
xubuntu312Oigan una duda, al actualizar al 11.10 también se actualiza gnome a la versión 3 o así se queda?00:25
cYmenhi guys00:26
cYmenI have an eee pc and neither the sleep special button nor closing the lid works for suspending00:26
cYmenand when I selecdt hibernate from the menu it just shuts down00:26
cYmendoes anybody have an idea how to debug that?00:27
cYmenwhat does work is selecting suspend in the menu...00:28
holsteincYmen: what eee?00:31
holsteini have a 900, 1001p, and 101500:31
cYmenuh...I think it's a 1015 but I have to look it up...do you know a quick way to check?00:32
holsteinit either sleeps or it doesnt... you might just need to familiarize yourself with the xfce power mangement00:32
holsteincYmen: i look on the bottom, and the # is usually there00:32
holsteinits different from gnome00:32
cYmenah it's a 1005'HA00:33
holsteinyou dont say "when i close the lid, sleep" like you don in gnome... you have to say "when i close the lid powered up speed", or on battery power00:33
cYmenyeah I have no idea how power management works in xfce yet, I never set it up00:33
cYmenhow do I get started?00:33
holsteini set mine for when plugged in, and was very confused when i was on batter power and it didnt sleep00:33
holsteincYmen: in the settings manger, under 'settings' in the menu, theres a power manger icon00:35
* cYmen messes around.00:35
cYmenOkay, thanks so far!00:35
cYmenholstein: So can it hibernate and suspend or can it only suspend? I'm not sure I understood you correctly.00:37
holsteincYmen: you'll have to sort that out00:37
holsteinmine all do it all00:37
holsteini find intel hardware generally well supported00:38
cYmenhm...as I said when I select hibernate in the menu it turns off :)00:38
holsteincYmen: thats hibernate00:38
holsteinit looks like its off00:38
holsteinthe power is off00:38
holsteinsuspend is probably what you want00:38
cYmenuh no the problem is when I turn it back on it just starts up :)00:41
holsteincYmen: ?00:42
holsteinthats hibernate00:43
holsteinif you ask it to hibernate, when you turn it back on, it will just start up00:43
cYmenuh...I thought it's supposed to store ram to disk and restore the state it was in...?00:43
holsteincYmen: did it not?00:44
cYmenno it just started up vanilla00:44
cYmenthat's what I meant :)00:44
holsteincYmen: if you are literally just getting started, i wouldnt worry about it too much00:44
holsteinim sure its just getting used to it00:45
cYmenIt needs to get used to hibernating? :)00:45
holsteincYmen: ?00:45
holsteinim sure the tools are something you will become familiar with in time00:46
cYmenHm...but it seems defunct in some way...00:47
holsteincYmen: might be, but it works very well on my 3 EEE's out of the box00:47
holsteinexpecially 10.0400:47
holsteinthere was something i had to add for the new one... lemme find it00:47
Crash_O-Di'm having problems with getting my touch-pad from being able to click00:48
Crash_O-D*to no click00:50
holsteinCrash_O-D: check out http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1753720.html00:51
holsteincYmen: OK... let me put this in a pastebin00:53
holsteini think i got that here? https://sites.google.com/site/mtrons/howtos/eeepc-1015pn00:55
Crash_O-Dsynclient MaxTapTime=0 does that stay permanent when just entered in terminal00:55
holsteinCrash_O-D: it'll be easy to determine that after you reboot00:55
holsteinand you can decide how to deal with it then, or ask about it here agin00:55
holsteini dont think its persistent00:55
Crash_O-Dthanks will try00:56
cYmenholstein: thanks for the link!00:57
=== Crash is now known as Guest36368
Guest36368not persistent00:59
=== Guest36368 is now known as Crash_O-D
Crash_O-Dits not persistent01:00
holsteinCrash_O-D: cool... so not you can make a startup script for it01:01
Crash_O-Dcan i just add it to setting session and startup01:02
holsteinsounds like a plan!01:03
Crash_O-Dwould i just enter add: synclient MaxTapTime=0 since not app01:04
holsteinCrash_O-D: i say, as long as you know how to remove it, it wont hurt to try it out, and see01:05
Crash_O-Dbrb restarting to test01:05
holsteinCrash_O-D: :)01:06
Crash_O-Dnext thing numlock01:19
cYmenholstein: Doesn't seem to work on the 1005HA but thanks anyway!01:21
Crash_O-D https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock -> Enabling NumLock during startup and before login ->  edit /etc/gdm/Init/Default. For older versions of Ubuntu edit /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default  though files dont exist01:24
Crash_O-Dhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock -> Enabling NumLock during startup and before login ->  edit /etc/gdm/Init/Default. For older versions of Ubuntu edit /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default  though files dont exist. please help.01:39
totesmuhgoatshey folks01:53
totesmuhgoatssomeone in here told me about gigolo yesterday, they woudn't happen to be around?01:53
Paimunwho was it?01:55
totesmuhgoatscan't remember tbh01:56
holsteincYmen: seem?01:57
holsteini dont have that model either01:58
holsteini have that hardware in mine though01:58
holsteini cant find my documentation... all i know is, without that patch, i would not be running 11.1002:01
