
Noldorinjelmer, just saw your fix committed for an old bug of mine :01:34
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vilahi all !07:36
jelmerhi vila08:19
vilajelmer: hey !08:19
jelmerhi spiv09:07
mgzmonring all09:07
vilamgz: hey !09:07
mgzhey vila09:10
jelmerhi mgz09:11
mgzjelmer: did you see poolie's channel invite?09:17
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jelmervila: is there anything left that's blocking us from porting more option users over to the new config system?10:39
mgzthat would be good to do, in a big bang10:40
mgzmost plugins have a trunk-tracking release10:40
jelmermgz: so there's nothing in particular blocking it?10:41
mgzwe'll see when vila returns, but not that I'm aware of.10:41
mgzthe one issue is if it makesmore overhead without also tackling the multiple-open issue.10:42
mgzI think from the instrumentation of the test suite he did vila determined it was okay.10:42
jelmerwe're already using the config system for some of our options though, right?10:45
mgzI'm not comletely clear where the line is.10:50
vilajelmer, mgz: so, there are two bugs on the plate: bug #832042 and bug #83204611:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 832042 in Bazaar "config files are read for each option" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83204211:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 832046 in Bazaar "needs a way to specify default values for config options by path" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83204611:07
vilathe later is blocking the system-wide config file stuff imho11:07
vilathe former... well, if we start caching the config stack in the branch for example, we already address some the un-needed IOs11:08
vilabut to properly fix it, my feeling is that we need some help from library_state11:08
vilaother than that, there are various minor bugs that could be fixed while migrating the related options11:09
vilaand finally, most of the remaining options can be migrated right now11:09
vilaI should just fdi11:10
Merwinpatch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.11:10
MerwinWhat does it means ?11:10
vilaI've just proposed a patch against udd which does such a complete migration with only same minimal additions (expanding options by default)11:11
vilaMerwin: 'patch' or 'bzr patch' ?11:11
Merwinbzr patch11:12
Merwinthibaut@thibaut-VirtualBox:~/OpenERP 6/OpenAssur/server$ bzr patch OpenAssur_TM_V2.patch11:12
Merwinpatch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.11:12
Merwinbzr: ERROR: Patch application failed11:12
vilaOk, that's from bzrtools ?11:12
mgzgenerally it means you gave patch something that doesn't look like a patch11:12
mgzeg, `echo junk | patch`11:12
vilaprobably garbage in the patch file that defeat parsing, can you paste it ?11:13
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:13
Merwinit looks like a valid patch to me -_-11:14
mgztwo things jump out, doesn't have +++ --- file lines after modified, and has non-ascii11:17
mgz`bzr patch` is pretty thin though, just try patch itself?11:17
mgzeg. `patch -p0 < OpenAssur_TM_V2.patch`11:18
Merwinsame error11:19
MerwinI'll ask the guy who sent it how he did it :p11:19
MerwinThe good way is bzr diff right ?11:19
vilaMerwin: or even better: publishing a branch11:27
MerwinYep in this case we can't :-(11:27
mgzyou can probably manually edit the patch to make it work11:29
mgzif you add after the === lines '+++ openerp/tools/convert.py' and '--- openerp/tools/convert.py' and the same for the other file -p0 should work11:30
jelmervila: I'm going to have a look at migrating the gpg options11:33
vilajelmer: cool, don't hesitate to ping me if you encounter any issue or misunderstanding11:34
vilajelmer: on the other hand, I don't want to divert you from other important bits ;)11:35
jelmervila: moving commit builder over to config stack saves 9 HPSS calls :)12:20
* vila profits :)12:20
vilajelmer: yeah !12:20
vilajelmer: because it avoids a call to ensure_real or because it uses a cached config ?12:21
vilaor both :)12:21
jelmervila: because it uses a cached config12:22
jelmercommits over HPSS still use a lot of VFS calls12:22
viladouble \o/12:22
vilatesting list_package in udd queries launchpad,12:23
vilaOMG, that takes far too long,12:24
vilalet's kill ./selftest.py12:24
vilahuh ?? backtrace in import_package.py ? Wtf ?12:24
vilaremember that signals are caught by the main thread ? remember that import_package.py defines a signal handler ? Here you go :)12:25
vilapfew, at least I wasn't triggering real imports during a test run :)12:25
