
lifelesswgrant: see backchannel for poppy discussion01:35
wgrantI read most of it, but apparently not enough.01:36
wgrantDoes anyone know what's happening with the pofilestatsjob DB permission fixes?01:38
wgrantI saw a branch for it on like Monday.01:38
wgrantBut it hasn't landed.01:38
wgrantI'm tempted to just cowboy the two permissions...01:38
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
james_whmm, ec2 land didn't appear to do anything, and I got no mail03:30
james_wis there any way to find out what happened other than trying again?03:30
wgrantSadly not.03:31
* james_w fires it off again03:32
james_wshould I do it with --attached or whatever it is?03:32
wgrantPossibly. The instance is completely gone?03:33
wgrantWe haven't had disappearing instances for nearly a year....03:33
wgrantApart from AWS glitches.03:33
wgrantYou sure it didn't just send to an unobvious email address?03:34
wgrantIt would have failed, because the build to fix them is still pending.03:34
lifelesswgrant: btw remember the oops ajax thing the other day03:34
wgrantlifeless: Yes?03:35
lifelesswgrant: we emit X-Oops-ID now03:35
lifelessnot lazr03:35
wgrantThat would do it.03:35
* wgrant fixes.03:35
wgrant(although that might break launchpadlib too...)03:35
lifelesssee oops_wsgi03:35
wgrantlifeless: See SystemErrorView03:35
lifelessahem. I should say 'the wsgi stack does x-oops-id'03:35
lifelessI may not have changed it throughout LP.03:36
wgrantHm, although I guess we don't use that for API requests.03:36
lifelessbut we should.03:36
james_wI don't have any mail from the test run03:36
lifelessjames_w: if it totally blows up that happens03:36
lifelessjames_w: you can exceed the mx size limits03:36
james_wmaybe I've somehow got it configured to an email I no longer have access to03:36
james_we.g. @linaro.org03:36
james_wanyway, I'll try --attached tomorrow and see what happens03:37
james_wnight all03:37
james_wand thanks wgrant, lifeless03:38
wgrantjames_w: It should have gone to jameswestby.net03:38
lifelesscan has reviewer?04:08
wgrantLet's not.04:09
wgrantCan't we solve our current crisis before creating another?04:09
lifelessdata is power04:12
wgrantData is hopelessness.04:12
lifelessthe swamp of despair is hopelessness04:12
lifelessdata isn't!04:12
lifelesswgrant: so does that mean am I getting a review?04:14
wgrantlifeless: r=me04:20
wgrantlifeless: Doesn't gpgfixtures provide better implementations for the stuff that sits *under* GPGHandler?04:28
wgrantThe stuff I've moved does not include any fixtures, and is all code that is either GPGHandler or pokes stuff into the DB through it.04:28
wgrantNot relating to the underlying keyserver.04:28
wgrantUnless gpgfixtures covers the LP DB as well, which would be somewhat worrying.04:29
lifelesswgrant: it changes gpghandler04:29
lifelesswgrant: and provides test keys too04:29
lifelesswgrant: gpgverifyd replaces gpghandler04:29
lifelessmore or less04:29
lifelessI guess I mean 'please check the fallout here, I have nasty WIP'04:29
wgrantAh, I thought that didn't exist past a prototype server implementation.04:30
lifelessI'm on a 4 month yak shave to make that prod04:30
lifelesscurrently on the 'and it needs reliable OOPS infrastructure' arc.04:30
wgrantRight, but I didn't know any LP client code existed for it.04:30
* wgrant hunts.04:30
lifelessgpgverifyd -> oops -> oops-tools -> pruning -> scriptactivity -> slony-db-migrations04:30
lifelesswgrant: I'm pretty sure my branches are up on LP04:30
lifelesswgrant: by heh I hope you mean 'heh that is terrifying'04:31
wgrantlifeless: Huh04:32
wgrantDid you just view your usegpgfixtures branch?04:32
wgrantBecause it didn't time out first time.04:32
lifelessI did no04:32
wgrantHow did that work, then...04:32
lifelessexisting disk cache04:32
lifelessand branch tip matches04:32
lifelessat a guess04:32
wgrantDoesn't normally help, but perhaps it did here for some reason.04:32
lifelessah, found my bug - 70896104:34
wgrantBug #70896104:34
_mup_Bug #708961: loggerhead oops reports are missing diagnostic data <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/708961 >04:34
lifelesswgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/deps/+merge/85005 is the context04:34
wgrantAh, not so bad one tiny import conflict in one of the tests.04:35
lifelesswhat revno is my lp branch @?04:36
wgrantusegpgfixtures r1375804:36
lifeless13759 locally04:36
lifelesslets see04:36
lifeless'merge up with devel'04:37
lifelessprobably a bunch of conflicts or I wouldn't have bothered04:37
lifelesspushing it it04:37
wgrantOdd. Only buildout.cfg/setup.py conflicts here.04:37
lifelessits up04:38
lifelessthanks for investigating04:38
wgrantI'm glad that LP uses four JS frameworks :)04:39
wgrantYUI3 primarily, YUI2 for calendar widgets, jQuery for the tour, MochiKit for some old translations stuff and not much else.04:39
lifelessok, so lets see, get a handle on soyuz and I can week it a call04:46
wgrantWeek it a call?04:48
lifeless'call it a week' with the object and verb transposed04:48
wgrantOh, blah, of course.04:48
wgrantIt is Friday afternoon, meh.04:49
wgrantsoyuz == poppy?04:49
StevenKAnd wgrant is EOY'ing :-(04:49
StevenKwgrant: Did sinzui complain about my branch that he tossed through ec2 again?04:50
lifelesswgrant: yes04:50
wgrantStevenK: Vaguely, but without details.04:50
* StevenK will thrash it to bits on Monday04:50
lifelessI hate that ubuntu's pastebin does openid to get at the raw version04:51
wgrantlifeless: spam04:51
lifelesswgrant: how does that help, given that the html version doesn't do openid04:51
wgrantNo idea, but that's the rationale AFAIK.04:51
lifelessnevertheless, its a real nuisance when I want to apply a patch straight from it on a headless machine04:52
lifeless5 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file poppy-sftp.tac.rej04:53
lifeless1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file service.py.rej04:53
lifeless2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file loggingsupport.py.rej04:53
lifelessI shouldn't have bothered.04:53
lifelessEOL probably04:54
wgrantI'd assume so.04:54
lifelesssometimes I love twisted05:32
lifelesssometimes not so much05:32
_mup_Bug #901498: poppy-sftp OOPSes infinitely <oops> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by julian-edwards> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/901498 >05:34
lifelesswhats the zope thing to check an interface is provided ?05:54
lifelessand implemented05:54
lifelessfrom zope.interface.verify import verifyObject05:55
lifelessICanHasReiew? https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/python-oops-twisted/bug-902006/+merge/8506505:59
lifelesswgrant: ^ still around - or have I missed you?06:06
wgrantlifeless: Looks good.06:10
wgrantBut with that, I might EOY.06:10
lifelesswgrant: see you on wed?06:11
lifelessaustralasia christmas do06:12
wgrantUnlikely. It's a little way away, and I have little other cause to go to Sydney :)06:12
lifelessno worries06:13
lifelesssee you in budapest hten06:13
nigelbYOu guys sprinting in Budapest in Jan?06:15
wgrantYeah, with platform^Wdistro^Wubuntuengineering^Wwhatevertheyarenow06:16
lifelessrighto, poppy sorted.06:28
lifelesslp:/~lifeless/launchpad has the gore06:29
lifelesslp:/~lifeless/launchpad/bug-901498 has the gore06:29
stubIs this a spurious ec2 error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/764660/07:39
wgrantstub: Yes. I fixed it this morning.07:39
stubcool. lp-land then.07:39
wgrantstub: Oh, new baseline?07:40
wgrantI was wondering when that would happen.07:40
stubwgrant: Yes. Just slow getting it landed07:41
stubpebkac one day, ec2 fail one day...07:41
lifelessstub: does this include emptyin trusted.sql ?07:41
lifelessor is that separate07:41
stublifeless: yes. But fti.py is still being called.07:42
lifelessthats fine07:42
lifelessstub: the dump doesn't include the fti vectors by default?07:42
stublifeless: We can trash comments.sql too (I just want to catch production up first since the tree is more up to date at the moment)07:42
lifelessstub: yeah, I'm not coding in support for comments.sql07:42
wgrantWhy empty it rather than removing it?07:43
stublifeless: The dump of the schema includes the fti columns. The sample data goes to lengths to set them all to NULL when generating the sampledata (using an fti.py magic option) and again uses fti.py to regenerate them to real values after restoration07:43
