
psusihallelujah, holy shit! I finally got it figured out and working... my god what a complex package, but I think I really understand what is going on now... it builds half a dozen packages with various interdependencies and two different sets of abi versions... damn!  it's milla time!01:20
paissadis there policy for creating Unity quicklinks ?02:07
paissadfor the .deb packaging02:08
psusithere's no way to make a package a dependency only if a third package is also installed is there?02:21
tumbleweedpaissad: #ayatana or #ubuntu-desktop07:00
paissadtumbleweed, ok08:29
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pcprattshi! I am trying to save off config files for an upgrade14:04
pcprattsin postrm upgrade I copy the config files to a temp folder14:05
pcprattsand in postint configure I am trying to overwrite the files from the newly installed .deb package14:05
pcprattsbut .dkpg-temp files are being created14:06
pcprattsand those are finally used by the installer in some way14:06
Ampelbeinpcpratts: What do you want to do? dpkg by default prompts the user to overwrite/keep/examine changed configfiles.14:18
pcprattswell, my conf files are not marked it seems14:27
pcprattsAmpelbein: do you know how to tell dpkg what my config files are?14:27
Ampelbeinpcpratts: see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ap-pkg-conffiles.html14:28
pcprattsokay, thanks!14:29
lfaraoneI'm attempting to mirror the Ubuntu archive with ubumirror; is there a way to exclude certain releases from the mirroring?16:52
tumbleweednever used ubumirror...16:53
lfaraone(as in, I tried to exclude maverick, natty, and precise; it didn't work and I ran out of disk space <_<;16:53
lfaraonetumbleweed: well, I need to do a two-stage sync, right?16:54
lfaraonejpds: ping ^^16:54
tumbleweedlfaraone: right, that looks like an ftpsync type thing16:54
tumbleweedyou can't exclude releases, because it doesn't parse the Packages files16:54
lfaraonetumbleweed: should I use apt-mirror in the interim until I get a less sucky disk?16:55
tumbleweedyeah, or debmirror16:55
Ampelbeinhyperair: Hi! Regarding bugs like 885505, it might be useful to include a short message with the status change to "Fix Released". Like "Fixed in the latest ubuntu version 0.21-1". That way, people know what happened.18:57
hyperairright, good idea.19:05
hyperairAmpelbein: thanks. i actually meant to close the bug in debian/changelog, but failed miserably when i missed out the #19:05
AmpelbeinI thought so. I was a bit confused by the status change myself but checked the upload log to find out.19:06
hyperairsorry, i get a bit slipshod when changing a large number of bugs to fix released19:07
AmpelbeinNo worries ;-)19:07
hyperairi should probably make better use of the email interface for those19:07
tumbleweedScottK, Laney, broder: do people use prevu? (Why is it still in the archive?) (re http://lists.debian.org/4EE4D536.7060909@grendelman.net )21:48
broderi've never heard of people using it21:48
* tumbleweed is following up to that thread21:49
broderbut i know its intent was to be easier to use/setup than sbuild/pbuilder. i don't know if it actually is21:51
broderor if that's still relevant in the era of ppas21:52
* ajmitch thought it was just a wrapper around pbuilder21:59
ajmitchbut I haven't really used it21:59
tumbleweedquestion is, is it a useful one. I see very few uploads and few bug reports21:59
tumbleweedyeah, the code is tiny22:00
ajmitchit did what backportpackage is meant for22:00
broderi tihnk it can be replaced by backportpackage + pbuilder-dist with little documentation and not a whole lot of difficulty22:02
ScottLi have a bzr branch (ubuntustudio-default-settings) that i want to completely replace with another bzr branch (xubuntu-default-settings with modifications i will make)23:01
ScottLis the command i use to remove my current branch from bzr:  'bzr remove-tree'23:02
tumbleweedno remove-tree removes your working directory23:02
tumbleweedjust rm -r23:03
tumbleweed(if I'm understanding your question correctly)23:03
ScottLtumbleweed, i'm not sure i am asking clearly23:03
tumbleweedyou have a local branch that you don't want any more?23:04
EvilResistanceScottL:  you basically want to purge your ubuntusudio-default-settings branch, and have xubuntu-default-settings take its place?23:04
ScottLEvilResistance, aye23:04
EvilResistancetumbleweed:  read my interp.23:04
ScottLsorry, was helping wife with cooking dinner23:04
EvilResistanceScottL:  remotely, or locally?23:04
EvilResistance(remotely such as on LP)23:04
EvilResistance(and locally meaning at your machine)23:04
ScottLsorry, helping with dinner again23:06
ScottLthe bzr branch is hosted in launchpad23:06
ScottLi was checking out a version that i wanted to replace23:06
ScottLso it would be locally23:06
ScottLand then i would push back to lp23:06
ScottLEvilResistance, ^^^23:07
tumbleweedif you are replacing it remotely, it really doesn't matter what you are doing locally23:07
tumbleweedyou can push anything over anything else with push --overwrite23:07
tumbleweed(use with care, of course)23:07
ScottLtumbleweed, so i could not even use 'bzr branch' for the ubuntustudio-default-settings package?23:10
ScottLjust 'apt-get source xubuntu-default-settings' ?23:11
ScottLbzr add23:11
ScottLcommit and then push23:11
ScottLpush meaning pushing to ubuntustudio-default-settings with --overwrite23:11
tumbleweedassuming you want to remove the entire history for the branch23:11
ScottLoh, not sure i want to do that actually23:12
ScottLi would feel more comfortable if i had something to fall back to23:12
tumbleweedso by "completly replace" you just mean "commit a new revision"?23:12
* tumbleweed thinks he understands the question now23:13
tumbleweedbranch the existing branch, delete every file in it (but leave .bzr), add the stuff you want to replace it with, bzr add, commit23:13
ScottLyes, i would like to "commit a new revision" which would not include any of the old code, yes23:14
ScottLcan i use 'bzr add' to add everything?23:14
ScottLor does it require a qualifier?23:14
tumbleweedno qualifier required23:15
ScottLvery cool, thanks tumbleweed23:15
ScottLit was more or less like i thought it would be, but it makes me feel very, very much more comfortable to have it confirmed :)23:16
ScottLalthough i thought that i would need to 'bzr remove' at least _something_ :?23:17
tumbleweedbzr assumes that files you've deleted should be deleted23:18
ScottLeven better, wasn't sure about that23:28
ScottLthanks again tumbleweed and EvilResistance23:28
psusiwhat's the environment variable you set to get debian/rules to use make -j?23:33
tumbleweedDEB_BUILD_OPTIONS. But the debian/rules needs to support it23:33
tumbleweed(dh has a --parallel option)23:34
psusiwhat do you set it to?23:34
psusijust DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=-j4 debian/rules binary?23:35
psusipfft... silly kernel rules file told me to make mrproper before building... which then deleted the debian directory23:36

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