
twblilstevie: hey, you around?01:14
twblilstevie: I'm trying to use your menu doodad from OLiFE 1.2, it isn't happy about something01:15
twbnvflash configuration file error: partition/ filesystem_type invalid01:15
twblilstevie: it gets farther if I pick dualboot, so I think there's a typo in your configs/linux.cfg, investigating now01:21
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lilstevieyeah, there is :p02:03
lilstevietwb: I need to fix it but there is a misplaced c02:03
lilsteviesed -i 's/ext3c/ext3/g' ./configs/*02:04
twbAh, I saw that and thought it looked suspicious :-)02:10
lilstevieyeah, was a typo, but haven't really gotten around to fixing it because I cbf, I don't want that script to be around for much longer02:18
lilstevieand the more I fiddle around with trying to fix it the less time I have to work on the gui02:18
lilstevieoh btw, interesting thing, someone else came across the same issue you were having with u-boot02:19
twbDid they fix it?02:25
lilstevieI did02:25
lilsteviethey were a little more helpful02:25
* twb looks guilty02:26
lilstevieturns out; not following instructions to the letter doesn't work02:26
twbWhat did I fuck up?02:26
lilsteviedid you apply ARCH=arm on the same command line, or were you doing it from env vars02:26
twbIIRC no because I was compiling on the device itself02:26
lilsteviewell the guy who also had the problem; if ARCH=arm was not supplied, it produced the same non working image you had02:27
twbI've lost most of that when my netbook exploded yesterday02:27
lilsteviefair enough02:27
twbInteresting and annoying, tho02:27
twbDo you know if he was cross-compiling?02:27
lilsteviehe was, but I supply ARCH=arm when I compile on device02:28
lilsteviecause I use the same script to build02:28
lilstevieand supply the cross compiler in envvars02:28
twbscripts/flash.sh: line 108: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script02:46
twbFYI you also appear to have done + ./bins/nvflash --bct ./images/transformer.bct --setbct --configfile ./configs/linux.cfg.cfg --bl ./images/bootloader.bin --odmdata 0x300d8011 --sbk 0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98 --sync02:49
lilstevieI always call the other scripts with source 0.o03:03
twbOK my fault then03:07
twbAlso when flashing it gets to "Device needs to be put back into APX mode" but doesn't pause03:11
lilstevieit should03:38
twbWhy does linux.cfg say USP instead of UBT?03:45
twbnm, UBT is further up03:45
twbWhen I boot it, it coms up with the eeepad/asus/nvidia logos, and just sits at that screen03:47
twbI am using your olife prime edition, maybe the asus bootloader that ships with that is wrong for the 32G03:48
lilsteviethere is one bootloader03:50
twbI asked because now when I do boot+voldn, it gives me only "wipe data" and no second icon, last time IIRC there were two icons and volup switched between them03:52
lilstevienewer versions doesn't03:54
twbah ok03:54
lilstevieyou may need to put the kernel in recovery position and write recovery-boot to msc03:55
twb./bins/nvflash --bct ./images/transformer.bct --setbct --configfile ./configs/linux.cfg --create --bl ./images/bootloader.bin --odmdata 0x300d8011 --sbk 0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98 --go03:56
twb./bins/nvflash --bct ./images/transformer.bct --setbct --configfile ./configs/linux.cfg.cfg --bl ./images/bootloader.bin --odmdata 0x300d8011 --sbk 0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98 --sync && ./bins/nvflash -r --download 8 ./images/ubuntu.img03:56
twb...those were the commands that ran03:56
lilsteviethere has been some wierd condition though with decompressing the initrd03:57
lilsteviein main boot03:57
lilsteviewhere quite frankly, it dies on its ass and has a kernel panic03:58
twbI don't think that's what's happening to me03:58
lilsteviewhat is happening to you03:58
twb14:47 <twb> When I boot it, it coms up with the eeepad/asus/nvidia logos, and just sits at that screen03:58
twbIf it was oopsing in the ramdisk I would expect it to say so onscreen03:59
lilstevieyeah it does03:59
lilstevieincomplete write03:59
lilstevie./bins/nvflash --bct ./images/transformer.bct --setbct --configfile ./configs/linux.cfg --bl ./images/bootloader.bin --odmdata 0x300d8011 --sbk 0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98 --sync && ./bins/abootimg-$(uname -m) --create ./tmp/linux.img -f ./boot/purelinux.cfg -k ./kernels/2636-zImage -r ./kernels/initrd-2.6.36.img && ./bins/nvflash -r --download 6 ./tmp/linux.img04:05
