
=== doko__ is now known as doko
stgraberinfinity: are you still around for another 30min or so? I may need you to change ~/.isotracker.conf on nusakan02:57
stgraberinfinity: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com is almost good to go, so will need to switch the target once I kill (so we avoid daily builds showing up on the wrong one)02:58
stgraberslangasek: ^03:08
stgraberwe're ready for the switch now03:08
stgraberjust replace to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com in ~/.isotracker.conf (cdimage user I believe)03:08
stgrabermorning pitti05:10
stgraberpitti: can you update ~/.isotracker.conf (see above)?05:11
pittigood morning05:16
pittistgraber: done05:18
pittistgraber: but it says "still under maintenance", is that expected?05:18
stgraberpitti: yes, I was waiting for someone to switch the target of the dailies before I switch it to production mode and disable the temporary one05:19
pittiah :)05:20
stgraberok, opened the new one and closed We now have an all new and shiny tracker at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com05:21
stgraberSeems like everything is working, so calling it a day, back in 8 hours or so :)05:22
pittistgraber: still says "under maintenance"05:23
pittistgraber: thanks, sleep well!05:23
stgraberpitti: argh, that's annoying... let me hit the cache harder05:24
stgraberpitti: any better now?05:24
pittiah, yes!05:25
stgraberDrupal's aggressive caching is really, well, aggressive :)05:25
LaneySomebody points out in #-motu that DebianImportFreeze mentions unstable, and that the release schedule links there instead of LTSDebianImportFreeze. Which fix should we do?10:05
infinityLaney: Documenting DIF twice seems odd.  Combining the two pages into one that explains why it's sometimes unstable and sometimes testing might make more sense.11:12
LaneyI thought it would be easiest to just remove 'unstable'11:12
infinityLaney: (But for now, linking the PreciseReleaseSchedule to LTSDIF works, I guess)11:12
Laneyit's not as if that document is the canonical reference for the dafault sync source11:12
infinityWell, both pages seem subtly different too.11:13
LaneyLTS... says "(and tested)" and does not mention autosyncs of NEW packages.11:26
LaneyI do not think it's true that new packages aren't autosynced from testing.11:26
infinityIt's not true, no.  We still autosync.11:27
Laneyso AFAICS the differences aren't meaningful11:28
infinityI wouldn't say so, no.11:28
Laneywe can check with skaet later I guess11:28
infinityI think instead of saying "from Debian <release>", another line that explains that sometimes we sync from unstable and sometimes from testing, and this is determined at the beginning of each cycle by the release team...11:29
infinity(While we more or less have followed the non-LTS->unstable, LTS->testing trend, I see no reason to state that as a future fact)11:30
Laneyindeed, it should be a per-release decision11:31
Laneythere should be a place to document it11:31
infinityWell, LP knows the parent series.11:32
infinityAt least, it does now. :P11:32
Laneyah, yes, lp/ubuntu/release11:32
infinityI think documenting these things in too many places is just asking for them to be out of sync.11:33
infinityAnd LP is authoritative on the matter, now that syncing is a native affair.11:33
LaneyThere should be one place that things point to. That's what I was after. Even better if it's used by tools too.11:34
ogra_doe that look ok for adding a "manual build" notification to the failure mails ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/764832/11:57
ogra_(in cdimage that is)11:58
* ogra_ would like a typo check before committing ... i cant see any issue but that doesnt mean much :P11:59
