
Folklore"I'm thinking on moving to Suse. The main reasin is that Ubuntu is very dedicated to Gnome, and Kubuntu has bad support... I prefer KDE. Who uses Kubuntu, desn't think this also?"00:32
Folkloreis this true?00:32
Folkloream tryin to install os with kde for code testing00:32
holsteinFolklore: you can use kubuntu, or install KDE in ubuntu, or any of the other *buntu's, or any other distro... all should have KDE in the repositories00:36
Folklorewhy does kubuntu exist then00:37
holsteinFolklore: its ubuntu with KDE, and other customizations00:37
holsteinout of the box, kubuntu is a certain look and feel00:37
mase_workand also Ubuntu / Kubuntu is supposed to be easy so asking a user which desktop they prefer when they have no idea what a desktop is, is counter productive00:38
holsteinyeah, putting in a disk and being asked 'kde or gnome' and saying 'wonder what that means' ;)00:39
holsteini remember that00:39
holsteinFolklore: theres also no reason to "install" a kde os.. you can run one live for testing an application00:40
DdpbfKDE os?00:40
Folkloreits an application I wrote00:40
Folkloretrying to port it, so can't do the livecd thing need it to save stuff00:41
holsteinFolklore: right... load the live CD... test the application00:41
Folkloreit needs to save to the hardware, so I can dev it00:41
Folklorelive cd only saves to mem00:41
holsteinOK.. i assume virtualization is not an option00:42
Folkloreyeah im running it in vbox00:42
holsteinanyways.. suse has a nice KDE implementation too... i say either one will work fine00:42
holsteini usually find my way back to buntu becuase of the community00:42
Folkloreholstein funny you mention that, am downloading opensuse right now00:42
FolkloreI tried fedora but fedora too brutal on system resources, needs ovee 700mbs to install00:42
Folkloreand was maxin my cpu non-stop00:43
Folklorefor their kde version00:43
Folklore700mbs being the ram00:43
Folkloreover that00:43
holsteinFolklore: you dont go to KDE to be light on resources00:43
FolkloreI don't go to it to wreck my hardware either00:44
Folklorepcbsd has kde and isn't so hardcore(freebsd+kde)00:45
holsteinFolklore: isnt that an older verion?00:46
holsteinanyways, you can lighten it up in kubuntu im sure, but when i want light, i go LXDE00:47
Ddpbfholsteind: KDE could be ultralight also just  look this http://paste.kde.org/156794/00:47
DdpbfKDE on Pentium III00:47
Folkloreholstein yeah, lubuntu is my favorite nix os atm00:47
Folkloreincredibly fast, great on resources00:47
Folkloreuses lxde00:47
DdpbfFolklore: it use half of gnome and lxde00:48
Ddpbflxde is 7 mb00:48
Ddpbfeven less00:48
holsteinsee.. you should talk to Ddpbf, Folklore ... see how he/she has it configured00:48
DdpbfHe definetley00:48
StepNjumpI no longer can log on to my profile on kubuntu since I changed the name of a file in the name $media$*.arc. Do any of you know this file under kubuntu?00:49
Folkloreholstein im not a linux guy00:49
holsteinFolklore: right.. but Ddpbf is00:49
Folklorethats like matrix text to me00:49
holsteinand is using KDE on a p300:49
holsteinif you say its heavy, i agree, and thats the man to help you slim it down00:49
Folklorenot trying to waste lot of his time, maybe he'll be so kind to make a quick write up for noobs or something00:49
Folkloreso all can benefit00:49
DdpbfHolstein, this is my friend acctaully, i have few years newer maching00:49
holsteinFolklore: is it installed?00:49
Folklorestep by step kinda thing00:49
holsteinjust test the application00:50
Ddpbfhe just show me this00:50
Ddpbffew hours ago00:50
holsteinim not clear on what the issue is Folklore ?00:50
holsteinif you are not wanting to waste time, just install kubuntu, and test00:50
Folkloreis his friends box holstein00:50
holsteinFolklore: ?00:50
DdpbfFolklore:  do you want just00:51
Ddpbfessential KDE00:51
Ddpbfnot full strenght00:51
StepNjumpis there a way to decrypt .encryptfs using just my password (not the passphrase)00:51
StepNjumpfrom the terminal?00:51
Folkloredbpbf yup00:51
Ddpbfsudo apt-get isntall kde-plasma-desktop00:52
Ddpbfit is  the bare-minimum required of KDE00:52
FolkloreI do that after installing kubuntu?00:52
Ddpbfdo it from your lubuntu/ubuntu/xubuntu00:53
Ddpbfwhatever do you use00:53
Folkloredo I gotta edit autostart script or anything00:53
Ddpbfalso there is metapackage kde-minimal00:53
Folkloreor will the two cmds above get it done00:53
Folkloreand I can just boot into kde00:53
Ddpbfyou will get kdm with it also00:53
Ddpbfso you could start kde session00:54
DdpbfThat way you could see if you like KDE00:54
Ddpbfand decide if you want to switch to kubuntu00:54
Folklorei've used kde before00:56
Folklorei just want a kde setup to test install code, like right click menu entry00:56
Folkloreicons, etc...00:56
Folklorexdg-mime seems broken on lubuntu00:56
holsteinFolklore: then install those pacakges Ddpbf mentioned, and test :)00:56
Folkloreand I need that to register file types, might just do it manually00:56
Folklorethanks ddpbf00:57
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:18
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userpchi all. suddenly my 10.04 system lost the wireless network connection. when i am log in the system doesn't ask me for the password to access the route and when i click on network icon on my task bar the tip says that is "unmanaged". under system settings/network connections i canfind my wirelessconnection and everything seems ok there but the system doesn't try to connect. also does not scan06:57
