
=== aaditya_ is now known as aaditya
=== aaditya is now known as dragon
philipballew_hey can someone tell me where in my system is the best place to place this script http://akshaydandekar.wordpress.com/2011/06/30/shell-script-to-remove-system-beeps-in-crunchbang-linux/03:53
broderphilipballew_: you should only have to run it once, not keep it around03:55
philipballew_oh, so it doesnt need to be a start up script?03:56
philipballew_i see now. i see what to do04:01
pleia2Darkwing: saw Scott Olsen last night (didn't meet him, but I ended up at a charity event for him because one of MJ's co-workers bands was playing)17:57
pleia2(it was an interesting night)17:57
pleia2I joked that LUGOD (lugod.org, davis) was "like 100 miles away" and it turned out to be 7419:34
pleia2not much of a joke, turns out!19:34
pleia2probably can't make it up since it's so far, but interesting dual stack talk coming up: http://www.lugod.org/meeting/19:35
akkIt's a long way. Alas, since they have great talks!19:35
pleia2yeah, there have been a number I've wanted to go to19:35
pleia2actually, it looks like the speaker is from berekely, maybe I can email him and ask if he'll speak at BALUG19:39
pleia2berkeley too19:39
Darkwingpleia2: cool19:43
nhaineshaha, hax!19:49
MarkDudeLUGOD has Bill Kendrick19:49
MarkDudeWorth a few hundred mile drive, imho19:50
MarkDudeTux Paint dude19:50
akkI suspect Bill is a big factor in why they have so many good talks.19:50
CoreyGareth: Ping.20:10
GarethCorey: pong22:42
GarethCorey: feel free to shoot me an email...gareth@socallinuxexpo.org22:51
grantbowpleia2: thanks for the RT22:55
bkerensanhaines: You about?23:58
nhainesbkerensa: yup.23:58
bkerensanhaines: PM?23:58
nhainesbkerensa: always open.23:58

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