
RedAshesI just wanted to say, hoping some of the people who worked on it might be in here, that kubuntu, linux, and ubuntu, are the most loveable software I've ever used.  That it is free is unbelievable, & I appreciate all the FOR FREE work that has been done on this software, so that I can use it now, having contributed nothing, and paid nothing!00:46
RedAshesI am probably mis-informed about linux, but a free operating system, for the most advanced tech, can't be beaten.00:47
prowerhello everyone :> would someone be able to run a uname -a for me in ubuntu 11.10? i need to see if the current kernel is the version that fixes the "safely eject" kernel panic01:01
valorieprower, $ uname -a01:02
valorieLinux valorie-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC 3.0.0-14-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 21 20:28:43 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:02
valoriejust upgraded the kernel today01:02
prowerthank you that looks like it should be the one with the fix...i hope :>01:03
RedAsheshow can I tell if my computer is 64 bit or 32 bit?01:04
TorchRedAshes: what CPU does it have?01:04
RedAshesI don't know.. it is a dell latitude d83001:04
RedAshesbut I don't know wat the hardware is01:05
RedAshesubuntu 32 bit works01:05
TorchRedAshes: 32 bit works on 64 but not the other way round01:05
Nineain(Ohh wooaahhh) x301:05
NineainYou know you love me01:05
NineainI know you care01:05
NineainJust shout whenever,01:05
NineainAnd I'll be there01:05
NineainYou want my love01:05
NineainYou want my heart01:05
NineainAnd we would never, ever, ever be apart01:05
RedAshesbut it syas on dell's site that this comp supports 64 bit, & 64 bit works fine on here, but I still don't know01:05
NineainAre we an item?01:06
NineainGirl quit playin'01:06
NineainWe're just friends,01:06
NineainWhat are you sayin'?01:06
NineainSaid there's another as you look right in my eyes01:06
NineainMy first love, broke my heart for the first time01:06
NineainAnd I was like01:06
NineainBaby, baby, baby ooh01:06
NineainBaby, baby, baby noo01:06
NineainBaby, baby, baby ohh01:06
NineainI thought you'd always be mine (mine)01:06
NineainBaby, baby, baby ohh01:06
RedAshesi used 64 bit linux on this comp and it worked, but I couldn't install the same software from package system, so I went back to 32 bit so that the package system would let me get the software I wanted01:06
NineainBaby, baby, baby noo01:06
NineainBaby, baby, baby ohh01:06
NineainI thought you'd always be mine (mine)01:06
NineainI'm gone01:07
NineainYeahh, yeah, yeah01:07
NineainYeahh, yeahhh01:07
NineainNow I'm all gone01:07
[nyan]flooooooooood :D01:07
NineainYeahh, yeah, yeah01:07
NineainYeahh, yeahhh01:07
NineainNow I'm all gone01:07
NineainYeahh, yeah, yeah01:07
NineainYeahh, yeahhh01:07
NineainNow I'm all gone, gone, gone, gone01:07
[nyan]animo Nineain acabala enterita (?)01:07
NineainI'm gone01:07
TheTrashIf any 64bit software works, your computer is 64bit. Besides, your dell has a Core2Duo which is definitely 64bit.01:07
RedAshesnot all the same software is available in the 64 bit ubuntu01:07
TorchRedAshes: for example?01:07
RedAshesthis is why I switched back to 32 from 6301:07
RedAshesI was trying to install ZSNES from apt-get command line..01:08
RedAshesbut it would REMOVE many programs like VLC and other emulators01:08
RedAshesas well as libraries01:08
RedAshesso I couldn't let the process continue01:08
RedAshesbut when I switched to 32 bit01:08
RedAshesZSNES installs without interfering with other software01:08
RedAshesthe package system on 64 bit is fucked up01:08
TorchRedAshes: no it's not. it's working just fine.01:09
RedAshesi could paste it for you but... that would require reinstaling my system01:09
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:09
RedAshesI don't know enough to say it, but when I tried to install ZSNES, it would remove VLC01:09
RedAshesand other libraries01:09
RedAshesthis is why i went back to 32 bit even though my computer supports 64 bit01:10
RedAshesjust for the software package system01:10
TorchRedAshes: you're right, there's a problem with zsnes01:10
RedAshesZSNES on the 64 bit apt-get command... it removes the multimedia programs you have as well as emulators like mupen6401:11
TorchRedAshes: yes, it does. there's no 64 bit version and the 32 bit version depends on too many other 32 bit libraries.01:11
RedAshesI am currently using 32 bit and when I installed zsnes from command line it worked with no problems and installed only 1 package, zsnes.01:12
RedAsheswith 64 bit it removes many packages and installs several others01:12
RedAshesplus, in 64 bit Lucid Lynx, it is posisble to get snes9x-gtk, but in 64 bit 11.10, snes9x-gtk is unavailable, & zsnes is the only option;01:13
RedAshesalso, in lynx, zsnes installs fine with 64 bit,01:14
RedAshesit is with the newest version that this problem occurs01:14
RedAshesit tells you in the old one that zsnes is not available in 64 bit01:14
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dnivrahello. where can find the option to "disable touchpad while typing" in KDE?02:05