userpcfor otehr wireless networks. any idea? i have to mention that everything was ok until i try to set my notebook to hibernate posistionbut it failed so i clicked on/off button and when the system restarted the network was dead. any idea? pls help me, it's important as i haven't any connection to internet through this notebook.06:57
userpci must add that when i makea right click on network icon on my task bar i get "network managment is disabled"06:58
userpcmaybe i found a solution using google. how can i replace a /root file?07:10
AmR|EiSahow i can add my  language to the system ?07:14
userpci fixed it!07:16
AmR|EiSahow i can add my arabic lanuage to my  Kubuntu 11.10 ?07:20
LINKSWORD2Hey guys... I've had to go back to a previous distro of Kubuntu, version 9.10 and when I attempt to upgrade, it says something like "Distro upgrade failed. Code 127."07:24
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AmR|EiSahow i can add my  language to the my system Kubuntu 11.10 ?07:31
iazerothwhat is your language ?07:32
iazerothhm dont know, i can help with russian/ukrainian07:33
AmR|EiSaany lang07:33
AmR|EiSait's the same07:33
AmR|EiSai need to add it to the system not gui lanuage07:34
AmR|EiSainterface language07:34
AmR|EiSanot interface language07:34
iazerothyou just need to add language packs and i dont know when you can get arabic07:35
AmR|EiSahow i can add it for system tools ?07:37
Guest17574thi is for ubuntu- in kubuntu should be the same   http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17528/change-the-user-interface-language-in-ubuntu/07:42
r3v0I just wanna say I recently converted from ubuntu to kubuntu and I'm loving it its amazing07:50
Guest17574what is the differance you like?07:52
r3v0Guest17574: kde its better than unity07:54
r3v0Overall its faster too07:54
Guest17574ok- i have ubuntu for about 8 y and do not know kubuntu side- i installed once but intercace was to differant to ubuntu and change back to ubuntu07:57
r3v0I got sick of unity it didn't work for mr07:59
Guest17574so you should i try kubuntu once again than...  what will be working better when i change from ubuntu?08:01
Guest17574sorry- should be - so should i try kubuntu once again08:03
Guest17574im using computer just for internet, downloading torrents and play video and music--- will be there anything better comming from ubuntu?08:12
r3v0Well not really08:14
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kamilnadeemWhat is the name of tool box that is on the screen in KDE when it is placed in the corner of the screen?11:14
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Guest29350anybody out there?11:18
jubo2Hi.. I have a problem with Kubuntu.. The Wlan doesn't connect, it just fails in a blink of an eye12:00
jubo2only way to make it connect is to remove the wlan basestation from the known networks and re-add it then the wlan connects _once_12:01
jubo2btw. Nice job bolting in the full screen task switcher .. people switching from Mapples will find it comfortable12:02
jubo2any help would be appreciated. I've already evaluated Xubuntu and find it ridden with small but annoying bugs. Now I'm looking at Kubuntu..12:06
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TheKroHi - can anyone help me get my USB mobile broadband modem working?  It's working on my netbook, but not on my laptop... (I'm running Lucid)12:14
Peace-jubo2: i am rehe12:14
Peace-jubo2: are you here?12:14
Peace-TheKro: lsusb12:15
Peace-TheKro: do you know the widget pastebin ?12:15
TheKroPeace-: lsusb picks it up12:15
TheKroPeace-: I'll paste it there12:15
Peace-TheKro: sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-past*12:15
TheKroDevice is: Bus 002 Device 006: ID 12d1:14d1 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.12:15
Peace-TheKro: ok , my code is wrong sorry , but anyway paste is a plasmoid you should have it12:16
Peace-TheKro: iwconfig now12:17
TheKrono matches found for plasma-widget-past*12:17
TheKrohttp://pastebin.com/eg9CG2Ci <- pan0: no wireless extensions12:18
Peace-TheKro:  btw see this http://blip.tv/PeaceForlinux/postare-uno-screenshot-velocemente-con-kde4-489411912:18
Peace-TheKro: what is wlan0 ?12:18
TheKroPeace: my wireless12:18
Peace-TheKro: another card?12:18
TheKroPeace-: yeah12:19
jubo2Peace-: yes.. another bug is that no irc client has sounds on for channel or dialog stalk .. this was on Xubuntu and Kubuntu .. other sounds work ok but no irc clients12:19
Peace-TheKro: i guess it should work nfact i have found a forum for ubuntu12:20
Peace-TheKro: found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1152367312:20
TheKroPeace-: the description in the first half worked on my other computer, but not this one; the stuff in the second half still didn't work for me (14c9 target product files aren't on my system)12:23
TheKroPeace-: made some progress from that link, thanks - the extra spaces of the original poster were in my config file strings, breaking things12:29
Peace-jubo2:  i use konversation for irc12:31
Peace-jubo2: you can configure konversation or quassell to do something12:31
