
doctormonAm I even online?07:57
doctormonHow are you pleia2? It must be late over there no?07:59
pleia2am good, yeah it's midnight07:59
doctormon8am here, getting ready for an LeNoir. Should be fun.07:59
AlanBellwhere are you doctormon?07:59
doctormonAlanBell: I'm in Surrey, a £8 train from London Victoria.08:00
pleia2heading to bed, doctormon have a good one! :)08:01
pleia2later AlanBell :)08:01
* pleia2 sleep &08:01
doctormonpleia2: Goodnight!08:02
popeyooo, he's scary nearby08:02
* doctormon alt+F$ should never close the window _behind_08:03
doctormonAlanBell: What time do you want to meet up?08:03
popeymy train gets into waterloo at 18:08 iirc08:05
popeyfrom Farnborough08:05
nigelbooh, doctormon is in UK!08:07
doctormonnigelb: Yep08:08
nigelbNice :)08:08
AlanBellI will be in London for lunch (yes, 2 meals out in one day)08:09
AlanBellI think I might either end up in waterloo area at 18:00 ish, or might already be pretty close to the place08:09
AlanBellin which case I will probably meet people emerging from Faringdon station08:09
* nigelb starts deleting ssh keys08:10
alouriegood morning08:11
doctormonAlanBell: I wonder were one would get the train from to get to Faringdon. Wouldn't central line on the underground be better?08:13
AlanBellit is on the circle line next to barbican08:14
czajkowskiAlanBell: is ther e apub picked for afterwards?09:02
AlanBellczajkowski: not yet. Any suggestions or shall I ask the google?09:08
* AlanBell is running unity 2d over xdmcp09:08
czajkowskiI wouldnt know where to suggest09:14
AlanBellhttp://www.thecrowntavernec1.co.uk/ maybe09:16
MrChrisDruifLooks nice AlanBell09:17
AlanBellsilly pub put the pin on their google map in completely the wrong place http://www.thecrowntavernec1.co.uk/findus/09:25
jussiczajkowski: thank you for highlighting that paypal thing10:21
czajkowskijussi: np10:24
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cjohnstonAlanBell: nigelb ping15:26
AlanBello/ ChanServ15:27
AlanBello/ cjohnston even15:27
cjohnstonAlanBell: :-(  Are you aware of summit being used in Feb?15:27
cjohnstonwhat are the plans for etherpad?15:28
AlanBellfallback plan is do nothing, they are OK with that15:29
AlanBellideally we would have a new etherpad lite service up and running with all the prior data imported (can do that)15:29
cjohnstonok.. any idea on when?15:29
AlanBelland openID integration (not quite sure about that bit)15:29
AlanBellI am targetting January15:30
cjohnstonearly please?15:30
marcoceppiIt just occured to me, akgraner do you have my email address?15:30
akgranermarcoceppi, hmm let me look...it's been one of *those* weeks  grrr :-)15:32
cjohnstonAlanBell: #ubuntu-website please15:33
AlanBelldoctormo is here, complete with bowler hat16:43
nigelbAlanBell: PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN16:50
nigelbAlanBell: We need to start hacking on node.js at some point.16:53
nigelbAlanBell: I need help setting up etherpad-lite.16:54
AlanBellnigelb: yeah, I have node.js set up on a desktop at home17:07
AlanBelldone some reading, but not much hacking yet17:08
nigelbAlanBell: \o/ doctormo17:08
akgranerBrain crap on my part - what is the add-on calendar feature with Thunderbird?  (or am I just dreaming there is one)18:26
pleia2akgraner: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/18:28
pleia2there are a couple options, that page describes features of each18:29
pleia2(probably want Lightning)18:29
akgranerpleia2, lightning that's it - there is something wrong with me getting excited about anything with that name - no wonder I didn't remember it :-/18:29
bkerensasudo dpkg -i theraflu0-amd64.deb19:11
pleia2I think you're too old to be 64-bit19:14
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