
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos Good morning04:34
Maazsuperfly: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode04:34
inetprogood mornings06:50
superflymorning inetpro06:55
inetprohow's superfly07:03
superflyinetpro: fairly good thanks, got the car back yesterday, and it didn't cost the earth07:05
inetprosuperfly: great! What was wrong with it?07:10
superflyblown gasket amongst other things07:10
inetproRootChaos: good morning07:39
RootChaosnice weather07:39
RootChaosin jhb07:40
inetproand in Pta07:40
* inetpro loves this weather07:40
RootChaosi stay in pta as well\07:41
RootChaosoffice in midrnad07:41
RootChaos* midrand07:41
inetprosakhi: hi07:53
RootChaosanyone know how to update a .ac.za ? i need to transfer a domain over to me and i can't seem to find the information on the ac.za website - hint hint08:00
RootChaosthe domain admin for .ac.za has also been awol for the past few days08:01
RootChaoslo nuvolari08:07
nuvolarifor once I have a good word on Vodacom, on opening the 20Gb promo bundle to contract customers09:09
nuvolariand for the 20Gb bundle in general :D09:10
magespawnhowdy all09:10
superflyhiya magespawn09:12
superflynuvolari: absolutely... we have to use HSDPA again, and the 20G bundle for R500 is a real money-saver09:12
inetproI just hope that they will extend the offer beyond January09:16
nuvolariI think they are testing their limits10:04
nuvolariinvolving users to push bandwidth usage10:04
magespawnis that 20G a once off prepaid option?10:19
magespawnwhat is the time frame for usage?10:20
magespawnit look like the 20 gig is only valid until the last day of the next calender month10:32
magespawnso you would have at the most 2 months to use 20gig10:32
nuvolarimagespawn: ye :-/ unfortunately10:53
nuvolaribut still, it's a great deal10:54
superflymagespawn: at the rate we go through bandwidth, I'll easily use 20 gigs a month11:53
inetpromagespawn: at this stage the deal is only available until 9 January 201211:59
inetprosee: http://www.vodacom.co.za/personal/phonesandpackages/mygig20mofayasummerpromotion11:59
zerefo0o0, its takes vodacom 3 days to tell me that my number has been deleted12:49
zerefthere was a south african based linux distro14:56
zerefImpi Linux14:56
Kerberokongoni is also SA15:23
Kerberoand ubuntu of coarse :P15:24
dLimitimpi linux too I believe15:26
Kerbero[16:56] <zeref> there was a south african based linux distro15:26
Kerbero[16:56] <zeref> Impi Linux15:26
Kerberoyou joined 2 minutes later15:26
dLimitI never used any of those other sa distro's15:28
Kerberome neither15:28
Kerberoubuntu is too easy, it makes one lazy15:29
dLimitI use mainly use bodhi now.. also ubuntu based with enlightenment15:30
zerefdo you guys think impi will come back15:30
Kerberoo, just nicer gui15:31
Kerberolike mint15:31
Kerberoi'd rather go with something directly debian based15:32
Kerberolike debian15:32
Kerberoi should maybe try debian with gnome 315:32
zerefi tried15:32
zerefcrash crash crash15:33
zerefbut it got a bit stable when i removed compiz15:33
Kerberowell i'm still on unity but the bugs is the thing irritating me15:34
zerefo0o0, i thought that unity would be a bit more matured now15:34
Kerberoit is a bit yes15:35
Kerberobut for power users it is not good enough15:35
zerefbut i'm not a fan of gnome 3 or unity15:35
zerefbut alas will have to go to it in the future15:36
superflyor you can use KDE15:49
Kerberosays a lot of people15:49
Kerberoi installed it15:49
Kerberobut the default is to boot into unity15:49
Kerberoand 'n lazy15:49
Kerberoso my computer boots up into unity15:49
superflyKerbero: you should be able to change it? or is lightdm too "light"?15:52
Kerberono idea15:53
Kerbero"i'm lazy"15:53
Kiloshehe good morning superfly whats news?16:24
Kiloshi everyone16:24
zeref*cough* evening *cough*16:28
Kilosoh you cant take evry cough to a doctor16:29
Kilosbut you can take a spoon of sterns pine tar and honey16:29
Kilosall good there zeref ?16:33
zerefhmm, things were ok bout  a sec ago16:39
Kilosoh my. what happened16:39
zerefno getting fustrated trying to  solve a python error16:39
superflyKilos: still nothing16:39
nuvolariKilos: :D oom!16:40
superflyzeref: *now16:40
Kilosok superfly we keep praying16:40
superflyzeref: what's the error?16:40
Kiloslo nuvolari 16:40
nuvolariKilos: tara het 'n nuwe songetjie opgelaai16:40
nuvolariklink super!16:40
zerefoh, ta for correcting spelling16:40
superflyknow = knowledge16:41
Kilosnaam van dit16:41
superflynow = immediately, at the moment16:41
zerefsuperfly; TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable16:41
nuvolariKilos: Not Me, Not I16:41
Kilosoh ya16:41
superflyzeref: you've got a variable var and you've got brackets for a list or a dict "var[0]" but var is actually an int16:42
nuvolaridLimit: ping16:42
Kilosnuvolari, het jy dit afgelaai16:45
Kiloshou by jou ek sal voorentoe kry asb16:45
zerefsuperfly: i've got a line that says serve=player[0][0]16:45
nuvolarinet gekyk oom, sal vir oom kry16:45
zerefso serve is actually an int?16:45
Kilosdankie seun16:46
superflyzeref: no, which variable has the brackets?16:46
superfly(and put spaces around your = sign, PEP 8)16:46
zerefok, umm, i've put def play(player)16:51
zerefplayer is an array16:51
superflythere's no such thing as an array in python16:52
superflyit's a list, I presume?16:52
superflyand you're sure it's a list?16:53
superflyand each item in the list is a list?16:53
zereflol, thinking in c++ now, yeah list.16:54
zerefumm lemme post code16:54
dLimitnuvolari, pong16:59
zerefoh wait, found it17:04
nuvolaridLimit: do you use 2 screens(with enlightenment)?17:06
nuvolariI tried it for about 2 days, but with dualscreens it's a bit annoying17:07
superflyzeref: so, what was the issue?17:07
zerefplayer list was not defined properly17:11
zerefits back17:14
zereferror is in line 1017:16
zerefbut if i uncomment line 198 and 199 it works fine17:18
superflyAlright, I'll have a look in a moment - need to get back to my PC17:24
superflyzeref: I recommen you read this: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/17:29
superflyzeref: I don't know what's going into "player" but that's where your error isa17:36
zerefplayer is a list17:42
zerefline 198 shows what goes in17:44
superflyzeref: but is player[0] a list?17:46
zerefits player[[],[]]17:47
nuvolari whoa :D congrats superfly!20:16
* nuvolari does catch-up on facebook20:16
zerefomg, emacs is sexy23:33

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