ThSeniorhi guys12:38
ThSenioris there possible to run a command from a taskbar icon?12:38
Peace-ThSenior: ?12:45
jubo2Peace-: the thing is that the "pre-listen" sound plays ok in the  settings panel but when it should sound "in the real world" it just simply doesn't :(12:58
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Peace-jubo2: quassel konversation or what?13:22
jubo2quassel. now just I got the bubble and the *plingk*13:23
Peace-jubo2: i use konversation so... i don't know but you could join on #quassel13:23
Peace-and ask there13:23
jubo2I've tried asking there13:24
Peace-wait i will try with systemsettings13:24
jubo2but is a major bug that the connection to wlan basestations requires you to remove and re-add the network you want to connect to13:25
Peace-jubo2: have you tried to do something here ? http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopMV4892.jpg13:25
Peace-jubo2: mmm ? you could try wicd-kde13:26
Peace-sudo apt-get install wicd-kde13:26
Peace-Peace-: test13:28
jasminerr : iperf -s14:42
jasminbind failed: Address already in use14:42
jasminhii friend14:44
jasminany pls help out14:45
BluesKajHowdy all14:49
e01is available some ppa for the beta14:53
BluesKaje01, ppa for what ?14:54
Peace-BluesKaj: gues kde 4.8 beta214:55
e014.7.90 :)14:55
Peace-e01: kubuntu.org => news14:56
Peace-e01: if there is the news there is the ppa14:56
Peace-if there is not the new ==> no ppa14:56
BluesKaje01, can you say kde , there are lots of ppas14:57
e01i was take a look yesterday, there is no official beta for 4.8, i just asked for some fan, if it maked own already and you guys knows, not more ;)14:58
Peace-e01: there is the neon-project14:59
Peace-e01: it should build kde daily or weekly14:59
ubottuProject Neon provides set of daily builds of KDE and releated modules | See https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon | More support in #project-neon14:59
Peace-e01: and of course there is the ppa14:59
Peace-but it's not stable :)14:59
Peace-so.... if you want a stable release you should use kubuntu.org to see when it will be released , instead if you are brave.... you could try neon15:00
* Peace- switch to project-neon session15:01
BluesKaj!bg | e0115:01
ubottue01: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently15:01
e01:) heh15:02
BluesKajpea , he's using a translator which is just garbling what he's trying to say15:02
e01project neon is exactly what i looking for15:02
e01BluesKaj, not, i am not using translator, just mine translation skills are terrible15:03
e01i am excuse for15:03
BluesKaje01, I tried the neon project ..found it disappointing , but that's my opinion15:04
BluesKajyou might like it15:05
e01BluesKaj, i just want to see the news in the kde4.8 but i have no enough time to compile it on my broken ubuntu 12 :D15:07
e01and more, want to see if kwin is optimized as the devs says and will resize really smoothly than before15:08
BluesKaje01, well, I hope so too , but I'll wait until 4.8 is officially released15:09
BluesKajI'm also running 12.0415:09
e01just i was take a tour between the DEs for testing only, after test and the kde, i think to return to the 11.04 again15:11
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BluesKajKDE has been my favourite DE , since I started using linux15:17
BluesKaj kde3 beta , 200115:19
Peace-BluesKaj: :)15:20
BluesKajPeace-, I tried the most popular linux distros ,starting with debian and redhat, mandrake , fedora, suse, etc , but I returned to debian then settled for ubuntu/kubuntu in 200515:25
Peace-BluesKaj: everytime i want switch to other distro :D i feel lazy and i stay with kubuntu15:25
Xmanni have a question?15:26
Peace-!ask | Xmann15:27
ubottuXmann: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:27
XmannIs lightdm better than kdm or gdm?15:27
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:27
XmannDoes lightdm make system boot faster?15:28
Peace-ldm is a program15:29
Peace-and boot is the kernel15:29
XmannComparing to gdm ,kdm15:29
BluesKajXmann, dunno , this is a kubuntu support chat , kubuntu uses kdm, ask in #ubuntu15:29
Peace-BluesKaj: :)15:29
Peace-Xmann: btw ldm is a program that is started after boot is done15:30
Peace-so... kdm gdm or ldm doesn't matter15:30
Xmannlightdm is a display manager15:30
BluesKajyes we know , it's an ubuntu DM by defaylt15:30
Peace-BluesKaj: you scared him hihihi15:31
Peace-i am on project-neon-session15:31
Peace-it's no so bad15:31
Peace-some crash  :D15:31
BluesKajwell, glad you like it ..I'm not a fan15:32
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BluesKajit's good that some ppl experiment , I'm just tired of the problems Peace- :)15:33
e01BluesKaj, kde looks good i was using to 3.5.10 but with 4 i switch to xfce then gnome15:34
e01just most of apps that i am using are on gtk and i hate the toolkit difference looking and fs functionality15:35
BluesKaje01, if you want the default 12.04 kde . it's  4.7.315:35
e0112.04 will be with 4.7 ? or for now is with 4.715:36
BluesKaje01, understandable , but run the kde desktop , and associated kde apps and you'll notice a big difference15:36
BluesKaj12.04 is kde4.7.3 ..I'm running it15:37
BluesKajyang__, have a question ?15:38
yang__anybody hear me?15:38
yang__nothing ,15:38
e01no, u r in parallel world15:38
BluesKajyang__, yes we see you15:38
