
seifhey guys14:38
seifthelinuxer, is the connection that bad14:38
thelinuxeryep, it's too crowded man14:39
saad_anyone knows when the next LTS will be released??18:10
Menopiasaad_: hi22:16
saad_hey Menopia22:20
saad_how is it going budd22:20
Menopiatmam el722:20
Menopiaeh a5er el a5bar22:20
Menopiakan fe el nahrda event s7?22:21
Menopiabta3 alex22:21
saad_I am home22:25
saad_always home :S22:25
Menopiamash4ol fe eh?22:27
saad_CAT :S22:29
saad_w CATernel.22:29
saad_Neo31: is here22:30
Neo31hi, sorry I'm currently very busy22:31
Menopiasaad_: ma3lesh KDE crashed :(22:37
* saad_ hates GUIS :(22:40

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