vilajelmer: indeed, but I won't tackle that one now, just filing a bug12:25
vilajust one more example that test after is bad ;)12:26
jelmervila: hmm, the from_unicode function isn't actually called with unicode strings?13:10
vilawow, that is unexpected13:10
vilagrr 'Alarm clock'13:11
vilaselftest.timeout = 60000 \o/13:13
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jelmervila: nevermind, was my own option13:29
vilajelmer: where was it coming from ?13:29
viladefault value ?13:30
jelmervila: yep13:31
jelmervila: default_email()13:31
vilajelmer: something worth fixing or ?13:37
vila.. or was the error clear enough to debug ?13:37
jelmervila: it was an issue I introduced13:49
jelmervila: found it13:54
jelmervila: environment variables aren't converted to unicode13:54
vilajelmer: rings a bell ;)13:54
vilajelmer: mgz will summarize the issues better than me13:56
mgzI've got a branch for that.13:56
mgzproblem is it breaks things13:56
mgzit's in my current bunch though, so will propose sometime13:57
mgzokay, this works, and doesn't seem toooo violently bad13:58
jelmermgz: that would be nice, my branch depends on it :)13:58
mgzwhich envvar is causing the grief for email though?13:59
mgzfor paths, we at least have something to go on, and simple values it doesn't matter13:59
jelmermgz: BZR_EMAIL and EMAIL13:59
mgzother strings are more problematic13:59
mgzhm. email should really be ascii, but I guess auto %-escaping would be okay?14:00
mgz...I think this even assembles into a one-liner14:01
jelmermgz: it also contains the users realname14:01
jelmermgz: also, the logic in config assumes that there are no differences in encoding for environment variables14:02
mgzah yes14:03
mgzctypes.c_void_p.in_dll(ctypes.pythonapi, "Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding").value = ctypes.cast(ctypes.c_char_p("utf-8"), ctypes.c_void_p).value14:03
mgzso, just the locale and falling back to utf-8 seems reasonable then - and throwing an error if that doesn't work would be okay14:03
mgzbecause automated things that don't set a proper locale shouldn't then be supplying bogus values and expecting stuff to work14:04
mgz^note, using a string literal in the source is very important for that statement14:05
mgzintern(s) otherwise, string must be immortal.14:05
mgzhm, wait, still wrong.14:06
viladon't forget to leave a way for the user to override14:07
vilain ASCII :)14:07
vilaI mean, the way to override should require only ascii14:07
smoserjelmer, you mentione dto me that i could 'set "commit-message-from-changelog = False" in bzr-builddeb's config, e.g. ~/.bazaar/builddeb.conf'14:20
smoseri put this in ~/.bazaar/builddeb.conf, but to no avail:14:20
smoser commit-message-from-changelog = False14:21
smoserbzr commit still wants to just use the changelog entry14:21
jelmersmoser: hi14:26
smoserhi :)14:26
jelmersmoser: you'll need a [BUILDDEB] section for it as well I think14:26
smoserah. yeah, that makes sense.14:26
jelmersmoser: I can understand why it's necessary, but I'm not sure if I agree it makes sense :)14:27
jelmerAFAIK there aren't any other possible sections in that file14:27
smoserwell, i remember that i've had such a section other places.14:27
smoserjelmer, hm..14:29
smoserseems to not work14:29
smoseryeah, strace shows its not even reading that file.14:30
smoserbazaar.conf and locations.conf are all that seem to be being read.14:31
smoseradding that section ot bazaar.conf made no difference14:31
smoseryeah... i can't seem to change that behavior any way. not even in the local repository .bzr-builddeb/default.conf14:35
jelmersmoser: is your .bzr-builddeb/default.conf versioned?14:36
jelmer(it will only be read if versioned)14:37
sorensmoser: Which version of builddeb do you use?14:39
smoserwell, it was not, but making it versioned had no affect14:39
smoseri'm using precise14:39
sorensmoser: And you don't have a leftover plugin in ~.bazaar/plugins?14:39
soren~/.bazaar/plugins, I mean.14:40
smoser$ ls ~/.bazaar/plugins14:40
smoserls: cannot access /home/smoser/.bazaar/plugins: No such file or directory14:40
smosersoren, so you do not see this behavior?14:40
vilasmoser, soren : what bzr versions are you using ?14:41
sorensmoser: To be honest, I've not tried.14:41
smoser$ dpkg-query --show bzr bzr-builddeb14:41
sorensmoser: I was just looking at the code.14:41
smosersoren, its pretty easy to reproduce14:41
smoserbzr branch lp:ubuntu/some-thing14:41
smosercd some-thing14:41
sorenThis change is newer than that.14:41
soren2.7.9 is r600.14:41
smoserdch -i... add bogus entry... modify some file...14:42
