i am concerned you might not be doing what you think you are00:47
mattheasthis is a disaster man00:47
mbeierlblabface: with the vpn.  do they refuse to serve a DNS address, or do they track your web usage?  Just having a local DNS server might not be enough.00:47
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
blabfacembeierl: office uses cisco vpn that sends all trafic via the tun by default. Currently I know I'm not configuring that, I'm just locking down the dnsmasq daemon00:47
jtruantI can't kill compiz w/o it coming back right away, back at 99% CPU usage..00:47
mattheasI have a multiport nic card and it's now renamed 3 of my four ports to eth#_rename after I did a reinstallation. I'm running 10.04 and I previously had a NIC bond. I need help ASAP as I'm deploying to afghanistan soon!00:48
blabfacembeierl: not sure, either way, youtube causes the vpnc daemon to die in a nasty way00:48
blabfacecould even be an issue with my router (this is over wireless)00:48
mbeierlblabface: dnsmasq will still forward its requests to your office VPN.  what you want is a concept called split tunnel.  your cicso vpn may be configured by IT policy to disallow split tunnel\00:48
blabfaceI found the wireless network 'dies' when I watch youtube while 'running' the vpn00:48
maumI got [[Trying modes for CRT 345. CRT345 trying mode 3840x1080@50 Hz with output at 1920x1080@50Hz(pass 0)]] do you know any idea about this?00:48
mbeierlblabface: I currently use the vpnc cicso client and am able to do a split tunnel.  which vpn software are you using00:49
SolarisBoymattheas: i have seen that weird occurrence. can you share your bonding configuration?00:49
blabfacembeierl: oh, I thought I could use dnsmasq to send certain packets (such as internet) to a differnt 'interface' instead of sending everything to the tun00:49
mbeierlblabface: no.  that won't do it, sorry.00:49
blabfacethe one in the repo (not the cisco one)00:50
mattheasSolarisBoy: The bond no longer even exists, I did a reinstall00:50
SolarisBoymattheas: is udev running?00:50
mbeierlblabface: that is vpnc.  did you use the Network Manager GUI to configure it?00:50
blabfaceI have no idea about network stuff tbh, and I don't work there any more00:50
mbeierlblabface: oh . ok.  right.  this is a leftover.00:50
blabfacembeierl: no, I couldn't get network manager to work, so I used the pcf2conf and run it on the cli00:50
mattheasSolarisBoy: I had check that 70 persistent rules file and none of my HWaddresses were in there other than one00:50
=== neersighted is now known as Guest76998
blabfacembeierl: right00:50
Guest76998es: Just wanted to say all boots fine00:50
mbeierlblabface: I just can't resist helping when I hear VPN because it is so mis-understood00:51
SolarisBoymattheas: were they previously?00:51
=== Guest76998 is now known as neersighted
mattheasSolarisBoy: Yes, and though I can't confirm I'm 90% sure they all had different HW addresses00:51
blabfacembeierl: I got an omenous email from my new office... beta testers for vpn wanted ...00:51
mbeierlblabface: so, you should be nicely locked down now.  Happy fortress!00:51
mbeierlblabface: do it!00:51
blabfaceheheh, I don't like it... I mis-understand it00:51
bradhehas anyone had any luck installing nginx 1.1.4 from apt??00:52
x999what programming language is used for the Ubuntu operating system?00:52
blabfacex999: c00:52
mbeierlblabface: there's always this channel for help :)00:52
x999I can't get an answer out of anyone00:52
neersightedSo if i wanted to install another disro, do i just resize my partition, let it install it's version of grub, then apend it's grub code to my current grub menu?00:52
SolarisBoymattheas: yes this seems to be the case where you just need to go ahead and give udev the proper rules for each interface.. for instance check the startup messages from when each nic boots.. and see the mac it is given,, than cross compare with ifconfig once boot up is done,, than hard code the udev rules for the macs00:52
jtruantdepends on what you mean as well x99900:52
SolarisBoyand you should be good00:52
funnyfingers_hmm on irc.us.irc.net the channels I join don't work one has a user named Analgetica and the other galahaad.  I wonder what happened.00:52
blabfacembeierl: perhaps... but it's a pain... they are testing it on certain times of certain days... sigh00:52
neersighted(I use Burg)00:52
neersightedo hai der pp7_00:52
mbeierlx999: the kernel is written in C like blabface said.  Programs are written in whatever language syuits them best00:52
* neersighted waves :p00:52
blabfacembeierl: but I'll bear it in mind00:52
blabfacethans for help00:52
x999thats a copy blabface00:52
pp7_neersighted: welcome back00:52
pp7_neersighted: so it worked?00:53
* neersighted loves his notifications00:53
neersightedlike a beauty00:53
mattheasSolarisBoy: Where do I find those startup messages at?00:53
blabfacembeierl: ++ # night00:53
SolarisBoymattheas: is it actually a 4 port or 2 dual ports maybe with different drivers?00:53
neersightedDoes anyone want my irssi to libnotify script?00:53
mbeierlblabface: you are quite welcome.  look into rkhunter next time you have a chance...00:53
pp7_neersighted: what notifications?00:53
neersightedima bout to shower00:53
SolarisBoymattheas: dmesg00:53
x999thanks mbeierl also00:53
* mbeierl missed by a moment00:53
mbeierlx999: you're welcome00:53
mattheasSolarisBoy: It's a 4 port. Made by Startech00:53
neersightedala thunderbird and volume adjusemnt00:53
Num83rGuyI need help making SAMBA work again.00:53
* neersighted screenshots00:54
neersightedsomeone ping me please?00:54
mbeierlneersighted: ping00:54
x999out.  for probably year or so.00:54
neersightedthank you00:54
neersightedpp7_: irc ping :p00:54
SolarisBoymattheas: gotcha.. because there is another odd issue that can result in that with the 2 nics fighting for who comes up first on the pci bus,, than the nics come up weird,, but anyway.. check dmesg,, cross compare, hard code udev restart udev and see what you get00:54
bradhehow does one go about installing a specific version of a package with apt? for instance, I want to install nginx 1.1.4 (specifically 1.1.4)00:54
pp7_bradhe: download the deb00:55
bradhepp7_: will it overwrite the already-installed package (originally installed with apt)?00:55
ks07Parted is complaining that "The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance." How can I find out what values to use to properly align it?00:55
mbeierlbradhe: it can be done through the package manager, where you can lock the version you want.  gimme a sec00:55
pp7_bradhe: should do00:55
pp7_bradhe: u might have to uninstall first00:56
bradhegotcha, thx00:56
maumwhere is rc.local on ubuntu 11.10?00:56
SolarisBoy: /etc00:56
aj00200all my desktop environments are no longer working (Gnome, Unity, and the classic/2d versions as well). What do I do to troubbleshoot this?00:56
pp7_maun: sudo updatedb; locate rc.local00:56
mbeierlbradhe: in the "Synaptic Package Manager" app, you can specify the version you want, and then lock that version in to prevent it from being upgraded00:56
SolarisBoywhere it belongs atleast..00:56
bradhembeierl: I'm on a server, no synaptic here :(00:57
mbeierlbradhe: yes, gimme a sec  again ;)00:57
neersightedIf anyone wants to see my epic irssi setup: files.neersighted.fizzcraft.com/images/irssi.png00:57
SolarisBoylooks like mine with a diff color scheme and less default windows00:58
SolarisBoyi use the nick side window screen thing too =)00:58
mbeierlbradhe: while i'm searching, synaptic is the CLI/ncurses interface you it...00:58
bradheoh, awesome00:59
valdergallotestando … alguém ai :D00:59
* neersighted bound insert/delete to /scroll 5 / /scroll -500:59
neersightedwork great for the nicklist00:59
maumdoes anyone know how to do this? http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=25631200:59
SolarisBoyyes its nice00:59
mbeierlbradhe: sorry - brain bump.  I meant to tell you the name is "aptitude" for the CLI, not synpatic01:00
neersightedYeah, its a combination of my cusom irssi theme, my green terminal, nicklist.pl, my custom screen style, and my custom perl script01:00
neersightedits epic01:00
SolarisBoylolz yes very nice01:00
* neersighted fools arround with kde01:00
neersightedlolol i have 11 desktop options01:00
* neersighted installed everyone he could get01:01
neersightedBtw, guys01:01
neersightedI have a glitch/exploit in the installer01:01
mbeierlbradhe: once you have the version you want, it's the "hold" command of aptitude: sudo aptitude hold "package name"01:01
neersightedWhen it installs, if you click the hyper links, it opens firefox01:01
neersightedYou can navigate to something like file:///bin/sh01:01
neersighteddownload it01:01
neersightedrightclick it01:02
Num83rGuyEveryone loves to fix samba right?01:02
neersightedand selsect open in nautilus01:02
mintuxis it possible to change gnome config in uck ? and put some files ?01:02
neersightedThen you get the full ubuntu desktop01:02
SolarisBoyNum83rGuy: not neccesarilly01:02
FloodBot1neersighted: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:02
mbeierlbradhe: and to install the version you want "aptitude install package=1.2.3"01:02
mbeierlbradhe: where 1.2.3 is the version.01:02
* neersighted puts in a bug report01:02
neersightedwell, cya all01:03
neersightedI'll probaly be back when i get mint in01:03
neersightedthanks guys!01:04
maumI got this error http://ompldr.org/vYm1oMQ do you know any idea about this?01:07
studentrobIm having trouble connecting to my vsftpd server via FTPS ... via SFTP it works fine ... but wordpress dashboard only does FTPS ..... any ideas?01:07
Num83rGuySamba no longer works. I cannot get my desktop (xUbuntu) to see my wifes laptop. (Win7)01:08
SMJldd shows what libraries executables are linked with, right? well, if I want them to use instead custom-compiled libraries located in /usr/local, how do I achieve that?01:08
mbeierlNum83rGuy: is all the firewall and anti-usefulness stuff turned off on the WIi7 laptop so it can actually be seen by other computers?01:09
somsipmaum: worth a try? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186296901:09
Num83rGuymbeierl: Well it worked on a fresh install and on live cd01:10
maumsomsip: thanks now I must reboot01:10
nibalizer/buffer 2601:11
mbeierlNum83rGuy: k, just checking.  As MS Windows is sometimes a tricky thing to get sharing in the open.  Which is why I think it's good to verify with a second install before assuming it's a sudden samba failure.  it might save time, or it might not...01:11
mattheasSolarisBoy: It sets 2 of the 4 at their own mac's and then the other two are identical01:15
mbeierlNum83rGuy: sorry... I hope that did not sound dismissive.  I'm not that good at samba, so I don't know further troubleshooting.01:16
SolarisBoymattheas: is that in dmesg? and is that what you see in ifconfig regardless of the devices being named eth*_rename?01:16
mattheasSolarisBoy: Yes. It's incorrect as well.01:17
SolarisBoymattheas: is it the same?01:17
mattheasSolarisBoy: Yes01:17
mattheasSolarisBoy: Pretty muched I'm fucked01:17
SolarisBoymattheas: do you have the initial mac addresses of the interfaces?01:17
mattheasWhen I try to reinstall at least two of them go to _rename01:18
mattheasSolarisBoy: lol, no01:18
agentgasmaskHi guys. How can I go into runlevel 1, and after done doing stuff, how do I get back to the default?01:18
SolarisBoymattheas: well i dont think you are completely out of luck.. let me think01:18
SolarisBoymattheas: generally if this is a production issue,, we roll out upgrades and things of this nature to staging environments which mimic our prod sites etc.. you know?01:19
SMJhow do I see the current LD_LIBRARY_PATH?01:19
mattheasSolarisBoy: I do have the driver file here, and it says something about changing the mac01:19
SolarisBoySMJ: echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH01:19
SolarisBoymattheas: interesting. also it may be in the modinfo -v output01:20
c4pt_Hello I am having a problem my clipboard seems to be broken whenever i highlight something with the mouse as soon as I am done highlighting the text to copy and paste the text un highlights itself and i am unable to copy and paste I am using compiz as a desktop manager01:20
c4pt_as a window manager01:20
SMJSolarisBoy: that prints an empty line which surely can01:20
SMJ't be it01:20
Crash_O-DXfce I'm having trouble with everything being stuck at the top bar I can't maximize your minimize git installed g pointing device settings. restarted and got this issue. any help on how to fix it would be greatly appreciate it01:21
nothSMJ: sudo ldconfig -v01:21
mattheasSolarisBoy: I'm not seeing anything on it. However, I can change the macs using # ifconfig ethX hw ether YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY01:21
mattheasSolarisBoy: then rename them using 70-persistent-rules?01:21
SolarisBoymattheas: are you going to use a fake mac for the interface with the duplicate which you do not know the proper mac name for?01:21
SolarisBoymattheas: if so yes you can try that01:21
SolarisBoymattheas: have you tried breaking the bond and bringing the interfaces up individually?01:22
mattheasSolarisBoy: since I reinstalled the bond shouldn't be active anymore, correct?01:22
josePhoenixHello all01:22
SolarisBoyohh ok my bad you did a reinstall..01:22
josePhoenixI'm getting issues with apport 1.23-0ubuntu4.01:22
mattheasSolarisBoy: Yeah, that bond no longer exists01:22
josePhoenixSome pre-start script exits with status 1 after installing01:23
SolarisBoyare you sure the driver is properly installed?01:23
SolarisBoymattheas: i was under the impression you were already bonded01:23
josePhoenixAnyone know why this could be? It's behaving a lot like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/767498 , but obviously with a different package.01:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 767498 in apport (Ubuntu Natty) "package apport 1.20.1-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Critical,Fix released]01:23
SolarisBoymattheas: does it use some special driver? like one thats not available in the standard kernel?01:23
mattheasSolarisBoy: Negative, I don't even know that a bond will work with identical macs01:24
SolarisBoyyou dont specify macs technically in a bond01:24
SMJnoth: that's more useful01:24
mattheasSolarisBoy: True, we could try rebonding and seeing if 802.3ad will work01:24
mattheasSolarisBoy: r8168-8, not special at all01:24
SMJpiping to 'grep /' is more readable though01:24
nortonHello newbie here , I love ubuntu but have an nfs issue not sure if this the correct forum to post a question  ??01:25
SolarisBoythe bond wont work if its reading identical macs though...01:25
nothSMJ : if you dont have sudo permission, you have to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH.01:25
mattheasSolarisBoy: So, shall I create a fake mac?01:25
SMJI have01:25
SolarisBoymattheas: try it01:26
mattheasSolarisBoy: scratch that, 3 of my ports are using the same mac now. this is trash.01:26
SolarisBoyi can't confirm it will work or not01:26
SMJnoth: which end of that list is the preferred one?01:26
SolarisBoymattheas: can you send over your configs/relevant log message/ifconfig/arp -an/ip link sh/as much network related detail you can  in pastebin?01:27
SolarisBoymattheas: include lspci -vvv also please01:27
SolarisBoyor lshw -C network01:27
nothSMJ: sorry that I can understand you mean.01:27
SMJactually I just want to get /usr/local/ libraries preferred over the ones in /usr/01:27
mattheaswow, without a gui I don't think I know how01:28
SolarisBoylynx http://www.anildewani.com/pastebin-com-bash-script-paste-directly-from-your-terminal/01:29
nothSMJ : sudo ldconfig -v | grep "/usr/local/libraries"01:29
the20yrlaptopWhat would cause ubuntu to run slowly on a USB persistent install? My laptop is newer and i always had great luck with it before01:29
nothSMJ: You can add new path in /etc/ld.so.conf or /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*01:30
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nortoncan anyone help me with an "NFS incorrect mount point" message?01:31
tbruff13can someone help me please01:32
JokesOnYou77what's up tbruff13 ?01:32
tbruff13Can someone tell me if Edubuntu 10.04 is still the newest LTS release01:32
mattheasSolarisBoy: you just blew my mind.01:32
tbruff13or are all of the Edubuntu releases LTS01:32
SolarisBoymattheas: already?01:33
* SolarisBoy blushing01:33
mattheasSolarisBoy: I have to type up all that bash script01:33
JokesOnYou77tbruff13: I think so, next LTS is 12.0401:33
SolarisBoy... give me a second ill post it to my site .. or try to01:33
mattheasSolarisBoy: lol. I'm not gonna lie I'd hand SSH out to this thing if you want it01:33
Jim44491hail ! people of this channel !01:34
SolarisBoyheh .. i dont mind.. pm me01:34
JokesOnYou77tbruff13: meaning that 10.04 is at least the most recent Ubuntu LTS, I don't think that Edubuntu is any different but I could be wrong01:34
SolarisBoywe can open a shared screen01:34
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SolarisBoynow i have an excuse to ignore my work emails for a while =)01:34
tbruff13JokesOnYou77: well I am basing the upgrade for my entire school on 10.04 should i use it because it is an LTS01:35
the20yrlaptopCan anyone help me with my ubuntu lag problem?01:35
Jim44491what lag01:36
SolarisBoythe20yrlaptop: can you provide more detail on the lag?01:36
Jim44491a 20 yrs laptop will lag01:36
Jim44491you click and you wait 5minutes01:37
Jim44491go make a coffe and come back till the job is done01:37
tbruff13Jim44491: if you have an old laptop trying using lubuntu01:37
tbruff13or xubuntu01:37
JokesOnYou77tbruff13: Although I'm not a sysadmin or anything of the sort, I would say that most organizations that are doing large rollouts prefer the LTS versions because they will be supported for a long time to come (10.04 will be supported till 2015)01:37
Folklorecoffee good :D01:37
sfsf32dirty nerds01:37
the20yrlaptopIt's a dual core 2.3ghz AMD laptop with 3gb of ram, I'm running 10.04 from a live USB01:37
webroleI am using firefox 8.0 on ubuntu.. how can i disable autocompletion for the forms.. i dont see the saved form data option in Edit->preferences->privacy01:38
webrolepls help01:38
JokesOnYou77tbruff13: and, if you need to, you can upgrade straight to the next LTS version when the time comes.  If this really is a crucial decision, I would also suggest trying to contact Cononical directly and seeing if they have anythign to add01:38
sfsf32kill yourself01:38
Jim44491kil your self learning linux01:39
milambernorton: details please01:39
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tbruff13JokesOnYou77: ok i have been using Ubuntu for a while right now im personally using Mint, but I did notice when i used Ubuntu dist-upgrade it tended to break things01:40
SolarisBoythe20yrlaptop: so your running a live copy of ubuntu from some usb drive?01:40
nortonmilamber: thanks for the response,  running ubuntu 10.4.03 on both a server and a client laptom, I want to mount a file share on the client so that I can move files from the client to the server01:42
MahaVishnunorton, using samba ?01:42
the20yrlaptopRunning 10.04 on my laptop would run very quickly , this one has a severe mouse lag and the menus take forever to open up01:42
SolarisBoythe20yrlaptop: i dont think thats an accurate test of performance01:43
bastidrazorthe20yrlaptop: try unity 2d. select it from the login menu01:43
SolarisBoythe20yrlaptop: are you comparing the installation to a standard sata drive versus running from a live copy on usb?01:43
webrolegot it....... its under history options01:44
JokesOnYou77tbruff13: it does...sadly.  The best way to do it, if this isn't a mission-critical system that is holding up some part fo your network infrastructure is to backup and then reinstall.  But if this is a large system the best thing to do is do a test upgrade in a virtual box before a major upgrade01:44
nortonMahaVishnu:  I tried samba but gave up, figure that since it both machines are ubuntu OS I should stick with nfs and keep it simple, i made a folder on the client and sudo mount the folder and I m getting a mount point error01:44
the20yrlaptopNo , two USB drives , one on my old laptop , one on the newer laptop01:44
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MahaVishnunorton, what error, and yea ubuntu to ubuntu nfs is better.01:45
tbruff13JokesOnYou77: ok is there any way to get the edubuntu iso faster01:45
JokesOnYou77Faster than downloading it?01:45
tbruff13it says i have to wait an hour downloading it from my browser01:45
tbruff13make the download faster01:45
JokesOnYou77tbruff13: are you running ubuntu now?01:45
tbruff13no i am running Linux Mint01:46
tbruff13so yes ubuntu01:46
the20yrlaptopsend a letter by mail to ubuntu's office and ask for a CD01:46
tbruff13but JokesOnYou77 i need to run edubuntu in a vbox to make an iso for the school01:46
xangua!mint | tbruff1301:46
ubottutbruff13: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:46
JokesOnYou77tbruff13: You mean wait an hour, or the download will take an hour at your current speed?  you probably just have a slow network connection.  You could try and torrent it if you think that will be faster tho01:46
tbruff13xangua: i am not seeking help for mint01:46
tbruff13JokesOnYou77: it will take an hour01:47
nortonMaha:  this is the terminal command:   sudo mount <server ip address>:/home/ralph/Desktop/Pictures/pix   home/norton/Desktop/ralphdoor01:47
nortonMaha: This is the terminal error:   mount.nfs: unrecognized mount point home/norton/Desktop/ralphdoor01:47
tbruff13is torenting any faster then regular downloading for an old iso like 10.0401:48
KFPHi.  It looks like the "emblems" settings were removed from Nautilus recently.   I used to sort some of my directories with those emblems but now that I'm no longer able to do that, how can I remove the old emblems?01:48
MahaVishnunorton, you missed the / slash in /home/norton/Desktop/ralphdoor01:48
KFPThe emblems still show up, which messes up things.01:48
MahaVishnunorton, I always do it like this. mount -t nfs -o rw /mount/pt01:50
maumhow can I use together with hdmi + dvi on 11.10?01:51
TannerbaumSo... when I mouse over anything that's not whitespace, why does my touchpad suddenly stop working?01:51
TannerbaumUbuntu 11.10, Lenovo G55001:51
nortonMaha: just ran this on the laptop :  sudo mount   /home/norton/Desktop/ralphdoor and got this response       mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified01:51
bonhofferi went down during an upgrade, now getting: Unable to get exclusive lock01:52
JokesOnYou77tbruff13: That's really just your network speed then.  It's a good sized file.01:53
MahaVishnunorton, that looks correct.... add a line like this to /etc/fstab servername:dir /mntpoint nfs rw,hard,intr 0 001:53
MahaVishnunorton, then do a sudo mount /mnt/poiint01:54
tbruff13JokesOnYou77: how do i sign up for the edubuntu meeting in January01:54
tbruff13I looked on their page and found nothing01:54
JokesOnYou77tbruff13: no clue.  Sorry :(01:54
pnorman_I have a SiI 3124 SATA card where if I do heavy disk writes to the drives connected it hangs ubuntu. I'm not sure how to go about debugging this.01:55
MahaVishnunorton, run this in terminal sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common01:55
MahaVishnuon the client.01:55
MahaVishnuubuntu, ?01:56
BaWis the best?01:57
MahaVishnumaybe ;-p01:57
Mitchell_anyonw know where hda codec.c is?01:58
Mitchell_in 10.0401:58
MahaVishnuMitchell_, what do you mean hda codec ?01:58
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:58
Mitchell_its a file01:58
Mitchell_im trying to do this http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/ltmodem/11c11040/HOWTO-Agere-11c11040-HDA.html01:59
Mitchell_and cant find the file in step 201:59
maumIs there a good tool for system monitering?01:59
Tzunamiimaum: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/12/linux-performance-monitoring-tools/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheGeekStuff+%28The+Geek+Stuff%2902:02
Mitchell_thanks MahaVishnu ill boot into ubuntu and see if it works02:03
somsipmaum: so - did it work?02:04
head_victimI installed Ubuntu 11.10 having problems with signal out of range. I got around this using boot options. now when I'm rebooting into the installed system holding down shift to get to the grub menu options goes from "loading grub...." to the signal out of range error without ever giving me the chance to change any settings. Ideas?02:04
Samuel_GabbayCan someone help me install teamspeak 3 on ubuntu?02:04
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maumsomsip : I need some graphical tool like ringsensors02:05
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somsipmaum: did the problem with 'unable to set reolution' or whatever it was go away?02:06
maumsomsip, I solved it thanks02:06
somsipmaum: k02:07
maumsomsip, by removing xml file02:07
TzunamiiSamuel_Gabbay: How about at least use your google-fu once before asking?  http://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/show/1704  Just one of the many sites explaining02:07
somsipmaum: jolly good02:07
Samuel_Gabbayi did02:07
Samuel_Gabbayit does not work02:07
maumsomsip, it was from your help02:07
TzunamiiSamuel_Gabbay: I installed it myself some time ago and it works perfectly02:07
Samuel_Gabbayyes but how do u doit02:08
TzunamiiDid you even check the link I gave you?02:08
Samuel_Gabbayi cant see it02:08
TzunamiiSamuel_Gabbay: http://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/show/170402:09
=== EvilResistance is now known as Resistance
electrobashi, i have a pc02:10
Samuel_Gabbayi dont need the server i need the cient02:10
the20yrWhat would cause ubuntu to be laggy visually?02:10
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Samuel_Gabbayhow do u download the teamspeak 3 client02:11
Samuel_Gabbayfor ubuntu02:11
electrobasi have a pc here (in a cold wet tent) i try to start it up. then i get : no init found. try passing init=bootarg . and some more info02:12
electrobasnnyone know how i can start up ubuntu?02:12
somsip!patience | electrobas02:12
ubottuelectrobas: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:12
Folkloreusing ubuntu with no GUI02:12
Folkloresays I have new mail02:12
TzunamiiSamuel_Gabbay: Are you high or what?  http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads02:13
Folklorehow I check it02:13
Folkloreconnected through ssh02:13
Samuel_Gabbayyes but when i click run it does  not run02:13
somsipFolklore: install a command line email client - mutt, pine, alpine...02:13
Samuel_Gabbayit that crap normal?02:13
brightsparkFolklore, you can normally just type 'mail' but you may want to read the man page first.02:14
milamberSamuel_Gabbay: you are being abrasive in a channel full of volunteers. you are not providing any details that will allow people to help you02:14
milamberSamuel_Gabbay: do you know what an executable bit is?02:15
Folklorethanks bright02:15
Tannerbaumnobody knows...?02:15
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Samuel_Gabbayokay i click on run and it does not open at all02:16
Samuel_Gabbayand i dont know if its 64 or 32 bit02:17
milamberSamuel_Gabbay: right click on it >> check the permissions tab02:17
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milamberSamuel_Gabbay: there should be a check box that says something along the lines of allow as executable02:18
brightsparkSamuel_Gabbay, try to execute it from a terminal- you may get useful messages printed to the terminal.02:18
maumdoes anyone know how to install ringsensors?02:18
Samuel_Gabbayi will lauch ubuntu now02:18
hatchmy volume only really has three settings, in Ubuntu 10.04. there is like 10, 30, 100% volume regardless of the slider position any ideas?02:18
the20yranyone know how to keep ubuntu from being laggy? It's running amazingly slow at the moment and freezing every so often02:18
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Mitchell_I couldnt find the file there02:20
brightsparkhatch, do you have alsamixer installed?02:20
hatchbrightspark: well I haven't installed anything extra audio related so does it come natively in 10.04?02:21
JuayzNew watch02:21
Juayzmovement: http://i.imgur.com/KtMHQ.jpg02:21
brightsparkhatch, I don't remember.  Try opening a terminal, typing 'alsamixer', and then see if it executes.02:22
xio23is there a filesytem/solution to accidentally deleting files or the system losing power during an update? i was thinking a filesystem which recorded file modifications and saved only the difference. that way you could revert back to any point in time.02:22
hatchbrightspark: yep looks like its here02:22
hatchbrightspark: looks like the gains are cranked02:23
brightsparkhatch, when you run it you should see several volume controls, you ought to be able to set the volume to your liking02:23
MahaVishnuxio23, is it an option to boot from usb occasionally and do a DD of the selected partitions ?02:23
xio23xio23: no.02:24
lauratikaWhy license agreement will pop up every time  start skype?... anyone with same issue launching from unity in 11.1002:24
hatchbrightspark: ok looks like the issue is that the Master F goes down, but the audio doesnt change until the Front starts to go down (after Master hits 0 )02:25
Mitchell_i couldnt find the file in that directory, and ive found out its called hda_codec.c, the underlining was on top if the underscore02:25
nortonMaha: Sorry had to leave the chat for a few minutes so I missed any response u had posted...02:26
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brightsparkhatch, if you set all the controls in alsamixer to intermediate levels, does the volume control you said was sticking work better?02:27
hatchbrightspark: doesn't look like it, it smoothens it out but still only uses the bottom 20% or so of the slider for 0 to 100%02:28
hatchbrightspark: this isn't a real issue but the volume up and down on my keyboard jump the slider quite a bit so its either 100% or 0% :) unless I manually adjust the slider02:29
EmoSpiceQuick question: Is anyone on an 1101HA and dealing with buggy battery/thermal reports? I think I've found a solution to the issue on my netbook, but I'd like to get someone else to test for me before I say for sure.02:30
brightsparkhatch, try setting the alsamixer controls to just above the minimum and see if that helps.  The main adjustment only works correctly if the different channels in alsamixer are set properly.02:30
hatchbrightspark: oh ok so looks like I'll need to fiddle with these, thanks for pointing me in the right direction02:31
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brightsparkhatch, sure.  If you still have problems, feel free to come back and ask again.02:32
sajuukkharhey guys where is the xorg file in 11.10?02:32
nortonanyone good at basic nfs setup on two ubuntu machines, I have been trying to mount a file share on the client and getting some unexpected errors and mount points02:32
EmoSpicesajuukkhar: same place it is in any other release? /etc/X11/Xorg.conf02:33
davidsolalHi, just a quick question, is it normal than all the AdobFlash content is slower on my Ubuntu than in my windows ?02:33
xangua sajuukkhar there is no xorg.file since 9.10 i believe02:33
MahaVishnuEmoSpice, xorg.conf ;-P02:34
Artemis3xangua, its optional, you can make one.02:34
Guest28724I have updated Ubuntu 10.10 to latest, After that MobileBroad band failed to get connetcted, i treid a lot, finally i backed out the change02:34
EmoSpice(though placing one in the path I listed will have X read it on startup)02:34
xanguaat least not by default sajuukkhar it creates everytime you boot02:34
Guest28724Anybody knows the reason?02:34
sajuukkharxangua,  its just my resolution on my laptop isnt what it is meant to be and it can't detect the 1080p TV screen im hooked upto so it defaults the resolution to that as 1024x768 :|02:35
sajuukkharand someone told me to reformat the laptop so it would work and... well, it still doing it02:36
nortonanone up for helping a newbie with basic nfs config on an ubuntun client server network? I have a few questions...02:36
MahaVishnunorton, I thought I told you what to do before ;\02:37
nortonanyone up for helping a newbie with basic nfs config on an ubuntun client server network? I have a few questions...02:37
nortonMaha  I think I missed some of what you said cause I had to leave the chat sorry...02:37
Mitchell_im trying to compile a modem driver with instructions here http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/ltmodem/11c11040/HOWTO-Agere-11c11040-HDA.html but i dont have a file. I have kernel version 2.6.32-33-generic, if i download a compiled driver for 2.6.30 will it still work?02:37
brightsparkGuest28724, please don't post spam links.  Thank you.02:38
MahaVishnunorton, did you try adding the line I told you to your /etc/fstab02:38
nortonI missed that part of your response...02:38
sidneyI need to know how to recover my password or find the computer name02:38
Guest28724Dude thats not spam02:38
brightsparksidney, you can type 'hostname' in a terminal to get the computer name.02:39
sajuukkharhow do i change my graphics drivers?02:39
sidneyi cant get to a desktop02:39
zykotick9!passwords | sidney02:40
ubottusidney: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords02:40
MahaVishnunorton, something like this in /etc/fstab   /mnt/test  nfs  users,noauto,rw   0   0    also make sure you have portmap and nfs-common02:40
zykotick9!ops | Guest2872402:41
ubottuGuest28724: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!02:41
superlouHas anyone else had stability problems with flash over the last week?  It's worked solid for a few years for me, and a few months on 11.10, but it's been crashing on flash videos and sites very often recently.02:42
KFPsuperlou: Not me.   For me it's actually been working better recently than before.02:42
MahaVishnusuperlou, pastebin this for me? lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'02:43
superlouMahaVishnu, doing so...02:43
Guest28724Guys you can ask, if any RHEL/fedora issues02:43
superlouMahaVishnu, http://pastebin.com/BSwzphHU02:44
nortonMaha:  that fstab is run on the server side correct?02:44
asirihow ca i use gtalk02:44
MahaVishnunorton, no client02:44
superlouKFP, i probably got lucky and hit an edge case02:45
haylothanks linux admins for helping the world not suck :) you guys rule !!02:45
krispaulIs there a reason why when i power of bluetooth is enable again after powercycle?02:45
MahaVishnusuperlou, sudo dpkg -P flashplugin-downloader:i38602:45
krispaulI mean i dont dislike bluetooth but i dont get the idea of getting it on by default02:45
sajuukkharguys what driver do I use for the Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller?02:45
krispaul!help blutooth02:45
krispaul!help bluetooth02:45
sajuukkharI really have no idea02:45
superlouMahaVishnu, even though i'm on x64?02:45
sajuukkharI had it working on 10.10 but 11.10 broke it02:46
MahaVishnusuperlou, thats the old i386 version. you have the x86_64 stuff installed, we aren't touching those.02:46
superlouMahaVishnu, ok.  Command done.  Ah, P = purge?02:47
MahaVishnusuperlou, yea.02:47
superloushould i try restarting browser?02:47
MahaVishnusuperlou, yea can't hurt. now your on same flash as me.02:47
aruncn1My memory car is not detected by ubuntu. I have locked the card using my nokia phone and lost the password. How can i format and use the card?02:47
MahaVishnusuperlou, what are you using firefox ?02:49
sPrinGfieldaruncn1 use fdisk /dev/sdXYZ02:49
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brightsparkaruncn1, how have you tried to get ubuntu to recognize the card?02:49
sajuukkharanyone know how to change video graphics drivers?02:49
superlouMahaVishnu, well, so far no crashes yet, but it can be kinda sporadic.  I typically use Chrome, but I had used a firefox plugin to try the i386 version in compatability mode previously02:49
MahaVishnusuperlou, I use firefox and this version is working good for me, I have heard chromium (chrome on linux I think) is really good though. So you should be good I'd think.02:50
superlouMahaVishnu, drat.  Still crashing02:50
sPrinGfieldsajuukkhar https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:51
MahaVishnusuperlou, hrm. and this just started happening when exactly ?02:51
superlouMahaVishnu, it's a little bizarre.  I think it was about 1.5 weeks-ish02:51
MahaVishnusuperlou, did you update flash, or chromium in that time span ?02:51
brightsparkaruncn1, please use the channel to communicate rather than private messages- thanks!02:51
sajuukkharsPrinGfield, thanks I will read it :)02:52
superlouMahaVishnu, it's weird because i never had any issues before.  I didn't do anything except normal updates as far as I know.  AFter it started crashing, I tried a couple things that may have left my system looking funny, but when the symptoms first showed up, it was ordinary 11.10 instsall02:52
Mitchell_anyone know how big the kernel source is and where i get it?02:52
superlouMitchell_, depending on what you're looking to do with it, might find the answer here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile02:53
MahaVishnusuperlou, yea. Im at a loss, what makes it crash exactly, or is it just general instability?02:53
aruncn1brightspark: i've connected the card to pc, but it is not detected 08:20:50 AM02:53
aruncn1Dec 8 08:20:40 ubuntuserver01 kernel: [ 1260.208041] usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 202:53
aruncn1Dec 8 08:20:40 ubuntuserver01 kernel: [ 1260.276073] hub 4-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 102:53
aruncn1Dec 8 08:20:40 ubuntuserver01 kernel: [ 1260.516052] usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 402:53
ubuntuguestokay, has anyone gotten ubuntu 11.10 to install from usb on a macbook pro with no cd drive ?02:53
aruncn1Dec 8 08:20:41 ubuntuserver01 kernel: [ 1261.038348] usbcore: registered new interface driver uas02:53
FloodBot1aruncn1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:53
aruncn1Dec 8 08:20:41 ubuntuserver01 kernel: [ 1261.089102] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...02:53
MahaVishnusuperlou, i'd install firefox to isolate it being a browser problem somehow just as one thing to try.02:54
superlouSeems general instability.  It'll play about 30 seconds of a video than crash.  Sometimes it won't.  On large flash based sites, it might work for a while and then give up02:54
superlouMahaVishnu, i've tried using firefox too, same issue :)02:54
Mitchell_superlou, i dont need to compile it, i just need it to compile a driver02:54
superlouMitchell_, i believe that page links to the git repo with the source02:54
MahaVishnusuperlou, yea idk sounds like a bug in the flash plugin code somewhere which I hear is pretty common..... especially on linux I hear flash is on it's way out but thats beside the matter at hand.02:54
superlouMahaVishnu, I'd be a fan if it got itself the heck out, but for now we're kinda stuck with it.  Especially sites like sharedtalk.com which are a full page in nothing but flash.02:55
aruncn1brightspark: http://paste.ubuntu.com/763389/02:55
superlouMahaVishnu, I'm gonna sleep on it and fight it some more later.  Thanks for the help!02:55
MahaVishnusuperlou, alright sry I couldn't help more.02:56
brainiac_I have a presario cq57 laptop. i have researched as much as i can. i have no more hair. does anyone know which distro has wireless that works for my box?02:56
brightsparkaruncn1, do you see the card when you run lsusb?02:56
Resistancebrainiac_:  try ##linux ?02:57
FolkloreI ./program02:57
Folklorehow do I exit it using cmds02:57
MahaVishnuFolklore, ctrl +c ?02:57
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brainiac_resistance: thank you02:57
Folkloreyou rock Maha02:57
Folklore+rep points to you02:57
sidneyhow do i get the system to restart from command prompt02:58
aruncn1brightspark, yes. the output has Bus 001 Device 004: ID 14cd:125c Super Top02:58
MahaVishnusidney, sudo shutdown -r now02:58
nortonHi Maha -  thanks for all your help on this, I can't get the file to mount so after alot of hours I think I am going to move on.02:58
brainiac_resistance: i get "##linux :Cannot send to channel"02:58
zykotick9!register | brainiac_02:59
ubottubrainiac_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:59
MahaVishnunorton, what have you tried. dont give up haha!02:59
brightsparkaruncn1, I don't know why it's not being recognized if it shows up on lsusb, sorry.  Maybe someone else here will know more.02:59
Resistancebrainiac_: Please read http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup for details on registering your nick on the network.02:59
Resistancebrainiac_:  ##linux requires nick registration02:59
gelfsidney sudo shutdown -h now03:00
ejvhello, I restored my home dir from a backup, and now I get a "Could not chdir to home directory Permission denied" error when trying to login as my user. /etc/passwd /etc/group and the directory/subdirs all appear to have the right permissions. when trying to create a brand new user (using useradd), the same thing happens. ideas?03:00
gelfsidney sudo shutdown -r now03:01
zykotick9ejv, you UID # must match the old user name.  "ls -ld /home/olddir" do you see numbers instead of username? or the wrong username?03:01
aruncn1brightspark, thx for the response03:01
ejvzykotick9: ls -ln reports the same UID's as /etc/passwd03:02
ejv1000 100003:03
nortonMaha:  I thought it was a pretty simple process according to all the posts on the boards but I just cant seem to get it work. all i want to do is transer photos and spool print jobs from my client laptop to the server.   Any ideas on how to trouble shoot?03:03
ejv1000 1000 is consistent with /etc/passwd03:03
zykotick9ejv, you didn't answer my question - so someone else can help you.  Good luck.03:03
MahaVishnunorton, if you want to spool print jobs you need to use samba. anyway not nfs.03:04
brainiac_resistance: i thank you. done.03:04
ejvah ld, ld shows user user03:04
ejvnot UIDs03:04
brightsparkI'm on Maverick Meerkat- icons in the notification area use the wrong theme.  Is there a way to force the battery, network icons to use my current theme?03:04
ejvwhen trying to create a new user, via useradd, the same thing happens03:04
ejvi would assume that the default permissions would be in place03:05
ejvand that chowning wouldn't be necessary using the useradd tool; i've certainly never seen this before03:05
ejvzykotick9: *poke*03:05
zykotick9ejv, someone else can help you.  good luck.03:06
ejvso you don't know either... wonderful lol03:06
xanguabrightspark: tried to reset unity¿03:07
xanguaunity --reset03:07
ejvok let me repeat my question with all available information; im unable to login to my home dir as a normal user, I recieve "Could not chdir to home directory Permission denied". /etc/passwd reports my UID's as 1000. /etc/group reports my UID as 1000. ls -ln reports the home dir UID as 1000:1000. ls -ld reports the home dir as user:user. Using `useradd` on a brand new username, also fails with the same error. Suggestions welcome!03:08
nortonmaha: I tried samba and it always asked me for a password and workgroup when I was on the client so it never worked.03:09
brightsparkxangua, I am on Maverick, not Natty or Oneiric.  This problem persists across reboots, so I'm skeptical that resetting anything would be the answer.03:09
brightspark(Maverick uses the gnome-panels rather than the Unity launcher.03:10
xanguatry to reset the panel then brightspark03:10
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:10
canurabusis anyone here familiar with libudev? I'm trying to figure out how to get a list of all external storage devices (usb keys, usb hds, sd cards, etc), but having a lot of trouble. How do I know which devices listed by something like udevadm correspond to the device types I want to look out for?03:12
brightsparkxangua, thanks.  That did not fix the icons; it just moved the things on the panel back to their default locations.03:12
sajuukkharhey guys I have the i915 driver running on my graphics card, how do i switch to the intel one?03:13
xanguasajuukkhar: intel uses open drivers ;)03:13
zykotick9sajuukkhar, i915 sounds like intel driver actually...03:14
sajuukkharxangua, its not a very good one then03:14
zykotick9sajuukkhar, yup i915 is what my intel netbook is using as a driver - so that is the open source intel driver03:15
sgo11in gnome3, how to disable the icon display for the activated program in the top bar? that icon is kinda ugly, only partial icon is always shown. thanks.03:16
zykotick9sajuukkhar, that hans_reiser automatic PM is super annoying.  Good luck.03:16
brightsparkI'm on Maverick Meerkat- icons in the notification area use the wrong theme.  Is there a way to force the battery, network icons to use my current theme?03:16
sajuukkharzykotick9, xangua, so what is a better driver for the Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller03:16
sgo11hans_reiser, hello03:17
sajuukkharim missing resolutions for this screen and the 40" 1080p screen03:17
zykotick9sajuukkharrrr (avoiding your nic hopefully), nope, that's what you get.03:17
zykotick9:( didn't work03:17
ejvHello, I'm unable to login to my home dir as a normal user, I recieve "Could not chdir to home directory Permission denied". /etc/passwd reports my UID's as 1000. /etc/group reports my UID as 1000. ls -ln reports the home dir UID as 1000:1000. ls -ld reports the home dir as user:user. Using `useradd` on a brand new username, also fails with the same error. Suggestions welcome! Thx.03:17
sajuukkharzykotick9, so i just go back to 10.10 then?03:18
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
jribejv: why would ls -ld report the home dir as 1000:1000 if a username exists with uid 1000?03:18
sgo11why does hans_reiser send me private message automatically with my message copy?03:18
zykotick9sgo11, are you messaging sajuukkhar?03:19
jribhans_reiser: disable your automatic messaging please03:19
nortonMaha: if u r out there, i will give samba another shot, thanks for your time!03:19
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, pangolin, nhandler or Jordan_U!03:19
jribKFP: what?03:19
sgo11zykotick9, no...03:19
MahaVishnunorton, I can show you an smb conf that doesn't require a password.03:19
brightsparkzykotick9, everyone who speaks in this channel gets that message.03:19
KFPjrib: hans_reiser PM spamming again, like yesterday.03:19
jribKFP: thanks03:20
zykotick9brightspark, ah, thanks.03:20
KFPjrib: Thanks. :)03:20
ejvjrib: ls -ld reports user user03:20
jribejv: can you just pastebin the commands and full output that you paraphrased in your question, please?03:20
sajuukkharalright then, how do i go about forcing a resolution without xorg then?03:21
zykotick9sajuukkhar, sorry i thought you where responsible for the hans_reiser stuff.  So what's your issue with the intel driver exactly?  It doesn't support HD output?  I'm suprised it ever did?03:21
sajuukkharzykotick9, i got it to work somehow03:21
sajuukkharzykotick9, in 10.10 but I updated to 11.10 and now nothing works so far :(03:22
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
* jrib sends funkyHat to ##fix_your_connection -_-03:22
zykotick9sajuukkhar, well, you can't really downgrade (except reinstall).   Regression issues are common in Ubuntu, and upgrading almost always leads to "issues".  Good luck, hope you find a real solution.03:23
alFReD-NSHanyone know a good replacement for banshee? it is buggy and doesn't scrobb to last.fm!03:26
MahaVishnuwhere does network-manager keep its config on the interfaces ?03:26
brightsparksajuukkhar, I feel silly for asking this, but did you explore your options in System>Preferences>Monitors (or whatever the equivalent is in your release)?03:26
xanguaalFReD-NSH: rhythmbox03:26
xanguait also will be default on pangolin....again :P03:27
zykotick9MahaVishnu, in some internal database somewhere - not in a text file i've ever heard of, that's for sure.03:27
sajuukkharbrightspark, as in system settings monitors which has resolutions?03:27
MahaVishnuzykotick9, I switched to fluxbox, and I just realized I see nothing for network manager anymore. how do I view the gui of it, what command ?03:27
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zykotick9MahaVishnu, nm-applet03:28
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alFReD-NSHpangolin is the next version? when it will b e released?03:28
brightsparksajuukkhar, probably?  I decided against moving to Natty due to Unity's interface, so I'm not quite sure, but it sounds reasonable.03:28
MahaVishnuzykotick9, ok thanks, also.. what is the benefit of this network-manager. should I just use /etc/network/interfaces to atleast be able to use ifup and ifdown and have it all in plain text ?03:29
brightsparksajuukkhar, are you able to set it to the desired HD resolution using that dialog?03:29
sajuukkharbrightspark,  nope03:29
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, whats ur problem ???03:29
zykotick9MahaVishnu, if you use wireless, i'd go N-M.  If you use static or DHCP then interfaces is probably better.03:29
sajuukkharbrightspark, it seems to the think the laptop screen is a 16:10 screen and it can't identify the TV at all as a 1080p and i had it working in 1080p a few days ago03:29
