
rich3yeah, i didn't even have panels coming from winXp.  certainly i didn't have docks.  :)00:01
holsteinyou have to install other applications to add that kind of functionality to XP00:01
holsteinwith linux distros, its all open... you can literally make it your own00:01
rich3I'm pretty sure I can only use 1 distro at a time ;)00:02
holsteinim not suggesting you use more00:02
holsteinim suggesting that if you want, you can make the one distro you choose to run look and feel exaclty like you want00:03
rich3what are you running holstein00:03
holsteini have xubuntu on this machine, 11.10... im mostly running ubuntu 10.04 LTS most places00:03
holsteini have a crunchbang install im enjoying as well00:04
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craigbass1976how mature is the lubuntu software center these days?  What are the chances of getting it running in Lucid?  I'm about to give my mom a fresh lubuntu lucid install, and I don't know how well I'll be able to talk her through synaptics02:38
holsteincraigbass1976: i wouldnt let a software center dictate what distro i install02:39
holsteinits fine, but synaptic works... apt... aptitude02:39
craigbass1976my mother is 60 and not savvy in the least02:40
holsteinsure, so you should install what she needs, and lock it down02:41
holsteinshe shouldnt need to install software02:41
holsteinanyways, theres also no reason *not* to run 11.1002:41
craigbass1976Is something up with the servers?  It took me forever to get the iso last night.02:42
holsteincraigbass1976: i usually cancel if i get a slow mirror, and start over right then02:43
craigbass1976I gave up after two or three and just let 'er rip02:44
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smphi there, I have a problem15:11
smpI put in Preferred Applications Midori as my default browser but it open links with chromium15:11
smpwhat file do I have to edit ?15:12
leszeksmp: execute sudo update-alternatives --confg x-www-browser in terminal and choose midori as default15:13
smpleszek: thank you very much15:15
=== zkriesse_away is now known as zkriesse
dustmanmade fresh install of lubuntu16:09
dustmanlooks very cool16:10
dustmanany recommendations for GTK+ TeX editor?16:12
dustmanuris: found TeXworks17:06
urisoh, haven't heard about that one17:06
dustmanused it on Win machine at one point17:06
urisoh, cool. will give it a test drive :)17:06
dustmanresembles TeXShop from Mac17:07
dustmanI tried LyX couple of years ago but didn't like it17:08
dustmanvim + shell is better imo17:08
urisyeah, its much more fun doing it in vim17:08
lubianahi there, can some1 tell me, why all new windows are spawned behind chromium-browser?19:43
catalinanyone use tango GSM?21:40
catalinGPS sorry21:43
david_j_rDoes anyone know the command line one would use with "setxkbmap" to change a keyboard layout from the terminal?22:08
Unit193Not just  setxkbmap us  _22:12
david_j_rhmmm - that looks right Unit19322:12
david_j_rwhich means I've done something wrong somewhere else :)22:13
Unit193I tested with setxkbmap de :P22:13
david_j_rI'm trying to use this to get kbd switching attached to hotkeys: http://code.google.com/p/obkey/22:13
david_j_rbut I'm obviously doing something wrong22:13
david_j_rCan use it to launch, e.g., leafpad, but when I try to get it to switch a kbd, ... nothing.22:14
david_j_rObkey looks like something that ought to be in Lubuntu, imo!22:14
Unit193Except for22:15
Unit193!info obkey22:15
ubot5Package obkey does not exist in natty22:15
david_j_rI don't understand "!info obkey" - can you explain?22:17
Unit193In order for it to be in Lubuntu by default, it has to be in the Ubuntu repos (That checked if it was)22:17
Unit193!info firefox oneiric22:17
ubot5'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable22:17
david_j_rturned up something interesting, it seems22:18
Unit193NO, just needs to be fixed as it doesn't have Oneiric (latest) enabled22:18
Unit193(Sorry for caps)22:18
Unit193!info firefox22:19
ubot5firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 8.0+build1-0ubuntu0.11.04.3 (natty), package size 14838 kB, installed size 29608 kB22:19
david_j_rwhen I type "!info" into terminal, I get a bash message "event not found"22:19
david_j_rBut about obkey :) all I meant a moment ago, was that Lubuntu needs an easy way to do keybinding.22:20
david_j_rDoesn't seem straightforward at the moment.22:20
mark76Does LXDE have a menu editor yet?22:22
david_j_rnot a gui one22:23
mark76There's a project for someone22:23
david_j_rthere's a number of forum threads mentioning that22:23
david_j_rand maybe some "wish-list" type things in the big Lubuntu 12.04 thread22:24
mark76I know the Xfce people were peeved that they lost menu editing capabilities22:27
Unit193Xfce currently works with alacarta (the one that's spelled correctly)22:28
mark76Yeah, but they used to have their own before 4.622:30
david_j_rBtw - just got Obkey to change kbd's for me - I must have been using a bad hotkey combination before.22:30
mark76Not sure what happened to it22:30
lalalahello elo elo lo23:02
lalalaare u alive?23:05
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:07
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:23
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:23
Unit193lalala: Do you have a question?23:24
lalala:) yes, hope someone can help me23:24
lalalaim thinking about bying an intel classmate 323:24
lalalait has only 1gb ram and 1,6ghz processor23:25
lalalabut its has a touchscreen23:25
lalalai'd like to run realtime audio processing stuff on it, so i need the ram ...  thats how i came to lubuntu23:25
lalalais it easyly possible to set up the touchscreen in lubuntu?23:26
lalalai found drivers on eturbotouch.com23:27
lalalabut they are for ubuntu and X23:27
lalalaor linux kernel ...23:27
lalalai found in puredyne a library called tslib (for touchscreens)23:29
Unit193I haven't used touchscreen, but Lubuntu does use the same core as Ubuntu23:29
lalalabut ubuntu uses X window and lubuntu not?23:31
lalalathe drivers are for x window23:31
Unit193Yes, Lubuntu uses X23:31
lalalaLXDE is then something different, no window manager?23:33
Unit193It's a window manager, running on the X window system. Are you talking about XFWM/Xfce?23:34
xsaidxguys my lame laptop makes so much noice23:36
xsaidxwht wud that come from ?23:36
lalala@ xsaidx:   fan?23:37
xsaidxUnit193: any ide ?23:37
Unit193Well, I'd think maybe fan, you could try dusting it out (spray can)23:38
xsaidxlalala: yeh i guess so i tried to open it but coudnt make it23:38
lalalaok im quite a newbi ... sorry      what is the difference between lubuntu and ubuntu? if a device is supported in ubuntu its also supported in lubuntu?  is just the packaging different?  can i pack my own lubuntu version to add for example the touchscreenlibrary?23:38
lalala@xsaid:   i read once about the tool fancontrol23:39
lalala@xsaidx: maybe this helps?23:40
xsaidxlalala:  Unit193 yeh i ned that thnigy i guess23:40
xsaidxlalala: lubuntu its based on ubuntu but it uses diffrent desktop environement which is lxde whiche lighter a lot then gnome23:41
lalalaah cool slowly i get it ... so the difference is ubuntu -gnome    lubuntu-lxde             peripheral devices are controlled by what ??23:43
lalalaby kernel? X window? Gnome/ lxde??23:44
lalalain xubuntu touchscreens seem to work ...   where can i see the content of the lubuntu package?23:51
xsaidxlalala: well im jsut like i dont kon muxh but what i kno the kernel talks to your hardwar ok23:59
xsaidxso the chief its the kernel23:59

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