
Mike2ki want to be able to do gui remote login to ubuntu, can someone point me in the right direction?00:07
geirhavnc, freenx, x2go, ...00:09
geirhaDepends a bit on your needs00:10
Mike2kwhat i have tried so far ...00:10
Mike2kset up x11 server on my windows machine with xming00:10
Mike2kused ssh to log into ubuntu machine00:11
Mike2kthe gnome-session to get desktop00:11
Mike2kusing x tunneling00:11
Mike2kit sort of works00:11
geirhaNX should be more efficient.00:11
geirhaI've heard x2go is even better, but I haven't tried the latter myself00:11
Mike2kseems very unstable in opening new windows etc00:12
Mike2kalso tried kde desktop, similar results00:12
Mike2kwould like to somehow get a login screen on the windows pc that will take me right to gui desktop00:12
Mike2kneed to support a couple different accounts this way00:13
geirhaInstall freenx-server on the Ubuntu machine, and install an NX-client on the windows machine.00:13
Mike2kmaking notes on that, thanks!00:13
geirhaAlso look into x2go. Again, I haven't tried it, but someone on the loco team spoke warmly of it.00:14
Mike2kwill do!00:15
geirhaWith NX, it basicly connects with ssh and runs a gnome-session, but adding compression and some other magic to make it more efficient and responsive.00:18
Mike2kseveral users could log into their own accounts on my ubuntu machine and have their own gnome desktops?00:19
geirhaOr, well, doesn't have to be gnome.00:20
geirhaMike2k: Yes.00:20
Mike2kkde or what ever00:20
Mike2ki am not looking for something like teamview that i use with windows for remote desktop access/sahring00:20
geirhaI have no experience with teamview00:21
Mike2klooking more to replicate the functionality of the machine local display keyboard over the internet00:21
geirhaIt's more like connecting from ubuntu to windows with rdesktop, just the other way around00:22
Mike2ki'll try to get freenx set up and see what it does00:23
Mike2kthanks for the help00:23
Mike2khave a good day00:23
geirhaYou too, and good luck. :)00:24
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LemonAidWhere would one place a man page if one were to create one?12:20
coalwaterhm, let me check if i can find12:22
LemonAid"manpath" gives some paths, but i am unsure..12:24
coalwaterLemonAid: check  /etc/manpath.config  , might be helpful12:24
LemonAidHmm.. i`ll check it out.12:24
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coalwaterLemonAid: you could try #ubuntu-devel12:40
LemonAidcoalwater, thank you, but i think placing the man page in the /usr/local/share/man might do the trick. I`ll see once i`m done writing it.13:15
SMSHi can any one please help me with this problem of mine , i am using xubuntu 11.10 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189339913:33
SMSHi can any one please help me with this problem of mine , i am using xubuntu 11.10 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=189339913:38
LemonAidWell, how did you end up in that situation in the first place? Did you mess around with loader.conf ?13:41
SMSno i have no idea of loader.conf13:42
SMSi had earlier installed nvidia-173 and got into problems13:43
SMSi had to then go into command line mode13:43
SMSas Xserver was not booting up. .. and deleted Xorg.conf/// later i started startx and finally got my xserver back..that is the only problem i have had since xubuntu installation13:44
SMSdont know if this caused any problem13:44
SMSthanks for responding lemonaid :)13:45
SMScan you please help with this issue?13:45
LemonAidHmm.. i`ll look into it, but i`m no expert. Some people in #ubuntu however, are. Try asking them as well.13:45
coalwatersplash screen13:46
SMS@coalwater are splash and splash screen same in xubuntu??? I enabled splash in Settings -- > Settings Manager  --> Session and startup and enabled splsh but that starts after i login13:47
SMSI want the loader at boot time... the one which shows xubuntu loading....13:48
hobgoblinpossibly it's to do with plymouth - I don't have anything either till the login screen - though that suits me13:50
hobgoblinaah yes - unless it does it's fsck business - which slows the boot down some - perhaps it is just that13:51
coalwateri found a post on some page that said to try sudo plymouth --show-splash, but it didnt do any thing to me13:51
LemonAidSome other people reported somewhat similar issues after installing nvidia/ati drivers. Someone came up with a script and a fix(or so they claim) -> initial post so you might get some context (first answer) http://askubuntu.com/questions/45926/splash-screen-doesnt-show-on-boot , and link to the fix http://kyleabaker.com/#search=plymouth13:56
LemonAidThis is for ubuntu however, i don`t how it differs from xubuntu.13:57
coalwaterand yea , sometimes my nvidia drivers break the splash screen, i don't usually care, there are some plymouth manager that could fix it i think, you just need to look around a bit if it really matters for you13:58
hobgoblincoalwater: pretty sure that's what happened here too - clean install - see splash, update/install nvidia, reboot - no splash13:59
LemonAidcoalwater, i finally found where the man pages should be placed -> usr/share/man/manN/  N stands for the section number. If you place them in /usr/local/share/man, for some reason "mandb" will not update to include the newly man page.14:48
LemonAidMeaning it will not update when you run "mandb".14:49
LemonAidHow do you restart only the wireless interface? And if that`s not possible is there any other option aside from "/etc/init.d/networking restart" ?15:10
jay112hi can anybody help me with a problem i have with lubuntu 11.1017:45
holsteinjay112: mabye... just ask away.. if someone knows they will answer17:46
jay112how do i put a trash can on the desktop? ive tried various methods in the lxde forum none work17:47
philipballewjay112, If noone comes on here #lubuntu can help as well17:49
philipballewhe really waited long17:51
Unit193There's nothing wrong with asking those here...17:55
LemonAid1) How do you restart only the wireless interface? And if that`s not possible is there any other option aside from "/etc/init.d/networking restart" ?  2) I tried to schedule mplayer to start using "at". Does not seem to work. How exactly do you do that? Should i make a .sh and consider the name of the script as the task to be run? (i did read the man)18:02
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Unit193LemonAid: You should be able to use ifdown and ifup for wireless18:10
LemonAidUnit193, the problem is as follows: >sometimes< my wireless drops, and reconnects right away. The cycle is repeated until i restart the system. Now if i do ifdown/up, it does the trick BUT, on rare occasions the wireless interface will not.. up. And the network manager won`t even recognize i have wireless capabilities.18:16
Unit193You don't happen to be using a USB card are you?18:16
holsteinill take a stab and suggest trying the other broadcom driver ;)18:16
LemonAidNo. Integrated card.18:17
LemonAidProblem is i don`t know of any other one. But i will look into it. Assuming the problem is not the driver though, any ideas ?18:20
LemonAidThe "at" command thing i figured it out, in case anyone reads above.18:21
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zkriesseHello Lady_Madonna19:48
Lady_MadonnaHello zkriesse19:49
LemonAidWhat takes precedence in chrontab if the day of the month and day of the week do not correspond? Or is the task executed on both days ?20:13
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