brightsparksajuukkhar, sorry.  Just didn't want to overlook something obvious.03:30
MahaVishnuzykotick9, yea I use static. I think ill set up a interfaces file, is the package name for network-manager nm-applet ?03:30
jtreminioHi all. I just pressed something and these big circles with arrows in them showed up in the corners and sides of my active window - I'm assuming to resize it. How do I do this again :\03:30
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, my Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller doesn't work in 11.10.  I had it working a dual monitor setup of 1280x1024 and 1920x1080, it can only do 1280x800(laptop) and 1024x768 on the second screen03:31
zykotick9MahaVishnu, no - probably network-manager-* stuff.  try "dpkg -l | grep network-manager" to see what's currently installed.03:31
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, even worse is that I can't remember how i got it to workin 10.1003:31
michaeljwjrhas anyone here downloaded Vuze? Mine keeps crashing.03:32
SolarisBoymichaeljwjr: it stopped working for me a few versions back i abandoned it03:33
brightsparkI'm on Maverick Meerkat- icons in the notification area use the wrong theme.  Is there a way to force the battery and network icons to use my current theme?03:33
michaeljwjrWhat's a good a torrent to use then?03:34
michaeljwjreasy to use one.03:34
michaeljwjrLike one I can do a search in and then just download from within it.03:34
barbyhi to all03:34
SolarisBoyi dunno about that =)03:34
SolarisBoyrtorrent and transmission are nice light clients if you already have the link,, i haven't found a comparison for vuze built in search feature yet,, thats why i did like it when it worked03:35
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:35
barbyI need to add another path into the variable $PATH permanently03:35
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, I have no xorg.conf03:35
OerHeksmichaeljwjr, try opera, google &  buildin torrentclient03:36
SolarisBoybarby: you can append it in one of your .files03:36
SolarisBoylike .bashrc or .bash_profile if you want it globally you can put it /etc/profile03:36
michaeljwjroerheks, Buildin Torrentclients?03:36
zykotick9barby, see ~/.profile for just your user (~/.bashrc would also work)03:37
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, pastebin xrandr -q03:37
OerHeksmichaeljwjr, no, just 1 client03:37
mazda01how to get gnome-screensaver to permanently stop locking screen upon display blanking?03:37
michaeljwjrok so what's the name of the client I have to download that works with google?03:37
michaeljwjrOr just use google to look for what I want?03:38
barbyi need it for root03:38
mazda01i got into gnome-screensaver -prefs and uncheck the option yet the screen still locks03:38
SolarisBoyyou can put in the respecitve users home.. roots would be /.profile than i guess =)03:38
barbymy .bashrc03:38
barbycall "cat /etc/debian_chroot"03:38
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, http://pastebin.com/Fe35Drf303:38
ejvwoot solved it03:38
barbybut this file is empty03:38
zykotick9mazda01, gnome2 - open screensaver settings and remove check from lock screen.  Unity/Gnome3 open "screen" options and flick the lock switch.03:38
SolarisBoybarby: ?03:38
zykotick9barby, see ~/.profile for just your user03:39
ejvjrib: i won't be pastebin, solved the error03:39
mazda01zykotick9, i already unchecked option in gnome203:39
ejvthx anyways03:39
barby.profile calls ~/.bashrc03:39
zykotick9mazda01, is this a livecd or something?03:40
Anon7Any suggestions for installing LILO on an old PC from the liveCD CLI?03:40
brightsparkmazda01, check in configuration editor.  /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock might need to be unchecked03:40
barby.bashrc calls /etc/debian_chroot, and it's empty03:40
mazda01brightspark, that was it. THANKS03:40
barbyI can not understand where is set :(03:41
brightsparkmazda01, not a problem.03:41
mazda01brightspark, zykotick9 cause I had gnome-screensaver set to only blank the screen and within the gnome-power lock, it had blank_screen check marked03:41
SolarisBoybarby: your looking to append so simply PATH=$PATH:/new/path is sufficient... i dont think it matters where its initially defined no?03:42
mazda01basically making a blank screen auto lock despite telling gnome-screensaver NOT to lock it03:42
mazda01it was driving me nuts cause when I try to x11vnc --usepw into my machine for some reason shift key isn't handled correctly so password to unlock screen never worked.03:43
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sajuukkharMahaVishnu, can I make a new resolution using xrandr?03:43
mazda01guess, that should be my next question, should x11vnc --usepw tunneled thru a ssh tunnel be accepting shift key presses as "shift"?03:44
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1920x1080       LVDS1= laptop screen VGA1= Monitor03:44
chamunksis there any tutorials on how to setup my own Ubottu?03:44
barbySolarisBoy, yes with the export works, but if I go out and return the change is lost03:45
milamberbarby: the PATH is usually set by the process, this may help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60218/how-to-add-a-directory-to-my-path03:45
Anon7chamunks, learn to program03:45
mazda01is there a good tutorial foir getting suspend or stand by to work in 10.04 Ubuntu?03:45
SolarisBoybarby: as stated put it in the file.03:45
mazda01need to start cutting electricity costs. LOL03:45
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, here is an xorg.conf adjust your resolutions appropriatly. http://pastebin.com/jSHQJxcs03:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:46
sajuukkharMahaVishnu,  "cannot find mode 1920x1080"03:46
chamunksAnon7, hmm never thought of that.03:46
SolarisBoybarby: whichever file you choose export it as that and that will make it persist, as stated ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc for you,, /etc/profile for all03:46
Anon7mazda01, install pmutils03:46
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, ooh this looks familiar :)03:47
Anon7mazda01, sudo apt-get install pm-utils03:47
Anon7then sudo pm-suspend03:47
chamunksI'm looking to try and find a decent bot to run for my minecraft server on ubuntu this is the only reason why i ask.  Seems like ubottu runs just like i need.03:47
Sid0035hi guys :)03:47
chamunksI basically need an admin for when all the moderators are asleep.03:47
Anon7chamunks, either make one yourself or find one on github03:47
chamunksAnon7, I know of Eggdrop and wiki points to a few others I just figured due to the open nature of ubuntu there might be a source for ubottu somewhere.03:48
milamber!ubottu | chamunks03:48
ubottuchamunks: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:48
milamberchamunks: code available https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/devel03:49
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, do this in a terminal. cvt 1920 108003:49
chamunksmilamber, why thank you :)03:49
chamunksmilamber, I appreciate you being Ubuntu like and not just irc like :)03:49
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, what am i looking for?03:49
milamberchamunks: np03:49
Sid0035hum i did not realize that minecraft worked on ubuntu maybe it won't lag as bad as it dose on my old windows os that i use to have XD03:50
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, then show me the line that says Modeline03:50
chamunksmilamber, have you any experience with this bot at all or just know how to use its brain ;)03:50
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, Modeline "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync03:50
=== Xen4 is now known as ExAway
milamberchamunks: she is a she and just as a user, not an admin03:51
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync03:51
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, done03:51
Sid0035@chamunks you run a minecraft server? the actual game or the free version?03:51
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1920x108003:52
chamunksmilamber, :) I'm sure that I can make it work03:52
MahaVishnupr VGA1 for monitor03:52
chamunksSid0035, actual server for licenced copy owners of minecraft03:52
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, my LVDS1 can only do 1280x1024 (i think its a 15.4")03:52
EvereneLooking for some help on how to set up ubuntu/grub on RAID003:52
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, well you want 1080p for the vga1 you said?03:53
milamberchamunks: if you need help come back - give us details on the problem and most likely someone here can help you through it03:53
chamunksSid0035, But my server is currently only in pre public release but if you would like to come visit its at. mynickname.com as the ip.03:53
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, yep so i changed it to xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x108003:53
Sid0035hum i may have to join ur server Chamunks if i can get it to work on ubuntu ;)03:53
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, however 'cannot find mode 1920x1080'03:53
chamunksmilamber, I appreciate that I come here when im reallly reallly stuck which doesnt happen very often.03:54
fonsiHi I might have screwed my sources list, can anyone help me?03:54
EvereneCan anyone help me with ubuntu on RAID03:54
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, and VGA1 is what a 1080p tv ? does xrandr -q show the new mode we added ?03:54
chamunksSid0035, well by all means please stop by :) as long as you can get java working minecraft has a working linux version which should suffice. there is plenty of documentation on how to make it go.03:54
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, it is a 1080p tv :)  i will check03:55
Anon7Hi fonsi03:55
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fonsican you guys help me I screwed up my sources list and can´t edit it03:56
Anon7Why can't you edit it?03:56
Anon7Can you be more specific?03:56
fonsiIdk, it won let me save it03:56
Anon7well tha's because you're doing it wrong03:56
Anon7which text editor are you using?03:56
Anon7vim? vi? gedit? nano? emacs?03:56
fonsiI tried doing this gksu gedit +60 /etc/apt/sources.list03:56
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, http://pastebin.com/QGphLFkX the xrandr -q03:56
fonsibut it doesn´t work03:57
EvereneNano.... is what you should use03:57
FloodBot1Anon7: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
Anon7fonsi, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:57
SolarisBoywhy should you use nano?03:57
Anon7^do it like that03:57
Anon7then it should work03:57
Anon7SolarisBoy, you shouldn't. However, some people prefer it.03:57
fonsiit says command not found03:57
Anon7cd /etc/03:57
fonsicd into the apt file?03:58
theoneguydid you type it correctly?03:58
brightsparkAnon7, it is generally preferred to use gksudo rather than sudo with graphical applications like gedit.03:58
Anon7brightspark, there's no reason to use gksu03:58
fonsiI copied and pasted it...03:58
theoneguyit works just fine either way...03:58
Anon7the fact of the matter is, you shouldn't use sudo at all.03:58
zykotick9!gksu | Anon703:58
ubottuAnon7: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:58
Anon7the fact of the matter is, you shouldn't use sudo at all.03:58
Anon7you should su into root03:58
fonsiI was trying to put in a new source that it wouldn let me03:58
nhochtthu dam03:59
fonsiSo, how shall I proceed next?03:59
Sid0035kool i should revisit the site then and get the stuff i need for linux @chamunks03:59
Everenewell i need help with installing ubuntu03:59
Anon7fonsi, drop down into root03:59
theoneguywhy not just use the source editor ubuntu comes with?03:59
Anon7by doing the su command03:59
Anon7then open the file03:59
theoneguywhat version of ubuntu are you using?03:59
Everenei have a pretty odd problem03:59
Anon7cd /etc/apt/03:59
Everenenewest one03:59
Anon7then gedit sources.list03:59
SolarisBoyit really doesn't matter which editor you use...03:59
fonsiit says gedit is not installed04:00
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, xrandr --addmode VGA1 1920x108004:00
Anon7well maybe it isn;t04:00
fonsibut I can isntalled it with a broken sources list, right?04:00
Anon7do this04:00
Anon7do vi sources.list04:00
Anon7if vi isn't installed, then I cry for you.04:00
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, I made an Xorg.conf in /etc/X11 also that still can't find mode '1920x1080'04:00
theoneguy*silent lols*04:00
zykotick9fonsi, LOL - you being misled...04:00
SolarisBoya posix compliant system should have vim04:00
SolarisBoyi mean vi..04:01
fonsibash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'04:01
Anon7No? Why not?04:01
EvereneI'm trying to install ubuntu... but i have a RAID0 Setup and i think that is preventing grub from being able to install correctly as my boot04:01
Anon7fonsi, what exactly are you typing in?04:01
theoneguydont type the "dp"04:01
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, and that --newmode command I had you do, it worked fine ? cause the mode isn't showing up for some reason...04:01
Anon7oh my god04:01
RyuGunsWhere are the repositories stored in ubuntu?04:01
Anon7just type 'vi sources.list'04:01
Anon7then use vi to edit it04:01
Anon7or vim04:02
Anon7there's gotta be some text editor installd04:02
SolarisBoyRyuGuns: if you are referring the repo configuration it is in /etc/apt/sources.list and sources.list.d04:02
fonsithere we go04:02
fonsiit opened04:02
fonsiI know the error is in line 60\04:02
Anon7now use the keys04:02
SolarisBoydude vi is installed by default....04:02
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, oh it failed04:02
Anon7to find the rror04:02
brightsparkAnon7, that's a lot easier said than done if you haven't used vim before.04:02
fonsishould i just deleted line 60?04:02
Anon7then fix it04:02
FloodBot1Anon7: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:02
zykotick9Anon7, why on earth would you suggest to someone who uses gedit to use VI?  You're being very unhelpful to the poster.  fonsi04:02
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)04:02
sajuukkhar  Major opcode of failed request:  150 (RANDR)04:02
sajuukkhar  Minor opcode of failed request:  16 (RRCreateMode)04:02
Anon7because vi is a simple text editor04:02
milamberfonsi: before you do anything else can you describe your problem in detail?04:03
SolarisBoywhy not just have him open it in gedit?04:03
SolarisBoywhats wrong with that?04:03
zykotick9Anon7, NO - nano is a simple text editor.  vi is a powerful text editor.04:03
Anon7SolarisBoy, gedit isn't installed he said04:03
milamberfonsi: did you try and edit that file to install new sources?04:03
SolarisBoythey told him to use gksudo to open a graphical editor04:03
fonsiwhen I tryto update I get error message, when i try to sudo apt-get install same thing04:03
SolarisBoywell install it04:03
fonsiyes I did04:03
Anon7he can't with a broken mirror file04:03
milamberfonsi: ok, we need to see the error messages you are getting04:03
fonsiok one sec04:03
milamber!pastebin | fonsi04:03
ubottufonsi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:03
Anon7wow you guys are really all about hand holding, aren't you?04:03
SolarisBoyits about helping regardless the level of user04:04
zykotick9Anon7, you must be new to ubuntu aren't you?  hehe04:04
MahaVishnu xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync && xrandr --addmode DVI-1 "1920x1080_60.00"04:04
EvereneUrm.... i need sum help.... meow?04:04
Anon7zykotick9, I left ubuntu to go to arch because I couldn't stand the bloat anymore.04:04
Anon7zykotick9, I used Ubuntu for a long time before I got sick of canonical04:04
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, change that to VGA-104:04
Anon7Everene, what do you need help with04:04
zykotick9Anon7, well ubuntu != arch that's for sure04:04
fonsiE:Malformed line 60 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)04:05
Anon7zykotick9, I found that the best way for me to learn in Ubuntu was to figure things out for myself.04:05
fonsithat´s it04:05
SolarisBoyfonsi: so comment that line04:05
kimpInstalled Ubuntu 11.10 alongside Win 7 and have not been able to load either OS since.  Have tried to reinstall GRUB.  Windows recovery can find no problems.  REALLY stuck now...04:05
milamberAnon7: 1.) we don't tell people to use root. 2.) vi is not new-user friendly, shift : q! is not intuitive 3.) you hadn't even determined the exact error before you had him editing a pretty important file04:05
SolarisBoyput a # in front of it04:05
zykotick9Anon7, me to - but that's hardly the ubuntu-way ;)04:05
SolarisBoyfonsi: and run apt-get update04:05
Anon7milamber, he told me what the problem was.04:05
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EvereneI Tried to install Ubuntu, the newest update and grub wont work for me, i think it is because of my RAID setup....04:05
SolarisBoyfonsi: which editor will you use?04:05
fonsiI used the only one that worked04:06
fonsithe one that anon told me04:06
SolarisBoyfonsi: cool ok so vi04:06
ButtersAnon7: That's funny. I found the best way to learn in Ubuntu was to stick my penis in your mother.04:06
Anon7milamber, it's better to use root than it is to use sudo. vi is a great text editor, it's one of the first ones I used. as a toddler. He told me he had messed up adding a source and needed to edit the file. I had ALL the informatuion.04:06
zykotick9!noroot | Anon704:07
ubottuAnon7: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.04:07
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, so xrandr --addmode VGA-1 1920x1080?  Doesn't work getting can't find output "VGA-1"04:07
SolarisBoyfonsi: so to get to line 60 in vi easily you can type 'vi filename +60' where filename is the name of the file you need to open04:07
Anon7That's sad. Using sudo is basically forcing a system vulnerability.04:07
ButtersI know how to use sudo04:07
SolarisBoywhy is it better to use su than sudo?04:07
Butterssudo penis in Anon7's mother04:07
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, sry VGA104:07
SolarisBoywhat breaks when you use sudo vi <filename> ?04:08
zykotick9Anon7, i don't personally disagree with you.  But in #ubuntu don't mention root.04:08
Anon7SolarisBoy, because if you use sudo, and someone gains access to your machine and knows your password, they automatically have root access04:08
pangolinAnon7: same applies for root04:08
SolarisBoythats not true it depends on what you allow for them04:08
pangolinPlease just respect our rules.04:08
SolarisBoyif you dont allow the su command thats not true04:08
Anon7pangolin, not if you have a different root password04:08
Anon7But I won't help epople anymore04:08
SolarisBoywell dont give incorrect info either...04:08
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, now it cna't find mode 1920x108004:09
kimpAnyone? Anyone?04:09
Anon7SolarisBoy, what was wrong abotu what I said?04:09
Anon7kimp, please repeat your question04:09
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, im at a loss. that --newmode command is supposed to add it.04:09
Anon7this is a fast-moving channel and it's hard to keep up04:09
SolarisBoywell ONE of them is that if you have sudo you IMPLIED that means you have access to the su command when if you look at the sudo file or different setups of the sudo file you can see how easily prevented that is04:10
kimpAnon7, I installed ubuntu alongside win 7 and can not boot into either now.  Tried reinstalling GRUB.  Just get to GRUB rescue...04:10
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, what does xrandr | grep maximum show you04:10
EvereneSo I tried to install Ubuntu everything went swell until grub tried to install, I think it is my RAID setup preventing04:10
SolarisBoysudo == priviledge escalation so any other of your statements is expected other than that04:10
Everenekimp, do you have a RAID setup?04:10
SolarisBoybut thats just one thing.04:10
kimpEverene, no raid04:10
sajuukkharMahaVishnu,  I like this :) 8192x819204:11
nhochthow to format USB on ubuntu11.10?04:11
EvereneWell i've got the same problem as kimp04:11
xanguanhocht: right clic, format04:11
SolarisBoynhocht: or run mkfs on the dev file04:12
kimpEverene, when I tried to reinstall GRUB, it got stuck saying something about 'Reinstalling GRUB...'  How about you?04:12
EvereneMine just cant find my harddrives04:12
zykotick9kimp, Everene when you installed Ubuntu did you start the install from inside windows, or did you boot from the livecd?04:13
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, I am not sure why it is not working......04:13
Everenekimp, I booted from the livecd04:13
kimpzykotick9, live CD for me04:13
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, lets start over then ?  I have a max res of 8.1kx8.1k04:13
zykotick9kimp, Everene both of you then :)  Good luck guys04:13
kimpIt tried to install GRUB 1.99, which seemed odd to me04:14
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, yea thats ur framebuffer. just making sure it was big enough.04:14
zykotick9kimp, that's grub 2 BTW04:14
kimpthank zykotick904:14
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, my LVDS1 is 15.4" which i think is 1280x1040 or 1280x980 i have no idea04:14
Everenekimp, i can tell you how to get your windows back04:14
kimpAnon7, any ideas?04:14
kimpEverene, how?04:14
Everenedo you have the original win 7 cd04:14
Anon7kimp, yeah one second I'm helpoing someone else04:14
Guest61105how to 1920x1080 in tty?04:15
Anon7kimp, if you PM me, I can walk you through and save both paritions04:15
Everenekimp, do you have a win7cd?04:15
brightsparkgoodnight everybody.04:16
kimpAnon7, not sure how to PM!04:16
kimpI am using webchat04:16
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, if that --newmode command will not work using the info from cvt then I am not sure how to continue...04:16
Anon7kimp do /query Anon704:16
Anon7then type "hi" or something04:16
Anon7and i'll be with you momentarily04:16
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, well i did the xorg file, should i reboot and see what happens?04:17
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:17
YXnhocht, fom disc utility04:17
MahaVishnuGuest61105, edit /etc/default/grub and add the line  GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1920x108004:18
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, it doesn't work, apparently it doesn't exist04:18
MahaVishnuthen do a sudo update-grub204:18
MahaVishnuGuest61105, actually I guess they changed it. #GRUB_GFXMODE=1360x768 change to ur resolution and uncomment it.04:19
KFPIs it possible to remove the file/directory "emblems" that I set in 10.10 and older versions?   The emblems interface has been removed in 11.10, but the old emblems still remain.04:19
KFP...I'd remove them but I can't since the feature has been dropped (but not dropped properly).04:20
alFReD-NSHhow can I remove banshee from sound menu?04:20
alFReD-NSHI read this part of the article, but pretty confusing! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu#Music_player_integration04:21
Guest61105MahaVishnu: where to see all posssible options?04:23
EthekUbuntu 11.10 my background daemon for software updates seems to have failed. My Software center and my update checks are failing to launch. Any Pointers?04:23
MahaVishnuGuest61105, xrandr -q i'd guess.04:23
EvereneThis is definitively a fast moving chat04:24
milamberEthek: go to the terminal and type: sudo apt-get update04:24
Guest61105MahaVishnu: no ... that belongs to X04:24
Guest61105tty doesn't belong to X04:24
milamberEthek: report any errors04:24
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EthekSome ppa's failed to load but the only error was E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:25
m0ar_so who else is looking forward to 12.4?04:26
MahaVishnuGuest61105, what about this info ? http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/04/change-tty-resolution-after-install.html04:27
milamberEthek: did you get any 404 warnings?04:27
bluegoonWhere can I get an explanation on what drwxr-xr-x means?04:28
Anon7it's the perimssions04:28
Anon7you could just google it04:28
bluegoonAnon7, ok, will do, thanks.04:28
Anon7!ubottu permissions04:28
pangolin!permissions | bluegoon04:28
ubottubluegoon: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:28
pangolin!google | Anon704:29
ubottuAnon7: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.04:29
bluegoonAnon7, thank you.04:29
OerHeksread write execute by root user guest04:29
bluegoonWill a standard installation of Ubuntu 11.10 not use any WAN bandwidth when idle?04:29
bluegoonApart from specific apps which the user launches?04:30
bluegoonLike Xchat?04:30
eigbaI'm currently running ubuntu 11.10 on a asus laptop (asus k50ij) with intel sound card. Sound card plays sound, but when headphones are plugged int sound still comes trough the internal speakers, and headphones. I recently came from Fedora which had the same problem. I followed all howto's on forums with no luck. Anyone point me in right direction for ubuntu?04:30
MahaVishnubluegoon, doesn't ubuntu use an internet time server to keep time ?04:30
eigbaI have done some forums seraching and others have had same problem with asus04:30
EvereneDoes anyone here have experience installing Ubuntu on RAID???04:30
SolarisBoyugo == user,group,other04:30
bluegoonMahaVishnu, OK granted, just wanted to know if it would gobble up my 600MB cap on my 3G if I left it to run all day.04:31
SolarisBoythat reminds me of yugioh04:31
MahaVishnubluegoon, just turn your net off then ?04:31
Ethekmilamber : yes Err http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main amd64 Packages04:31
Ethek  404  Not Found04:31
bluegoonMahaVishnu, apart from its tme service, what other services would use WAN traffic if Ubuntu is idling?04:32
milamberEthek: did you manually add that source?04:32
zHammeRzauto updates04:32
EvereneDoes anyone here have experience installing Ubuntu on RAID???04:32
bluegoonzHammeRz, are Auto Updates off by default?04:32
Ethekits the only one erroring04:32
MahaVishnubluegoon, dunno04:32
eigbaEverene, What seems to be the problem with your raid install?04:32
milamberEthek: ok, something is not working with that. do you know how to comment it out?04:32
bluegoonAre Auto Updates off by default in Ubuntu 11.10?04:33
Everenegrub doesnt seem to find out that i have a harddrive04:33
Ethekill do that04:33
zHammeRzI don't think so, mine weren't.04:33
eigbaEverene, Software or hardware raid04:33
SolarisBoyi dont think so either04:33
Evereneeigba, Hardware04:33
Everenei think04:33
bluegoonzHammeRz, thanks, will check it out04:33
eigbaEverene, what raid controller and raid level04:34
SolarisBoybluegoon: you can check netstat -pone also.. to see what has outbound connections to inet ip's that you can't confirm04:34
EvereneRAID 0 and ......04:34
eigbaEverene, So grub at least loads?04:35
milamberEthek: ok, report back04:35
KFPIs it possible to remove the file/directory "emblems" that I set in 10.10 and older versions?   The emblems interface has been removed in 11.10, but the old emblems that I set in previous versions still remain.04:35
bluegoonSolarisBoy, thanks dude04:35
Evereneeigba, It will let me fully install ubuntu but grub FREAKS out when i boot up it goes strait to grub rescue04:35
Everenei have to choose to reboot without a bootloader in the Ubuntu Setup04:36
eigbaeigba, It sounds like it's freaking about not finding a partition04:36
dr3mroplease I need to know something .. does ubuntu sync packages with debian stable ?? when they are released ?? or just keep the unstable snapshot it had and wait for the next sync with next ubuntu release ??04:37
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, hey I restarted my computer and the Xorg took effect, nothing happened to change resolutions that i could do04:37
eigbaEverene, I have only done an install on raid 1 (hardware)04:37
eigbaEverene, I used to do them daily in the data center, and never once had a problem on ubuntu or centos04:38
Evereneeigba, It should be the same.... did you have to do anything out of the ordinany04:38
eigbaEverene, No just went into the raid card firmware and setup the raid, maybe you can try to go back into the raid firmware and delete the arrar and re set itup04:38
eigbaEverene, then reinstall04:38
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, I really am not sure what the problem is we should have corrected it. and VGA1 is really an HDMI output to a 1080 device then it should work..04:39
slugzzzHey all, I am having issues with 11.10 logging me out whenever I play a youtube video... any ideas?04:39
Evereneeigba, PM04:39
eigbaEverene, okay04:39
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, hmm yeah I remember getting something to work with 10.1004:40
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, can you send that pastebin of the Xorg file again?04:40
dr3mroKFP, gvfs-set-attribute "$FILENAME" -t unset metadata::emblems04:41
chiques_Has anyone tried to install Asus Web Storage (CLOUD) for Ubuntu 9.10 on Ubuntu 11.10?04:41
eigbaAnyone have suggestion for my sound issue? Sound comes trough internal speakers, and headphones when they are plugged in. Asus k50ij laptop with intel sound card. I had same issue on fedora, and followed all howtos/suggestions on the forums. Now having same problem on Ubuntu 11.10. I have been on the forums and it seems others have had same problem04:42
Ethekmilamber : I commented the source out and it has corrected my issue.  Not something that Ive seen happen before despite seeing 404 errors04:43
milamberEthek: no problem. if you need assistance with getting that (or any) ppa working feel free to stop back in04:44
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, in your xrandr -q I see the 1920_1080 in the list. but the xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920_1080_60.0 doesn't work?04:45
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, ooh we didn't try that04:46
sajuukkharhang on04:46
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, nah that doesn'twork04:46
johnnyzeroIf a bug pretty much only affects one or two people is it safe to say that it won't get fixed?04:46
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, wow. it really should idk then man.04:47
slugzzzHas anyone else experienced a bug causing Ubuntu to log out when they try to play flash... like youtube?04:47
will_Hi. I'm running 11.10. "vi" says it's vim, but there is no "vim" command. That seems a bit odd...?04:48
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, perhaps we should start over?04:48
will_I thought vi was generally symlinked to vim04:48
Anon7will_, they're two different programs04:48
Anon7perhaps vim isn't installed04:49
johnnyzerohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/898245 , https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/898253, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/886449 these are the bugs that nobody is really responding to. I guess I'll have to wait for 12.04. I posted these bugs last month. One of them on November 5th.04:49
bluegoonIs a Celeron 2.8 Ghz a bit light in the pants for Ubuntu 11.10?04:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898245 in xorg (Ubuntu) "If PC shuts down incorrectly, Ubuntu doesn't work anymore" [Undecided,New]04:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898253 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "Archive Manager locks up entire PC when looking at an archive and trying to extract individual files" [Undecided,New]04:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886449 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[USB-Audio - USB Camera-B4.04.27.1, recording] Pulseaudio fails to detect card" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:49
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, you can repost the question but at this point I dont know the answer.04:49
Anon7Anyone know where I can find the default oneiric sources list04:49
somsipwill_: isn't vim_tiny installed by defaul in ubuntu? (or named something like that)04:49
will_somsip: ah! ok.04:49
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, like we go through the process again, maybe i stuffed up somewhere?04:50
tenX_will_: thought it came as an additional package easy to install via apt04:50
johnnyzeroIs there any way to maybe compile Alsa from Source and fix the problem myself seeing as how nobody cares to work on it?04:50
bluegoonguys, quick question, is a Celeron 2.8Ghz too light for Ubuntu 11.10?04:50
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, pastebin your xrandr -q again and the result when doing that command  I just said.04:50
c_smithwill_, vim is vi IMproved, so vim is essentially vi, but extended, and Ubuntu comes with it installed by default.04:50
will_c_smith: Yeah, I knew that, but usually "vim" is a valid command still. When I run vi, it says it's vim, but when I run "vim", it says I need to install it04:51
tenX_johnnyzero: guess the cpu to be one of the least relevant parts04:51
c_smithwill_, I wouldn't worry too much about it, vim actually is more feature rich, and honestly, if it defaults to vim, there probably isn't a problem.04:52
OerHeksjohnnyzero, i see responces to your last bug report, it has something to do with Playstation Eye Camera.04:52
ecotrumpI've lost the transparency options for my xubuntu panels and screenlets. Does anyone have any ideas for what might have happened? It happened just after I logged into a xfce session and then tried to get a xubuntu session running again.04:52
will_c_smith: Well, I'm having some "issues" that I'm trying to resolve. I normally run on CentOS servers, so trying to find out why the same things don't work04:53
c_smithwill_, you could try "which vim" in terminal if you really want to see if it's installed.04:53
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, http://pastebin.com/wz5EQXTd in that order04:53
will_c_smith: It's vim.tiny, that's installed, not "vim"... whatever that is :)04:53
johnnyzeroOerHeks, specifically with Ubuntu 11.10. There were no issues in 11.04 and 10.10.04:54
c_smithwill_, oh? then did you try running it with vim:tiny?04:54
will_c_smith: That's what vi runs, vim-tiny04:54
tenX_c_smith: think i remember vim to be installed explictely on earlier ubuntu versions04:54
tenX_c_smith: what is vim tiny anyhow04:54
johnnyzeroThough I am assuming that since 12.04 is an LTS release they are probably maybe trying to iron out all the bugs they can and package it into Pangolin.04:54
lsvis there any way to pass a string to a bash function then print each character in the string individually?04:55
will_Yeah, installing the vim package "fixed" everything. Thanks all!04:55
c_smithtenX_, that's in old versions, since a certain release (before I started using Ubuntu) vim was included by default,) and vim:tiny I'm guessing is a lighter weight version of vim.04:55
OerHeksjohnnyzero, best thing to do is join #Ubuntu+1 the place to be for pangolin04:56
johnnyzeroHmm good idea OerHeks. Maybe I can ensure that by April my devices will work again and the bugs will be ironed out. Thanks :)04:56
tenX_c_smith: thank you for that short info. remembered to install it on many servers earlier04:56
johnnyzeroCurrently, I'm using Ocelot04:57
c_smithtenX_, no prob04:57
ecotrumpI've lost the transparency options for my xubuntu panels and screenlets. Does anyone have any ideas for what might have happened? It happened just after I logged into a xfce session and then tried to get a xubuntu session running again.04:57
tenX_c_smith: wasnt sure about more up to date versions04:57
dr3mroplease I need to know something .. does ubuntu sync packages with debian stable ?? when they are released ?? or just keep the unstable snapshot it had and wait for the next sync with next ubuntu release ??04:58
c_smithtenX_, well, now you know04:58
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, since you rebooted I think you need to do. cvt 1920 1080 then edit. xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00"  173.00  1920 2048 2248 2576  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync    [[WITH YOUR INFO FROM CVT]]  then do the xrandr --addmode VGA1 1920x1080_60.00 then xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080_60.004:58
AndrewX192Does anyone know if it i spossible to use two AMD graphics cards on an Ubuntu system?04:58
slugzzzAhhh! Someone please help! I beg of you! Ubuntu 11.10 keeps logging me out randomly.... that's three times in the last ten minutes!!04:59
tenX_c_smith: need to get more outta this, increasing productivity level04:59
milamberdr3mro: this is more of a tech support, someone in ubuntu+1 may have a better answer for you04:59
bluegoonWhat is XCFE or LXDE?04:59
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, 'edit.' edit what?04:59
milamberbluegoon: they are different desktop environments04:59
KFPdr3mro: Ooh, it seems to work! :) Thankee.04:59
bluegoonmilamber, Thank you05:00
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, the --newmode command make sure those numbers match yours ( I think those were your numbers )05:00
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, okay :)05:00
milamberbluegoon: you can download them and run them with your regular ubuntu if you wish05:00
bluegoonmilamber, Cool, thank you, think ill try that.05:01
ecotrumpAnyone know if is it the gnome shell that allows for control panel transparency settings?05:01
Everene_Does anyone have experience with Ubuntu on RAID?05:02
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, hey it worked kinda :)05:03
sajuukkhari got an error on the last command05:04
sajuukkharso i manually changed it in the system settings > screen resolution (it showed up) and now the screen is a little to the left05:04
slugzzz_Okay.. now that's 4 times I've been randomly logged off. :-(05:06
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, what screen is to the left ?05:06
slugzzz_.... if I don't click on anything or touch anything, maybe Ubuntu won't log me off...05:07
skraitohey guys is there any md5 sum for ubuntu at ubuntu official site05:07
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, the VGA, tv05:07
MahaVishnuslugzzz_, flash problem you said ?05:07
slugzzz_Not sure...05:07
sgo11hi, how to uncompress/compress .pak files? (chrome theme)05:07
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, is it 1920x1080 now ?05:07
slugzzz_It logs me off when I try to view youtube videos pretty religiously.05:07
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, I figure its because the LVDS isn't set either so im gonna follow what you said (yes its 1080p now just the screen cuts off at the left side)05:07
Everene_Guys, What doe Chrooting mean?05:08
MahaVishnuslugzzz, lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'05:08
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, weird. it should be fine..05:08
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, oh what is the name of LVDS1? Is that right?05:08
MahaVishnusajuukkhar, yea. I think so check xrandr -q05:09
slugzzz_MahaVishnu, http://www.pasteall.org/2716205:10
sigurgEverene_, chroot changes the root directory05:10
Everene_sigurg, Thank you very much05:11
MahaVishnuslugzzz_, hrm. is it a really old computer or something ?05:11
slugzzz_No, it's a year old alienware05:12
oooaaaooohi guys am running ubuntu 11.04 and was wondering if there was a fast way to change ip addresses within a static environment?05:12
MahaVishnuoooaaaooo, you can use /etc/network/interface file.05:12
slugzzzNo, it's a year old alienware.05:13
oooaaaooosay i need to change from to .26 within a press of a button, how would i do that05:13
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, now im getting that same error again im gonna restart05:13
oooaaaooodidnt see the answer05:13
MahaVishnuslugzzz, but you are running a 32bit kernel ?05:13
slugzzzI should be running 64 bit, I take it.05:14
MahaVishnuslugzzz, I'd think so if it was a 1 year old alienware ...... what processor is in it?05:14
MahaVishnuslugzzz, why would you run an i7 on 32bit kernel ?05:15
slugzzzBecause it was what was on the CD that I had burned. :p05:15
slugzzzThat's probably the problem, eh?05:15
MahaVishnuslugzzz, yea upgrade to 64bit ;-P05:15
geoffmccslugzzz: its probably something in the pae kernel as i use 3.0.0-13-generic with no problems05:15
MahaVishnuyeah bra.05:15
geoffmccslugzzz: but i am x86_6405:15
slugzzzIs there anyway that I can upgrade to 64bit without reinstalling?05:16
Everene_Anyone willing to help meh?05:16
MahaVishnuI also run that kernel on 64 with 0 problems05:16
MahaVishnuflash related that is.05:16
heterogenerateanyone know how to run ./configure from a usb key to nuke a windows ntfs drive for reinstall?05:16
oooaaaoooMahaVishnu: so basically I change the ip there save it and thats it?05:16
Everene_Anyone wish to help me?05:17
heterogenerateanyone know gnu parted 3.005:17
heterogenerateanyone know gnu parted 3.0?05:17
MahaVishnuoooaaaooo, no. first you do a sudo ifdown eth0 to bring interface down. edit the file then do a sudo ifup eth0 to bring it up with new address, you could write a small script to do it all in one command.05:17
somsipEverene_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot05:18
Everene_lol i know that05:18
somsipEverene_: so why " Everene_> Anyone wish to help me?"05:18
oooaaaoooMahaVishnu: yup thanks05:18
michaeljwjrok so if I have a 64 bit system, with the 64 bit driver for my graphics card, I can't use Wine to play games?05:18
heterogenerateanyone know a chatroom for gnu parted 3.0?05:18
slugzzz_... but how can I run amd64 on an intel machine?05:19
MahaVishnuslugzzz, it is for 64bit not just amd.05:19
sajuukkharMahaVishnu, I did the xrandr --addmode VGA1 1280x1024_60.00 then it gives me this X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)05:19
sajuukkhar  Major opcode of failed request:  150 (RANDR)05:19
sajuukkhar  Minor opcode of failed request:  18 (RRAddOutputMode)05:19
MahaVishnuthey call it amd64 cause amd came out with 64bit first.05:19
oooaaaoooMahaVishnu: i looked into the current contents of the file and all it shows are "auto lo05:20
oooaaaoooiface lo inet loopback05:20
oooaaaoooMahaVishnu: what does that mean?05:20
MahaVishnuoooaaaooo, google /etc/network/interfaces static ip05:20
slugzzz_Hmm... the download on the Ubuntu site says amd6405:20
will_MahaVishnu: I don't think they came out with it first, but they came out with the "better" one :)05:20
MahaVishnuoooaaaooo, you need to specify your settings in the file05:20
geoffmccslugzzz: yea the name is kinda deceptive but amd64 is the 64 bit version05:20
Everene_slugzzz, it doesn't matter if it says amd, it is both amd and intel05:20
urlin2uheterogenerate, linux and windows generally with build and delete partitions with auto and manual installs05:21
oooaaaoooMahaVishnu: no i mean, i already have settings, so why arent they showing up there?05:21
MahaVishnuoooaaaooo, cause they are probably for network-manager05:21
slugzzz_Grrr... okay.. that makes a lot of sense... and actually makes my life a hell of a lot easier....05:21
slugzzz_Thanks all.05:21
oooaaaoooMahaVishnu: so i need to edit network manager?05:22
MahaVishnuoooaaaooo, you can uninstall it if you are gonna use the file to manage your net05:22
MahaVishnuno you dont need to edit network manager05:22
oooaaaoooMahaVishnu: ok ill have to think about this , thanks for the help05:23
ecotrumpHello all, I lost transparency options for my panels and screenlets in the xubuntu environment. Does anyone have an idea why this would happen?05:29
ranjan_hi all, how can i resize the / lvm partition?05:29
HoNgOuRuhi, how do I make a package from a source?05:33
polardude1983Hello, Does anyone know how to remove the last page of a PDF via terminal commands? or a script?05:34
polardude1983hello ecotrump05:35
ecotrumpgood to know its working, thx Polar05:36
polardude1983Np. Sometimes it just takes time to get a response :)05:36
vijvijhi I want to download libXau.so.6 from terminal. what is the command ? thanks.05:36
ecotrumpI'm trying to find out why I have no transparency settings available for my windows settings and control panel. I'm on Xubuntu. What could have made the transparencies unavailable?05:37
nardevhello, is there any handy way to sync notes, contacts, memos and calendar from Evolution to android phone?05:37
MahaVishnuvijvij, try locate libXau.so.605:37
vijvijMahaVishnu : No such file or directory... I think I need to populte my locatedb.. what was the command for that?05:38
MahaVishnuvijvij, updatedb05:39
CarlFKnardev: googled and found... google!  http://scottlinux.com/2010/07/10/sync-google-calendar-and-contacts-in-evolution/05:40
vijvijMahaVishnu : did 'updatedb' followed by 'locate libXau.so.6' ..... gave nothing05:40
nardevCarlFK, :( thnx sorry05:40
nardevi'll look that05:40
polardude1983@nardev thats probably the best bet :)05:40
MahaVishnuvijvij, you need to install whatever package provides it then i'd guess.05:40
nardev:( i'm trying to avoid google cloud polardude1983 CarlFK05:41
vijvijMahaVishnu : yes... I need to .. I don't know the command for that.. Pretty new to linux. Thanks for helping me ouyt05:41
polardude1983@nardev What I am seeing is two things SyncML and SyncEvolution05:42
CarlFKnardev: android is a platform/os - that alone doesn't have any sort of contact list.  so you need an app to manage that data, and the default is the apps that use google05:42
MahaVishnuvijvij, sudo apt-get install libxau6 libxau-dev05:42
vijvijMaha Vishnu. let me try that. thanks..  One more question what if i don't want to install but just download the so file... Is that possible?05:43
nardevCarlFK, i understand that, so infect, i'm looking for two sided solution :(05:43
polardude1983@nardev try looking at this http://op-co.de/blog/posts/egroupware_syncml/05:43
nardevpolardude1983, i'll investigate that thnx05:44
MahaVishnuvijvij, uhh idk you can probably get the .so file somewhere off the net...05:44
vijvijMahaVishnu : thanks :)05:45
maumhello I cannot hear any sound on ubuntu 11.10 how can I do to hear sound?05:45
polardude1983maum, is your volume on mute?05:45
HoNgOuRuI am having a problem when doing a ./configure ...I get this error "checking for KDE:......configure  error" I need kde headers, im using ubuntu 11.10, by the way Im trying to install apollon from source05:45
maumpolardude1983, no05:45
will_maum: Are the speakers turned on?05:46
ecotrumpmaum, was it working before?05:46
polardude1983maum, did you have sound at an earlier time?05:46
maumno this is the first time and I installed ubuntu 11.10 and installed new hardware05:46
ecotrumpdid you install additional drivers?05:47
maumI installed nvidia driver05:47
polardude1983anybody know how to remove the last page of a pdf with a script?05:48
maumI installed hdmi monitor + dvi monitor05:49
maumand I want to use hdmi sound but the original sound is also not working.05:49
maumI don't know why05:49
polardude1983maum, are you using 64bit 11.10?05:49
maumpolardude1983, 32bit05:50
dark|angelhey there05:50
dark|angelI'm moving from Debian 6 to Ubuntu 10.04LTS, and I wanted to ask you guys if there are any repositories where I can find newer versions of PHP and such05:51
dark|angelLike PHP-FPM, Nginx, and so fort05:51
somsipdark|angel: if you use 10.04 you are fixed to whateve rpackages are offerd by 10.04 unless you install manaully05:51
dark|angelsomsip ok05:52
dark|angelsomsip thx05:52
polardude1983maum, you did a clean install of ubuntu 11.10 or an upgrade? Just wanting to be clear05:52
Sid_injectorhey guys how do i add my .list file to a folder that is root?05:52
dark|angelsomsip it's not like there was anything for Debian either, except for DotDeb05:52
ecotrumpDoes anyone know why I would have lost transparency support and gained two more workspaces in Xununtu? Does anyone know what program would be controlling these features in Xubuntu?05:53
maumpolardude1983, clean installed05:53
Sid_injectorapparently i do not have actcess to it?05:53
somsipdark|angel: When I have looked at repos for older version I've been surprised how out of date they can be. Only example is Firefox is still 3.6 (from memory) in 10.04, but I'm on 8 with 11.1005:54
maumpolardude1983, internal audio is now working05:54
ecotrumpSid_injector, are you accessing the folder through a terminal cmd or through the GUI?05:54
polardude1983maum, what happened to get it to work?05:54
Sid_injectoroh sorry guys im using ubuntu05:54
maumpolardude1983, I changed output device05:55
ecotrumpI think you might need to get to the folder through a 'sudo' command in the terminal to gain permissions to change it.05:55
maumpolardude1983, and I want to use hdmi output05:55
kimpDoes anyone know how long it should take to reinstall GRUB?  Mine runs for about 1 hour, then I lose patience and reboot it.  Perhaps I should wait longer?05:55
OerHeksdark|angel, i see Nginx ppa in this list http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas but be carefull with ppa's ,  PHP-FPM http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-nginx-with-php-5.3-and-php-fpm-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10.04-without-compiling-anything05:55
tomatobrosi have ff 8 with 10.10 ppa goodness :p05:56