holsteindnivra: maybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/46299/how-to-disable-touchpad-tapping-when-typing-on-keyboard02:10
dnivraholstein: i do have the package installed but do not find the option.02:13
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holsteinthis is an oldie :) http://www.cranked.me/2008/05/how-to-disable-touchpad-while-typing-in.html02:14
holsteini would try that manually, and see if it still works... the startup will be different i think02:15
dnivrabefore I try this, I should ask you. this seems to disable touchpad. what I actually want is my touchpad to work-it freezes when the charger is plugged in.02:16
dnivrai was following suggestions from http://askubuntu.com/questions/82133/trackpad-freezes-on-ubuntu-11-10-often02:17
dnivramy original question -> I am using kubuntu 11.10(completely updated) on a sony vaio vgnfw260j. I recently purchased a new charger for my laptop and ever since then I cannot use the touchpad when the laptop is charging-it freezes intermittently. it works fine when the battery is discharging. how can I fix this issue?02:20
holsteindnivra: i was trying to disable the touchpad while typing... for errors like that, i would google the model and look for a bug02:20
holsteinsometimes you can find patches02:20
dnivraone of the suggestions was the disable touchpad and that's why my first question. thanks for the answer to that holstein.02:21
dnivrai'll try it out but isn't there a GUI method to do it. do you have it on your machine?02:21
holsteindnivra: i dont have KDE on my machine ;)02:22
holsteini would just look for a general way to do it, like that 8.04 link suggests02:22
holsteinsomething that wont matter02:22
holsteini would try some different live CD's and see if the issue is still ther02:22
holsteini would consider trying a mainline kernel, or running the LTS02:23
dnivrahere's soemthing funny-i don't have an Xorg.conf. I have an Xorg.conf.failsafe though.02:23
holsteindnivra: you can put on in place if needed02:24
holsteinput one*02:25
dnivraholstein: well the X server started but my touchpad is still not working.02:47
holsteindnivra: i thought you wanted to disable it?02:47
holsteinwhat broke it? the xorg.conf?02:48
dnivrai am guessing so-guess what I added wasn't exactly correct.02:48
dnivramy issue is that my touchpad doesn't work when I plug my charger. the click functions work fine but the movement doesn't.02:50
holsteindnivra: its goint to be fiddly... i would try some different live CD's02:50
dnivralive cd's aren't something I can get my hands on right now :(.02:51
holsteinnote what kernel you are using if one seems to work well02:51
holsteindnivra: you can make USB sticks... whatever you do02:51
dnivratrue but I do not have ISO's right now and on a low bandwidth connection.02:51
holsteinthen, you'll just have to tweak that xorg.conf file02:52
holsteinjust know how to rescue the system, and all is well02:52
dnivrafunny thing is that the touchpad works fine when the charger is unplugged but not when plugged.02:52
dnivrais this rescue method fine-boot into recovery and remove the conf file. that's what i did last time.02:53
holsteindnivra: yup.. or just rename it... whatever works for you02:53
dnivraholstein: is this xorg.conf correct as per the link you gave me? http://paste.kde.org/157598/02:55
holsteindnivra: yeah, but i thought there was more to it?02:56
holsteinanyways.. you can search around in some other potentially more busy buntu channels too02:56
holsteinyou need an x pro02:57
dnivraah okay. i didn't get any response from #ubuntu on my original issue.02:57
dnivrathink I'll try my luck there again. thanks holstein!02:57
holsteindnivra: anytime! good luck02:58
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adrian_bergGwenview needs to have its plugins at the share prompt06:08
adrian_bergNot in Plugins -> export06:09
adrian_berg...in Gwenview06:09
phoenix_firebrdneed a USB  boot disk creator which will accept windows images too07:19
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dmattis there terminal based alternative for update natty->oneiric ?11:36
dmattisn't that only for ubuntu?11:38
szalwhy should it be any different for Kubuntu?11:38
dmattif it is same, why synaptic does not offer me upgrade?11:39
dmattkpackagekit failed for me on two upgrades, i would like to have something more reliable for my main system11:39
szalyou asked for a way on the terminal, I gave you one, where's the problem?11:40
dmattszal: sorry, i did not mean to be rude, thank you for the help11:40
dmatti am just little bit frustrated with official recommended way to upgrade11:41
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dmattand i am trying to understand where is the difference between various upgrade methods11:45
dmattis there any theoretical difference between do-release-upgrade and upgrading through kpackageit?12:05
manuel_hello there =)12:42
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manuel_could some one help me please? i'm new at linux using12:44
rork!ask | manuel_12:45
ubottumanuel_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:45