sorenThe change you need landed at 625-ish.14:42
smoserbzr commit14:42
jelmersoren: in older versions you can disable it with a config option, we've just flipped the default value of the option14:42
sorenSorry, 2.7.9 was 620.14:43
sorenBut still < 625.14:43
soren625: Jonathan Riddell 2011-10-07 [merge] add commit-message-from-changelog config option for those who prefer to set their own commit message14:44
soren620: Jelmer Vernooij 2011-10-01 {2.7.9} releasing version 2.7.914:44
jelmersmoser: echo "[BUILDDEB]\ncommit-message-from-changelog = False\n" > ~/.bazaar/builddeb.conf should be sufficient, surprising that doesn't work :-/14:44
jelmerI can confirm that actually setting it to True changes the behaviour in lp:bzr-builddeb, and there are tests that the option behaves correctly in the version you're running14:45
sorenbzr grep -r tag:2.7.9 bzr grep -r tag:2.7.9 commit-message-from-changelogcommit-message-from-changelog14:46
sorenbzr grep -r tag:2.7.9 commit-message-from-changelog14:46
sorenGives me nothing.14:46
jelmersoren: sorry, I misunderstood14:47
jelmersoren: You're right, riddell didn't at the option at the same time as the feature14:47
jelmerfor some reason I was assuming they were14:47
sorensmoser: Grab a fresh checkout, and you're good. bzr branch lp:bzr-builddeb ~/.bazaar/plugins/builddeb14:48
smosersoren, but then i'll just be complaining again sometime down the road and you'll ask if i have any stuff in ~/.bazaar/plugins :)14:52
jelmervila: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/86987008/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armhf.bzr_2.5.0~beta4-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:55
jelmervila: do you remember seeing *that* test fail earlier?14:55
vilajelmer: no14:59
* jelmer files a bug14:59
vilajelmer: but looking at the traceback, it's most probably a close socket14:59
mgznew one to me.15:00
vilawhich is weird because I'm pretty sure bugs have been fixed so that ssl sockets behave correctly (raise EBADF) instead of AttributeError15:00
jelmerbug 90218215:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 902182 in bzr (Ubuntu) "spurious failure of test_readv_with_adjust_for_latency(HttpTransport_urllib,HTTPSServer_urllib) on armhf" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90218215:00
smoseri can verify that bzr at 2.5.0~beta4-1ubuntu1 and bzr-builddeb at 2.7.9ubuntu1 (current precise) have this issue..15:02
smoserbut if i use bzr-buildeb from the bzr branch for plugin, i do not. and it seems to read that file and respect the value both ways.15:02
smoserso basically this seems "fix-committed" to me.15:02
smoserbu if there was some test that was supposed to have caught this, it is broken.15:03
smoseras i ran this all on a fresh ec2 instance.15:03
jelmersmoser: the option was actually added after 2.7.9 and initially defaulted to True. It has since been changed to False15:04
jelmerbut in 2.7.9 there is no way of turning it off - I assumed the option and the behaviour were added at the same time but they weren't - sorry for the confusion15:04
jelmerI'm going to upload 2.8.0 to sid/precise once I finish multi tarball support15:07
sorensmoser: Yes. Yes, I will.15:08
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darthdweller_hey all16:26
jelmerhi darthdweller_16:26
darthdweller_how do i download a specific version of a branch using bzr from launchpad16:26
darthdweller_in bzr the terminal code is this bzr branch lp:project-name16:26
darthdweller_but how do i download a specific version16:27
jelmerdarthdweller_: bzr branch -r<revno> lp:project-name16:29
vilabzr branch -r<version> lp:project-name, see 'bzr help branch' and 'bzr help revisionspec'16:29
GRiDhi jelmer, around?17:02
vilajelmer: I'm reviewing common-bzrdir-component and...17:26
vilajelmer: it's a tough one :)17:26
vilajelmer: I don't think I will be able to finish today so if you have more explanations to add that will be welcome,17:26
vilajelmer: I'm not sure I fully understand your intents here nor the fallouts... for example, are you dropping some features for formats older than metadir or things like that ?17:27
vilajelmer: seeing  def from_string(cls, format_string) implemented as <check format_string is for me> return cls()17:28
vilajelmer: makes me wonder if this whole format machinery is really worth it17:29
vilajelmer: can't we just get the same effect with probers + a simple registry ?17:30
mgzvila: new fun thing for the pilot to review17:42
mgzwhere 'fun' might also be read as 'scary'17:42
vilahehe, I'd better end my week before it's too late instead ;)17:43
