
khooverbloody touchpad isn't working, and yet it seems like xorg's picking it up02:47
bregmakhoover, if you install the xinput package and run 'xinput list' does it show something that looks like the touchpad?03:10
khooveryeah, i'm looking at my xorg.conf.d/synaptics file, there's only an entry for "touchpad catchall"03:11
khooverbregma, trippy bit is, if i look at the xorg.0 log, seems like the thing boots up fine.03:16
bregmayour xorg.conf.d/synaptics sounds right03:25
bregmasi xinput list shows your touchpad device?03:25
bregmaif you run "xinput test 15" (or whatever the device number is) does it spit out numbers?03:26
khooveryep, all sorts03:27
bregmawell, X is seeing it and treating it right from the sounds of it03:27
khooverbuuuut, it's not working....have a usb mouse plugged in, it works fine03:27
bregmaand nothing else has grabbed it and not let go03:28
khooverdoubtful, rebooted and it wouldn't work03:28
bregmayou're right, it's most odd03:28
khoovernot even evtest could get anything03:28
khooverit's an elantech, but i'm seeing synaptics all over03:29
bregmasynaptics is just the name of the generic touchpad driver in x.org03:30
bregmaevtest may not give you output in an X window if X has the device open, you would have to run it as root from a non-X console window (ctl-alt-f1 etc)03:30
khooverhuh? thought it was a specific manufacturer, like alps03:30
khooverctrl alt f2?03:31
bregmayes, like kleenex and xerox03:31
bregmactrl alt f2 would also give you a non-X console to run evtest in03:31
khooverand nothing logged03:31
khooveror, least, don't think anything logged03:31
bregmaare you sure you have the right /dev/input/event device?03:32
bregmaX gets its input from the dev node, and if xinput shows motion events, evtest should03:32
khooverwait, xinput?03:33
khoovernot xlist?03:33
bregmahmm, I don;t have xlist on my system, but I did say xinput03:34
khooversorry, xinput list03:36
khooveryeah, even when i do test, nothing03:39
khooverworks for everything else03:40
bregmahmm, if evtest and xinput test show no data, the kernel is not sending data -- is this a laptop with a 'disable touchpad' function key?03:42
khooveri dunno03:42
khoovercrap, yes. -_-03:42
khooverjust realized i hit it cause i had no idea what it was03:42
khooverwhile my laptop was frozen03:42
khooverthis is why they ask, "is it plugged in"03:43
bregmaproblem solved?03:43
khoovercan now leave #ubuntu...that place is chaos03:47
willwhit is04:29
willwhit's horrible :)04:30
willwhI don't know how people get help in there tbh04:30
willwhI've tried a couple of times - but it's mostly newbs screaming, dpkg-reconfigure X04:30
DarwinSurvivorbahahaha, disable-button 1, khoover 0 :D04:30
DarwinSurvivorI think the #ubuntu channel needs to be a triage channel, then send people to #ubuntu-x11, #ubuntu-packagin, #ubuntu-drivers, etc for real help. There's just WAY too many people in there!04:32
willwhthat is actually quite a good idea04:32
DarwinSurvivordo you know about how many "helpers" are in there?04:32
willwhno idea whatsoever04:32
DarwinSurvivorthat system only works if there are enough helpers to cover a few more channels04:33
DarwinSurvivorif it's 100 helpees vs 4 helpers, there's not much that can done :(04:33
DarwinSurvivor*be done04:33
willwhI would happily idle in ubuntu-packaging :D04:33
BluesKajHowdy all14:49
dscasselOh yeah, there's an IRC meeting next week...23:06
dscasselAnything anyone wants to talk about?  I'm writing up the agenda.23:06
DarwinSurvivornever been to an ubuntu-ca meeting, what kind of stuff gets discussed23:13

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