christopherquestion: I have hp eb 8740w i5 8g ram i am getting errors installing 64b of kubuntu is there something special i need for my setup12:48
ikoniachristopher: what are the errors12:49
christophererror reading line 2 .. then it starts spitting out numbers12:49
ikoniaat what point ?12:50
christopherand letters ...one per line for about 20 lines then sits there12:50
christopheras soon as it loaad the cd12:50
ikoniachristopher: do you get into the gui ? or is it before that12:50
christopherbefore that12:50
ikoniachristopher: ok, so it's either a kernel panic, or it's a bad CD burn12:51
christopheri was not sure if i had gotten a bad copy12:51
ikoniachristopher: my suggestion would be to download the alternative install CD and try that12:51
ikoniachristopher: we should be able to progress from there12:51
christopheris there a another place to get kubuntu besides the site12:51
ikoniait sounds more like a kernel panic12:51
ikoniachristopher: get the alternative install CD12:51
christopherwhat is on that?12:52
ikoniachristopher: the same as the normal CD12:52
manuel_i've got a question: i need an instant messenger to use my icq account. kompete is out of date12:53
szalonly it's not a live CD, it's purely an installer12:53
ikoniamanuel_: empathy ?12:53
manuel_my system is an powerbook g3 lombard12:53
ikoniaoh dear12:53
ikoniamanuel_: the PPC ports are really unmaintained12:53
christopherthanks IK12:53
manuel_ikonia where i can get empathy?12:53
manuel_hmm =(12:54
ikoniamanuel_: you may find problems getting current "stable "software12:54
ikoniamanuel_: it should be in the repo, but with the PPC ports, I don't know12:54
manuel_i use kubuntu 6.0612:54
ikoniamanuel_: doubtful then12:54
szal6.06 is dead12:54
manuel_its the only system that runs well on my old pb g3 lombard12:54
ikoniamanuel_: probably because that system is a "dead" system now in terms of achitechture12:55
manuel_is there any way to get iqc air work on kubuntu 6?12:55
manuel_yes i know =( ppc will die =(12:56
manuel_kubuntu 10 would work on my machine, but runs really slooow =(12:57
manuel_and with ubuntu 10.04 emphaty works. but its too slow for me =(12:58
ikoniamanuel_: this is the limitations of you setup sadly12:58
manuel_is there no way to get an actual instant messenger?12:58
ikoniamanuel_: the old stuff is unmaintained, and no new stuff is being back ported, the new stuff is too slow12:58
ikoniamanuel_: pidgin is included in 6.0612:58
manuel_where can i find it?12:59
ikoniamanuel_: or "gaim" as it used to be called12:59
ikoniamanuel_: pidgin is an IM client, again, in the repos12:59
* szal doubts that Pidgin will be more up-to-date in 6.0612:59
ikoniaszal: it won't be more up to date,12:59
ikoniaszal: but ICQ isn't a protocol that's changing every week, so it may still work12:59
ikoniadoubt it12:59
manuel_in the k-Menu i can only find Kompete =(12:59
ikoniamanuel_: you need to install it12:59
ikoniamanuel_: from the software repos12:59
manuel_how can i install pidgin?12:59
manuel_a okay =) and how can i do this/ it?13:00
ikoniayou'll need to install some gnome libraries too13:00
ikoniamanuel_: open the package manager, search for pidgin, click install13:00
manuel_oh ok..13:00
manuel_Adept is the package manager. is that right?13:00
ikoniain 6.06 kubuntu, not sure what's default13:01
manuel_the pm can't find pidgin. and if i search on google the actual version of pidgin is not compatible with my system =(13:02
faichele_I've got a quite annoying problem on Oneiric (64 bit): I can't get the kernel to properly set up the sound card correctly.13:03
ikoniamanuel_: then you cxan't use it13:03
manuel_hmm =(13:03
szalikonia: found a bug complaining about an ICQ protocol change on June 11, 2011..  wasn't that days before 6.06 went EOL?13:03
manuel_and is there any way to get adobe flash player work on 6.06?13:03
manuel_i love kubuntu and don't want to get back to ubuntu =(13:04
ikoniaszal: typical13:04
ikoniamanuel_: I think the PPC flash package will not work any more13:04
ikoniamanuel_: kubuntu/ubuntu are not different, they use the same flash package13:04
faichele_The problem is a HDMI audio device that always registers itself as soundcard with device index 0.13:04
manuel_hmm =(13:04
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ikoniamanuel_: what ?13:06
manuel_and at all... thank you for your help =)13:06
manuel_no i'll use icq on meebo =)13:07
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=== zeppo is now known as Nullzone
BluesKajHi all13:31
BarkingFishHi BluesKaj :)13:32
BluesKajHi BarkingFish13:32
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adarshajoisai have a problem with my sound. some song in my collection keeps playing in the background, even though i don't have any player running. any idea y this happens? it's very irritating when i'm watching a movie or something. using kubuntu 11.1015:09
BluesKajadarshajoisa, which music player do you use ?15:13
adarshajoisaBluesKaj: amarok15:13
BluesKajadarshajoisa, make surew when you close it from the panel , when you shut it down.15:15
