
thewrathi have a pcap i want to replay on my network. hwo can i do that01:17
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N7OKLhelp please....set up XP/10.04LTS dual booot....worked fine for several months...now will only boot from windows media....will not boot anything linux...not even from a live CD....help please03:04
holsteinN7OKL: what live CD? the same one?03:05
holsteincould be you got a kernel upgrade, and that broke something... look in your grub list for an older kernel to try and boot03:06
N7OKLhave tried several different live cd....nothing linux will boot......could it be a windows virus that has messed up bios?03:07
holsteinN7OKL: have you tried the same one? the 10.04 one you installed with?03:07
N7OKLyup....will not boot from it03:07
holsteinotherwise, you could be booting newer kernels that dont support your graphics card.. a kernel that you could have upgraded to03:07
holsteinN7OKL: OK... then that does *not* support my theory03:08
holsteinN7OKL: i think thats got something to do with the media, or the way you are trying to boot from the bios or something user error related03:08
holsteini still say, try booting an older kernel in the list... kernel upgrades break things sometimes03:08
N7OKLmade an image of just the windows instal and the dual boot using clonezilla....will not boot from that disk either03:09
holsteinN7OKL: right.. i think something is up with your hardware then03:09
holsteinthe rom drive, the ram... the motherboard03:09
holsteini would test the ram and swap out the rom drive03:09
holsteintry and use the *exact* same disc you installed ubuntu with, then you know the iso is known good03:10
N7OKLthink it might help to go back to the windows factory restore and update the bios?03:10
holsteinN7OKL: ?03:10
holsteintake the hard drive out if you like03:11
holsteinyou need to troubleshoot why CD's arent booting03:11
holsteincheck cables03:11
holsteincheck connections03:11
N7OKLhave spent 4 hours trying 4 versions of linux (all work on my desktops) and 3 'repair tools' (again, work fine on my desktops)...so far, the only thing it will boot from is the windows partion and the windows factory restore disk03:13
holsteinN7OKL: right, so take the hard drive out of the equation03:13
holsteincheck the connection and cables to the rom drive03:13
holsteinswap that out if you have a spare03:14
holsteintest the ram with a live CD when you get it booting03:14
holsteindouble check the bios settings03:14
N7OKLWill try that....will you be around in an hour or so?03:14
holsteinsomeone is always here :)03:14
holsteini might crash03:14
holsteinbut im logged in03:14
N7OKLmust be a few hours ahead of me....near Seattle, WA03:15
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N7OKLok....can use clonezille to backup an image to an external hard drive....how do I do it to span DVDS?05:58
N7OKLis there a live cd that will back up a drive image to DVDs?06:00
galinganmdhi, does anybody know how to make jasperserver (of jasper reports) get permissions to write files07:01
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de_horse_anyone alive?14:33
Snicksieyeah, i am ;)14:34
Snicksiejust ask your question de_horse_ ;)14:34
de_horse_nice... another insomniac or up early for work14:35
de_horse_or east coast i guess lol14:35
Snicksieeurope ;)14:37
de_horsewhere is everyone?14:52
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deper29question: my network applet is gone. when I run nm-applet I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/765083/16:39
deper29it is still in my startup applications, but has just disappeared :/16:39
deper29anybody able to help?16:44
geirhaHm. Which Ubuntu release?16:45
geirhadeper29: Then the notification area has probably just been removed from your panel for whatever reason.16:45
geirhaRight-click panel -> Add to panel -> notification area16:46
deper29gah! easy. thanks :)16:46
deper29fixes everything perfectly :)16:46
SthrnDixieCwgrlI recently installed Ubuntu 11.10 and never really used Linux before except for Mac OS X.  I downloaded Firefox 8.0.1 from the Mozilla website and cannot figure out how to install files with the file extension it had.18:02
pleia2SthrnDixieCwgrl: you really want to be using a package manager rather than downloading it from the website, there are some instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion18:04
SthrnDixieCwgrlI am still in the Linux for Dummies stage18:04
pleia2that link I gave has instructions :)18:05
SthrnDixieCwgrlI know 20 years of windows and 19 months of Mac OS X18:05
pleia2you don't want to download from the mozilla website, you want to follow the directions on that link I gave18:05
SthrnDixieCwgrlI have always used the Mozilla site for all my OS18:06
pleia2typically in Linux things are installed using the Software Center (or similar package installer), you very rarely want to go to a website to download software like you would in Windows18:06
SthrnDixieCwgrlI went to the google website and downloaded Chrome and it installed with no issue18:07
