
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
head_victimI'm looking around at cheap ebay pci>sata cards, has anyone had any experience? Should these "just work" or are there chipsets to avoid?07:20
ajcullenUbuntu says i have low disc space10:37
sagacigo to nautilus and check how much space is in the / directory and your home directory10:39
ajcullenFree space 2.9gb home?10:49
ajcullenIf i downloaded something would it go into home?10:49
sagaciwell what does it say under your / directory10:50
sagaciajcullen: yeah generally a browser download would be under ~/Downloads10:51
sagaciunless you used wget, which would usually be in the folder you run it from, maybe just ~/10:51
ajcullenIts 2.9 have i installed it wrong?10:53
sagaciare you dual-booting?10:53
sagacihow much did you shrink your windows (i'm assuming) partition?10:54
ajcullenBout 120gb for ubuntu10:55
ajcullenDid advanced off a tutorial10:55
sagacidoesn't sound right10:55
ajcullenCan someone link me a tutorial to get it right?10:56
sagacican you pastebin df -h10:56
ajcullenSure 10:56
sagaciare you on 11.10?10:57
ajcullenHow do i show u my pastebin?11:00
sagacicopy the url into here11:00
sagacihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11111 something like that11:00
sagaciassuming you've used paste.ubuntu.com11:01
ajcullenTake it ubuntu is more of a fixer upper than just starting a fresh with problems11:03
sagaciwhat guide did you use?11:05
ajcullenCant remember one off the net lol11:05
sagaciah, you installed via wubi?11:05
ajcullenAnd did an advanced11:06
sagacieh, I haven't used wubi since 2008 maybe once or twice, what version of windows are you dual-booting with11:06
ajcullen7 pro11:07
ajcullenTheres an advanced partitioning tool11:07
sagacibut, iirc, it's not actually partitioning, it's just a windows file11:08
ajcullenWhat should i do11:08
sagacihere's an idea, ditch wubi, shrink your disk from windows 7, download/use unetbootin to "burn" the iso to a USB stick, reboot, choose USB at bios and manually partition11:08
ajcullenOkay 11:09
ajcullenIs there a guide i should follow11:09
sagacias for deleting wubi...11:09
sagaciI can guide you if you've got time11:10
ajcullenShould i download ubuntu iso11:10
sagaciyep, are you with bigpond, optus or internode, iinet?11:10
ajcullenDunno at internet cafe11:11
sagaciah ok 11:11
sagaciis 700mb an issue?11:11
ajcullenPlaying cod 2 got my laptop open with ubuntu and irc ing on my xoom11:11
ajcullenNarh i am torrenting lion lol11:11
sagaci700mb download, that is11:11
sagaciassuming you want 64-bit - http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/releases/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso11:12
sagaciyou'll want to download that in your windows 7 install11:12
ajcullenCool just a sec11:13
sagaciand also - http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/unetbootin/UNetbootin/563/unetbootin-windows-563.exe?r=http%3A%2F%2Funetbootin.sourceforge.net%2F&ts=1323429199&use_mirror=internode11:13
sagaciin your windows 7 install too11:13
ajcullenWhats that one?11:13
sagaciit's used to "burn" the iso to your USB stick11:14
sagaciso you can boot into the live ubuntu environment to install it11:14
ajcullenJust get my keys11:14
sagacialso, if you have anything on your wubi ubuntu install, back it up / copy it now11:15
ajcullenNtfs or fat for a 8gb flash? Formatting...11:16
ajcullenThought so11:17
sagacinot sure if it is still an issue but certain things won't boot from ntfs11:18
sagacifyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How_do_I_uninstall_Wubi.3F11:18
sagaciso you just go into the add/remove programs and remove the "Ubuntu" program11:19
ajcullenJust backing up now11:20
ajcullenIs there someway i can get a list of my personally installed apps?11:20
sagaciprobably, but I can't remember how11:22
