
cndbryceh, RAOF: peter is nearly done with XI 2.2 initial upstream implementation (will be done in a few hours)00:01
brycehcnd, awesome, yeah saw his blog post00:01
cndis there an xserver 1.11 branch somewhere for precise?00:01
brycehcnd, yeah RAOF has one somewhere00:01
cndI didn't see it last time I checked in the debian git repo00:01
cndI'd love to get it into a ppa for testing asap00:01
brycehcnd, definitely00:02
brycehlooks like chris is on vacation today00:04
brycehreturning monday (our Sunday afternoon)00:04
brycehSarvatt, ^^00:08
brycehcnd, I believe the branch RAOF has been working on is an attempt to forward-port the old Xi2 patches; he wanted to have something to compare this new work against00:25
brycehcnd, however he got hung up on some bits of it; I suppose he may not have pushed it anywhere due to that00:26
cndbryceh, is there a branch somewhere with just the x 1.11 stuff?00:26
cndI suppose that would be the same branch minus the xi multitouch patch(es)00:26
brycehcnd, possibly in edgers (thus why I pinged robert)00:26
brycehaha yep - *IMPORTANT NOTICE* - Unity has been uploaded to this PPA on oneiric with geis support ripped out so it works with xserver 1.11.00:27
brycehhmm, that has a git snapshot of xserver, I bet we'd want to pull one of the point releases.00:29
brycehcnd, however from the changelog it sounds like it's using a congruent debian/ directory so I bet if you pulled the xserver from edgers, you'd be in the right ballpark for what we'll be shipping.00:31
Sarvattcnd: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-xorg/xserver/xorg-server.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ubuntu%2B101:30
Sarvattubuntu+1 branch01:31
cndSarvatt, sweet!01:33
cndmaybe I misread something in that branch01:33
cndI thought it was still 1.1001:33
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brycehthe comments have me rolling03:52
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* jussi waves. anyone up? 07:34
jussianyway, guy in the office has an issue with resolution on his intel based machine (doesnt offer high enough resolutions). card is 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 0116 (rev 09) - is this the correct place to ask for answers or wuld you prefer I used #ubuntu ?07:36
tjaaltoni'd prefer a bug report07:38
tjaaltonubuntu-bug xorg07:38
jussitjaalton: ok, Ill get it done. 07:40
jussitjaalton: its on lucid, just as an fyi. 07:40
tjaaltonnot much to be done ther07:40
tjaaltonprobably works just fine on a later release07:41
tjaaltonmaybe try a newer kernel07:41
tjaaltonlucid has backported kernels from maverick, natty and oneiric07:42
jussiahh, excellent. so just need to enable updates then? 07:44
jussitjaalton: ok, he is running 2.6.32 (64 bit). Do I manually need to install a new kernel or?? 07:48
jussibackports and updats both seem to be enabled...07:48
tjaaltonit's in main07:48
tjaaltonpick one07:49
tjaalton..the latest07:49
jussiwow, the kernel team are superstars :)07:52
jussisigh. good news is  the resolution works. bad news, wireless is borked. guess I might have to chat to the kernel team about htis one :(07:57
tjaaltonthose are unsupported on desktops07:58
tjaaltonso unless it's broken on oneiric too i wouldn't bother07:59
tjaaltontry an earlier kernel07:59
jussiits a lenovo laptop.  and yeah, we are trying maverick  kernel now08:00
tjaaltonwhich model?08:01
jussitjaalton: its an e520 - 11433lg. maverick kernel seems to be working though - the 3 problems we had are wireless, screen res and sd card not working. 08:10
tjaaltonso it's sandybridge, lucid didn't even have support for the graphics08:11
tjaaltonwhich means it would use vesa08:12
tjaaltonor fbdev, can't remember08:15
jussiahh that would explain it. In anycase, we tried all the kernels and funnily mavericks seems to work.08:21
tjaaltonit's the first version that got some support08:22
tjaaltonthere should be a public repo with stuff backported from natty, but can't find it08:22
jussiyeah, not sure I want to touch it anymore - it appears to be working :)08:28
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Sarvatthmm xserver-xorg-video-glide is arch: any but requires libglide3 that is i386 alpha ia64 amd64 only16:57
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DanA_Hello I have a question for you guys. I'm using the ubuntu-x-swat x-updates repository, however we are having an issue with nviida driver versions 290 or 285. Is there any way to switch back to the 270 one?20:20
brycehDanA_, tried grabbing the natty deb?  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers20:25
DanA_would it work with Lucid?20:27
DanA_bryceh, actually I double checked and it will have to be the one for Oneiric, since the driver that we need to use is 280.20:28
brycehDanA_, why are you running edgers on lucid?20:30
DanA_there is a segmentation fault specific to our application that happens on 285 and 290, this happens also when using the binary installation from nvidia20:31
DanA_our application is validated to run only on lucid LTS20:32
DanA_bryceh, this segmentation fault is coming directly from the nvidia driver20:33
DanA_bryceh, oh and we are using opengl features available on 280+20:36
bjsniderDanA_, you're using opengl features from the 280 series, and you need to switch to the 270 series. that seems to be contradictory20:56
bjsnideroh, i see. you say you need the 28020:57
DanA_bjsnider, actually I said 270 by mistake, I've always meant 28020:57
DanA_bjsnider, however the x-updates ppa only has 29020:57
bjsnideri know. i put it there20:58
bjsniderhave you reported this issue to nvidia?20:58
DanA_no, we will need to report it20:58
bjsniderdo you know how to do that?20:59
DanA_however we don't have time right now for them to fix it and release a new one20:59
DanA_I'll ask the developer having the issue20:59
DanA_he is not new to working with nvidia issues and should know how to report them21:02
bjsniderDanA_, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/76434148/nvidia-current_280.13-0ubuntu1~lucid~xup1_amd64.deb21:06
bjsniderthat was the last in the 280 series21:06
DanA_awesome. Thanks!!21:07
DanA_how do you find files in the launchpadllibrarian?21:09
bjsniderthe url was a redirect21:09
bjsnideri just typed int he likely name and it worked21:10
bjsnideri think there's an ftp browser for this stuff but i don't know what the exact url is21:13
DanA_thanks, that worked for nvidia-settings too21:22
cndjcristau, what's going on with x11proto-input?22:49
cndit's file layout doesn't match the upstream tarball22:49
cndand I can't make heads or tails of it22:49
cndjcristau, nm, I figured it out23:07

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