stubwgrant: minimize code changes to db-devel07:44
stubwgrant: And one step at a time - easy to back out if I forgot some corner case and we need to recover07:44
wgrantOh, didn't realise this was on db-devel.07:44
wgrantWhy's it on db-devel?07:44
lifelessstub: so one way we could eliminate fti.py is to remove the null-on-dump, then do a no-op update, then remove fti.py ?07:44
lifelessstub: which would get us to the 'apply patches to change things' state we have prod in, for devs too07:45
stublifeless: I like NULL on dump - no need to store generated data in the sample data. I'll just have a little helper we can use and trash fti.py07:45
stuberm... like NULLs in the dump. Makes the diffs nicer, makes things easier to read07:45
wgrantThe sample data is *all* generated data.07:45
lifelessstub: most of sampledata is generated in some way ;)07:45
stubyeah yeah07:45
wgrantHowever, I am tempted to agree with stub until we get rid of sampledata entirely.07:46
stubI can think of one reason to put the fti data into the sample data dump - if we end up with bespoke fti indexes (say, a BugSearch table with its fti data updated from triggers on bug, bugtask, product etc) we can't really automate a way to rebuild it.07:48
stubrebuild the data I mean07:48
lifelessseems sound to me07:48
lifelessanother reason is that the content of the sampledata dump isn't really editable anyhow - thats why we load it up, then tweak live, then dump.07:49
wgrantWell actually...07:49
lifelesspeople do, doesn't make it a good idea07:49
lifelesse.g. editing bugsummary extracted data in the dump will 'work' but generate invalid state07:50
stubI'm comfortable enough with my hypocrisy to tell people not to while doing it myself...07:52
stubI don't think I need to announce trusted.sql changes - almost always stored procedures arrive in db patches and I have to tell people to move the code.07:54
stubtrashing trusted.sql will have the nice side effect of making staging restores more readable08:07
jtvlifeless, stub: good to have you both here.  DB review needed!  https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/db-849683-notnull/+merge/8507608:43
stubjtv: r=stub08:51
adeuringgood morning08:54
jtvmorning adeuring09:02
adeuringhi jtv!#09:02
jtvstub: I wonder if we could safely run our sample data through “cat --squeeze-blank” to normalize blank lines.  Getting so tired of that useless bit at the top of the diff.09:03
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
stubjtv: it would bite someone eventually who tries to put a double newline in a string for formatting09:15
jtvMore to the point, would we have any sympathy?09:16
stubjtv: A regexp that understants the basic string quoting used though would be fine.09:16
stubjtv: Sure, especially if people want sample data to demonstrate markup for example09:17
jtvBut what about our no-new-sampledata rule?09:17
stubthat is for tests09:17
jtvAh, dev sampledata.  Hadn't thought of that.09:18
poolieallenap, hi, can you reread https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/feature-modulus/+merge/8489009:18
jtvmorning bigjools09:19
bigjoolsgood morning09:20
bigjoolsbliss is reading email before starting IRC09:20
* jtv parses09:20
* jtv ponders09:21
jtvWho's Bliss?09:21
bigjoolslifeless: \o/09:22
jtvLet me just go through a few reboot contortions to get audio working for the call.09:23
lifelessbigjools: ?09:32
bigjoolslifeless: you fixed it09:33
lifelessbigjools: ah yes09:33
lifelessbigjools: was fairly straight forward, once I got the rest of my plate clear to actually look at it09:33
lifelessbigjools: (getting to that point took all day :P)09:33
bigjoolslifeless: what a mess the logging code is :/09:33
* bigjools OTP09:34
lifelessbigjools: I assume you're fine going forward?09:34
bigjoolslifeless: will talk after I get off phone09:34
stubbigjools: twisted logging or logging module logging? Think I'm mainly responsible for the mess the latter is.09:35
bigjoolswell, more twisted's09:36
stubLibrarianLogger should die if that causes you any headaches.09:36
