
m4vIRCC, I need help with #lubuntu-es the channel is abandoned and lately is only being used by trolls. My intention is just to close the channel and set a forward to #ubuntu-es.17:06
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Unit193./ubot5 doesn't have oneiric repos and is on Natty by default, can this be fixed please?22:18
Unit193Howdy, Andy8022:19
Andy80Unit193: yes :D22:19
Andy80I already requested but it's not active yet... I was guessing if it was because of my existing one22:19
Unit193jussi, tsimpson, elky, topyli (just some IRCC cloak highlight)22:20
Unit193It's because nobody on the IRCC was around at the time, but might be good to link your LP again22:21
Andy80Unit193: how does it work exactly? Do I have to first ask to remove my existing one or the new one will simply overwrite my old one?22:21
Andy80Unit193: my LP https://launchpad.net/~andreagrandi22:21
Unit193Awesome, now it's just the waiting game :)  And it will just overwrite since you said that was OK, see this for more info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Cloaks22:23
topyliAndy80: we can just change your maemo cloak to an ubuntu one. is that what you want?22:24
Andy80topyli: yes! thanks :)22:25
Andy80topyli: @ubuntu/member/andy8022:25
topylistaff, can we please get an ubuntu/member/andy80 cloak for Andy80?22:26
marienzAndy80: you're now recloaked, consider setting an email address in case you lose your password22:27
marienz(/msg nickserv help set email)22:27
topylithank you marienz22:27
marienzno problem22:27
Andy80marienz: thank you so much :)22:28
Unit193Andy80: Again, congrats!22:29
topylicheers Andy8022:29
topylihrm, is it bad if i try to tab-complete 'cheers'?22:29
Andy80thanks :)22:31
Unit193topyli: Only if it's bad reasking saying sudo when someone said no :P22:32
topylii suppose it only gets bad when you actually just say 'ch' at the pub22:33
topylioh sudo in real life must be bad conduct too22:35
m4vtopyli: can you look at my last msg, like 6 hours ago? I need access in #lubuntu-es so I can set a forward to u-es. The channel has no purpose, and only trolls joins there.22:51
topylim4v: ohh yes, i even remember it now22:57
topylii didn't action it because i don't really know how these things work and was hoping someone else would :)22:57
topylione of these days i'll learn irc22:58
topylianyway, we'll do it22:58
m4vnormally is grab a staffer so it can add UbuntuIrcCouncil to the access list so you can add me.22:59
topylito the abandoned channel. alright22:59
m4vwhat I don't know if the GC is allowed to handle the "lubuntu" namespace22:59
topylidepends on whether or not we've done the paperwork :)23:02
Unit193If not, I think I'm listed as a manager23:02
Fuchscurrently only molinero is on the access list23:03
m4vI haven't seen molinero in ages.23:05
topyliit may be a bit of a dead end right now, before we claim the #lubuntu-* space properly23:08
Fuchsis the lubuntu-space currently not claimed?23:09
m4vI can part the channel and problem is gone, is a kinda problem that only exists if you look at it.23:09
topyliwell it'll be an official problem when we do our damn job23:10
topyli(to answer Fuchs's question)23:10
topyliand then we can get help from freenode23:11
Fuchstopyli: you are aware of the new grf-f process, which is quite a bit faster than the old one?23:11
Fuchsthat's why I asked whether it already is claimed or not23:11
topylii have barely touched either the new or old one23:14
Fuchsthen I hope that whoever is responsible for touching it knows it :)23:15
topyliduring my tenure on the council, i haven't handled channels (except when pushed hard and instructed heavily) or official freenode stuff (except to say "yes i am me" two years ago)23:16
marienzFuchs: grf-fs cannot be used to modify an existing group, and the most obvious thing to do here is to extend the existing ubuntu group to cover that namespace as well, not register it separately23:21
marienzerr, cannot be used to modify an existing grf-registered group23:21
Fuchsmarienz: ah, sorry, I thought registering it as a separate group would be the right way to go23:21
topyliwell it's not a separate group anymore :)23:22
Fuchsthe other thing is rather obvious, since one is for relations with pdpc and the other one with you guys. Thanks for telling me :)23:22
marienzthat'd not be consistent with how the other official (?) ubuntu derivatives work, and IIUC lubuntu is supposed to have the same status as those23:22
topylimarienz: correct. it's part of ubuntu now23:22
Fuchsit does? I am quite a bit off to the real world currently it seems23:24
m4vFuchs: lubuntu was approved as an official derivative.23:27
Fuchsm4v: yes, got that now. Sorry for not being up to date :)23:27
topyliFuchs: the transition in the irc world has been a bit slow, at their own request. they have many things to think about during this transition, and we don't need irc bureaucracy to add to all that needlessly. so we go slow23:28
topylibut that's no excuse for the council to not have taken care of the namespace23:30
* Fuchs didn't want to blame anybody23:31
FuchsI just meant to help, even though me not being up to date obviously made that a bit hard and actually ended up in me not being helpful at all :)23:32
* topyli just says "i've been busy at the pub"23:32
Unit193Last I knew, someone thought Lubuntu did register it's namespace, but I don't know "for sure"23:32

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