twb6 not 8 ?04:05
lilsteviewhy would you write the kernel over the rootfs :p04:05
twbWell because 8 is what you're doing in olife script04:06
lilstevieyeah but that is writing the rootfs04:06
twboh right04:06
twbThat didn't seem to help04:09
lilsteviewhat happened04:09
lilsteviesame thing, or something else04:10
twbsame thing04:10
lilsteviedo it to 5 and boot recovert04:18
twbwtf I hit reboot and it just displayed linux for a second04:18
twbSo it had booted the kernel but not drawn anything onscreen04:18
twbyeah, it was oopsing04:18
twbsomethign about not syncing VFS04:20
twbunable to mount root filesystem04:21
twbif I pick dualboot and ubuntu default, then I get the thing you described where linux starts and oopses onscreen04:33
twbThen if I bounce it again it comes up normally, and resize2fs's and everything04:34
twbmy guess is config/linux.cfg and boot/purelinux.cfg don't line up somehwere04:35
TheMusoI wonder whether Linux would still boot if some of the fat was trimmed from the initramfs when in the default boot configuration.04:35
twbTheMuso: strictly the ramdisk isn't needed at all04:35
TheMusotwb: I know that.04:36
TheMusotwb: But the initramfs sets up framebuffer stuff, runs jasper bits, etc.04:36
twbhaha, it's been in D for >120 seconds, the kernel guard just said04:38
twb"kinteractiveup" has04:38
lilstevieTheMuso: have you written anything up yet for that blueprint04:39
twbTheMuso: if you want to remove plymouth from ramdisk I won't object ;-)04:39
twblilstevie: during oem, what is the username and password?  It used to be oem/oem, but this doesn't appear to be the case here04:42
lilsteviestuffed if I know04:42
twb(I need to know so I can run "ip a" and find out the wifi MAC address, since wifi here pegs PSKs to MACs)04:42
lilstevieubiquity is autorun04:42
twbyeah but ubiquity prompts for a PSK without telling me what the MAC address is, so I can't give it the PSK04:43
twbI just skipped wifi for now04:44
lilsteviewell then do wifi once booted :p04:44
lilstevielike post ubiquity04:44
twbI'm used to network installs where you can't :-)04:44
TheMusolilstevie: Beyond actually adding the blueprint, not yet. Hopefully this weekend. Why whats up?04:55
lilsteviewas just wondering :p05:04
twblilstevie: how do you get keyboard repeat working?05:38
twblilstevie: ok, excitingly even though I was happily running ubuntu and did ubiquity and rebooted and such, after I switched into prime and back, ubuntu kernel detected the ramdisk was an incomplete write, and then oopsed05:57
twblilstevie: THAT makes me think that maybe the ramdisk is wider than the partition its on, but it happens to work until you run android which overwrites some of the overlapping blocks.  or something.05:57
lilstevieit is bootloader space06:04
lilstevieit works if kernel is in recovery position but not in main06:04
twbThat hurts my brain07:23
twbIf I pick the first option (dual boot, prime default), jasper seems to want to resize the root filesystem *every* boot07:57
twblilstevie: I'm going home now.  I'm a hard-code bash-fu weenie, so feel free to ping me if you want someone to wangle those olife scripts08:37
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
ogra_doko, someone in #ac100 just complained that python2.7 segfaults on armhf, is that known ?12:37
dokoogra_, extension or core code?12:39
ogra_he claims the package cant execute bytecode compilation from its postinst12:40
ogra_seems core code12:40
ogra_he said that 1.5h ago, i only saw it now, i pinged him12:40
ogra_i'm also not sure if he doesnt use a chroot or if thats the hf ac100 image12:41
ogra_(hf chroots seem to behave weird if /proc is mounted ... )12:42
infinityThey don't.12:47
ogra_they did here12:47
ogra_several times12:47
infinityYou mean procps upgrades killing your system?12:48
infinityThat's not "hf chroots misbehaving with proc mounted".12:48
ogra_that too, i had two other incidents where it affectzed the host12:48
infinityWell, any chroot can affect the host through proc.12:48
infinityNot an hf thing.12:48
ogra_sure, but usually that doesnt mean i need to reboot :)12:48
infinityThe procps thing is not hf-specific either, I suspect.12:49
infinityI just haven't cared to look at it.12:49