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
allenappoolie: Sure.10:04
lifelessnight all, have a good weekend10:22
jelmerhave a good weekend lifeless10:22
bigjoolslifeless: still there?10:24
bigjoolsstub: is the librarian logging to stdout right now?10:56
bigjoolsah no, the crazy twisted rotating nonsense10:58
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
jtvbigjools: garbo is now cronned on dogfood.11:17
bigjoolsrejoice for more timeouts on df11:18
jtvI may be hammering it a bit hard.11:24
jtvThen again, dblooptuner.11:24
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring, bac | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
bachi adeuring, i'm going to grab stub's MP unless you're working on it13:22
adeuringbac: no, i haven't had a look yet13:22
bigjoolsabentley: can you spare a couple of minutes please? I need to ask about some codehosting tests14:24
abentleybigjools: I have stand-up in 6 minutes.  Do you want to talk before or after?14:24
bigjoolsabentley: I'll try and fit it in now if that's ok!14:25
bigjoolsin lib/lp/codehosting/puller/tests/test_acceptance.py there's a assertRanSuccessfully14:25
abentleybigjools: certainly.14:25
bigjoolsit checks to see that stdout is empty14:25
bigjoolsdo you know the purpose of that:?14:25
abentleybigjools: no.  Let me annotate it...14:26
bigjoolsreason I ask is because I am changing how logging works across our apps because there's a honking great bug with the new oops  stuff, and now I get a non-empty log14:26
bigjoolslike this:14:26
bigjools+ 2011-12-09 18:13:30+0530 [-] Log opened.14:26
bigjools+ 2011-12-09 18:13:34+0530 [-] Main loop terminated.14:26
bigjoolswhich seems innocuous, but ...14:26
abentleybigjools: I guess it might assume that logging is done to a file, not stdout.  That's the only reason I can think of.  You could ask jml; he wrote that.14:28
bigjoolsyeah that's all I could think of too14:28
jmlIt's running the cron job directly, so it's assuming no output14:32
jmland logging to a file14:32
jmlsee cronscripts/supermirror-pull.py14:32
bigjoolsjml: I guess my logging changes didn't quite work for supermirror!14:33
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
bigjoolsoh I see why, the test doesn't supply --logfile14:34
bigjoolsabentley: would you mind checking over my logging changes in this branch please? It affects a couple of codehosting services and I'd feel happier if an expert looked. https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/launchpad/detailed-gpg-exceptions/+merge/8513815:39
abentleybigjools: I'm sorry, but none of this is anything I have special knowledge about.15:45
bigjoolsabentley: ok fair enough, thanks15:45
abentleybigjools: np15:45
allenapadeuring, bac: Please can you review my branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/check-teamparticipation-fix-too-bug-897269/+merge/8514816:11
adeuringallenap: sure16:11
allenapadeuring: Thanks.16:11
adeuringallenap: r=me16:32
allenapadeuring: Thank you :)16:33
james_wis lp.bugs.scripts.checkwatches.tests.test_bugwatchupdater.BugWatchUpdaterTestCase.test_known_error_handling the last test to run?16:36
james_wmy ec2 instance has gone away again, and I' wondering if it ran to completion first16:36
allenapjames_w: In what context, or is this ECHAN?16:41
allenapjames_w: Ignore me, I can't read.16:41
* allenap tries to find out.16:42
allenapjames_w: No, it's not the last for me.16:43
james_wwould someone please throw https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/binaries-created-since/+merge/85022 at ec2 land for me then please16:44
james_wI've had it die twice with no indication of any failures16:44
allenapjames_w: Sure.16:44
Laneyjames_w: There is a typo there "teh `date_created`" ;-)16:51
james_wit's probably being rejected by the spell check then :-)16:52
Laneyunless you are being 3133716:52
bacjcsackett: hi i'm looking at your branch for driver/maintainer picker -- thanks for making this long-needed improvement.16:52
bacjcsackett: i notice, however, you got rid of the pop-up help for driver.  was that accidental?16:53
jcsackettbac: it was. offhand i'm not sure how to include it back in though. i'll poke around.16:53
