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mitchell`When filing a bug report on Launchpad, are there any markdown-style formatting options?08:26
mitchell`For example if I want to mark something as a code block?08:26
mitchell`The help system and links on the page reveal nothing, but I thought I'd ask.08:26
lifelessnot yet, poolie has a branch in progress that will add this08:27
mitchell`thanks :)08:29
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effie_jayxdobey: I mean to merge the debian directory from one branch with the source from upstream to build  the package10:40
effie_jayxbut what happens to debian/changelog, does it stay untouched?10:40
Laneybigjools: we just tried a sponsored sync & it seems to have worked well, thanks! the only thing we've noticed besides UI is that the sponsoree doesn't get email11:10
Laneywant a bug for that?11:10
bigjoolsLaney: have they ever got email?11:11
bigjoolsI mean, yes, please file a bug if you want something but I need to know if it's something that is missing from the old syncs11:12
bigjoolscompared to old syncs I mean11:12
geserIIRC I got accepted mails from sponsored syncs (when they got processed by an AA)11:15
bigjoolsok thanks11:15
Laneyyou always got mail by virtue of the workflow being bug-based11:16
LaneyI don't remember if /soyuz/ sent you one11:16
geserbigjools: will check my mail archive when I'm home to be sure11:17
bigjoolsok , cheers11:17
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: allenap | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
Laneybigjools: yeah, confirmed that you do11:20
Laneybug #90211411:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 902114 in Launchpad itself "When sponsoring using copyPackage, the sponsored person is not sent email from Soyuz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90211411:24
ForageAre the builds still catching up after the failure? Or is there a different reason why my uploads have been waiting 15 hours so far?12:42
bigjoolswe are missing some builders, they'll be back this weekend12:43
ForageI assumed everything was back to normal again, or at least did not expect such a big delay12:45
Forageby the way, if I look on the build status page, I get to see "Pending (2505)" as a status for each package. What does the 2505 mean? Is it a status code or e.g. position in a queue?12:47
bigjoolsit's the score12:58
bigjoolsthe queue is not revealed anywhere, but it's based on the score and the order of entry12:58
dobeyeffie_jayx: in recipe builds? no, it is updated with an automated entry at time of build, but the bzr repository itself is not modified13:07
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glenhi, can i somehow add links to mailing lists of teams to project page?13:48
gleni.e i'd like to have on project page: https://launchpad.net/eventum two lists13:48
glenhttps://launchpad.net/~eventum-developers and https://launchpad.net/~eventum-users13:48
glenis it possible?13:49
glencurrently i added as text to project description13:50
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SpamapSis there a bug in bug search right now?17:46
SpamapSThat should only show bugs with ubuntu-server as the bug supervisor17:46
SpamapSbut its showing *all* bugs in Ubuntu that are New/Undecided17:46
=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad to: Build delays due to earlier hardware failure | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
SpamapSHm if I manually rebuild the search it works right..17:49
SpamapSbut the only difference seems to be adding &orderby=-importance17:49
lifelesswell, the search you want is timing out17:51
SpamapSIt has worked a few times for me17:51
SpamapSand timed out a couple as well ;)17:52
SpamapSwithout a bug importance, it times out a lot more17:52
SpamapSlike, always17:52
lifelessSpamapS: you can look at the oops yourself :)17:54
SpamapSlifeless: that is *seriously* nice17:54
* SpamapS is distracted by the wonder of closed loop error inspection17:54
lifelessduh :P why do you think I spent such time on this :)17:54
SpamapSfigured you were bored ;)17:55
SpamapSSo, is it the addition of the order by that is causing this problem? The server team has been using this particular search for at least 20 months..17:56
christoph_debianhi! is there somewhere a confortable way to say "this package in sid/preceise builds fine in $someolder-ubuntu please build it in my ppa" without creating a handfull of different version/distribution uploads?17:57
SpamapSORDER BY BugTask.datecreated LIMIT 76 OFFSET 0'17:57
SpamapSwouldn't bug ID be more efficient? :-P17:58
lifelessSpamapS: there is a bug for tjis17:58
SpamapSchristoph_debian: you may be interested in the 'backportpackage' script which will take any .dsc and spray it out to as many releases as you want, automatically uploading to PPA :)17:59
lifelessSpamapS: short story, something went over a threshold and the planner went nuts17:59
SpamapSlifeless: that is a pretty gnarly SQL statement.. ;)17:59
SpamapSWHERE BugTask.assignee IN (SELECT team FROM teams)18:00
SpamapSthat in particular seems like it might cause fits18:00
SpamapSOh wait thats a subselect18:00
lifelesswelcome to the mire that is LP bug search18:01
lifelessSpamapS: teams is a CTE18:01
lifelessSpamapS: not a subselect18:02
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SpamapSI don't speak deep SQL-eze18:03
lifelesscommon table expression18:03
SpamapS"one of those things that you can shoot yourself in the foot with"18:03
lifelessthink 'inlinable function'18:04
