
=== bill_ is now known as bill
=== bill is now known as Guest52225
Nivexdamnit. my new laptop has UEFI instead of BIOS17:07
NivexI can't get it to boot a Linux installer for love nor money17:07
Tracy_PSo no boot manager built in that you can bring up?17:14
NivexI get the F12 to boot from other device, select my USB key and nothing happens17:15
Tracy_Phave you tried a different USB key? I have one that works on one machine, but not another. Yet another that worked on both.17:15
NivexSadly I don't have one handy17:16
Tracy_Pburn a cd?17:18
Tracy_POr you run the distro off the key?17:19
Nivexnew laptop has no CD drive17:20
Tracy_PI have a netbook like that. I borrowed a USB CD drive to install software to it once.17:28
Nivexah, I hadn't realize usb-creator didn't wipe your USB stick anymore. I snagged another USB stick and am prepping it now17:29
Tracy_Pit's an option isn't it?17:30
Nivexused to be it would wipe it. is optional now, yes17:32
Nivexwe have bootage!17:35
* Nivex crosses fingers on install17:35
akgranerNivex, yay!17:39

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