holsteini would still be running 10.04 on that machine02:01
holsteinnot sure if we will need that in the future02:01
hylianhello all02:32
* hylian looks out on the digital undead, and sees an army of afk zombies...02:35
holsteinhey hylian ... feel free to join #xubuntu-offtopic :)02:36
hylianholstein, my trash can disappeared for a while, and then it came back, on it's own... strange?02:37
holsteinhylian: odd... i wouldnt lose sleep over it... how long have you been using XFCE ?02:38
Crash_O-Dholstein: couple days02:47
=== Hirnblaeo is now known as _3st_
just_installedWhat is Xfce?03:15
PaimunXFCE is a desktop environment03:15
just_installedDo you think that Xbuntu will run smoothly on an Acer Aspire Netbook?03:20
Paimunwell, what kind of specs does it have?03:21
PaimunI'm on a netbook, and xubuntu technically runs fine, but running a lot of software at once will make it shit the bed03:21
just_installedlol ok :03:22
just_installed- Mobile Intel® 945GSE Express Chipset (DDR2 400/533 MHz)03:22
just_installed500 mb ram03:22
Paimunyeah you're gonna have a rough time03:22
Paimun500 MB ram is not a lot at all03:23
just_installedbecause I tried Ubuntu 11.10 and it runs like shit03:23
just_installedi thought so.03:23
just_installedBut Win 7 runs perfectly.03:23
just_installedsorry, 1 gb RAM03:23
Paimunwell that's better03:23
Paimunbut if you run heavy things like chrome or dolphin a lot you're going to be seeing a lot of hanging03:24
just_installedhmm ok thanks.03:24
Paimundepending on your processor too, and hard drive speed in the case of swap space03:24
Paimunif you have a 7200 RPM drive that will help with swap and a dual core will be good too03:24
just_installedare there any really tiny and lightweight distros that will run smoothly?03:25
PaimunI do not have any experience with these distros myself03:25
Paimunbut I've heard crunchbang and damn small linux are good03:25
Paimunxubuntu used to be kinda lightweight but that's changed recently03:26
just_installedxGrind: hmmm DSL? Ive heard of it. also heard that X was lightweight.03:26
just_installedHave you heard of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSLinux this?03:27
just_installedits Linux forr Nintendo DS03:27
holsteinpuppy has an ubuntu based verion, and lubuntu is light... crunchbang03:27
gryhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ristretto/+bug/863464 any workarounds available?09:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 874092 in ristretto (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #863464 ristretto hang with empty window" [Medium,Confirmed]09:13
ochosigry: not sure, tbh the best thing might be to wait for precise or compile a newer version of ristretto09:31
ochosigry: ristretto has been almost rewritten since 0.0.93, unfortunately we still have that version in oneiric09:31
gryochosi, this bug has no set priority. This being the default / recommended image viewer on xfce, and no workaround available, could you set it to something sane please?10:10
ochosigry: the point is that it won't get fixed, because upstream (xfce) is already far further in terms of new versions and therefore not maintaining 0.0.93 anymore and for us (with extremely limited manpower) it doesn't make sense to try to fix it because precise will have a completely fixed up new version anyway10:11
ochosii know this sucks, but for oneiric there's really not much more we can do but ask you to wait and use something else in the meantime10:12
ochosi(gpicview, geeqie, eog, you name it)10:12
gryochosi, thanks for your time explaining this. There is just one small question left, you seem to use 'precise' as a noun, what do you mean with it?10:13
ochosi"precise pangolin" is the next version of x/ubuntu, aka 12.0410:14
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:14
gryAah. Thank you very much for your details.10:15
ochosinp, yw :)10:20
=== darknop is now known as Guest78074
dewwI managed to make the icons on panel2 left justified, but could not figure out how to make it centered again. can someome assist with that?14:00
Sysiadd spacesr on left and right and go to their properties and set them to expand14:01
dewwinteresting. so i possibly removed one spacer?14:03
dewwi'll try14:03
dewwah ok14:04
dewwit made one of them not expand14:04
dewwthank you very much14:04
baizoncan any of you tell me what does aticonfig --overlay-on=1 mean / do?14:05
Sysi"man aticonfig"? /overlay for searching "overlay"14:06
baizongot it14:06
baizonbut i still dont know whats for14:07
de_horsejoin #xubuntu-offtopic14:37
de_horsesigh i suck at irc14:38
GridCube/j #xubuntu-offtopic14:39
GridCubemy media keys work again14:41
baizonvery nice14:42
baizonmy dual-monitor is working again too :D14:43
baizonlinux is just awesome! :-)14:45
* Sysi is playing hedgewars14:49
sebxWhen I watch videos, it's like there are "slices" in the pictures. Reminds me of vsync being off in counter-strike, back in the day. What is that?15:54
mongysebx,  like you said, vsync15:56
sebxhow to I switch it on?15:56
sebxno idea where to start15:57
Sysiwhat graphics card/driver?15:58
sebxintel onboard15:59
