
thinkjsonAnyone looking for a sysadmin job? http://www.lifechurch.tv/jobs/81-linux-systems-administrator14:24
thinkjsonwork from home, good pay, awesome team :-)14:24
mhall119hey there thinkjson 14:29
thinkjsonmhall119: hi!14:34
mhall119thinkjson: haven't seen you 'round here in a while, how's the new job going?14:34
thinkjsonsuper awesome14:34
thinkjsonI'm so busy they approved my proposal to hire my own staff. :-D14:35
thinkjsonthat particular position isn't one of them14:35
thinkjsonI have a Node.js dev position opening up14:35
mhall119heh, that was my next question14:35
thinkjsonand a little bit of freelance Pentaho work14:35
mhall119you still in tough with the Pentago guys?14:36
mhall119gah, twice14:36
mhall119stupid fingers14:36
mhall119missed you at UDS/LoCo Party last month14:37
thinkjsonbeen soooooo busy14:37
thinkjsonthings should free up after the first of the year14:37
thinkjsonwe're doing our big year-end push for Christmas14:37
mhall119I know, you think working from home would give you more time, right?14:37
thinkjsonbecause lots of people buy smart phones for Christmas14:37
thinkjsonhaha. time.14:38
thinkjsonI've tossed around the idea of hiring a PA14:38
mhall119how's the family? everyone doing well I hope14:38
thinkjsonfound out we're having a boy14:38
mhall119nice balance14:38
thinkjsonthen we'll have a third child and throw it all off :-P14:39
mhall119heh, quit while you're ahead14:39
thinkjsonmaybe we'll have 4 to balance it out again14:39
mhall119kids are algorithmic14:39
thinkjsonwe have 5 seats in the van, so that's the absolute maximum :-)14:39
mhall119two kids is 4x as hard as 114:39
thinkjsonO(n^2) ?14:40
mhall119and they don't take kindly to optimization efforts either14:41
mhall119I think resource consumption is algorithmic too14:42
mhall119but maybe that just grows with age14:42
mhall119all I know is that 1 large pizza used to feed us all, but not anymore14:43
thinkjsonmhall119: did you delete your twitter account?14:43
mhall119just haven't used it much14:44
thinkjsonyou're completely missing now. what's your username?14:44
thinkjsonmhall119: https://twitter.com/#!/thinkjson/status/14515547691142348914:59
zoopstermhall119: funny comment about resource consumption...and it's not just food either!15:31
thinkjsonwell I'm off to save the world. ttyl.15:53

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