polardude1983maum, im not sure what to say to help you get your HDMI sound working.05:56
ecotrumpis your monitor on mute, not just the computer?05:56
dark|angelthanks allot <OerHeks>05:56
maumpolardude1983, there is two output device ( internal audio analog stereo, hdmi stereo) but hdmi sound is not working05:57
ecotrumpSid_injector, yeah I would bet you need to access the folder through the terminal to gain permissions... not exactly sure how it's done though. Ima n00b05:58
Sid_injectorim using the gui @ecotrump05:58
polardude1983maum, sorry I do not know the answer. All I can say is it might have something to do with PulseAudio or maybe try installing Alsa and uninstall Pulseaudio.05:59
Jeremy3Dtrying to paste a file in my usr/share/program folder and it's not letting, permissions say i'm not the owner but i'm the only user05:59
Sid_injectorah ok thanks ecotrump i'll go to the ubantu site then and look how to move files to other directorys05:59
SnakesAndStuffDoes Ubutu 11.10 have good hardware accelerated flash support?05:59
ecotrumpnp Sid_injector06:00
polardude1983jeremy3d, sudo cp bla/bla/bla/file bla/bla/bla you have to copy as root06:00
maumpolardude1983, ok thank you06:00
SnakesAndStuffb/c I am using ubuntu 11.10 and mplayer has vdpau support it seams, but flash video bogs the system down big time.06:00
SnakesAndStuffany suggestion?06:00
almoxarifemaum: don't see various 'profiles' associated with the hdmi?06:00
hahago to adobe to downlad the flash player06:00
ecotrumpDoes anyone know why I would have lost transparency support and gained two more workspaces in Xununtu? Does anyone know what program would be controlling these features in Xubuntu?06:01
Jeremy3Dpolardude1983, ty06:01
MahaVishnumaum, whats the problem.. ?06:01
maumalmoxarife, what? I don't understand exactly06:01
SnakesAndStuffhaha: So which version do I download from their site? I should use it and not the flash-installer that ships with Ubuntu?06:01
hahamaybe the internet is delay06:01
maumI can hear internal sound but hdmi sound is not working  I want to use this06:01
maumthere is two sound card in sound panel.06:02
almoxarifemaum: hdmi is the hardware setting, there are various 'profile's associated with it, yes?06:03
mauminternal card is working but hdmi06:03
dark|angelwhich kernel package is recomended for VPS server with Ubuntu 10.04LTS?06:03
maumalmoxarife, profile? where can I check it?06:03
hahachoise the frist06:03
xio23i'm trying to restore a folder to a location which already contains the files. i want to overwrite files which have changed and leave the ones which have not. currently --force appears to be required and then it overwrites everything and not just the files which have changed. anybody have an idea on how to do this?06:03
almoxarifemaum: sound preferences06:03
dark|angelwhich kernel package is recomended for VPS server with Ubuntu 10.04LTS?06:04
hahatop right06:04
maumalmoxarife, yes there are various 'profile's in it06:04
somsipxio23: without knowing what you are using, how about renaming the existing file, restoring the other one, then cp -R * from the renamed one to the restored one?06:04
maumalmoxarife, I selected Digital Stereo (HDMI) Output06:04
ejvdark|angel: the latest one06:05
almoxarifemaum: how many?06:05
maumalmoxarife, 8 including Off06:05
dark|angelejv I get a gazilion variations, anything from backported 3 kernels to virtual, server and generic06:05
ejvdark|angel: if you're using LTS it should default to server06:05
xio23somsip: i am using rdiff-backup06:05
ejvdark|angel: i'm assuming you're rolling ubuntu server 10.04 lts06:06
hahasomeone know how to backup my system06:06
almoxarifemaum: one of them will work, you need to go thru them all, and it requires a logout/in to get it right06:06
dark|angelejv yes, I got a VPS06:06
ejvyes haha, plenty of people here know how to back stuff up06:07
SnakesAndStuffAh, if I'm on a 64 bit machine and using a wrapper, I need to also download the 32 bit vdpau libraries, correct?06:07
hahaalmoxarife , do you know how to backup06:07
maumalmoxarife, should I try it all? ok06:07
xio23somsip: didn't follow your suggestion quite although i think what you are saying would have me restore files that haven't changed. i'm trying to avoid restoring files that haven't changed as it takes longer to do it that way.06:07
somsipxio23: no experience of that, but the principle is the same, yes? You may need another param for 'cp' to make sure older files don't overwrite newer ones.06:07
bazhang!backup > haha06:07
ubottuhaha, please see my private message06:07
almoxarifemaum: yes06:07
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:07
almoxarifehaha: what version?06:07
ejvsince when does version have anything to do with backing up files almoxarife :P06:08
somsipxio23: or...rename current folder, restore backup folder, cp -R backup/* renamed/; rm -rf backup; mv renamed backup....sort of thing06:08
ejvhaha, there's a lot of very nice command line tools to backup files, cp, scp, rsync, tar, etc.06:09
almoxarifeejv: since there are more than one package and there are some already installed depending on the version, like 11.10, already has backup. since you asked06:09
ejvor if you're gui dependent, stick in a usb stick, copy, and paste.06:09
maumalmoxarife, thank you I think I found it the number 2 output is working06:09
xio23somsip: i think you might not be following what i'm trying to do. if i restore then delete it is going to be restoring all files. which is what i'm trying to avoid.06:09
hahaejv ,cp?06:09
almoxarifemaum: mine was 4, cool06:09
somsipxio23: k06:09
maumalmoxarife, thanks06:09
ejv11.10 has a backup "wizard" you mean almoxarife ?06:10
xio23somsip: you might have given me some ideas though06:10
maumalmoxarife, you are genious06:10
ejvhaha yes, cp06:10
almoxarifemaum: no, I installed hdmi the hard way also06:10
ejvhaha, ask questions here, don't PM me06:10
somsipxio23: there maybe some options for cp that will help, but I'll leave it with you06:10
ejvhaha, man cp, cp --help, google, etc.06:11
ejvi forgot to add prayer to that list, oh well06:11
almoxarifeejv: 11.10 has backup already, just need to be started06:11
dark|angelejv the default VPS template for Ubuntu comes with linux-ec2 kernel installed06:11
hahaoh ,i see06:11
dark|angelejc isn't ec2 amazon's elastic computing platform?06:11
ejvlikely an image prepped by your datacenter, go ahead and use it, it's probably fine06:12
ejvalmoxarife: so a wizard? :)06:12
dark|angelejc well, they allow me to change it or upgrade it. I'm just wondering to what...06:12
hahaalmoxarife , i will have a try06:12
almoxarifeejv: ??06:12
ejvwhat is your native language almoxarife06:13
almoxarife!info wizard06:13
ubottuPackage wizard does not exist in oneiric06:13
almoxarifeejv: tmi06:13
ejvalmoxarife: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wizard_(software)06:13
handygandyCan someone recommend a calendaring application compatible with KDE and scriptable, preferably in ruby?06:14
tenXcal ;)06:14
ejvare the cool kids not calling guided software wizards anymore... lol06:14
almoxarifeejv: here is what I know, backup has a 'settings' and 'execute' gui06:14
SlayersZhello xD06:15
ejvdeja dup?06:15
almoxarifeejv: you get the star06:15
ejvwell as far as i can tell from my googling, it looks like a pretty weak tool06:16
ejvwouldn't be surprised if rsync is underneath it06:16
almoxarifeejv: as far as I can tell from my constant use, works pretty darn well, but that's only because I depend on it06:16
ejvcool, glad ubuntu has people adding software like that06:17
ejvso it appeals to the more mainstream people06:17
almoxarife!info snob-ware06:17
ubottuPackage snob-ware does not exist in oneiric06:17
ejv!info duplicity06:17
ubottuduplicity (source: duplicity): encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.15-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 167 kB, installed size 952 kB06:17
ecotrumpHow do I get window and panel transparency working in Xubuntu?06:20
ecotrumpAnyone know?06:20
polardude1983ecotrump, no idea. Maybe something to do with compiz?06:20
totesmuhgoatshey guys06:20
tenXtotesmuhgoats: yo06:20
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ecotrumppolardude1983, should I reinstall compiz or is there a way to troubleshoot it?06:21
Jordan_Ukimp: How did you try to re-install grub?06:21
totesmuhgoatsso i created a raid array. in fstab i specified the options auto,noexec,rw,users. then once i mounted it i changed the group of the mount point to a group with 2 users in it06:22
polardude1983ecotrump, did you uninstall compiz in xubuntu?06:22
almoxarifeecotrump: was there a particular reason you installed 'xubuntu?06:22
totesmuhgoatsbut i can't seem to cd in or ls06:22
totesmuhgoatsoh the permissions are set to 777 now06:22
totesmuhgoatsso even ifi wasn't in the group it should be accessible06:23
totesmuhgoatsany ideas?06:23
ZimskyI need to redirect port 9016 to port 80. How might I go about doing this?06:23
djddutyhello, where is the download for ubuntu server for a 64 bit intel processor?06:24
ecotrumpI was running Xubuntu fine; I tried a Xfce session to try it out but after relogging into Xubuntu, I lost all transparency06:24
ecotrumpI haven't uninstalled anything yet06:24
totesmuhgoatsdjdduty: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download06:25
djddutytotesmuhgoats: which one on the list?06:25
djddutythey all look the same to me =/06:25
totesmuhgoatsdjdduty: what kind of processor?06:25
djddutyand I beleive it has 64 bit support06:25
djddutyallthough I am running 32 bit windows06:25
totesmuhgoatsdjdduty: core i something or core 2 something?06:26
totesmuhgoatsthe one that says amd6406:26
djddutybut, isn't that only amd cpu support?06:26
totesmuhgoatsdjdduty: nope06:27
djddutyI thought thats why it said amd64...06:27
kimpJordan_U I created a Boot Repair disk06:27
djddutyok, well thanks!06:27
totesmuhgoatsdjdduty: the intel 64 bit architecture is for servers06:27
totesmuhgoatsthe desktop computers with intel 64 bit chips use amd6406:27
ecotrumppolardude1983, i don't have compiz installed, i don't think06:27
djddutyso ubuntu-server-11.10-amd64.iso.torrent?06:27
totesmuhgoatsor sometimes its called x86~6406:27
totesmuhgoatsdjdduty: if you want the server edition, yes06:28
ecotrumpPolardude1983, I don't remember uninstalling anythying06:28
djddutytotesmuhgoats: I do06:28
djddutytotesmuhgoats: thank you very much06:28
nhochthow to check account for USB3g on ubuntu?06:28
totesmuhgoatsthen that's the one06:28
ZimskyI need to redirect port 9016 to port 80. How might I go about doing this?06:28
Jordan_Ukimp: Can you be more specific and detailed?06:28
polardude1983ecotrump, well when you said should i reinstall compiz. it means that it was uninstalled somewhere. Which is why i asked did you uninstall it06:29
totesmuhgoatsso any idea about my mount question?06:29
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Jordan_Ukimp: If you're still having problems that is.06:30
ecotrumppolardude1983, sorry about that. I had the option for transparency after I first installed xubuntu, but now it's gone. sorry for the confusion06:30
kimpJordan_U I followed the ubuntu instructions to download Boot Repair iso from sourceforge.  Booted from CD and let it interrogate my system.  Selected the 'Recommended Repairs' option.  It runs for a while then gets stuck...06:30
polardude1983ecotrump, just trying to figure out why you lost it. THat is all :)06:30
Jordan_Ukimp: Follow these instructions instead: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot06:33
polardude1983ecotrump, maybe this can provide a solution to the transparency? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46729606:34
ecotrumppolardude1983, I will check it out06:35
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
hahaoh my  god ! i have already restarted my notebook ,  my ubuntu 11.10 desktop don't have the backup06:35
kimpJordan_U - I just tried reinstall Ubuntu but it to hangs!  Do you still think I should try the chroot option?06:35
Jordan_Ukimp: Where did it hang?06:36
kimpIt asked me if I wanted to connect to a wireless network.  I said no, but it's stuck on that screen...06:36
kimpMessage above was for Jordan_U06:36
Jordan_Ukimp: Are you using the Live or alternate CD?06:37
kimpI'm just using the Ubuntu Installation download cd06:38
abhi_i need an info.06:38
TopikjapeFoto bugil06:39
abhi_i'm running a simple SMTP server in my ubuntu machine via postfix06:39
hahai update ubuntu 11.04 to ubuntu 11.1006:39
abhi_how can i send mail from this SMTP server to other services like gmail?06:39
abhi_i want to send mail from my own SMTP server06:39
abhi_plz anyone help06:39
tenXabhi_: directly?06:40
ecotrumpPolardude1983, Got it, that thread got me in the right direction. In Xubuntu 11.10 I had to go to Settings Manager>Window Manager Tweaks>Compositor then recheck the bow 'Enable display compositing'. I think it may have gotten unchecked when I logged into an Xfce session for some reason. Thanks for the help.06:40
kimpJordan_U, I had 3 partitions before I installed Ubuntu.  From what I saw in the GRUB Rescue, I think I now have 5.  Should the install create 2 partitions?  And does it know that only one can be primary?06:40
polardude1983ecotrump, glad i helped06:40
abhi_tenX: yes, from command line or mail client like thunderbird06:40
polardude1983ecotrump, althought it was a very short thread lol06:40
abhi_tenX:like- mail from: abhi@localhost06:41
sn00pDo I update the kernel through ubuntu package update by using the image ?06:41
abhi_tenX: rcpt to: name@gmail.com06:41
tenXabhi_: command line based?06:41
Jordan_Ukimp: Yes (root filesystem and swap) and yes (it will have created an extended partition and made logical partitions within that for root and swap).06:42
QuaydonI set up my raid1 system on install with the console GUI. I then laterd installed xubuntu-desktop it now change my mdadm.conf should I just use the old one? heres the old one http://pastebin.com/kMHiZEyQ and the new one http://pastebin.com/dLyi29hz06:42
Jordan_Ukimp: Can you post a screenshot of where it's hung?06:42
Jordan_U!screenshot | kimp06:42
ubottukimp: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.06:42
kimpJordan_U, ubottu - I just rebooted it.  I can try again, however not sure how I will be able to get screen shot of the machine?06:43
djddutywhat is a really good virtualization software for ubuntu that's free?06:44
Jordan_Udjdduty: virtualbox, kvm.06:44
hahahi ,ubottu . i restart my computer ,but i can't find the backup option06:44
polardude1983djdduty, can't beat virtualbox06:44
djddutyalright well, thank you very much yet again06:45
Jordan_Ukimp: If you choose "Try Ubuntu before installing" (or something similar) then you can run other applications in addition to the installer (which will be an icon on the Desktop).06:45
kimpI found virtualbox caused problems with 64bit guests on a HP laptop host (with HW virtualisation).  Apart from that, it's great.  Better than VM Ware...06:45
Quaydondjdduty, I really like virtaualbox too. Im actually running a windows xp guest and a windows 7 guest now :)06:45
dodo3773@kimp was it a 32bit host06:46
djddutyI just need to run my windows 7 as a vm06:46
kimpdodo3773 was a 32 bit host06:46
dodo3773kimp - that makes sense06:46
dodo3773@kimp same problems in linux06:46
QuaydonI have not had any problems at all with a 64-bit guest on a 64-bit host06:47
HanumanHow do I connect to a different irc server? not a channel.06:47
dodo3773@quaydon what about a 64 guest in a 32 host06:47
hahamaybe you try to use the 32 bit ubuntu06:47
Quaydon. /server or /connect i think06:47
Quaydondodo3773, I don't think I have tried that.06:48
djddutyok, for my ubuntu server, virtual box or kvm?06:48
djddutyfor servers which is better?06:48
hahamaybe kvm06:48
dodo3773quaydon I think that is what the op was saying06:48
rainfyreI did a full install of an Ubuntu 10.04 distro to a 16g flash drive, but the boot menu showed my hard drive on the first boot-up. Now I just get the grub> menu.  Is there a way to fix my flash drive and make it bootable again?06:49
rainfyreIt only booted properly once, and now doesn't boot06:49
dodo3773@kimp just run 32bit guest06:49
sgo11hi, with ubuntu 11.10 and gnome3, how to enable sound effects when I double click folders or press menu and moving the cursor along the dropdown list of a menu etc...? is that possible? thanks.06:50
dodo3773@sgo11 did you look in dconf06:50
kimpcurrently collecting screen shot for Jordan_U and ubottu06:51
Jordan_Ukimp: ubottu is a bot :)06:52
kimpJordan_U - That's hilarious :)06:52
=== tommy_ is now known as Guest72022
VustomCould someone help me with UNetBootin? When I go to find the .ISO there's only root and filesystem :/06:58
mysteriousdarrenwhat is your problem? location?06:58
VustomI can't get to the location, and it's /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/iATKOS_L2/iATKOS_L2.iso06:59
sgo11how to enable/play sound when I double click and open a folder in nautilus?07:00
VustomHow do I mount an .ISO on Ubuntu? I need to do this then copy the contents onto a USB07:00
kimpJordan_U, I can't save the image to a thumb drive.  The system can see the thumb, but can't open it...  Sames goes for all drives, actually, except for one called File System (which I suspect is the CD ROM?)07:01
sgo11Vustom, simply use the file manager. nautilus.07:02
sgo11Vustom, open the file manager. double click the iso file.07:02
VustomI did.. and I clicked Next but UNetBootin skipped extracting and copying the ISO07:03
Vustomand went straight to installing the bootloader07:03
Vustomso now I have to extract the ISO and paste it myself07:03
VustomI think07:03
VustomI'm knew to this :D07:03
sgo11Vustom, sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop file.iso a_folder/07:05
Vustomsgo11: I did this; /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/iATKOS_L2 (Look at step 5)07:06
VustomWould that work as well?07:06
sgo11Vustom, sorry, I am not sure what you are trying to do. just replied your question how to mount a iso file. :)07:08
VustomAwh okay, I think I've figured it out anyways :)07:08
VustomOne more question, when I try and copy something it says Filesystem does not support symbolic links?07:09
qmanjr5Why does Banshee keep putting .mp4 files into the Music category? >_>07:10
Sid_injectorhey can any one tell me how to move a .list file i made to a folder in the file system using the terminal in ubuntu?07:10
almoxarifeVustom: you are copying across a network?07:10
Sid_injectorno just on my system07:11
xio23how can i use diff and only output the the difference for the lines which are different for one of the files... right now if two lines match you see the contents of that line for both files.07:11
Ztag100Hey, im running a small minece07:11
VustomNope, I have an .ISO that I mounted near my /home file so that I can copy all the contents onto a USB, which is all on the same PC, but when I do so I get the message above :p07:11
Ztag100Minecraft server for me and my friends07:11
Ztag100And I was wondering, whats the lightest DE to use, to prevent lag?07:12
qmanjr5Actually, nevermind that. How do I add pictures to an iPod in Banshee?07:12
webrolexio23: diff filepath/filename ??07:12
sgo11Sid_injector, you can simply use 'mv' command.07:12
Ztag100Im using xfce07:12
Ztag100I also try lxde07:12
Ztag100Is there anything else?07:13
xio23webrole: what07:13
webrolespecify file along with diff command07:13
RaghuBI am getting buffer over flow when creating the  mingwm10.dll07:14
somsipZtag100: http://www.techradar.com/news/software/applications/5-of-the-best-lightweight-window-managers-for-linux-972570 and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems07:14
RaghuBi586-mingw32-gcc -B./ -shared  -Wl,--image-base,0x6FBC0000 -Wl,--entry,_DllMainCRTStartup@12 mthr.o mthr_init.o mingwthrd.def -Lmingwex -o mingwm10.dll07:14
Sid_injectorah ok sgoll do i need to use a symbol to target the file system for the move or can i just move the file to the folder i need to with out using any thing to define the file system?07:14
Ztag100Sorry, on my tab right now07:14
VustomIs it possible I can copy all the contents of an .ISO to a USB without getting Filesystem does not support symbolic links?07:14
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almoxarifeVustom: do you know what a 'symbolic' link is?07:15
Vustomnope :)07:15
almoxarifeVustom: you familiar with 'windows'?07:16
Vustomyes, i have it :)07:16
Ztag100Whats windows? Never heard of it before.. :P07:17
sgo11Sid_injector, you can use 'tab' button to complete a nickname. my nick is sgo11, but not sgoll. :) anyway. command: mv <source_path/file> <dest_path/file>07:17
VustomWhat if I did this; sudo modprobe hfsplus && sudo mount -t hfsplus -o loop /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/iATKOS_L2/iATKOS_L2.iso /media/Mac07:17
VustomWould this work?07:18
almoxarifeVustom: think of it this way, you are trying to copy a 'shortcut' and not the actual 'file/folder'07:18
sgo11Sid_injector, mv <source_path/file(s)> <dest_path>07:18
VustomWhere do I find this folder/file?07:18
VustomI'll explain what I'm trying to do07:18
sgo11Sid_injector, eg: mv /home/user/*.mp3 /home/user/Musics/07:18
VustomI have a USB storage device, and a .ISO file near my home directory, I'm wanting to extract the contents of this .ISO and copy all of it into my USB storage device.07:19
tenXVustom: mount and copy?07:20
sgo11Sid_injector,  '.' is current directory. '..' is parent directory. eg: mv ../*.jpg .07:20
Ztag100Which is lighter LXDE or xFCE?07:20
Ztag100I have them both installed already07:20
VustomYes, that's what I'm trying to do, I've mounted it near a folder in my home, but when copying it to the USB it says about the Symbolic link problem07:20
sgo11anyone know where can I enable all the sound effects? currently, there is no sound play when I open directory in nautilus etc.... thanks.07:21
almoxarifeVustom: lets assume you have an iso file, and lets assume you want it on a usb, then it's a matter of copying it, to the usb, when you bring up 'symbolic' link I infer you don't have the two things you initially need to accomplish what you are trying to do07:21
VustomBut I do have both of them, so what's wrong? ._.07:21
Sid_injector@sgoll ok so then there is no command definition for the file system?07:21
almoxarifeVustom: wth does 'mount' iso near home mean?07:21
Sid_injectori can just add the path then right?07:21
sgo11Sid_injector, sorry, I don't understand your question.07:22
sgo11Sid_injector, and please, my nickname is sgo11 . not ll..07:22
yourstrlyVustom: show your cp command07:23
Sid_injectorah ok sorry sgo1107:23
VustomISO location: /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/iATKOS_L2/iATKOS_L2.iso USB path: /media/mac Mounted path: /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/image (BUT, when I double click on image, it changes to /OS/iATKOS_L2? :/)07:23
=== abhijit is now known as Guest62028
eaxxaenot trying to start a flame war, but what current dist has the most deployed base and active users now ? ubuntu/debian/gentoo?07:24
eskoONEcould someone help me pls07:24
almoxarifeVustom: which of those folders is outside of your home folder???? you know, you linked to it, but really, its not there?07:24
Sid_injector@ sgo11 ok i mean this you know how in the terminal you can use the ~ symbol to id the home/user07:24
Vustomalmoxarife: Huh.. I'm confused sorry. -.-07:25
somsip!ask | eskoONE07:25
ubottueskoONE: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:25
kimpJordan_U, I tried the ChRoot method.  It hung again, this time when I went sudo chroot /mnt07:25
sgo11Sid_injector, yeah. ~ is stands for /home/user/ . if you want to see all the global variable definition. you can simply type 'export' in terminal.07:26
eskoONEim trying to configure grub207:26
eskoONEi have windows and ubuntu installed07:26
Vustomalmoxarife: yourstrly: What if I just did: sudo modprobe hfsplus && sudo mount -t hfsplus -o loop /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/iATKOS_L2/iATKOS_L2.iso /media/Mac07:26
eskoONEi want to boot direktly into windows when i do nothing07:26
VustomWould that place all the contents of this .ISO in the USB which is called Mac?07:27
eskoONEbut when i type something then i want wo chosse out of grub what to boot07:27
almoxarifeVustom: yeah, that's it, that should do it07:27
yourstrlyVustom: no07:27
eskoONEi treid editing the grub txt07:27
VustomWhat should I do then?07:27
eskoONEwhen i change brub_timeout, it direktly boots in to windows07:28
yourstrlyfirst off, no need to modprobe. Second, just mount the iso under an empty dir, then use cp07:28
masteri have problem when i install tor plunging07:28
masterin my firfox in ubuntu07:28
Vustomyourstrly: Could you tell me what to type.. I'm new remember. :307:29
eskoONEso what can i do?07:29
eskoONEstartup manager also doesnt work how it should07:29
yourstrlysudo mount -t hfsplus -o loop /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/iATKOS_L2/iATKOS_L2.iso /some/empty/dir07:29
mastererror show  not completable with this version07:29
sgo11Sid_injector, did I answer your question? I just gotta go.07:29
almoxarife!info troll | Vustom07:29
ubottuVustom: Package troll does not exist in oneiric07:29
=== david is now known as Guest98556
Vustomyourstrly: I meant the cp part, heh.. :p07:30
yourstrlydid you mount w/o error?07:30
syddrafI'm having an issue where gnome-open attempts to open everything in nautilus. Is there a way to correct this?07:31
Vustomyourstrly: I got no error in the terminal if that's what you mean :)07:31
Sid_injectorim good i'll look up more documentation so i understand better thanks for helping me sgo1107:31
FnorZeskoONE, have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 ?07:31
masterany solution of my problem07:31
mrpink57 eskoONE my suggestion would be to flip the input within menu.lst, but keep a backup just in case.07:31
Vustomyourstrly: Is this correct? cp /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/image /media/Mac07:31
mrpink57on my Chakra install it boots the last OS selected07:32
sgo11Sid_injector, no worries. I thought you asked to see all the variable definition. 'export' command will show the list. to use them eg:  $HOME is the same as ~. HOME will be shown in export command output.07:32
yourstrlycp -a ...07:32
Vustomcp -a /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/image /media/Mac then? :)07:33
sgo11oh. he left before I do.07:33
Vustomyourstrly: When I do that it copys the image folder instead of all the content inside, I need the content inside the /OS/image/ to be at the root07:34
Vustomof the usb07:34
yourstrlycp -a /home/vustom/Vustom/Mac/OS/image/* /media/Mac07:37
amarftphello world07:38
kimpSo, I have been at this for 24 hours now and am about to write off my laptop.  I installed Ubuntu alongside Win7 last night and can now not boot in to either.  Have tried all sorts of fixes.  Any last ideas, anyone?07:38
amarftpi am a new user in debian07:39
mrpink57kimp: what is your error?07:39
bazhangamarftp, you mean ubuntu I hope07:39
tenXkimp: external boot media installing grub? plenty of howtos07:39
kimpmrpink57 GRUB boots into rescue mode.  Tried reinstalling grub from CD, from chroot.  Also, tried to do windows system repair, tenx07:40
mrpink57kimp: can you boot into one without the other?  Say windows did not exist does grub show up?07:41
almoxarifekimp: when you installed ubuntu you wiped out MBR which was needed by windows, you need to fix windows first, with a rescue disk, google, repair MBR07:41
kimpmrpink57 Windows was working fine before I did ubuntu install.  Now only see GRUB07:42
morganhi all07:42
tenXkimp: but grub comes up?07:42
amarftpnow i have a usb wifi ralink rt2800usb07:42
kimpalmoxarife, I run the windows system recovery and it finds no problems with the boot07:43
bazhangamarftp, with debian?07:43
kimptenx, drops straigt to GRUB rescue07:43
almoxarifekimp: then all is well, windows is a boot option07:44
ak5what is the best way to get a socks proxy via ssh running at boot?/w07:44
kimpSomething definitely screwed with recognising files: Ubuntu reinstallation hangs; Boot Repair (GRUB) installation hangs; LiveCD can see devices, but not write to them, etc...07:44
morganthis ubuntu is "geeky"07:44
mrpink57kimp: did you have to resize your drive?07:44
kimpalmoxarife, how can I get to windows then?07:44
mrpink57kimp: to fit ubuntu?07:44
almoxarifekimp: when you installed ubuntu you wiped out MBR which was needed by windows, you need to fix windows first, with a rescue disk, google, repair MBR07:44
=== rymate1234 is now known as rymate1234|away
apple314hy guys, I apologize if I'm in the wrong place, but maybe someone might help... Love ubuntu, but now I installed 10.04, and connect to wifi using usb dongle => shipset rtl8187. It can connect to both wep/wpa, but althow signal is great dowload speed is really poor. Googled it and see that some people have the same problem, but no answer that would work for me was provided. Has anyone insight?07:45
kimpmrpink57 I resized an NTFS drive and removed a recovery partition in windows before installing ubuntu.  checked that windows was still working fine before installing ubuntu, of course07:45
tenXyeah to fix windows you can use recovery /fixmbr07:45
tenXbut you should rather get grub to work07:46
lmaowaffle1hi folks. Is it okay to ask about zfs use in ubuntu in this channel, or elsewhere?07:46
mrpink57kimp: that recovery partition may have held the recovery disk info, a lot of manufactures do not ship a cd anymore.07:46
kimpmrpink57, yep, I know07:46
tenXmrpink57: those installations are screwed anyway07:47
mrpink57well he must have a windows rescue cd then?07:47
kimpI have a Windows Rescue CD but it thinks the boot is fine!07:47
HaematomaWhere do I save scripts so that I can call them from any directory?07:48
Haematoma ...so that they can be called like any other command07:48
Haematoma I.E. ls , cd, mkdir, etc07:48
almoxarifekimp: does your cd include 'repair MBR'???07:48
tenXkimp: well i'd give running grub some more tries07:48
mrpink57fixmbr should do it anyways07:48
HaematomaI want to write a BASH script to convert my FLAC files to MP3s07:48
BernSamsonI have a question....does it really make much difference to use the 32 bit ubuntu on 64 or should you really use the distro made for your computer?07:49
kimptenX, I tried GRUB many times.  Even re-downloaded and cut a new disk.  If Ubuntu LiveCD can't navigate the file system, I don't think Grub will be able to either...07:49
mrpink57after fixmbr you will need to reinstall grub.07:49
tenXmrpink57: yeah but that will prevent dual boot07:49
Haematomaand have that script be a part of my linux commands list07:49
almoxarifeBernSamson: if you have a 64bit machine then use 64bit os, unless you don't want to use 1/2 the processing power07:49
Haematomaso that I only have to type "converttomp3 [Source:Path] [Dest:Path]07:49
mrpink57tenX: at first it will, but once you reinstall grub it wont.07:50
Haematomaand the script that I wrote will be called07:50
tenXkimp: hmm all those tries ended up the same?07:50
BernSamsonthank you Alomax07:50
somsipHaematoma: it's usual to create local/bin in your home directory and put them in there. then you'd add ~/local/bin to your path in .bashrc07:50
beachbum_Bobmy media players don't work07:50
kimptenX, yep07:50
Haematomasomsip,  thank you so much!07:50
kimpalmoxarife, no repair MBR07:50
tenXmrpink57: of course. but why reconstruct windows only if dual boot is your intention07:50
BernSamsonalmoxarife: would that explain why I'm not able to run Unity 3d?07:51
tenXkimp: does the grub menu show up at boot?07:51
eshloxhm, kubuntu 11.10, dvd drive not detect cd/dvd discs, eject works, system detect dvd.. http://pastebin.com/4p45EghH any ideas?07:51
mrpink57tenX: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting the same results.  its worth a try to fix the windows mbr then reinstall grub.07:52
kimptenX, no.  Just drops straight to the rescue.  I looked around and found lots of Grub files, but not a grub config.  Same problem - nothing can write to the filesystem07:52
almoxarifeBernSamson: not sure, unity3d depends on the video drivers being there, still, if we are talking a fresh install, do the 64bit and 'alternate' iso , not the 'desktop'07:52
tenXkimp: have you tried TAB? (think thats the hotkey)07:52
kimpGetting windows running is my main priority.  I have given up on the ubuntu install for now07:52
ak5what is the best way to get a socks proxy via ssh running at boot?07:52
tenXmrpink57: insanity is an acceptable consequence07:53
BernSamsonalmoxarife: I'm having difficulty updating my vid drivers...keep getting an Authorization Denied error07:53
kimptenX, just tried tab and shift.  Same result, i.e. rescue prompt07:53
almoxarifeBernSamson: and be connected to the internet via ethernet07:53
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mrpink57kimp: so focing a fixmbr should kick windows to boot07:53
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tenXkimp: hmm okay. so you only want windows back for now?07:54
Haematomasomsip,  do you know of a more formal name for the thing which I am attempting to do? I am looking for documentation on how to do so07:54
kimpyep, windows for now.  Am readin up on fixing mbr07:54
almoxarifeBernSamson: denied? what version? where do you get that output?07:54
Haematomasomsip,  that would be adding a script as a command07:54
tenXkimp: yeah that should work07:54
BernSamsonI got that from the update manager07:55
tenXkimp: is it win7?07:55
kimptenX, yes, Win 707:56
mrpink57kimp: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/bootcons_fixmbr.mspx?mfr=true07:56
almoxarifeBernSamson: switching from 32 to 64 is not an option on update manager, and your error I am not familiar with07:56
somsipHaematoma: http://www.linuxheadquarters.com/howto/basic/path.shtml and https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3199 may help07:56
tenXmaybe you can repair it via f807:56
tenXkimp: if thats so, it'd be nice to let me know07:57
tenXkimp: d'oh ;) cant work if windows isnt even booting07:57
BernSamsonalmoxarife: I went to Additional Drivers...it offers a post release and a regular release...I click activate...and it tells me Permission is denied07:57
BernSamsonalmoxarife: I understand that I cannot 'update' to 64 bit OS...07:58
almoxarifeBernSamson: additional drivers needs admin permission, and its not getting it, your system sounds crippled07:58
BernSamsonI give it admin permissions07:59
BernSamsondoes it matter if its on a dual boot?07:59
almoxarifeBernSamson: should not07:59
almoxarifeBernSamson: if you got dual boot, here is a option, use the win partion as a backup, save your home folder, then re-install a 64bit on the ubuntu partion???08:00
BernSamsonredoing the vid card driver activation just to see if I get the same error08:01
mrpink57almoxarife: if /home is a separate partition and not all in one you should not need to do anything.08:01
VermindHi, I use IBUS to type Chinese in gnome-shell. The ibus keyboardlike icon changes into a picture with a crossed out red circle when in pinyin mode. It should be a blue character like in GNOME2. I have tried several icon themes, including Gnome, elementary, Mint-X. Any ideas?08:01
BernSamsonwhat the...it finally allowed the update!08:02
kimpOk, so there is no fixmbr on my CD, or the windows directory or subdirectories!08:04
almoxarifemrpink57: true, I must be the only person not do have done that, now I see how its useful, I guess next time08:04
raptor67682hellow world08:05
raptor67682woudl you know how to make the Ubuntu mount the NFS share at boot ?  /share defaults,auto 0 0 ?08:05
raptor67682woudl you know how to make the Ubuntu mount the NFS share at boot ?  /share defaults,auto 0 0 ?08:08
e01hm i had a problem with mc and sftp with it, when i connect to server it say me that cannot change dir and then drop the session, is there some way to fix it?08:08
BernSamsonalmoxarife: thanks for whatever magic ya did...08:12
BernSamsonnow if only I could smooth out my usb mouse08:12
almoxarifeBernSamson: look at the mouse settings, increased sensitivity did the trick for me08:13
BernSamsonI have sensitivity and accel maxed and it still operates like its frame rate is like...15 or something08:14
almoxarifeBernSamson: kill it, get a new one08:15
lololGood Morning!08:16
BernSamsonMorgen lolol08:16
kimpHi all, got my windows installation back!  Used bootrec, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927392.  Thanks for the assistance!08:16
almoxarifeBernSamson: is it a plain or optical ?08:16
almoxarifekimp: now you got what you need to continue with grub repair till the cows come in08:17
evil_hoggreeting. i humbly requesting community help once again -.-08:17
kimpalmoxarife, I was just going to buy a second laptop!  Where would you go from here?08:18
lololI ve made a bad mistake: I lost all my signatures for apt... It says sth like "Could not authorize packets..." Like when you add a deb source without added gpg keys...08:18
lololHow do I add the right keys in Ubuntu 11.10? I deleted the keyring folder... Dump I am ...08:18
ArchangelSe7enhullo fellow ubuntu users08:18
BernSamsongosh dang it...08:19
almoxarifekimp: if it'd 64bit, use 64bit, use the 'alternate' iso/disk and be connected to the internet via ethernet08:19
BernSamsonclicked on the wrong button08:19
lololAnyone an Idea to fix my key problem?08:20
evil_hogi have lenovo z570 laptop with uefi. i'm trying to install kubuntu 11.10 x86_64. after bios upgrade i'm able to install and launch kubuntu without problems, but i don't like standard partitioning because it doesn't respect 4k alignment. but when i install kubuntu with manual partitioning, it appears as 'ubuntu' in uefi menu, but wont boot08:20
PPPPPPPdoes anyone know here i can find good Boo tutorials? and example scripts?08:20
evil_hogi have bootable efi partition at the end of the drive. the difference that it started from 2048 sector instead of 34 as before08:21
evil_hogand i'm not sure what device for grub installation i should choose... /dev/sda ir /dev/sda1 where efi partition is08:21
lololW: GPG-Fehler: http://archive.canonical.com oneiric Release: Die folgenden Signaturen waren ungültig: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>08:21
lololTHat is what I get for all my repos?08:22
PPPPPPPits like a mix between JS and Ruby08:22
polardude1983Does anyone know how to copy all files in a dir except for the last file? Like I want to copy files doc_01.pdf to doc_03.pdf but not doc_04.pdf08:24
prince_jammysPPPPPPP: boo's homepage08:24
somsippolardude1983: define "last one" Do you mean by alphabetical order?08:26
kimpalmoxarife, is this the right place to download from, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download08:27
polardude1983somsip, like if i have files doc_01 to doc_04. I only want to copy the first three. or if i have files doc_01 to doc_07 i only want to copy the first 608:27
somsippolardude1983: when 'first three' are the first three when listed by alphabetical order? Or date order?08:28
almoxarifekimp: assuming it's a 64bit machine and you want the 11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent08:28
polardude1983somsip, alphabetical08:28
Vermindpolardude1983: you could do that with a gui very easily, or in a terminal using a one liner: cp $( ls | awk 'NR > 1 {print last} { last=$1 }'  ) wher-ever/you/want/to/copy/them08:28
somsippolardude1983: try something along these lines: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4817313/bash-script-to-delete-all-but-n-files-when-sorted-alphabetically08:29
kimpalmoxarife, it's an intel i7, an x86 chip.  It can run Win 64, so should be able to run Ubuntu 64?08:29
Vermindthere you should tell ls what kind of order you want, if you want it to be different than normal ls order, and tell cp about -r and -i if you need them08:29
almoxarifekimp: if it can run win64 then it's a 64bit machine, so 64bit ubuntu is the logical choice08:30
Maxy1982morning all08:30
crescendoI'd like to restart metacity so I don't lose all my open applications, but really don't trust running it inside of a terminal window.  What is the _correct_ way to do this?08:30
almoxarifekimp: amd64=64bit08:31
polardude1983somsip, thank you so much08:31
Vermindcrescendo: how about alt-f2 and metacity --replace08:31
crescendoVermind, does that properly "disown" the process?08:31
somsippolardude1983: np08:32
BernSamsoncan I access my windows partition from ubuntu thru WINE?08:32
crescendoI don't trust that finnicky little window08:32
almoxarifeBernSamson: sort of08:32
crescendohrm, that didn't correctly resolve my issue either.08:32
almoxarifeBernSamson: first ubuntu needs 'sharing' turned on08:32
Vermindcrescendo: What's the issue?08:32
BernSamsonI ask...because I have some MMOs that I like playing...but they are Windows based games...08:33
somsipBernSamson: you can access it my mounting it directly https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions08:33
almoxarifeBernSamson: and access to the windows shares do not need wine08:33
crescendoVermind, artifacts hanging around when I drag a window, and unmaximizable windows08:33
Maxy1982am getting this error: file not found : grub rescue>08:33
BernSamsonso to run the games I don't need wine if I've set up sharing?08:34
Peristyleis not insecure mounting automatically windows partition?08:34
somsipBernSamson: if you are wanting to run windows executables on Linux you need wine or something very similar08:34
almoxarifeBernSamson: you do need wine if the games are win08:34
kimpthanks almoxarife, VERY much appreciated!  Downloading now...08:34
BernSamsonok...thats what I wanted to know08:34
Vermindcrescendo: Do you have the reduced resources mode on in metacity?08:34
MeirDI networking question:  In my routing table I have an entry 9.151... with a Gemnmask that its gateway is Then I have an entry "" with gateway  What happens when I try to connect to an IP on my local network? It seems like it forwards the IP package to the default gateway anyway??08:35
crescendoVermind, I have not modified any metacity configs, no08:35
almoxarifekimp: insure you are connected to the internet on install via ethernet for best results08:35
kimpwill do08:36
Vermindcrescendo: which ubuntu version is this? try using gconf-editor and navigating to apps/metacity/general and try toggling the reduced resources mode08:36
nhochthow to check account for USB3g on Ubuntu11.10?08:36
kimpalmoxarife, one question - the file name AMD64 suggests that it's for an AMD chip, not an intel?08:38
almoxarifekimp: its not, intel or amd08:38
almoxarifekimp: I have never understood the reason myself, someone does not want to give intel credit????? anyway, my lappy is intel and it matters not to it08:39
andynthe instruction set extension was developed by AMD, hence the name08:41
almoxarifekimp: there is one hitch, lets assume your lappy does not have 64bit virtualization, like mine, when you want to run 'virtual' software it will need to be 32bit,08:41
BernSamsonwait...where did my gear go in the upper right?08:41
jay12anyone run into this error installing HH on ubuntu 10.04 ? {"/tmp/selfgz14418/hacketyhack-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"08:41
andynintel only implemented it in their non-itanium designs afterwards08:41
jay12*hackety hack08:41
nhochthow to check account for USB3g on Ubuntu11.10?08:42
jay12been googling, seems like it's a problem with different programs but haven't found a solution08:42
makarahow to restart the xserver?08:42
kimpalmoxarife, it does have hw virtualisation support.  Not sure that's an issue if I'm running dual boot?08:42
Hyperbytekimp, no.  Dual boot is not virtualization.08:42
almoxarifekimp: then if you choose to run virtual (virtualbox) either will work, 32 or 64 bit08:43
Vermindnhocht: are you talking about a USB 3G modem?08:43
Maxy1982can any one help me with this problem error: file not found. Grub rescue> i have booted live cd and tried some thing but no luck i have uploaded a pic http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=jhg460&s=5 if some on can help]08:44
HyperbyteMaxy1982, better share link directly to the image:  http://i44.tinypic.com/jhg460.jpg08:45
almoxarifeMaxy1982: are you on the machine you are trying to do grub stuff to?08:46
Maxy1982the machine was working perfect yesterday and this morning all of sudden this error apeard08:46
Maxy1982i got 3 os in it08:46
BernSamsonalmoxarife: The little gear thing in the upper right isn't there...how do you get it back without a hard reboot?08:47
almoxarifeMaxy1982: when the machine boots into ubuntu, no problems?08:47
Peristylewich os?08:47
prince_jammysjay12: try /join #hacketyhack  (small channel)08:47
almoxarifeBernSamson: gear? where?08:47
BernSamsonwhere you shut down and similar stuffs08:47
jay12prince_jammys, yeah I'm there. no one seems to be around. lol08:47
Maxy1982it does not boot the grub give me error: file not found. Grub rescue>08:47
Maxy1982and cannot select non of the os08:48
makaraxserver, you know the window system that sits in tty7. what happens when it freezes and I want to restart it without doing in all the other processes?08:48
kimpalmoxarife, I'm off for dinner while the download happens.  Thanks again - you're a life saver!08:48
almoxarifeBernSamson: does alt-f2 bring up a window?08:48
almoxarifekimp: glad to help08:48
BernSamsonyes...brings up a dash08:48
PeristyleMaxy1982, do you have a live cd? you can run it and manage your grub, delete it if necesary08:49
Maxy1982<almoxarife> yap am in it at the moment08:49
almoxarifeBernSamson: type 'r' and return08:49
PeristyleI don understand what is the relation to the pic08:50
almoxarifeMaxy1982: then what about 'grub' are you trying to fix?08:50
Maxy1982<almoxarife> i tried grub and giving me command not found08:50
almoxarifeMaxy1982: why did you want to do that?08:51
BernSamsonok, showed me some gearworks and a file named 'r'08:51
BernSamsonwhat am I looking for?08:51
almoxarifeBernSamson: you should have gotten a 'mini terminal' sort of thing08:51
Maxy1982almoxarife: how can i fix it08:52
almoxarifeMaxy1982: there is nothing to fix08:52
BernSamsonI got a window that looked really close to Dash08:52
BernSamsonShould I type 'r' in Terminal?08:52
almoxarifeMaxy1982: stop trying to fix something that is not broke08:52
almoxarifeBernSamson: sure, try that08:53
prince_jammysmakara: afaik, when that happens, you're screwed.08:53
Peristyleor broke it and then fix it08:53
ak5hey guys, how do i tell squid it is already behind a proxy and should use localhost:port08:53
jay12lol Peristyle08:53
almoxarifeMaxy1982: what is the fixation with 'grub'?08:53
BernSamsonThe program 'r' is currently not installed. you can get it by typing sudo apt-get install littler08:54
almoxarifeBernSamson: nope, that's not it08:54
makaraprince_jammys: its out there, somewhere08:54
prince_jammysmakara: i have no idea how you'd kill X without killing X clients (gui progs).08:54
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prince_jammysak5: try /join #skid08:56
prince_jammyserr, #squid08:56
Maxy1982almoxarife: here is when i turn the laptop on it only gives me this  http://tinypic.com/r/qxw4mg/508:57
almoxarifeBernSamson: the 'r' thing may just be a gnome-shell option, not sure08:57
godofmischiefwhen i setup my displays in the NVIDIA x Server Setting I attempt to save to X configuration file, it responds with You do not have adequate permission to open this file, any suggestion on how to fix this ?08:57
Maxy1982almoxarife: sorry http://i44.tinypic.com/qxw4mg.jpg08:57
BernSamsonmore than likely it is...I'm running Unity shell08:57
prince_jammysgodofmischief: if it is trying to write to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, you'd need to run the prog as superuser, with sudo or gksudo.08:58
BernSamsonI went to dashboard and typed 'r' and came up with restart...entered 'shu' and got shutdown manager08:58
elrusohoshow do I set llvmpipe to be the default software rasterizer? (using oneiric and LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1)08:58
prince_jammysgodofmischief: gksudo if it is a gui prog.08:58
godofmischiefprince_jammys, gksudo appname ?08:59
prince_jammysgodofmischief: yes, gksudo nvidia-blahblah08:59
prince_jammysis it a gui program?08:59
almoxarifeMaxy1982: the first pic showed a terminal within a desktop with a lot to do with installing grub, the last pic is a grub rescue screen, two different things, why?08:59
godofmischiefprince_jammys, yes its the nvidia x server setting gui08:59
prince_jammysgodofmischief: nvidia-xconfig ?09:00
prince_jammysanyway, gksudo should do.09:00
BernSamsoneveryday I'm learning more and more about linux and ubuntu09:01
godofmischiefprince_jammys, thanks that atleast puts me in the correct direction now just have to figure out the command to launch the app09:01
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BernSamsonand fully coming to grasp with the power it really puts in your hand09:01
Maxy1982almoxarife: first pic is in a live cd trying to fix the grub second one is what i get when i turn the laptop on09:01
prince_jammysgodofmischief: how were you launching a moment ago?09:01
BernSamsonthere are things so awesome09:01
godofmischiefprince_jammys, clicking on the nvidia x server settings icon through unity09:02