GridCubesebx, do "lspci " on a terminal and paste the text to a pastebin and give it to us16:00
sebxI'm trying to get multi monitor to work but so far had no luck getting it persistent16:00
sebxwill do16:00
holsteinsebx: if you have time.. try arandr and let me know if the settings persist16:01
sebxthey don't persist16:01
holsteinsebx: with arandr ?16:01
GridCubeactually just >lspci | grep "VGA"      should give us what we need :P16:02
sebxholstein, yes16:02
sebx00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 12)16:02
holsteinyou can just add whatever you are using to the startup scripts i suppose16:02
sebxholstein, I tried that but it executes at the wrong time. Right now I always do it manually. It's a crap solution either way.16:03
sebxI'm working on that, for now I'm curious about vsync16:03
sebxI haven't had that problem with any other linux distro, and I'm trying them pretty much all16:04
sebxI love xubuntu for it's speed but can't say that much is working for me...16:04
GridCubesebx, you using oneiric?16:05
GridCubesebx, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=12730216:06
sebxI'm pretty sure the refreshrate is correct16:09
sebxjust played with grandr to check it's on full blast and it is16:09
Sysisebx: disable compositing16:11
Sysiyou can set sync to vblank in xorg.conf but I'm not sure if that still works since xfwm doesn't use opengl16:11
sebxwow ok, disabling compositing gets rid of the vsync problem16:12
sebxthat is GREAT news16:12
Sysiyou tried xrandr script on autostart in Sessions and startup?16:13
sebxnow I just need to figure out how to get dual monitor and volume shortcuts to work.16:13
sebxSysi, yes16:13
Sysihmm, weird16:13
sebxthe scripts must get executed and an inconvenient time where it gets overridden16:14
SysiI think not the first time I hear about that though..16:14
Sysitry enabling gnome services on startup16:15
Sysifor some users it makes dualhead work.. though maybe that could cause it to not work too16:15
sebxI did that but that just started the virtual keyboard and I didn't really know where to go from there16:15
mongyI use ati proprietary so I get tearing, with or without xfce composting enabled.  I  also use compiz so with --vs=on flag for aticonfig and set my player to use gl, no tearing.16:15
sebxwhat do I do once they are enable?16:15
p4ulare there any bigger files xubuntu is downloadin while installation?16:28
Sysilanguage packs16:28
p4ulthere seems to be no progress for 10 or 20 mins can it download so much with about 2 mbit connection16:29
charlie-tcait can take a very long time to download the language packs16:38
charlie-tcaIt also could have frozen at that place in the install. I sometimes see a screensaver kick in right then, and it can freeze the installer16:38
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info16:46
SysiGridCube: /msg ubottu factoid to check stuff privately16:47
GridCubeoh, yes, sorry16:47
sebxthanks for your help guys. bye16:57
=== pirmn is now known as Paimun
QuaydonHow can I make a panel icon  stay to the right? Everything is snapping on the left.17:55
TheSheepQuaydon: insert a separator and make it autoexpand17:56
rorI switched my laptop from ubuntu to xubuntu (with apt-get install xubuntu) and now it won't boot!17:57
rorIt doesn't even get a splash screen17:58
QuaydonTheSheep, Ahhhh Thank you. I can now rest.17:58
TheSheepror: installing xubuntu is not the reason, what did you do other than that?17:58
TheSheepror: can you boot it in the recovery mode?17:59
rorTheSheep: I installed xubuntu, that's all I did18:01
rorI booted in ubuntu, did sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu18:01
rorThen turned off the laptop once it was done18:01
rorNow it won't boot, I don't get a grub menu or anything :\18:02
rorit gets to the bootloader, the machine flickers its light for less than half a second, then nothing18:03
rornothing on the screen either after it's decided to boot18:03
rorAh well I'm downloading a xubuntu 11.10 disc now I'll try that18:03
TheSheep!info xubuntu18:08
ubottuPackage xubuntu does not exist in oneiric18:08
TheSheepror: what you wrote wouldn't do anything18:09
TheSheepror: hold down shift while booting and select recovery mode18:09
rorTheSheep, thanks I'll try that18:20
ror!info xubuntu-desktop18:20
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.138 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 48 kB18:20
rorThat's the package :)18:20
Paimun!info gummi18:22
ubottugummi (source: gummi): GTK+ based LaTeX editor with live preview. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.8-1 (oneiric), package size 414 kB, installed size 1036 kB18:22
Paimunheh, neat bot there :P18:22
wewe325Excuse me, I'm trying to make a shortcut to start a terminal. What is the 'command' that runs the default terminal?19:12
wewe325thank you19:13
well_laid_lawnthat'll be xfce4-terminal afaikk19:14
Unit193Aye, I've forgotten the 4 before sadly19:15
wewe325Ah, indeed it is, thanks19:15
well_laid_lawncheers big ears ;)19:15
* xGrind is away: Estou ocupado22:37
Unit193xGrind: Would you mind disabling that when you get back?22:38

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