adarshajoisaBluesKaj: yes, i do that (ctrl + q). also, i did a "ps -e | grep amarok15:15
adarshajoisaamarok isn't running15:15
adarshajoisai also tried rebooting a few times. didn't work either15:16
BluesKajok, which video player(s)?15:16
adarshajoisathat isn't running either15:17
BluesKajis the music always playing ?15:17
adarshajoisaalmost. it plays for like a minute, stops for a few seconds n continues. keeps happening15:18
adarshajoisai don't know whether it'll stop playing after the track is complete. it's playing a podcast that's more than an hour long. didn't try waiting till it completed.15:19
BluesKajadarshajoisa, is the podcast live or in your files?15:21
adarshajoisain my files. i have a collection.15:21
adarshajoisaBluesKaj: ok, i just figured out using pavucontrol that it's the ALSA plugin for chrome that's playing it. how do i disable it?15:23
BluesKajlooks tomme that chrome auto connecting to the music site15:24
BluesKajI would not remove the chrome plugin . I would delete the link15:25
adarshajoisayes. i think i fixed it. :) i had a internet radio extension on chrome. just uninstalled it and the sound stoped. Hope that fixed it.15:26
adarshajoisaOops! anyways, i wasn't using it much. doesn't matter. :P thanks a lot! :)15:26
BluesKajadarshajoisa, try a different site that serves audio , and make sure the link doesn't stick15:27
adarshajoisaBluesKaj: yep. will do that. :)15:27
BluesKajadarshajoisa, btw , i use chromium-browser ...it's much more kde friendly and has fewer bugs ..all your chrome sttings will transfer to chromium if you install it15:29
adarshajoisaok. it's not in ubuntu repository, rit?15:30
BluesKajyes it is , as chromium-browser15:30
adarshajoisaoh, yes. got it. :)15:31
adarshajoisaoh, and BluesKaj, i also have another problem with my audio. when i plug in my headphones, my laptop speakers don't turn off. i have to do it manually using pavucontrol. any idea y i have this problem?15:33
darthanubisanyone aware of KDE 4.7.4 becoming available to 11.10?15:36
BluesKajadarshajoisa, that's actually not a real problem , some ppl can't turn the speakers off, even with pavucontrol .. you're lucky :)15:37
adarshajoisalol. :) bug in pulseaudio?15:38
BluesKajadarshajoisa, no I think it's in alsa  , but it depends on the soundcard and kernel module/driver15:39
adarshajoisaBluesKaj: ok. i guess i'll just have to live with it.15:40
BluesKajwell adarshajoisa at least you can turn them off15:40
adarshajoisaBluesKaj: yes. :D otherwise i'd have a very pissed off roommate.15:41
darthanubisfor those who are concerned15:58
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)16:11
Researchhello, good news here16:16
daftonei see what kind of good news did you bring16:17
Researchepisode three is coming16:18
BluesKajResearch, stop trolling , do you have a question?16:24
Zeartahello there, anyone can help me ?16:51
Zeartai would like to install a windows 7 theme on kde16:53
Zeartahow can i do ?16:53
maystarHello Zearta! You should be able to install it in the Desktop Design section of your system settings17:02
BluesKajmaystar, he's gone17:02
maystarI'm not sure how they are named in english, my KDE is german17:02
maystarah, ok17:03
BluesKajbut i you're interested , http://opendesktop.org/content/show.php?content=10555917:03
maystarthanks, but i'm happy with the standard design17:04
BluesKajsame here ...dunno why ppl install linux and then try to make it look like windows , unless they're trying to hide it from the boss , which seems to be the case in a lot of these requests17:05
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ScottyKgreetings! on a 11.10 32-bit netbook, I keep getting authentication errors when I do an apt-get update and it hits the extras.ubuntu package18:29
ScottyKerror message - http://paste.kde.org/157844/18:33
oxymoronHi, I recently updated to KDE 4.7.3 and uhm IO slave for Dolphin doesnt work,  and Lancelot menu disabled. Removed Lancelot and wanted to add Kickoff instead, but found out that I cannot even see any components at all to apply to activity bar.18:47
faichele_oxymoron: Difficult to determine the actual cause in my own experience; what will restore a default KDE configuration: Rename the hidden .kde folder in your home directory, then logout and login again.18:57
lnxslckdoes anyone runs a laptop with an external tft?18:59
erik1397what happened to the back button in the kmenu? as i remember it, in kde4 you could just go back using a back button on the left side of the kmenu19:06
littlegirl Does anybody know which widget I need to put back into place (after mysteriously losing it) so that I get notified of updates?19:15
littlegirlI used to get a little pop-up that said I have software that can be updated, and the package manager has the setting turned on to notify me, but I'm not being notified.19:16
shadeslayerlittlegirl: yes, right click the systray and open the settings19:17
shadeslayerlittlegirl: in there, there should be a entry for notifications, just toggle the tick box and you're done19:18