yang__i get here frist15:38
yang__i don`t know  i am in room or not15:39
Peace-yang__: yes you are in15:40
e01but if you had a proof that prove, you are not in room let we check :D15:42
BluesKajhit the wrong keys and the client crashed15:42
yang__277 USERS but nobody talk15:43
BluesKajhe can't see the text15:43
e01BluesKaj, this is nothing, i slept with wrong girl, and my gf leave me15:43
BluesKajI don't blame her :)15:44
e01i had nothing to say, just i testing DEs and distros to spent my time :|15:44
yang__wrong girl ?15:45
e01BluesKaj, what distro arch u using, i386 or x64 ?15:47
e01do u have theme problems with the skype15:48
BluesKajskype works ok , I don't worry about skype themes much15:48
e01what about the stability, when i was on kde it crashes often, even i am using stable releases15:49
BluesKajas long as any theme looks fine and doesn't crash plasma , then I'll use it ..themes just window dressing to me15:50
yang__ 15:51
Peace-e01: here on stable release it works fine wihtout problem15:52
* e01 like yang__'s comment15:52
Peace-e01: with project-neon yes there are crhash15:52
e01Peace-, i ask for the stables, i mean 11.04 11.10, first time i install kubuntu 11.10 it crash instant after first starts15:53
Peace-i have no issue for stable15:53
e01seems that only i had such problems :(15:54
Peace-e01: video card?15:54
Peace-e01: how did yoi install the system?15:54
Peace-fresh ? upgrade ?15:55
Peace-sound like a video problem with kwin15:55
e01fresh, i always make fresh installs15:55
Peace-video card?15:55
e01ati radeon 565015:55
Peace-ati :)15:55
e01xa-xa nvidia15:56
e01in the desktop i had gf8600gt15:56
e01it crashes as well as in laptop15:56
Peace-you should read about log15:57
Peace-to understand what is15:57
Peace-btw i had an intel and it never crashed15:57
e01just can't imaginate how on i7 with 8gb ram and such video, the system can be slow if i start few apps15:57
Peace-e01: mmm there is some problem on the hardware or in the driver15:58
Peace-kde must fly on i7 and 8gb of ram15:58
yang__ Peace- my mouse often stop work15:58
Peace-yang__: kernel bug ?15:58
yang__sometime mouse can move but cant click15:59
Peace-yang__: it's a kernel bug16:00
Peace-yang__: i had a mouse of trust that was recognized in the old linux16:00
Peace-now no :D16:00
e01yang__, it's not only in kde, in gnome there are same16:00
Peace-it can only move the wheel16:00
Peace-yang__:or you waste time trying to fix your problem or you go in a market and buy an logitech or hp mouse16:03
Peace-that works16:03
e01money solving problems16:04
yang__Peace-:  Are Gnome 3  able run in WINDOWS16:04
e01yang__, yes if you can install all the requirements ;)16:05
yang__HP mouse?16:05
Peace-new mouse?16:05
jubokubuntuI'm experiencing bugs.. the wlan does not connect to the base station if I don't totally remove it and then re-add it inserting WPA2 shared secret :( :( :(16:06
e01from the future :D16:06
jubokubuntuI used to have Xubuntu but that also failed in using keyring properly to hold passwords16:06
Peace-jubokubuntu: sudo apt-get install wicd-kde16:06
jubokubuntuPeace-: what does that install ?16:07
Peace-jubokubuntu: wicd client with qt interface16:07
jubokubuntuI don't know what is wicd16:07
Peace-jubokubuntu: you wanna try the solution or what?16:07
yang__but  Where `s  Future, Ebay??ALIBABA?16:09
yang__e01: ?16:09
jubokubuntuPeace-: how do I run it now that I've installed it ?16:10
Peace-jubokubuntu: go in a terminal and run wicd-kde16:10
e01yang__, in the clocks16:11
e01you can pass it without the problems and now, just get sleep for few years and when you get up, you will be in the future ;)16:12
maizjasmin: helloo16:14
maizwhat is the best dekstop recording for ubuntu ?16:15
maizI mean kubuntu..16:15
Peace-maiz: well i often record the desktop16:16
Peace-maiz: and i use ffmpeg16:16
jasminmaiz, hiii16:17
maizPeace-: thank you for the reply, anyone else..cause now I instlled recorditnow and recordmydesktop16:17
Peace-maiz: recordmydestkop is huge16:17
Peace-on resources16:17
jasminmaiz, how do i use iperf tool16:17
jasminmaiz, on my vm16:18
Peace-recorditnow i duno i don't like and it use recorditnow and ffmpeg16:18
maizPeace-: oh, I installed the gtk-recordmydesktop..16:18
Peace-maiz: :) the worse16:18
maizPeace-: the worse?16:18
jasminmaiz, # iperf -s bind failed: Address already in use16:18
maizjasmin: sorry , i don't know how..16:18
jasminany pls help me out16:19
Peace-maiz: cat /proc/asound/pcm16:19
Peace-maiz: give me the ouput16:19
maizPeace-: do I need to copy and paste it here right away?16:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:20
yang__my mouse cant work16:20
ubottuYou can find mouse-related settings in System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse16:21
Peace-!japanese | yang__16:21
ubottuyang__: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。16:21
maizPeace-: err. should i give you the link or what eyh?16:22
Peace-!chinese | yang__16:22
ubottuyang__: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw16:22
Peace-maiz: the link16:22
yang__cant click anything16:22
Peace-yang__: china or japan ?16:22
maizPeace-: ok thanks. here you are : http://paste.ubuntu.com/765063/plain/16:22
Peace-!chinese | yang__16:22
yang__japan!!!  i would died16:23
Peace-maiz: so copy and paste this16:24