prince_jammysgodofmischief: i've lost track, but i think this app used to be called nvidia-xconfig.09:02
prince_jammysi don't know how to check what progs the icons point to.09:02
almoxarifeMaxy1982: on the live cd, isn't grub repair an option?, actual grub repair is not my forte09:03
godofmischiefprince_jammys, posted a few errors when i did that, nvidia-xconfig that is, then it says it saved my config to xorg.conf though09:03
makaraprince_jammys: thanks you're right. it kills everything. ctrl-alt-backspace09:03
godofmischiefprince_jammys, that may have done the trick09:03
raptor67682hello. what to use to fstab to mount the nfs share ? e.g. at boot ?  /share defaults,auto 0 0 ?09:03
prince_jammysgodofmischief: hopefully :)09:03
Maxy1982almoxarife: ok forget the first pic how can i repair the problem in the second pic09:04
prince_jammys!nfs | raptor6768209:04
ubotturaptor67682: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.09:04
almoxarifeMaxy1982: on the live cd, isn't grub repair an option?, actual grub repair is not my forte09:04
Maxy1982almoxarife: on live cd i think it can be repaird but dont know how. anyway thanks09:06
almoxarifeMaxy1982: someone here must be a grub repair guru, who?09:07
JoeDesosts vs lts if support isn't much of an issue and the server will likely be kept upgraded? do sts server edition provide much per release? will i be using up more space on the server in choosing sts?09:09
raptor67682indeed. I forgot nfs: so it would be  /share nfs  defaults,auto 0 0     does that line work and boot at boot of PC?09:09
RaTTuS|BIGhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair ,- may help iunstead of grub repair09:11
Crash-O-DMaxy1982, u only have ubuntu as a os option installed?09:12
Maxy1982Crash-O-D: i got 3 windows 7 , mac os , ubuntu09:13
Crash-O-DU have ubuntu booting before?09:13
almoxarifeRaTTuS|BIG: that's an awesome looking piece of software, mbr too, it needs to get more attention in my opinion09:16
RaTTuS|BIGI'ved used it several times to save my bacon09:17
almoxarifeRaTTuS|BIG: I saved the link for my bacon too, thnks09:17
Crash-O-DWith all this bacon i want some home fries and eggs lol09:18
Maxy1982Crash-O-D: yes yesterday09:18
Crash-O-DMaxy was windows your main boot loader or grub?09:19
evil_hogdoes anybody here has experience of successful ubuntu/kubuntu x64 installation on GPT with efi partition?09:20
Maxy1982Crash-O-D: Grub09:20
chuteHello. I would like to access a community access point via my Wifi NIC and redistribute the connection via the Ethernet NIC to my Wifi router. Any suggestions or links on how to bridge the NICs would be highly appreciated :) Thanks.09:20
Crash-O-DMaxy, when you use windows does it show ubuntu as option?09:21
Crash-O-DSorry on phone chatting so little harder then if on computer09:22
Maxy1982Crash-O-D: no it wont show09:23
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Crash-O-DWhat helped me fix my issue was if you can get in windows. Find option how to make windows loader show ubuntu. If i dont use windows i get grub recovery also09:24
Crash-O-DCan you get into windows?09:25
Maxy1982i cannot get in non of the os09:25
fedyvideo cards help09:25
Maxy1982only thing i can see is ERROR: File not Found09:25
Crash-O-DYou got you windows 7 disk?09:25
lu40667yo man09:26
fedyi am shopping 4 a video card for older machine w/ agp slot09:26
Maxy1982the thing is windows i can fix it but i will lose the msc and ubuntu os's which am trying not to09:26
Maxy1982if there is a way to fix the grub it will be better09:27
almoxarifeMaxy1982: you did a wubi install?09:30
Maxy1982mm not sure09:31
fedymy motherboard is made by ASUS and I was thinking maybe I should go with an asus 3650 video that i been eyeing09:31
Maxy1982can i find out from Live cd if its installed09:31
almoxarifeMaxy1982: nevermind, you would know if it had been a 'wubi' install, you installed to a partion, yes?09:32
fedybut I researched the suppported hardware for ubuntu link and nothing saids about the Ati Radeon 365009:32
Maxy1982almoxarife: yes09:32
almoxarifeMaxy1982: not wubi then09:33
Maxy1982every os its own partition09:33
almoxarifeMaxy1982: have you looked at the link http://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair/home/Home/ ???? looks promising09:34
Maxy1982i'll give it a try09:34
Folkloreanyone know how to edit the right click context menu listings09:34
Folklorefor a file09:34
Maxy1982i followed some tut on google but non help i will try this09:34
Folklorelike when you right click a text file shows apps to open that with09:35
almoxarifeFolklore: in properties don't you see 'open with' ?? or something close to it??09:36
Crash-O-DI was beat to it lol09:37
Crash-O-DGood night09:37
FolkloreI want to add something to the right click menu09:37
Folklorewhen you right click a file09:37
Folkloreanyone know where those settings are stored09:38
almoxarifeFolklore: you want to add a app that is not shown?09:38
almoxarifeFolklore: and the app is already installed?09:39
Folkloreit's just a elf binary09:40
fedyA search on the ubuntu launchpad forum I found this as the best result http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110390809:40
Folklorenot intsalled anywhere, just in a folder09:40
fedythey changed the launchpad forum the last time i visited09:40
fedyno more discussion topics listed09:41
=== Crash-O-D is now known as Crash_O-D_AFP
almoxarifeFolklore: I had sort of the same issue come up, and I never got very far, the mime type for the txt file needs to be added to the app, but unlike the older versions there isn't a place to do it easily that I found, I tried thru konqueror thinking that it would work, it does not in a gnome session though, know what I mean?09:43
slacker-Is anyone running ubuntu on a i3 2120 with the on-chip video?09:43
geirhaFolklore: Right click -> properties -> open with... -> add your command to the list09:43
slacker-I was wondering how well that works but couldn't find much info on the forum09:43
Folkloregeirha do you know what file that's stored in though?09:44
almoxarifegeirha: your version?09:44
geirhaFolklore: It'll add a desktop file under ~/.local/share/applications iirc09:44
Folklorethanks ill take a look09:45
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geirhaFolklore: And it also changes an entry in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache09:46
geirhaalmoxarife: Every version of gnome that I can remember09:47
almoxarifegeirha: I don't have the option of a 'manual entry' in gnome-shell 11.1009:47
geirhaalmoxarife: Hm. Never tried gnome-shell, but this is a nautilus setting really.09:48
almoxarifegeirha: if you know what the trick is please share, I thought it was an option before, but I don't have it now09:49
sgo11hi, how to change the gdm login theme in ubuntu 11.10?09:49
geirhaalmoxarife: If you right-click a file, do you see properties as a choice?09:49
sgo11if that is not possible, at least change the background image. thanks.09:50
geirhasgo11: 11.10 uses lightdm by default, not gdm09:51
almoxarifegeirha: yes, I get to choose from various apps, I don't get to add one manually and not all apps are shown09:51
sgo11geirha, oh. sorry, I don't know that. let me google lightdm. so is that possible to change lightdm login theme?09:51
geirhaalmoxarife: right click -> PROPERTIES -> Open with, not right click -> open with09:51
eradicusis there a way to reset the sources.list?09:52
almoxarifegeirha: yes, open with, a manual entry is not an option, what version of nautilus you running?09:52
ppppurplequery, when i go to install Ubuntu 11.10 (first time linux user of any sort) it asks me if i want to run Ubuntu next to linux or erase windows and run ubuntu(not what i want) OR to create a partition for Ubuntu to run...which of these options are best?09:52
hansiiione question i added a route: "route add default gw" how to delete it now?09:54
Mr_Queueeradicus: Yes, vim.09:54
deej1976hansiii: route del09:54
somsipppppurple: do you want to be able to use windows too?09:54
chuteppppurple: create a partition for ubuntu09:54
Mr_Queueeradicus: Or look at something like apt-spy, read the very short man page.09:54
RaTTuS|BIGhansiii see man rout ebut replace add with del09:54
hansiiideej1976: yes but i dont know the parameters09:55
deej1976hansiii: man route09:55
sgo11geirha, thanks for letting me know lightdm. I found the config files under /etc/lightdm. thanks.09:55
Fleckhansiii route del default gw09:55
conntrackhmm, that wasn't supposed to happen09:55
ppppurplewhats the difference between creating a partition for running ubuntu or running it alongside windows?09:55
mazda01can't ever figure out why conky will show up at first upon bootup BUT then disappear?? Here's my launch file http://pastebin.com/TkUQhK0X located in the startup apps and then here;s the 2 .conkyrc files. http://pastebin.com/J2CJ12pA  http://pastebin.com/GhWxaYHE  Any help please?09:55
deej1976!wubi | mazda0109:56
ubottumazda01: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe09:56
conntrackI will to watch those sticky connections09:56
mazda01!wubi | deej197609:56
ubottudeej1976: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe09:56
geirhaalmoxarife: Aha, just booted 11.10, and it is indeed gone. I guess you'll have to create a .desktop file for the app under ~/.local/share/applications first then.09:56
mazda01deej1976, not sure what that was about. i don't need Wubi09:57
larryoneHi guys09:57
larryoneI have booting problems09:57
almoxarifegeirha: that does it? a desktop file? cool, thanks09:57
larryonejust rebooted after kernel upgrade, and wont boot09:57
deej1976!wubi | ppppurple09:57
ubottuppppurple: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe09:57
chuteppppurple: you can either delete the windows setup and run Ubuntu on your pc or install ubuntu alongside your existing Windows setup and have the choice of booting either Ubuntu or windows at startup09:57
deej1976mazda01: Sorry it was for ppppurple:09:57
larryoneit tells me that /dev/disk/by-uuid/11e5.......  does not exist09:58
larryoneany ideas?09:58
mazda01deej1976, oh ok09:58
filippoHi all, is there someone with the alc670 codec and successfully made its soundcard work?09:58
mazda01any conky masters in the house?09:58
mazda01can't ever figure out why conky will show up at first upon bootup BUT then disappear?? Here's my launch file http://pastebin.com/TkUQhK0X located in the startup apps and then here;s the 2 .conkyrc files. http://pastebin.com/J2CJ12pA  http://pastebin.com/GhWxaYHE  Any help please?09:59
ppppurplechute: yes i actually installed it alongside but i am wondering what the difference is if i had created a partition instead....?09:59
rigvedlarryone: how far in the boot process do you reach?09:59
larryonerigved, just found the problem =0)10:00
ppppurpledeej1976: i use Virtual Box to run the program in Windows. just trying to understand it more10:00
larryoneam booted now =0)10:00
deej1976ppppurple: If ubuntu is installed like a windows Apps it will run a little slower than if it was on it's own partition10:00
RGUYASDhail !!!10:00
rigvedlarryone: what was the problem?10:00
mazda01conky is even running according to ps  http://pastebin.com/jg0F1iGy10:00
RGUYASDwhat do i need for " make xconfig " to work ?10:00
sgo11how to disable the 'Guest' login in ubuntu 11.10?10:00
mazda01i've been dealing with this problem for a couple years and just never cared to try to fix it.10:01
SqRt7744hi, a couple of months ago I read about a python script someone wrote which automatically creates a html file containing a list of all the movies in a given directory (with images, text from imdb). It was featured on a ubuntu website, perhaps omg or ubuntugeek. Strange thing is I can't find any reference to it anywhere on the 'net. Can anyone here help me out?10:01
larryonerigved, some hardware was a little slow in coming up, and the booloader probably gave up waiting10:01
ppppurpleok, how do you unistall ubuntu OS once you have it installed?10:01
SqRt7744ppppurple, you could delete the partitions10:02
muhammedmy empathy is not working properly.when it automatically close itself when try to use open it10:02
larryonejust typed exit at the busybox prompt, and it came up alright now10:02
ppppurpleSqRt7744: the only partition it make was for the swap10:02
mazda01SqRt7744, is it this? http://www.facebook.com/notes/programming-and-scripting-vault/tcsh-script-to-create-an-html-page-listing-files-and-directories-in-a-table-stru/17539905916237610:02
chuteppppurple: can you boot both OSs now? FYI, unless you use WUBI, you will be creating a new partition anyway.10:02
SqRt7744ppppurple, unless you installed it though windows, in which case add/remove apps in windows should do the trick10:02
rigvedlarryone: most probably the slow hardware came up later. the bootloader would would not give up automatically, it would ask you before giving up. but good that your problem was solved! :)10:03
almoxarifeSqRt7744: xbmc should do it, but I am thinking the output file is a xml10:03
SqRt7744mazda01, cool, I'll have a look, but I could have sworn it was a python script.10:03
ppppurplechute: yes when i turn the comp on i can run either ubuntu or windows. ubutun runs a little slow so i was wondering it if would have been faster to partition off more then 4gigs that it made to run alongside windows10:03
ppppurpleand i installed it off a bootable USB...10:03
SqRt7744almoxarife, thanks I'll have a look10:03
larryonerigved, that's what i'm assuming10:03
JoeDesoShort-term-support versions versus Long-term-support? Any benefit for the latter besides the support? Do 11.04 & 11.10 provide much for the server edition?10:03
larryoneit didnt ask me tho10:03
larryonejust dropped to the busybox prompt10:03
mazda01SqRt7744, i have no idea, just googled. LOL10:04
mazda01so does anyone use conky?10:04
mazda01can't ever figure out why conky will show up at first upon bootup BUT then disappear?? Here's my launch file http://pastebin.com/TkUQhK0X located in the startup apps and then here;s the 2 .conkyrc files. http://pastebin.com/J2CJ12pA  http://pastebin.com/GhWxaYHE  Any help please?10:04
somsipmazda01: where are you running the bash file from?10:05
SqRt7744mazda01, no that's not it, that doesn't do anything other than show the directory listing as an html10:05
chuteppppurple: yes, 4GB is a bit on the low side. Is grub your boot manager?10:05
mazda01somsip, my home dir10:07
mazda01somsip,  conky is even running according to ps  http://pastebin.com/jg0F1iGy10:07
mazda01SqRt7744, didn't think it was that easy. :(10:07
rigvedJoeDeso: 11.10 does have some new software, specifically juju. but LTS is always better as it gets more attention in regards to stability. wait for 12.04. by that time, most of the bugs in the new packages will have been sorted out. plus there will be more charms available by default.10:07
somsipmazda01: are you running it from terminal, or double clicking on it in Nautilus or what?10:07
JoeDesorigved: good point, thanks!10:08
paulo_gomeshi all10:08
fedyanyone know about a agp video card capable w/ ubuntu. I am maining using for Photoshop type of stuff but no gaming yet10:08
paulo_gomesi'm having problems with gvim in 11.10, doesn't draw all the letters10:08
mazda01somsip, it's set to run from the start up applications gui.10:09
paulo_gomesi'm starting it with -f because of the menu problem10:09
RGUYASDanyone in here compiled a kernel before ?10:09
chuteppppurple: could you elaborate on "ubuntu runs a bit slow"?10:09
mazda01somsip, if i just sudo killall conky after my machine boots up, then issue from the cli  ./.conkylauch  all is well.10:10
geirhapaulo_gomes: Does it have problems only with non-english letters?10:10
somsipmazda01: I could be wrong, but you're starting a process, backgrounding it (and the second line in the bash file has a && at the end which does I don't know what) and then killing the parent process. I run conky from .xinitrc. But I'm no expert10:10
ppppurplechute: sorry, was googling ubuntu stuff. just when i click anything while on the ubuntu OS it takes like 2 seconds to respond and open a program. im not sure what the "grub" is10:10
nooobiehi guys, is it right, when i want to enumerate my network. to see ip adresses of other servers in my network and i want to scane from to i use: "nman -sL"?10:11
mazda01somsip, i'll change whatever to be honest. like I said been just "dealing" with it for years now. can you point me to a place to run it upon startup from .xinited?  also, note I am running 10.04. Its a stable production box, so I am not upgrading at this time10:12
mazda01somsip, also, i found that launch file commands online. the exit doesn't "kill" the process as you said, which is shown when I issue a ps . you can seee them running, it's a window manager thing i believe10:13
somsipmazda01: so maybe start by just running "conky -p 30 -c /home/daniel/.conkyrc " in a temrinal and see if your conky scripts work properly first. Then put it together in a bash script, and run it from somewhere that won't kill the backgroup process. What window manager are you running?10:13
mazda01somsip, i use gnome10:13
somsipmazda01: fair enough. But still start by testing each one separate in an environment you can control. Run from terminal, check they work. kill them. Edit the conky files and repeat10:13
somsipmazda01: k - not sure where thebest place for a startup would be. Maybe you have it in the right place10:14
ppppurpleany one able to direct me to info on how to get rid of ubuntu once its installed on dual boot? would like to reinstall it10:14
chuteppppurple: I would suggest you run as is and get a bit used to ubuntu. Once convinced, do a more informed new install.10:15
mazda01somsip, i've done all that. lol. here's it running successfully from the bash launch script. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-buTwVKoJcyM/TuCORwQY5wI/AAAAAAAABZE/A4ja3NMUS2I/s720/Screenshot-1.png10:15
chuteppppurple: just reinstall Ubuntu from your liveCD, changing your partition sizes.10:16
ppppurplechute: i have been playing with it in Virtual Box quite a bit10:16
ppppurplehmmm ok ill try that10:16
mazda01somsip, i appreciatee your help! i am not trying to being "snippy" or anytyhing. I am just pointing out I have tried and tried all you're suggesting. May I see your .conkyrc?10:16
somsipmazda01: so the problem is it doesn't run automatically on startup? Maybe I missed the root problem you are having10:16
mazda01somsip, it runs upon start up. the problem is that it seems to disappear from view, BUT per a ps aux command conky is still running10:17
Maxy1982almoxarife: thanks you soo much for your help i have fixed the Grub with the link you gave me10:17
mazda01somsip, actually, about that pic i just uploaded. all my desktop icons on the left are hidden somehow but if i hover over them with te mouse cursor they temporarily reappear. LOL10:18
Madis85Hi, is this the right place to ask questions about RDP behavior in 10.04?10:18
almoxarifeMaxy1982: you welcome, actually someone else came up with the link, I forget who now, share the link :)10:18
mazda01themachinegun, no capitals please!10:18
mazda01themachinegun, we don't like being yelled at. LOL10:18
somsipmazda01: so what does the && do on line 4? Just out of interest, like10:18
mazda01Madis85, sure, ask away10:19
Madis85none of the umlauts work correctly when connecting to a windows server by rdp, no matter what i set the keyboard layout10:19
Madis85i just get some sort of combination of characters "'u" "[o" and so on10:20
mazda01somsip, it's my understanding thats what allows other command to run after that command BUT only if that command is successful. I think, LOL  I am no a bash guy at all, just found that online somewhere10:20
themachinegunok.. and i also want to ask about live hacking o/s?..10:20
somsipmazda01: you have two of them. I'm not sure if this is a good thing10:20
baresedocciao a tutti10:21
mazda01somsip, examples are probably everywhere online of using the double &&10:21
ranjan_hi all10:21
somsipmazda01: if you want o go with probably without checking, that's up to you10:21
* noctem 10:22
mazda01somsip, ok, so you're suggesting remove the second & from the second conky?10:22
mazda01somsip, as I said, i'll try anything. LOL10:22
ranjan_i used clonezilla for cloning ubuntu machine, when i restore the machine the grub prompt shows an error "no arguments specified" is there any workaround to solve that10:22
VPubuntu 10.10, Huawei E1550 modem (3g) connects with Docomo and other 2g sim cards but not with BSNL 3g :)10:23
mazda01somsip, just found this, care to read it? http://binbashblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/my-conky-scripts-and-how-to-run.html10:23
somsipmazda01: I think it looks wrong. I don't imagine it's killing the script, but you should start from something that looks right I guess. Does it all work if you run this script from terminal?10:23
somsipmazda01: And?10:23
mazda01somsip, so I do see my bash script may be outdated.10:23
mazda01somsip, yes, as I said. I can run from terminal and all is well. I keep trying to say I think it's some window overlay issue or something10:24
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
baresedocciao a tutti10:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:25
bazhang!it | baresedoc10:25
ubottubaresedoc: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:25
somsipmazda01: and I'm only guessing based on what we've got here. I'm no expert and maybe a conky expert could help much more10:25
Madis85none of the umlauts work correctly when connecting to a windows server by rdp, no matter what i set the keyboard layout, i just get some sort of combination of characters "'u" "[o" and so on, any way to get those characters to work?10:26
mazda01somsip, ok, new bash script runs fine also but as I said, my dekstop icons are getting covered up again after running it10:27
=== manuel__ is now known as danielbauwens
mazda01somsip, here's new script10:27
mazda01somsip, http://pastebin.com/Gaegfmiu10:28
mazda01somsip, do you use conky? if so, can I see your .conkyrc file please?10:28
VPpl help10:29
VPubuntu 10.10, Huawei E1550 modem (3g) connects with Docomo and other 2g sim cards but not with BSNL 3g :)10:29
mazda01somsip, and here's a psuedo log file after launching script from terminal  http://pastebin.com/0HAXdEn910:30
Caterpillaromg 1548 users10:31
Caterpillarnever seen so many people in one chan10:31
bbbbbbbbi can't get my wlan enabled, it says "wireless is disabled by hardware switch" - i only have a fn+f12 hotkey, and that doesn't do anything.10:31
soreaubbbbbbbb: Does it work if you run rfkill unblock wifi ?10:32
somsipmazda01: sorry have to finish for a while. You do need someone with more experience with conky thanme10:32
bbbbbbbbsoreau: nope10:32
almoxarifebbbbbbbb: is it off at the bios?10:35
Folklorewhat's the mime for elf binaries?10:35
Folklorecan't see it listed only a lot of different entries like application/pdf10:36
Folkloreapplication/cvs etc...10:36
bbbbbbbbalmoxarife: is there a way to check without rebooting? i believe it is not off, but i can't reboot right now10:36
almoxarifebbbbbbbb: that is beyond me, perhaps looking at kernel log? better yet, it would be on at bios if it ever worked10:37
mazda01somsip, so you can't paste your .conkyrc?10:38
=== KyeRussell is now known as KyeRussel
almoxarifemazda01: sharing is not everyones forte :)10:38
bbbbbbbbalmoxarife: it has worked, but i only used it once in windows, quite some time ago10:38
almoxarifebbbbbbbb: assume its on at bios10:39
panvplease, I need help over here. I always face bad internet connection, and whenever i am downloading my mail from gmail to my thunderbird , if a certain message fails, i cannot download it again because the header will be marked as processed... but in fact i dont have it on my thunderbird...10:39
panvhow can i tell thunderbird to download that specific message again ?10:39
mazda01somsip, thanks for your help though anyway. I know helping is most times a thanksless job. LOL10:40
=== root is now known as Guest99690
mazda01conky launches and appears to cover up my desktop items, any thoughts anyone?10:42
almoxarifemazda01: what about adding your script to 'startup apps' ???? tried that already?10:43
Sidewinder1panv, You may be able to configure T-Bird to "Leave Mail on Server", rather than having it deleted after being processed.10:44
dr_willismazda01:  when lanching conky at login. ive gad to make it run via a script after a 20 sec delay10:44
mazda01almoxarife, yes, it's not an issue of whether it runs or not or upon startup, it's some config setting i the conky file10:44
panvthank you Sidewinder1... but now it's too late right ?10:44
panvcoz the error is just happening... and i am fowarding the message to myself :)10:44
mazda01dr_willis, yes, I know. it's something either with the own_window or double_buffer settings.10:44
dr_willisive seen conky work right ir mess up. with no changes to its cinfigs. unuty and conky like to fight10:45
prekshanybody thr?10:45
mazda01dr_willis, dont run unity10:45
almoxarifemazda01: what about opening a terminal and executing your script line by line? find the line that causes the problem first?10:45
dr_willisid check askubuntu.com about the conky issue10:45
Sidewinder1panv, Not sure; I always just used gmail through browser and T-Bird for personal/private email acct. Perhaps you could request the sender to "resend?"10:46
mazda01does anyone have a basic conkyrc file I could check out? who uses gnome and NO composite manager. please10:46
mazda01almoxarife, there is no problem that I see, here's the log from running from a terminal  http://pastebin.com/0HAXdEn910:46
dr_willismazda01:  conky can generate one. check its --help10:46
Sidewinder1mazda01, I believe there hundreds, if not thousands on ubuntu-forums.10:47
almoxarifemazda01: still, there is a line that wipes out the icons, I am no script guru, but I would want to know which line caused it10:47
dr_willisover 9000? :-)10:47
Sidewinder1there are, even.10:47
mazda01Sidewinder1, thanks, ive been dealing with the issue for over 2 years and I've tried "thousands" of configs only to come to same issue10:48
jellyHi, is there a ready-made DBD::Oracle package (libdbd-oracle-perl) for Ubuntu LTS?10:48
Sidewinder1mazda01, Doesn't sound like fun. :-(10:49
almoxarifemazda01: why are the icons on the desktop an issue? do they need to be there? I don't have a single icon on the desktop, top bar and cairo-dock at bottom, empty space inbetween10:50
mazda01I GOT IT, had to change the own_window from NO to YES.10:50
almoxarife:) two years, we got to see it10:50
dr_willistook 2 years to try that?10:51
mazda01YIPPIE  https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Qu1_nz5CcXo/TuCWnLZDS_I/AAAAAAAABZU/VOlgE-M-tpA/s640/Screenshot-2.png10:51
mazda01almoxarife, lol, just never took the time to care enough to fix it.10:51
mazda01almoxarife, except this morning logged into workstation and thought, gosh darn it. i am going to make conky work!10:52
isnomnicon should understand that you can leave Irssi running all the time under screen, detach from screen and disconnect from your shell, come back later, login and reattach and there Irssi will be. You should also see that with screen, you will have the ability to log in from anywhere and continue your IRCing (or whatever work you're doing in another screen window) just as you left it. Yes, it's good, I know.ould have reappeared. This is the point where you sta10:52
almoxarifemazda01: you need a new stressor10:52
mazda01almoxarife, yeap, on to the next thing in my 10.04 setup. LOL10:53
mazda01almoxarife, been using ubuntu since dapper and LOVIN IN!!!10:53
nsivyerdoes anyone know who is in charge of the ubuntu ntp server?10:54
almoxarifemazda01: you want stress? 11.10 gnome-shell, that should keep you busy10:54
Sidewinder1mazda01, I'm sure, after 2 yr.s you've seen this; if not, try posting your problem on the last page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&highlight=conky10:54
mazda01it's the only reason I am so vex'd on so many aspects of linux (debian based) in general. Create an issue, research, google, irc, SOLVE. Love it10:54
mazda01Sidewinder1, im well aware of the forums. not bragging but i have almost 5,000 posts10:54
mazda01Sidewinder1, im a busy body helper most times.10:55
mazda01Sidewinder1, but this silly conky issue had me on my knees. LOL10:55
mazda01Sidewinder1, i am dannyboy79 on the forums10:55
mazda01anyone know an easy way to make desktop icons smaller?10:56
Sidewinder1mazda01, I haven't been on too much, lately; only a couple of hundred beans..10:56
mazda01i have a custom genoid theme but isn't there like a DPI setting somewhere to control size of icons on desktop10:56
mazda01Sidewinder1, it's all good. as i said I wasn't trying to brag about my bean count I was merely showing proof that I was aware of the forums10:57
mazda01Sidewinder1, like I said, been using ubuntu since dapper10:57
mazda01anyone know where to find a genral setting for desktop icon size?10:58
almoxarifemazda01: and icon size is still an issue? how would you do it in dapper?10:58
mazda01almoxarife, pffft, not sure how to read that. u joking?10:58
mazda01almoxarife, i never claimed be some know all expert.10:59
Sidewinder1mazda01, But, did you post your problem in the thread that I gave you? It started in Oct. '06 and is over 1,800 pages long..10:59
nsivyerit looks like ntp.ubuntu.com is experiencing issues,  random connection drops10:59
mazda01Sidewinder1, no because as I stated. I never really cared enough to figure it out, much more pressing things to work on. It's all fixed now and thats good10:59
Sidewinder1mazda01, If the guys/gals who frequent that thread can't answer, there may be 'no answer." :-(11:00
Sidewinder1Ok, but I do understand frustration.. :D11:00
mazda01almoxarife, sorry if I came off as some expert. I didn't mean to. been on ubuntu since dapper BUT still learn NEW things in ubuntu daily whether it be to use x11vnc thru a secure ssh tunnel from work OR maybe using the latest svn kdenlive to do video editing of my video game play and upload to youtube.11:01
mazda01Sidewinder1, it's working, maybe you missed that I said I solved it11:01
mazda01doubt anyone cares BUT this is my Youtube channel and it's ALL done with ubuntu, kino, and kdenlive (and of course ffmpeg for screencasts and xbox 360 for gameplay)11:02
mazda01back to the new question, anyone know how to change default icon size of the desktop icons?11:03
almoxarifeI want to associate a uri to an app, sop to xbmc, I can't get started, sopcast associates to sop , anyone know what I am talking about?11:03
|TTTTT|Hi room11:04
|TTTTT|i have not been to irc for yrs11:04
|TTTTT|just like to know if this is a singapore chatroom?11:04
=== e-anima is now known as eanima
mazda01almoxarife, don't use sopcast but do use xbmc. sorry can't help11:05
Sidewinder1|TTTTT|, Welcome! And it's multi-national.11:05
xcvHi, I would like to use Lotus symphony , so I downloaded the deb archive, but when I type in terminal symphony it say "-bash: symphony: command not found". WTF? how to launch the program?11:05
mazda01xcv, you have to first install the .deb file11:06
|TTTTT|Hi sidewinder... tks... like to ask u something11:06
|TTTTT|u mind if i pte msg u?11:06
almoxarifemazda01: and since you do use it, wouldn't it be nice to click on a sop url and off it went to open it?11:06
xcvmazda01:  I did it.11:06
Sidewinder1!pm | |TTTTT|11:06
mazda01almoxarife, what is a sop url? some sort of website where soapoperas are held?11:06
mazda01xcv, congrats11:07
mazda01where is the settings for default icons on the desktop size, need to make icons smaller.11:07
xcvBut it don't appear in menu, and the file /usr/bin/symphony seem to point to inexistant file11:07
mazda01guess ill check out gconf-editor11:07
almoxarifemazda01: soaps? could I guess, never saw one with sop, but I assume someone outthere has done it11:08
xcvI have nothing on the desktop11:08
mazda01almoxarife, ok, i guessed. as I said I don;t know what a "sop" is11:08
mazda01xcv, so did the deb installer says it ran correctyl?11:08
Sidewinder1!pm | |TTTTT|11:08
ubottu|TTTTT|: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:08
mazda01xcv, which version of ubuntu you using? 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, 11.10?11:09
meerkatsHow do I install NVIDIA-Linux-x86-290.10.run in my 11.10?11:09
xcvmazda01: it said that it was installed succesfull, and it is on 10.0411:09
almoxarifemeerkats: you don't, you install nivida current unless you want to fight a install11:10
meerkatsalmoxarife, is it that difficult?11:11
almoxarifemeerkats: not at all11:11
prekshafolks how do i use xmlrpc in my _nodeapi ?11:11
meerkatsalmoxarife, any link to "fight" the installation?11:11
mazda01xcv, ah,, you're speaking my langauge. lol  so it didn't install anywhere in the menu? go to system, pref, main menu and view each category to see if it's maybe NOT check marked.11:11
mazda01meerkats, you comforatble working from command line?11:12
almoxarifemeerkats: how do you install stuff on your machine?11:12
demosfarhow to check what interface uses my wireless card?11:12
meerkatsalmoxarife, sometimes i need to compile11:12
mazda01demosfar, interface? you mean like wlan0 etc etc?11:12
demosfarmazda01, yes11:12
mazda01demosfar, lshw normally is pretty helpful11:12
mazda01demosfar, sudo lshw11:13
almoxarifemeerkats: seems you should be able to do the apt get thing then, the package you want is nvidia-current11:13
almoxarife!info nvidia-current11:13
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 30824 kB, installed size 90500 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)11:13
demosfarmaybe to add | grep ?11:14
mazda01hmmmm, not finding anything about desktop icon size in gconf-editor. darn it11:14
demosfarto list only wifi..11:14
meerkatsI already have 280.13 I was aiming to 290.1011:14
meerkatsanyways im reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingRunPackage11:14
mazda01demosfar, well, i am not sure what info you're looking for. i may have a better command if I better understood what you're doing11:14
demosfarI found it. It's on eth2 interface..11:15
xcvmazda01: no I cannot find it. But with this tree: http://www.mediafire.com/?vsvl77za5ydd5a5 Where is the launcher of symphony?11:15
mazda01demosfar, doesn't make any sense. normally "eth" interfaces are for NIC's not wifi cards11:16
demosfarone more question...in ubuntu 11.10 there is no package manager? (I wan to install grub2 customizer, but in software center i cannot find that program)11:16
demosfari know... my crazy comp :)11:16
mazda01xcv, you'll find people willing to help more if you used pastebin next time. let me look, one second11:17
mazda01xcv, just a "protip"  lol11:17
deej1976demosfar: apt-cache search grub211:17
theadminmazda01: New Broadcom drivers create eth* interfaces.11:17
theadminmazda01: No idea why11:17
xcvmazda01: it is tooo huge to past in pastbin11:17
almoxarifemeerkats: ppa? still easier than fighting it? ppa:ferramroberto/nvidia11:18
almoxarifemeerkats: yes, the 21011:18
demosfardeej1976, there is no grub2 customizer listed after casche searc11:18
almoxarifemeerkats: yes, the 29011:18
SmokeyDhey everyone. I switched my desktop from unity to xfce. I also wanted to try xdm instead of lightdm. The switch to xdm went fine, but now that I switched back to lightdm with dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, after rebooting, the x.org doesn't start. If I switch back to xdm, everything is fine, but switchting to lightdm makes light not want to start11:19
mazda01xcv, ok. did you read the full install tutorial of http://wiki.oseems.com/programming/symfony/setup-symfony-in-linux11:19
meerkatsalmoxarife, thanks, I was just about to run my .run as root11:19
deej1976demosfar: not in the repository then11:19
mazda01xcv, i am not familar with symphony is11:19
mazda01theadmin, ah, see thats a new thing i learned. LOL11:20
mazda01theadmin, not a wifi guy BUT good to know for future ref11:20
deej1976demosfar: startupmanager?11:20
pznhow can I know the reasons about a package exists in 11.04 and does not exist in 11.10? (trying to discover about package rpncalc)11:20
SmokeyDthe screen keeps blinking from black to the console, tryinng to start x.org, and finally gives up11:20
demosfardeej1976, so, do u know any grub2 gui customizer other that startupmanager, cause i cannot remove entry from startupmanager..11:20
mazda01theadmin, was just telling someone how you learn something new in linux daily despite being a user since dapper11:21
xcvmazda01: there is a litle problem: they propose only .deb or .rpm package for linux11:21
deej1976demosfar: nope11:21
SmokeyDI can then switch to the console using ctrl-alt-f1, then reconfigure xdm to be the default, and stop lightdm and start xdm, and I can login again11:21
mazda01xcv, i thought you had a deb?11:21
SmokeyDbut if I then switch back to lightdm, x.org fails to start again11:21
mazda01SmokeyD, you know what the X error is?11:21
xcvmazda01:  I cannot extract the txz or zip archive11:21
mazda01theadmin, you happen to know how to change desktop default icon size?11:22
mazda01xcv, cannot?11:22
mazda01xcv, not sure what you mean, you don't know how or you got an error?11:22
newerhello world11:22
xcvNo because on the wiki they say to download tgz archive witch is unavailable11:22
theadminmazda01: No ideas lol11:22
mazda01newer, hello world back at ya11:22
RGUYASDanyone in here can help me with make xconfig problem ?11:22
SmokeyDmazda01, will check (I guess in .xsession-errors?)11:22
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:23
rorIs there a ubuntu one support channel?11:23
mazda01theadmin, ok, i am using a custom genoid theme and i have only a 1280x1024 monitor and the desktop icons take up too much room. lol11:23
mazda01SmokeyD, 1 place to look sure11:23
theadminnewer: rm -r ~/Desktop/*11:23
rorI'm just trying to sync a 30kb file, I can see the folder on my other machine but not the file :\11:23
theadminmazda01: rm -r ~/Desktop/*11:23
geirha!ubuntuone | ror11:23
ubotturor: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone11:23
rorta geirha11:24
mazda01SmokeyD, well, i am asking what happenes when trying to use the lightdm11:24
mazda01theadmin, NOT FUNNY!!!!11:24
theadminmazda01: Ah come on, who NEEDS desktop icons?11:24
mazda01theadmin, seriously. with n00bs in here you posting stuff like that11:24
theadminmazda01: Okay okay, sorry11:24
MonkeyDustmazda01  please don't use the word n00bs here11:24
xcvmazda01: it is not Symfony but it is lotus symphony from IBM to be abble to read .doc without buying microsoft office 201011:25
theadminMonkeyDust: Why? Everyone was one someday, it's nothing to be ashamed of or anything offensive, imo11:25
meerkatsAfter trying to install ferramosca's ppa I get this The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources. how do I bypass that?11:25
mazda01theadmin, for now, me. LOL   i've tried gnome-do and glx_dock  in the past11:25
azrielmy computer keeps locking up, total freeze and the only thing i can do is restart does this sound familiar to anyone? ubuntu 11.04 with lxde on compaq presario CQ57, google has failed me11:25
almoxarifemazda01: ubuntu-tweak should solve your problems, not for 11.1011:25
mazda01MonkeyDust, ok11:25
* theadmin uses Launchy on her machine, mazda0111:25
theadminmazda01: Works great for me :)11:25
mazda01theadmin, will check it out. THANKS!11:25
almoxarifeazriel: check your ram11:26
mazda01almoxarife, just installed ubuntu-tweak recently also. will rerun it. thanks11:26
theadminmazda01: it's like gnome-do but looks better and isn't mono-dependent11:26
azrielalmoxarife: what about my ram?11:26
SmokeyDmazda01, I fixed it by completely purging lightdm and related packages, and reinstalling it without the unity-greeter. Now it does start fine11:26
mazda01SmokeyD, awesome!!!11:26
e01 /j xfce11:26
mazda01so you guys like unity?11:26
MonkeyDusti don't11:27
ExopaladinI don't11:27
SmokeyDmazda01, now I don't have window borders in xfce though :(11:27
azrielmazda01 >:|11:27
almoxarifeazriel: insure your ram is not the problem, then look at the health of your disks, then ????11:27
SmokeyDLogin is fine, but the window borders are missing11:27
SmokeyDusing the xfce session11:27
mazda01xcv, um, pretty sure you can open a .doc with openoffice or libreoffice11:27
mazda01SmokeyD, sounds like your missing your window decorator11:27
azrielalmoxarife: Im sorry I'm not understanding you right now, check my ram for what? how? Health of what disks?11:28
xcvmazda01: Of course but With openoffice or libreoffice It display .doc like a draft. For sending CV it is impossible to be hirred11:28
deej1976xcv: I would export the CV to pdf and send that.11:29
xcvmazda01: It is because compagny want CV only in .doc, and reject PDF or ODT11:29
meerkatsthat nvidia drivers ppa doesnt have an available PUBKEY, how bad is that?11:29
theadminxcv: Maybe you should consider another company.11:29
theadminmeerkats: Nothing to worry about to be honest11:29
mazda01SmokeyD, can you fire up gconf-editor?11:29
meerkatstheadmin, ok11:29
mazda01xcv, so whats the end goal again?11:30
MonkeyDustmeerkats  ppa's are maintained by one person only, it's not offical11:30
almoxarifeazriel: you said your machine freezes, yes? and you have to restart. you want to insure your 'ram' is not the issue, bad ram is somewhat easy fix, $$$ aside11:30
rorcome on guys don't be arseholes, every single recruitment company I've come across has insisted on .doc, it's nothing to do with the companies hiring11:30
xcvmazda01: , theadmin Because Every compagny who Hire beginer want only .doc CV11:30
sebsterI'm using xubunte and I don't know how to make the screen settings permanent. Iv'e got the script to make the changes via arandr but I don't know where to put it. All tutorials I've seen were for different versions. Any ideas?11:30
xcvThe goal is to be hired without buying microsoft office11:30
mazda01xcv, i use openoffice and just "save-as" to .doc11:30
SmokeyDmazda01, I can't type anything. I can open up a "run command" box with alt-f2, and I can click in it with the mous and click the buttons, but I can't type anything11:31
mazda01xcv, some formatting crap gets weird with bullets sometimes though but it serves my purpose11:31
Sidewinder1mazda01, Same, here.11:31
azrielalmoxarife oh ok11:31
azrielkim ross is the ideal11:31
xcvmazda01: If I do that, ms office user will say that my CV is a draft -> CV go to the bin11:31
rorxcv: What do you mean, "Draft"?11:31
SmokeyDcan I launch a command on the console and start it for a different display? So I can start xfwm or xfce-panel in the console on cltr-alt-f1 for the graphical desktop?11:31
* Sidewinder1 Doesn't understans, has never heard of "CV."11:31
mazda01xcv, ok, sorry. this sounds beyound my knowledge. i would say look for a recently dated tutorial on install and using lotus symphony in ubuntu11:32
Sidewinder1understand, even.11:32
xcvDraft: a durty document11:32
mazda01xcv, or tell the MS user he's at the mercy of the all powerful GATES and you will not bow down. LOL11:32
theadminSmokeyD: Sure... DISPLAY=:0 xfwm11:32
theadminSmokeyD: etc11:32
xcvlol mazda01, I said this after the reject of position application11:33
mazda01xcv, ouch, sorry to hear that.sounds like a letter needs to be sent informing them to get with the times and not everyone can afford MS Word11:33
xcvmazda01: then he said "I hope You are not looking for a job because I will do all my possible to forbide my contacts to hire you"11:33
mazda01xcv, OVER A SILLY .DOC FILE?  wow, sorry for caps11:34
xcvI only said that I send CV with normes ISO format11:34
mazda01xcv, ok, why is this tut not working for you?  http://wiki.oseems.com/programming/symfony/setup-symfony-in-linux11:34
mazda01need coffeee........ BRB11:35
theadminxcv: They are stupid, seriously... Well, if you really need to, run MS Office in Wine or whatever11:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:35
xcvmazda01: I said I use only ISO 19005-1:2005 and ISO26300:2006, and that .doc don't match with any iso11:35
mazda01xcv, may even be easier running vbox with xp in it and MS office11:36
theadminxcv: Actually, even if it doesn't, docx has an ISO standard...11:37
xcvmazda01: I wont crack a  software, neither buy microsoft. I don't want to make market part lying lol11:37
almoxarifeCV??? resume?11:37
theadminalmoxarife: Yes11:37
xcvtheadmin: docx has an iso standart not supported by 2007, and 2010 don't run on wine11:37
theadminThe poor girl (guy?) has trouble with LibreOffice's DOC conversion, which I agree, is no good.11:38
theadminxcv: hey um, what about Google Docs?11:38
almoxarifexcv: for the love of god, do it in google docs, and go on with life!11:38
xcvGoogle doc sucks at .doc, and .docx11:38
SmokeyDmazda01, theadmin, I managed to get the xfwm4 and xfce4-panel started from the console using theadmin's tip. Now I do have window borders11:38
xcvgoogle doc sucks even on PDF11:38
SmokeyDand I can type and start dconf-editor11:38
theadminxcv: Won't they even accept a link to a shared google doc?11:38
almoxarife!ot | xcv11:39
ubottuxcv: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:39
xcvI repeat; google doc sucks even with odt and pdf11:39
theadminalmoxarife: We're not offtopic, it's a real support issue11:39
theadminTrying to figure out the best way to create a proper doc file >.>11:39
xcvand office 365 sucks with doc lol11:39
almoxarifetheadmin: libreoffice?11:39
almoxarife!info libreoffice11:40
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 armel armhf hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc powerpcspe ppc64 s390 s390x sparc kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 all)11:40
theadminxcv: Oh oh OH! Microsoft provides a web version of their Office products, search for "Office Web Apps"11:40
SmokeyDmazda01, what should I setup in dconf-editor to make sure the xfwm4 window manager and all corresponding stuff are started properly?11:40
mazda01SmokeyD, hmmmmm, setting your default window manager should have done that for you, it doesn't?11:40
mazda01almoxarife, coulnd't find desktop icon size in ubuntu-tweak. oh well11:41
mazda01theadmin, what was the similar type app you use to cairo-dock, glx-dock or gnome-do?11:42
theadminmazda01, launchy11:42
mazda01theadmin, ok11:42
arcskyE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)11:42
arcskyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:42
arcskyhow can i fix that ?11:42
mazda01arcsky, you have synaptic or similar package manager open?11:43
deej1976arcsky: Is the software center run or similar11:43
arcskyin ubuntu server not any gui11:43
mazda01arcsky,  you can't install stuff from terminal AND have synaptic or ubuntu software center open11:43
kki313Hey folks, I use "arista-transcode -d web -p "H.264" -o file.avi dvd:///dev/dvd" and it always stops encoding after 40 to 60 percent. Any idea whats going wrong?11:43
Sidewinder1arcsky, Then another apt-get, terminal runnung?11:44
mazda01arcsky, hmmmmm. issue ps aux | less and go thru and see what's running that would be installing software11:44
SmokeyDmazda01, no. I can choose between xfce session and xubuntu session in lightdm. But whichever I choose, xfwm doesn't seem to be running (there are no window borders, panels, etc)11:44
theadminarcsky: You are running APT as root, right?11:44
geirhaarcsky: Make sure there's no apt-processes currently running. E.g. ps -ef | grep '[a]pt'11:44
mazda01SmokeyD, what version of ubuntu again?11:44
geirhaarcsky: If there isn't, dpkg has probably crashed at some point. So you may need to run dpkg --configure -a11:45
mazda01arcsky, listen to geirha. i sense wisdom in this one.11:45
sebsteris there a keyboard shortcut manager in xubuntu like there is in ubuntu? I can't find anything. I want shortcuts for minimizing windows etc. Any ideas? Ty11:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:46
mazda01theadmin, sudo aptitude search launchy  returned NADA. must not be in repos?11:46
theadminsebster: Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts11:46
theadminmazda01: Ain't. There's a deb package on their site.11:46
SmokeyDmazda01, I'll install the gnome-desktop-environment, switch to the gnome session in lightdm, see if it works, and if so, switch back to xfce-session, maybe that resets the settings properly11:46
arcsky#  dpkg --configure -a11:47
arcskydpkg: status database area is locked by another process11:47
mazda01SmokeyD, worth a shot. wish i could help more. basically the startup apps appear to be missing xfce panel etc etc11:47
sebstertheadmin, yes, but there are no predefined commands for minimizing etc and I don't know them. Is that all there is? How can I find out the various command?11:47
theadminmazda01: http://launchy.net/downloads/linux/launchy_2.5-1_i386.deb11:47
deej1976arcsky: sudo apt-get install packagename ?11:47
theadminsebster: Oh that... See in "XFCE4 Settings Editor" or something like that, it's under, um... "xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts" or something11:48
deej1976arcsky: looks like and update process is running11:48
arcskypt-get install nmap11:48
arcskyE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)11:48
arcskyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:48
SmokeyDmazda01, where is it normally configured that xfwm4 and xfce4-panel, etc should be started?11:48