AciD_I'm recently (since 1 week) observing much more segfault randomly on my system. Firefox isn't not stable at all and crashes regularly. apt-get most of the time dies with segfault. nepomuk too, but that's not new. Am I alone in this case since last sunday ? Is there a solution ?19:20
littlegirlshadeslayer: Everything is checked already, but thank you so much for letting me know about that. It gives me a new area to investigate. (:19:20
ScottyKgreetings! on a 11.10 32-bit netbook, I keep getting authentication errors when I do an apt-get update and it hits the extras.ubuntu package19:23
ScottyKerror message - http://paste.kde.org/157844/19:23
OerHeksScottyK, try changing the mirror ?19:25
shadeslayerlittlegirl: :)19:25
shadeslayerOerHeks: I don't think extras.ubuntu.com is mirrored19:26
ScottyKRight now I've got United States selected.19:26
OerHeksall repository's are, shadeslayer , i run the local dutch mirror, no problem19:27
shadeslayerOh ... okay, I just thought extras wasn't mirrored19:27
ScottyKI'm checking out another mirror right now..19:28
haakonnstrange problem: some windows, such as konsole and youtube in firefox, just stops redrawing until i force them by alt-tabbing or something similar. i use the intel graphics driver in oneiric. has anyone seen this before? it's so annoying.19:36
oxymoronfaichele_: Thanks :)20:25
faichele_oxymoron: If you're looking for application-specific configuration data (like browser bookmarks for Konqueror), these are saved in the subfolder you renamed; you should be able to move individual directories to the newly created .kde folder to restore the old configuration.20:26
oxymoronfaichele_: Thanks :) Well really NOTHING works, its like all config files just disappeared. Sorry to say, but really amateur of KDE devs or whoever caused the problem.20:28
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jasminany one help me out20:32
jasmin$ iperf -s20:33
jasmin bind failed: Address already in use20:33
jasminhow do i fix it20:33
jasminon vm ware20:33
jasmintwo virtual machine20:34
BluesKajjasmin, more detail pls20:37
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BarkingFishEvening all. I think I need a little help here.  I need to install a font on Kubuntu 11.10 - but searching the repositories, I can't find one in this script.  If I find one, how do I install it?20:45
BarkingFishThe script is a South Asian script, called Gurmukhi - it's the same script that the Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the Sikh Gurbani prayers are written in.20:46
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AciD_Hi, I'm trying to use 2560x1440 resolution on my 27", but ubuntu only gives me 1980x1200 maximum resolution. Can I force a bigger resolution ? I have a intel i5-2410M using the internal hd 3000 graphics gpu.20:58
AciD_1980x1080 even20:58
AciD_dang, I can't write : I meant to say : 1920x108020:58
BluesKajAciD_, we saw you at #ubuntu asking the same Q , pls don't crosspost21:00
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bobthefukumani'm home21:16
Aloneaok, so I made a bootable usb with persistence. How do I get it to auto go into the OS without having to click the Try Kubuntu every time?21:19
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Tech-1bobthefukuman:  sup with the dorky nic man21:40
BluesKajbob ....man you'd better change that nick, or be booted21:44
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:45
BluesKajPici, you available ?21:47
koleopterohas anyone used pulseaudio-equalizer with kubuntu 11.10?22:00
Tech-1i prolly wouldnt, ive read too many bad things22:02
koleopteroI've used it with huge success in other DEs and setups22:03
koleopterobut not with kubuntu recently22:04
koleopteroI probably will but thought to ask first in case someone knows anything I should look out for22:04
Stronzei hooked an hdmi cable to my laptop and not getting sound thru the TV22:05
Stronzecan someone point me in the right direction to getting sound to play on the tv thru an hdmi cable?22:08
BarkingFishhave you routed your sound to play through the hdmi?22:08
BarkingFishI assume not, since you're asking how to do it :)22:09
Stronzethis is my first time using an hdmi cable22:09
BarkingFishpress alt + f2  and in the box which appears, type   systemsettings22:09
Stronzeits open22:10
BarkingFishok, click on Multimedia in the Hardware section, then in the next window, click Phonon22:10
Stronzei see audo cds and phonon in left panel22:12
BarkingFishyeah, click the phonon button22:12
BarkingFishOK, now click on "Video" under the Audio Playback section, and tell me what sound devices you have on the right22:13
Stronzewhats next?22:13
Stronzeinternal audio analog stereo22:13
BarkingFishthat's it?22:14
BarkingFishoh boy...22:14
BarkingFishOne second then.22:14
Stronzei dont like the sound of that22:15
BarkingFishBluesKaj: Are you about? I'm gonna need some help with this one.  Routing sound to HDMI lead into a tv, but there's no HDMI output in the Phonon section.  I'd assume it's pulseaudio at play, do we need to switch Stronze to using Alsa only?22:15