infinityogra_: I'd probably write it as MANUALTEXT="(built by ${SUDOUSER}) "12:02
ogra_k, no prob12:03
infinityogra_: And smoosh it right against $PROJECT (otherwise, you get an extra space when it's not set)12:03
ogra_yeah, well, whats an extra space :P12:03
infinityExtra spaces are the devil's work!12:03
infinityogra_: Need a trailing space.12:05
infinityMANUTEXT="(built by ${SUDO_USER}) "12:05
ogra_=== modified file 'bin/buildlive'12:05
ogra_--- bin/buildlive2011-12-02 06:14:28 +000012:05
ogra_+++ bin/buildlive2011-12-09 12:04:52 +000012:05
ogra_@@ -20,6 +20,11 @@12:05
ogra_ DIST="$3"12:05
ogra_ fi12:05
ogra_ 12:05
ogra_+if [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ]; then12:05
ogra_+MANUTEXT="(built by ${SUDO_USER})"12:05
ogra_ datestamp="$(date +%Y%m%d)"12:05
ogra_ 12:05
infinitypasting here might not have been clever. :P12:05
ogra_ RES=""12:05
ogra_@@ -118,7 +123,7 @@12:05
ogra_  ADDRESSES="$(get_notify_addresses "${PROJECT%-dvd}")"12:06
ogra_  if [ "$ADDRESSES" ]; then12:06
ogra_ wget -q -O - "http://$machine/~buildd/LiveCD/$DIST/$PROJECT${SUBPROJECT:+-$SUBPROJECT}${subarch:+-$subarch}${UBUNTU_DEFAULTS_LOCALE:+-$UBUNTU_DEFAULTS_LOCALE}/latest/livecd-${datestamp}-${arch}.out" | \12:06
ogra_- mail -s "LiveFS $PROJECT${SUBPROJECT:+-$SUBPROJECT}${subarch:+-$subarch}${UBUNTU_DEFAULTS_LOCALE:+-$UBUNTU_DEFAULTS_LOCALE}/$DIST/$arch failed to build on $datestamp" \12:06
ogra_+ mail -s "LiveFS $MANUTEXT$PROJECT${SUBPROJECT:+-$SUBPROJECT}${subarch:+-$subarch}${UBUNTU_DEFAULTS_LOCALE:+-$UBUNTU_DEFAULTS_LOCALE}/$DIST/$arch failed to build on $datestamp" \12:06
ogra_  -a 'X-Generated-By: buildlive' \12:06
ogra_  $ADDRESSES12:06
ogra_  fi12:06
ogra_argh !12:06
* ogra_ czrses to not have middle click ... 12:06
ogra_http://paste.ubuntu.com/764840/ was what i meant to paste12:06
infinityogra_: Also, I'm reviewing on nusakan, no need to paste at all. :P12:06
ogra_well, i'll merge if you dont scream now12:06
infinityogra_: s/${SUDO_USER})"/${SUDO_USER}) "/12:06
infinityThe name of the variable is a bit odd.12:07
ogra_ogra@nusakan:/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com$ bzr pull12:08
ogra_Using saved parent location: /srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/bzr/private/cdimage12:08
ogra_ M  bin/buildlive12:08
ogra_Text conflict in bin/buildlive12:08
ogra_1 conflicts encountered.12:08
ogra_i'm sure my tree in ~ is up to date12:08
ogra_hmm, someone seems to commit directly to the production tree12:09
infinityOr not commit.12:10
infinityIt was uncommitted changes you ran into.12:10
infinityAnd wrong ones, at that...12:11
ogra_oh my12:11
infinityIs that Michael doing weird things to make jani's live build go? :/12:11
ogra_he shouldnt have to change anything12:11
ogra_NCommander, ^^^^ ????12:11
ogra_he only needs to set a var to not make it publish when running the build12:12
infinityYeah, but that s/arch/cpuarch/ thing looks pretty suspect.12:12
infinityOh, wait, that's just log fetching?12:12
infinityJust manually merge your bits.12:12
infinityOr I will.12:13
ogra_feel free12:13
infinityThere.  Merged.12:13
* ogra_ looks at default-arches now to enable hf for desktop and server 12:13
infinityAnd whoever's uncommited crap that is better claim it.12:13
ogra_i'll run into the same issue with the next commit them i guess12:14
infinityOnly if you commit to buildlive again...12:14
infinityIn those same lines. :P12:14
ogra_no, to etc/default-arches only12:14
infinityYeah, default-arches has no uncommitted changes.12:14
infinityYou're fine.12:14
ogra_i see far more issues than buildlive here12:14
infinityYeah, I know.  There are lots of bits uncommitted.12:15
infinityBut not the file you're about to edit.12:15
infinity(No need to paste this all)12:15
ogra_k, i trust you :)12:15
