
=== Guest83282 is now known as zkriesse
=== zkriesse is now known as zkriesse_away
=== zkriesse_away is now known as zkriesse
=== Guest35902 is now known as zkriesse
=== zkriesse is now known as zkriesse_away
=== zkriesse_away is now known as zkriesse
=== Guest54853 is now known as zkriesse
=== zkriesse is now known as zkriesse_away
pleia2zkriesse_away: if you do simply /away reason it'll mark you as away silently so you don't clutter the channel with nick changes, people who private message you or whois you can still see that you're away17:33
* pleia2 works on last link collection17:34
pleia2hey holstein :)17:39
holsteinim going to check in when the summarization is happening17:39
holsteini think things have calmed dow for me finally17:39
=== zkriesse_away is now known as zkriesse
pleia2bkerensa: you about? I need a quick blurb for UWN that will introduce the three blog posts about your ubuntu-debian event last weekend22:47
pleia2bkerensa: if you get a chance, I saved a spot for you to write the blurb ;) https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en22:57
pleia2I've finished adding articles, sending out note to summary writers now :)22:59
pleia2and I added the Xubuntu team meeting minutes link22:59
Unit193Lubuntus last meeting was killed off, waiting for next week23:01
pleia2ok, thanks :)23:02
* pleia2 makes note23:02
pleia2do we want to include the link to Nov team reports in this issue? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/November201123:07

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