pleia2chrome is one of the exceptions, since Google maintains a repository for it that you can use with the Software Center18:07
SthrnDixieCwgrlis that what they call a .deb file18:08
pleia2a .deb file is a software package, in the case of Chrome it not only installs the package, but also adds itself to the Software Center so you get updates too18:08
pleia2firefox doesn't do this, so you need to look at the instructions I linked18:09
SthrnDixieCwgrlIs a .deb file in linux do something a similar to what a .exe file does in windows18:09
pleia2similar to an .exe installer file18:10
pleia2but you don't run a deb to launch a program like you would run an exe18:10
pleia2a .deb just installs stuff18:10
Unit193!software | SthrnDixieCwgrl18:10
ubot2SthrnDixieCwgrl: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:10
pleia2thanks Unit193 :)18:10
Unit193pleia2: No problem :)18:11
* pleia2 gets back to her work18:11
SthrnDixieCwgrlso the deb file i downloaded for Chrome to install it on Ubuntu is just like me downloading the exe file for it in windows to install it on that OS18:12
Unit193For the most part, yes, but installing stuff in Ubuntu isn't the same as for Mac OS X and Windows18:13
SthrnDixieCwgrli learned where the applications are installed in mac (/Applications/<whatever app I want) but I cannot find that location in Ubuntu18:14
Unit193Have a look at either https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromMacOSX   There are a few locations the bins are located in, but normally you could just open a terminal and type the name (eg, chrome )18:18
SthrnDixieCwgrlI went to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion  and it took me to https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable  and then I cannot figure out from that list which one I want18:19
Unit193There should be something called "Ubuntu Software Center" in your "start" menu, if you open that and search for Firefox, you should get the new one18:22
SthrnDixieCwgrlIt came with Firefox 7.0.1 and I went to Help>about to check for updates and that option was not there, so I uninstalled firefox and went to the Mozilla site to get the new version18:24
pleia2is there a specific reason you need the new version?18:25
pleia2it ships with 7.0.1 because it's fully tested and secure, newer versions may not be as much18:25
Unit193pleia2: 8 is in repo, I think she just needs to run updates18:25
SthrnDixieCwgrl7.0.1q is outdated18:26
SthrnDixieCwgrl7.x is old18:26
pleia2Unit193: aha, you're right :)18:26
pleia2SthrnDixieCwgrl: Unit193 is correct, just open the "Ubuntu Software Center" and install firefox, you will get 8.018:27
SthrnDixieCwgrlIf i get it from software center it is a 78.0MB download but if I get it from Mozilla it is a 16.2MB download18:28
SthrnDixieCwgrlWhy is there a 61.8MB difference18:29
SthrnDixieCwgrli have never had to download a file over 70MB for a web browser18:30
Unit193That'll get the rest of the programs it needs, that also may be installed size, not download size18:30
SthrnDixieCwgrlThe install size according to software center is over 100MB18:30
SthrnDixieCwgrl188MB when installed18:31
Unit193Does it tell you what depends it's also getting?18:33
SthrnDixieCwgrlI don't know18:34
SthrnDixieCwgrlAlso Adobe wants to give me an apt file for flash player18:35
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhat ever that is18:35
SthrnDixieCwgrlAdobe Reader downloaded a bin file18:36
SthrnDixieCwgrlJava gives me a bin and a .rpm.bin files to download18:38
Unit193No, that's NOT how you normally install things in Ubuntu. There have been a few links to guide you to how you're supposed to do it18:39
ubot2To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.18:39
SthrnDixieCwgrlI tried to install java and it says Could not display "/home/<user name/Downloads/jre-6u29-linux-i586-rpm.bin".18:40
SthrnDixieCwgrlI cannot install Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Reader either18:40
Unit193For Java, you have to enable the "third party repository" and for flash, search the Software Center, not their site18:43
SthrnDixieCwgrlI still cannot get adobe reader to install18:45
Unit193Ubuntu comes with a PDF reader already, it's just not called "Adobe Reader" and flashplugin-installer should be3 the thing to install (IIRC)18:45
SthrnDixieCwgrlI like Adobe18:46
tuxampolhello Unit19318:46
Unit193Howdy, tuxampol18:46
SthrnDixieCwgrlthat is why I want that one installed18:47
Unit193Well, if you have to have Adobe Reader, you can install it via the repo once you enable the "Partner Repo"18:48
ubot2Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »18:48
SthrnDixieCwgrlterminal is where18:49
SthrnDixieCwgrlI cannot find the Utilies folder in the Applications folder18:49
Unit193hobgoblin: You use Unity, where is the terminal?18:49
hobgoblinI use xubuntu18:50
SthrnDixieCwgrlI ccannot find/Applications/Utilities/Terminal18:50
Unit193It's in Accessories18:51
SthrnDixieCwgrlWhere is /Applications/Utilities18:51
Unit193Part of the menu, so Menu > Accessories > Terminal18:51