SpamapSSo, when are we moving to Solandra ? ;-)18:04
SpamapSlifeless: seriously, SQL's ad-hoc capability is a blessing and a curse.. is there any plan to go to a more scalable search method? SOLR would eat this for breakfast.18:06
lifelessI know18:07
lifelessyes there are, but no staff time to do it18:07
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christoph_debianSpamapS: indeed that works18:09
lifelessSpamapS: notice at the bottom - we get tracebacks for each action18:11
lifelessSpamapS: so we can tell what triggered it18:11
* lifeless smugs18:11
christoph_debianhm no not that way "PPA uploads must be for the RELEASE pocket."18:11
lifelessSpamapS: so what is this a search of (in english)18:12
lifeless Limit  (cost=6159595.53..6159595.72 rows=76 width=925) (actual time=27815.295..27815.320 rows=76 loops=1)18:13
SpamapSlifeless: all bugs marked new on packages that have ubuntu-server as bug supervisor18:13
lifelessrighto, this is the one daviey had blow up last week18:13
christoph_debianthis backportpackage doesn't accept a pocket name if one doesn't directly upload it seems18:14
SpamapS27815, is that seconds? so .. only 7 hours18:14
lifelessSpamapS: http://explain.depesz.com/s/CQn18:14
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lifelessSpamapS: bug 89282018:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 892820 in Launchpad itself "Timeout on Distribution:+bugs searching by bug supervisor" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89282018:16
SpamapSlifeless: so there is evil in ordering.. wouldn't ordering by whatever the clustered key of the table is be the most efficient method?18:18
lifelessSpamapS: pg doesn't cluster18:18
christoph_debiand backportpackage also doesn't support supplying a different gpg key18:20
SpamapSlifeless: at all? sad.18:21
lifelessSpamapS: you can, manually, but it ages right away18:21
SpamapSlifeless: thats one of the best tricks in InnoDB.. put the important stuff early in the PK and you can order by it.. lightning fast order by.18:22
lifelessSpamapS: bug heat, for instance, causes a rewrite of every bug tuple every few days18:22
lifelessSpamapS: we can do lightning fast order by - we can - the problem here isn't order by being costly18:22
SpamapSsort + nested loop then?18:23
lifelessSpamapS: look at the plan18:23
SpamapSlifeless: I have zero knowledge of tuning pg queries18:24
lifelessnote the seq scan on bug task *inside* an inner loop18:24
SpamapSits like op ork gleep ..18:24
lifelessits throwing that into a hash18:24
SpamapSThat I grok. Yes, scans are bad, mmkay18:24
lifelessthe table scan is crazy18:26
lifelessthere are 194 bugs matching your criteria18:26
SpamapSpart of the reason we may not have seen this before is we usually kept that number < 3018:27
lifelessno, its because its making bad predictions18:28
SpamapSwell I was thinking maybe the prediction was different w/ 3018:28
lifelessyour url is different somehow18:28
lifelessthe ss CTE is gone18:28
lifelessthe url in https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/892820 may work if you leave the bug listing beta18:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 892820 in Launchpad itself "Timeout on Distribution:+bugs searching by bug supervisor" [Critical,In progress]18:29
lifelessSpamapS: that search, can I get a screenshot of you setting it up on the advanced search page or something ?19:02
SpamapSlifeless: is it enough to say that the only changes to the default are to make sure only status 'New' is checked, and type in 'ubuntu-server' as the bug supervisor?19:06
SpamapSlifeless: thats exactly what I've just done to reproduce it.19:06
lifelessSpamapS: let me see19:13
lifelessSpamapS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu timed out. Not a win.19:15
SpamapSlifeless: seems that even getting more specific.. only bugs with NEW and UNDECIDED ... times out. :(19:35
SpamapSwait that one isn't fair. ;)19:36
ForageI got my first build on launchpad and it failed to compile. According to the received e-mail I was free to "contact a member of the Launchpad Buildd Administrators team" for help. Does this channel count? :-D19:56
ForageAs far as I can tell it failed at "FAILED [dpkg-buildpackage died]"19:56
ForageThe question is why19:57
ForageIs it the two "undefined reference to" messages before or is "dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2" a separate error?19:58
Foragethe two "undefined reference to" don't look like real errors19:58
Duditzhi all! please, after I do launchpad actions, when my karma is updated?19:59
dobeyForage: the undefined reference errors are the problem20:15
Foragehmm, not good then20:16
Foragethat would mean the source contains bugs, doesn't it?20:16
ForageI can't imagine it's a dependency or build issue20:17
Forageor maybe outdated patches20:18
dobeyit's not linking to an X lib20:18
Foragehmm, no additional patches touching that file20:22
Foragebleh, can't find it20:59
Foragewhy is it that whenever I "just" want to give something a try, stuff is going wrong in a weird way?21:01
Foragex11 is linked as far as I can tell, and no changes where made in that area to make it break21:02
micahgForage: #ubuntu-packaging would probably be more appropriate since it's an issue with the packaging and not the PPA itself21:39
Foragemicahg: thanks for the hint, I'll give it a try22:07
ForageI tried xclaesse as well, since he did some empathy packaging for the telepathy ppa already, but he's afk22:09
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