
Nineainm4v: uooohhooo  uoooohhoo oo oo baby, baby, baby   ooohh...01:01
=== zkriesse is now known as zkriesse_away
edsonLubuntu does not use all of my RAM. I have 2GB RAM but only 991mb is used. Anyone?08:16
bioterroruse command: free -m08:20
bioterrorit will tell you the truth08:20
bioterroryou probably saw that rest of the RAM is probably cached/buffered08:22
edsonI think I might have to restate my question08:29
edson According to my Task Manager, Memory: 382 MB of 991 MB used. I was hoping for 382 MB of 2000 MB used?08:29
bioterrordoes your BIOS see your 2GB of RAM?08:29
edsonI think so. If my Windows shows 2GB then Bios must be able to see it.08:31
jussiso, how does one enable autologin?14:51
Unit193jussi: Take a look at /etc/lxdm/default.conf14:54
jussiUnit193: there isnt a "GUI" way?  only manipulating conf files?14:54
Unit193Well, that's the only way I know of currently, but that may change with LightDM (As long as we switch this cycle)14:55
jussiUnit193: done, at least the file is nicely commented. (although perhaps you should consider making the default somethign other than "dgod")14:59
Unit193Heh, that it is.15:00
Unit193Now just reboot and see what happens15:00
jussiit worked ;)15:05
Unit193There is also the FAQ for the Lubuntu section (But we may have to change a few things)15:06
davydehi!! can you explain me how to remove the lxde network manager to start nm-applet? now nm-applet do nothing in my pc15:58
holsteinit might be that wanting to remove the LXDE one will want to take lubuntu-desktop with it15:59
holsteini would probably try just searching for them in synaptic15:59
me-1hi...is lubuntu official ubuntu now..?16:13
=== bindi_ is now known as bindi
jay112Hi everyone does anybody no how to put the trash can on the desktop in lubuntu11.10 ive tried the various methods from the lxde forums but they dont work17:53
Unit193What's wrong with http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?p=5680&sid=1f7063d93bf9b05b2f74342137909f43#p5680 ?17:55
jay112ive tried the second method useing run but it doesnt work17:56
Unit193Just tried it, as I thought, there isn't anything wrong with using that desktop file18:03
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=== robotman is now known as AlexAv
=== robotman09 is now known as AlexAv
davydeif network manager is not working who is running my network??20:44
bioterrorprobably network ceo20:51
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=== Guest1218 is now known as Myrtti

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