ogra_infinity, can you take a look ? i'm not sure about the server bit ...12:17
infinityogra_: Eh?12:18
=== ara is now known as Guest31779
ogra_the change to default arches12:18
infinityogra_: Yeah, that was wrong. :)12:19
infinityI'll fix.12:19
ogra_i'll never understand that thing12:20
infinityOh, actually.  It might have been accidentally right.12:21
infinityubuntu-server/preinstalled matches twice.12:21
ogra_only for maverick builds, no ?12:21
ogra_oh, its maverick-12:21
ogra_ignore me :P12:21
infinityAhh, no.  I was right.12:23
ogra_the bottom thing needs to go and the maverick- line needs hf, right ?12:23
ogra_s/to go/reverting/12:24
ogra_k, then i understand it right12:24
infinityAlready fixing.12:24
ogra_(until i want to touch it again and forgot all tis next time :P )12:24
infinityMeh.  I really should move all this armhf stuff to precise- lines.12:26
infinityIncoming mess.12:26
ogra_that would at least make it easier to understand12:26
ogra_i really struggel with all these wildcards ... especially if i havent touched it fro a few months12:27
infinityTrust me, I didn't just make it easier to read. :P12:27
ogra_(and i need typing training)12:27
infinityadconrad@nusakan:~/cdimage$ CDIMAGE_ROOT=. ALL_DISTS="lucid maverick natty oneiric precise" bin/default-arches ubuntu-server daily-preinstalled oneiric12:28
infinityarmel+omap armel+omap412:28
infinityadconrad@nusakan:~/cdimage$ CDIMAGE_ROOT=. ALL_DISTS="lucid maverick natty oneiric precise" bin/default-arches ubuntu-server daily-preinstalled precise12:28
infinityarmel+omap armel+omap4 armhf+omap armhf+omap412:28
ogra_as elegant it is, i must admit i found the cluttered crontab better12:28
* infinity commits.12:28
infinityogra_: Fixed in production now.12:29
ogra_yep, just pulled12:29
infinityogra_: Calling default-arches helps to figure out what you've done.12:29
ogra_ah, cool, i didnt even know there was a binary12:31
ogra_(i could indeed have looked ... but i have a slighly distracted day today)12:31
infinityIt's not the most intuitive thing to call, mind you.12:31
infinityBut at least you can do it from your branch.12:31
ogra_yeah, seeing that above12:31
infinity(See above for calling convention)12:31
infinityI'm going to catch a nap before morning meetings and work.12:32
ogra_can you do the release meeting ?12:33
ogra_since michael doesnt seem able to12:33
infinityI have a conflicting linaro meeting. :/12:33
ogra_ah, k, i'll try to get tobin to do it then12:33
infinityI can fix that, but not for the one in a few hours.12:33
ogra_its only for today anyway ...12:34
stgraberpitti: didn't we get Ubuntu dailies today?14:03
pittistgraber: we did14:04
stgraberhmm, ok, they aren't on the tracker...14:04
pitti$ cat .isotracker.conf14:04
pittidefault_milestone=Precise Daily14:05
pittistgraber: looks ok?14:05
stgraberyep, that looks good14:05
stgraberchecking the build logs now, maybe we'll get a nice python trace in there :)14:05
stgraberok, I see a "Failed to add build to the tracker"14:07
stgrabernow to figure out why exactly14:07
stgraberok, got the same from here at least14:08
ogra_i might be late to the release meeting ...14:08
* ogra_ needs to pick up his car from the other side of the city and the shop closes right after the meeting14:09
ogra_(please someone forward that to kate if i dont manage)14:09
stgraberpitti: digging a bit more, the API seems to work, though not the admin API for some reason. While I do that, do you have a way to get a list of everything that build since "Ubuntu Server i386" (20111209)?14:15
pittistgraber: we didn't do any manual builds today, so we should have exactly one build for each flavour14:19
pittii. e. just the cronjobs14:19
pittiserver starts at 06:2914:20
pittiso that would be: ubuntu desktop/alternate14:20