jcsackett(i don't think just putting the anchor back in will look right b/c of the html around the button, but maybe)16:54
bacjcsackett: ok.  i think we need to keep it since no one knows what a driver is.  r=me pending figuring that part out.16:54
* jcsackett nods.16:54
jcsackettthanks, bac.16:54
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
lifelesspoolie: oh hai19:13
lifelesspoolie: btw we'll get soft timeouts from bazaar.launchpad.net now19:13
lifelesspoolie: may have to fiddle with oops-tools reports a little to get good summaries, but we'll know how many requests go over 7 seconds19:14
abentleybac: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/fix-expirable-bugs/+merge/85181 ?19:27
bacabentley: sure19:27
abentleybac: thanks.19:28
bacabentley: i don't understand why the original problem occured, producing the KeyError.  the only actual code change i see is using 0 instead of the config value.19:35
abentleybac: The bug fix is through making BugTaskExpirableListingView a subclass of BugTaskSearchListingView, so that BugTaskSearchListingView.initialize sets up the correct IJSONRequestCache values.19:36
bacah, ok.  i overlooked that19:36
abentleybac: I may not have explained that well.19:37
bacabentley: no, my fault.  but that's why on-call reviewing is great.19:38
bacdone abentley.  thanks.19:39
abentleybac: thank *you*.19:40
flacostewoohoo for autmatically updated preview diff!19:42
Duditzhi all! please, after I do launchpad actions, when my karma is updated?20:12
jelmerDuditz: I think it's updated weekly or so20:13
Duditzgreat, thanks jelmer20:14
flacosterabbit seems to have problems on the latest db_lp build20:15
sinzuibac: do you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/series-package-subscriptions/+merge/85188 when the diff appears?20:18
bacsinzui: i do20:30
sinzuiI see db_lp failed. I cannot reproduce the error: https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_db_lp/builds/1577/steps/shell_6/logs/summary Should I retry the build20:37
bacsinzui: done.20:50
sinzuithank you bac20:51
sinzuijcsackett, do you have time to mumble21:21
jcsackettsinzui: yes, one moment.21:23
abentleybac: AFAICT, setup_subscription_link in lib/lp/registry/javascript/structural-subscription.js throws an exception if no subscription link is present.  Was this intentional?21:29
bacabentley: yes, the link should be present21:35
abentleybac: You're written code in lp.bugs.browser.structuralsubscription.StructuralSubscriptionMenuMixin that makes it not always present.21:37
bacabentley: so for anon users the JS is throwing the error?21:43
abentleybac: Actually, I'm getting the error on https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm21:44
abentleybac: I don't understand why yet.21:45
abentleybac: I believe it's the root cause of bug #90225221:45
_mup_Bug #902252:  sort buttons that are missing on the distribution dynamic bugs listing <bug-columns> <fallout> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/902252 >21:45
abentleybac: I think this is because I am not a member of the bug supervisor, juju Charm Contributors21:51
bacabentley: yes, the logic behing userCanAlterBugSubscriptions is crazy.  it's an ubuntu thing.21:53
abentleybac: So I think the error should be scaled back at most to a warning, maybe an info or debug.21:54
bacabentley: that is probably a good idea.21:54
abentleybac: cool, thanks.21:54
abentleybac: I've confirmed that adding me to "juju Charm Contributors" fixes the bug.21:57
bacabentley: that isn't very scalable!  :)22:03
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
james_wFAILURE: lib/lp/bugs/javascript/tests/test_buglisting_utils.html22:30
james_wis that a known failure currently?22:30
james_wit's very unlikely to do with anything in my branch that just got rejected because of that failure22:30
james_wwell it passes locally on tip23:15
james_wand with my branch merged23:16
james_wso would someone please throw https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/binaries-created-since/+merge/85022 at ec2 land again?23:16

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