
totesmuhgoatsI originally had an ubuntu 11.10 install, I removed some packaged and installed xubuntu-desktop. I am wondering, on a normal xubuntu install, does thunar support mounting network shares?01:00
totesmuhgoatsout of the box i mean01:00
holsteintotesmuhgoats: i like gigolo01:02
totesmuhgoatsholstein: i am gonna assume that's a package, but taken out of context that would look very different01:05
holsteintotesmuhgoats: you can assume its relevant to your query :)01:06
totesmuhgoatsholstein: well I was asking the question just so i would know whether it is supposed to work and i broke something with my fidgetting or whether it doesn't support it out of the box01:06
holsteintotesmuhgoats: im not sure... i dont see the connect to server im used to from nautilus01:07
holsteini found gigolo, and i stopped looking01:08
holsteini see 'open location' in there01:08
Crash_O-Dhow do I disable everything being stuck to the top bar. say I open the properties for mouse I can't move the window or anything. I cannot maximize minimize thoughs icons are gone01:08
totesmuhgoatsyea i have open location, it just brings up a text box01:08
totesmuhgoatsi ask because when i hadn't yet uninstalled the unity stuff there actually a network location thing listed in the left hand column01:09
Crash_O-Dbefore this issue happened I did a git command 4 gpointing device settings rebooted and then have this issue01:09
holsteintotesmuhgoats: maybe in nautilus01:10
totesmuhgoatsholstein: in nautilus and in thunar01:10
holsteinmabye a plugin?01:10
holsteintotesmuhgoats: i dont have that01:10
totesmuhgoatswell the gvfs stuff was probably installed and i think nautilus and thunar share their "places" list01:10
totesmuhgoatsbut thanks for the info01:10
totesmuhgoatsI have to get going for the moment, talk to you guys later01:11
Crash_O-Dany help would be greatly appreciate it01:12
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Crash_O-Dwhy would my apps be stuck in 1 position not able to freely move?02:24
Crash_O-DI tried google ing it but no luck02:31
Crash_O-DHow do i get xfwm4 to start always. I run it manuel and fixes issue03:00
holsteinCrash_O-D: you can add that in the settings...03:23
holsteinmenu - settings -settings manger- session and starup03:24
stray_Anyone help me with Ubuntu One?03:25
holsteinstray_: feel free to ask... if anyone can answer, they will :)03:26
stray_Well, I try to log in, and I get an error message saying "Method "CreateItem" with signature "a{sv}(oayay)b" on interface "org.freedesktop.Secret.Collection" doesn't exist"03:28
Crash_O-Dwhat is the easiest way to have it on time o03:36
Crash_O-Dwhat is the easiest way to have it auto mount a drive that is not the drive loading the xubuntu03:36
holsteinCrash_O-D: i add them to /etc/fstab ...you can check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive03:39
Crash_O-DThanks. My storage drive is my windows hdd03:39
holsteini say, as long as you know how to go in from a live CD and edit the /etc/fstab then you cant do too much damage :)03:39
Crash_O-DThanks i found ntfs thing auto mounts thanks though04:07
holsteinyup... its all there :)04:08
ecotrumpI've lost the transparency options for my xubuntu panels and screenlets. Does anyone have any ideas for what might have happened? It happened just after I logged into a xfce session and then tried to get a xubuntu session running again.04:51
ecotrumpI've lost the transparency options for my xubuntu panels and screenlets. Does anyone have any ideas for what might have happened? It happened just after I logged into a xfce session and then tried to get a xubuntu session running again.04:56
ecotrumpDoes anyone know why I would have lost transparency support and gained two more workspaces in Xununtu? Does anyone know what program would be controlling these features in Xubuntu?06:09
well_laid_lawnecotrump: the transparency is from xfwm and the number of desktops from xfdesktop afaik - been through the settings manager?06:13
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incorrectwhat service is started by 'gnome services' that handles monitors?09:18
well_laid_lawnincorrect: xfconf stores display settings in .config - I don't know what from gnome could be handling monitors09:20
incorrectit is nice just plugging a screen in and having it set up for you09:24
well_laid_lawnohh - xfce needs a little more preperation then gnome09:27
incorrecti wonder, is there a way to configure which gnome services get started09:27
well_laid_lawnpart of the reason it's lighter andd some ppl prefer that09:27
incorrecti don't mind09:27
incorrecti was just trying to start the services i wanted09:27
incorrecti like xfce the ui suits me better09:27