jelmervila: sorry, wasn't paying attention to IRC17:44
jelmervila: No, there aren't any features that are being dropped17:44
jelmervila: from_string() is there because feature-flags will allow more than one line in the format file17:45
mgzthe @classmethod change seems good17:45
mgzthe rest is a bit harder to see just from the diff, looks like in some cases there are more identical copies of methods rather than better sharing17:46
mgzGRiD: that's a yes, but missed your ping by the look of it, hence the 'just ask' suggestion with irc17:46
jelmermgz: which methods?17:47
vilayeah, same feeling17:47
jelmerthat's a utility function in BzrFormat, that code is used by the find_format methods in {BranchFormatMetaDir, RepositoryFormatMetaDir, WorkingTreeFormatMetadir, BzrDirFormat}17:49
vilaI don't want to sound negative (especially so late), I know this code is... dense, but I have a hard time relating your cover letter with the diff17:50
vilaright, but what duplication are you avoided ?17:50
mgzspeaking of cover letters... the config changes look ace jelmer but I could do with a sketch for reviewing it17:50
jelmervila: that logic was present in those 4 classes17:50
jelmermgz: argh, I actually meant to cancel that, but it seems like lp-propose created an MP even though I said I didn't want it. :(17:51
jelmervila: now find_format() is smaller and using the _find_format helper method17:51
jelmernetwork_name's default implementation is no longer duplicated in all four classes, just present in BzrFormat17:52
vila_find_format != find_format !17:52
jelmervila: _find_format is a helper for find_format()17:52
vilageee, this diff *is* confusing :)17:52
vilajelmer: I think I start to understand :)17:54
vilajelmer: is it correct to say you introduced a common base class that wasn't conceivable *before* metadirs were introduced (since repository/branch/tree were three distinct hierarchies) ?17:54
jelmervila: Yes17:55
vilabah, that's what you say in your cover :-/17:55
jelmercrap, I'm sorry - that was clear in my mind but I didn't describe it very well in the MP description17:55
jelmervila: and the feature flags MP goes one step further and adds that class even as a base class for BzrDirFormat, and adds some more methods to it17:57
vilaha, the nightmare of splitting work across multiple MPs and trying to keep track of who understand what ;)17:58
vilajelmer: review: tweak18:04
vilajelmer: mostly, please, please, write or update some doc about this stuff, each time I have to dig into this area... I blame me for not writing some explanations about it18:05
vilaand on that, have a nice week-end guys, family is hungry :)18:05
jelmervila: fair enough18:06
mgzwhat are you going to cook for them?  :)18:06
jelmervila: you too, have a good weekend :)18:06
vilamgz: I don't know yet :)18:06
mgzjelmer: I think bug 873412 needs confirming and a prio, as it's a known symptom and people seem to be able to hit it18:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 873412 in Bazaar Subversion Plugin "sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87341218:07
fullermdMaybe they're eating him.  That's why he has to stop typing.18:08
jelmermgz: it's not new though :-/18:08
mgzyou don't have to mark it as 'New' :)18:08
kirklandstruggling here importing something from cvs into bzr20:23
kirklandcvs repo info at http://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=cvs&group_id=16232620:24
jelmerhi Dustin :)20:24
kirklandjelmer: howdy :-)20:24
jelmerkirkland: are you trying to import it through a Launchpad import, or some other way?20:24
kirklandjelmer: i just filed a new bug, but it looks like maybe I'm hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-cvsps-import/+bug/78891420:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 788914 in CVS to Bazaar importer "unexpected keyword argument 'pb'" [Critical,Fix committed]20:24
kirklandjelmer: LP import failed, so I'm trying by hand now20:24
kirklandjelmer: I filed Bug 90231520:25
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 902315 could not be found20:25
kirklandhmm, not sure why that's private20:25
* kirkland undoes that20:26
jelmerthat very much looks like a dupe of 788914, indeed20:26
kirklandjelmer: okay, I see "fix-committed" ... where/how do I get an update for that?20:27
kirklandjelmer: should i just branch the plugin directly?20:27
kirklandjelmer: i was running from 11.10 packages20:27
jelmerkirkland: yeah, it's fixed in lp:bzr-cvspsimport but not yet in the package20:28
kirklandjelmer: okay, so mkdir -p ~/.bazaar/plugins ?20:28
kirklandjelmer: and then bzr branch lp:bzr-cvspsimport there?20:28
