
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Support at #xubuntu | Working on: Precise Pangolin | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Bugs List: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs/PrecisePangolin | Daily Testing results: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/204/builds
charlie-tcaTo all the testers: we are now tracking daily testing on the qa.iso.ubuntu.com tracker15:19
charlie-tcaAnybody able to do the full disk installs today?15:19
madnickyes, i will do it after the meeting15:19
GridCubecharlie-tca, alternate 32bits on vbox full install, its ok?15:20
charlie-tcayes, that would be great! It should be working in VBox again15:21
madnickhehe, forgot which channel the meeting was in :(16:13
GridCubemadnick, do you know what "detailer specifications" should say? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Precise/DefaultMediaPlayer16:20
GridCubei mean, what is it for?16:20
madnickSorry no16:22
GridCubewill ask knome then16:23
ochosiGridCube: i think what needs to be done generally is an in-depth application comparison between the current and the proposed default16:23
GridCubeyes, but when it try to do that my patent dislike for gmusicbrowser doesnt let me be... mmm... objetive?16:24
ochosithen you're probably not the right person for that job?16:25
GridCubei said that, but then again im the one who wants we using a good music player instead of gmb on xubuntu16:25
ochosii'm not saying that you can't be biased, but your bias can't be the sole basis of an app-comparison16:25
GridCubeand i have to find a way of doing so being objetive so its taking time :P16:25
ochositaking time is fine16:26
GridCubethats why it has a huge "work in progress" there :P16:26
GridCubehey ochosi question, i've accidentally deleted the sound applet from my panel16:28
ochosiwell, doing an app-comparison really should include quite a wide variety of aspects, even stuff that has nothing to do with usability (e.g. maintenance, packaging, health of the project)16:28
ochosiyou mean the indicator?16:28
GridCubeyes 16:28
GridCubethe one that also controls the music player16:28
ochosithen i guess you need to reinstall the package indicator-sound16:28
GridCubeits installed, i've just removed it from the panel :/16:28
ochosithen you need to add the indicator-plugin back to the panel16:29
ochosiyou can't remove one indicator by itself, you can only remove the whole plugin16:29
GridCubeits there now16:29
GridCubehow weird16:29
ochosiwhy is that weird? :)16:30
GridCubebecause the indicator plugin was activated16:30
GridCubebut just the sound thingy wasnt16:30
ochosiare you sure?16:31
ochosie.g. nm-applet falls back to normal trayicon if you remove the indicator16:31
GridCubei lost the sound thingy again16:35
Unit193The testing page *FINALLY* let me login >_<16:35
GridCubethe indicator plugin closes and restarts but the sound thingy doesnt come back if i do that, the nm-applet does tho16:36
ochosithen it's just nm-applet falling back to trayicon16:36
GridCubeguess so16:36
ochosiwhat do you exactly mean when you're saying "it closes and restarts"?16:36
GridCubeif i close the indicato plugin (left click > close) it restarts and it only has the nm-applet16:37
charlie-tcaThey are still working on the tracker page16:37
ochosiyou mean "remove"?16:37
GridCubeyes "Quitar"16:37
astraljavaIndicator Plugin has a Guitar applet?! *cool*16:38
ochosiGridCube: that means you're removing it. if you want to keep the sound-indicator (and all other indicators for that matter) you can't remove it16:38
ochosiGridCube: it's like removing any other plugin from the panel and then saying "why isn't it there anymore"? :)16:38
GridCubeyes i know, i just didnt knew how to get it back after accidentally removing it16:39
ochosik :)16:39
GridCubeits unvelieble how long tests are being lately, this installation im doing has started 2 hours ago and i still have like 2 more hours to go according the installator22:23
Unit193I seem to know someone that's already running Pangolin of some sort (be it VM or not)22:35
GridCubei've installed it a few times already22:42
GridCubeeach time seems to take more time to install22:42
Unit193Keeps it though, updates and su7ch22:42
GridCubegreat had to reboot22:52
GridCubelost the installation22:52

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