
cjohnstonAlanBell: danilos15:33
AlanBelldanilos: o/15:33
cjohnstonAlanBell: what is the chance of losing data on the migration15:34
daniloshi AlanBell :)15:34
AlanBellI think it will be an all or nothing thing, I don't think we would run a risk of a partial migration15:34
AlanBelland no, we won't do a migration during the linaro summit week :)15:35
AlanBellI think the migration is pretty much perfect, with all the revision history15:35
cjohnstondanilos: you good with that?15:41
daniloscjohnston, yeah, definitely15:41
danilosI am not happy with "nothing" option, "all" is good :)15:42
cjohnstonI'm guessing if the "nothing" is the choice, we should be able to leave it up for a bit, but i dont know15:42
cjohnstondanilos: Bug 90219515:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 902195 in launchpad-work-items-tracker "Need to add linaro-android-infrastructure to status.linaro.org (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90219515:42
daniloscjohnston, this is about the config, see also https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad-work-items-tracker/linaro-config/+merge/8458915:43
daniloscjohnston, I'll also take this to our website project since that's more related to the project15:45
cjohnstonI linked the code15:46
danilosthanks, I am being lazy now because I am also otp15:47
cjohnstonI'm bored at work15:47
dakermhall119, i found a solution https://github.com/gregmuellegger/django-sortedm2m16:00
AlanBelldanilos: yeah the "nothing" option is leaving the current etherpad server running somewhere (different port maybe), but I want the "all" options16:03
mhall119daker: cool16:06
dakerit's not very good but it works16:06
james_wcjohnston, hey, did you see the errors that look to be from your timestamp change?20:27
cjohnstonjames_w: ya20:27
cjohnstonits already been updated20:27
cjohnstonand is running again20:27

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