ogra_well, i have never seen that on other setups12:50
infinityAnyhow, python not being able to execute its postinst is pretty clearly not true, since it happens on nearly every build on the buildds..12:50
infinitySo, there's something more subtle going on there.12:50
ogra_for 2.7 ?12:50
infinity2.7 is our default python.12:51
infinitySo, yeah.12:51
ogra_hmm, intresting12:51
infinityAny package that build-deps on python (which is, well, lots of them), python2.7 gets installed.12:51
ogra_well, then i guess that guy simply has a broken setup or some such12:51
ogra_i asked him to file a bug12:51
infinityOr a dying machine.12:51
infinityIf he can reproduce the same segv every time, then it's worth looking into.12:52
infinityBut still might be something with the ac100 kernel or some such.12:52
ogra_well, i installed ubiquity b-deps yesterday in my chroot ... that should definitely install 2.7 alongside then12:53
ogra_and i had no errors12:53
ogra_its likely that he uses one of the early -core tarballs or some such12:53
ogra_and didnt upgrade12:53
infinityShould have been fine back then too.13:05
infinityIf python had been broken at any point in the bootstrap, I would have known.13:05
infinityWell, broken to that extent.13:06
infinityI'm sure it's slightly broken somewhere. ;)13:06
infinityAll software is.13:06
ogra_well, we'll see what he says (if he answers or writes the bug)13:06
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MMloshHow does one use the USB OTG   port on ubuntu oneiric?  (device mode)18:02
jjardonHi, I have problems compiling eglibc in my ARM board. This is the error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/765163/18:05
jjardonI already set CFLAGS="-fno-stack-protector -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE" Any another idea?18:05
infinityjjardon: I suppose asking why you don't use the packaged version would be a stupid question?18:09
infinityjjardon: (And your CFLAGS pretty clearly aren't making it there)18:10
jjardoninfinity: mmm, strange, I export the CFLAGS environment var and I get the same result18:13
infinityI assume they're being reset by the Makefiles.18:14
infinityStill, why are you building eglibc at all?18:14
jjardoninfinity: playing with lfs18:16
infinityAhh, so not really an Ubuntu question. ;)18:16
infinityAnyhow, in the eglibc packages, we work around the upstream Makefiles being draconian about CFLAGS by cheating.18:17
infinityWe set CC="gcc-4.6 -fno-stack-protector -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE" CXX="g++-4.6 -fno-stack-protector -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE"18:17
jjardoninfinity: no, not really ;) . I was wondering if the ubuntu-linaro compiler was setting any special flag or something18:17
infinity(ie: passing the flags as part of the compiler name instead)18:18
jjardonoo, I'll try that18:18
ogra_janimo, could you take a look if we could get teh fix for bug 861296 into the ac100 oneiric package ?18:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 861296 in linux-ti-omap4 "mmap fails to allocate 2030Mb heap on ARM" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86129618:19
shadeslayerlilstevie: no luck on getting ubuntu to boot on the transformer? :(18:21
shadeslayer( SBK v2 )18:21
MMloshHow does one use the pandaboard's USB OTG   port on ubuntu oneiric?  (device mode)  Loading g_ether does not seem to be enough18:28
GrueMasterinfinity: Any progress onlibc618:34
infinityGrueMaster: The netisnt issue?  Haven't had a chance to test yet.18:34
GrueMasterwell, last build still failed libc6-udeb18:35
GrueMasteruInitrd was fine though.18:35
infinityYeah, I know.  Getting to it.18:35
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dokoinfinity, did you see my message about happy being unhappy?18:44
infinitydoko: Yeahp, it's building.18:45
infinityGrueMaster: Oh, FFS.18:52
* infinity looks...18:52
infinity-rw-r--r-- root/root     93484 2011-12-06 16:45 ./lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-2.13.so18:53
infinityLack of executable bits.18:54
infinityI could just back out my path change from eglibc, since I fixed that in d-i anyway...18:55
parin1i just got a pandaboard what should be the status of LED1 and LED2 when you boot?18:59
* infinity tries to sort out how that's happening...18:59
parin1i am not getting anything on console neither on display18:59