BarkingFishStronze: Pulseaudio is notorious for hiding outputs and shoving everything into one sound device... Alsa is better, it shows you all the available outputs and the like, it'll be easier once we get you onto alsa.22:16
Stronzeyour calling upper managment? thats scary22:16
BarkingFishThe problem is, I can't remember how to do it :)22:16
BarkingFishI'm recovering from a major head injury, and some of the stuff I used to know, I don't now. So I need help :)22:17
BarkingFishMy calling upper management is only because I need to work out what the heck to do :)22:17
Stronzeouch, sky diving?22:17
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:22
BarkingFishBluesKaj: Hi :)22:22
BarkingFishDid you see my note before the fallout exploded everywhere?22:22
BluesKajBarkingFish, is the hdmi out on your onboard card or the same one you are using now , if so just make sure your spdif ctrl in alsamixer is enabled and turned up past 90%22:22
BarkingFishIt's not my machine, BluesKaj22:22
Stronzeits mine22:22
BarkingFishI'm helping Stronze - he's trying to play into his TV via HDMI, but no audio is passing22:23
BluesKajok Stronze , anyway dothe conditions I described apply ?22:23
Stronzecare to break that down to dumnanese?22:24
BarkingFishBluesKaj: He's only got one output in phonon, makes me think Pulseaudio has jiggered with his sound config - normally in alsamixer, with pulseaudio in place, I only see one volume control...22:25
BarkingFishI want to get pulseaudio off here too, so I can get back to having a decent sound config, but since I can't remember how, I can't tell anyone else.22:26
BluesKajpulseaudio is hit and miss , it mostly works but not always , type alsamixer in the terminal, Stronze then look for a control that's labelled spdif , if you hit f5  you migfht even see an hdmi ctrl listed22:26
BluesKajturn those ctrls up with the arrow key and navigate with them as well , also use the M key to remove the mute indicator from any of the ctls22:28
Stronzeblueskaj, barking fish - master 100   headphone 100<>100   speaker 100<>100  pcm 100<>100  Mic boos 0<>0  s.pdif 00  s/pdif d 00  s/pdif 1 MM22:29
BluesKajand if you see automute enabled use the up arrow ket to disable it22:29
Stronzeoh beep 00 auto mut enabled internal 100<>10022:30
BluesKajStronze, can you take an alsamixer screenshot and pastebin \it pls22:30
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Stronze#gm um can terminal do a screenshot or am i restricted to full moniter screen shot? im have twin view up22:33
BluesKajStronze, if you use the f5 key , it should show the hdmi ctrl as well , spdif has to be turned up for the hdmi to get a signal22:34
BluesKajof course crank the hdmi too22:35
Stronzef5 dhowed more bars but no hdmi and i cant control s/pdif, d and 1 to turn up volume22:35
BluesKajis this a laptop ?22:38
Stronzeyes, found out i cna fiddle with print screen so pic up up shortly22:39
Aloneaok, so I made a bootable usb with persistence. How do I get it to auto go into the OS without having to click the Try Kubuntu every time?22:40
HFSPLUSWhats up everyone?22:41
BluesKajdoes it have dual graphics cards , one for normal use  and another that takes over for heavier media apps ?22:41
HFSPLUSHow the fuck r u?22:41
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BluesKajsorry Stronze ,read my post above22:42
Aloneaand hey BluesKaj, still chilling over here I see. I pop back in every few months22:43
Stronzeblue - i dont believe it has 2 graphics cards22:43
Stronzeblueskaj i could have sworn paste bin had an up load photo option but im not seeing it22:44
BluesKajStronze, your automute is still enabled , use the up arrow key to disable that22:48
Stronzeauti mut disabled22:49
BluesKajStronze, I'm not really well versed on the hdmi audio thing , I use coax out on my setup , also look into setting up an .asoundrc file ;...I have to go ...dinnertime here22:50
Stronzelaters blue22:51
Stronzebarkingfish - upper management had to leave :/22:54
Stronzebarkingfish - brb coffin nail22:54
BarkingFishyeah, I saw.  Unfortunately, since I'm stuck on what to do, you may need to come back tomorrow when upper management is around. Or failing that, someone else could help you here :)22:54
BarkingFishI'm having one myself, Stronze :)22:55
Stronzebarkingfish - back23:00
Stronzebarkingfish - should i uninstall whole audio and re-install?23:01
BarkingFishRight, as I was saying, unless anyone else here can help you, I think you may have to come back some other time.23:01
BarkingFishI wouldn't do that just yet, your problem may be fixable23:01
Stronzeanyone know how to get hdmi sound going thru the TV?23:02
Stronzebarkingfish - interesting. internal audio digital stero (HDMI) and (iec958) is now listed in alt f2 systemsettings multimedia but its greyed out23:05
BarkingFishgive me a second then23:06
BarkingFishStronze: It definitely sounds to me like pulseaudio is messing things up. Let me see if I can figure out from the net, how to knock it on the head for you.23:08
BarkingFishGive me a few while I go look23:08
Stronzehmm its working kinda23:08
Stronzei went to audio hardware setup and set profile and connector around and only plays thru tv but not computer23:09