theadminarcsky: Are you running the command as root?11:48
theadminarcsky: Because that's a must11:48
sebstertheadmin, I found some shortcuts inside the window manager, that'll do for now, ty11:49
mazda01SmokeyD, not sure. doesn't xfce have a system type thingy where "Start Up applications" can be configured.11:49
geirhaarcsky: Does this output anything?  sudo fuser -v /var/lib/dpkg/lock11:49
SmokeyDmazda01, it does I think. I will check that as well. But I will first have to figure out the command for it, since I don't have any panels and menu's :)11:50
SmokeyDmazda01, thanks for thinking with me11:50
mazda01SmokeyD, in mine it's gnome-session-properties but obviously you're not using gnome. hmmmmm11:52
arcskytheadmin: yeah root of course11:52
alex88hi guys, actually libtiff-dev requires libjpeg6 but i wanted to installad libjpeg8 instead, how can i force the dipendence, maybe just set libjpeg6 as installed and install libjpeg8c from source11:52
theadminSmokeyD: xfce4-session-settings11:52
evilCHi all, I have ubuntu running in a virtualbox VM and it is saying 'The volume "Filesystem root" has only 0 bytes disk space remaining'. can anyone help?11:53
theadminevilC: Um, you should have given it a bigger hard drive image11:54
evilCits 7GB...11:54
evilCits only a LAMP server...11:54
theadminevilC: ...Hardly enough, a regular Ubuntu install takes up around 6GB and...11:54
mazda01theadmin, having a brain fart. how to remove an install .deb?11:54
kki313Any idea about the arista-transcode issue?11:54
mazda01remove an installed .deb package11:54
evilCOK, so how do I expand it?11:55
theadminevilC: Oh, you mean... you're on the server edition?11:55
evilCno I have a GUI11:55
theadminmazda01: sudo dpkg -P launchy # Something like this11:55
theadminevilC: Then no big surprise. And you can't really expand a vdi, you must create a new one11:55
kki313Or any alternative command...11:55
mazda01theadmin, thanks!11:55
arcsky/var/lib/dpkg/lock:  root        374 F.... dpkg11:55
evilCoh bugger11:55
kki313I'm on Ubuntu 11.1011:55
evilCis there a way to import the old files?11:55
mazda01OMG!!!! I have to get up in an hour for work.   :(11:55
theadminmazda01: I don't recommend trying that...11:56
arcskyE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)11:56
mazda01gonna be a long tiring day at work. lol11:56
arcskyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:56
mazda01theadmin, trying what?11:56
theadminOh sorry11:56
theadminWrong person11:56
theadminevilC: I don't recommend trying to copy the files over. Bad idea.11:56
mazda01theadmin, i was like, UH OH. i already ran that dpkg command.11:56
Man_of_Waxare there many differencies between approx, apt-proxy and apt-cacher-ng?11:57
evilCthis looks like a tut on doing it - sound like what I need? https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1751211:57
evilChmm, this one seems more recent and has pictures :) http://www.mdl4.com/2010/05/expand-vdi-virtualbox/11:59
deej1976Man_of_Wax: http://lists.netisland.net/archives/plug/plug-2008-05/msg00038.html12:00
almoxarifearcsky: how did you get that error? what did you run?12:01
Man_of_Waxdeej1976: tnx12:01
geirhaarcsky: Well, there's a dpkg process running somewhere that has the lock12:01
geirhaarcsky: ps -f 374   should give you some more info about the process. What does it have in the TTY column?12:02
mazda01GOODNIGHT friends12:03
MonkeyDust1pm here12:04
xcv""Office Web Apps"" is worst than openoffice for .doc12:04
bhahar IBM thinkpad R50e, problemer med lyd12:04
raidgh0stUbuntu seems to be the best option to have a stable workstation. When Microwhore only respond with screen of blue. Ubuntu is a true winner.12:05
xcvWhy ubuntu and not mint?12:05
theadminxcv: Well you don't have much more choice then12:05
raidgh0stShould we go for the 11.04 or the 11.1012:05
theadminraidgh0st: Wait for a few months and see how wrong you were ;) Honestly, Ubuntu ain't the stablest distro around12:06
xcvtheadmin: I think Lotus symphony is the best to read, make .doc12:06
bhaJeg kjører ubuntu 11.1012:06
sx_usr__hi all12:06
sx_usr__i am having problem getting my HP EliteBook to have the lcd screen when undock12:06
raidgh0sttheadmin: its more stable than winblows 712:06
MonkeyDustbha  english only here12:07
jussi!no | bha12:07
ubottubha: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!12:07
Sidewinder1raidgh0st, I would actually suggest, 10.04; it's actually supported longer than 11.04.12:07
MonkeyDustmentalt ute av balanse!12:07
theadminraidgh0st: I dare to disagree, my Windows 7 setup does not fail me whereas Ubuntu keeps crashing, and other Linux distros work better.12:07
alex88hi guys, how can i force a dipendence in apt?12:08
theadminalex88: You can't... APT isn't gonna let you break your system ;)12:08
theadminraidgh0st: Guess it's just the user :D12:08
alex88theadmin: oh..so i think i'll replace manually the files :D12:08
raidgh0sttheadmin: When you install windows 7, You add all the updates. You spend 2 hours. And the computer goes into "freeze" mode. You try to restart by power off and power on. And all you get is a flashing - (Tried it 4 times) the same issue.12:08
BetaBrain_hi all12:09
raidgh0stThen i am open for another os12:09
theadminraidgh0st: pm?12:09
phenomraidgh0st: And what breaks when you sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?12:10
phenomI've never had a problem with Win 7, I did however have something break every dist-upgrade12:10
phenomUbuntu devs need to take the time to work on stability vs OMG MOAR FEATUREZZ!!!!12:11
dr_willisa reinstall of windows 7 here.. took about 7 hrs the other day..12:11
phenom7 hours to install anything?12:11
dr_willisphenom:  next release is to be mainly a 'polishing' release i hear.12:11
phenomdr_willis: Call Geek Squad.12:11
dr_willisphenom:  yes. systemn restore from 4 dvd's and then the system had to reboot like 40+ times. for all the crudware im gessing.12:12
dr_willisgeeksquad is a rip off.12:12
phenomdr_willis: They've lost me. I'd prefer Mint LMDE over Ubuntu.12:12
* Sidewinder1 Tries to picture dr_willis calling Geek Squad..12:12
evilCbah shoulda used acronis12:12
dr_willisphenom:  whatgever then..12:12
phenomdr_willis: I agree, but I wouldn't spend 7 hours configuring anything anymore.12:12
xuser1hi linuxers12:12
dr_willisphenom:  this was not 7 hrs of me confioguring.. this was 7 hrs of putting in the dvd's and then watching it reboot and set itself up for the 'first time' booting of the os..12:13
BetaBrain_Hello. I have a problem, when compiling a kernel driver with more than 3.0 who explains to me why?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/763700/12:13
evilCacronis boot manager with a copy of your OS image on D: = never down for more than 30 mins12:13
arcskyUID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY      STAT   TIME CMD12:13
arcskyroot       374     1  0 Dec07 ?        Ds     0:01 /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 23 --unpack --auto-deconfigure /var/cache/apt/archives/per12:13
dr_willisAfter the 7 hrs... then i spent another hr+ removing preinstalled garbage. :)12:13
raidgh0stphenom: what breaks. Depends on what version you are on of course:P12:14
arcskyi did apt-get upgrade yesteday and it freezed12:14
xuser1ubuntu has a gnome 3 version withowt unity?12:14
dr_willisxuser1:  install and use gnome-shell12:14
MonkeyDust!nounity| xuser112:14
ubottuxuser1: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:14
MonkeyDustgnome-shell looks nice12:14
phenomdr_willis: Yea, sorry if I came off as argumentative in any way. I just hate ubuntu these days.12:15
phenomNot sure what it would take to get me back.12:15
xuser1i want to download ubuntu 11.10 but with g 3 , no nity12:15
MonkeyDustxuser1  try xubuntu 11.1012:15
dr_willisxuser1:  look for unsupported/unofficial variants then.12:15
phenomBut ubuntu has a big following so this honkey's opinion doesn't really matter.12:15
xuser1i want say ubuntu with gnome 3 (gnome shell)12:16
xuser1no xubuntu or unity12:16
phenomI want Debian with Gnome 2 is all.12:16
theadminxuser1: apt-get install gnome-shell && apt-get remove unity && echo "All done!"12:16
MonkeyDustphenom  gnome2 is dead, canonical can't help that12:16
theadminxuser1: That's about all you need :P12:16
phenomMonkeyDust: Not can they help any of the dozen or so bug reports I've filed.12:17
xuser1i wwant TO DOWNLOAD a ubuntu gnome 3 version12:17
xuser1withowt unity12:17
deej1976xuser1: It doesn't exist12:17
theadminxuser1: We don't provide something like this.12:17
meerkatsare nvidia graphics cards VESA compatible?12:18
gilesHow do I set my desktop to the default gnome 3 shell look and feel in oneiric oncelot?12:18
theadminxuser1: And we won't support derivatives that do.12:18
dr_willisxuser1:  you need to find a UNOFICIAL UNSUPPORTED by this channel variant then.12:18
phenomMonkeyDust: I'd bet on a legit gnome 2 fork soon enough.12:18
dr_willisid bet any gnome fork will die off within a year.12:18
MonkeyDustphenom  MATE already exists12:18
phenomMonkeyDust: right12:18
Fusrodahhi where in the file system would I find ~/.mozilla/plugins12:19
dr_willisbut we have this sort of discussion way to much in here. :)  time to shift it to Ubuntu-offtopic or somewhere else..12:19
phenomNight guys.12:19
gilesFusrodah: ~     is  /home/<username>12:19
phenomseeya MonkeyDust, dr_willis12:19
MonkeyDusttake care phenom12:19
Fusrodahthanks but all I see there is desktop, documents,download, music,pictures etc12:20
dr_willisFusrodah:  bash basics.. anything with a . beginning is 'hidden'12:20
gilesFusrodah: files and directories beginning with . are hidden12:20
dr_willistell your file manager to show hidden files12:20
dr_willisor just hot ctrl-l in nautlils and type in the path12:21
heverHello how can I deactivate unity via the shell and use gnome instead ?12:21
deej1976Fusrodah: nautilus: crtl+h show hidden12:21
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deej1976!notunity | hever12:21
ubottuhever: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:21
dr_willishever:  install some other desktop and select it at the login screen.12:21
theadminhever: apt-get install gnome-shell12:21
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dr_willishever:  gnome-shell is the unity  alternative12:21
=== lht is now known as lht_
dr_willisFusrodah:  and CASE is imporntant in linux12:22
gilesdr_willis: so I could also apt-get remove unity if I have installed gnome-shell?12:22
FusrodahI'm trying to install shockwave flash from Adobe but it's so annoying12:22
hevertheadmin, dr_willis if I search for it I found no package...12:22
raidgh0stThe adobe flash is memory stuckable12:23
MonkeyDusthever  you have to activate the source12:23
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mecoI just upgraded to 11.10, but now the sound has diappeared. Can I get some help on this?12:24
MonkeyDustmeco  begin by typing alsamixer in a Terminal12:24
arcskyapt-get upgrade gets also a new kernel ?12:24
gilesMonkeyDust: Where is the apt source for gnome-shell then?12:24
MonkeyDustgiles  if you use Software Center, it asks to activate the source12:25
xuser1in found a ubuntu gnome 3 version12:25
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xuser1ubuntu gnome shell remix12:25
theadminxuser1: It's unofficial, though, so don't expect support from here.12:25
gilesMonkeyDust: I don't use Software Center, I just edit /etc/apt/sources12:25
Fusrodahlwhy is something as simple as installing flash so difficult in Linux12:25
theadminFusrodah: It's not difficult, it's "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer".12:26
MonkeyDustgiles  i don't remember the source name12:26
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* MonkeyDust launches ubuntu in vbox12:27
gilesMonkeyDust: its oky, I will read about "ubuntu gnome shell remix"12:28
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PhoenixSTFgood morning Ubuntu12:32
heverMonkeyDust, I activated the source but it's still not available12:32
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mecoAlsamixer says "Headphone Jack Sense [Off]". How can I switch it back on?12:34
Fusrodahthanks theadmin, after watching code scroll up the terminal window for 5 minutes flash is now finally working :D12:36
theadminFusrodah: lols, that's all there is to it :D You have to learn to use apt-get or at least the Ubuntu Software Center.12:37
mecoI cannot see anything in 'Sound' under System Settings that look out of order either.12:38
Fusrodahyes, I only got Xubuntu yesterday and its confusing. Wireless didn't work out of the box and I had to find code to disable touchpad clicks but now all seems to be working12:39
FlamekebabI'm setting up a VPS running Ubuntu. What would you recommend to run a mail server?12:39
ravenffmpeg maxrate obviously does not work - any suggestions?12:39
mecoSound fixed!12:39
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theadminFlamekebab: postfix I suppose, that's what everyone uses12:40
sertaconayraven: what's the problem ?12:41
Flamekebabtheadmin, I figured there'd be a "what everyone always used to use" and perhaps a "these days you might want to try"12:41
FlamekebabI'll note down postfix for the moment12:41
ravensertaconay, i set maxrate to 2500k but it still goes to 6500 and above with mpeg4 coder12:41
theadminFlamekebab: I never did set up a mail server, but I just monitor lines scrolling through this channel, note what people suggest/ask about, etc12:42
Flamekebabfair enough, I shall keep my glaziers peeled12:42
raidgh0stUbuntu and Cedega, (to play windows games) how stable and gamefriendly (not problems) ?12:42
theadminraidgh0st: Isn't Cedega discontinued?12:43
heverI installed gnome-panel but without any effect, I can't choose it in the login window. Shuld I change the login manager?12:43
theadminraidgh0st: "Cedega Gaming Service itself is being retired"12:43
jonathonfhever: did you install gnome-session ?12:43
theadminraidgh0st: Suggestion: PlayOnLinux.12:44
heverjonathonf, no ;)12:44
heverjonathonf, I'm not sure...12:44
jonathonfhever: OK, so install it and that should get you GNOME12:44
jonathonfhever: if you're after the fallback version you'll also need gnome-session-fallback12:46
jonathonfhever: if you want gnome-shell you'll need to install gnome-shell :)12:46
sertaconayraven: no idea but can i ask what you use it for ?12:47
BluesKajhiyas all12:47
ziggyfish_Something is happening at the moment that is very hard to explain, When I press F1 the dialog that opens can't be closed (when you click the close button it opens the same window again). Also it steels focus so that you can't type things without clicking on the title bar while your typeing. It is happening now on my desktop (which has ziggyfish logged in). Does anyone know what the command that runs the help system?12:49
theadminziggyfish_: yelp12:51
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ziggyfishtheadmin: can I disable it some how?12:53
theadminziggyfish: I beleive you may be able to apt-get remove it12:53
* ziggyfish arms is killing from clicking so much12:54
hansiiihow to change the order of the rules e.g. in my FORWARD table in iptables12:54
ziggyfishtheadmin: I just renamed the binary12:55
rolandHi. Can anyone recommend a laptop for *buntu, intended use is software development(embedded and other) so it should be reasonably fast to be able to compile software on site. I've had driver problems with most of the laptops I've tried, and i'm fed up with it. MAC and Win7 is not a solution.12:56
RaTTuS|BIGroland anything that is a year old or so ....12:56
quigghelp needed. i amdual booting windows 7 and ubuntu. i reinstalled ubuntu and made new partiotions on free space and now when i start my laptop i get a message and black screen saying "error:unkown filesystem" "grub rescue>" and i can enter commands...what do i do!?!?12:57
rolandRaTTuS|BIG: I have many laptops at work, which are a year old or so, and they all have their issues. I've tried a lenovo for a couple of days, and that seemed to work most painlessly.12:58
jonathonfquigg: sounds like you need to reinstall grub (or update-grub) so it knows about the new partitions12:59
lengyuehello everyone12:59
lengyueis someone here?13:00
quiggjonathonf: how would i do that? i dont think i can load any OS at this point13:00
RaTTuS|BIGquigg - boot from the install cd13:01
quiggRaTTuS|BIG: how would i be able to boot into windows?13:01
yadatoo many steps to follow , google may give a better answer13:02
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jmcantrell_network manager shows "device not ready" under wireless, but my wireless seems to be working. anyone know what my problem might be?13:05
xkws49er_when i do irc chats like this and someone says leave a message do I just type it in and press enter or do I have to do something special13:05
Bhavesh_is there any issue when install Ubuntu 10.04 on i3 processor ? ? ?13:05
user__i had both vista and ubuntu in my system. I just installed ubuntu from scratch. Now nothing happens. Ubuntu doesn't start at all13:06
Bhavesh_I tried but can't get full screen & not work network functionalities like connect to Internet13:06
RaTTuS|BIGxkws49er_ - yeah just type and stay arround13:06
xkws49er_ok thx13:06
xuser1is lightdm better than gdm?13:07
RaTTuS|BIGxuser1 depends13:07
Bhavesh_? ?13:07
xuser1what depends?13:07
xuser1is lightdm faster than gdm?13:08
B3rz3rk3rxuser1 depends what your needs are i think RaTTuS|BIG is trying to say13:08
Sidewinder1Ah, a piano player from Connecticut; Welcome!!13:08
xuser1is light dm faster?13:08
RaTTuS|BIGprobably depends on hardware, config etc - why dont you try both13:08
xkws49er_Sidewinder1 -- me?13:09
xuser1on the same system ?13:09
Sidewinder1xkws49er_, Yes. ;-)13:09
RaTTuS|BIGxuser1 yes -13:09
xkws49er_Sidewinder1 - how do you know?13:09
cjfkdjCreepy to say the least13:10
xkws49er_yes sir13:10
Sidewinder1Nah, but kinda' off topic, for this channel.13:11
BluesKajxkws49er_, . surprising how much info a whois gives about your IP and location13:11
Sidewinder1Mornin' BluesKaj13:12
BluesKajhey Sidewinder113:12
Sidewinder1Just havin' a little fun..13:12
Sidewinder1More coffee..13:13
BluesKajSidewinder1, the piano player part is a bit arcane , dunno how you guessed that13:14
xkws49er_it is.13:14
lunaticheadHi Everybody I am new to UBUNTU... try it out13:14
BluesKajwe are, lunatichead13:15
lunaticheadBluesKaj: :)... Linux has changed my life in every way... also the way the opensource community thinks...13:16
lunaticheadI am from India13:17
szallunatichead: be happy all you want, non-support talk is in #ubuntu-offtopic nonetheless :)13:17
Sidewinder1lunatichead, Welcome to the Club!13:17
conntrackWith a nick of lunatuchead I doubt that13:17
RaTTuS|BIGlunatichead do you have a supoprt question or just to chect - if chatting try #ubuntu-offtopic13:17
lunaticheadRaTTuS|BIG: Thanks for the info..13:18
lunaticheadWill post a question if I have13:18
RaTTuS|BIGlunatichead - and you should not connect to the internt from a root account really13:18
szalthat too13:19
lunaticheadaahahah Ya noticed that...13:19
Sidewinder1!rootirc | lunatichead13:19
ubottulunatichead: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.13:19
lunaticheadK Iam signing out and the will be back with a normal user..13:20
lunaticheadthanks for catching on that13:20
kki313Arista problems probably come from a Gstreamer Bug: https://github.com/danielgtaylor/arista/issues/9813:23
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alainghi I'm trying to login to mysql but i keep getting #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server. I ssh to my server and can login to mysql from there using the same username and password which suggests its phpmyadmin thats at fault.13:30
alaingthe channels sem really dead today13:33
RaTTuS|BIGalaing - ping wont help phpmyadmin though13:33
alaingRaTTuS|BIG: I was hoping pong could lol13:34
Sidewinder1alaing, 1,591 people on, at present..13:34
alaingSidewinder1: how do i check that?13:35
deej1976alaing: Is MySQL listen on the network port. Default is localhost only13:36
Sidewinder1alaing, I'm using X-Chat and it's listed in the upper right corner of my window; not sure how, in your client.13:36
Whitesquallsorry for offtop, but what type of hash is it? "M0Owz1W6zpDNw" Anybody knows?13:37
deej1976: Looks like a random generated string13:38
alaingdeej1976: it should be i didn't have a problem before. how do i check it stilll is13:39
alaingSidewinder1: I'm using chatzilla. oh yeah i just spotted where you got that info 1595 users now13:40
DemonWitchhey i installed ubuntu on a 8gb stick and i have hardly any space left. Can i erase those? /usr/share/doc and/or  /usr/src13:40
j0nrIs this the place to ask for help getting an ubuntu ec2 instance running from command line?13:41
deej1976alaing: have you got nmap ?13:42
alaingdeej1976: not that i know of. not heard of it before13:43
deej1976alaing: on your mysql server check: cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf | grep bind13:44
deej1976alaing: Is commented out13:44
alainghmmm just ssh to my server and it says it needs to restart13:46
deej1976alaing: What did you last do to your server ?13:47
alaingnothing although I've had the box unplugged and tunred off for a couple of weeks13:48
alaingI'm just restarting it quickly13:48
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ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:50
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ehsanhow can i  used aria2 download manager ??13:52
ehsanhow can i  used aria2 download manager ??13:52
jason00question - if I delete 70-persistent-net-rules it should automatically regenerate the NICs upon bootup, right?13:52
evilCcan anyone help me extend an lvm partition that is inside an extended partition? I have fdisk all ready, just not quite sure which options to pick13:52
ehsanhow can i  used aria2 download manager ??13:53
ehsanhow can i  use aria2 download manager ??13:53
deej1976jason00: Yes13:53
jason00deej1976: thought so. my onboard re-populates, but my PCI does not. I'm trying to set up a demo computer for a class with 2 NICs to do separate things. Hmm...13:54
deej1976!repeat | ehsan13:54
ubottuehsan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:54
deej1976jason00: Is the nic visiable from lspci ?13:54
jason00deej1976: yes. I see both ethernet NICs there.13:55
deej1976ehsan: try sudo apt-get install aria213:55
ehsani install this, how use this13:55
alaingdeej1976: just ssh back into my machine13:55
deej1976jason00: Does network manager display anything?13:56
jason00deej1976: no, I'm using the interfaces file... which makes me wonder... let me check it...13:56
jason00deej1976: wait, does the PCI card have to be plugged in to ethernet for it to repopulate? Because I havent had it plugged in yet13:56
deej1976ehsan: alt-f2 and enter aria213:56
ehsanwhere shud alt-f2 ??13:57
deej1976jason00: Both possibitlies are possible, plug in might work13:57
alaingdeej1976: I ran cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf | grep bind and it returned bind-address =
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deej1976alaing: sudo gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf and put a # before that line are restart mysql13:57
deej1976ehsan: You your desktop?13:58
Sidewinder1ehsan, Perhaps this will help: http://aria2.sourceforge.net/13:58
negevhi, if im running 10.04 LTS what is involved in switching to ubuntu-hardened?13:59
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alaingin vim how do you save and exit?14:00
jason00deej1976: doesnt look like its working. :(14:00
ehsani installed aria2, now  how i can download a movie  link whit aria2 ?14:00
jason00deej1976: ubuntu hangs for 60 seconds at startup, saying looking for network configuration14:00
jonathonfalaing: esc, :o, :q14:00
ehsani installed aria2, now  how i can download a movie  link whit aria2 ?14:02
alaingjonathonf: i tried :o and it says "no write since last change ( add ! to override)"14:02
alainglol : o14:02
Sidewinder1ehsan, Here is a link to the aria2 Manual, I hope that it answers your questions: http://aria2.sourceforge.net/aria2c.1.html14:02
deej1976jason00: Did you check the /etc/network/interfaces file14:03
jason00deej1976: I think we might be back. I just ran sudo ifconfig eth0 up and I see it now.14:04
jason00deej1976: Im not seeing it in the 70 persistent file but maybe if I reboot now itll see it14:04
xanguaehsan: if you mean with firefox, flashgot has aria support http://flashgot.net/14:05
xanguawell at least aria, it doesn't mention aria214:05
jonathonfalaing: might be :w not :o :S14:05
deej1976alaing: What editor are you in?14:06
alaingdeej1976: vim14:06
deej1976alaing: vim esc esc :wq14:06
danileigh79If I boot from LIVECD/USB, can I have GPARTED delete the entire WinXP partition from this HDD and increase the existing Ubuntu partition to take up the entire HDD?14:08
Stanley00danileigh79: yes, gparted is default in liveCD14:09
popeydanileigh79: yes14:09
Sidewinder1danileigh79, I don't see why not..14:09
popeydanileigh79: if the windows partition is to the left of the ubuntu partition then you can delete windows, then move ubuntu 'down' (to the left) the disk and then expand it 'up' (to the right) of the disk14:10
alex88hi guys, how can i reinstall a package with apt-get?14:10
danileigh79To all who answered, does it matter if my LIVECD is 9.10, but I'm running 11.04 on the HDD?14:10
popeyalex88: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <packagename>14:10
popeydanileigh79: shouldn't, no14:10
popeydanileigh79: gparted doesn't really care about what's in the partition when you resize them14:11
alex88popey: oh, great! thank you!14:11
danileigh79popey: Thanks, I'm planning on moving all my WinXP files to a diff lappy, then turning this lappy into an Ubuntu only computer14:11
popeydanileigh79: sweet!14:11
ehsantnx xangua, i now can use aria2, but in not better than DTA14:11
danileigh79popey: Even though this lappy came originally with WinXP in 2005, it's getting SLOW... Ubuntu seems to run better than WinXP on this one14:12
MeirDI want to create a SSH tunnel one my server so when a request comes from a host to download a file using SCP, it will be forwarded to a different server.14:13
kki313I'm starting to think that there is not a single working solution to rip DVDs in 11.10 :/14:14
airtonixkki313: how many "solutions" have you tried?14:14
warfarenif everything else fails you can probably just run imgburn in wine and clone disk14:14
Picikki313: handbrake works pretty well for me.14:14
alaingdeej1976: phpmyadmin still not letting me in14:15
The_BROShow to use Gimp in one window?14:16
deej1976alaing: Did you restart mysql ?14:16
Barbariandanileigh79, Thats fairly normal, windows has a lot of bloatware, needing frequent hardware upgrades. GNU/linux doesn't14:16
alaingyes and I rebooted the machine just in case14:17
somsipThe_BROS: don't you need GimpShop?14:17
The_BROS<somsip> What is that?)14:17
xanguaa gimp fork in one windows The_BROS14:18
somsipThe_BROS: http://gimpshop.com/ I'm sure it had a one window layout but maybe not. Possibly worth looking at?14:18
alaingdeej1976: yes and I rebooted the machine just in case14:18
deej1976alaing: Can you connect with mysql client from a remote system14:18
Barbarianxangua, ooh, thatll be useful for me converting people who are used to photoshop. Thanks!14:19
airtonixThe_BROS: use gimp 2.7.x it has one window layout14:19
The_BROS<somsip> Thanks. I heard that gimp 2,7,3 is in one window, but it is unstable((14:19
deej1976alaing: mysql -h mysqlserver -p -u userid database14:19
somsipThe_BROS: Ah ok. That's a new one on me14:19
evil_hoganyway, why do you prefer single window for gimp?14:19
airtonixThe_BROS: gimpshop doesn't have one window layout. (it's also a fairly insignificant issue)14:20
alaingdeej1976: At the moment I have a headless server and I'm using putty on my win7 machine to connect to it.14:20
warlock_handleris there any decent speech to text lib.. ?14:20
warlock_handlerthat can be used to build with ubuntu14:20
alaingdeej1976: from putty I can access mysql and login with the same username/password that I'm trying with from phpmyadmin14:20
airtonixwarlock_handler: nothing like at&t natural voices. no.14:20
kki313Pici: Handbrake just showed all chapters, but didn't start ripping...14:21
deej1976alaing: Can you connect with MySQL Workbench: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/#downloads14:21
The_BROSIf I want to upgrade my Ubuntu to 11.10, what desktop will be better for using with Cairo docks? Gnome classic or Unity?14:21
alaingdeej1976: actually should I maybe try #mysql?14:22
cromaghmm any idea on why "add printer" in the printers section of system settings are geyed out ?14:22
cromagcups is installed.14:22
alaingdeej1976: oh workbench let me give that a go14:22
kki313airtonix: I tried several (looking for a command line soluition for a script), including handbrake (devel), arista, vobcopy...14:23
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warlock_handlerairtonix: thats text to speech.. i want it the other way round... text 2 speech .. i could use festival.. thats good enough14:23
alaingdeej1976: I tried connection to my server on port 3306 and it wouldn't connect14:24
alaingdeej1976: surely it shouldn't matter as phpmyadmin is installed on the same machine and so it should be workign using localhost14:25
alaingsame machien as mysql14:25
evil_hogalaing: did you check that mysql is running?14:25
deej1976alaing: Yep, if it's all on one machine should matter14:25
alaingevil_hog: it is runing as I can use it from putty14:26
alaingdeej1976: why should it matter?14:26
deej1976alaing: On server : sudo service mysql status14:26
deej1976alaing: ~ shouldn't14:26
alaingdeej1976: it says its started and running14:27
evil_hogalaing: netstat -an |grep 330614:27
alaingtcp        0      0  *               LISTEN14:28
alaingi did comment out some text which deej1976 asked me too14:28
evil_hogalaing: does 'telnet localhost 3306' without quotes connects to the server?14:28
alaingevil_hog: from cmd on my windows 7 machine?14:29
evil_hogalaing: from your server's putty console. where mysql is14:29
evil_hogalaing: oh sorry, i've read above that you could access your mysql from localhost14:31
chesterdUVIDA MOMENTANEA!!14:35
chesterComo abilitar os plugins extras do Compiz ??14:35
DJones!br | chester14:36
ubottuchester: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:36
MonkeyDust!pt| chester14:36
deej1976botsman: lsb_release -r14:43
deej1976botsman: uname -v14:43
meerkatscan anyone help me with openbve under ubuntu 11.10 not using wine?14:43
hroihi, Im trying to setup procmail as my mail handler for all users,14:45
hroiaccording to the procmail tutorial, I should edit /etc/postfix/main.cf14:46
hroihowever there is now such folder or file on my ubuntu14:46
hroino such file!14:46
botsmanjoin dchub://pluk.epn.ru14:46
hroiI mean14:46
gildedgodhroi: apt-get install postfix ? :314:47
hroilets see14:47
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest98027
hroigildedgod: yeah postfix is not installed14:48
hroigildedgod: however there is mail going to /var/mail/...14:48
hroigildedgod: I wonder what agent is taking care of my mail?14:48
gildedgodhroi: because ubuntu shipped with exim14:48
hroigildedgod: i should prob. uninstall the current agent, and then set postfix14:49
hroiyeah exim4 is installed14:49
gildedgodexim vs postfix - is endless holywar :314:49
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:49
Sidewinder1botsman, You need to precede the 'join command with /14:50
gildedgoddo anybody ever heard about any ubuntu distribution trageted to displayless devices?14:50
MonkeyDustgildedgod  you mean embedded?14:52
hroigildedgod: I guess I could also config exim to send to procmail, right?14:52
gildedgodhroi: shure14:52
pppurplehow do you tell where ubuntu is installed at on your hard drive and where its running from and where it will save too? (i messed up some partitions)14:52
deej1976gildedgod: Server install ?14:52
gildedgoddeej1976: yes14:52
deej1976gildedgod: Download the ubuntu server addition14:53
gildedgoddeej1976: the problem is that this PC has no video at all14:53
deej1976gildedgod: Serial port ?14:54
MonkeyDustgildedgod  i manage my remote pc over ssh, it has has no display14:54
evil_hogwell... does anybody have experience of successfull installation of ubuntu x64 on gpt table and EFI? :)14:54
gildedgodMonkeyDust: yeas, that's exactly what I want to14:54
gildedgodbut I need to install Ubuntu first14:54
evil_hogmine doesn't want to boot if i do manual prtitioning14:55
gildedgodand that is the problem))14:55
botsman2Sidewinder1. Thanks. I am dummy in system14:55
gildedgodprobably, i can try to install system on hard drive connected to other PC, and then connect it back to no-video-broken PC...14:55
Sidewinder1botsman, My pleasure. ;D14:56
botsmanHow install gcc in ubuntu?14:56
deej1976botsman: sudo apt-get install build-essential14:56
deej1976gildedgod: That would work14:57
VPhow to install the betavine packages on Ubunto 10.1014:58
nailorahow can i find information on the difference between https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ ? those wikis seem to be related but i do not understand how...14:58
VPhow to install the betavine packages on Ubunto 10.10?:)14:58
VPpl help, how to install the betavine packages on Ubuntu 10.10?:)14:59
MonkeyDust!repeat| VP14:59
ubottuVP: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:59
gildedgoddeej1976: so, will try it :)14:59
ojnohi, were there any changes to how linking command line options work between gcc 4.5 and 4.6? almost the same command line options as work on a ubuntu 11.04 32bit install aren't linking libs in correctly on ubuntu 11.10 64bit. http://pastebin.com/6x4bJ0tF http://pastebin.com/c0WK2fkt14:59
botsman2deej1976. Thanks.15:00
zac12Hi there, Could somewhere please let me know how I could permanently change from gnome to xfce?15:00
pppurplewhere does the software center save programs too?15:00
pppurpleor how can i find it?15:00
MonkeyDustzac12  backup and fresh install15:00
deej1976pppurple /var/cache/apt15:01
hoekerhi, i want to test my firewall. i blocked all ports expect udp/137 but now i want to send a test package to see if the package counter in iptables goes up. anybody know how to send such a package?15:01
VPbotsman: try sudo apt-get install gcc15:01
evil_hoghoeker: for tcp/ip you could use telnet from another pc :)15:02
zac12MonkeyDust: I am not running windows ;)15:02
evil_hoghoeker: or nmap for any port15:02
MonkeyDustzac12  i wasnt talking about that OS, what do you mean15:03
deej1976zac12: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, then during login select Xfce session15:04
warfarenok gonna need some help here, i would like to print text in my terminal but not scroll to the bottom. just like with less. but less can't view the custom ansi symbols i have. any ideas?15:04
Dougyhi guys! i have a debian 6 dom0 and a ubuntu 11.10 domU. I want to install the Xen based kernel in the domU so I can use pygrub15:06
DougyI don't see a linux-image-*xen package I'm used to seeing.. what am i missing? A repo?15:06
MonkeyDustDougy  wrong channel15:06
gildedgodwarfaren:  | head -n 10 ?15:06
DougyMonkeyDust: what is right one15:06
MonkeyDustDougy  try a Debian channel15:07
Dougyit's an ubuntu guest15:07
jason00How can I re-generate a new network udev persistent file if mine was erased?15:07
Dougydebian has nothing to do with this15:07
Dougyother hten its virtualizing the ubuntu VM i'm wokring on15:07
warfarengildedgod: thanks, but it still scrolls to the bottm, could might aswell use cat15:07
MonkeyDustDougy  misunderstood, then15:07
Dougyit's an ubuntu 'machine' i'm woring on and i need the xen kernel package15:07
Dougyfor it15:07
pppurpleis there a new user intro to 11.10 built into ubuntu? i thought i was looking at one earlier15:07
warfarenless is very nice because it starts at the top of the printed text15:07
Disqualifiedhow do i edit the tty terminal messages that appear when i console login ?15:08
Disqualifiedhow do i edit the tty terminal messages that appear when i console login ?15:08
DougyMonkeyDust: linux-image-2.6.26-2-xen-686_2.6.26-15_i386 for example was an old one15:08
Dougybut i need the one in ubuntu 11.10..15:08
gildedgodDisqualified: /etc/motd15:08
ojnoDisqualified: depending on what version of ubuntu you have. /etc/motd is where the message is stored but it might be autogenerated by update-motd15:09
Disqualifiedojno, ok can i delete that file? and not have it generated again?15:09
ojnoDisqualified: in which case /etc/update-motd.d - check "man update-motd"15:10
deej1976!info xen-hypervisor-4.1-i38615:10
ubottuxen-hypervisor-4.1-i386 (source: xen): Xen Hypervisor on i386. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.1-2ubuntu4.1 (oneiric), package size 607 kB, installed size 668 kB15:10
Dougythat does't look like a kernel15:10
nailoraDisqualified: http://deadmemes.net/2010/10/19/fear-and-loathing-in-debianubuntu-or-who-needs-etcmotd/15:11
deej1976Dougy: I was just after a description15:11
Dougyahh okies15:11
DougySeems to me I may be SOL15:12
Dougyno amount of googling or repo searching is helping me15:12
Disqualifiedojno, edited the appropriate file. do i now run update-motd?15:12
Dougy!info xen-utils-common15:12
ubottuxen-utils-common (source: xen-common): XEN administrative tools - common files. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.0~rc6-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 91 kB, installed size 428 kB15:12
Dougy!info xen-utils-4.115:12
ubottuxen-utils-4.1 (source: xen): XEN administrative tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.1-2ubuntu4.1 (oneiric), package size 1704 kB, installed size 5928 kB15:12
ojnoDisqualified: you should find it picks up the changes immediately, if you log out and log in it should be changed15:12
Disqualifiedojno, k ty15:13
deej1976Dougy | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen15:13
Dougyunless the kernel is built in maybe15:13
deej1976Dougy: might be ubuntu is more geared to KVM15:14
Dougydeej1976: even still, it should be bootable to xen15:15
Dougymy issue is15:15
Dougyif i boot with pygrub and the stock linux-image kernel it cant find root device15:15
pppurpleis there a hot key to bring up the work space so you can select which one you want?15:15
pppurplei cant quite get anything to work right today /sigh15:19
=== ANTANI is now known as Frogging101
KneferilisHello, I need some help please.15:20
Frogging101Kneferilis: Don't ask to ask, just ask15:20
Kneferiliswhat they do to offer on linux unlimited free space/unlimited bandwidth? Cloud computing? https://www.unlimitedgb.com/linux-hosting.html15:20
deej1976pppurple: crtl+alt up/down arrow ?15:20
Frogging101How do I start multiple login sessions? Like, a new X session but with a window manager and everything working.15:21
Frogging101What commands does ubuntu run on startup to initialize the GUI?15:21
Frogging101I'm using 11.1015:21
PiciKneferilis: That doesn't appear to be withing the scope of this channel.  Perhaps #web or #ubuntu-offtopic may be a better place to ask15:21
pppurpledeej1976, Thank you!15:23
=== Mud is now known as Guest56501
Disqualifiedhow  can i check the remaining free space of my root partition? (its also encrypted, but now its open that i use it)15:25
MonkeyDustDisqualified  df -h15:25
deej1976Disqualified: df -lh15:25
Disqualifieddeej1976, /dev/mapper/vg-root   7.0G  6.7G     0 100% /15:26
Disqualifiedwhy is it 100% ?15:26
johnjohn101how is the support for ssd's in the current ubuntu 11.10?15:27
Arm0urDisqualified: Because you are almost out of space15:27
deej1976Disqualified: Filesystems have a reserved space15:27
Disqualifieddeej1976, for what?15:27
MonkeyDustDisqualified  you using intel?15:27
Frogging101Does anyone here know how to start multiple X sessions in Ubuntu 11.10? So I can have a session on display :0 and a session on display :115:27
MonkeyDustDisqualified  you using an intel videocard?15:27
deej1976Disqualified: When using the ext2 or ext3 filesystem by default 5% of the available blocks is reserved for use by the root user. This allows the system to continue running if non-root users fill up the file system and also assists in preventing file fragmentation because the filesystem does not fill up completely.15:28
DisqualifiedMonkeyDust, no nvidia15:28
nailoraDisqualified: deej1976 is probably right. "tune2fs -l" might show it to you15:29
Disqualifieddeej1976, is there any way to move 400 free mb from my /boot partition to / ? (root is encrypted though)15:29
grosendorfSo for some reason, the /etc/apache2 folder is missing from my Ubuntu 10.10 installation.  I've removed the package and resinstalled it numerous times, I've tried running dpkg-reconfigure, I think i'm out of ideas.  Everytime I reinstall apache2, it simply fails to create it's configuration folder.  Permissions on /etc are fine.  Any ideas?15:29
deej1976grosendorf : sudo apt-get install --reinstall apache2 ?15:30
pppurplewhy does the touch pad mouse stop working in 11.10?15:30
Disqualifiednormally i would do it with gparted. shrink boot 400mb and enlarge extended/logical root partition by 400. Wont that ruin my encryption of root?15:30
deej1976Disqualified: Maybe boot from liveCD gparted and adjust partitions, do you have a lot of old kernels around?15:30
grosendorfdeej1976: no dice15:31
deej1976grosendorf: Any errors ?15:31
diatomaceousHey everyone!  Is there a way to make open office (libre office?) ignore my gtk theme?15:31
deej1976Disqualified: I'm not sure, it's risky15:31
grosendorfdeej1976: nope, completes totally normally15:32
grosendorfexcept for the missing /etc/apache2 folder :/15:33
deej1976grosendorf: sudo apt-get purge apache2 , then reinstall?15:33
MonkeyDustand delete some config files, maybe15:34
grosendorftried that too15:34
Frogging101What commands does Ubuntu run at startup to initialize the GUI?15:34
grosendorfno luck15:34
Frogging101Like the X server15:34
=== Disqualified is now known as DemonWitch
deej1976Frogging101: The login screen is ldm15:34
evil_hogdeej1976: isn't it gdm?15:35
deej1976evil_hog: Changed in 11.1015:35
evil_hogbut it's still kdm in kubuntu 11.10 right?15:35
deej1976evil_hog: image so15:35
Frogging101I'm using Ubuntu 11.1015:35
almoxarife!info lightdm15:36
ubottulightdm (source: lightdm): Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.6-0ubuntu1.2 (oneiric), package size 95 kB, installed size 428 kB15:36
k013hi guys, is the look changer being included in 12.04 LTS?15:36
Frogging101deej1976: Well what I'm trying to do is run multiple X sessions. I don't know how15:36
Frogging101In 11.1015:36
deej1976Frogging101: Switch user?15:36
MonkeyDustFrogging101  do you have examples of it working?15:36
WanderingEnderHey, how do I mount smb:// shares in 11.10 from GUI?15:36
WanderingEnderI mean for good, not "click, mount, wait, auto-unmount..."15:37
_SHO_I am in the market for a new router and it needs to play well with windows 7 and linux, any suggestions?15:37
MonkeyDustWanderingEnder  add it to fstab, no?15:37
deej1976WanderingEnder: Might need to enter a line in /etc/fstab15:37
k013hi guys, is the look changer being included in 12.04 LTS? just like the one in ZORIN OS!15:39
MonkeyDustk013  better ask in #ubuntu+115:39
WanderingEnderYeah, that's what I thought I'd need to do. Is there something GUI-like, or should I just open terminal?15:39
compdocnever heard of Zorin OS15:39
compdocis that the OS Zorro uses?15:39
k013ok, thank you @monkeydust15:40
Frogging101Just... how do I start another X display from the command line?15:40
Frogging101startx -- :1 makes a new display, but there's no GUI15:40
demosfaranyone familiar with problem after installing gnome-shell on ubuntu 11.10? (Top bar is messed up...)15:40
evil_hogFrogging101: try to run ldm if you want new login screen15:43
peyamHow can I turn off the fan15:43
peyamin my min ipc15:43
peyamit almost kills me like a human15:43
evil_hogFrogging101: or if you want to start unity with current user, you should read about .xsessionrc or .xinitrc15:44
evil_hogFrogging101: so startx would know what to do after starting X15:44
evil_hogusually, LDM does it itself15:45
botsmanHow update old unsupported system? E.g. Hoary Hedgehog.15:45
Frogging101evil_hog: Okay15:45
Frogging101evil_hog: By ldm do you mean the command "lightdm"?15:45
=== iqpi_ is now known as iqpi
roberto_help with wirelesss activation15:45
deej1976!eol | evil_hog15:46
ubottuevil_hog: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:46
evil_hogFrogging101: something like that, but i not sure if it would work.15:46
deej1976!wireless | roberto_15:46
ubotturoberto_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:46
demosfaranyone now how to fix top bar in gnome3: http://imgur.com/HhCtS ?15:46
evil_hogbotsman: probably, just install new one?15:47
alaingdoes ubuntu/linux use "WORKGROUPS"?15:47
evil_hogalaing: hey, did you solve your phpmyadmin issue?15:48
compdocalaing, not really - but samba does15:48
=== shi-tianlong is now known as cablop
pppurplei need some help getting rid of some partitions i created to try and run ubuntu seperate of windows and failed. now dont know where ubuntu is running from and what i can delete...i have Gparted and a couple app screen shots and can explain more/better if any one is willing to help http://imgur.com/C9UPu http://imgur.com/ecvzN15:48
MahaVishnupppurple, /dev/sda8 is your ubuntu install.15:49
demosfarubuntu 11.10 don't have package manager installed?15:51
=== olaf is now known as Guest12837
deej1976demosfar: Software Center ?15:51
demosfarok software center...what about old package manager?15:51
pppurpleMahaVishnu, how did you come up with that? and if i delete every thing besides that and sda1 and sda2 to save windows?15:52
deej1976demosfar: Would need to be installed, synaptic15:52
deej1976!info synaptic15:52
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.75.2ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 2099 kB, installed size 6980 kB15:52
demosfartnx deej197615:53
MahaVishnupppurple, you want to keep windows too and it says /dev/sda8 mountpoint /15:53
Shodowjedi01Greetings I have an issue I need some help with15:53
deej1976!ask | Shodowjedi0115:53
ubottuShodowjedi01: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:53
Shodowjedi01Can someone help me getting my audio in jack working?15:54
vonHermanrecently - after installing awstats - i encountered a lot of problems with access rights to shared libraries15:54
deej1976!anyone | Shodowjedi0115:54
ubottuShodowjedi01: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:54
vonHermani'm working on Ubuntu 10.04.3 with 2.6.32-34-server kernel15:54
ubottuAre you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.15:54
alaingevil_hog: no not yet15:54
MahaVishnuShodowjedi01, using ubuntu 11.10 ?15:54
MahaVishnuShodowjedi01, and your line in jack does not function, have you checked the settings in alsamixer ? or pavucontrol for a gui.15:54
Shodowjedi01I downloades Alasa and pavucontrol to no avail15:55
k013@monkeydust - hi, the guys at ubuntu+1 said they are not including it! too bad! anyway - check out this video if you have time, enjoy! thank you. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHCDU-CUoaQ15:55
pppurpleMahaVishnu,  i guess im just not understanding all that i can do with partitions. the only partitions i need is SDA1 and SDA2 to dual boot windows, how would i be able to give that extra space to be usable in linux?15:55
bolo56hail !!!15:55
alaingevil_log I was just thinking what has changed since I last used the server and the only thing I can think of is that I changed the WORKGROUP name on the router15:55
vonHermanshortly after instalation of awstats i recieved a lot of errors like Starting ClamAV daemon clamd /usr/sbin/clamd: error while loading shared libraries: libclamav.so.6: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied15:56
vonHermanor imapd: /usr/bin/imapd: error while loading shared libraries: libfam.so.0: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied15:56
MahaVishnupppurple, it looks like you have 2 linux installs on 1 drive.. and windows apparently. and an OEM windows recovery partition.15:57
MahaVishnupppurple, your end goal is to dual boot windows + ubuntu ?15:57
alaingevil_hog: my putty connection keeps timing out15:57
kernelpanicAfter booting the oneiric 32bit image from a usb stick, the desktop comes up. After about 5 seconds, almost all widgets freeze, just the mouse is still working. Is that a known problem?15:57
Shodowjedi01so no one is going to help me with my sound issue?15:57
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:58
szalShodowjedi01: as of yet you haven't explained your problem15:58
Shodowjedi01I just want to know if someone can help me get my audio in jack working15:58
MahaVishnuShodowjedi01, what does your configuration tab look like in pavucontrol ? is it set to analog stereo duplex, what does your input tab look like?15:58
evil_hogalaing: sad15:58
vonHermananyone can suggest solution? cause i'm running out of options. tried to reinstall suspected packages, checked ldconfig and checked the rights to libs15:59
Shodowjedi01what is the command for pavucontrol15:59
vonHermanwith no luck15:59
=== rymate1234|away is now known as rymate1234
test_compilehello anyone run flightgear in ubuntu 10.1015:59