parin1SD card booting from ubuntu 11/05 netbook prebuilt image18:59
infinityparin1: Nothing on serial?  Wiggle the card or try another.19:00
infinityparin1: It very unhelpfully does precisely nothing if it doesn't think there's an SD in the slot.19:00
parin1nope nothing on serial19:00
parin1i am using eclipse Terminal plugin not the minicom19:00
parin1whish should not matter i think19:01
parin1i am trying other card19:01
parin1but what should be the stutus of LEDs in a normal situation?19:01
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infinityI don't recall what they do initially on boot.19:05
infinityLooks like both come on.19:05
infinityIf there's no card in, only 2 comes on.19:05
parin1ok now i insetred the card, plugged the power in and pressed the power on button but still nothing19:07
parin1LED2 comes on and goes off19:08
parin1LED1 isnt turning on19:08
parin1i pressed power button one more time no LED2 is on19:09
parin1LED1 is off19:09
parin1but not getting anything19:09
parin1any idea?19:09
infinityYou don't even need to press the power button.  Just card then plug is enough.19:14
infinityIf LED2 is blinking out like that, I suspect it thinks there's nothing worth looking at on the card.19:15
janimoogra_, we do not have it yet, I pinged upstream about it too19:15
infinityjanimo: Locally patch it into your upcoming 3.x release? :)19:15
janimoI think we only need it for precise though?19:15
janimoinfinity, that too if upstream does not put it in their 3.0 tree :)19:16
infinityjanimo: I don't think it's dreadfully necessary to backport it for a "community" kernel, but we did do so for all the supported ones.19:16
janimoinfinity,I figured it is not that important a bug to have another oneiric upload for it19:18
infinityjanimo: No, but maybe queue it up if there are other things that need SRUing.19:18
infinityjanimo: But, really, I supect you're not even doing security support on that kernel, so...19:18
janimoI not so secretly hope we no longer upload SRU for ac100 kernel, unless critical security issues19:19
janimoit works ok so far and people are not complainig19:19
janimothe thing which do not work are minor (headphone mic etc) but those are not working upstream either yet19:19
janimothe last SRU did not get even one tester even though there was a call or two asking for it, so I think people are ok with what they have and not falling over to get new hotness19:20
infinityI don't much care, as long as things kinda work.19:21
infinitySecurity support would be nice, but I also plan to replace oneiric on my ac100 with precise really soon now.19:21
infinitySo... Will I get security support from you on precise? ;)19:22
janimoinfinity, heh, let me think before I decide if this is a trap question or not ok?19:24
infinity(It is)19:24
janimoif we get the port in good shape to be more than a community thing, we should probably have SRUs for it19:24
infinity"More than a community thing" meaning?19:24
infinityIt'll never be more than a community thing. :P19:25
janimoalthough since this is a space of arm/netbook tablets where the ac100 will look stone age in 2 years I am not sure people will care about updates for too long19:25
infinityCanonical's not gong to put any official support behind a subarch aimed at hardware that isn't available.19:25
janimowell, more than it is now, a bit more poliesh and with more users, in that regard19:25
infinitylilstevie and I were saying the other day that changing the ac100 subarch to a tegra subarch might not be an awful idea, if we can make the same kernel boot on a few devices.19:26
janimothat would indeed make a lot of sense19:26
infinity(Might be limited to tegra2, which still makes it DOA, but just maybe a unified tegra2/3 thing is possible?)19:26
janimothe 'One ARM kernel to boot them all' is still far away I guess. Not sure what subarchs linaro is targetting with that (if still the plan indeed)19:27
infinityWell, it relies on two things.19:27
infinityThe first being Devicetree/ACPI on all target devices.19:27
janimono idea how the tegra3 differs from t2 for such a kernel to be possible. Would be nice of course19:27
infinityThe second being no more driver conflicts between all the source trees. :P19:27
infinity(ie: so you can have one source tree)19:27
infinityGiven nvidia's engineering practices with GPUs, I'd be shocked if tegra3 couldn't boot on tegra2 kernels.19:28