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: go to the ubuntu symbol at the the top - click it = when you get the dash open - just start to type terminal and it will show up - then click on it18:52
SthrnDixieCwgrlin Mac OS X terms18:52
SthrnDixieCwgrlMe Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7 user18:52
SthrnDixieCwgrlI need translation18:52
hobgoblinif not try - Alt+F2 then type terminal in the box and enter18:52
SthrnDixieCwgrlrun a command18:53
hobgoblinwhat command?18:54
hobgoblinit's of no use telling me what a thing might be in Mac - closest I get is walking past the apple shop18:54
SthrnDixieCwgrlI pressed Alt+F2 and it said on the screen run a command18:54
hobgoblinoic - try terminal or gnome-terminal18:55
SthrnDixieCwgrlI am a mac/Windows person I have used Linux/Unix/Ubuntu for about 5 hours18:55
SthrnDixieCwgrlI have used Mac for 19 months and Windows 20 years18:55
hobgoblinyep - that's cool - just let me get my virtual thing going and I'll see if I can help you some18:56
SthrnDixieCwgrlthe only thing i know about unix is Mac os X is based on it and there are no viruses18:56
hobgoblinbut - the first thing to try and get is that it is much easier and simpler to install from repositories than getting stuff from sites18:56
SthrnDixieCwgrlI have used Windows since 3.0 so what does that tell you18:57
Unit193Tells me you beat me by one version point ;)18:57
SthrnDixieCwgrlI have been a Bill gates follower for many many years18:57
SthrnDixieCwgrlI take it you started with Windows 9518:57
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: the hardest thing is going to be that it is different18:57
Unit193No, 3.118:58
SthrnDixieCwgrlI forgot about 3.1 and 3.1118:58
SthrnDixieCwgrlI know in  windows if you download a file you double click on it and follow the instructions on the screen18:59
hobgoblinyep - different here :)18:59
SthrnDixieCwgrlI went to Mozilla and downloaded Firefox 8.0.1 and it gave me a tar.bz2 file19:00
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhat is that19:00
hobgoblinliek a zip file - just a different format19:00
SthrnDixieCwgrlthen I went to adobe to get reader and it gives me a bin file19:00
SthrnDixieCwgrlthen while at that site i went to get Flash player and I get a apt file19:01
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhat is apt19:01
Unit193Bin is easier to handly actually19:01
hobgoblinlet's just do one thing at a time19:01
SthrnDixieCwgrldoes that mean apartment19:01
Unit193One at a time is a good idea19:01
SthrnDixieCwgrljava.com gave me 2 files, one is a bin file the other a rpm.bin19:01
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you don't want rpm's ever19:02
hobgoblinwell not now anyway19:02
SthrnDixieCwgrlI need a windows converter19:02
SthrnDixieCwgrlWhat is wrong with RPM files19:02
Unit193It's used in RedHat based systems, you're using a Debian based system19:02
hobgoblindifferent format of packaging fro applications19:02
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: ok - got the vm up now - have you got the terminal open yet?19:03
LemonAidHi folks. Can anyone explain or link to a good description of what the "Users folders update" does?19:03
LemonAid(startup service)19:03
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: so one at a time what are you trying to accomplish19:04
SthrnDixieCwgrlAll I know is that I went to Ubuntu.com and downloaded the iso file, burned it to a disc and used wubi.exe to install it19:04
SthrnDixieCwgrli just want my java/Adobe plugins and firefirefox19:04
hobgoblinhave you got the terminal open yet?19:05
SthrnDixieCwgrlWhen i made the change to Mac OS X I need a Windows to mac OS X translation guide to tell me this is the windows term and in Mac OS x it will now be called this19:05
Unit193LemonAid: "Update common folders names to match current locale"19:06
Unit193LemonAid: http://askubuntu.com/questions/11415/which-startup-applications-can-i-safely-turn-off19:06
SthrnDixieCwgrlWhen ubot told me to use « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" » terminal told me command not found19:07
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: shall we deal with firefox?19:07
LemonAidI saw the description and also looked at the answer before asking here, didn`t help me much. Thanx anyway.19:07
Unit193LemonAid: This is also a good one to check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132676619:08
SthrnDixieCwgrlI have the firefox-8.0.1.tar.bz2 file downloaded19:08
LemonAidUnit193, that looks like it might actually help. Thank you!19:08
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: thats not the way you want to do it19:09
holsteinare you trying to get the latest firefox?19:09
hobgoblinif you use that then everytime it updates then you need to get the new file - there is a way to add a stabe updated version without19:09
SthrnDixieCwgrlyes since I don't have it at all on Ubuntu 11.1019:09
