
andurilHmm Athlon X3 at 3.1Ghz for $74 or Phenom II X4 at 2.8Ghz for $8900:57
JonathanDMorning rmg5111:17
rmg51morning JonathanD11:23
andurilah love getting woken up hours before I have to getup to drive the gf in cause her cars heater isnt working :(12:31
InHisName1makes it easy to get out and enjoy that crisp dry air without being in such a hurry, anduril13:07
andurilI guess thats one way to look at it13:10
jedijfwaltman: where is your indian truck?18:19
InHisName1wow, so quiet here today18:31
JonathanDGoing home @ 3 \o/18:31
Resistancehows things people18:33
InHisName1I'm here, Resistance is there, and where do you think impedance is ?18:35
Resistancewell i only just got here :p18:35
Resistance'tis the end of the semester18:36
Resistancenow i have to study for 2 finals18:36
Resistanceand then that's it :P18:36
Resistanceno more classes for this semester18:36
Resistanceuntil january ;p18:36
InHisName1so one more week of heavy duty studying then.18:36
InHisName1Don't be resistant to studying HARD.18:36
Resistancei've studied the past 4.5 days straight18:38
Resistanceonly gotten 16 hours of sleep in that 4.5 day period18:38
Resistancei'm not studying anymore today18:38
Resistancei'm going to eat some food18:38
Resistanceand then sleep :po18:38
Resistance:P *18:39
InHisName1Save study for tomorrow and Sunday, need to be well rested for good study habits.18:40
InHisName1and well fueled.18:40
Resistanceholy hell18:40
Resistancedebhelper is 8.9.0 in oneiric?18:40
InHisName1after 7 years of not finding any real meaningful work, I got THREE calls this week.  Two from HR people and only one from head hunter.18:41
InHisName1My job hunting days may be numbered.  Whoopie !18:42
InHisName1have you used xinetd much ?18:44
Resistanceunfortunately no18:48
InHisName1anyone else know ?18:58
InHisName1speak up all at once if you feel so.18:58
Resistancei've got just one word to say right now:19:01
ResistanceBACON :P19:01
InHisName1I was told I could send a var to another machine (IP) and run something there with that var being passed.19:01
InHisName1Gee, did samy albi come in ?19:02
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Joe_EgO
=== Joe_EgO is now known as Jaqen_H_ghar
=== Jaqen_H_ghar is now known as Joe_CoT
waltmanjedijf: I have an Indian truck?21:29
waltmanjedijf: Do you mean this place? http://www.flickr.com/photos/85201403@N00/4679593313/21:36
waltmanjedijf: There are a few trucks around Drexel that serve a few things they call "Indian". The only truly Indian truck I'm aware of is on the 3700 block of Sansom. It's one of a group of trucks between Penn's gym and a parking garage.21:39
waltmanThere might also be one on 38th St.21:40
jedijfwaltman: what's your favorite truck and where is it?23:11
waltmanfavorite indian?23:49
jedijffavorite lunch truck23:50
waltmanThere's lots of great ones.23:50
jedijffavorite indian then23:50
jedijfthe pictured one didn't seem right23:50
waltmanI've only been to the all-Indian one once. I didn't like it that much. We generally just go to one of the $n Indian buffet places in University City.23:51
waltmanWere you maybe thinking of Tyson Bee's?23:51
waltmanThat's more Korean fusion23:56
* jedijf gives up23:57
jedijfi'll grep logs23:57
waltmanotherwise maybe you can find it in here? http://www.flickr.com/photos/85201403@N00/tags/foodtrucks/23:58
waltmanSorry, I'm not sure what you're referring to. There's a lot more middle eastern truck food than indian.23:59

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