sagaciI just keep a txt file in my ntfs partition with all the things I need when I reinstall11:23
* sagaci is organmanised11:23
ajcullenNice idea11:23
sagacisudo apt-get 100 things, irc channels, bashrc, wget keys... etc11:26
ajcullen!restarting think theres bad sectors on my disc and computer says no11:29
lubotu2ajcullen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:29
sagaciah, what?11:30
sagacidid you just do anything funky, apart from backing up?11:30
ajcullenNarh my laptops pretty munted11:31
ajcullenThink a fresh win7 and ubuntu are in order11:31
sagaciI'll leave the win7 install to you11:31
ajcullenYer all good with that11:32
ajcullenJust new to ubuntu11:32
sagacinot that the win7 install is hard, it's just takes a while post-install to get it how I like it11:32
ajcullenNeed to back it up anyway 11:32
sagacigood luck11:33
ajcullenLol i hate windows11:33
ajcullenLove mac hate apple11:34
ajcullenLove ubuntu11:35
ajcullenJust backing up now11:41
sagacirighteo then11:55
sagaciso can you boot into windows or is it stopping on errors?11:55
ajcullenShould be right 11:56
ajcullenUnetbotin for windows?12:03
sagaciso you've downloaded the ubuntu iso into a folder on your windows 7 install?12:08
ajcullenYep external hdd12:09
sagaciwell just open unetbootin, select your iso from the Diskimage line12:10
sagaciand be careful to choose USB drive and the appropriate letter for your usb drive12:11
ajcullenFormatting usb12:16
ajcullenNearly done12:33
ajcullenAll done12:36
ajcullenNow what?12:36
ajcullenIn unetbootin12:39
sagaciwell just open unetbootin, select your iso from the Diskimage line12:45
sagaciand be careful to choose USB drive and the appropriate letter for your usb drive12:45
ajcullenWhat distribution do i select e.g.live net install 12:46
ajcullenDownloaded it12:46
sagacidon't do the distribution line12:47
ajcullenAhh i seee12:47
sagaciselect the diskimage line then click the ... button and then select your .iso, wherever you saved it12:47
ajcullenEoing it now12:49
sagaciyup, just make sure your drive is your usb drive letter12:50
ajcullenOkay now reboot?12:50
sagaciyup and open up your boot menu and boot to the usb12:52
ajcullenAlready does that :-) 12:52
sagaciand just boot and do try ubuntu12:53
sagaciah wait a minute buddy, can you boot back into windows12:53
sagaci.. did you uninstall wubi through add/remove programs?12:54
ajcullenYep just doing that now :-) 12:54
sagacibecause you also need to shrink your partition12:55
ajcullenI have 212:55
sagaciyou have 2 what12:56
sagaciwhat's your second partition12:57
ajcullenWill be free space12:59
ajcullenFormatting it now12:59
sagacithat's ok, you'll be reformatting as ext4 in the installer13:00
ajcullenQuick format okay?13:00
sagaciyep, is that the ~120GB partition?13:00
ajcullen127 yep13:00
sagaciyep that's fine13:00
ajcullenDamn got to go13:01
ajcullenWill get back on irc at home13:01
ajcullenAre you doing this off a tutorial mate? 13:09
sagacioff the top of my head13:16
ajcullenCan u pm ur email? 13:21
sagaciyou can find it on launchpad13:22
sagaciare you looking to do the install tonight13:22
ajcullenProbably not now sorry... Will see if u are around and 2moro13:24
sagacirighteo then, it's pretty straight-forward13:24
ajcullenYer... I've got ubuntu going... Just needs tweaking and easier to start a new... Just a learning curve I suppose 13:26
ajcullenU play guitar dude? 13:27
sagaciso you installed it?13:29
ajcullenI had it operating but just encountered this problem downloading lion13:31
sagaciah ok13:32
ajcullenSaw ur blueprint for guitar exercises... What does it do? 13:33
sagaciI haven't done anything with it yet, it's just a small python command-line program that randomises scales for you to practise13:34
sagacinothing like guitar pro or sibelius/finale13:34
ajcullenWicked 13:35
ajcullenG2g mate will catch u 2moro 13:36

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