jrib!away > rymate123415:59
ubotturymate1234, please see my private message15:59
=== mquin- is now known as mquin
deej1976vonHerman: what are the permissions of those files?16:00
MonkeyDustShodowjedi01  i use jack for cd ripping, what's up16:00
pppurpleMahaVishnu, yes. i was running Ubuntu beside windows and then reinstalled it and tried to make a partition for the ubuntu OS and a partition for data in ubuntu. i had 3 partitions for windows, a recovery, an OS, and a Data. when i did that install and restarted i came up to a system file error and a command of grub rescue> that i didnt know what to do with so i booted back off a USB and now have a lot of partitions and no idea what i need to do with them or how16:00
pppurple to install ubuntu how i originally wanted to16:00
MahaVishnupppurple, start by unmounting them all.16:01
buttii need help by using synaptic. I get following error when i starting synaptic:16:01
Shodowjedi01I downloaded rackaarack and I just want to get it working with my 1/8 input16:01
Shodowjedi01but my imput jack isn't reading16:01
buttilibstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:01
Shodowjedi01the mic in jack isn't functioning16:01
vonHermandeej1976: all look lige this: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1487368 2011-04-22 21:05 /usr/lib/libperl.so.5.10.116:01
buttilibstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:01
MahaVishnuShodowjedi01, are you going to give me the info I asked for so I can try to help with your input jack?16:02
deej1976vonHerman: permissions on /usr16:02
demosfarhaving problem while installing newest ati drivers. Here is jockey.log: http://pastebin.com/5abe4S7u16:02
dr_willis!find  libstdc++.so.616:02
=== Shooter__ is now known as ShooterMG_
ubottuFile libstdc++.so.6 found in gcc-snapshot, lib32stdc++6, lib32stdc++6-4.4-dbg, lib32stdc++6-4.5-dbg, lib32stdc++6-4.6-dbg, libhfstdc++6-4.6-dbg-armel-cross, libhfstdc++6-armel-cross, libstdc++6, libstdc++6-4.4-dbg, libstdc++6-4.4-dbg-armel-cross (and 10 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libstdc%2B%2B.so.6&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any16:03
=== ShooterMG_ is now known as ShooterMG
pppurpleMahaVishnu, mounted means its mounted to the ubuntu OS? so i need to keep SDA8 intact cause its running the OS now?16:03
MahaVishnuShodowjedi01, please talk to me in this channel. and the command to open pavucontrol is pavucontrol.16:03
vonHermandeej1976: drwxr-xr-x  10 root root  4096 2011-10-14 08:23 usr16:03
dr_willisi thought  libstdc++.so.6 is a rather critical lib. wonder if you had some filesystem error that currupted it butti. or removed it.16:03
demosfarhaving problem while installing newest ati drivers. Here is jockey.log: http://pastebin.com/5abe4S7u16:03
Shodowjedi01ok I opend Pavucontrol Maha16:04
pppurpleis it better to use Gparted or just the disk utility16:04
MahaVishnupppurple, in a terminal type sudo mound and paste me the results.16:04
Shodowjedi01what did you ask me to look at?16:04
MahaVishnupppurple, mount *16:04
MahaVishnuShodowjedi01, your config tab and your input tab.16:04
MahaVishnuShodowjedi01, config should be set to analog stereo duplex and input should be line in.16:05
Shodowjedi01my input is set to internal audio analog16:05
Shodowjedi01and under config it is set to analog sterio duplex16:05
Frogging101How do I make it so that a user can run selected commands as sudo, but not be able to use sudo for anything else?16:05
MahaVishnuShodowjedi01, set your input to line in.16:05
dr_willisFrogging101:  add the proper entries to the /etc/sudoers file.16:05
MonkeyDustShodowjedi01  please add the name of the person you are addressing16:05
deej1976vonHerman: Does dmesg show anything16:05
pppurpleMahaVishnu,  sent you a personal window with results16:06
Shodowjedi01I think that worked Maha!16:06
Shodowjedi01Thank you! :-)16:06
MahaVishnupppurple, pastebin means. paste.ubuntu.com or something ;-) not a pm but thats ok. anyway unmount /dev/sda*16:07
evil_hogwhy the installed ubuntu doesn't boot if i install it on manually partitioned drive? GPT table, first partition is 20mb bootable fat16 efi16:07
evil_hogfully auto installation works16:07
MahaVishnuevil_hog, ubuntu doesn't auto make gpt partitions does it?16:08
evil_hogMahaVishnu: 11.10 x64 does, on my laptop at least (with EFI)16:08
ravenffmpeg/winff preset: how to limit mpeg4 super high quality preset to maximum 4mbit?16:09
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MahaVishnuevil_hog, oh. im not familiar with what efi is sorry. I was unsure because I upgraded and my / is not on a GPT thats why I asked. but I guess it's since I upgraded.16:09
pppurpleMahaVishnu, paste bin like the link to the photos? not sure what that is. sorry about the PM. and which SDA* to unmount?16:09
vonHermandeej1976: well I just run dmesg |egrep 'unable|error'16:09
MahaVishnupppurple, all of them.16:10
Frogging101I've noticed that in 11.10 the system settings are dumbed down to being nearly useless...16:10
mneptokevil_hog: you're using UEFI?16:10
vonHerman[    0.179175] rtc_cmos: probe of rtc_cmos failed with error -1616:10
vonHerman[    0.180415] /build/buildd/linux-2.6.32/drivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)16:10
evil_hogMahaVishnu: its probably because my system using EFI and i installed x64 version16:10
ravenffmpeg/winff preset: how to limit mpeg4 super high quality preset to maximum 4mbit?16:10
MahaVishnuevil_hog, what is EFI please ?16:10
evil_hogmneptok: i dunno its efi or uefi. laptop z570 lenovo16:10
dr_willisraven:  make a preset that has the proper ffmpeg options?16:10
evil_hogMahaVishnu: some kind of bios replacement :)16:10
deej1976vonHerman, please so output into pastebin16:10
MahaVishnuevil_hog, oh interesting never heard of it till now ill have to do some reading.16:11
ravendr_willis, which of theese options have to be changed16:11
dr_willisraven:  no idea. Id have to look at the ffmpeg docs/faq/guides16:11
mneptokevil_hog: UEFI partitions need to be ~120MB and formatted FAT32. they need to be mounted to /boot/efi and the EFI bits of GRUB2 need to be installed.16:11
mneptokevil_hog: the Ubuntu installer should detect all this and set it up. if you choose to do it manually, then you need to be very aware of the rules.16:12
evil_hogmneptok: with default partitioning it was fat16 20mb (or 200mb, can't remember) and it worked. i've seen ubuntu in uefi boot menu and was able to boot it. well, i still can see it but it doesn't boot16:12
demosfarhow to install drivers from file .run?16:13
mneptok!info grub-efi16:13
ubottugrub-efi (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component main, is extra. Version 1.99-12ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-amd64 any-powerpc any-ppc64 any-sparc any-mipsel i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 powerpc ppc64 sparc mipsel kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)16:13
Hexchanyone good to pure-ftpd here ?16:13
mneptokevil_hog: ^^^^16:13
evil_hogmneptok: alright, if i'll make 120mb fat32 partition. what should i chose in installer GUI? to install grub to /dev/sda or /dev/sda1 (efi partition)16:13
dr_willisdemosfar:  you run the .run file.. chmod +x foo.run   then ./foo.run16:13
dr_willisdemosfar:  and normally its best to use the drivers from teh repos.16:13
vonHermandeej1976: http://pastebin.com/fau1Q3G916:13
mneptokevil_hog: if you want to define all this stuff manually, i would suggest you use the alternate installer.16:14
demosfardr_willis, i have problem  while installing newest ati drivers. Here is jockey.log: http://pastebin.com/5abe4S7u16:14
MahaVishnupppurple, you get those unmounted ?16:14
sebxHow do I generate a xorg.conf file? I've tried booting into recovery and running Xorg -configure but got an file lock error.16:14
dr_willisdemosfar:  will mean very little to me.. I dont use ati. and its not reccomended to use the .run installer.16:14
tim167hi, can anyone help me get Wacom Bamboo ctl-470/K working on ubuntu?16:14
MahaVishnusebx, what kind of card ?16:14
dr_willisdemosfar:  the forums or askubuntu.com may have some info on the problem,16:14
sebxintel onboard from i3 53016:14
demosfari don't have choice...cause my gnome shell wont work good without newest drivers16:14
sebxMahaVishnu, intel onboard from i3 53016:15
pppurpleMahaVishnu, not just yet. trying to understand what im doing so i can re-do an install and not mess it up again.16:15
evil_hogmneptok: well, the main reason why i'm doing so is that i want separate /home and  i want 4k aligned partitions.  the default GUI installer can see EFI partition. but i'm not sure what should i choose as target for grub. the drive itself or that efi partition16:15
deej1976vonHerman: Nothing in there16:15
MahaVishnupppurple, unmounting doesn't destroy anything16:16
MahaVishnusebx, what exact error?16:16
mneptokevil_hog: sudo grub-install /dev/sd(whatever)16:16
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sebxMahaVishnu, it couldn't get a file lock on some temp file, don't remember exact message. Is that otherwise the best way?16:16
mneptokevil_hog: that's AFTER you install the grub-efi package and remove grub-pc16:16
vonHermandeej1976: but problem with multiple programs pesists :/16:16
MahaVishnusebx, you might need to kill x before you do -configure16:16
MahaVishnusebx, try sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop16:17
sebxMahaVishnu, I'm in recovery mode, I don't think it was running. I'll try that, ty16:17
MahaVishnusebx, are you on a gui now or no?16:17
pppurpleMahaVishnu, it wont let me Unmount says "the daemon is being inhibitied"16:17
sebxMahaVishnu, yes, I'm in gui now16:17
evil_hogmneptok: and then i should add ubuntu to efi menu?16:18
MahaVishnupppurple, close any open windows of any files. close gparted etc.16:18
deej1976vonHerman: sudo cat kern.log | pastebinit16:18
sebxMahaVishnu, I'll try to go to a virtual console and kill x16:18
MahaVishnusebx, yea.16:18
gnaddelDoes anyone here by chance have any experience with a Skystar USB HD2 dvb-s2 tuner under ubuntu?16:18
MahaVishnugnaddel, the ubuntu websites have some kind of h/w compatibility DB I believe...16:18
diatomaceousHey everyone!  Is there a way to make open office (libre office?) ignore my gtk theme?  -  Just in case anyone else cared, I found a fix - sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-gtk did the trick.16:18
kishim having trouble reinstalling grub2, it tells me "/usr/sbin/grub-prove error cannot find a device for /boot/grub is /dev mounted?16:18
kishi don't know what ot do16:18
dr_williskish:  so you are on a live cd? or what exactly?16:19
kishim on a live cd.16:19
buttihello, need help for solving this: synaptic: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:20
gnaddelMahaVishnu: It appears that some people have it working but googling how to do it turns out to be.... not so much fun indeed ;)16:20
mneptokevil_hog: then "sudo update-grub"16:20
evil_hogmneptok: thank a lot for the info. i'm going to give it last try today16:20
pppurpleMahaVishnu, i was only ableto unmount 1 of the mounted SDA716:20
mneptokevil_hog: there's no manual tweaking of the GRUB menu necessary16:20
pppurpleMahaVishnu, the other revieved this error Error unmounting: umount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:16:20
pppurpleumount: only root can unmount UUID=9883d10a-8bc5-4184-9c4c-f03e42191022 from /16:20
MahaVishnupppurple, sudo ;-P16:20
evil_hogmneptok: and what about efibootmgr?16:21
MahaVishnupppurple, prefix the unmount with sudo16:21
deej1976butti: find / -name libstdc++.so.616:21
deej1976butti: find /usr -name libstdc++.so.616:21
uissancHi guys16:21
mneptokevil_hog: should be brought in as a dependency of grub-efi16:21
varniemy vpn-server has multiple IP addresses so when I write 'peer vpn.foo.com' in mpd.conf it doesn't work16:22
evil_hogmneptok: but grub-efi should handle this itself or i'll have to run efibootmgr and configure that menu?16:22
pppurpleMahaVishnu, sorry im not sure that means. im not unmounting threw a terminal. i am using the Disk utility16:22
varniei am trying to setup vpn client16:22
kishvarnie, you have to put the ip in the conf file16:22
uissancHow to know the list of versions available for a given packet ? I want to know the list of nmap version available16:22
varniekish, in which file, mpd.conf?16:23
kiship instead of the hostname16:23
vonHermandeej1976: http://pastebin.com/7c1xUNKU16:23
varnieyes but that vpn server has multiple ip addresses16:23
MahaVishnupppurple, well use a terminal and type sudo umount /dev/sdaX16:23
kishvarnie, you can find out what thye are16:23
buttideej1976: i have no output16:23
vonHermandeej1976: sorry for delay16:23
MahaVishnupppurple, close the disk utility first.16:23
varniekish, so, specifying just one of them should be okay?16:23
kish A16:23
kishvarnie, yeah16:24
varniewell, it connects but only from time to tiem16:24
deej1976butti: sudo apt-get install libstdc++616:24
MahaVishnuvarnie, you said vpn client, but your talking about mpd.conf ?16:24
deej1976butti: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libstdc++616:24
mneptokevil_hog: update-grub will take care of all of it16:24
evil_hogmneptok: thanks again16:25
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varniekish, yes I use mpd5 as a pptp_client16:25
buttideej1976: apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:26
skinnux99anyone know how i can try and get better screen resolution? im on a dell e6400 getting 1280x800 max according to xrandr16:26
skinnux99and the latest ubuntu16:26
MahaVishnuskinnux99, does xrandr -q show any higher resolution ?\16:26
pppurpleMahaVishnu, device is busy. i believe SDA8 has linux on it and i am running linux from it currently16:27
skinnux99MahaVishnu: sadly no16:27
JorkyHello Guys. I want to install ubuntu on a second hard drive beside windows. Can Anone help me (with link or something...) explain how to properly do that?16:27
deej1976vonHerman: Sorry, not saw where to go next, could spot anything.16:27
MahaVishnupppurple, are you not on a live-cd ?16:27
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vonHermandeej1976: so no luck ?16:27
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deej1976vonHerman: Sorry16:27
skinnux99MahaVishnu: actually is says "maximum 8192 x 8192"16:28
jrogersI plugged in my external apple time machine harddrive to oneirda, and it mounts fine, and I can see folders/files in it, but there doesn't appear to be any of my backups in it.16:28
skinnux99but its not one of the choices listed16:28
RaTTuS|BIGJorky - just boot the cd and point it at the spare disk for the install16:28
jrogersPossibly a permissions issue?  Do I need to mount it differently or add credentials from the MAC somewhere?16:28
MahaVishnuskinnux99, yea thats frame buffer or something16:28
buttideej1976: apt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:28
MahaVishnuskinnux99, what mode do you want? and ur sure the device can support it?16:28
Jorky<RaTTuS|BIG>: Yes, but I want ti use windows also (duak booth)?16:29
pppurpleMahaVishnu, no i am running an installed Ubuntu OS16:29
skinnux99MahaVishnu: anything a little higher, i am checking now :)16:29
vonHermandeej1976: thanks anyway. any idea where should i ask next ?16:29
skinnux99i just assumed that a generic video driver had been loaded16:29
jrogersanyone mounted a time machine HD to ubuntu before?16:29
MahaVishnupppurple, well to do anything you need to really be on a live-cd ....16:30
compdoctime machine HD? who makes that?16:30
MahaVishnupppurple, cant work on f/s that ur using.16:30
BarbariandudeJorky, It should do that if you select "Install alongside Windows" during installation16:30
pppurpleMahaVishnu, ok i can do that. just need to save xchat to a thumb drive and reboot16:30
Jorky<Barbariandude>: Thx I hpe it works16:31
MahaVishnupppurple, huh!? you need a whole ubuntu .iso not just xchat16:31
MahaVishnupppurple, the ubuntu live .iso comes with xchat pretty sure.16:31
dr_willisor xchat-gnome at least.16:31
MahaVishnuyea thats what I meant. I think...16:32
MahaVishnudont use gnome so.16:32
pppurple MahaVishnu yes yes i have a bootable USB with ubuntu ISO. i am saving xchat so i dont have to download it and can run it from the live cd16:32
MahaVishnupppurple, it has it alrdy16:32
deej1976butti: When did this error start to appear16:32
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MahaVishnupanera sandwhich = good. sorry back on topic ;-P16:32
DaBaushow can i run a bash command at boot always?16:33
dr_willisDaBaus:  to do what exactly? theres /etc/rc.local16:33
MahaVishnuDaBaus, ~/.xsession I think?16:33
pppurpleMahaVishnu, hmmm it made me download it on 11.10 not just install16:33
dr_willis'at boot' is differnt then 'at user login'  :)16:33
buttideej1976: just after i tryed to make a symlink ..i did something wrong16:33
buttideej1976: maybe i have removed this file or something16:33
deej1976butti: If you type history, does it show the command ?16:34
MahaVishnudr_willis, yea most people who say 'at boot' really mean 'at login'16:34
buttideej1976: i made so many trys with that16:34
buttideej1976: for example: sudo ls -l /usr/lib/libstdc++*16:34
deej1976butti: can you history | pastebinit16:35
fission6my linode instance rebooted and /sbin/initi kicked off uwsgi process, i cant seem to kill it, it just respawns16:35
fission6how can i do so16:35
buttideej1976: tell command for the histrory16:35
dr_willisLinode ?16:36
buttideej1976: i cant open anybrowser right now becouse of that failour16:36
MahaVishnufission6, kill -9 ?16:36
evil_hogmneptok: and now the main question:) should I bother now with uefi and gpt, if i have just 750GB drive and probably installation to mbr partition should be easy?16:36
MahaVishnufission6, or use pstree and figure out whats respawning it?16:37
dr_willisbutti:  you were making a link to  libstdc++.so.6 ? or did i miss read.16:37
jrogerscompdoc: umm... I guess I 'made' it.16:37
deej1976butti: "history" is the command enter in a terminal16:37
buttidr_willis:that was one of my wrong commands...i made somany of them16:37
fission6MahaVishnu: http://dpaste.org/OAPWn/16:38
buttideej1976: okay..i can only put some commands here becouse no pastebin16:38
buttideej1976: ln -s /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++.so.616:38
buttideej1976: sudo mv libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++.so.6.orig16:39
lolmausI've assembled a computer with new hardware, installed Ubuntu Server. It freezes once or twice a day. Syslog clear. Memory tested. No clues. :( How can i diagnoze this?16:39
buttideej1976: this cmd was a couse: sudo mv libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++.so.6.orig16:39
deej1976butti: find /usr -name libstdc++.so.6.orig ?16:39
MahaVishnufission6, idk maybe upstart-udev-br is respawning it,? what is uswgi16:39
buttideej1976: /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6.orig16:40
deej1976butti: cd /usr/lib32/ ; cp libstdc++.so.6.orig libstdc++.so.616:40
nagpaiperI recently upgraded to oneric. on my dell vostro .. facing one issue. The screen always starts at its brightest16:41
buttideej1976: sudo cp libstdc++.so.6.orig libstdc++.so.616:41
butticp: schreibe nicht durch die freihängende symbolische Verknüpfung „libstdc++.so.6“16:41
MahaVishnubutti, I think your computer is turning german!16:42
fission6MahaVishnu: how can i kill it then16:42
nagpaiperalso .. if i reduce the brightness, it again shoots up when the machine recovers after a screenserver16:42
buttiMahaVishnu: :))16:42
MahaVishnufission6, it comes back with kill -9 ?16:42
nagpaipercan someone help me with the issue16:42
buttideej1976: its meant dont write through symlink...16:42
rasustonagpaiper, wear sunglasses16:42
nagpaiper@rasusto hehehe.. good one16:43
rasustoI actually have the same issue with my dell netbook I haven't been able to fix it16:43
rojjwhois rojj16:43
deej1976butti: cd /usr/lib32/ ; mv libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++.so.6.link ; cp libstdc++.so.6.orig libstdc++.so.616:43
nagpaiperHmm.. its very annoying16:43
MahaVishnuI understand it's annoying, but cant you just reduce the brightness again ?16:44
fission6MahaVishnu: yes16:44
nagpaiperMahavishnu.. you need to do it every two minutes16:44
MahaVishnunagpaiper, ahh..16:44
nagpaiperwhenever i leave my machine and the screen dims... when i return.. its FLASH!!!!16:44
buttideej1976: the problem persist16:45
buttideej1976: synaptic: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:45
nagpaiperi am sure there may be other users facing the issue and hopefully someone having a solution too16:45
MahaVishnufission6, according to the manual you should be able to send it signal SIGINT/SIGQUIT and it will die...16:46
deej1976butti: 32 or 64 version?16:46
nemoSo, I'm reluctantly considering updating from 11.04 to 11.10...16:46
buttideej1976: 6416:46
nemoAnd I was wondering.  Are the Mint Gnome 3 extensions available to Ubuntu users?16:46
MahaVishnunemo, use dd or clonezilla to clone ur drive first incase you don't like 11.10 you can go right back to 11.0416:47
nagpaiper@Mahavishnu.. i wish i did that :((   (with my bright screen)16:49
nemoMahaVishnu: oh. I've done that quite a few times.  This ubuntu install has been on 5 machines w/ nc + dd16:49
nemo(is a work box)16:49
deej1976butti: ldd /usr/sbin/synaptic | grep libstdc++.so.616:49
nemoMahaVishnu: I do have another machine on 11.10 where I resorted to XFCE4.16:49
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nemoBut I'd heard the Mint gnome 3 extensions made gnome 3 actually usable.16:49
buttideej1976: ldd /usr/sbin/synaptic | grep libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++.so.6 => not found libstdc++.so.6 => not found libstdc++.so.6 => not found libstdc++.so.6 => not found libstdc++.so.6 => not found16:49
MahaVishnunemo, i was using xfce4 then I started using fluxbox, and ill never use anything else it's perfect in every way.16:49
nemoMahaVishnu: so I was considering just upgrading to Mint 12 - but I'm also lazy.16:50
rasustonemo gnome 3 its a disaster16:50
dpI've got a mint box (please let me know if I should be somewhere else for this) that tells me that a binary I'm trying to run in a local directory, doesn't actually exist. any ideas?16:50
nemoMahaVishnu: eh.  I wouldn't recommend XFCE4 for everyone.  Take my mom for example. She counts on, say, being able to browse an ISO on her desktop - even play the contents - all handled by gnome vfs16:50
MahaVishnuunity is hideous imho but someone is gonna tell us to get back on topic now.16:50
rasustojoin the debian master race16:50
nemoMahaVishnu: or change her timezone when travelling - XFCE4 still doesn't have a UI for that16:50
MahaVishnunemo, yea usually nothing is ever perfect on a machine.16:51
deej1976butti: libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.616:51
MahaVishnuor life for that matter.16:51
nemorasusto: of my friends and family who are on 11.10 more of them seem to use gnome 3 than unity - right now a tally of 3 to 016:51
nemoMahaVishnu: just noting why I wouldn't want to move her from gnome 2 to XFCE416:51
nemoMahaVishnu: so actually, I'm doubly interested in the mint gnome 3 extensions - both for myself and for her16:51
MahaVishnunemo, nothing wrong with gnome 2.16:52
nemoMahaVishnu: well. apart from it not being supported anymore :-p16:52
nagpaiperI am using Gnome 3.16:52
MahaVishnunemo, at all, or just by ubuntu ?16:52
nagpaipergot tired of Unity..16:52
nemoMahaVishnu: at all.16:52
nemoMahaVishnu: ubuntu ditching it was forced by gnome16:52
PiciCan we please try to stay on-topic here? This channel is for support only.  If you'd like to discuss the relative merits of each desktop environment, you may use #ubuntu-offtopic.  Thanks.16:52
MahaVishnunemo, ah. I did not know that but makes sense.16:52
deej1976*anyone* does the live cd have libstdc++.so.6 ?16:53
MahaVishnusure Pici ;-P16:53
buttideej1976: no permission16:53
nemoPici: this is a specific support question.  Is it possible to install the Mint Gnome 3 extensions in Ubuntu, say by adding some PPA16:53
nagpaiperPICI can you help me16:53
nemoPici: or do I need to upgrade our machines to Mint 1216:53
buttideej1976: sudo libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.616:53
buttibash: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: Keine Berechtigung16:53
nemoPici: since I'm kinda lazy, I'd prefer the PPa16:53
MahaVishnunemo, mint isn't supported here just so you know.16:53
MahaVishnunot trying to be a d!ck16:53
nemoMahaVishnu: my question as you might notice, is ubuntu tailored16:54
Picinemo: Have you tried looking for a PPA yourself?  The search page is here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas16:54
nemois there an *ubuntu* *PPA* for the extensions16:54
MahaVishnunemo, I figured i'd say it before someone said it rudely ;-)16:54
Picinemo: We don't and can't know what every PPA on launchpad is.16:54
nemoPici: well, I'd actually tried googling for "installing mint gnome 3 extensions in ubuntu" :)16:54
nemowhich wasn't too successful16:54
nemoPici: not having much luck w/ that search either though :-/16:55
MahaVishnunemo, it sounds like an activity that could cause problems for the OS some how.16:55
Picinemo: Then perhaps there is no such PPA.16:55
nemoMahaVishnu: why? gnome 3 is supposed to be extendable16:55
nemoPici: quite likely. I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.  Perhaps someone else had tried it16:55
deej1976butti: Can you boot from a livecd and copy the libstdc++.so.6 file back to /usr on your system ?16:55
nemoPici: that's the purpose of support channels after all!16:55
MahaVishnunemo, idk much about mint, but if you are installing something tailored for it in ubuntu it might break something. just a possibility.16:55
buttideej1976: look, ti made this: sudo rm /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.616:56
deej1976butti: That is the problem16:56
deej1976butti: What ubuntu version ?16:56
buttideej1976: thank you very much..that was the problem16:56
buttideej1976: 10.0416:56
deej1976butti: Try booting a livecd and copying the file back16:57
nagpaiperMahavishnu: am i posting my query in the right channel.. sorry to ask a bummer question.. but i am new to the IRC16:57
buttideej1976: i had dipendency prob. one of my proghrams couldnt find the libstdc..so i found some cookingrecipes on the wenb without looking at that ..i mady copy/paste16:57
MahaVishnunagpaiper, whats ur question again ?16:58
nemoYay. I think I got where I want to be by finding the package name in mint, then searching for it on launchpad :D16:58
nagpaiperI use 11.1 .. and ever since i upgraded the screen starts at its brightest16:58
nemomgse-bottompanel for example...16:58
evil_hogtake care and thanks for the help. cya )16:58
buttideej1976: i will do that, thank you very much...may i ask you for the help leter on to solve that other thing?16:58
nagpaipereven if i reduce the brightness .. it comes back at its brightest after it recovers from a dormant state, or a screensaver16:59
MahaVishnunagpaiper, samsung laptop ?16:59
nagpaiperMahavishnu: Dell Vostro17:00
deej1976I'm off home now.17:00
buttithank you bye17:00
nagpaiperMahavishnu: even tried reducing the brightness from the display settings within system settings17:01
chigginsHey! What packages do I need to remove to completly remove Ruby/Rails/Gemsets from my Ubuntu install?17:01
myrmidetteHello people, I'm trying to do something that involves perl, but I'm too lazy to learn it. I have a bunch of files in subdirectories that I want to rename, i.e. remove some leading "the"s which make it difficult to browse. Can anyone cook up a command that does that?17:01
nagpaiperit still goes back to its brightest on restart or recovery17:01
MahaVishnunagpaiper, yea im cruising looking for info, found something that looked good but it was for samsung hold on please.17:02
nagpaiperThanks Mahavishnu17:03
MahaVishnunagesh, what do you have in /sys/class/backlight ?17:06
=== nagesh is now known as nagpaiper
nagpaiperSorry Mahavishnu got disconnected17:07
danileigh79I'm returning to the Dark Side (rebooting to WinXP) I shall see you all later17:08
MahaVishnunagpaiper, what you got in /sys/class/backlight ?17:08
nagpaiperI see two things17:08
nagpaiperone sec.. will tell you those17:08
nagpaiperacpi_video0 and intel_backlight17:09
MahaVishnunagpaiper, if you cat them, does it provide any info ?17:09
nagpaiperSorry i am a newbie.. how do you do that17:09
nagpaiperI just opened the folder through nautilus :-P17:10
pppurplehow do you force quite a hung linux program with manually?17:10
nagpaiperi mean how do you "cat"17:10
chigginspppurple: Find it's process id, then "kill <pid>"17:10
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MahaVishnunagpaiper, open a terminal cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight or whatever17:11
tensorpuddingpppurple, you can find its process in the system monitor and kill it there too17:11
nagpaiperwill try that17:11
nagpaiperone moment17:11
tensorpuddingnagpaiper, the terminal has a prompt on the left side, and a blinking cursor, you enter the text of the command you want to run, then hit enter17:12
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XiaolinDraconisdoes anyone know of a script that would help two users share the same desktop, im looking for something that would stop some services and start others. for instance i dont use gwibber but my girl does.17:12
nagpaiper@tensorpudding did that thanks :)17:13
XiaolinDraconisand no i dont want multiple profiles17:13
nagpaiper@Mahavishnu it says.. <the path> is a directory17:13
MahaVishnunagpaiper, oh. cd in further then.17:13
tensorpudding"cat" is a common terminal command that justs spits out what the contents of a file is as text17:13
MyrttiLargePrime: wrong channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic17:14
diverdud`Would linux ubuntu server ed. be a good distribution for running a high load webpage?17:14
phillyjanyone know how to get ALSA to record in stereo?17:14
nagpaiperMahavishnu.. i did CD followed by the path.17:14
Myrttidiverdud`: sure, a lot depends on how you configure it17:14
nagpaiperi think i am into the folder17:14
MahaVishnunagpaiper, like cd /sys/class/backlight/intel_whatever17:15
MahaVishnunagpaiper, then do an ls to see what files are in there and cat filename to read contents17:15
tensorpuddingif you want to know your current directory, type "pwd" in17:16
nagpaiperyes did that17:17
nagpaiperThere are about 6- 7 files there17:17
nagpaiperincluding... brightness... max_brightness... subsystem17:17
nagpaiperthese files contain a number in it17:17
FloodBot1nagpaiper: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:17
MahaVishnutensorpudding, yea but it tells you your working dir on the left.17:17
tensorpuddingdepends on your prompt17:18
tensorpuddingit might not have a full path either17:18
nagpaiperThere are numbers in the files actual_brightness ; brightness etc17:18
rcmaehl-_- What's with people restarting their pc after compiz crashes?17:18
rcmaehlYou don't have to17:18
rcmaehlit's an easy fix17:18
Gentoo64most people dont care about rebooting17:19
* rcmaehl cares about rebooting even though it only takes 15 seconds17:20
nagpaiperMahavishnu.. can i change the contents of the files17:20
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MahaVishnunagpaiper, yea I have done it before17:21
rcmaehlalso people shut their pc down incorrectly when compiz crashes17:21
Gentoo64might as well just not use compiz then eh17:22
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rcmaehland use metacity?17:25
SmokeyDhey everyone. Where did the moonlight packages for oneiric go? All references on the internet say it should be in the repositories, but on packages.ubuntu.com it is only present up-to natty, and on ubuntuupdates it is marked as "removed"17:26
SmokeyDwhat's up17:26
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SmokeyDI can't find any reference as to why it's gone17:26
nemoMahaVishnu: FWIW - http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/try-new-mint-gnome-shell-extensions.html  - includes copy and paste ppa setup17:27
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abhijainhello friends17:30
abhijainI am trying  to install ubuntu on vmware17:30
lnxslckgood for you17:31
abhijainshould I have to create swap or not17:31
lnxslckabhijain, ubuntu does that for you17:31
bluegoonHey guys17:33
bluegoondoes XFCE have a software center?17:33
=== andy_ is now known as Guest18303
Arm0urbluegoon: Software Center is for the Ubuntu Operating System; not for Desktop Environments such as GNOME/XFCE/KDE etc.17:34
Guest64035any one can help me to install empathy 3.3.1 in ubuntu 10.04?17:35
ikoniaGuest64035: it's not available on 10.0417:35
ikoniaGuest64035: it's not been backported yet17:35
Guest64035ikonia, need to complite it and use it from http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/empathy/3.3/17:35
ikoniaGuest64035: you shouldn't do that17:36
Guest64035ikonia, why?17:36
ikoniaGuest64035: because empathy is linked into the desktop in ubuntu, so you trying to conflict with it is not going to help17:36
Guest64035ikonia, thanks for info17:37
lgp171188Hi, in my oneiric installation when I copy files, the copy dialog gets lost when I do a show desktop17:38
helomounting a particular nfs share seems to cause my kernel to throw a GPF17:38
lgp171188there seems to be no window or notification area icon to get it back17:38
lgp171188are there any workarounds for this?17:38
helomy only idea is that it has some kind of attempt at an exploit in it, and is causing my kernel to crash instead of working17:38
heloother shares on the same server don't cause the problem17:39
Arm0urlgp171188: What do you mean "gets lost" ? You can't <Alt>+Tab or <Super> + w to it ?17:40
lgp171188Arm0ur: I couldn't Alt+tab to it. I wasn't aware of Super+w. Will try that the next time. The only way I was knowing that the file copy/move was happening was that I was doing a move and the files in the source were getting deleted one by one.17:41
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puppenhowdy.. I have an intel core i5.. was wondering whether to install the amd64 bit or the regular 32 bit version of ubuntu..17:51
jribpuppen: 6417:51
mdm-irchi guys, i have gnome3 environment on Oneiric, and i experience some strange screen flashes (usually 2-3 flashes in one second time) when i click Activities or when empathy find some feed updates (why i disabled it) and when going with mouse down right of the screen where i find notifications that i don't need (removable devices - mounted during boot; gsd-keyboard-xkb)17:52
compdocit doesnt mean its only for AMD17:52
puppenCheers guys.. The amd bit kinda threw me..17:52
mdm-ircdoes anyone else has these flashes on gnome3 or there is smth wrong with my video driver or smth else17:52
Arm0urcompdoc: Why is it called amd64 anyway ? Is it because AMD was the first to market 64-bit processor ?17:53
compdoccuz amd invented 64bit cpus that normal ppl could afford. Intel had the titanium, I think it was called17:53
mdm-ircand how to disable these notifications?17:54
nailoraArm0ur: the instruction set these processors (amds as well as intels) comes from amd, thus the name.17:56
nailora+ use17:56
compdocI just hope AMD can hang in there17:57
Arm0urnailora: I can't believe Intel agreed to that naming scheme. Thanks !17:57
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:00
QuintasanBloody hell, how do I enable on-screen keyboard? I do not have a physical keyboard18:02
rojjquintasan: system setting>universal access>typingtab18:06
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Quintasanrojj: I have this "Typing Assistant" turned on, but how do I use that?18:07
michaeljwjrgood morning everyone, my update manager says I have updates to install but it won't update them. I keep getting error: Requires installation of untrusted packages - The action would require the installtion of packages from unathenticated sources.18:08
michaeljwjrdetails = win1.3 wine1.3-gecko18:08
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=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
helousb-creator-gtk segfaulting for anyone else?18:09
rojjquintasan: keyboard appears (all the time) and you click on it to type18:09
riffautaemichaeljwjr: have you added additional repos to your system?18:09
Quintasanrojj: Somehow nothing appears here18:09
tashhi, trying install Ubuntu server 10.04 on a system that already had a version of Red Hat installed with LVM. During install, it cannot partition the drive b/c an LVM exists. It says I have to remove that first.  I don't know how, can someone help?18:11
rojjquintasan: here it appears after about 5 secs and is resizeable18:12
Quintasanmeh, whatever, I got some text to copy and used that as username and password18:12
* puppen gulps and reboots with installation disk in hand..18:17
=== anthony is now known as Guest79203
Guest79203can anyone give me directions to che.indymedia network please?18:19
michaeljwjrriff yeah. I think.18:19
michaeljwjrthis is one of those huge barriers to ubuntu not sucking.18:20
michaeljwjrupdating should not be so difficult.18:20
=== JoFo__ is now known as JoFo
RufusHello, i have got a problem, i inserted a hard disk from another oc and tried to boot it, now the onlz thing i get is a message from mz screen - screen mode not supported after the bios screens, i guess its got something to do with grub18:22
dr_willisRufus:  if you get to the actual os. you can edit the /etc/default/grub and ether set a res. or set it to use a text mode menu.18:23
Rufusbooting  a livedisk is possible btw18:23
dr_willisRufus:  if you wait long enough grub should  boot the first entry. whatver that one is.18:23
michaeljwjrHow do I update my ubuntu if my updated won't let me update wine?18:23
Rufus@dr_willis, i tried already, but i couldnt find an entry for the resolution18:23
Rufus@i already waited pretty long nothing happened though18:25
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=== zkriesse_away is now known as zkriesse
cannonballI have an old laptop with a busted display that I used to make a wireless gateway for a few machines that had no ehternet available to connect them to the lan.18:29
cannonballOne of the items attached was a network printer.18:29
cannonballIt sends network traffic using some kind of multicast so that it's discoverable.  I thought I used a tool named "mcast" or something like that to see the discoverable devices on the lan, but I'm on this Ubuntu 11.04 box and that package/program isn't available.18:30
vbwhello guys18:30
cannonballemcast doesn't seem to do what I'm looking for either.  What app/program will let me see what devices are discoverable on a LAN?  (I thought it was "mcast", but that doesn't appear to be it)18:30
vbwi was curious if someone can help me18:30
vbwwhere should i start in learning security in information security? what operating system and main principles should i learn?18:31
dr_williscannonball:  if they are doing a samba server. ive used findsmb, or smbtree in the past.18:31
nemocannonball: you mean, like, what is displayed if you access network:/// in nautilus? Places->Network18:32
nemocannonball: printers, windows file shares.18:32
cannonballIn this case, it was a network printer.  It showed something like _tcp.canon-blahblahblah.local or something liek that.18:33
cannonballDamn, I wish I was home so I could see what program I was using.18:33
TBotNikall: anyone good at getting an integer value from PHP date_diff function?18:33
nemocannonball: I think system-config-printer also does printer discovery18:33
wadWhenever I get an email, Ubuntu thows a notification box on my screen. I need to tell it to not do that. In older versions, there was a way to manage how the system notified me. Where do I find that in 11.10?18:34
cannonballI'm on an 11.04 box now, but the one I was running it on is an 11.11 box, in case that makes a difference.18:34
wad(I get a lot of email, so the little box is almost always there, preventing me from using that part of my screen.)18:34
cannonballnemo: Note that I'm not trying to discover a printer, I want the command line app that shows discoverable devices on the network.  I'm stuck on the phrase "mcast" but it's highly likely that it's something else entirely.18:34
XiaolinDraconiswould someone help me with my repo sources and the update manager?18:35
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
XiaolinDraconisErr http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main Sources18:36
XiaolinDraconis  404  Not Found18:36
XiaolinDraconisErr http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main i386 Packages18:36
XiaolinDraconis  404  Not Found18:36
FloodBot1XiaolinDraconis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:36
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
XiaolinDraconisW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/stebbins/handbrake-releases/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found18:37
MahaVishnucannonball, what are you trying to do again?18:37
ant0neoI have just installed XChat and cannot figure how to access the network I seek (che.indymedia.org) can anyone asssit me/18:38
dr_willisXiaolinDraconis:  your ppa is either wrong. or does not have packages for oneriric, or your line is wrong.18:38
=== arges is now known as arges_home
dr_willisant0neo:   xchat or xchat-gnome?  the xchat homepage had decent docs on basic ussage of the client.18:39
smile4everMarlin also for Lubuntu 10.10? :)18:39
dr_willisant0neo:  either /server servername   or /connect servername   if you dont want to bother with the server listing int he menus18:39
Tomatixon previous ubuntu  version I had stickynotes, but I cannot figure how to get them back to this 11.10 version, at least the content. I really (REALLY), need them... How to bring it back (or where is the datafiles located at?)18:39
PMellomasters! anyone needs to install the CA SCM Harvest at linux?? I having trouble to install the ETPKI packages..18:40
wadWhenever I get an email, Ubuntu thows a notification box on my screen. I need to tell it to not do that. In older versions, there was a way to manage how the system notified me. Where do I find that in 11.10?18:40
dr_willisTomatix:  you sure the notetaking app was called 'sticky notes' ?18:40
dr_willisTomatix:  what version of ubuntu had it?18:41
XiaolinDraconisdr_willis: how do i fix this?  my update manager has errors because of this18:41
dr_willisXiaolinDraconis:  remove the bad ppa from your source listings.18:41
TomatixI used it previously on 11.0...4?18:41
dr_willis!find natty stickynotes18:42
ubottustickynotes is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable18:42
dr_willis!find  stickynotes natty18:42
Tomatixalthough, stickynotes were a gnome2 applet18:42
dr_willisTomatix:  i always used tomboynotes18:42
ubottuFile stickynotes found in gnome-applets, gnome-applets-data, gnome-applets-dbg, language-pack-gnome-ca-base, language-pack-gnome-cs-base, language-pack-gnome-de-base, language-pack-gnome-el-base, language-pack-gnome-en-base, language-pack-gnome-es-base, language-pack-gnome-eu-base (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=stickynotes&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any18:42
dr_willis!find  stickynotes18:42
ubottuFile stickynotes found in gnome-applets, gnome-applets-data, gnome-applets-dbg18:42
dr_willisseesm to be in the gnome-applets package. :)18:42
TomatixI'll try18:43
cannonballMahaVishnu: There is a commandline app that I can't remember the name of, that shows discoverable devices on the lan (using a local multicast discovery I think).  I used it on a 11.10 box that I built as a wireless gateway (and I could see a lan printer with it). I _thought_ it was called simply "mcast", but that seems to be wrong name.18:43
ant0neothanks to the good doctor I 'hope' I dont return soon18:43
cannonballI'm trying to figure out what that app name is.18:43
tobbesgreetings trying to get my cgi scripts to run on apache 2.018:43
dr_willisnight all.18:43
nemocannonball: there's an automounter for fuse that creates shares, and looks like someone made one the "hard way" (using nmap and smbclient -L) to autocreate a directory tree18:43
tobbeson ubuntu 1118:43
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cannonballhmmm, avahi-utils maybe...18:44
tobbesI've added a directory directive with Option +ExecCgi18:44
tobbesand also perl is installed18:44
tobbeswhat am I doing wrong?18:44
MahaVishnucannonball, yea all I can think of is smbclient -L to show network printers...18:45
MahaVishnucannonball, or smbtree like someone said along time ago18:45
tobbes'cause when i try to load it  ubuntu tries to download it instead18:45
nemocannonball: the package smbnetfs also makes a browsable tree18:45
malachairhello there18:46
malachaircan some1 help me18:46
malachairi have problem with installing ubuntu 11.10 from usb18:47
malachairwhen i boot from usb it's frozing at syslinux 4.04 black screen18:48
malachairany solution?18:48
nemomalachair: my guess is a bios bug.18:48
nemoUSB boot can be hit or miss, esp on older machines18:48
cannonballMahaVishnu: nemo: I think I found it.  avahi-discover seems to be the one.18:49
malachairhow can i fix it?18:49
nemomalachair: you might have to use a CD, although posssibly it could be you need to make a smaller partition18:49
nemomalachair: like. some don't like partitions bigger than 1GiB18:49
malachairgot it but we dont have cd-rom18:49
malachairits acer extensa 660018:49
nemomalachair: no external USB cdrom you can borrow?18:49
malachairno :(18:50
malachairis there any boot for usb?18:50
malachairi mean program18:50
nemomalachair: try smaller USB partition when in the wizard then18:50
malachairi'll try18:50
nemomalachair: you might also want to try a USB HD - I've found that worked when flash drive didn't - not sure why18:50
MahaVishnucannonball, you were right! and that is a cool little program. it found my printer (although locally shared on this computer) through samba.18:51
cannonballI still am not convinced it's the same program I was usingn (don't recall a gui popping up), but it's definitely nice :-)18:51
malachairis this possible to make partition for usb?18:52
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:52
balrog-k1nhey, does someone know of a place with all the popular python packages compiled against python3, as downloadable debian packages?18:52
nemomalachair: if you are using the USB boot disc wizard, just specify the size there18:53
balrog-k1ni'm particularly interested in a psycopg2 python3 package to point someone at18:53
nemomalachair: system->administration->startup disc creator that is18:53
balrog-k1ni sent them a python3 program which uses psycopg but they're running ubuntu and say it's not in their packages (at it looks like it's not)18:54
nemomalachair: how did you create the usb boot device?18:54
cannonballMahaVishnu: mzclient also looks roughly the same, but without the gui output that avahi-discover provides.18:54
malachairi'm on my desktop atm, and its win 7. i did format from win718:55
malachairand i'm using universal usb installer18:55
malachairfrom ubuntu's web site18:55
nemomalachair: m'k... never used it18:55
malachairnow i format my usb stick to 1 gb18:55
nemomalachair: last time I made one from a windows machine, I just booted to ubuntu off a CD and used the wizard :)18:55
Exxonmalachair, nemo is right its usless blog..langing around18:56
malachairi'll try my all chance18:57
nemomalachair: this is a prob w/ old bios18:59
malachairyes it is :)18:59
malachairits one of my friends laptop18:59
nemomalachair: similar to my car's media player I guess, which refuses to read any usb thumb drive w/ more than 1GiB partition size18:59
nemo(assuming you have same prob I had w/ older laptops)18:59
Exxonmalachair, try it with the real provider  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/19:00
s70rmi got when i am starting gnome 3.2, 'Oo no, something is wrong, and system cannot recover', and i have options to disable some functions and Log Out button, but after doing that, i can't again login into Gnome ?19:00
jasonmspwhere can I save iptables rules so they reload on start?19:01
nemos70rm: I don't think I had your precise problem, but once when screwing around w/ gnome 3 advanced settings (I think I was trying to theme it) I managed to totally blow it up19:01
nemos70rm: I "fixed" it by blowing away all my gnome config dirs :)19:01
nemo.gnome*, .gconf* etc19:01
s70rmnemo: what means that19:02
s70rmnemo: my error i mean19:02
nemos70rm: no idea. I'm just suggesting you could possibly "fix" it the same way I did19:02
nemos70rm: I just basically made sure I wasn't logged into gnome, switched to a terminal then rm -rf 'd  .gnome .gnome2 .gnome2_private .gconf .gconfd19:03
nemos70rm: if that doesn't work, you could try blowing away .local too, but that screws up more more of your personal settings than just gnome :-/19:03
malachairis that possible to run linux setup from ms-dos?19:03
nemomalachair: lol.19:04
malachairahahah :D19:04
malachairi'm thinking about everything :D19:04
nemomalachair: well. in a way, I guess...19:04
nemomalachair: you could dumpb a raw disc image to the machine19:04
nemobut. that's kind of... advanced19:04
nemoI'd say stick w/ USB boot. safer.19:04