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: we use a package manger for everything.... its not like windows in that, you dont go to each place to get updates.. you set the package manager sources, and update all at once19:09
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you dont have firefox? you go to the software center and search firefox.. you can search flash there as well19:10
SthrnDixieCwgrlthen why does Mozilla give you the option to download it19:10
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: ?19:10
hobgoblinrun those commands in a terminal SthrnDixieCwgrl and it will set you up with the latest stabel19:10
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you dont *have * to do it this way.. its just easier19:10
holsteinthen, you dont have to bother with manual updates19:11
SthrnDixieCwgrlit came with 7.0.1 and when i went to help.about there was no chek for update option so I removed it from the system and went to mozilla to get the current version19:11
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: its more like OSX is that regard.. with the system updates that come in all at once, and some key apple components are updated there as well19:11
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: sure... i can give you a ppa for the current stable build19:11
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: look at http://pastebin.com/xyDDQbgs19:11
hobgoblinthat will get you what you want19:11
SthrnDixieCwgrli have Chromium and google chrome installed are they the same thing19:12
SthrnDixieCwgrlare they technically the same browser19:12
Unit193Chromium is the OpenSource "version" of Chome19:12
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: sure.. and you can add the source for firefox stable, and get updates automatically19:12
holsteinsudo apt-add-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable19:13
holsteinsudo apt-get update19:13
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: then, you can look in the software center, or apt-get install firefox, or whatever you are comfortable with19:13
hobgoblinholstein: those are all in the pastebin ...19:13
SthrnDixieCwgrlI went to terminal and i put in sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable  followed the on screen instructions and i still have no firefox installed19:15
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: right. that gives you the source for the updated firefox19:15
Unit193Now paste   sudo apt-get install firefox19:15
holsteinsudo apt-get update updates the package list on the machine19:15
LemonAidUnit193, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1326766 got me to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491 witch is actually the sort of guide i needed in the first place, so thanx for the help :)19:15
holsteinand sudo apt-get install firefox installs the firefox back that you removed19:15
Unit193LemonAid: Awesome, glad that helped!19:16
Unit193That is a good one19:16
SthrnDixieCwgrlWhere is the option When updates to firefox are found Ask Me what I want to do19:20
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you can take a screenshot if you need.. but i assume you are talking about your plugins19:20
holsteinthats going to depend on if mozilla has kept support for your plugins19:21
SthrnDixieCwgrlI have that option in Firefox for windows and Mac OS X but not in Ubuntu19:21
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: "that" option?19:21
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: OH19:21
holsteinyeah, its all in the package manager19:21
holsteinyou dont go to each application and upgrade them19:22
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: its all done at the same time by whatever tool you choose19:22
SthrnDixieCwgrlI have it where the browser will not upgrade to the next version unless it asks first19:22
holsteinthe upgrade manager for example19:22
holsteinit'll popup, and check for upgrades19:22
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you dont ask FF to upgrade... in ubuntu, its more of a 'set it and forget it' kind of thing19:23
SthrnDixieCwgrlI went to Tools>Options>Advaned>Update in Firefox in Windows19:23
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: right19:23
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: its different19:23
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: its in the upgrade manager that you will look now19:23
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: this is considered a convenience by some.. i know i prefer it19:24
SthrnDixieCwgrlI like that option that Firefox has for the Windows version and that option also exists in the Firefox application in Mac OS X19:24
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you can run the windows version of FF in wine19:24
SthrnDixieCwgrli do not like applications updating without my knowledge19:24
holsteinyou can run windows in virtual box19:24
holsteinyou can run linux in virtual box19:24
holsteinthere are literally all kinds of options to get *exactly* what you want19:24