incorrecti just like the functionality of gnome in some areas09:28
well_laid_lawnI know nothing about gnome sorry - there's a display config in system sttings09:28
well_laid_lawnin xfce09:28
incorrectthe gnome services is a tick box in the xfce session options09:28
incorrectjust i have no idea which services it thinks it is starting09:29
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FusrodahHi how do I install the shockwave flash download from Adobe?12:05
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:06
FusrodahI've got a flash tar.gz file in my download folder but I dont know what to do with it12:06
well_laid_lawnunpack it and look for a readme file12:07
well_laid_lawnclicking on it in thunar should get it unpacked12:08
Fusrodahthere's a usr folder filled with tone of subfolders and a libflashplayer.so file12:08
Fusrodahdont know what thunar is,  it opened with archive manager12:09
well_laid_lawnI'd try the official method first then12:09
ubottuthunar is a file manager for !Xfce. It is a lightweight alternative to !Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease12:09
Fusrodahthanks for the advice but jeez what a hassle, cant it just be double clicked12:10
FusrodahI will check the links12:10
well_laid_lawnwho knows what's in the tar.gz?12:10
Fusrodahit was the shockwave flash download for linux from Adobe12:11
well_laid_lawnbut how does adobe expect it to be installed? - that's why there's the supported method12:11
well_laid_lawnignore that last message..12:12
Fusrodahadobe gives no instructions. I just tried the instructions you inked and got a 'failed to fetch' error message12:14
Fusrodahsorry I just got Xubuntu yesterday and it's been a nightmare getting things to work properly12:14
well_laid_lawnI can appreciate that - it takes a little more work then ubunut for some things12:15
Fusrodahwhere in the file system would I find ~/.mozilla/plugins12:16
well_laid_lawnthe ~ means your home folder12:19
well_laid_lawnand the dot in front of mozilla means it's a hidden dir12:19
well_laid_lawnctrl+h shows the hidden files/dirs12:20
well_laid_lawnin the file managers' view menu there is an option to show the hidden files too12:26
well_laid_lawnit shows the keyboard shortcut beside it12:27
sebsterhow do I make my changes permanent after I edit my monitor setup with xrandr? I can't figure it out at all. Tried several things to no avail.12:33
ablomensebster, you can try putting it in the ~/.xinitrc file (you can create it if it does not exist)12:35
well_laid_lawnor you make a file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d for it12:35
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1212:35
sebsterI've looked at that document before I got here and still don't understand squat. It looks pretty chaotic to me... I'll try again!12:37
well_laid_lawnmaybe putting the xrandr commands in .xinitrc or autostarted apps would be easier12:38
sebsterwhere should .xinitrc be?12:39
well_laid_lawnit's a hidden file in your home dir - it might not exist yet12:41
sebsterI can't create it either, it says read only file system... why is the world against me?12:41
well_laid_lawnwhy would it be read only?12:43
sebsteryour guess is as good as mine12:43
sebsterI'll try to reboot since I've probably killed the whole OS. I'm sure I'll be back soon...12:43
jmcantrell_network manager shows "device not ready" under wireless, but my wireless seems to be working. anyone know what my problem might be?13:04
sebxI'm trying to get my dual monitor setup changes to be persistent. I've got the xrandr script that executes the changes but I can't get it to run automatically. I tried putting .xinitrc into the home directory, and the /etc/skel directory, which is what it said in the ArchLinux documentation. How is it supposed to work?13:35
baizonsebx: try arandr :)13:35
sebxthat still doesn't make the changes persistent13:37
sebxafaik arandr is a gui for xrandr but it's the same in the end = not persistent13:37
sebxam I the only person in the world using more than one monitor? I'm shocked at how badly this is supported.13:38
Sysisebx: settings -> sessions and startup -> autostart13:40
sebxI don't seem to have a sessions and startup option...13:41
DemonWitchhey i installed ubuntu on a 8gb stick and i have hardly any space left. Can i erase those? /usr/share/doc and/or  /usr/src13:42
baizonDemonWitch: sudo (apt-get autoremove, apt-get autoclean, localepurge)13:43
DemonWitchbaizon: what about /usr/src?13:47
baizonDemonWitch: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80912113:48
baizonDemonWitch: and http://serverfault.com/questions/87341/ubuntu-usr-is-full-up-recommend-anything-in-there-i-can-delete13:48
DemonWitchbaizon: /usr/share/doc13:50
DemonWitchis this where manual pages are?13:50