Peace-maiz: on a terminal i mean16:24
Peace-maiz: ffmpeg -f  alsa  -ac 1 -ar 48000  -i hw:0,2   -s $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}') -f x11grab -r 15  -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast  -threads 2 output.mkv16:24
maizPeace-: can I know what is this?16:24
Peace-maiz: it's ffmpeg that is recording you destkop16:24
Peace-and it's fast16:24
maizPeace-: it said input/output error at the end of the line..16:25
Peace-:) well16:25
Peace-maiz: paste the error16:25
maizPeace-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/765071/plain/16:26
BluesKajanyone here use qBittorent, the download rate with peers maxes out at 295Bs , even on trackers with 100+ seeders16:29
Peace-maiz: try this ffmpeg -f  alsa  -ac 2 -ar 48000  -i hw:0,0   -s $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}') -f x11grab -r 15  -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec  ljpeg output.mkv16:29
Peace-maiz: sorry16:29
maizPeace-: wokey dokey16:29
Peace-maiz:  ffmpeg -f  alsa  -ac 1 -ar 48000  -i hw:0,0   -s $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}') -f x11grab -r 15  -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec  ljpeg output.mkv16:29
linxuserlast night using ktorrent I maxed at 550Bs16:30
maizPeace-: the first one you give working , but the second command you give , give our error message.16:31
Peace-maiz: ok so use the first16:31
Peace-maiz: to stop recording press            ctrl c16:31
maizPeace-: you need to teach me on how you understand this command etc..16:32
maizPeace-: alright.. trying again..16:32
Peace-maiz: ffmpeg -f  alsa  -ac 2 -ar 48000  -i hw:0,0            this says to ffmpeg to capture your audio devices16:32
Peace-ac = channel so stereo16:33
Peace-1 would be mono16:33
Peace-48000 is the frequency16:33
Peace--i hw etc it's the hardware "location"16:33
Peace- $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}')   this is the part for nerd :D16:34
Peace-it print your destkop resolution automatically16:34
maizPeace-: "part for nerd"? haha. I like that part..hahah16:34
maizPeace-: I think you should look at this,.error16:34
maizPeace-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/765079/16:34
Peace-maiz: ok but stoppin with CTRL C16:35
Peace-then you can see the video ?16:35
Peace-ffplay  output.mkv16:35
maizPeace-: I can see the video, the video are in full resolution and it is fast! wow. better than the gtk-recordmydesktop thing..16:37
maizPeace-: but then , how can i make it work without getting error?16:37
Peace-maiz: mm i will give you my link16:37
maizPeace-: thanks..16:37
Peace-maiz: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/05/23/how-to-screencast/16:37
maizPeace-: this is cool enough to know. thank you Peace- :D , really appreciate it16:38
maizPeace-: why this happen ? whenever I start to click the recording stop , http://paste.ubuntu.com/765084/16:44
Peace-maiz: readng16:47
Peace-maiz: give me the string you have used16:48
maizPeace-: im sorry, I don't actually know where the string part I just used . hehe.16:48
maizoh man , i need to read back all this thing..16:48
Peace-maiz: try this one16:48
Peace-it doenst record audio btw16:49
Peace-ffmpeg    -s $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}') -f x11grab -r 15  -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast  -y  output.mkv16:49
maizPeace-: I use this one : ffmpeg -f  alsa  -ac 1 -ar 48000  -i hw:0,2   -s $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}') -f x11grab -r 15  -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast  -threads 2 output.mkv16:49
Peace-maiz: ok wait16:49
maizPeace-: thanks again :)16:50
Peace-maiz: ffmpeg   -s $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}') -f x11grab -r 15  -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec  ljpeg output.mkv16:50
Peace-maiz: this doesn t record audio16:50
Peace-but it should work16:50
maizPeace-: does the my audio have something to do with the error thingy?16:50
Peace-yes is the part of audio16:50
maizPeace-: right now, it is working without any problem, what do you think that I should do to make the audio work?16:52
maizPeace-: have any idea?16:52
Peace-maiz: i guess is a bug of ffmpeg :D16:52
Peace-maiz: but wait i am reagin16:53
Peace-maiz: try to use instead of ouput.mkv16:53
Peace-maiz: outpu.avi16:53
maizPeace-: ok, with the audio?16:53
Peace-maiz:  ffmpeg -f  alsa  -ac 1 -ar 48000  -i hw:0,0   -s $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}') -f x11grab -r 15  -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast  -threads 2 output.avi16:54
maizPeace-: trying16:56
Peace-maiz: maybe if says cannot set channel count to 1 (Invalid argument)    try to put it in stereo with this16:56
maizPeace-: [alsa @ 0x94c0a40] cannot set channel count to 1 (Invalid argument)16:56
Peace-maiz: :) ok we need stereo16:57
Peace-maiz:  ffmpeg -f  alsa  -ac 2 -ar 48000  -i hw:0,0   -s $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}') -f x11grab -r 15  -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast  -threads 2 output.avi16:57
maizPeace-: it work. thank you. but is there any chance I can increase the recording volume?16:59
Peace-maiz: kmix ?16:59
maizPeace-: kmix?, well, i already run it up, but there is nothing..17:01