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: the upgrade manager can be set to do whatever you choose19:25
SthrnDixieCwgrlIn Windows I have the wuapp.exe (Windows Update) set to the option Check for updates but let me choose to download and install them19:25
holsteinby default, i believe it checks and repots19:25
SthrnDixieCwgrli have that set for a reason19:25
holsteinit will not upgrade automatically19:25
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: rigth19:25
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you can mirror that workflow19:25
holsteinin the upgrade manager19:25
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you dont do it for *each* *individual* *application* though19:26
holsteinyou do it once in the upgrade manager19:26
SthrnDixieCwgrlif I didnt then windows would download updates for Outlook 2010 when i  do not have that part of Offie installed19:26
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhy install an update for a program that you do not have installed19:26
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: right... the upgrade manger is checking the sources for upgrades to libreoffice.. FF.. chrome.. everything19:26
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: that doesnt happen19:27
SthrnDixieCwgrlhave you used windows19:27
holsteinyou have applications installed, and they get upgraded19:27
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: yes19:27
SthrnDixieCwgrlWhat is the Ubuntu version of Windows Update19:27
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: loits of us have - we have all been where you are19:27
hobgoblinupdate manager19:27
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhich is where19:27
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: there is none.. its entire system upgrade19:27
holsteineverything all in one go19:27
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: update manger is what the application is called19:28
SthrnDixieCwgrlmeaning when i go from version 11.10 to 11.x that will be me using the Ubuntu version of windows Update19:28
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: if you are new to ubuntu/linux, i would say, take your time, and "get your feet wet"19:28
holsteinif you used the older version of FF, it wouldnt hurt anything... security patches are applied to 11.10 for 18 months19:29
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you will go from 11.10 to 12.04 *if* you choose19:29
SthrnDixieCwgrlthat will be kinda like using windows Update for Ubuntu19:30
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you can use that upgrade tool, or the command line.. or synaptic19:30
SthrnDixieCwgrlsynaptic is the manufacturer of my trackpad19:30
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: synaptic is a package manager19:30
SthrnDixieCwgrland you cannot find driver for Ubuntu for it19:30
SthrnDixieCwgrlbut i can find the Windows drivers for it19:31
holsteinyou can install packages, you can upgrade the system.. its similar to the software center19:31
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: the linux kernel is modular19:31
holsteinif drivers can be included, they generally are.. is your touchpad not working?19:31
SthrnDixieCwgrlsynaptics made the mouse thing in my laptop19:31
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: yes... is it not functionign?19:31
SthrnDixieCwgrlthere are no linux drivers for it but there are Windows drivers19:31
Unit193Just remember that Synaptics and Synaptic are different19:32
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: ?19:32
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: so, its not working?19:32
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you dont need drivers the same way as in windows19:32
holsteinagain... i suggest taking your time, and getting used to the way things work19:32
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: please - do you actually want help with specific issues - or are you now just trying to tell us the differences between linux and windows - if that is the case - we know the differences :)19:33
SthrnDixieCwgrlmy touchpad/trackpad/mouse thing is made by synaptics.com19:33
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhoever they are19:33
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: there are several reasons why you wont see linux drivers for download19:33
holsteinthey arent needed in a lot of cases19:34
holsteinthey are just "in the kernel" typically19:34
holsteinand, vendors that dont support linux, just dont support linux19:34
holsteinso, we either go around them, or deal with the breakage19:34
SthrnDixieCwgrlcause there are about 5 billion different kinds of linux/unix/ubuntu out there19:34
SthrnDixieCwgrlall having a penguin for there logo19:35
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: linux is the kernel, and its opensource19:35
holstein*anyone* can use it as they please19:35
holsteinjust the few subtle differences you are pointing out should give you an idea as to why there would be so many different versions19:35