baizonbut i think its better to remove the packages, like <packagename>-doc13:51
DemonWitchbaizon: whats the difference?13:53
baizonif you delete it manually, maybe you delete "to much"13:54
DemonWitchbaizon: is there a way to disable getting doc packages for new things i download?13:59
baizonhmm ok got dual-view but the second desktop is the default desktop, not xubuntu. Any ideas how to fix that?14:07
DemonWitchhow can i change grub2 boot options?14:14
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:15
DemonWitchknome: i need to remove windows from boot options14:15
knomesee the latter link in the message14:16
GridCubemy media keys on the keyboard have lost their superpowers14:49
baizonmy keyboard never had that power :(14:50
baizonmy laptop is "to new" :P14:50
ablomenGridCube, did you try checking "Run gnome services on startup" in the sessions config menu?14:51
GridCubenope i just figure it, i tried to up the volumen14:52
GridCubeit worked14:52
GridCubei mean before14:52
ablomenwell see if it is checked, for me certain keys work without, but others dont, while with it on all work14:53
GridCubei have a lot of password gnome stuff but no services14:54
ablomenGridCube, its in the advanced tab14:54
GridCubei found it14:55
GridCubebut it used to work14:55
ablomenwell try logging out and in again and see if it works now14:55
GridCubenot cool15:04
GridCubekeys still do not work15:04
GridCubeand now my desktop is blue15:04
baizonGridCube: xD15:06
Disqualifiedhow do i edit the tty terminal messages that appear when i console login ?15:08
jmcantrellnetwork manager shows "device not ready" under wireless, but my wireless seems to be working. anyone know what my problem might be?15:15
Disqualifiedhow  can i check the remaining free space of my root partition? (its also encrypted, but now its open that i use it)15:25
baizondf -h15:27
baizonor du -h15:30
baizoni always forget15:30
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GridCubebaizon, i disable that gnome thingy15:47
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DaBaushow can i run a bash command at boot always?16:33
SysiDaBaus: as your user?16:36
sebxis it possible to change the master volume via keyboard shortcuts? I can't find anything that works for me18:31
Myrttisebx: I don't see why not, I think I personally used aumix for the job some time ago18:42
Myrttieasier methods probably exist18:42
sebxI'm trying to figure out who is in charge of volume. It seems that alsa isn't doing the master volume. This is such a ballache. At first glance I loved XFCE but I've spent all day trying to get the most basic things to work and I'm still not getting there.18:43
sebxgot aumixer installed and get this error trying to "aumixer -v +" : "error opening mixer: No such file or directory"18:45
TheSheepsebx: pulseaudio is in charge18:52
sebxcan that do anything with the sound? I've bumped into pulseaudio but didn't go anywhere with hit. Is there a volumeup/down?18:53
TheSheepsebx: also, volume keys work out of the box18:53
sebxdon't have any on my keyboard18:53
Sysidoes settings shortcut for "amixer 5%+ Master" work?18:55
TheSheepsome time ago, when it didn't work in beta I used amixer18:55
Sysisettings gnome services to launh on startup and using gnome settings is also possible18:55
TheSheepamixe set 'Master' '1+'18:55
sebx Unable to find simple control 'Master',018:56
sebxgnome services? I don't understand how that will get me there18:57
Sysisettings -> sessions and startup, set them to launch, then open gnome-system-settings or something and set keys the way you like, if it's possible on gnome18:58
sebxI'll try that brb18:59
sebxI went to Session and Startup, Advanced, Launch GNOME services at startup. That just gave me an onscreen keyboard. What would this do to volume? Where should I be able to set keyboard shortcuts?19:02
sebxdoes nobody else adjust their volume? I really don't get it19:03
Sysiamixer command is working for me19:05
Sysignome services by itself won't do much, install and open that systemsettings-thingy of gnome19:06
sebxwhat command does work for you and amixer?19:07
Sysithe one you reported to not work19:07
sebxI'm cursed. Absolutely nothing is working for me.19:07
sebxcan't even remove amixer to try and install it again. waaaaaaaah19:08
Sysihave you tried gnome3 fallback/classic if you don't like unity?19:09
Sysiit wasn't very bad on 3.2 I think 11.10 has19:10
sebxI've used Kubuntu, Ubuntu 10&11 and I find that they are either full of crap or ugly. I loved Xubuntu initially but can't get dual monitor or even volume controls to work. It's ridiculous19:10
sebxI'm trying to find a version that does it for me and love the speed of xubuntu but yeah, it's doing very little very fast for me19:11