jelmerkirkland: yep20:28
kirklandjelmer: k, let me try20:28
kirklandbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/bzr-cvspsimport/".20:28
kirklandmissing -20:29
jelmerI'm not sure if that'll work with a local checkout though, it might need a copy of the repository20:30
kirklandjelmer: okay, so now i have a bzr directory20:32
kirklandjelmer: it appears the import succeeded20:32
kirklandjelmer: but it doesn't look like a branch of the source code yet20:32
kirklandjelmer: what does that take?20:32
jelmerkirkland: it might not create a checkout20:33
jelmerkirkland: does "bzr log" work?20:33
kirklandjelmer: nope20:34
kirklandjelmer: here's what I did ...20:34
kirklandcd $(mktemp -d)20:34
kirklandcvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@talpa.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/talpa co -P .20:34
kirklandjelmer: I think that gets me the CVSROOT20:34
kirklandjelmer: then I did a bzr cvsps-import path/to/cvs/root talpa /tmp/talpa.bzr20:35
kirklandjelmer: then I have stuff in /tmp/talpa.bzr20:36
kirklandjelmer: but it's not a bzr branch20:36
jelmerkirkland: is there anything in /tmp/talpa.bzr/.bzr ?20:37
kirklandjelmer: $ find /tmp/talpa.bzr/ -name ".bzr"20:38
jelmerkirkland: can you try running "bzr co" in /tmp/talpa.bzr/bzr/talpa ?20:38
kirklandjelmer: kirkland@x220:/tmp/talpa.bzr/bzr/talpa$ bzr stat20:38
kirklandbzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///tmp/talpa.bzr/bzr/talpa/.bzr/checkout/".20:38
kirklandjelmer: $ bzr co20:39
kirklandbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/tmp/talpa.bzr/bzr/talpa/.bzr/branch/": location is a repository.20:39
jelmerhmm, odd20:40
jelmerit's been a while since I've used bzr-cvsps-import, let me see if I can import it here20:40
jelmerI immediately get an error from "bzr cvsps-import"20:42
jelmerbzr: ERROR: Could not find the cvs versioned file for CVSROOT/checkoutlist. Looking for it at /tmp/tmp.2MUY7W8mmz/CVSROOT/talpa/CVSROOT/checkoutlist,v and /tmp/tmp.2MUY7W8mmz/CVSROOT/talpa/CVSROOT/Attic/checkoutlist,v.20:42
kirklandjelmer: erg20:44
kirklandjelmer: dang, this is frustrating;  okay, thanks for your help  :-/20:44
jelmerkirkland: where's the import on launchpad? I'm curious about the error20:47
kirklandjelmer: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/87103042/kirkland-ezncrypt-trunk.log20:47
kirklandjelmer: possibly the error is just waiting on accepting the ssh host key?20:48
jelmerkirkland: that seems to be lacking a :pserver: prefix20:48
kirklandjelmer: oh?  should I try re-running?20:48
jelmerkirkland: yeah, but fix the CVS root first :)20:49
kirklandjelmer: ?20:49
kirklandjelmer: this isn't my code or project20:49
jelmerkirkland: the CVS root specified in the code import I mean20:49
* jelmer tries20:50
kirklandjelmer: sorry, man, this is over my head, I don't really know what I'd be putting in there20:51
jelmerkirkland: :pserver:anonymous@talpa.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/talpa20:52
jelmerfor the CVS root and talpa for the module20:52
kirklandjelmer: locally, or in LP?20:52
jelmerkirkland: in LP20:52
kirklandjelmer: ooooooh, sorry :-)20:53
kirklandjelmer: yeah, I did that20:53
jelmerkirkland: let me know if it works20:58
jelmerfor some reason I can see the log file for the import but not the import itself (is it private?)20:58
kirklandjelmer: yeah, sorry, i imported it a private project21:03
kirklandjelmer: should i just register talpa as a project?21:04
kirklandjelmer: restarted the import here: https://code.launchpad.net/~kirkland/talpa/trunk21:13
jelmerkirkland: seems to've disappeared21:17
kirklandjelmer: heh, i moved it :-)  sorry21:17
kirklandjelmer: https://code.launchpad.net/~ecryptfs/talpa/ecryptfs21:17
kirklandjelmer: this is actually fixes to talpa to get it to work with ecryptfs21:17
kirklandjelmer: so i've set the owner to the ecryptfs team, project talpa, branch name ecryptfs21:17
kirklandjelmer: does that seem reasonable to you?21:17
jelmerkirkland: yep21:17
kirklandjelmer: cool, and registering the project in LP...was that the right thing to do?21:18
jelmerkirkland: yep21:18
kirklandjelmer: great, thanks for your help21:18
kirklandjelmer: i think this is working now21:18
jelmerit seems to be doing something :)21:18
kirklandjelmer: the private import seemed to have completed21:18
kirklandjelmer: it was in a review stage or something when i killed it21:19
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glyphis the maintainer of the mac installer here?23:47

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