ogra_note that we autobuild armhf images from today on ...14:20
pittikubuntu desktop/alternate14:20
* ogra_ hopes that doesnt confuse anything on the tracker 14:20
pittiedubuntu dvd14:20
pittikubuntu dvd14:20
pittisorry, scratch edubuntu, that goes earlier14:21
pittistudio, mythbuntu, lubutun14:21
pittithat's it14:21
pittieverything else builds before server14:21
pittistgraber: ^14:21
stgraberpitti: ok, thanks. I found the problem (squid server in front of the tracker blocks http auth), so only the public API works. I'm talking to IS to have that fixed, then I'll just push all of these again14:23
stgraberogra_: I don't think we have armhf on the tracker and probably not in our mapping table so it shouldn't be a problem, though we'll need to add it14:35
stgraberpitti: I think I fixed them all by hand, in the process I noticed a few don't seem to get posted automatically, likely because of a wrong or missing mapping in the script. That's: Kubuntu Mobile armel+omap3, Kubuntu Mobile i386, Wubi i386 and Wubi amd6414:40
stgraber(these all had daily builds today but never had a daily registered on the tracker)14:40
stgraberskaet: good morning14:45
stgraberskaet: and look at our shiny new http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com :)14:45
stgraber(still talking to IS about the authenticated API currently not working)14:45
skaetstgraber,  *\o/*14:46
pittiskaet: good morning14:46
pittiskaet: FYI, kenvandine will join the release meeting today instead of me, as I need to leave a little earlier14:46
skaetpitti, good afternoon.  :)14:46
skaetpitti,  ok.14:47
skaetthanks for letting me know.14:47
skaetstgraber,  delighted to see the new tracker - awesome way to start the day.14:48
=== ara_ is now known as ara
gilirhi, all lubuntu desktop daily isos are currently not published, I think there is a little problem in the publisher script : http://paste.ubuntu.com/765014/15:37
stgraberpitti: add lubuntu to the list I gave you before (of things building with a wrong/missing mapping) :)15:39
Laneyskaet: earlier we were talking about merging LTSDebianImportFreeze with DebianImportFreeze — noticed because the latter is linked from the release schedule and still says that we are syncing from unstable15:40
Laneywhat do you think?15:40
stgrabergilir: is that actually making the build fail or just not publish them on the tracker?15:40
stgrabergilir: because when I added them all manually this morning (problem with the API...) I didn't see a 20111209 build of lubuntu15:41
gilirstgraber, I think only the publishing, I didn't see any failure in the log about the build15:41
stgrabergilir: ah right, just saw the timestamp, that was yesterday's. So the tracker is up to date15:43
skaetLaney,  oversite,  and yes will fix.15:46
skaetthanks for flagging.15:46
LaneyAFAICS we should remove the word "unstable" from DebianImportFreeze and add a sentence saying to look at launchpad.net/ubuntu/<release> to see where we are syncing from15:48
* ogra_ is back ... just in time it seems :)15:53
skaetLaney that's a better solution,  agreed.15:57
* NCommander waves (sorry for being a bit tardy)16:00
ogra_NCommander, i'm here, no need to cover ...16:00
ogra_i just made it in time16:00
Laneylooks like current ben is still compatible with the old input format16:57
Laneyand it also now contains code to generate an index16:57
Laneywin and win16:57
scott-workskaet: sorry i missed the meeting, work was inescapable this morning19:23
skaetscott-work,  no worries.19:24
skaetscott-work,  I'll be posting links to all the other teams, and the IRC minutes in the agenda today.19:25
skaetLaney, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianImportFreeze21:06

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