
tbruff13can someone help me20:05
tbruff13I am making an edubuntu iso for my high school can i package KDE in edubuntu 10.04 without running into to many issues20:06
tbruff13also is there anyway i could make it so that teacher could choose a desktop environment and then remove the one they don't like without removing all programs that depend on it. for example lets says someone does not want KDE how can they remove that without removing all KDE programs like Kmplot20:07
tbruff13is anyone in this channel20:16
alkisg24 persons, yeap20:18
tbruff13alkisg: can you help20:47
tbruff13also is there anyway i could make it so that teacher could choose a desktop environment and then remove the one they don't like without removing all programs that depend on it. for example lets says someone does not want KDE how can they remove that without removing all KDE programs like Kmplot20:47
tbruff13how can i do that20:47
tbruff13i just copied and pasted so it does not look right but i need to know20:48
tbruff13hello can anyone help me please20:51
alkisgtbruff13: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome20:54
alkisgThat's how you remove KDE completely. Keep the packages you want, or reinstall them later.20:54
alkisgBut that's unrelated to #edubuntu, you can ask in #ubuntu instead.20:55
tbruff13alkisg: also i need help20:55
tbruff13how would i remove Gnome environment but key kubuntu20:56
tbruff13i need to be able to let teachers do it both ways20:56
alkisgFor that too, ask in #ubuntu20:56
alkisgOr read the link I posted above20:57
tbruff13will that work20:57
tbruff13let me try it20:57
tbruff13I am running edubuntu in vbox so i can create a screenshot and then go back to it if i screw up20:57
alkisgBut remember that there's no need to install all that just in order to remove it later on20:57
alkisgEither keep the desktop environments you want, and select them from the login screen,20:57
alkisgor use live CDs to see which suits you better, before installing it20:58
tbruff13alkisg: you are not getting it though i am creating this disc for my whole school20:58
tbruff13I don't know what other people will like so i have to give them a way to remove the one they don't like20:58
alkisgYou're not getting it though, that's not the correct way to do it20:58
alkisgGiving the ability to add stuff is preferrable than the ability to remove stuff20:59
tbruff13alkisg: yeah but how am i supposed to tell them to add kubuntu when they have never tried it21:00
tbruff13you see how i am stuck21:00
alkisgThat's what live CDs are for21:00
tbruff13alkisg: i am creating a live cd21:02
tbruff13for my school21:02
tbruff13they do not want to use the default oner21:02
alkisgYes, I understand, many people do that here too. And I'm telling you that it's not the right way to do it, to add everything and tell them to remove stuff with a huge command line.21:02
alkisgBut whatever suits you...21:03
tbruff13alkisg: i am not telling to remove with command line i am telling to remove with synaptic or software center21:03
tbruff13i am doing the best i can21:03
alkisgsudo apt-get --purge remove alacarte checkbox-gtk dcraw eog evince file-roller gcalctool gconf-editor gdebi gdm gdm-2.20 gedit gnome-about gnome-applets gnome-control-center gnome-icon-theme gnome-media gnome-menus gnome-nettool gnome-panel gnome-power-manager gnome-session gnome-session-canberra gnome-system-monitor gnome-system-tools gnome-terminal gnome-themes-selected gnome-themes-ubuntu gnome-utils gstreamer0.10-alsa gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-a21:04
alkisg...I'm sure that didn't fit here21:04
alkisgYou're telling them to remove 50 packages from synaptic?21:04
tbruff13i thought removing kubuntu-desktop would remove only the desktop and no dependencies21:05
alkisgTry reading the link I pasted21:05
tbruff13alkisg: what i am trying to do is give them a choice21:05
tbruff13i did read it21:05
alkisgDidn't you see the big command line there?21:05
tbruff13yeah i did21:06
alkisgAlso, how are you planning to create the live cd?21:06
tbruff13i just thought that if they just removed the package kubuntu-desktop21:06
tbruff13with a program called aptoncd21:06
alkisgI don't think aptoncd creates live cds21:07
alkisgIt just puts packages in CDs21:07
tbruff13alkisg: i am still working on this21:07
tbruff13I need a program that creates live CDs i am going to try aptoncd21:07
alkisgWell... you didn't select a correct way to try all this, but you do sound ethousiastic about it. Good luck.21:09
tbruff13alkisg: well im sorry21:09
tbruff13im doing what i can21:09
alkisgYup. Go for it.21:10
tbruff13alkisg: if it doesn't work i fail my senior year in high school21:10
