
ScottLochosi, knome:  just want to say, i think greybird is one hell of a theme02:33
ScottLi've been playing with the others that ship with xubuntu and i find most are not esthetically attractive at all, but greybird certainly is02:34
ochosithanks ScottL 02:44
ScottLis there a default tool installed to adjust the monitor03:27
ScottLperhaps for adjusting multi-monitor settings and such03:34
Unit193ScottL: Check out Blackbird, it's a good start even though it's not done ;)03:54
ochosiScottL: settings-manager > display?10:07
astraljavaAnyone here using unetbootin for USB sticks when creating a start-up disk?17:33
astraljavaWhat can I do when it gives me the wrong /dev/sdX and doesn't let me change it?17:33
knomeinstall windows17:35
astraljava*rolls eyes*17:36
astraljavaWhat start-up disk did you think I was attempting to create?!17:37
astraljavaTTL ry. is a funny organisation. In their newsletter, which is HTML of course, it says "if the newsletter is broken, please click on link to read it online".17:38
astraljavaReading that email on mutt under xterm, is a loooooot of fun,17:39
astraljavaknome: How nice our government really is: http://tinyurl.com/7dk5o9217:43
GridCubemeeting time?17:57
astraljavaNo. Hammer time!17:58
* GridCube dances17:58
knomewhat hammer? :P18:00
knomelet's wait for a while for people to pop up18:00
* madnick pops u18:01
knomewe don't have much on the agenda, so it should be quick18:01
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu Community Meeting18:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Dec  8 18:01:47 2011 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:01
knome#topic Ongoing Business18:02
knome#subtopic Ubuntu moving to 5-year release schedule for LTS18:02
GridCubei think its pretty obvious by now that we can not do that18:03
knome#info micahg created a proposal/draft for Xubuntu LTS's, can be read at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-December/008082.html18:03
knomeany comments about that?18:04
* micahg was hoping mr_pouit could comment18:04
knomei'm planning to carrying this to our next meeting, where we could have a simple yay/nay vote for this18:05
* GridCube seconds18:05
knomemeanwhile let's read any discussion/comments18:06
knomebut i think this is a good proposal, and it's looks viable too18:06
GridCubeas i just said, and not being a developer or nothing, i don't think we should commit to that18:06
knomecommit to *what* ?18:06
GridCube5 years lts18:06
knomeyeah, that's not what micah is proposing. did you read the mail/link?18:07
GridCubeyes, 3 years18:07
knomeexactly. if you have any comments about the current proposed LTS plan, feel free to send them to the mailing list so others can chime in18:07
GridCubesorry for the missunderstandment18:08
knome#info Wait one more week for comments/discussion on the mailing list18:08
GridCube:) ok18:08
knome#info Voting on the draft by micahg in the next community meeting18:08
knome#info Following micahg's plan would also maintain our recognized derivative status18:09
knome#subtopic Meeting times18:09
knome#action knome to set up a new schedule for meetings, where meetings would ideally happen in the middle of the week to make it easier for the release meeting updates18:10
meetingologyACTION: knome to set up a new schedule for meetings, where meetings would ideally happen in the middle of the week to make it easier for the release meeting updates18:10
knome#topic Team updates18:10
knome#subtopic Packaging, Development18:11
knomemicahg, ?18:11
micahgnot too much going on, just some package name changes and armhf coming online18:11
knomecan you post that again with #info in the beginning of the line? thanks :)18:11
micahg#info not too much going on, just some font package name changes and armhf coming online18:12
knome#subtopic Bug Triage, Testing18:12
knomeGridCube, any updates?18:12
knomeapparently not18:13
GridCubenot really18:13
knome#subtopic Website, Documentation18:13
pleia2we had website sprint on Saturday, results here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-December/008071.html18:13
knomepleia2, with #info, pleeeease :)18:14
pleia2#info we had website sprint on Saturday, results here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2011-December/008071.html18:14
pleia2I do want to repeat that we need feedback on useful stuff for http://wp.xubuntu.org/developertools/18:14
knome#info we need feedback on useful stuff for http://wp.xubuntu.org/developertools/18:15
pleia2sorry, do I need to info every line?18:15
knomeanything you want in the team updates18:15
GridCubethat should have been an action instead18:15
knomeGridCube, not really, with no assignee nick18:15
pleia2that's about it :)18:15
knome#indo we probably need a third (and hopefully final) website sprint, more information will be on the mailing lists later18:16
knome#info we probably need a third (and hopefully final) website sprint, more information will be on the mailing lists later18:16
knome#subtopic Marketing, Artwork18:16
knomeochosi, you here?18:16
knomepleia2, what about twitter? :)18:17
pleia2#info We now have a twitter account at @XubuntuLinux18:17
pleia2#info and stickers! I've detailed how others can make them too here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing#Current_projects18:17
GridCubethe people from studio wanted to merge stuff with us, wasnt that something to do with wallpapers and stuff?18:18
knomeGridCube, yes, but that's something they need to go through18:18
GridCube:) ok18:18
knomepleia2, what's the minimum amount of stickers, any prices?18:18
pleia2knome: depends on where you are, moo.com is in the UK and US, for me stickers start at $13 for 52 (the minimum) plus shipping18:19
knomeso that's about $.25 for a sticker :)18:20
knomenot too bad18:20
knome#subtopic General updates18:20
knomesomething else that we might want to add to the team reports, or note at the release meeting?18:20
GridCubenot from me18:21
madnickknome: could you email the report?18:21
knomemadnick, i can18:21
madnickto release meeting18:22
knomebeen a quiet week, but that's just calm before the storm18:22
knomemadnick, btw, can you attend the meeting? i can't, i probably won't be online much whole day tomorrow18:22
madnickI likely can18:22
knomeif you can't... it's just canonical bureaucracy18:23
knome#topic Announcements18:23
knome#info No announcements.18:23
knome#topic Other Business18:23
knomeany other business?18:23
micahgknome: that's not fair18:23
knomemicahg, what is? :)18:23
micahgcanonical bureaucracy?18:23
knomei was just kidding. but really, if it seems we can't attend even if trying moderately, it's not the end of the world.18:24
madnickI've been attending and answering questions so far18:24
knomeyeah. the idea is to be able to attend every week18:25
knomei hope to not bump into *any* surprises this cycle18:25
knome#info No other business.18:26
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Dec  8 18:26:59 2011 UTC.  18:26
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2011/xubuntu-devel.2011-12-08-18.01.moin.txt18:26
astraljavaThat's gotta be the world record.18:27
knomeand i was focusing on typing slowly18:27
knomeso i don't do any typos18:27
astraljavaI hope you don't feel bad about that one #indo.18:27
ochosisorry, seems i just missed the meeting18:38
knomeyeah. by 12 minutes :)18:39
ochosithat's not _very_ much :)18:39
knomealmost half of the meeting ;)18:39
pleia2knome: are we publishing the meeting notes somewhere? (I need to grab them for UWN)18:39
knomepleia2, sure.18:40
pleia2oh good18:40
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings/Archive/Minutes/2011-12-08 :)18:40
knomei just fixed some formatting there18:40
knomemight want to refresh18:40
knomeskaet, we're voting about the xubuntu lts plans in our next meeting in about a week :)18:47

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