
Atamiraare we just too peppy for a monday morning ibeardslee ?19:19
lifelessits monday? oh noes20:03
ajmitchlifeless: you appear to have been up & on irc scarily early this morning20:03
ajmitchit's just not right20:04
lifelessajmitch: I have a 15 week old20:04
ajmitchok, fair enough20:04
lifelesstotally ruins the idea of 'early' - forever AFAICT20:06
Atamiraawww..the early morning change20:07
Atamirathank goodness im past that stage20:08
ibeardsleeAtamira: peppy? it's just great to be at work20:19
ibeardsleenone of this sitting at home stuff, or being out in the sun20:20
thumpermorning people20:57
thumperand particularly wellingtonians20:57
thumperI'm wondering if any of you wellington people would like a house-sitter over new year?20:57
thumpera little cheeky I know20:58
thumperbut no harm in asking :)20:58
thumperor failing all that, recommendations of reasonably priced accommodation in wellington for 2 adults and 3 kids :)21:02
ibeardsleekarora: is there a tool for checking the validity of ics files?22:15
mwhudsonthumper: it's possible i guess22:28
mwhudsonthumper: when would you be talking about?22:28
mwhudsonmorning all22:29
mwhudsonactually three kids would be too much for our house i think22:29
* mwhudson afk for a bit22:29
karoraibeardslee: There's a website that can do it, I think.23:50
karoraYou got a busted one?  I'm happy to eyeball it for you...23:50
ibeardsleenot sure that it is really busted23:52
ibeardsleethunderbird/lightning reads the calendar fine, evolution spits the dummy a wee bit when trying to read one of the calendars23:53
ibeardsleecurrently going with there being an entry that Evolution doesn't like23:54
karoraYou don't know which one it is?23:55
karoraUltimately I think they both use the same C library for dealing with them.23:56
ibeardsleeevolution isn't being very loggy23:56

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