BarkingFishStronze: I think I found out how to do this :)23:09
BarkingFishWhich helps me a lot, cause as soon as I'm finished sorting this out with you, I'm gonna do it myself :)23:09
Stronzeis there a way for sound to play on tv and computer?23:10
BarkingFishnot that I'm aware of.23:10
BarkingFishOr I should say, not that I can remember being aware of :)23:10
Stronzeso i gotta go back and forth23:10
BarkingFishnot necessarily23:11
BarkingFishyou can set sound devices to play in order of preference under phonon - I'll help you with that in a mo23:11
BarkingFishif one's not connected, the fallback will play23:11
BarkingFishin the mean time, do you want to try this? It may help, and if not, it can be reversed23:12
Stronzei gotta idiot proof this so my sister in law and brother can do it when they wanna watch movies since im not allowing them to play movies for my nephew on my 36023:12
Stronzesure ill try23:12
BarkingFishright - can you open up a terminal, and at the prompt, type:   kate  ~/.pulse/client.conf23:12
BarkingFishwhen you get into the file - look for a line which says   autospawn = yes23:14
BarkingFishyou need to change the yes, to a no - then save the file23:14
Stronzefile is blank23:14
BarkingFishok. Let me go have a looky here.23:15
Stronzei dont know if it matters but i run kubuntu gui over ubuntu install23:15
BarkingFishno, it shouldn't matter23:16
BarkingFishThe instructions appear to be the same for both kubuntu and ubuntu23:16
Stronzei copy pasted what you wrote23:16
BarkingFishI know why. They moved the client conf :)23:17
BarkingFishtry this: sudo kate /etc/pulse/client.conf23:17
BarkingFishin there, find the line   autospawn=yes    and change it to autospawn=no23:18
BarkingFishsave it23:18
BarkingFishand then close kate :)23:18
BarkingFishright, you're back at the prompt?23:19
Stronzeyeps back in terminal ~/documents$23:19
BarkingFishnext thing then is to type this:   killall pulseaudio23:19
BarkingFishwe've just set pulseaudio not to start itself, and once it's killed, any other sound system like alsa, should take over23:20
Stronzeshould i cd out of ~/documents?23:20
BarkingFishnot necessary just yet :)23:20
BarkingFishYou're fine there for a moment23:21
BarkingFishWhat I need you to do now is to just reboot your machine, then when you come back, tell me if you have any sound from your laptop on restart23:21
Stronzemovie sound stopped then gota soft beep noise23:21
BarkingFishsee you in a moment :)23:21
BarkingFishbtw, I'm gonna reboot too - i just did that here :)23:22
BarkingFishsee you shortly, I'll be back23:22
BoomerBilecan anyone point me to a guide for setting up wireless connections using wpa2 personal without using network manager and preferably with bonding support... i've got the bonding set up but I have no idea how to use the new /etc/network/interfaces file with wpa2 or wireless23:30
BarkingFishStronze - you back yet?23:33
BarkingFishYahaa :)23:34
BarkingFishHi dude - right, did you hear anything?23:34
Stronzebarkingfish - sound plays on laptop but not tv23:34
Stronzebut thats straight from boot up and not messing with anything23:34
BarkingFishok, we've got a couple more things for you to do before we can declare this fixed, and I've got mine working with these.23:34
Tech-1does he have to go to terminal and ... gstreamer-properties and change it to alsa ?23:34
BarkingFishI have sound everywhere, and I've *uninstalled* pulseaudio23:34
BarkingFishTech-1: nope23:35
BarkingFishnot for this :)23:35
BarkingFishStronze: this might be a bit laborious, but trust me, it's better this way :)23:35
BarkingFishcan you open up a terminal again for me please?23:35
Stronzeim use to that with this :/23:35
Stronzeits never a simple solution for me23:36
BarkingFishStronze: it used to be second nature to me, i've been on linux almost 11 years :)23:36
BarkingFishsince my whack on the head and the subsequent issues from it, i've been back to learning again.23:36
Stronzegoing on 3 - 4 years for me but i dont tinker with it. if it works, i dont touch it23:36
Stronzeyou never did say how you hit your head23:37
BarkingFishYou asked me earlier how I did it... I got the corner of an open trunk door on an SUV through my forehead23:37
BarkingFishwhile I was walking :)23:37
Stronzeouch, someone hit you with their truck?23:38
BarkingFishno, Stronze - i was backing out of my friends flat, he's wheelchair bound and was blocking the doorway, so I couldn't turn round.23:38
BarkingFishI backed out, turned round to walk across the pavement, and walked into it.23:38
BarkingFishanyway, enough of me, let's get you fixed before my net connection goes down for the night :)23:39
BarkingFishOk, you're in a terminal - I need you to cd to your home directory, and   rmdir .pulse/23:40
BarkingFish*sorry, rmdir -rf .pulse/23:40
BarkingFishthen  rm .pulse-cookie23:40
Stronzeslow down there sparky23:40
Stronzecd ~/stronze?23:41
BarkingFishcd /home/stronze23:41
BarkingFishyou have to use -rf on the command, since the directory has stuff in it, and won't remove normally while it's full :)23:42