sebxthanks for your help, I'm off to go sobb19:16
ola_can anyone can help me install camera drivers for acer travelmate 2490?19:56
ola_i'm new to xubuntu19:57
micahcowansearched everywhere, not finding an answer. I have a working compose key (using "menu" key, via ~/.Xcompose; xev verifies that it reports as Multi_key). However, it doesn't _do_ anything (<Multi_key> <'> <'e> produces 'e). Any help?19:57
holsteinola_: its probably already working... try installing something like cheese to confirm19:59
holsteinmicahcowan: mabye the keyboard layout?19:59
micahcowanholstein, well, I went under "Settings Manager" -> "Keyboard", and tried a few different US variations, but not much luck there20:01
ola_I've some problem with skype20:01
ola_in cheese i have picture but it's not right20:01
holsteinola_: i would test with something like cheese... skype is not open20:01
micahcowan(FWIW, my locale is set to ja_JP.utf8 - gives me more opportunity for Japanese practice)20:01
ola_in cheese my camera works but I have no picture in skype:(20:11
ola_and I need skype with picture20:11
ola_how can I check which drivers for camera I need to skype?20:12
Crash_O-D_AFPAnyone know the install instructions for utorrent?20:28
=== Crash_O-D_AFP is now known as Crash_O-D
well_laid_lawn!info utorrent20:36
ubottuPackage utorrent does not exist in oneiric20:36
holsteinCrash_O-D: for a torrent? or utorrent?.. you can search in the repositories?20:36
Crash_O-DI know but utorrent not in there. I downloaded from there site due to that. But can not find install instructions20:38
holsteinCrash_O-D: you dont download from there site20:38
holsteinyou just download a torrent manager fromt he repos20:38
Crash_O-DUtorrent was very nice to me in windows why i like it small, light20:38
holsteinCrash_O-D: you can use WINE to run windows applications in ubuntu/linux20:39
holsteinCrash_O-D: i suggest when first migrating, to try the native applications20:40
holsteinthere are lots of torrent clients20:40
holsteintransmission is the normal one20:40
Crash_O-DDo they have wine working better when i tryed wine years ago when i first tryed linux it did not like me lol. One reason i stoped trying linux not much help years ago i could find20:40
Crash_O-DTransmission is small also cool. Thanks20:42
holsteinCrash_O-D: WINE works perfectly, just like it always did20:42
holsteinthe support for certain windows apps is arguably better all the time20:42
Crash_O-DBack then it had trobble running some apps right. i dont remember what apps or what os at time but looks like it got better. Thanks. I will try transmission though. Since small so should be light thanks so much20:46
Crash_O-Dsorry my droid x2 reboot kicking me from chat21:06
TheSheepCrash_O-D: don't worry, nobody cares ;)21:21
Crash_O-DTheSheep: I dislike it restarting on its own. since i like irc on there :)21:22
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ChristopherNGhello i need urgent help22:39
vincent_ardernwhat do you need help with?22:39
ChristopherNGMy problem is that my drive is not longer being recognized by Ubuntu, xubuntu or even windows..22:41
ChristopherNGI have tried mounting it every way, cli and using the gui22:42
ChristopherNGbut I cant access it via my laptop22:42
vincent_ardernsounds like the drive might be physically broken. could you try another enclosure?22:42
ChristopherNGI was booting arch from that external drive22:42
vincent_arderndoes the bios recognise it?22:42
ChristopherNGYes it appears there but it does not boot it22:43
ChristopherNGive tried22:43
vincent_ardernthat's beyond my capabilities then i'm afraid. sorry22:43
ChristopherNGDo you think flashing the bios would help?22:44
vincent_ardernthe general ubuntu channel is probably more useful for this question22:44
vincent_arderni doubt flashing the bios would change anything22:44
ChristopherNGok well i think alot of this problem is because ive got about 4 or 5 different operating systems on about 3 machines and things get messed up.22:45
ChristopherNGi need to really just stick to one thing to make all this easier, but they all have different good and bad.22:45
ChristopherNGubuntu, xubuntu, windows, arch and gentoo22:46
ChristopherNGthanks anyway22:46
jmcantrellnetwork manager shows "device not ready" under wireless, but my wireless seems to be working. anyone know what my problem might be?23:02
andres-kainsorry, jmcantrell i do not know much but does login out fix it? do you have a wireless hardware switch?23:05
shepersonHow can I remove gmusicbrowser from the volume applet?23:05
jmcantrellno and yes23:05
jmcantrellandres-kain: ^23:06
andres-kaindoes flicking the hardware switch turn it on and off?23:07

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