holsteinwith different funcionalities19:36
SthrnDixieCwgrlthe last time i used linux was redhat 5.0  whenever that version first came out19:36
SthrnDixieCwgrlI needed an elective in college and the only way i passed the course was that every test we had was open book19:37
holsteincool... that will help19:37
SthrnDixieCwgrlthat is how i passed and if it was not opened book then i would have failed19:37
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: yup.. i understand.. openbook tests.. you didnt really absorb anything...19:38
holsteinbut, i still say, i think that experience will help you :)19:38
SthrnDixieCwgrlThe closest thing I came to Unix after that was making the move to Mac OS X in may 201019:38
SthrnDixieCwgrlfrom the time I had that red hat course to making the move to Apple I was a WINDOWS user19:38
SthrnDixieCwgrlI went to Apple where the hardware plays well with each other unlike with Windows19:39
holsteinyeah, its easier when there is a smaller base of hardware19:39
SthrnDixieCwgrland the 3 years of misery with Vista19:40
holsteini mean, its not fair to compare the 2 really... things that dont work in OSX, just literally dont work19:40
SthrnDixieCwgrlMicrosoft bringing back Windows Me and turning it into a NT version of Windows19:40
SthrnDixieCwgrlThat is what vista is Windows Me on an NT platform19:41
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhat were they thinking19:41
SthrnDixieCwgrlboth went in the garbage19:41
SthrnDixieCwgrlvista is the reason I went to Apple19:42
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you get FF upgraded?19:42
holsteinyou might want to try #mac or #windows for those other questions/comments19:42
SthrnDixieCwgrlis there a way that you can the the File edit View et menus to permanently stay on the sreen when using Firefox19:43
holsteinor one of the ubuntu-offtopic channels.. otherwise... im glad you found us SthrnDixieCwgrl , and welcome!19:43
hobgoblinhi squaregoldfish19:43
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you right click and have the main menu shown, correct?19:43
SthrnDixieCwgrlI right clicked in firefox and there is no main menu option19:45
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: 'menubar'19:45
holsteinticking the 'menubar' option gives the space at the top of the screen back to the file menus19:46
SthrnDixieCwgrlthere is no mun bar and the option for me to enable that does not exist19:46
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: would you like me to take a screenshot?19:46
Unit193SthrnDixieCwgrl: There should be a "Firefox" thing next to the tabs, click that and go to Preferences > Menu Bar19:46
SthrnDixieCwgrlNavigation addon Boomarks tabs on top customize19:47
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhich one do I choose19:47
hobgoblinmenu bar SthrnDixieCwgrl19:48
hobgoblinis it not in the list?19:48
SthrnDixieCwgrlNavigation addon Boomarks tabs on top customize19:48
SthrnDixieCwgrlthose are the choices19:48
SthrnDixieCwgrlpick one19:48
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: please relax and be patient... we are all volunteers here... thanks :)19:49
* holstein is uploading a screenshot19:49
SthrnDixieCwgrlif i right-click next to the tabs i get a Menu bar option19:50
SthrnDixieCwgrlin windows 719:50
holsteinhttp://imagebin.org/187826 SthrnDixieCwgrl19:50
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: i dont know what plugins you have that might break that functionality19:50
SthrnDixieCwgrli have all of them options except in menubar19:51
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: not sure what to suggest... maybe open up in safe mode or whatever... could be your config19:51
SthrnDixieCwgrlI dont have any plugins since the adobe flash player and Adobe reader files form adobe and the java plugin from java.com will not install19:52
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you get java and flash from the software center19:52
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: would you like to share a screenshot?19:52
holsteinwould you like to temporarily remove you .mozilla directory?19:52
SthrnDixieCwgrlof what19:52
holsteinwould you like to reinstall?19:52
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: can you do this - close firefox and then start it from a terminal like this         firefox -safe-mode19:53
SthrnDixieCwgrlscreenshot of what19:53
hobgoblinthen see if you get the menu bar as an option19:53
holsteinhobgoblin: i like that... that'll bypass the config right?19:53
SthrnDixieCwgrlholstein: SthrnDixieCwgrl: would you like to share a screenshot?19:53
SthrnDixieCwgrlof what19:53
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: ?19:53
holsteinthe issue SthrnDixieCwgrl19:54
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhat do i need to share a screen shot of19:54
holsteinthe problem.. the lack of menu19:54
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: whatever you think might help me help you19:54
