
=== jkakar_ is now known as jkakar
lifelessallo allo17:04
lifeless\o/ lp-migrate success!22:34
jelmerlifeless: what's lp-migrate?22:35
lifelessan extraction of the LP schema migration stuff to an external tool22:37
lifeless'lazr postgresql migration'22:37
jelmerah, nice22:38
lifelesslp:lazr-postgresql, though I haven't pushed up any content yet22:40
lifelessok, current code state pushed up22:51
lifelessits ready for developer use, need to do the migration of slony bits still though22:51
wallyworld_wgrant: morning. much happen last week?23:16
wgrantwallyworld_: With just jcsackett, sinzui and I... not really.23:16
wallyworld_i had virtually no internet so it was great to relax down the beach :-)23:17
wallyworld_sooo much email to get through now though :-(23:17
lifelesswallyworld_: got 10 minutes for a quick voice chat?23:18
wallyworld_lifeless: sure. give me a sec to grab the headphones.23:19
lifelesswallyworld_: great; skype me when ready23:19
* wgrant looks at r14459, and is suddenly glad he's not here this week.23:24
wallyworld_lifeless: sorry. skype hates me. stupid mic doesn't work23:30
lifelesshave you unmuted the input ?23:30
wallyworld_lifeless: been trying to fix it23:30
wallyworld_yes i can hear you23:31
wallyworld_tried that23:31

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