
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
micahgjoelesko: well, one certainly wasn't, but we can wait for 2.6 if you want, if you get me a beta release, I can upload to precise02:50
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
micahgjoelesko: I see seamonkey 2.6 beta 3 is released04:04
joeleskomicahg: I just proposed a merge against the seamonkey-beta.head for 2.6b3. I have a test build running on my system and will push packages out in my beta ppa for testing.07:59
joeleskoSo far it's looking good. Will know more by morning.08:01
micahgjoelesko: ok, thanks, you might want to grab the patch I added for thunderbird 9.0 beta 508:03
micahgotherwise powerpc won't build08:03
joeleskodo you have a link for the changeset?08:11
joeleskomicahg: build system seems slow. They are queued up for 12 hours.08:16
micahgyeah, it's a little backed up08:16
micahgI'm going to sleep soon, I'll try to take a look tomorrow08:17
joeleskomicahg: what is the name of the patch for powerpc08:17
micahgsomething about yarr-jit08:18
joeleskomicahg: thanks. I will get it into the package in the morning.08:19
micahgok, thanks08:20
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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