SthrnDixieCwgrlI have a .apt flash plaer file from adobe19:54
SthrnDixieCwgrla bin file for adobe reader19:54
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: lets work on one thing at a time please19:54
SthrnDixieCwgrland a .bin and .rpm.bin files for java from java.com19:54
holsteindo you want to sort out flash? or the menu? or java?19:54
SthrnDixieCwgrldont forget adobe reader19:54
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you open the software center and search 'flash'19:54
holsteinOR, the browser and search 'installing flash in ubuntu 11.10'19:55
SthrnDixieCwgrlI opened software center to find Adobe reader and it did not find it19:55
SthrnDixieCwgrlthat is why I went to adobe.com19:55
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you can also search more generla19:56
holsteinyou can find a pdf reader19:56
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you were told you needed the partner repo enabled - adobe reader is available - bit it is called acroreader19:56
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you already have a pdf reader installed anyways19:56
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: have you opened firefox in safe mode now? is the menu option there19:56
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: can you do this - close firefox and then start it from a terminal like this         firefox -safe-mode19:57
SthrnDixieCwgrlI have firefox opened19:57
hobgoblinhave you done that ^^ as asked19:57
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: this will bypass your configs19:57
holsteinopen a terminal and type that it, or copy and paste19:58
holsteinfirefox -safe-mode19:58
holsteinright click and see if you have the 'menubar' option19:58
SthrnDixieCwgrlI found dom.disable_window_open_feature.menubar20:00
SthrnDixieCwgrland dom.disable_window_open_feature.menubar20:01
hobgoblinthat is something completely different20:02
SthrnDixieCwgrlI was in about:config20:05
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: and im afraid you have tweaked around in there, or somewhere else, and broken it20:06
holsteinthus, we will be wasting time trying to sort it out20:06
holsteinyou can look for .mozilla, and temporarily move it out of the way20:06
holstein*or* just relax about it for a bit, and 'get your feet wet'20:07
holsteinremember, these are not things you would have been doing your first day using windows20:07
SthrnDixieCwgrlI am stuck with a non-working firefox and chromium which is NOThING like google chrome20:07
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: install chrome20:07
holsteinwhats not working about FF?20:07
holsteinreinstall it20:07
holsteinremove the config directory20:08
hobgoblinI wonder if the initial removal of firefox caused this20:08
holsteinthats where my money is...20:08
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: how did you uninstall FF?20:08
SthrnDixieCwgrlI used software center20:09
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you would need to give us *exactly* what you have done so far20:11
holsteinand we would need to undo it20:11
SthrnDixieCwgrlI remvoed FF7.0.1 using software center20:13
holsteinright, and downloaded some things, and read something, copied and pasted who knows what20:13
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: did you do a lot of things in a terminal - or not until you got here?20:14
SthrnDixieCwgrlI never installed FF 8.x until I was told to open terminal and type in sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable20:14
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: you can boot up the live CD you installed from and see how FF is behaving20:14
SthrnDixieCwgrlwhich I did and followed the instructions on the screen20:14
holsteinSthrnDixieCwgrl: i need to run, but i say take it easy, and spend some time in the default included applications... more like how you probably used OSX and windows at first20:15
holsteinubuntu is quite full featured and customizable, and we can and will help you as much as we can !20:15
holsteinenjoy :)20:15
SthrnDixieCwgrli did nothing else to firefox after i installed it until I went to some web site and it told me that i had a missing plugin and it sail I was missing something called IcedTea java whatever that is20:16
SthrnDixieCwgrlthe only Java I know is from Sun (it was Sun now it is now known as Oracle)\20:17
SthrnDixieCwgrlI am now stuck with a browser that is worth garbage and one that is broken20:18
SthrnDixieCwgrlI hate chromium and Mozilla does not work20:19
SthrnDixieCwgrlnow i am going to have to format Ubuntu and reinstall it to fix it20:19
SthrnDixieCwgrlthere is 3 hours right there20:20
hobgoblinreally? takes 20 minutes here20:20
SthrnDixieCwgrlit took me 3 hours last time20:21
SthrnDixieCwgrlnow the only way I can get firefox to work is to reinstall the entire OS20:22
SthrnDixieCwgrlif this was Mac OS X or Windows I coulod uninstall and reinstall it20:22
SthrnDixieCwgrland it would be fixed20:23