maizPeace-: ok ok now, it just a little bit late. hehe17:02
Peace-maiz: if you add -vf scale=640:480 before the output.avi you had scaled your video to 640x480 :D17:02
Peace-maiz: for audio :D boh17:03
maizPeace-: ok, I got it already. I increased the capture volume,17:03
maizPeace-: ohh, thanks for tip!17:03
kamilnadeemWhen will KDE 4.7.4 be made available via PPA17:08
BluesKajwhat's the hurry ?17:08
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: Hi17:08
kamilnadeemBlogpost brother .17:09
Peace-kamilnadeem: mmm wait17:09
Peace-kubuntu.org => see for news17:10
kamilnadeemPeace-:  I know that Sir :-)17:10
Peace-kamilnadeem: so wait :)17:12
BenPAhi all ... question, I am trying to load another os on a multiboot/partitioned laptop and getting an error because I think it's confused as to where to put the new system17:37
BenPAis there info on a workaround?17:38
Peace-BenPA: so you have to fix your grub?17:43
Peace-BenPA: if you are running your system now you could try to detect the system with linux and fix the grub17:44
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:44
BenPAPeace: how do I fix grub?18:15
BenPAPeace-: please leave a respose I have to run out but will leave this open18:17
Zeartadésolée, léger bug18:43
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:44
Kottizenhi everyone - I just bought a new PC and I'd like to have my sound go through a HDMI cable, how'd I accomplish that?19:24
KottizenI've set HDMI to the preferred phonon and also plugged in the HDMI cable in the nVidia graphics card HDMI input (there are two HDMI spots, one internal and one nVidia)19:25
Kottizenhowever... it still doesn't work and I'm not sure how to debug this19:25
BluesKajKottizen, I hope you connected the hdmi cable to the output , unless you're trying to capture audio19:28
KottizenBluesKaj: ah yes, sorry - the output19:28
Kottizenoh actually19:28
Kottizenlet me check19:28
Kottizencan only find one port, so I guess it's the one out19:31
BluesKajthe nvidia hdmi ?19:32
BluesKajKottizen, is the nvidia card a separate pci graphics card  ? If so make sure you it set as default in the BIOS19:33
KottizenBluesKaj: it is - thanks, will check that19:33
BluesKajKottizen, I'm not real sure about the audio settings for separate hdmi . I'm pretty sure if you set it in phonon and the test sound works . you should be ok19:35
KottizenBluesKaj: unfortunately I haven't heard a single sound since I installed the system, not even from the test sounds19:43
Kottizenit works in Windows, just confirmed that19:48
BluesKajKottizen. open alsamixer in the terminal and make sure your hdmi and master ctrls are all turned up to at least 80%19:48
Kottizenhow do I see which one'19:48
Kottizen's HDMI?19:48
BluesKajit should be labelled19:49
Kottizenthis is what I see: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopIf1491.jpg19:49
BluesKajKottizen, disable the automute setting19:51
Kottizenand no matter which one I choose, I always get this error (right-bottom corner): http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopxJ1491.jpg19:51
Kottizenit'd be nice to see what kind of error it actually was19:52
BluesKajKottizen, ok in phonon , choose the fallback hdmi option that shows in the error ,if it's listed19:58
BluesKajKottizen, you can check for phonon / pulseaudio errors in /var/log , if you feel like searching19:59
KottizenBluesKaj: this is weird - only the first one causes that error - when I select any of the other ones and click Apply I don't get that error anymore19:59
KottizenI'll do, thanks for the tup20:00
BluesKajKottizen, can you pastebin the phonon list settings pls20:00
Kottizenwhere do I find it?20:01
BluesKajKottizen, the device preference tab in phonon20:02
KottizenBluesKaj: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopAn1491.jpg20:03
BluesKajKottizen, does the choice shown in you paste test ok ?20:04
KottizenBluesKaj: nope - I don't hear any sound when clicking 'Test'20:05
BluesKajKottizen, in the terminal, cat /proc/asound/cards20:07
KottizenBluesKaj: I found this to be interesting (pressed F6 in alsamixer and chose the HDMI nVidia): http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopjk1491.jpg20:09
KottizenBluesKaj: and: http://privatepaste.com/0a36905a7f20:09
BluesKajok Kottizen , cat /proc/asound/modules20:12
koleopteroevening to all20:13
KottizenBluesKaj: http://privatepaste.com/82ce06947520:13
BluesKajKottizen, pulseaudio , in the terminal20:16
BluesKajis it installed20:16
KottizenBluesKaj: yes20:17
BluesKajKottizen, lets try without pulse , we can always reinstall if needed , sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio , then reboot20:18
catalin_hallo somebody use tangoGPS ???20:19
KottizenBluesKaj: got this upon login: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopKx1514.jpg20:20
Kottizenhaven't chosen anything yet20:20
catalin_tangoGSM work with Google Sat???20:21
BluesKajKottizen, click yes20:21
Kottizenokay, done20:22
BluesKajok Kottizen check your phonon device preferences20:22
KottizenBluesKaj: got a somewhat longer list now; http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopvc1514.jpg20:23
BluesKajok try the hdmis and the pchs as well to see what the default is20:25
Kottizenclicked 'Test' for each one of them now, heard no sound20:26
