
falktxquestion - how I can get a private PPA?00:43
falktxor is that for ubuntu (as project) only?00:43
egonis the hardware failure affecting bazaar as well?06:03
lifelessif you have an issue with bazaar.launchpad.net, its separate06:06
egonSorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.06:07
lifelesswhat url ?06:12
lifelessok, linux is pretty big06:15
lifelessso its just slow the first time. Try now06:15
egonahh.. a few tries.. that's better.06:17
lifelesswe're working on this generally - I just added instrumentation to record every request that is slower than 7 seconds on friday06:18
lifelessso we'll have some data to work with06:18
egon502 : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/linux/2.6/revision/39914?remember=3991406:18
lifelessI have to go afk - sorry06:19
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orangeyis there a way to get launchpad to only notify me re: various things happening through the day in a digest?14:39
orangeyinstead of the hundred or so emails I get now?14:39
LekensteynHi all, how do I rebuild a previously cancelled build? I've uploaded a new package after that one but then realized that the new package does not fix an issue, so I now have three cancelled builds.15:05
Lekensteynnvm, I purged the repo and opened another one15:22
AmpelbeinHi! Is it a bug or a feature that one can still build packages for Karmic Koala in a ppa (KK has been obsolete sine April 30th). Like https://launchpad.net/~dreibh/+archive/ppa/+build/299955016:17
andolLooks like lp:~osfs is adding people based on some kind of alphabetical order.16:22
lifelessAmpelbein: fairly sure that that is a bug. Care to file it ?17:05
Ampelbeinlifeless: Can do.17:06
lifelessandol: could be. OTOH sabdfl is in it since it was made a month and a half ago17:09
lifelessso possibly just an offline meeting or something established a list of folk to invite17:09
lifelessandol: if you think its spam please open a ticket @ https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/17:09
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cjohnstonIf anyone is around, could you please look into https://launchpad.net/~osfs  - it seems as though the user has created a team and just adding everyone he sees to the team.18:20
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lifelesscjohnston: see backscroll18:28
lifeless(or irclogs thiny)18:28
cjohnstonlifeless: lol.. ok.. I just joined.. looking on irclogs18:29
cjohnstonlifeless: gotcha... ya.. i got added.. with a bunch of other chris's at the same time..heh18:30
ajmitchis there a way to make my lp account not be invited & added to random teams without my consent?19:57
lifelessbug 23990920:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 239909 in Launchpad itself "Team Administrator can arbitrarily add members without any action from the LP user" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23990920:00
ajmitchthe admin on ~osfs just added about 130 people to his team, looks to be mostly ~ubuntu-dev20:01
lifelesssee backlog20:02
* ajmitch wasn't awake enough to scroll up :)20:02

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