alkisgWhy, is it a project?21:10
tbruff13alkisg: it is my senior project21:11
alkisgGotcha... you might want to search something else than aptoncd though, it doesn't do what you want.21:12
tbruff13alkisg: will http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/ubuntu.html work21:13
alkisgRemastersys is more close to what you're looking for, yes, it might work for you21:14
tbruff13alkisg: what about including both kubuntu and Gnome21:15
tbruff13and then making them both removeable21:15
tbruff13the issue is teacher want to be able to remove KDE with out removing KDE based programs like kmplot from Gnome21:15
alkisgtbruff13: I think your first question to yourself should be, "what am I trying to offer my users, that they can't already get from the existing live CDs"?21:15
stgrabertbruff13, alkisg: remastersys may do what you want, though the now recommended way of doing it is with ubuntu-defaults-image which is an official tool introduced in 11.10 that's used to build some of the official "custom" images like the Chinese remix21:16
stgraberthough don't ask me about it, I never used it other than being in the session where its specifications have been discussed :)21:16
alkisgHehe... /me will have a look in it, for 12.04 :)21:16
tbruff13alkisg: I am trying to offer a customized system with less bloat that is made for high school level21:16
stgraberhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/ubuntu-defaults-image.1.html seems to be the closest thing to documentation I could find about it21:16
alkisgLess bloat == many desktop environments?21:16
alkisgAnd, how do you define "bloat"? What would you remove?21:17
tbruff13alkisg: i know but when i say less bloat i mean removing useless preschool packages21:17
tbruff13and adding things to make the switch easier21:17
tbruff13like ubuntu restricted extras21:18
tbruff13by default21:18
tbruff13stgraber: can i get it to work on 10.0421:18
stgrabertbruff13: maybe, I know it doesn't exist in 10.04 but that doesn't mean you can't get it to run on it. As I said, I never used it myself ;)21:19
alkisgYou don't have permission to distribute some of those -extras though, would your teacher agree in illegal distribution?21:19
stgrabertbruff13: also, be careful about the legality of what you're doing, there's a good reason why we don't include ubuntu-restricted-extras by defualt21:19
tbruff13alkisg: i have handled the legal issues21:20
tbruff13with the companies21:20
tbruff13through emails and phone calls21:20
tbruff13all things installed in the package ubuntu-restricted-extras I can use as long as a present a copy of the EULA with the disc and I will21:21
alkisgI would find it more useful to install a system with all available DEs somewhere in the school, to offer anyone the ability to login via e.g. x2go (even from windows PCs), and when they find the desktop environment they like, they can just get/use its normal live CD.21:22
tbruff13alkisg: i thing what i am going to do is not include KDE, but put it in the notes on my project21:23
tbruff13and give instructions on how to get it21:23
tbruff13alkisg: can you give me instructions on how to do things your way21:24
alkisgtbruff13: my way is not to create a live cd :)21:24
alkisgI'm using a global repository for my schools, and package my "solutions" there21:25
alkisgBut I may try that ubuntu-defaults-image in 12.04...21:25
tbruff13alkisg: it is to late to not create a live cd21:25
tbruff13It is already in my project paper that i will do so21:25
alkisgRead that page: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/ubuntu-defaults-template.1.html21:26
alkisgPackages, default applications, bookmarks, it's a long list21:26
alkisgYou can probably use that.21:26
tbruff13alkisg: if i can figure out how21:26
tbruff13my mentor can help me do this21:27
alkisgThis might help too (about the same method): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Oneiric/LocalizedCDImageTools21:28
tbruff13alkisg: is there anyway i can have teachers try kde over the internet like they can with edubuntu like weblive21:35
tbruff13alkisg: are you there21:37
alkisgtbruff13: yes, that's what I said above with x2go and nx21:41
tbruff13alkisg: okay let me check it out21:41
tbruff13alkisg: i have no server to work with21:45
alkisgThat would be a problem. Any ordinary pc would do, ask your teacher/mentor if he can provide you with one.21:46
tbruff13hey alkisg could i run this in an Ubuntu Advantage cloud server21:46
alkisgNo idea. Anyway, time to go. Good luck.21:46
tbruff13my school is going to buy Ubuntu Advantage21:46

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