KottizenI let each test run for like... three seconds or so20:26
BluesKajKottizen, if you pass the cursor over the diffent choices the dialog will show some info, find the one gives 'Card 0'20:27
BluesKajKottizen, what is the other end of the hdmi connected to ?20:28
Kottizena home cinema20:28
KottizenI get three with CARD=0 and a few with CARD=NVidia20:28
Kottizenand the home cinema worked fine on Windows, on the same physical machine20:28
BluesKajan are any of the hdmis card 0 ?20:29
BluesKajcard 0 is the default soundcard , so we need to change it , to the nvidia hdmi20:31
Kottizenthat'd be card 1 - how do I change it?20:32
BluesKajnot necessarily card 1 , open this file paste it , /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf20:33
KottizenBluesKaj: http://privatepaste.com/9e01e7ca9720:40
BluesKajKottizen, I'm trying to determine what the hdmi module/driver could be , try, sudo lshw -C multimedia, and paste the output pls20:46
KottizenBluesKaj: I'll be gone for an hour or so, just in case you wonder why I'm not replying20:46
KottizenBluesKaj: http://privatepaste.com/3e3e86930b20:46
=== aurimas is now known as aurimas__
BluesKajok Kottizen just one more , lsmod | grep snd20:48
aurimas__Can someone help me please?20:51
aurimas__how do i run .bat files please through the terminal?20:52
BluesKajaurimas__, http://askubuntu.com/questions/46905/make-bat-file-available-everywhere-for-the-terminal20:55
linxuser__time is20:59
linxuser__aurimas__: .bat files run in msdos20:59
aurimas__linxuser, im trying to run mcp and when i run it through wine it says i dont have java JDK which i do, what command do i use in termina?21:01
zorsHi everyone, time for a stupid question.  Currently running Ubuntu 11.10 64bit edition on my old spare laptop:  1.8GHz CPU, 2Gb RAM, 120 Gb HDD & Intel 965 Video.  Sorry if I offend anyone but REALLY, for ME, Unity (including 2D version) sucks.  It's slow as hell and counterproductive, and I've HAD IT!  So it's time for a change.  After hearing from a friend how well KDE runs nowadays, I might just give it a try.  Having never tried it, the Question is:21:02
zors  Should I get the 32 or 64 bit version?  Which would be more appropriate for this laptop?, and lastly, what are the Pros and Cons of running on version instead of the other on this system?  Does a 64 bit OS really make ANY difference?  Maybe someone can enlighten me.  Sorry for the long post (and the venting.. ;)).  Hoping someone can help me out here.21:02
linxuser__aurimas__: sorry about that. I rarely use windows and gave up on wine couple years ago21:03
koleopterozors: I'd go with the 32bit21:04
koleopterozors: do you know the precise cpu model?21:05
Joitfor wine, at last, it works, when you install missing things over wine from windows, i did do that with a missing font and it worked great, so he/she may only should had it install something like sun java under wine21:06
linxuser__zors: ditto on the 32 bit. It'll load and run on either 32 or 64 bit machine while 64 bit will load/run on most 64 bit machines, likely all amd64s.21:06
zorskoleoptero: Yeah, sorry, Celeron M540 1.8 Ghz (single-core obviously)21:07
koleopterozors: well I'd use 32bit if I were you, 64bit might be better for some server tasks but it has problems with flash and uses more RAM of which you don't have that much (I know because I also have 2gb ;))21:09
koleopteroso yes go for 32bit21:10
zorskoleoptero:  thanks for the help, will get the 32 bit ISO then.21:11
koleopteronp and welcome to the fold :)21:11
szalkoleoptero: the Flash problems w/ 64bit are a thing of the past21:13
koleopteroyou mean by using the 64bit flash ppa?21:14
szalkoleoptero: that isn't even needed any more, at least not w/ Oneiric21:16
koleopterothanks for telling me, I hadn't checked, my bad21:17
koleopteroI'd still recommend a 32bit install for a pc with 2gb of ram though21:17
Deet`having problems reading a micro SD card. phone won't read it, windows can't format it, so i figured i'd try linux, but i can't even find it there21:19
BluesKajkoleoptero, 64 bitt works fine on my 64bit amd single core cpu , with 2G RAM ..no lags21:23
koleopteroBluesKaj: there's no definite reason it shouldn't, but since it uses more ram than 32bit, and there's not much to gain from 64bit I'd prefer it21:24
BluesKajkoleoptero, I tried 32 bit on the 64 bit pc , there wasn't much of an advantage in my experience , never noticed whether it used more ram for given application tho21:27
koleopteroBluesKaj: it generally does, and in some cases I've seen extreme differences, although sadly I haven't kept notes on it since most modern pcs that can run 64bit have exuberant amounts of ram which requires 64bit anyway21:29
linxuser__BluesKaj: Koeoptero> My own experience with this 2 yr old Intel 64 the other day tried 64 bit linux today running 32. 64 seemed slugish21:30
Deet`so where do i find a usb device that doesn't mount itself?21:32
BluesKajthis pc is pretty plain jane , 2 core amd cpu , 3G RAM, added a nvidia 7600gt and and m-audio 192 souncdard, seldom lags , but i don't run several apps at once , since I'm in a home setting21:32
=== zz_r3v0 is now known as r3v0
KottizenBluesKaj: http://privatepaste.com/a15f89b47c21:38
koleopteroBluesKaj: now that interests me, how does the m-audio card work in linux, everything fine?21:42