ssfdre38if i want to block web sites from a network, would squid proxy work just as fine?19:05
nemotry to find a CDROM drive for USB if you can :)19:05
extiook, so i have been using lubuntu for like a week, i took it today to the coffee shop where i am nolw, and realized i needed to know the name of the network to use the wireless connection19:05
extioi had to ask some for the name of the network to type into the ssid in the network manager19:05
extioany suggestions on a tool to scan for networks without security?  such as to find the coffee shop network? and without screwing up my working connections preferably...19:05
nemomalachair: also, there might be some settings in your bios WRT USB - can't hurt to check.19:05
heloi can't get the grub boot menu to pop up, and don't get any display with these two ati cards plugged in19:06
nemoextio: this was a hidden network?19:06
mewaymy screen says "grub rescue>" o.O wuts this? I had some hardware failure recently19:06
Rushinghey all, i'm on windows 7 and having a helluva time mounting a virtualbox share19:06
nemoextio: one that was not broadcasting its name?19:06
marabi2Hi rushing19:06
extiono its just... lubuntu doesnt have a scanner i know of19:06
Rushinghi marabi219:06
heloseems like a server install wouldn't mess with the effing framebuffer in the first place19:06
mewayextio: there is a #lubuntu channel19:06
malachairis this live or netinstall we download from ubuntu web sitE?19:06
marabi2how are you doing?19:06
extioi know but theres no one paying attention... ok then...19:07
Rushingfrustrated :P i've made sure my user is part of the vboxsf group, i have guest additions installed, and i've been going in circles for a couple hours19:07
nemohelo: if you're not seeing the grub boot menu that seems a bit far from blaming linux :)19:07
marabi2hope you fine19:07
nemohelo: does any display work before that? like, the usual boot/post stuff?19:07
heloof course heh19:07
heloi just ran the ubuntu install from usb19:07
XiaolinDraconisdr_willis, thanks that fixes my error19:08
nemohelo: ah. cool. ok. well. I know grub has a simple low res mode...19:08
nemonot that I know how to set it up or anything ;)19:08
Exxonextio, sorry we don't work that way19:08
* nemo checks the ubuntu community documentation on grub19:08
extioits k. was just hoping.19:08
nemohelo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Resolution_Settings perhaps?19:09
nemohelo: but I thought there was one that didn't use fb at all...19:09
helonemo: there is no interface that i am presented with at all to change anything19:09
heloi would be able to set vga=normal nomodeset if i could get _anything_19:09
marabi2hi nemo, how"re you doing?19:09
nemohelo: well. that's for once you actually boot19:09
heloas it is, looks like i'm going to do a blind login from console and use netcat to get a remote login19:09
XiaolinDraconisim trying to use gnome shell(i guess) want to use this site to install extensions https://extensions.gnome.org but it says gnome 3 is not up to date19:10
helonemo: it's booting, but it isn't giving me any output at all19:10
oCeanmarabi2: this is the ubuntu support channel. Use #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat19:10
XiaolinDraconisare gnome 3 and gnome shell so totally different?19:10
nemohelo: yeah. but I mean, the fact you see nothing at the grub boot screen makes me think it has more to do w/ the new graphical grub boot19:10
nemohelo: which I'm guessing uses fb?  I mean, how else to render pretty images instead of text19:10
marabi2HI helo can we chat?19:10
Exxonhelo, ubuntu has a good support for ati (vesa) drives, atleast you should know amd has stoped the support for ati ..19:10
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oCeanmarabi2: this is support channel, not chat19:11
heloit's ok, i have my remote netcat bash going now :)19:11
nemohelo: heh. looks like there's a config option for console grub19:11
nemohelo: of course you'll have to get in first19:11
nemo# Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)19:11
nemohelo: then you'd have to do update-grub I guess19:11
nemohelo: and. yeah. why that isn't default on a server...19:12
malachairhell yeah19:16
malachairoriginal one is working19:16
malachairnemo: thanx19:17
nemomalachair: w/ 1GiB partition?19:17
malachairnope 4 gb :D19:17
nemooh. interesting19:17
pimHello is there any way I can forward my fn keys to wine?19:17
nemomalachair: just needed to recreate it?19:17
malachairyes but with original19:17
marabi2hello nemo how"re you doing?19:17
nemoah. bad boot image then19:17
theadminpim: Such as? Wine will likely have no reaction to them because it doesn't really support emulating most of em... Some might of work, and if they would they will right out of the box19:18
pimtheadmin, i am running foobar2000 in wine, I want to be able to use pause/play and next/previous from my keyboard19:18
pimwith banshee I can, since gnome accepts it as a mediaplayer19:19
nascentmindHi. How do I get better colors with a black on white background for my terminal? Most of the colors are very light.19:19
aeon-ltdnascentmind: by editing .Xdefaults19:20
nascentmindaeon-ltd, I changed  black on white there. What about changing all the light green to dark green? Can it be written there?19:21
aeon-ltdnascentmind: yes19:21
aeon-ltdnascentmind: here for more examples and copy/pastable configs https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=5181819:21
pimalternatively I could use a native linux mediaplayer19:22
pimhowever, i haven found one like foobar200019:22
pimvery very configurable19:22
pimand able to sort files according to folder structure, rather than album/artist etc19:22
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DaZclementine can do that too, iirc19:26
marabi2hi Nour19:26
marabi2hello daz19:26
oCeanmarabi2: this is support channel, not chat19:26
wolfricis there anyway to synchronise time on port 80 or some other port? (123 is blocked outgoing for me)19:27
marabi2how"re you doing?19:27
neersightedCan anyone help me with a gksudo/sudo error?19:27
DaZnot untill you tell us what error.19:27
neersightedGetting the classic Could not parse arguments: Cannot open display:19:27
neersightedI manually exported the display variable19:28
neersightedno dice19:28
oCeanmarabi2: please stop. Type  /join #ubuntu-offtopic  for chat.19:28
grendal-primei need the www-data user to be able to sudo for a specific php script19:28
DaZneersighted: xhost maybe? :x19:29
neersightedI forgot wherer to get it19:29
neersightedDaZ: xhost?19:29
edgyhi, iptables -L shows many rules, where are they coming from?19:29
neersighted$ neer@sighted (/opt/screenshotd): echo $DISPLAY19:29
DaZxhost + as user and try sudo19:29
neersightedi did19:30
neersightedgksudo and regualr sudo19:30
neersightedi even su'd to root19:30
neersightedno dice19:30
Exxonneersighted, use you fav editor to xorg19:30
DaZafter running xhost? :c19:30
* neersighted just booted normally19:30
neersightedwhat do i edit?19:30
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neersightedroot@sighted:/opt/screenshotd# nautilus19:31
neersightedNo protocol specified19:31
neersightedCould not parse arguments: Cannot open display:19:31
Exxonneersighted, i use nano ; vi   if you are familiar19:31
OlaRunedoes anyone know why my vsftpd won't work in passive mode behind a NAT? this is my vsftpd.conf : http://pastebin.com/X4dtVHbw19:31
neersightedI use nano19:31
neersighted<3 pine19:31
neersightedExxon: What file?19:31
aeon-ltdmarabi2: you are already here19:31
oCeanmarabi2: type:   /join #ubuntu-offtopic19:32
XiaolinDraconisanyone know the repo for burg-manager?19:32
Exxonneersighted, so you copied another xorg how will that work in your machine19:32
theadmin!find qingy19:32
* neersighted looks in his sources19:32
ubottuFound: qingy19:32
neersightedExxon: ?19:32
theadminGreat :)19:32
neersightedXiaolinDraconis: Google super boot manager19:32
neersightedXiaolinDraconis: I can help you with burg if you need it19:32
Exxonneersighted, its a common practise to copy the xorg ..as xorg.back and mess with it the whole day when you are done replace it with the .back (to normal again)19:33
neersightedExxon: I don't understand what you mean. I am using lightdm, but i also have kde and gdm19:33
neersightedI didnt modify it19:33
grendal-primeneersighted,   lib-apache2-suphp i believe19:33
neersighted^ yep19:34
XiaolinDraconisneersighted, funny my uncle's last name is neer and he always uses the near sighted joke19:34
XiaolinDraconisneersighted, thanks for the pointer havent heard of this yet19:34
neersightedXiaolinDraconis: np19:34
Exxonneersighted, lightdm..sorry got drifted.. let me what i can find..19:34
neersightedmanages grub, burg, and plymoth all in one gui19:34
neersightedExxon: Should i boot without X on first?19:35
marabi2hello guyz how"re you doing who want to join me in my room( marabi2)19:35
neersightedOr can X be running?19:35
neersightedlol Exxon: Boot without "X on"19:35
MelkiHi, does anyone have any ideas on how to replace ubuntu with without removing user data such as music,documents,downloads, and desktop folders?19:35
neersightedMelki: back up /home/<username>19:36
Exxonneersighted, startx                  see if it works19:36
neersightedx is on...19:36
neersightedand shoulnt i use service lightdm start?19:36
Exxonneersighted, lspci  | grep VGA19:37
neersightedServer is already active for display 019:37
neersightedright, running lspci19:37
DaZMelki: i've heard ubuntu is capable of finding /home directory while installing and preserving it19:37
DaZbut, better do a backup before testing it :f19:38
neersighted01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 [Radeon HD 4200]19:38
neersighted$ neer@ubuntu (~): echo $DISPLAY19:38
marabi2hi Daz can chat please?19:39
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JokesOnYou77Hi all, how can I forcibly unmount an external drive? And/or prevent it from automounting?  I'd like to resize a partition on an external USB drive but it won't unmount19:40
Exxonneersighted, try getting the default again...as you don't have a copy of it   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131153719:41
neersightedJokesOnYou77: Hai! I belive there is a auto-run setting in Gnome Tweak tool19:41
neersightedWhat do I change in that file, Exxon?19:42
MelkiWould it be possible to install archlinux without doing a fresh install and formating the whole partion like ubuntu?19:42
w0_I noticed this ubuntu vulnerability -- http://tinyurl.com/7ylhj78 -- but I forgot how to update; sudo apt-get upgrade or something .. anyone?  thx19:42
DaZMelki: probably, just delete everything that's not home19:43
XiaolinDraconisJokesOnYou77, u need a gui for fstab, at least it sure helped me, i think your problem is u dont have permission, maybe the drive was connected during install of ubuntu?19:43
conntrackGets ready to watch the muppets19:43
oCeanconntrack: stop the offtopic19:43
* neersighted installs Propritay drives again19:43
Exxonneersighted, try this will work   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115031919:43
neersightedXiaolinDraconis: It's not in his fstab19:43
neersightedXiaolinDraconis: It's mounting when it plugs in, not when it boots19:43
XiaolinDraconisneersighted, what do you did i miss something?19:44
XiaolinDraconisneersighted, guess i did19:44
neersightedGnome-tweak-tool or ubuntu-tweak can disable auto-mount19:44
LemonAidHello, where could i get some help with a problem relating to "youtube-dl" ? I know it`s not a go-to help channel, but i`m stuck.19:44
StepNjumpHi, I have a problem. I am running ubuntu on a usb pendrive and I'm trying to copy some files from one mounted partition to another.  It only copied a few and then told me the device is full. When I df, it really says it's full but when I use nautilus, select all the folders, it says it's only full at 50% of the capacity... Why is that? Is it because the trashbin is full. I don't get it! thanks19:45
XiaolinDraconisneersighted, ubuntu tweak tool is a little dangerous for the inexperienced19:45
neersightedXiaolinDraconis: :p19:45
XiaolinDraconisheck even for experienced19:45
neersightedXiaolinDraconis: So is Compiz, but thounds use it every day19:45
* neersighted tries to re-config his x-org19:45
neersightedExxon: That seems a little extreme19:46
theadminneersighted: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?19:46
tjiggi_foLemonAid, http://rg3.github.com/youtube-dl/19:46
XiaolinDraconiscompiz "usually" doesnt make you re-install an OS19:47
neersightedExxon: I don't think its a Xorg problem19:47
XiaolinDraconiscourse synaptic can do that19:47
neersightedXiaolinDraconis: I had a friend who completely killed lightdm from compiz19:47
neersightedXiaolinDraconis: Never got a gui again19:47
XiaolinDraconislol sounds kinda hard to do19:47
JokesOnYou77XiaolinDraconis: No, I have sudo permissions, the drive is partially corrupted and I19:47
neersightedif you tweak to many settings before reboot...19:47
neersightedit crashes unity19:48
neersightedcan I just delete xorg.conf?19:48
JokesOnYou77I'm repartitioning around bad sectors19:48
MelkiThankx, guys. U were the best. One more thing though, i am dual booting with windows, could that be a problem? Long answers are also welcomed.19:48
Exxon! lightdm19:48
JokesOnYou77neersighted: Hai! I don't suppose you know the command?  I don't think I have the tweak too installed19:49
XiaolinDraconisyeah i keep re-installing myself, im now learning to rely on cli to install things19:49
LemonAidtjiggi_fo, ehm.. thanx, i did search before i asked here, ran across that site, and it does not contain any helpful information.19:49
neersightedJokesOnYou77: Nope, sorry19:49
neersightedJokesOnYou77: I would just add the ppa19:49
neersightedExxon: Can I just delete it?19:49
StepNjumpanybody can help me?19:50
neersightedthats a small file19:50
Exxonneersighted, don't delete any thing i am not familiar with it please read..https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM19:50
neersightedExxon: http://pastie.org/298753619:50
mdfki need help19:53
neersightedwell thats brillian19:53
neersightedi hit ctrl-alt-F119:53
neersightedcan't get out of tty19:53
mdfkany helper can help me19:53
neersightedSomeone tell me how to get out of tty?19:53
mdfkhellp any helper online ?19:54
neersightedill just reboot19:54
MahaVishnuneersighted, and do what?19:54
BernSamsonI was wondering the same thing...how to exit the console and get back to the GUI19:54
neersightedMahaVishnu: Stuck in tty1 mode19:54
MahaVishnuneersighted, and go back to x/gui ?19:54
neersighted^ yep19:54
MahaVishnuneersighted, ctrl + alt + f719:54
stinkfist__whats your favorite place to get themes for lucid lynx?19:54
Exxonneersighted, why do you re-install the xorg instead of breaking your head         i am not sure if the module is glx or fglx19:54
neersighted18~thanks MahaVishnu19:55
neersightedkeys ate 13~[essed up19:55
mdfkguys i had error in my system so i install sudo apt-get install tcl8.5-dev when i install it they told me19:55
mdfk<mdfk> <Slain-> Please select the mail server configuration type that best meets your19:55
mdfk<mdfk> <Slain->   ¦ needs.19:55
mdfk<mdfk> <Slain->   ¦                                                                         ¦19:55
mdfk<mdfk> <Slain->   ¦  No configuration:                                                      ¦19:55
mdfk<mdfk> <Slain-> Should be chosen to leave the current configuration unchanged.        ¦19:55
FloodBot1mdfk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:55
mdfk<mdfk> <Slain->   ¦  Internet site:                                                         ¦19:55
mdfk<mdfk> <Slain->   ¦   Mail is sent and received directly using SMTP.                        ¦19:55
MahaVishnuI see that. weird what did you do ?19:55
mdfkso please help me !19:55
lepagee__Hi, how can I enable php ldap in Ubuntu, I apt-getted it but my script still show "Call to undefined function ldap_connect() in /home/lepagee/dev/soplanning/test.php"19:56
neersightedExxon: there19:57
Shizuo16Any KNow how to find the dvd won't work19:57
neersightedGot rid of all my DM's19:57
MahaVishnumdfk, so whats your question ..... ?19:57
neersightedbut if i try to reconfigure: $ neer@ubuntu (~): sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:57
neersightednothing shows up19:57
MahaVishnuShizuo16, what do you mean the dvd won't work lol ?19:57
neersightedno error, no anything19:57
mdfkMahaVishnu i ask :)19:57
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest38760
Exxonneersighted, restart there is nothing to show there19:58
Shizuo16won't work  i think it's undetectable19:59
BluesKajneersighted, to create a xorg.conf file run sudo Xorg -configure19:59
MahaVishnuShizuo16, are you saying your dvd drive isn't working. isn't playing movies or...??20:00
ExxonBluesKaj, i don't think he appropriately know the hardware that he20:00
Shizuo16can't find it20:00
grendal-primehey after editing the sudoers file do you need to do anything for the changes to be huped?20:01
MahaVishnuShizuo16, you can't find your dvd drive? it's probably in /media20:01
buttihello, could anybody send me a file from one 10.04: libstdc++.so.620:01
Shizuo16can't find it there20:01
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buttiim am not able to find that file on live-cd20:01
Shizuo16i have only 2 hard drive in /media20:02
IanWizard-CloudAnybody know what will replace banshee in 12.04?20:02
nep1x_hi buddies! I am planning to install ubuntu in my notebook, a Intel Atom CPU N270 1.60Ghz, 1GB RAM. what version of ubuntu do you think suit better?20:02
MahaVishnuShizuo16, what kind of disc is in your dvd drive ?20:02
sskalniknep1x_, You may try a lightweight desktop such as the one provided in Lubuntu20:03
sskalniknep1x_, As far as the version, I recommend the latest one that works well with your system.20:03
* neersighted kisses Exxon's ass20:03
* IanWizard-Cloud kisses Exxon's ass20:04
neersightedThat was driving me crazy20:04
* IanWizard-Cloud feels closeto neersighted20:04
neersightedlol ass-kissing parteh!20:04
neersightedOh yeah20:04
Exxonyeh! that wonderful thanks20:04
neersightedCan anyone help me setup incron?20:04
MahaVishnuShizuo16, sudo lshw -C disk20:04
neersightedI ALWAYS have bad luck with cron20:04
neersightedit hates me T_T20:04
stowodahi.. cant shut down my usb-hdd-drive properly: http://nopaste.info/5d572a7dfd.html20:05
nep1x_I downloaded the newest one, install it in a USB as the website instructions said, but it doesn't work20:05
nep1x_i don't know why20:05
nep1x_what is lubuntu?20:05
MahaVishnuShizuo16, put that in pastie.org20:05
neersightedThe one time cron worked, i had put rm -rf / as a joke to a friend, to prove that cron was bork20:05
neersightedit was terrible20:05
MahaVishnuwow -_-20:05
oCeanneersighted: DON'T post that command here20:05
neersightedCron sucks T_T or i just suck20:05
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:05
neersightedtouch rainbowsandhappiness20:06
Shizuo16he find only My 2 hard disks20:06
MahaVishnuShizuo16, is this sata dvd drive ?20:06
neersightedSo, can anyone help me here?20:06
Exxonnep1x_, light weight distro really good one..simple and easy20:06
neersightedI have a incron script that i want to rsync to my webserver20:06
neersightedI don't have FTP, but  i do have SFTP20:07
neersightedAnd Shutter only supports FTP20:07
nep1x_sskalnik> are you sure that the newest version works well with my system?20:07
nep1x_I have tried and I could't install it20:07
MahaVishnuShizuo16, is it possible it has died, or the cable has come loose, cause if it does not show up in lshw -C disk then ubuntu is not seeing it at all.20:07
neersightedso i have it listening for changes to my Pictures/screenshots folder, to rsync itr20:07
Exxonnep1x_, burn a cd instead.20:08
JGANhi guys20:08
Shizuo16i just tried to boot from live cd and he work greatly20:08
JGANif i use sbackup20:08
nep1x_ok, Exxon I gonna try it20:08
nep1x_thanks for the advices20:08
JGANwill it backup my file permissions?20:08
nep1x_I don't have a USB CD ROM :(20:08
MahaVishnuShizuo16, dmesg | grep DVD and dmesg | grep CD anything ?20:09
sskalniknep1x_, I would try 11.10 Oneiric.20:09
sskalniknep1x_, The 11.10 version of Lubuntu would probably be a good choice.20:10
neersightedOh, is it a bad practice to mount my other partition at /windoze?20:10
neersightedshould i put it in /media/windoze?20:10
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neersightedy u all so vhost?20:11
MahaVishnuneersighted, no but you will have to make the folder with sudo since its at root and chown it to the user:group you want to mount it under.20:11
Shizuo16i wrot dmsg but nothing about dvd or cd20:11
neersightedMahaVishnu: Already did :P Even got the fs tab working with nothing but nano and a few guesses20:11
neersightedintuition FTW!20:11
MahaVishnuneersighted, thats what im talkin about pimpin.20:11
DevvvvIs there a way to upgrade apache2 quicker on Ubuntu 10.04?20:11
neersightedsudo apt-get upgrade?20:11
Devvvvpackets don't always seem up to date with the latest20:12
nep1x_I mount the system in a USB using the instructions provided in ubuntu website, using a program called Universal-USB running in window. this is the good way, isn't it?20:12
* neersighted updated his server just for the latest nano20:12
nep1x_Can I use it for mounting lubuntu?20:12
neersightednep1x_: What do you want to mount?20:12
Shizuo16nothing at all20:13
zoikhi I've just installed a VPN server on a machine for some basic testing, I'm finding that I can connect fine but cannot access the rest of the network, I'm assuming IPTables has something to do with this, could anyone help?20:13
Exxonnep1x_, there is wubi.exe in lubuntu is it20:13
neersightedMahaVishnu: Oh yeah, can I continue to mount ubuntu.iso to media/cdrom, or should i burn a copy20:13
neersightedHas anyone here sucusuffly migrated from wubi to a full-dual-boot?20:13
MahaVishnu Shizuo16 thats not a good sign. like I said ubuntu is not seeing that drive. idk why but you said  you just used it to boot a live-cd sorry idk whats wrong with it exactly.20:13
neersightedShizuo16: Does gparted see it?20:14
MahaVishnuneersighted, its a cd-rom and lshw isnt seeing it so gparted wont.20:14
MahaVishnudvd-rom * or rw.20:14
nep1x_yeah i can, i have checked it, ok I am gonna install lubuntu 11.10 with Universal USB20:14
nep1x_mount no sorry, install the image .iso in a USB stick to install the OS in my notebook without CD-ROM20:14
Exxonneersighted, make some sense man20:14
ubuntu1how can I list the size of each top level folder only? Like when I ls -a, I would like to know the size of each directory in a listing without having to list all sub dirs? du ?20:14
JGANhey guys, is there a way to repair file permissions for the whole system?20:15
neersightedExxon: Has anyone sucussfuly migrated from Wubi with windows on the MBR, to linux/windoze on seperate partitons with grub on the MB20:15
* neersighted wants to see if there is anything he needs to look out for20:15
JGANbeen googling for a bit but havent come up with anything just yet20:15
neersightedBugs, glitches, horror stories, ect20:15
ubuntu1JGAN when it happened, I had to recreate a new profile20:16
Shizuo16can't see it also with gparted :/20:16
Exxonneersighted, wubi is designed to boot on the mbr there is no doubt ..its only to test can the user get along..along enough then can switch ..simple20:16
* neersighted goes to tweak his screenshot upload script20:16
ubuntu1JGAN however, I manually corrected my permissions for Thunderbird and that took me a while...  I don't think there is.. sorry20:16
neersightedExxon: Yeah, except wubi has no migrate-to-dedi-install button20:17
ubuntu1how can I list the size of each top level folder only? Like when I ls -a, I would like to know the size of each directory in a listing without having to list all sub dirs? du ?20:17
JGANubuntu1: ok, yea i did it under root to my whole drive20:17
neersightedI had to manually transefer files/edit fstab/etc20:17
stowodais something wrong with my usb-hdd? plz have a look at this: http://nopaste.info/794a4cc447.html20:17
oCeanubuntu1: du -sk  show size in kilobytes20:17
ubuntu1Oh no, forget it JGAN! I had just done it to my home folder and I was toast so you are REALLY toast20:17
JGANyea haha20:17
stowodawhy the same hdd is sdb and sdb1 ?20:17
oCeanubuntu1: so..  du -sk *20:17
ubuntu1Thanjs oCean20:17
Exxonneersighted, there is no migration stuff on wubi..it only the new user20:17
JGANis there an option such as repair install?20:18
MahaVishnuubuntu1, du -S20:18
ubuntu1Not that I'm aware of JGAN. Just create a new profile and move your data in the new profile20:18
neersightedExxon: Exactly20:18
JGANalright thanks ubuntu120:18
neersightedI had to "hack" my way to a dedi install20:18
Shizuo16Nothing att all20:18
neersightedNow I have burg, dualbooting Ubuntu/Windoze for me20:19
* neersighted is in love with his computer right now20:19
oCeanJGAN: I don't believe there is such possibility in Ubuntu. rpm based distro's actually provide an option to restore to default permissions - but that's no good to you now :(20:19
MahaVishnuneersighted, use dd or clonezilla to clone your drive incase  you mess up.20:19
ubuntu1JGAN if I were you, I would disconnect from the internet because depending what permissions you granted your system, you might get some exploits that mught destroy your data. Sign off internet and recreate a new profile20:19
neersightedi already did20:19
neersightedWith no backup20:19
ubuntu1JGAN do you understand what I mean?20:19
neersightedLiek a baws (tm)20:19
JGANubuntu1:  yea20:20
neersightedWanted to se if anyone had done the same and had pointers/warning20:20
neersightedlooks like im the only one lol20:20
JGANeverything is set as root:root :/20:20
ubuntu1JGAN you are probably open like an open door right now.. No security if you chmod 777 ooops!20:20
MahaVishnuneersighted, i've messed up my shiza plenty of times. thats why i keep a clonezilla backup of my entire ssd.20:20
ubuntu1oh JGAN, so you just chown?20:20
arcskyif i want to encrypt a file lets say ~/test.txt how can i do that in an easy way ?20:21
JGANwell i chmod 700 too20:21
MahaVishnuchmod 755 not 77720:21
neersightedIt was SO close tho, my sister saw partition magic in windows stuck at 27% of resizing my hdd. She almost did a hard shutdown it the midle of a disk resize20:21
JGANdont ask why i did this20:21
oCeanJGAN: getting back to a normal situation is going to be a real pain20:21
* neersighted keeps most of his important shiz on a server20:22
neersightedyay for filezilla's double click to edit mode!20:22
JGANyoure telling me... i didnt keep good backups either :/20:22
neersightedand yay for rsync!20:22
MahaVishnuJGAN, i think you have learned a valuable lesson here. and it's time for you to reinstall.20:22
oCeanneersighted: please stop the random comments20:22
MahaVishnuJGAN, do a dd / clonezilla backup20:22
JGANbut would that backup the file permissions?20:22
MahaVishnuJGAN, its byte by byte so yea 1's and 0's20:23
MahaVishnuJGAN, and dd you can do it in 1 ez cmd20:23
JGANyea thats the same with sbackup20:23
JGANim probably just gonna do a whole clean reinstall20:23
neersightedIs it at all pratical to use git to back up your ~?20:23
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ubuntu1JGAN listen, I'm sort of new to linux but I know that permissions are there to avoid viruses namely to execute or other exploits... You are 'probably' at risk. Just log off the internet and create a new profile. Whatever software is important to you, I mean it's data, move the data to your new profile and manually change the permissions (I did that with my thunderbird data located in ~/.thunderbird).. A20:24
MahaVishnuneersighted, i dont think so...20:24
ubuntu1lot of data is located in your home folder, hidden so you need to ctrl H in your nautilus to see them or ls -al20:24
* neersighted was thinking that with it would work well, if yor ~ was reasonably sized20:24
JGANi dont have anything of value on that system20:24
oCeanubuntu1: that's not going to help, because he did a recursive chown/chmod from root20:24
JGANjust the regular files20:24
JGANand some docs/pics20:24
neersightedmultpul file version, fast transfer speeds, and the ablity to check out a different branch to hide secret files20:25
rootuxI got a the "ASURO" it's an robot for beginner from the DLR and Robotkit. I connected the USB IR-Transceiver with my PC and typed in the command: sudo cat /proc/tty/driver/usbserial  --> printed the following lines: usbserinfo:1.0 driver:2.0  0: module:ftdi_sio name:"FTDI USB Serial Device" vendor: 0403 product:6001 num_ports:1 port:1 path:usb-0000:00:1d.3-1 -->after that I install and start CuteCom and set the suitable values like: (Device, Ba20:25
rootuxudrate...) --> but than appears the problem --> when I click "Open device" a window appears "Error: Could not open /dev/ttyUSB0"  What can I do?20:25
JGANyea i did chmod and chown recursively... real bad idea20:25
oCeanneersighted: once more: stop the random offtopic remarks. If you have a question, ask it detailed in single line20:25
buntstiftcan somebody paste my the /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu.desktop file? I've overwritten it by accident20:25
ubuntu1I know oCean. Me I did this just recursive from my home folder and it was a mess20:25
oCeanubuntu1: then you would know it has nothing to do with profiles20:26
ubuntu1It's ok to do JGAN but ensure you are in a data folder with nothing underneath it.. like /Documents/datacrap20:26
neersightedbuntstift: http://pastie.org/298773920:26
Exxonbuntstift, paste is not valid20:26
neersightedMy paste is invalid?20:27
ubuntu1oCean oh yes! Gosh Ocean is right JGAN! nevermind.... Sorry.. I guesss he needs to reinstall everything eh? I mean a new install of ubuntu! oh!!!!20:27
JGANhaha alright20:27
JGANi will get to it later20:27
ubuntu1oCean.. I guess I know just enough to get myself in trouble as usual grrrr20:27
Exxonneersighted, yes..but ..x..??20:27
neersightedExxon: x?20:28
neersightedthats mine20:28
neersightedi just cat'd it, is it wrong?20:28
ubuntu1that's how we learn JGAN. Learning isn't free!20:28
buntstiftneersighted: thank you very much!20:28
JGANpaypal? :)20:28
neersightedbuntstift: np20:28
neersightedNo, time to start kissing asses20:29
NattgewI'm getting a package error... Warning: Could not load "/usr/lib/graphviz/libgvplugin_gd.so.6" - file not found20:29
NattgewSegmentation fault20:29
Devvvvsolution is format then install windows xp20:30
Devvvvfuck yeah20:30
oCeanDevvvv: control your language here, please20:30
=== Crash_O-D_AFP is now known as Crash_O-D
ubuntu1oCean I made a big mistake too. After I recreated my new profile, I had remembered that I had mv all my data and docs from old_profile to my new_profile. My partition was small (35 GB) so the system kept warning me that I was down to 1.5 MB in my system. I then deleted old_profile to find out it had cleared 15 GB of space which got me to panick when I had realized I hadn't moved everything indeed! I even20:32
ubuntu1 told the system to delete everything (double oooops). So I guess there is no other way to try to recover this mess bit by bit, sector per sector right?20:32
ubuntu1am I still connected?20:33
oCeanubuntu1: "recovering" from ext3/ext4 filesystems is not easy and not always possible. There are several tools such as foremost20:34
ubuntu1right oCean... Would it have been easier with ext2?20:35
oCeanubuntu1: nope. The tip is: always backup20:35
giorgioallora uso ubuntu  solo che nn mi si vedono più icone sul desktop mi si vedono solo le 2 barre  superiore e inferiore e sul ubuntu software center quando  seleziono un programma mi spunta scarica e quando clicco nn sucede nulla20:36
ubuntu1Yeah I know oCean.. I had just started so that's why I didn't back up yet20:36
oCean!it | giorgio20:36
ubottugiorgio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:36
=== Neal|ZNC is now known as iNeal
sskalnikI have to ". ~/.bashrc" at every new terminal I open in order to load my bash preferences. How might I cause this to happen automatically?20:41
Rushingi want to mount a drive and start a couple apps on startup20:44
Exxonsskalnik, simply have a look .. i am not sure... http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/12993/why-doesnt-bashrc-run-automatically20:44
Rushingis taht sort of stuff always supposed to go in /etc/rc.local ?20:44
aantifor a nvidia 7025, which driver version do i need? 96 173 or current ?20:44
CarlFKdid something get backported to natty that would cause X not to load?20:45
CarlFKer, not natty.  oneiric.20:45
pimhello, the adblock plugin does not seem to work, any pointers?20:46
Exxonaanti, properitery drivers go for recommended20:46
Exxonpim, re-install it20:47
CarlFK[   75.641217] unity-greeter[3650] trap int3 ip:7ffa45e27313 sp:7fff2ed39cc0 error:020:47
aantiokay, whats the difference to [version current-updates] ?20:48
CarlFKDec  8 14:35:31 pc9e acpid: client 3589[0:0] has disconnected  - repeat that 62 time, then it gives up20:48
Exxonaanti, addons auto update..it will notifiy when20:49
buntstiftdoes somebody know a window manager which allows me to assign shortcut for certain windows (e.g. Win+M for focussin mail application, Win+B for focussin browser...) and other generic shortcut for all other windows? (like Win+N where N is a number)20:49
pimExxon re-install what?20:49
aantiExxon: okay thank you20:50
Rushinganyone? ... want to have some startup scripts for an app and drive mount, and i want to make sure i'm puting them in the right place20:50
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genii-aroundRushing: To automount a drive, likely rc.local ... for apps , see !autostart20:51
ExxonRushing, blog it..could help many :)20:52
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PiciRushing: Is /etc/fstab not working out for somer eason?20:52
MahaVishnuRushing, /etc/fstab to automount20:52
Natesky9Could someone give me some help?20:53
Pici!ask | Natesky920:53
ubottuNatesky9: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:53
genii-aroundRushing: Is it a local drive or a network drive?20:53
alaingtrying to use putty on a windows 7 machine to connect to ubuntu server 11.10 but it keeps timing out20:53
onnotonnohow do I login on xchat? :S20:53
Picialaing: Is ssh running?20:53
ubuntu1oCean, how can I view what's in a .arc file?20:53
alaingthe server is running a website and it online20:53
ubuntu1what do you mean how do you log in onnotonno20:54
Natesky9I'm trying to figure out File sharing, and I've tried everything, but it's not working. Could someone help me out?20:54
alaingPici it should be. it was working before20:54
onnotonnoubuntu1, yes20:54
ubuntu1you just run it onnotonno20:54
onnotonnorun it? ubuntu1?20:55
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oCeanubuntu1: .arc file? I only know those from Oracle20:55
Picialaing: I'd make sure that you can still access port 22 on that server from your location.20:55
ubuntu1Is it installed on your computer already onnotonno20:55
Picionnotonno: Have you already registered here? If not, see /msg nickserv help register, if you have, /msg nickserv help identify... if you need more help then ask in #freenode20:55
alaingPici I changed it to use port 212020:56
ubuntu1Yes it's weird oCean, I have a 28 GB .arc file I have no idea what it is in an old kubuntu installation. Before deleting it, I wanted to know what it is20:56
Picialaing: Then make sure that you can access that port from your current location.20:56
ubuntu1onnotonno: go to terminal and type xchat <Enter>20:56
RushingPici, i'm seeing tutorials for fstab and /etc/rc.local20:56
alaingPici: the only change is that the servers beeing unplugged and offline for about a month and I changed the workgroup name on the router.20:56
anerioni have a huawei e220 umts modem that doesn't work with network-manager, but it works fine if i use wvdial. can anyone help me find the problem?20:57
Picialaing: That shouldn't make any difference.20:57
Rushingthe names are kinda cryptic to me, so i just want to understand it better and make sure i'm doing it right20:57
oCeanubuntu1: I really have no idea what kind of file that is. You can try running  file filename.arc  could help dermine the filetype20:57
sskalnikHow does one uninstall a package that was installed from source? Do I need to manually clean it all out of the system?20:57
ubuntu1oCean I wish I had known about du -skh * before! I wouldn't have deleted important data in my ~/ with that one... Like I said, learning isn't free!!!! grrrrr20:57
PiciRushing: /etc/fstab is the proper place to mount drives.20:57
Natesky9Can someone help me with personal File sharing? I've tried Samba and the default file sharing, but I'm having no luck with sharing from one computer to another20:57
MahaVishnuubuntu1, file whatever.arc20:57
alaingPici:  I know just really strange that I cant connect20:57
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jribsskalnik: well did you actually install a package? (.deb)20:57
Rushingand what's rc.local exactly?20:57
alaingPici:  apart from trying with putty how would i try and connect from my location20:57
ManDayI just came here to congratulate whoever did the Ubuntu-Tour Browser application. That is purely amazing work...20:57
ubuntu1Natesky9, what happens?20:58
sskalnikjrib:  No, just "make \ make install"20:58
onnotonnounderstood :) thanks ubuntu1 but what I wanted to find is the command identify to login and with my nickname and password, thanks pici for help out! :)20:58
ManDayThe most impressive demonstration of JS (html5?) ive ever seen20:58
alaingManday do you have a link?20:58
ubuntu1MahaVishnu: what do you mean file whatever.arc?20:58
ManDayalaing: http://www.ubuntu.com/tour20:58
MahaVishnuubuntu1, to determine what kind of file it is.20:58
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jribsskalnik: then all you can do is read the software's documentation.  Sometimes there is a "make uninstall" rule, so you can try that if the documentation does not prove fruitful.  Otherwise, just delete files manually20:58
ManDayThere you go, enjoy :)20:58
Natesky9Ubuntul, I can look at the shares that I can create on a computer, but it never is able to mount. I have both computers set up on the same workgroup and everything20:58
ubuntu1onnotonno no password the server is irc.ubuntu.com and the port 800120:59
MahaVishnuManDay, did you create ubuntu.com/tour? it would be funny if you did ;-P20:59
alaingManDay:  WOW all of that in a browser...20:59
ubuntu1oh I see MahaVishnu thanks. I'll check it out20:59
ManDayMahaVishnu: haha20:59
ManDayno I didn't ;)20:59
MahaVishnuyea its nice work.21:00
ManDayBut it would be funny, indeed :D21:00
=== reggin is now known as ukdkbr
alaingPici:  apart from trying with putty how would i try and connect from my location21:01
ubuntu1MahaVishnu: just 'file whateverfile.arc'?21:01
MahaVishnuubuntu1, yea21:01
ubuntu1doesn't seem to work for me.. Do I need to install file through apt-get 1st MahaVishnu21:01
MahaVishnui wouldnt think so. but try it21:02
ecfui've got a bunch of noob questions, somebody mind pming me? regarding setting up a dual boot on an old thinkpad21:02
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oCean!info file21:02
ubottufile (source: file): Determines file type using "magic" numbers. In component main, is important. Version 5.04-5ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 19 kB, installed size 136 kB21:02
oCean^ ubuntu1 it's installed by default  (/usr/bin/file)21:02
alaingecfu: why not just ask here?21:03
ecfuit's pretty basic stuff21:03
ubuntu1MahaVishnu: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/764243/21:03
ecfubut i will21:03
ubuntu1yes but I get errors oCean21:03
alaingecfu: everyone has to learn sometime21:03
Rushingso, looks like i'm stuck in a shell after executing an app21:03
Rushinghow do i get out?21:04
Rushing(sry unix 001 stuff, i know)21:04
ecfuso i've got an old ibm t42, which i love, but i just upgraded to windows 7 and now video's choppy, probably too much for the archaic raedon 7500.  so i was thinking about setting up a dual boot21:04
ubuntu1Rushing command &21:04
MahaVishnuubuntu1, that is all cut off on my screen can you paste to pastie.org21:04
oCeanubuntu1: you have to 'escape' the dollarsigns:  file \$media\$04dbc2e9-903e-49ae-b210-1fbd1668d678.arc21:05
ubuntu1k MahaVishnu21:05
MahaVishnuubuntu1, just do what Ocean said21:05
MahaVishnuyea why do you have $21:05
ecfuseveral questions.  1) is it possible to create a ubuntu partition on my already partitioned hard drive21:05
ubuntu1MahaVishnu: http://pastie.org/298792921:05
Rushingubuntu1, that doesn't seem to do anything21:05
alaingecfu: yes21:05
DJAnonimounder "locale -a" i dont see my language charset... how can I install it....21:06
Exxonecfu, engtrino tech..win 7 use xp instead dual boot with lubuntu thinks will work fine with 512 ram on it21:06
MahaVishnuubuntu1, why are you using $ ?21:06
alaingecfu: have you see/heard of wubi? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer21:06
Exxonecfu, centrino tech..win 7 use xp instead dual boot with lubuntu thinks will work fine with 512 ram on it21:06
MahaVishnuubuntu1, file /media/04dbc2e9-903e-49ae-b210-1fbd1668d678.arc21:06
ecfuexxon, if i revert to xp my problems are already solved21:07
Natesky9Wubi may not run properly with an old system with little ram on it21:07
ecfualain i have not21:07
ubuntu1Oh I see oCean: here is the output $media$04dbc2e9-903e-49ae-b210-1fbd1668d678.arc: data21:07
ecfucool, ram's not a problem, i have 1.25..21:07
ubuntu1Mahav $media$04dbc2e9-903e-49ae-b210-1fbd1668d678.arc: data21:07
oCeanubuntu1: "data" well, that doesn't narrow it down :(21:07
MahaVishnuubuntu1, well, idk you said this file is from an old install, if you don't know what it is. what are the odds you need it ?21:07
ubuntu1Rushing, I'm not very good at linux. This may not be your answer.. Just tried to help21:08
Exxonecfu, 7 spec are too high instead use L-ubuntu (as its light weight) forget win 7 require more that 2 gb that don't support.21:08
alaingecfu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide21:08
ubuntu1MahaVishnu: I don't know. It was like that in there. I didn't do it... Maybe the kubuntu created it, I don't know... Might have been made with dejadup I don't know21:09
ubuntu1lol oCean21:09
Natesky9Could someone help me with a file sharing Issue? I'm trying access files on another computer, and I've had no luck with samba or the default File sharing. Plz Help21:09
MahaVishnuubuntu1, ubuntu requires no 28gb files to run....21:09
JokesOnYou77Rushing: you still there?21:09
JokesOnYou77Rushing: Are you still stuck in a shell now?21:10
ubuntu1I'm so disorganized it's unbelievable MahaVishnu ... I understand your point but whatever I keep, I don't need and whatever I delete, I figure out later that it was not a backup but an archive grrrr21:10
RushingJokesOnYou77, yes i am21:10
ubuntu1I need an organization within 101 course MahaVishnu21:10
MahaVishnuubuntu1, can you open that file in archive manager? it make take forever since its 28gb and compressed21:10
JokesOnYou77Rushing: Ctrl+c will kill the command running now so you can restart it in the background21:10
ubuntu1that's it.. that's why I would like to know what it is before I delete it21:11
ubuntu1that's it.. that's why I would like to know what it is before I delete it MahaVishnu21:11
Rushingdoesn't seem like ANY commands are doing anything :/21:11
Natesky9What file is 28 Gig in an archive??(O.o)21:11
Rushingctrl+C, ctrl+\, etc21:11
JokesOnYou77Rushing: what version of ubuntu are you using?21:11
ExxonJokesOnYou77, he's already done that ; perhaps he knows it21:11
ubuntu1could it be one.ubuntu MahaVishnu21:11
Rushingwhatever the latest stable server is21:11
JokesOnYou77k.  Can you get to a virtual terminal?21:12
Rushingi don't know the IP lol :/21:12
ubuntu1I have terabytes of files that I don't know if they are archives or backup.. The stress is high! MahaVishnu ocean21:12
ubuntu1and more I mess up, more they mount up21:12
MahaVishnuubuntu1, sudo apt-get install arc21:12
Rushingthe problem is that this script is in rc.local, so it runs everytime i boot and then i can't type anything21:12
MahaVishnuubuntu1, arc -x /media/whatever/file.arc21:13
ubuntu1and my short term memory is really bad MahaVishnu so... well that explains it21:13
ubuntu1from a concussion21:13
ExxonRushing, did you configure scipt in rc.local21:14
ubuntu1Ok let me try that MahaVishnu21:14
MahaVishnumine is really bad too, from something I cant mention here21:14
JokesOnYou77If it's frozen, really frozen, you might need to push the button manually.  In the server, can you hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get to a virtual term?21:14
RushingExxon, yes i did :x noob21:14
ubuntu1MahaVishnu: where does it install all this on my hdd when I run on a live usb pendrive?21:14
MahaVishnuubuntu1, to some temp folder I think prolly /tmp21:15
ExxonRushing, then simply remove it ; replace it when fully tested21:15
Natesky9Can someone help me with a File sharing Issue?21:15
MahaVishnuubuntu1, that cmd is supposed to extract .arc archives into the current folder. so make sure there is room for 28gb of data. maybe more if its compressed.21:15
ubuntu1Yes but on which partition MahaVishnu ? I will paste you my fdisk -l if you want21:15
RushingExxon, how, i can't get to a terminal?21:15
MonkeyDust!ask| Natesky921:15
ubottuNatesky9: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:15
Rushingthe app im running takes of the terminal21:15
MahaVishnuubuntu1, I don't really need your fdisk21:16
JokesOnYou77Rushing: reboot off a live disk?21:16
Rushingwhat do you mean?21:16
Rushingi'm just f'ing stuck in a terminal after calling an app, and i can't get out of it21:16
ubuntu1MahaVishnu: please don't laugh: http://pastie.org/298796821:16
ecfui'm back.  let me take a step back.  would you recommend doing this just for the sake of video or would it be smarter to just revert to xp21:16
Rushingthere must be a way...i'm gonna blow a gasket here21:17
ecfuand/or is ubuntu the most appropriate distro for this purpose21:17
MonkeyDustecfu  please add the name of the person you are addressing21:17
JokesOnYou77Rushing: does the server version let you press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get to a virtual terminal?21:17
Rushingi need to get out of the current process i'm in, then go back and fix /etc/rc.local21:17
ubuntu1Cuz I'm trying to salvage stuff on my fda6, so if it writes it's /tmp to sda6, I'm toast! MahaVishnu21:17
sskalnikRushing:  as in, you ran the app from the terminal and now you can't do anything with that terminal?21:17
ubuntu1btw pastie is really good21:18
action09hi, anyone can recommend me a good tuto on installing Ubuntu alternate 11.10, why alternate because i need all disk cipphered, i choosed lvm + ciph, but at installation lilo or grub2 fail to install.. i specified all the partition i think and not ok..21:18
RushingJokesOnYou77, yes :D woo! tyty lol21:18
ExxonRushing, typing few command will really improve you typing skills then using a script that is really unwanted in rc.local21:18
Natesky9I have been trying to share Files from one computer to another, and I have not been able to view the Files on one Computer. I need help with setting a shared folder. I've tried twice already and searched all over the web, but I can't seem to get thi files21:18
JokesOnYou77Rushing: you're welcome :) They're called virtual terminals, and in combo with screen and byobu, they are your best friends :)21:18
Rushingso the way to do this is to just put "sh <app start>"?21:19
alaingecfu: seems a bit over kill just for video21:19
Rushingin my rc.local21:19
MonkeyDustNatesky9  which OS'es?21:19
ecfuthat's what i think too21:19
Natesky9Ubuntu 11.04, Both, except one is 64-Bit21:19
JokesOnYou77Rushing: That one, I don't know, Exxon?21:19
neersightedCan anyone help my with plymoth/x?21:19
MonkeyDustNatesky9  do you get any error messages?21:19
ecfumaybe there's a way to get thing to run better with the setup i have21:20
alaingecfu:  have you tried using virtualbox and emulating a system? Althought with your spec i dont think this is good idea21:20
MahaVishnuRushing, is it an app in /usr/bin ?21:20
=== neersighted is now known as Guest90624
Guest90624For some reason, ubuntu boots with a low-res text screen, not a plymoth boot screen21:20
alaingecfu: have you tried asking ##windows21:20
ecfuthat would be running a virtual system on top of win7 right21:20
ecfuno, i was thinking of heading there21:20
=== Guest90624 is now known as neersighted
Rushingit's in /home/<user>/<apptarfolder>/bin21:20
MahaVishnueww windows yucky21:20
alaingecfu: correct.21:20
alaingMahaVishnu: i know :P21:21
Natesky9Yes, I do. If I try to access the shared folder, it tells me that I cannot mount it. I also have a problem when i try to send a file to the same computer using Empathy, It tell me that the other user cancelled the transfer(on both of the computers at the same time)21:21
ecfuthat would just increase resource demands i think...i'll see what #win says21:21
alaingecfu i would try get the video issue fixed21:21
ecfuthanks for your help21:21
MahaVishnuneersighted, pastebin /etc/default/grub21:22
alaingecfu yes it does increase resource demands.21:22
MonkeyDustecfu  Natesky9 please add the name of the person you are talking to in your comments, or it is hard to follow21:22
