
SpamapSlooks like the EC2 account that WTF uses has exceeded its S3 bucket allowance16:40
SpamapSBootstrap aborted because file storage is not writable: Error Message: You have attempted to create more buckets than allowed16:40
marcoceppiSpamapS: What is WTF?16:44
SpamapSmarcoceppi: niemeyer's mini-jenkins. ;)16:47
SpamapSmarcoceppi: wtf.labix.org , with no args, shows the two tests that run on each commit to juju trunk16:48
SpamapSgood for tracking down problems16:49
SpamapSok, now its time to go stuff myself silly at IHOP16:49
SpamapSmarcoceppi: hey, did you ever start writing tests for net.sh ? I just started poking at doing that.21:47
marcoceppiSpamapS: I did a little bit, really nothing major.21:53
marcoceppiStill trying to figure out how to do an "all.sh"21:54
SpamapSmarcoceppi: ok good, I have a bunch fleshed out22:01
marcoceppiCool, if you've got the bandwidth then by all means :D22:01
SpamapSmarcoceppi: I'm looking for a tiny simple webserver to run on to test ch_get_file22:01
SpamapSboa might work22:02
marcoceppiI was going to have it try to fetch a file from LP, but a lightweight webserver might be good too22:02
marcoceppiCould use CherryPY22:02
SpamapSI want it to be self contained22:02
* marcoceppi *nods*22:02
SpamapSBecause I'd like to run the tests in the package build, which has no network access22:03
elmoSpamapS: dear lord, dude22:06
elmoboa is ridiculous overkill22:06
SpamapSI don't know it at all22:06
SpamapSjust heard "embedded"22:06
elmoyou have python22:07
elmowhy not just run one of the simple http server modules?22:07
SpamapSI 'spose thats simpler. :)22:07
elmopython -m SimpleHTTPServer 800022:07
elmowill serve files from the current directory on port 800022:07
marcoceppiWell that seems easy enough, now how can we make it more complicated?22:08
elmoI dunno - rewrite it in Go?22:09
marcoceppiSeems like the only _obvious_ option is to write an HTTP server in Bash22:10
SpamapSas fun as that sounds22:14
SpamapSits been done so many times.. ;)22:14
SpamapSmarcoceppi: these tests have already turned up a few bugs in net.sh when running under set -u22:15
SpamapSmarcoceppi: I'm not sure I agree with the "try host then dig" approach22:17
marcoceppiSpamapS: What would you recommend?22:17
SpamapShrm.. SimpleHTTPServer doesn't write a pid file.22:35
SpamapSand dash's job management sux0rz22:36
SpamapSHm I guess I can exec it from another script22:37
marcoceppi*whistles* or Bash?22:44
SpamapSmarcoceppi: meh22:45
SpamapSmarcoceppi: lp:~clint-fewbar/charm-tools/add-tests23:04
SpamapSmarcoceppi: probably just needs a tiny bit of love to get working23:04
SpamapSmarcoceppi: I have to run.. up against a hard stop.. but will be back later to finish it off23:04
osadminhazmat, I have added ppa as you recommended23:05
osadminhazmat, I see two packages ensemble and juju. Should I install both and how will it impact the default oneiric orchestra/juju/cobble packages?23:09
marcoceppiSpamapS: Cool, I'll take a look23:09
marcoceppiSpamapS: I made a few small changes: lp:~clint-fewbar/charm-tools/add-tests ch_get_file tests are still failing halfway through though23:31
marcoceppilp:~marcoceppi/charm-tools/add-tests even23:32

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