infinityBut then again, it's probably a whole different set of engineers.19:28
infinity(I still love that the same drivers work from Riva TNT all the way to GeForce FancyPants 2011)19:28
infinityWell, except for bitrot.19:29
janimoinfinity, same drivers? I thought there were about 3 deb packages for different eras of NV chipsets? But as usual I may misremember19:29
infinityjanimo: There are, but that's only because they drop "official" support for old GPUs every once in a while so they don't have to keep testing and tweaking for dead hardware they don't care about.19:31
infinityjanimo: The oldest driver will still init the newest card (if you jam in the PCI IDs), just won't know all the extensions, and the newest driver will still drive the oldest card, it just might be buggy due to bitrot and lack of testing/caring.19:31
janimoI'd like to think  the lack of love for L4T is because they work on tegra3 support and will release together, and not just because they couldn't care less for linux19:32
janimoinfinity, that is impressive if so, had no idea19:32
janimobut I do not want to image how that code must look like19:33
infinityThe code's reasonable, except for the TNT compat (which they did actually drop completely at one point).19:33
MMloshogra_,  I am not sure if you're the right one to ask..   who might know how to use the pandaboard as a usb device?  loading g_ether is not enough.  and I apologize again for the highlight..19:33
infinitySo, I suppose I should say GeForce GTS -> GeForce now (but that's still 11 years of GPUs?)19:33
infinityjanimo: When they come up with shiny new ways to do old things, they often toss in a bit of a translation layer in microcode instead of in the drivers.  One of the things that happens when they drop support for old GPUs is dropping support for those translation interfaces and writing to the newer instructions.19:35
infinityjanimo: But, like I said, the core ISA never changes much.  Think of it like x86-for-graphics (which actually isn't far off, sadly).19:35
infinityjanimo: Stupidly complex, very extensible, and remarkably backward-compatible.19:35
janimohmm, they do not change the core ISA even with such changes in hw? impressive too19:35
infinityjanimo: They took a very Intel approach to the whole thing.  Think of the Riva128 and RivaTNT as the 8088 and 80286 (ish).  The GeForce was their "80386", and much like Intel, they decided that was good enough, and just kept extending the ISA after that instead of breaking it.19:41
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infinityjanimo: Which was pretty different from how most other video chip vendors were doing things at the time.  And probably led to their rapid iterations and World Domination(tm) in the space for a while until ATI caught on and started doing similar things.19:42
infinityGrueMaster: Found and fixing your bug.  Needs yet another eglibc upload.  FML.19:46
GrueMasterFigrues.  Thanks.  Let me know when it goes through.19:47
GrueMasterI thought it might have something to do with the udeb change you had made earlier.19:48
infinitySort of, yeah.  All passes do a find | chmod +x run to make sure ld.so is excutable.19:49
infinityFor the normal passes, that find was fixed to scan subdirectories.  For udebs, no one made that change.19:49
infinitySo, no +x on ld.so.19:49
infinityGrueMaster: Fixing a couple of other eglibc bugs while I'm in there.  And it takes forever to build anyway, so you wouldn't have it by EOD even if I uploaded now.  But you should have working netinst by Monday.19:58
GrueMasterOk.  Cool.19:58
mkshhi, can someone who has precise/arm{el,hf} run a test for me?20:44
mkshi've read the mksh build logs and am not fully sure about the regression testsuite results20:45
mksh(or just gimme a shell)20:45
mkshor if there’s something like debian’s porterboxen, tell me where ☺20:49
=== mksh is now known as lynx
infinitylynx: The test suite seemed to have run fine...?21:46
infinitylynx: Anyhow, I can help a bit later today.  I'm in the middle of fixing my clutch right now. :P21:47
lynxit actually did not run at all, for mksh-static22:00
lynxthanks, if I'm still around later tell me22:01
lilsteviejanimo: Tegra2 and Tegra3 are very similar at a core level, just the Tegra3 has 4 of them,23:46

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