neersightedit's acutally idential21:22
neersightedBut I think this is a Xorg issue21:22
ecfumonkeydust sorry dude, i'm outtie anyway21:22
Natesky9Sorry Monkeydust21:22
neersightedWant my Xorg.conf too?21:22
MahaVishnuneersighted, sure.21:22
Natesky9How do you target someone?21:22
ubuntu1What am I missing here to rename this file: sudo mv /$media$/04dbc2e9-903e-49ae-b210-1fbd1668d678.arc 04dbc2e9-903e-49ae-b210-1fbd1668d678.arc21:23
MahaVishnuNatesky9, part of nick then hit tab21:23
MonkeyDustNatesky9  2 letters of the name and then tab21:23
MahaVishnuubuntu1, you still have $ in your commands....21:23
MahaVishnuubuntu1, sudo mv /path/file /new/file21:23
=== Mud is now known as Guest59809
neersightedIt more cosmetic than function21:24
neersightedbut my TTY boot mode is REALLY low-res21:24
MahaVishnuneersighted, what kind of graphics card...21:24
neersightedATI radion21:24
neersightedlet me grep my lspci21:24
neersighted01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 [Radeon HD 4200]21:25
FUN_ee364a11: quote21:25
MahaVishnuneersighted, did you install the proprietary drivers ?21:25
neersightedShould i?21:25
MahaVishnuyea man ;-)21:25
Natesky9ubuntu1, I get an error message when I try to connect to a shared folder on another computer, it says that it cannot mount the network drive, and I get a similar message if I try to send a file through Empathy to another computer. It says that the other user has cancelled the transfer (on both at the same time21:25
neersightedI heard horror stories. T_T21:25
MahaVishnuor ur card is using crap modes and none of its power21:25
neersightedit worked fine befor...21:25
neersightedMahaVishnu: OH YEAH! It's tellling me about a memory error on start21:26
neersightedAnd outputting a hex location21:26
neersightedSay's its already occupied21:26
Exxonneersighted, amd has stopped the ati drivers long ago (decade) default vesa is the best for L-ubuntu, Ubuntu, X-ubuntu etc..21:26
neersightedWhy are there Ohwait21:27
ubuntu1MahaVishnu: that's the thing, I'm trying to remove the $media$ part21:27
MahaVishnuneersighted, in the additional drivers app, ur using the fglrx driver ?21:27
Natesky9neersighted, you might have to download a proprietary driver for your board to use the graphics properly21:27
neersightedI have 1 out of two propritary drives21:27
neersighteddo i remove theme?21:27
MahaVishnuneersighted, which 1 you got?21:27
ubuntu1Oh Natesky9, I'm not your guy... I'm new.. This is just a default nick21:27
Natesky9neersighted, are you using the "additional drivers" in the settings?21:27
neersightedATI/AMD propritery FGLRX21:27
neersightedremove then reoobt?21:28
MahaVishnuneersighted, no21:28
MahaVishnuneersighted, do a sudo aticonfig --initial21:28
* neersighted already tried removeing x, reinstalling it, then dpkg-reconfigureing it21:28
Exxonneersighted, let me call my friedn its using lubuntu and will transfer his xorg to you 10 min max21:28
neersightedhis conf?21:28
Natesky9neersighted, try to activate one, then see if it makes any difference, then try the other one.21:28
MahaVishnuExxon, how is that going to help him ?21:28
neersightedjust ping me when your done21:29
FUN_ee364a11: quote21:29
neersightedI get notify-send notifications21:29
Exxonibm t41 more modifications i will let you know21:29
neersightedCan i use a screenshot manager while im in CLI mode?21:29
neersightedthe ctrl-alt-F121:29
neersightedto show you guys the low res?21:29
MahaVishnuneersighted, do you have a command fglrxinfo21:29
DJAnonimowhy my laptop sometimes stuck to Killing all remaining processes and do not shutdown. I need to force with a button21:30
MahaVishnuneersighted, and your only problem is low res tty's ?21:30
neersightedand no boot screen21:30
Natesky9I need someone to help, I'm trying to access files and folders on another computer, but I'm having trouble. Anybody have any ideas?21:30
neersightedand memory error on start21:30
MahaVishnuubuntu 11.10 ?21:30
neersighted$ neer@sighted (~): fglrxinfo21:30
neersighteddisplay: :0  screen: 021:30
neersightedOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.21:30
neersightedOpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 420021:30
neersightedOpenGL version string: 3.3.11005 Compatibility Profile Context21:30
FloodBot1neersighted: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:30
neersightedi thought i had the pastie URL T_T21:31
MahaVishnuneersighted, you didn't paste your /etc/default/grub21:31
neersightedyeah i did21:31
* neersighted looks in his tabs21:31
MahaVishnuI saw your x.org21:31
neersightedAre there any clipboard managers with nopaste/pastie/pastebin built in?21:32
FUN_ee364a11: quote21:32
neersighteddv310p3r: missing a "3" there21:32
FUN_ee364a11: quote21:32
FUN_ee364a11: quote21:32
FUN_ee364a11: quote21:32
neersightedFUN_: ?21:32
FloodBot1FUN_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:32
MahaVishnuneersighted, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" put that under the first set of things.21:32
FUN_ee364a11: quote21:33
neersightedi did21:33
MahaVishnuunder GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR21:33
Natesky9Can someone help me with Sharing Files and Folders??21:33
neersightednow reboot?21:34
neersightedI put it under GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash"21:34
MahaVishnuneersighted, #GRUB_GFXMODE=1360x768 see a line like that ? remove the # and select your resolution. after all this. do a sudo update-grub221:34
FloodBot1MahaVishnu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:34
MahaVishnustfu floodbot21:34
neersightedno what?21:34
pangolin!language | MahaVishnu21:34
ubottuMahaVishnu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:34
ubuntu1When you are using ubuntu from a flash drive, when installing applications, which partition on my hard drive does it save them to?21:34
FUN_ee364a11: quote21:35
MahaVishnuneersighted, also do a sudo update-initramfs21:35
neersightedubuntu1: your boot drive21:35
neersightedMahaVishnu: is it bad if i put GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" under GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash"21:35
neersightedorder should not mater?21:35
neersightedAnd grub is not low res21:35
FUN_ee364a11: quote21:36
neersightedits CLI/no boot screen.  I just get the basic with 4 pink dots21:36
neersightedFUN_: ?21:36
MahaVishnu!ops FUN_21:36
neersightedFUN_: y u so spam?21:36
Natesky9ubuntu1, It doesn't save it on your hard drive, unless you specify something to save there. Instead, if you are connected to the internet, it saves the applications and settings in an online file that is deleted after you log off21:36
ubuntu1neersighted.. you are kidding me! grrrr noooooo21:36
neersightedAll your data is stored by default on your startup drive21:36
FUN_no... just making a bot for my project.. sorry.21:36
MahaVishnuneersighted, also do a sudo update-initramfs -u21:37
neersightedbut you can remap your home to another drive if you wqish21:37
MahaVishnuforgot the -u21:37
pangolinFUN_: please test somewhere else21:37
MahaVishnuneersighted, you alrdy have that quiet splash line? not in the one you pasted21:37
ubuntu1Natesky9, are you sure?21:37
MahaVishnu!op FUN_21:37
neersightedlol yep21:37
neersightedi already had a quiet line21:37
neersightedwant my grub.cfg21:37
neersightedi havent updated it yet21:37
ubuntu1what about when you are not connected to the internet Natesky9, does it save in RAM or where?21:37
MahaVishnuneersighted, I see that line at like the bottom of the one you pasted now. but it does not belong there remove that21:38
Logan_MahaVishnu: You need a "|" between the factoid name and the username, for future reference.21:38
MahaVishnuLogan_, like !ops | FUN_ ?21:38
Logan_Yes, like that.21:38
MahaVishnukk ty21:38
Logan_MahaVishnu: No problem.21:38
Natesky9ubuntu1 Yes, a Live cd or usb does not store programs or Files on your hard drive unless you specify them to. If you have a live usb that you have partitioned with (startup disc creator), it will save them in that directory21:39
neersightedthis is what i have21:39
neersightedwhat do i need to change?21:39
MahaVishnuremove those 3 lines at the bottom and paste the one I gave you under GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR on the top portion of the file.21:39
neersightedcan you repaste the update file?21:40
eqwdDoes it use more RAM running KDE apps under Gnome? I wanted to use Kate.. but apt would download about 10 million KDE files and i though.. no thanks21:40
MahaVishnuneersighted, arg. yea21:40
ubuntu1Natesky9, I'm using a pendrive so does it save installed program on the pendrive?21:40
Natesky9What have you created it with?21:40
neersightedand why remove GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash"21:40
neersightedthat was always there21:40
MahaVishnuGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash" is line 7 neersighted and delete line 49-5021:40
neersightedubuntu1: if it's not a live disk, then its saved to the flash drive21:41
Natesky9ubuntul, how did you install the pendrive?21:41
ubuntu1Natesky9, with linux pendrive.org I think21:41
neersightedokay MahaVishnu21:41
ubuntu1ah that's good then! neersighted21:41
Natesky9Then you did it from a windows computer? and are you on an ubuntu computer right now?21:41
MahaVishnuneersighted, when your ubuntu boots, it goes from grub to the login screen or what? you see no logo?21:42
neersightedubuntu1: When i Said your bootdrive, i ment the pen drive. You ARE booting off the pen drive?21:42
neersightedMahaVishnu: No, grub works fine21:42
neersightedthats a non-issue21:42
neersightedPlymoth is derped, and so is CLI res21:42
ubuntu1neersighted: yes I realized that after my first emotional outburst21:42
neersightedi get the low res, sloid purple with orange dots bootscreen21:43
MahaVishnuneersighted, sry add _DEFAULT to line 7. yea but you need 'splash' enabled in grub I believe. for a bootup logo someone correct me if i'm wrong !21:43
ubuntu1I deleted a whole bunch of files by accident on my 'normal' boot drive21:43
neersightedplus lots of text-spam21:43
neersightedits enabled21:43
ubuntu1I deleted a whole bunch of files by accident on my 'normal' boot drive neersighted21:43
neersightedLINUX_COMMAND_LINE="quiet splash"21:43
neersightedubuntu1: oic21:43
Natesky9Can anyone help me with File Sharing??? Please???21:43
MahaVishnuneersighted, your grub file is different from mine. ill paste mine for you to see. mine works for the logo + cmd line res21:44
neersightedkk MahaVishnu21:44
neersightedI'm using burg, but it is functionally the same21:44
neersightedNatesky9: apt-get install samba21:44
neersightedapt-get install openssh21:44
Natesky9neersighted I've tried samba already. On both computers, and it's given me the same proble,21:45
neersightedwhich is?21:45
MahaVishnuneersighted, http://paste.ubuntu.com/764288/21:45
neersightedTHen use a SSH server for SCP/SFTP21:45
neersightedkk MahaVishnu21:45
PhillllipHAI GUISE21:45
ubuntu1neersighted, I have a tendency to jump to conclusion a lot21:45
neersightedubuntu1: :p21:45
Natesky9It tells me that I cannot mount the drive. I can see the shares, but it loads after 5 minutes and tells me that it cannot moune21:45
neersightedMahaVishnu: How do i find out my display resolution?21:46
neersightedNatesky9: Get a SSH server21:46
neersightedSFTP is the best21:46
MahaVishnuneersighted, xrandr21:46
Exxonneersighted, that pig is avalibable rolling some there g-knows21:46
Natesky9neersighted How do I do that?21:46
neersightedExxon: pig?!?!?!?!?21:46
neersightedNatesky9: I cant remember the package name... openssh?21:46
brightsparkneersighted, sshd is the server21:47
neersightedoh :p21:47
brightsparkor opensshd depending on context21:47
Exxonneersighted, i will elobrate i went to fetch the xorg has he using x-ubuntu xorg but it seems..read stated above sorry21:47
neersightedWhat res. should i set grub too MahaVishnu21:47
neersightedlol np Exxon21:47
MahaVishnuneersighted, whatever you want like 1024x768 or 1280x72021:48
neersightedtrying to rember what my size is21:48
neersighted1280 was the smaller one, so what could the width be?21:48
ubuntu1I need to find the timestamp of a file of when it was created. stat gives me all dates as of today when I changed it's name. How could I find when the file was created ? Is there a way?21:49
neersightedoh, 1280X14021:49
jribubuntu1: what filesystem?21:49
ubuntu1ext4 jrib21:49
jribubuntu1: I think the existing tools do not yet look up creation time... you need to use debugfs.  Google "ext4 creation time debugfs"21:50
Exxonneersighted, you should really try replacing the xorg without installing you will get back the vesa drivers and certainly no compiz..i think you can manage21:50
neersightedI already removed/reinstalled about 5 times21:51
neersightedshould i disable propritary drives?21:51
histoubuntu1: ubuntu1 I don't think you can find creation time. but try here. http://bloggerdigest.blogspot.com/2006/10/using-ls-command-by-examples.html most people suggest the ls -lc flag but that is wrong.21:51
histoubuntu1: it's not stored anywhere that I know of21:51
MahaVishnuneersighted, sry gotta go. someone will know how to fix it.21:51
jribhisto: ext4 does21:52
neersightedkk, trying to reboot now without ATI drivers21:52
neersightedima delete teh drives, then reinstall xorg21:52
Exxonneersighted, we don't stand a change rather that the failed drivers ..21:52
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »21:52
neersightedI don;t get your grammer21:53
neersightedwe don;t stand a charge?21:53
imbezolExxon is like a random word bot21:53
neersightedlol imbezol21:53
histojrib: Oh yeah where?21:53
neersightedoh its a known issue lol21:53
neersightedPropritary drives messing up default res/boot logo21:54
* neersighted facedesks21:54
jribhisto: in the filesystem :)  It's not exposed by any tools like stat yet though.  You can get at it using debugfs21:54
MahaVishnuneersighted, really? that sucks21:54
ubuntu1thanks jrib and histo21:54
neersightedbrb after reboot21:54
MahaVishnuneersighted, haha !21:54
neersightedno 3d for me21:54
histojrib: ahh crtime21:54
jribhisto: yes21:54
histoubuntu1: debugfs is the way to do it21:54
Exxonsimply blacklist the drivers that you installed or remove it i don't care..purge it..simply re-install the xorg without reinstall the whole xubuntu or for time sake backup you files ..get a new install.21:55
histoubuntu1: something like debugfs -R 'stat /some/file' /dev/sda#21:55
eqwdapt-get install kate .. installs a billion files ..  apt-get remove kate .. removes 4 files.. Great21:55
histoubuntu1: there are scripts to find it as well.21:56
histoeqwd: is kate a meta package possibly?21:56
imbezoleqwd: apt-get autoremove ?21:56
BoreeasIs there a tool/program to dump the memory of a certain process?21:57
auronandaceeqwd: i suppose when you installed kate you didn't have kde?21:57
resushi, i'm having an issue getting vsftp users to authenticate through pam_pwdfile does anyone have any xperience with that?21:57
eqwdauronandace,  that is correct21:57
monsterwizardhi I am using pen drive linu21:57
monsterwizardwith ubuntu21:57
auronandaceeqwd: an what does kate do better than any gtk text editor?21:58
monsterwizardI put persistence to max volume is this a good idea or not ?21:58
histo!best | monsterwizard21:58
ubottumonsterwizard: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:58
monsterwizardI'm not talkabout about choosing an application21:58
monsterwizardf you read what I wrote21:58
eqwdauronandace, i didn't like that in Gedit you can't customise shortcuts.. just things like that. Kate is more for programming stuff. But i can use Jedit i guess21:58
histomonsterwizard: You're asking peoples opinions21:58
=== progre55_ is now known as progre55
monsterwizardnot on what software to use21:59
histomonsterwizard: if you're asking if it will work yes it will.21:59
neersighted*censored* you ATI graphics21:59
monsterwizardwhat are the disadvangages21:59
neersightedThanks guys21:59
histomonsterwizard: you can't use the thumb drive for anything else would be the disadvantage21:59
monsterwizardI see21:59
monsterwizardthank you21:59
neersightedNow, i just have to fix the "Signal out of range, this may barbecue your screen" errors my display is giving21:59
monsterwizardhow about the the actual ISO?21:59
imbezollol neersighted22:00
histomonsterwizard: what about the iso?22:00
monsterwizarddoes it effect the actual OS in anyway ?22:00
histomonsterwizard: I don't understand what you are asking?22:00
neersightedyeah, its really dumb. I'm not sure if removing hte drives, changing burg arround to have _DEFAULT added to it, or removing x and installin git again did it22:00
neersightedmy money is on ATI... Well thats 3 hours wasted22:01
neersighted!hi | fpu22:01
fpuI'm looking for image viewer that can launch slideshow with smooth transitions and EXIT after finishing it22:01
histoneersighted: they removed it22:01
neersightedfpu: Shotwell?22:02
fpugeeqie works ok except it doesn't exit after it does the job...22:02
fpubonus points for being lightweight22:02
neersightedI think shotwell does that...22:02
fpulet me see22:02
histofpu: geeqie is really lightweight22:02
neersightedhmmm, i could have sworn i saw a "digital picture frame" app somewhere22:02
Exxonneersighted, not only yours many are facing such ati is no more ..sry22:02
neersightedExxon: np, thanks for trying!22:02
neersightedIt's the thought that counts (I think)22:03
fpuall has to be done from command line, it's supposed to work in kind of interaction-less photo frame22:03
fpushotwell installing, I'll check it out in a sec22:03
neersightedfpu: from CLI, because then you need X, or just start from a term22:03
fpuneersighted: I'm not sure what you mean, anyway there is Xorg22:03
neersightedcli mode22:03
histofpu: you might not need X there are image viewers for CLI22:04
neersightedhi ctrl-alt-f1, or reboot with the "text" paramter passed through grub22:04
fpuit just has to be started from never-ending forever-looping script22:04
neersighteda bash script?22:04
fpuhisto: do you mean those sending images directly to framebuffer?22:04
fpuyes :) it'll be in bash22:04
neersightedI bet if there was a libray for it, you could bouce them onscreen22:04
eqwdauronandace, actually i have found a Gedit plugin that seems to do what I want, so that is good I like Gedit22:04
fpuI don't want to make it too hard, plus it will play videos too22:04
fpuso full Xorg it is22:05
neersightedWhats the max icon size for notify-send?22:05
resusanyone familiar with vsftpd?22:05
auronandaceeqwd: i'm not much of a programmer so mousepad or leafpad is good enough for me :)22:05
resushaving issues using pam authentication22:05
neersightedOh, and is there a paste manager that has a webpaster built in? Sorta like how i can hit a shourtcut to upload a screenshot to my site as a example22:06
neersighted.nicklist screen22:06
neersightedoops, sorry22:06
historesus: there are howto's @ help.ubuntu.com22:06
histo!ftpd | resus22:06
ubotturesus: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP22:06
histo!vsftpd > resus22:06
fpusomeone mentioned shotwell, how can I start it from cli in slideshow fullscreen mode?22:07
neersighted!sftpd | resus22:07
fpuI can't find it...22:07
neersighted!sftpd | resus22:07
histofpu: man shotwell22:07
neersightedsftp > ftp22:07
histofpu: that will give you all the options for starting it22:07
neersighted!sshd | resus22:07
ubotturesus: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)22:07
fpuI tried, it's empty; and shotwell --help-all doesn't show option I want22:07
neersightedi could of swron i did it one! TO THE INTERNET!22:08
historesus: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html22:08
fpugeeqie was perfect, if only there was a way to kill it after slideshow...22:08
histofpu: what's empty?22:08
neersightedresus: Do you want a FTP or SFTP server?22:08
fpuhisto: there is one sentence about application22:08
neersightedfpu: maybe run it with a bash scrpt?22:08
histoneersighted: he's trying to get vsftp to work it's an ftp server22:08
neersightedfpu: if the time is always hte same, then22:09
neersightedlet me make a draft script22:09
neersightedhisto: kk22:09
fpuneersighted: please tell me exactly what you mean22:09
kimpI am delighted to advise that my laptop is now back in action, dual boot!  Ubuntu and Win 7 :)22:09
neersightedill show you22:09
neersightedlet me write it22:09
fpudo you want to start geeqie, measure time it takes for slideshow, then kill it?22:09
resusneersighted ftp22:09
neersightedWhats the program name fpu?22:09
Exxonneersighted, there is no need to already answered by you22:09
oCeanneersighted: use less <enter> ok? You're comments are really cluttering the channel. Try to keep your answers/responses in single line22:10
neersightedfpu: What is the command to start the slideshow? oCean k22:10
fpuneersighted: geeqie started with -s option will start slideshow22:10
fpushotwell doesn't have such option22:10
resusit's funny how a lot of times when a particualr question is asked you get swamped with suggestions to just do something else22:10
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
Zewolfeanyone played with mobile broadband? Sierra wireless in particular22:11
brightsparkresus, a lot of questions are asked 'how can I use X to do Y'; experienced users often have a good way to accomplish Y without involving X.22:11
historesus: yes22:11
neersightedfpu: What command reasdthe photos? geequie -s /home/me/mypix/*?22:12
fpuneersighted: something like that22:12
fpubut I don't know what you're trying to accomplish22:12
neersightedspecific please? I want to make thsi actually run22:12
fpuI used also -t and -f options22:12
neersightedcan you give me the complete command22:13
fpugeeqie -s -f -t /home/someone/somewhere/*22:14
fpubut that doesn't matter22:14
histofpu: you could try and grab the status of the window from command line and if the slide show is stopped kill the program22:14
fpugthumb seems to do what I want22:14
DJAnonimohow to save permanently LC_ALL? with export LC_ALL is back to default when rebooted22:14
fpuhisto: I didn't find a way to do it22:14
histofpu: although I would just find another app22:14
fpuMy first idea would be to check how many files are there to display22:15
fpumultiply them by time geeqie shows each of it22:16
resusbrightspark i agree with that but you can't assume that the asker is always an inexperienced user22:16
fpuand after that time just kill it22:16
histoDJAnonimo: .profile22:16
* neersighted grabs some of his code snippits22:16
fpubut it would be dirtiest way I acn imagine...too dirty even for me :-)22:16
neersightedfpu: I'm making a scipt to run it, and then kill it >:)22:16
fpuneersighted: no need22:16
fpuhowever you can show it, I'm curious22:16
neersightedoh really? I was getting the old regex out22:16
neersightedkk, let me get my code22:16
neersightedregex to get the pid from a grep of ps ax22:17
BoreeasIs there a tool/program to dump the memory of a certain process?22:17
DJAnonimohisto: it wont be run just when logging in a terminal like bashrc does?22:17
Exxonneersighted, simply get the script off the table please..you simply don't know what you are giving and what they will do with it.22:18
histoBoreeas: cat /proc/<pid>/smaps22:18
dios_miohow to install pidgin in the new ubuntu?22:18
histoDJAnonimo: what are you trying to do exactly?22:19
DJAnonimopermanently set localization to my language22:19
DJAnonimoon reboot it always get back to en_US22:19
histoDJAnonimo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales22:20
histoDJAnonimo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale22:20
dios_miodo we still install stuff with "sudo apt-get install" in the latest ubuntu?22:20
histodios_mio: sudo apt-get install pidgin22:20
Boreeashisto: Thanks22:20
dios_miohisto, ty22:20
fpugthumb on the other hand doesn't do smooth transitions....oh well, we'll see if my client minds lack of them ;)22:21
brightsparkRunning Maverick Meerkat, the icons for power and network in the notification array do not change to reflect my current theme (though the icon for Power Management in the System menu does).  How do I fix this?22:21
neersightedThis is what i had... Probaly wont work though http://pastie.org/298826622:21
histoDJAnonimo: so basiclaly edit /etc/default/locale or use update-locale LANG=blahblah22:21
Exxondios_mio, install it its the latest and even the old will really don't matter it works fine22:21
neersightedif you get my idea, but dont try it22:21
neersighteditll probally screw something up22:22
neersightedfpu: http://pastie.org/2988266 see if you understand what i mean22:22
Akivasnakes, I was buring an image to my cdrom, and when it was doing its checksum, I cancelled it, and now my cdrom drive will not mount22:22
fpuneersighted that's more or less what I originally wanted to do22:23
neersightedit wont run XD22:23
fpuexcept it gets harder, almost too hard when you add that every image must be shown22:23
AkivaI did a restart, but the cdrom still won't mount22:23
fpubefore quitting22:23
scwizardwhen I try to install dovecot I get:22:23
scwizarddpkg: error processing dovecot-common (--configure):22:23
=== system is now known as Guest75482
scwizardsubprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 122:23
fpuand you don't know how much this "show" will take22:23
Exxonneersighted, ok.. give him22:23
neersightedyeah, you kinda have to guess the tim.22:23
OerHeksAkiva,  the cd is lost, try burn a blanc cd again and never cancel .22:23
histoAkiva: mount a different disc22:24
neersightedfpu: OH WAIT! there was a method to ask a process how far along it is. It was in one of those cp progress bar tutorials. *googles*22:24
Exxonneersighted, have a i5 speed good22:24
neersightedi5 speed good?22:24
oCeanfpu, neersighted, #bash channel would be more appropriate place22:24
histoneersighted: the slide show does not end with geeqie22:24
komatoseI need resolving the power management bug that causes my laptop to suspend/shutdown when the AC power is unplugged. I've had this issue with every laptop I've ever installed ubuntu on (at least a dozen?), it's hard to believe this bug still hasn't been fixed.22:24
AkivaOerHeks: its a rewritable cd, and I want to blank it...22:24
neersightedhisto: what do you mean/22:24
Boreeashisto: Actually, that isn't exactly what I'm looking for. I want the actual data in memory22:25
histokomatose: check the power management settings in gnome for on battery and on ac22:25
henk_hi what was the dutch ubuntu chat?22:25
scwizardI can purge and reinstall and I still get the same error. I get some other warnings, "adduser: Warning: The home directory `/usr/lib/dovecot' does not belong to the user you are currently creating." and "hostname: Name or service not known", but I can't tell if they're blocking or not22:25
oCeanhenk_: #ubuntu-nl22:25
histoBoreeas: I'm pretty sure that's it22:25
fpuocean: I think you're right, luckily topic of the script is over :)22:25
Akivabut it says no disk available when I bring it up in brasero22:25
fpuI must say I'm pleasantly surprised by how active this channel is22:25
komatosehisto, it's a bug. the settings are fine. ubuntu seems to think that my battery power is low with 1 minute left, even when the battery is adequately charged.22:25
* fpu actually on Debian...22:25
fpubut #debian sucks22:26
neersightedOh yeah, is there a paste manager that can upload to a paste site/ send a POST request22:26
neersightedlol fpu UBUNTU FTW!22:26
oCeanneersighted: come on ...22:26
Boreeashisto, it's more looking like that:22:27
BoreeasShared_Clean:          4 kB22:27
BoreeasShared_Dirty:          0 kB22:27
histoBoreeas: try looking at /proc/<pid>maps or /proc/<pid>/mem22:27
oCeanneersighted: what?22:27
neersightedA paste manager with uploads to paste sites/POST requests22:27
histoBoreeas: i'm trying to think of a better way22:27
oCean!pastebinit | neersighted22:27
ubottuneersighted: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com22:27
sskalnikshiny indeed22:29
histoBoreeas: ptrace could read it if you had an address that you got from map or smaps22:29
DJAnonimohisto: Thank You for the link!22:29
fpuI am going, thanks guys22:30
neersightedit works with xClip! thank you oCean22:30
Boreeashisto: Thanks, will try22:30
Exxonlucky guy :) neersighted , oCean22:31
histoBoreeas: or you can load the fmem kernel module and use dd if=/dev/mem of=/some/desitnation/file22:31
histoBoreeas: sorry if=/dev/fmem22:31
histoBoreeas: http://www.forensicswiki.org/wiki/Linux_Memory_Analysis22:31
monsterwizardwhile ubunut boots it shows a horrible ubuntu screen22:33
monsterwizardis there anyway of just seeing the code22:33
auronandace!text | monsterwizard22:34
monsterwizardfor example, when you press esc it shows the code22:34
ubottumonsterwizard: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode22:34
=== progre55_ is now known as progre55
neersighted.msg nickserv ghost derpsighted 4eh@Rt*qes22:35
StepNjumpCould someone please help me to figure out where 53 free GB actually went? http://pastie.org/298832522:35
oCeanneersighted: yeah, might wanna change the pw now22:35
bpietroauronandace: where monsterwizard comes from? it's nice :)22:35
monsterwizardwhat do you mean?22:36
auronandaceneersighted: you really should do that outside a channel in case of mistakes (just like now)22:36
neersightedgood point22:36
monsterwizardhow about22:36
Cheeryif I'd like to write an opengl application for ubuntu, what could I do?22:36
auronandacebpietro: sorry?22:36
monsterwizardbefore loading the GUI22:36
monsterwizardwhen I log in only a xterm loads22:37
bpietronever mind, bad question22:37
monsterwizardthen I type a command then the gnome environment loads22:37
monsterwizardis that possible?22:37
StepNjumpCould someone please help me to figure out where 53 free GB actually went? http://pastie.org/2988325 ... please look... Something is wrong!22:38
guntbertStepNjump: no need to repeat so quickly  - you don't show/say why you think that something is wrong22:42
auronandaceStepNjump: what is the output of df -h?22:42
webnetwhat exactly are you asking?22:42
webnetwell, how big was your hdd to start?22:42
guntbert!who | webnet22:43
ubottuwebnet: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:43
StepNjumpcd /media/528fe2d6-ab83-41e9-9c44-faa2f9dd619322:44
StepNjumpooops sorry22:44
webnet!StepNjump: how bid was your hdd to start with?22:44
ubottuwebnet: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:44
|Long|i bought a pci to esata card and it said support linux, but only show suse driver, can i still use it for ubuntu?22:44
guntbertwebnet: without the "!"  :)22:45
StepNjumpauronandace: http://pastie.org/298837522:45
Cheerymy other information sources stay quiet.. so I guess ubuntu doesn't have any take on development of graphic-heavy applications explicitly to ubuntu..22:45
webnet|Long|: you should be able to... google the model number and ubuntu after it that is sure to give you at least something22:45
StepNjumpwebnet, that partition is 106 GB22:46
webnetStepNjump: that all adds up to 52 g22:47
Cheeryyou think so much of others.. but leave thinking of yourself for others..22:47
StepNjumpOh I'm confused webnet. If you look at my first pastie.org, the home says 82 G I think and then when you look in the two profiles, it adds up to much less22:48
oCeanStepNjump: especially in /home, there might be (large?) files in hidden directories (starting with a dot, like .VirtualBox)22:48
StepNjumpYes I know oCean but those should show up on the totals, no?22:48
oCeanStepNjump: not in  du -sk *   but try   du -sk .*22:49
StepNjumpoh really! Ocean.. didnt know that22:49
|Long|webnet, thanks22:50
guntbertStepNjump: or    cd ..   and then again    du -sk *22:50
conntrackThat's funny. Each time I download a file the size is different22:50
webnet|Long|: did you find what you were looking for?22:50
StepNjumpAh that's where it is... 54 GB in .encryptfs!22:50
oCeanStepNjump: tadaa22:51
StepNjumpAh that's where it is... 54 GB in .encryptfs! oCean22:51
imbezoloCean: du -sk .* includes ..22:51
StepNjumpahah!!! ok!!!22:51
imbezoloCean: what you want is du -sk .22:51
oCeanimbezol: no, that's just a total22:51
webnetWOW cant believe i didnt see that missing .22:52
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest33422
oCeanStepNjump: imbezol I usually use http://paste.ubuntu.com/764341/22:52
imbezoloCean: in what scenario do you care about the size of the parent directory?22:52
oCeanimbezol: never22:52
imbezoloCean: exactly.. so why .*?22:52
StepNjumpok Ocean... I did that because another guy prefered pastie.org earlier on today22:53
conntrackI'm using ubuntu 10.04 but cannot view citibank with firefox22:53
oCeanStepNjump: sorry.. did what?22:53
webnetoCean: Use pastie i think22:53
oCeanimbezol: to find the size of the hidden directories, separately?22:53
=== daz_ is now known as Guest75291
oCeanStepNjump: ah well, many pastebins can be used22:54
StepNjumpoCean another guy who helped earlier asked me to use pastie.org so that's why... Ok I might drop off.. I realized that weechat seems to be mounted on the partition I am trying to salvage. I will umount the partition. If I drop, you will know why! (running on a live USB)22:54
imbezoloCean: guess that works if you want to wait for it to tally ..22:55
webnetimbezol: well he was looking for where the memory was going so tallying hidden folders is kinda necessary22:56
BernSamsonif I changed my dual boot ubuntu to the 64bit version, would I need to uninstall the 32bit version?22:56
imbezoldu -sk .[a-zA-Z0-9]*22:56
=== Guest33422 is now known as LargePrime
StepNjumpOk nevermind, looks like it installed on another partition.. So I just learned that before installing new apps from a live USB or CD, I need to make sure everything is dismounted first!22:56
oCeanimbezol: well, that too - it was a quick paste :)22:56
webnetBernSamson: Nope. Install over it. It has its own partition, just write over it22:56
webnetBernSamson: Unless you are trying to save the 32bit install... that complicates things just a bit...22:57
BernSamsonso just run Wubi again with the 64 bit iso...and nothing will really change ouside having the 64 bit?22:57
guntbertBernSamson: all data in the ubuntu installation will be lost22:58
webnetBernSamson: You may want to boot the install cd/dvd... i fear that wubi would resize the windows partion and create ANOTHER ubuntu install so you would have 2 ubuntu installs...22:58
BernSamsonso I'd have to reinstall kvirc, chromium, flash object handler...and other misc updates22:59
StepNjumpoCean, I guess there is no way to find out what's in this .encryptfs unless I find my passphrase eh?22:59
webnetBernSamson: Yes...22:59
michael_hi, im on 11.10 and I've installed apache2. I don't want apache to send its signautre so i put "ServerSignature Off" in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and restarted apache. but it still sends its signature. I also checked if it gets overwritten in some vhost settings, but it does not. what else could be the problem?22:59
webnetBernSamson: Sadly its not possible (as i know) to change from 32 to 64 without a fresh install...22:59
BernSamsonI could save my /home on ubuntu1, unistall it, and then run wubi with the 64bit iso23:00
imbezolmichael_: did you edit the /etc/apache2/conf.d/security file?23:00
jribmichael_: did you « grep -R Signature /etc/apache2/ »?23:00
imbezolmichael_: or put it in somewhere else?23:00
michael_i did not edit anything beside /etc/apache2/httpd.conf23:01
webnetBernSamson: Possibly... depends on how you do it.... Boot to ubuntu and mount the windows file system and move your home folder over... than uninstall and use wubi23:01
imbezolmichael_: like jrib says.. could be elsewhere.. do a 'grep -r -i serversig /etc/apache2/'23:01
jribmichael_: well you just got two big hints :)23:01
BernSamsonwebnet: would I have to worry about grub issues with that?23:01
michael_yeah indeed, I think I got it, thank you both very much!23:01
osmosisif I wanted to start making music, are there any good apps for ubuntu?23:02
webnetBernSamson: Maybe?...not entirely sure... let me find out really quick23:02
Cheeryosmosis: what kind of music do you want to do?23:02
webnetosmosis: ardour is ok...23:02
jmcantrellnetwork manager shows "device not ready" under wireless, but my wireless seems to be working. anyone know what my problem might be?23:03
simonjokosher is good for simple tracks23:03
webnetosmosis: BUT, others you can use are lmms, jokosher, audacity (More of a tweaker)... and a few others)23:03
webnetjmcantrell: is this a fresh install? or WAS it running fine and then stopped?23:04
jmcantrellwebnet: fresh install23:04
jmcantrellwebnet: my wireless worked fine in earlier versions of ubuntu23:05
webnetjmcantrell: what version are you?23:05
jmcantrellwebnet: oneiric23:05
webnetjmcantrell: ok... by chance do you have an acer?23:05
StepNjumpwith an encryptfs, is there a way to get to the data with just the user password from the terminal or I really need the passphrase?23:06
jmcantrellwebnet: it's an asus eee pc 1000he23:06
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...23:06
jrib!encrypt | StepNjump23:06
ubottuStepNjump: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory23:06
jribStepNjump: I believe that should walk you through the process23:06
webnetjmcantrell: ok. lol. i have an acer and i had the same problem... mine was an issue with the new kernel 2.6.38, but that was the least of my problems... i had no display on my built in monitor with linux kernel after 2.6.35. lol23:07
jmcantrellwebnet: yikes!23:08
StepNjumptnx jrib23:08
jmcantrelli'm surprised. i always thought of this little guy as a solid linux machine until now23:08
webnetjmcantrell: try googling your model number followed by wilreless driver ubuntu... its possible its some driver that used to be stock that wen proprietary :(23:08
totesmuhgoatshey guys, i am reading through man adduser and I am wondering. if i create a user with --ingroup someGroupHere will it still create a group for that user of the same name as the user?23:09
jmcantrellwebnet: trust me, i've been googling for hours23:09
webnetjmcantrell: i was afraid of that... :(23:09
webnettotesmuhgoats: if you use: adduser [insertusernamehere]23:10
webnettotesmuhgoats: it SHOULD do what you want by default23:10
osmosiswebnet, interesting. thanks. ill google some of those and take a look.23:11
newstarhi guys23:11
osmosiswebnet, i want to mix ontop of someone elses tracks..so ill probably use audacity to import their track. Then maybe use one of the other apps to make my own sounds on top of it.23:11
totesmuhgoatswebnet: well i need to create a user just for the purpose of connecting on samba and limiting what that user can access. I want that user to share a group with my normal user and in smb.conf i have placed some restrictions. So I don't need or want the user to have its own group or home directory23:11
rich3is it normal for right click to open a menu, then a click outside the menu to be ignored?23:12
totesmuhgoatsor should i use the --system option23:12
webnetosmosis: yeah. thats the way to go if that is wht you are trying to do. Jokosher is good same. its sorta audacity but more of a daw with sound plugins... personally tho, i could never get the jokosher sources to build!23:13
webnettotesmuhgoats: wait are you trying to make it NOT be in a group of the same name, like add it to an existing group?23:14
totesmuhgoatswebnet: yes23:14
HNMPJoin #rus23:15
webnettotesmuhgoats: OHHHHHHH! sorry misunderstood you the first time. I do believe  --ingroup should work... let me try it real quick and see cause now im curious.23:15
HNMPJoin #Russia23:16
totesmuhgoatswebnet: no worries, I have a suspicion it will work, but since I don't fully understand users and groups yet I don't want to go around experimenting willy nilly23:16
OerHeks!ru | HNMP23:16
ubottuHNMP: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.23:16
webnetBernSamson: you shouldnt have a problem with grub. A new grub file is established after the install by the installer based on the currently installed OSes. if you write over the 32 bit it should make a new bootloader file that has correct info.23:17
neersightedWhat was the command to choose your dm?23:18
neersightedsudo dpkg-reconfigure ???23:18
dios_miomy apt-get doesnt work.. it says "dpkg is corrupt" and i just installed ubuntu few hours ago.. all i did was probably cancel an installation in the middle.. what do i do?23:18
webnetBernSamson: In short answer, No you wont(Shouldnt) have problems with grub23:18
neersightedsudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm?23:18
neersightedBernSamson: Grub has a feature called OS-Prober, it should pick-up all your old os's23:19
totesmuhgoatswebnet: i tested it, it was exactly what i was looking for23:19
kimpLaptop hangs on boot up.  Last message is "starting save kernel messages".  Any ideas?23:19
dios_miowill "sudo apt-get clean" solve my problem? (dpkg corrupt)23:20
webnettotesmuhgoats: Yep mee to :D i was just about to send you the same :P glad it worked for you23:20
webnetkimp: how long does it hang?23:21
Rushinghow do i page options with --help?23:21
webnetkimp: does it hang and then finish booting or does it hang and never boot?23:21
kimpwebnet, a couple of minutes, then I turn it off.  Should I wait longer?23:21
webnetRushing: Space Bar i think :)23:21
Rushingno, it just scrolls through them all23:22
Jordan_URushing: command 2>&1 | less23:22
Rushingso i only see the bottom options...23:22
Rushingplease explain what those params do23:22
Jordan_URushing: Or, often better, man command.23:23
webnetkimp: idk. i  have had similar errors on several occasions, but i tweak the hell out of my systems to make them awesome and when i screw up, i scrap it and start over :D thank god for ubuntu 1 and all my docs safe :P23:23
kimpwebnet, I can boot in recovery mode to the prompt.  What diagnostics should I be looking for?23:24
webnetkimp: did you recently install something new? or update?23:24
sfopilothow do I get the following to sort by the number in the filename,  I have tried to use sort -n with no success http://pastebin.com/DrFCDiHi23:24
=== Rushing is now known as Rushing[away]
kimpwebnet, only just installed Ubuntu today.  Ran OK to start with, then failed driver install for graphics card.  Now problems.23:24
webnetkimp: OHHHHHH. what version 11.10 oneric?23:25
kimpwebnet, yep, 11.10, 6423:25
webnetI had a VM image do that, xlet me look to see how i fixed that really quick brb23:26
webnetkimp: ^^ see my last msg23:26
kimpthanks webnet23:27
w30Can someone help me go backwards? I have a exec file called startfuse and I want the deb package for it. How?23:28
webnetw30: google startfuse .deb23:29
webnetkimp: ok you said you can get to a recovery council right?23:30
kimpwebnet, thats right23:30
webnetwow that was a dumb typo. :P23:30
kimpwebnet, that was an hiliarous typo23:30
=== BaNz is now known as Alex`aw
webnetkimp: :P Its been a long day lmao23:31
kimpwebnet, I've logged in at the recovery consulate23:32
webnetkimp: :P LMAO!!! ok try startx and see if gnome runs or if you get the same error23:33
w30webnet, haha! google says Did you mean to search for: what .dip gives start fuse23:35
webnetkimp: do you see a login screen gui befor recovery console or do you log into a cli?23:35
webnetw30: haha WOW23:35
w30webnet, worse than ubottu23:36
webnetw30: im telling you go to google and type why do and let it load the suggestions and then delete it and type how to and do the same, people google some crazy stuff :P23:37
kimpwebnet, tried startx.  got a heap of errors, then back to a prompt...  I'll pick through some errors...23:37
w30webnet, there should be a way for apt-get to find the deb23:37
kimpwebnet, I log in to cli, by the way23:38
webnetkimp: perhaps there is a problem with X? it seems it isnt starting...23:38
neersightedWhy must there be so many fonts to install with every new desktop? Is there anyway to skip those?23:38
webnetneersighted: sadly no...23:39
kimpwebnet, could the problem with X be related to the video driver that stuffed up?23:39
webnetw30: it may be in the repositories? have you tried apt-get install?23:39
neersightedjust like how empathy and gwibber uninstall gnome/lightdm if you remove theme23:39
webnet^^ ya! right?!23:39
webnetkimp. Oh yeah i forgot you said about the bad driver...23:40
webnetkimp: hmmmm. do you remember wht driver went bad?23:40
Loshkiw30: from the looks of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb, it's in fusesmb (or used to be)...23:40
kimpwebnet, just reading some log files...  It was an ATI driver, I think23:40
neersightedwebnet: I *did* remove theme thought by deleting their indicator/desktop files23:40
osmosiswebnet, whats a good synth or beat program to start with to make my own track?23:41
dellwhat ?23:41
webnetosmosis. haha... fl studio which sadly doesnt work on linux :( forces me to have a dual boot :'(((23:41
webnetummmmmmm. ive been lookiing for some as well23:41
webnetlet me send you a link really quick osmosis23:42
osmosiswebnet, fruitty loops. i see.  I suppose I could do VirtualBox. Would be nice to say i did it all in ubuntu though...using ubutu apps23:42
neersightedDoesn't work in WINE?23:43
webnetneersighted: sadly no... :(23:43
webnetthe registry entrys break and you are presented with error after error23:43
neersightedawww. i always loved how you could intrigrate windoze apps into ubuntu23:43
webnetosmosis: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/PackageList23:43
webnetcheck there for native tools. that is ubuntu studio a multimedia studio ubuntu distro, and thats the tool list scroll past all the dependances23:44
webnetosmosis: ^^23:44
w30Loshki, ahhh.. thats why I couldn't find it. It's a script. OK, I know what to do now. Thanks for the tip23:44
=== rymate1234 is now known as rymate1234|away
osmosiswebnet, ok23:44
webnetneersighted: yeah, i dont have a problem except with IE and fruity loops. i wish i didnt need ie but i do freelance web design and i HAVE to check in ie sins=ce its got such a "Special" rendering enginr :P23:45
neersighted"Special Needs"23:46
webnetHell yes. that goes for most MS products23:46
neersighted#ie should be forwarded to #specialized23:46
webnet:D hell yeah123:46
webnetok kimp, sorry to leave you waiting. i have ADD if you didnt notice :P23:47
neersightedDoes Geany haw LaTeX support?23:47
webnetkimp: SHIT! ati is a pain, they are all about proprietary BS and red tape...23:47
Resistance!language | webnet23:47
ubottuwebnet: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:47
neersighted!language | webnet23:47
kimpwebnet, no problems.  Looking at the log files, I have a hunch it is the ATI driver.  what to do?23:47
Resistanceneersighted:  you been ninja'd :P'23:47
neersightedyes i have23:48
BernSamsonwebnet: Thanks! I'm not 100% on how to install over 32bit, but I'm sure I'll figure it out23:48
webnetsorry sorry. :P i typed it without realizing :P23:48
neersighted!derp | netmind23:48
neersighted!derp | neersighted23:48
neersightedaww its gone...23:48
webnetBernsamson: ok. like i said, use the disc and boot from it instead of wubi23:48
neersightedGuys, does Geany have LaTeX support?23:49
webnetneersighted: im not toally sure.. :/  lemme check23:49
neersightedthx, i need it for school.23:49
MonkeyDustBernSamson  wubi is not a real installation23:50
enavhello i need some help... i just tried to change the default msql datadir and the whole thing got screwed, i restored everithing to default but mysql still not working.... some help will be appreciated23:50
datakidhi, am looking for a pkg of mono 2.x for ubuntu 8.04.4 (Hardy) All my searches point to badgerports, but that doesn't seem to be working for hardy...any tips?23:50
webnetneersighted: here you go: download.geany.org/contrib/latex_snippets.conf23:50
webnetthat makes it have latex support.23:50
neersightedoh thanks!23:50
MonkeyDustdatakid  server?23:51
webnetput that in /home/[YourUser]/.geany23:51
webnetneersighted: ^^23:51
datakidMonkeyDust: yes23:51
LostyJaii have an iscsi question23:52
LostyJaiso i run `iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx` to discover the devices on the server23:52
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.23:52
LostyJaido i need to run `iscsiadm -m node` first?23:52
webnetyou will have to restart geany if its already running neersighted23:53
neersightedi already did23:53
=== guilez_ is now known as guilez
datakidMonkeyDust: so you have confirmed that support continues on the version of Hardy I have installed. Any tips on where to find updated mono packages?23:53
MonkeyDustdatakid  http://badgerports.org/hardy.html23:54
kimpwebnet, I'm going to reinstall ubuntu one last time.  I'll be more careful about installing the graphics driver this time23:54
OerHeksdatakid, maybe this is any help > http://mono-project.com/OldReleases23:54
datakidMonkeyDust: yes, i've been there already - it doesn't seem to have updated the Mono in my system though...23:54
tractor_Hi all!23:55
datakidOerHeks: thanks23:55
BernSamsonI think I'm gettin it23:56
MonkeyDustdatakid  is this useful https://launchpad.net/~mono-ubuntu/+archive/ppa23:56
BernSamsonmeans I gotta find another blank disc to write the 64 bit install on23:57
datakidactually, how can I find out which packages on my system are pinned23:59

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