BarkingFishso once you've done those things, tell me, and we'll move on :)23:43
Stronzeim remember wrong or stronze@stronze-laptop:~$  is correct?23:43
zeppo_ i am using xmonad (in ubuntu). what tool can i use to see information about the system on desktop? (like sensor info of cpu.temp.mem usage,net activity etc)23:43
BarkingFishif you're in your home directory, Stronze - you're in the right place23:43
BarkingFishnormally when you open a terminal like konsole, you're in your home directory anyway23:44
Stronzermdir: invalid option -- 'r'23:44
BarkingFishright, try rm -rf .pulse/23:45
Stronzenothing happened, just flashed and back to home dir23:45
BarkingFishthat directory has gone though23:45
BarkingFishnow -    rm .pulse-cookie  please23:46
Stronzeback to home dir23:46
BarkingFishnow   killall pulseaudio23:46
Stronzehome dir , movie sound died and soft beep23:46
BarkingFishnext one - sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio23:47
BarkingFishyou should have about 5 packages to uninstall23:47
Stronze0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 8 to remove and 259 not upgraded.23:47
StronzeAfter this operation, 4,641 kB disk space will be freed.23:48
BarkingFishyeah, you must have a couple of plugins for pulseaudio - take the whole lot out :)23:48
Stronze*plays jeopardy theme*23:48
BarkingFishi only had 5 to go, I had just a basic pulseaudio install23:48
Stronzeureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot23:49
BluesKajsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install alsa-base alsa-utils; killall23:49
BluesKajpulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*23:49
BarkingFishBluesKaj: :)23:49
Stronzeall of that in one line in terminal or is that 2 steps?23:49
BarkingFishon one line, I'd assume :)23:49
BluesKajoops , anyway that command takes out pulse in one line , or so I thought :)23:50
BarkingFishyes it does23:50
BarkingFishThat's the one I forgot when I nailed my head, BluesKaj :)23:50
Stronzemakes it hard to copy paste when you break it up in 2 lines :/23:50
BarkingFishI went a-googling to get the right answer :)23:50
BarkingFishBluesKaj: my way worked anyhow, at least for me23:51
BarkingFishI'm doing it with Stronze the way I did mine23:51
BluesKajyeah BarkingFish , sorry to hear about your accident ..that's gotta be a bummer23:51
Stronzelook at the bright side, you cleared some olf useless data and recovered mor brain drive space :P23:51
BarkingFishwell I'm into my 12th week of brain scans, hospital visits, and best of all, no work and still getting paid :)23:51
BluesKajnp BarkingFish , pulse is a pita mostly anyway , altho i need it for webaudio23:52
BarkingFishI wish they'd go back to using artsd - at least everything functioned with that23:52
BarkingFishanyway, Stronze - how are you getting on?23:52
Stronzeits still downloading23:53
BluesKajyeah hdmi is putting linux sound behind the 8 ball IMO23:53
Stronzeslow connection23:53
BarkingFishI remember after I did what I did to mine, I rebooted again and then went into the multimedia / phonon bit in systemsettings, and rearranged my sound devices23:53
Stronzei bought a wifi repeater that i stick outside to caputer an open wifi connection23:53
BarkingFishStronze: nice :)23:53
BarkingFishI get wifi using a parabolic dish and a usb stick superglued to my window23:54
Stronzei been thinking of doing that23:54
BarkingFishThe parabolic dish is a steel cooking bowl, and it's glued to the window over the top of the wifi stick23:54
Stronzehome dir23:54
Tech-1you could use mirrors23:55
Stronzewould mirrors give better reception?23:55
Tech-1if they are strong enough23:55
Tech-1cheap ones will absorb23:55
BarkingFishI use the bowl so I can focus all the incoming signals onto the stick - and my wifi went up to 94% incoming signal on the first day I set it up :)23:55
Stronzeim wanting to use an old satellite dish with a usb stick23:55
BluesKajheh, my neighbours finally smartend up and actaully put pw protection on their wep23:55
BarkingFishBluesKaj: Ah.  Remember, most times, people are silly enough to use the SSID as their password :)23:56
Stronzeim in home dir, next step please23:56
BarkingFishThey're the silly ones.23:56
Tech-1backtrack 5 ftw23:56
BarkingFishStronze: if you've done all of that, iirc the next step was reboot, then do the multimedia devices setup in systemsettings to find which devices you have output on23:57
Stronzei tried backtrack on my old laptop and it password protected boot up and i can no longer use it23:57
Stronzei thought bk5 would be a seperate OS but it installed within in ubuntu23:58
BarkingFishStronze: that's odd.  Did it ask you to set a password?23:58
Stronzeim gonna wipe it and restinstall23:58
Stronzewhen im not being lazy23:58
Stronzebrb reboot23:58
BluesKajBarkingFish, what are youi aiming at with the bowl ?23:58
BarkingFishA public wifi repeater installed by our ISP23:59
BluesKajlike imax ?23:59
BarkingFishthey fitted us cable 6 weeks ago, and borked the install so nobody's cable connection works23:59
BarkingFishBluesKaj: yeah23:59

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