BluesKajkoleoptero, after 10 days of configuring and learning abour alsabase,conf ..works great now21:47
BluesKajKottizen, ok we need to make this module card 0 in the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file with root permissions . this line has to be added to the bottom of the file ,  options snd_hda_codec_hdmi index=021:52
BluesKajKottizen, save the file . then do, sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec_hdmi , in the terminal ...a reboot is probly required.21:56
=== r3v0 is now known as zz_r3v0
BluesKajKottizen, ??22:13
KottizenBluesKaj: sorry - I lost internet for a while there22:32
Kottizenlet's see now22:32
Kottizen(I got what you said)22:32
KottizenBluesKaj: now I got: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopDB1476.jpg22:36
KottizenBluesKaj: and I'm left with: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopvI1476.jpg22:36
KottizenBluesKaj: when I did 'modprobe' I got an error saying see 'dmesg', and this is what it said: [  657.568213] snd_hda_codec_hdmi: Unknown parameter `index22:46
BluesKajKottizen, did you copy this line exactly , options snd_hda_codec_hdmi index=0 ?22:48
Kottizenif I search for it on Google I get two hits, one on some kind of German site where people say it's not the right syntax (if I understood it correctly)22:49
KottizenBluesKaj: here's my alsa-base.conf now: http://privatepaste.com/d1095aaad322:50
Kottizenand here's the German forum topic: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-6601037.html?sid=3ea0df6934f0db6652f0be3f37daf7fb#660103722:51
BluesKajKottizen, btw , did you install the nvidia recommended  graphics card in swystem>additional drivers?22:53
KottizenBluesKaj: I did22:53
KottizenBluesKaj: should I give the post-release one a try? http://wstaw.org/m/2011/12/09/plasma-desktopCf1476.jpg22:54
BluesKajKottizen, obviously we' ve installed the wrong soundcard module , so take that line out in alsa.conf .22:56
Kottizenand modprobe it?22:57
Kottizenor is that necessary when removing?22:57
BluesKajno don't modprobe that module.that xcommand loads th module22:58
BluesKajyou have 2 intel sound modules , exactly the same22:59
KottizenI have removed that last line and rebooted the system now22:59
BluesKajdo you have co-axial digital output on the onboard soundcard ? if so can you use that ?23:01
KottizenBluesKaj: how would I check that?23:01
BluesKajkot , it's an orange coloured rca output jack ..looks analog but, it's digital , your sound receiver should have the same input23:03
KottizenBluesKaj: does it look like the ones you put regular headphones in, or is it a little big bigger?23:04
BluesKajthat's what I use , in alsamixer it's the spdif ctrl23:04
Kottizenthe S/PDIF is set to 00 and I can't find any way to increase it23:05
BluesKajit looks like analog output jack used for old tape decks etc23:05
BluesKajuse the up arrow key when it's highlighted23:05
Kottizenthe only orange one I have is labelled 'CS-OUT'23:06
Kottizenbut the amplifier doesn't have a matching one23:06
Kottizennow I remember23:07
Kottizentwo months ago, when Kubuntu 11.10 was brand new, I installed it on my laptop23:07
BluesKajno digital coaxial inputs on the amplifier?23:07
KottizenI use the same HDMI cable for the laptop and I think someone mentioned something about a HDMI bug23:07
Kottizenthe amplifier has that, but not the PC23:08
Kottizenif I want to reset everything as it was before, is it just to install pulseaudio?23:08
BluesKajwhich amp is it ?23:08
Kottizena Yamaha RX-V37123:09
BluesKajyes, install pulseaudio again23:09
Kottizenokay, sec23:09
KottizenBluesKaj: I'm back - did a reboot too23:12
BluesKajKottizen, http://reviews.cnet.com/av-receivers/yamaha-rx-v371/4505-6466_7-34533967.html , do you see the 2 jacks on the bottom left?23:14
KottizenBluesKaj: yep23:15
Kottizenbut uhm, I haven't got those, at least not there23:16
Kottizenlet me see if I can find them somewhere else23:16
BluesKajdo you have those on your amp ? one is an put the other an output23:16
Kottizenor which image are you referring to?23:16
BluesKajthe first one the , the back panel23:18
Kottizenhttp://i.i.com.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2011/04/04/Yamaha_RX-V371_back.jpg?tag=mncol;rvwBody <-- I got those two, yes23:18
BluesKajthen you cab try a regular rca cable from the coax jack on your pc to the input coax on the receiver23:19
Kottizendon't think I have one, but I could buy it tomorrow23:20
BluesKajthat input will carry the dolby digtal 5.1 and DTS from the spdif /coax on your pc to the receiver if the video has those codecs in the soundtrack23:23
BluesKajok , Kottizen , I have to go ..maybe we can set it up tomorrow23:24
KottizenBluesKaj: just one more thing... how do I reset the Phonon configuration window to the way it looked before?23:24
Kottizenoh ok23:24
Kottizenso I get the 'device' tab back23:25
BluesKajpulseaudio , will be the only choice23:25
Kottizeninstalled that - do I have to configure it somehow?23:25
BluesKajspdif out if possible23:26
BluesKajIEC958 in the hardware profile setting23:28
BluesKajaudio hardware setup, Kottizen23:29
Kottizenuhm... I can't find it, but I'll try again tomorrow23:30
BluesKajKottizen, install pavucontrol , it gives more connection options in pulseaudio23:42

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