
=== jrp-afk is now known as shirgall
* bkerensa needs to find a good spot for Sushi and Beer today20:40
keesI've been meaning to try http://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=11403904978339076314&q=Saburo's+Sushi+House+Restaurant&dtab=2&ie=UTF8&ll=45.473404,-122.64287&spn=0.010548,0.022552&t=m&z=16&vpsrc=620:57
bkerensakees: Wow thats off the beaten path21:07
keesdepends on the path :)21:07
bkerensakees: Well I'm in SW PDX (I think they call my area Far South West even)21:07
bkerensaI go downtown for foods sometimes but thats pushing it (almost a hour trip to downtown)21:08
* kees nods21:09
keesI drive past that place all the time and there's always a huge line outside.21:09
bkerensakees: Have you ever went to Portland City Grill? I was considering going there Friday for a special occasion21:12
keesI havne't been there; heard good things, though.21:14
keesfor special occasions, I'm addicted to Andina21:15

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