hobgoblinwell perhaps you should do that - linux is not windows - if it doesn't work for you then use what does20:23
SthrnDixieCwgrlif you want something fixed in Ubuntu uninstall the os and reinstall it to fix it20:23
hobgoblinonly when you break it yourself and can't fix it20:23
SthrnDixieCwgrlI should not have to do that for one application20:23
hobgoblinsuch is life - but to be honest I am not at all sure that you actually came here for help - you've spent more time talking about windows and mac20:24
SthrnDixieCwgrlthere is nothing compatible with this operating syustem20:25
SthrnDixieCwgrladobe reader is not ompatible20:25
SthrnDixieCwgrladobe flash player is not ompatible20:25
SthrnDixieCwgrljava is  not compatible20:25
SthrnDixieCwgrlfirefox is not compatible20:25
SthrnDixieCwgrlI am stuck with hromium and I don't even know what that is20:25
hobgoblinif you want help backing up stuff to make the update after an install a bit quicker then I am happy to help you20:26
hobgoblinbut why did it take 3 hours to install it - what hardware are you using?20:27
SthrnDixieCwgrlthink Hewlett-packard20:27
LemonAidHow do you boot with GRUB by not using the menu driven interface, but by using the GRUB command line?  (i can`t reboot my system at the moment)20:27
SthrnDixieCwgrlthat is probably the issue right there20:27
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: was it all working before you did what is normal in windows and got stuff from the internet?20:28
SthrnDixieCwgrlI used wubi.exe to install it20:28
Unit193That's the major one20:28
hobgoblinI can understand what the problem you have is now20:28
SthrnDixieCwgrli burned Ubuntu to a disc and used wubi to install20:28
hobgoblinI wish that people would say at the outset that it's wubi :(20:28
Unit193LemonAid: You should just be able to hold left shift as it's booting20:28
hobgoblinLemonAid: what exactly is happening?20:29
SthrnDixieCwgrlthat is the only way I found easiest to install20:29
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: can you do this please - we need some very important info if we are going to be able to help20:29
hobgoblinopen a terminal again and then run this command  - the l is a lower case L20:30
SthrnDixieCwgrlfirefox is broken and I have something in appplications called chromium whatever that is20:30
LemonAidUnit193, thanx. hobgoblin, nothing, i`m just messing around with the GRUB configuration file :)20:30
hobgoblinsudo fdisk -l20:30
Unit193LemonAid: /etc/default/grub right?20:30
hobgoblinLemonAid: you seen the wiki for grub?20:31
LemonAidUnit193, /boot/grub/grub.cfg.20:31
LemonAidhobgoblin, yes i did. Have not read it fully though.20:32
hobgoblinLemonAid: if you fiddle with that then it gets reverted after any update that updates that file - better to do things with the various scripts20:32
LemonAidhobgoblin, i saw that it gets reverted20:32
hobgoblinSthrnDixieCwgrl: what do you want to do - we have no real idea of what you have done to get where you are and hence we are not going to be able to get you back again20:34
LemonAidWhat i was actually planing on doing was not let anyone boot into any os without a password, but as it turns out, you can get around that by using the command line interface (not the menu driven one).20:34
hobgoblinyou can stop recovery mode appearing in the menu - but that could be an issue if you need to use it :p20:35
hobgoblinnot even sure if it asks for root password if you enable it either20:36
SthrnDixieCwgrlI no longer have an internet browser20:40
hobgoblinso does firefox not work at all - or is that you can't get it to do what you want?20:40
SthrnDixieCwgrlit apparently was crippled in the install and that is why that option was not there20:41
hobgoblinwhat is crippled about it - trying to get a straight answer is not proving very successful here at all20:42
hobgoblinpersonally I would reinstall - I'd not use wubi either20:43
SthrnDixieCwgrli cannot use a browser with no menu bar20:43
SthrnDixieCwgrlso I removed it20:43
hobgoblininstead of finding out how to get it20:46
LemonAidEhm.. it has a menu bar. It`s only visible when you roll over it.20:46
hobgoblinwell good luck with whatever you choose to do SthrnDixieCwgrl20:47
SthrnDixieCwgrlI don't use web browsers where the menubar does not stay there permanently20:49
SthrnDixieCwgrlIf I cannot enable a feature to show the menubar then I do not use the browser or application20:49
SthrnDixieCwgrlThat means I have no web browser on ubuntu20:52
LemonAidIn case you don`t know it, this is how all the applications behave in Ubuntu if you use the Unity Interface.20:53
SthrnDixieCwgrluse what20:54
LemonAidThe Unity interface is the default interface for Ubuntu since 10.04(i think) -> the way Ubuntu looks when you first install it.20:56
SthrnDixieCwgrlI went to terminal and ran sudo apt-get remove appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt  to see it that will remove it20:58
LemonAid(well, not all aplications, but firefox is one of them)20:58

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